brucezhang's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

A sorry letter

Dear Jim,
Because I broke my leg the day before yesterday, I'm sorry I can't attend the lecture on British history.
However, I am actually very interested in British society and history. I wonder if you can send your notes to me through WeChat after you listen to the lecture
Please allow me to say sorry again. I sincerely hope that youwill be able to understand my situation and accept my apology.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

First Job in a Hotel

I graduated from high school in 1993, and found a job in a top local international hotel. HR staff arranged for us to take a three-months training course. I clearly remember that the teacher taught us in class:" smile is the bridge to the world, being polite before everyone."
I have worked in the housekeeping department for three months. That was really a hard laboring job for me, one guest from Taiwan helped me to change my job because he thought housekeeping was not fit for me.
Though only three months in the hotel, it presented a different world for me.
Japanese think of safety first, many of them take a safety rope in their suitcase, and they can climb out from a window in a high building if necessary. The room which a Japanese had used like never used before.
Americans like to give tips, they look strong, rich, and kind. Many of them come to visit Three Gorges, they check in at 12 pm, and check out at 5 am the next day, they pay 800 yuan for a Delux room, and my salary was 400 Yuan a month.

callmevicky's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

The last time I was truly happy

Happiness is something that you are able to experience everyday. Sometimes it happens unexpectedly, but in fact you can create situations that make you happy, in case you know what makes you happy.
Yesterday I decided to get some candles as New Year’s gifts for my family and I had to go to another part of the city. It was a long way on the metro, then I had to go for 20 minutes on food. I was sure it was a terrible idea! But when I walked out of the metro station it was snowing like in a fairytale! It felt like I was in Narnia or something. The snowflakes were slowly floating in the air and at that moment I felt really truly happy. So I walked along the street and admired the beauty of the winter. I was thinking about why I go out so rarely this time and that I need to make more time for walking outside. The weather was incredible! It was a simple but especially memorable walk. I believe that it is the simple things that make us happy. Maybe we often forget about it, but what if you just stop and think about what you can do right now that will make you happier?

Dani's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

Penpal Ha-yoon has been thinking about becoming a vegetarian

Hi Ha-yoon,
How is everything going? In the last mail you told me you were thinking about becoming vegetarian. I looked for some information about it.

The first you have to keep in mind is that it can be a hard transition, especially if your current diet is highly based on animal products or if you usually go out to eat.
A way to make change smoother, could be think about the very good you're doing to the animals and the environment with your new lifestyle.

Although, the way I see it, the most important over the change is your health. Eating more vegetables and fruits would really improve it, you'll get more nutrients improving your immune system.
But, on the other hand, you'll have to check your B12 vitamin levels regularly. Due to the fact, that this vitamin isn't present in vegetarian food.

Let me know if this information helps to make up your mind.
Best regards.

Monsieur_Elephant's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

Ché ti piace fare di estate o durante le tue vacanze?

Oggi, sto per rispostare a un suggerimento di scrittura in spagnolo: "ché ti piace fare di estate o durante le tue vacanze?"

In vacanza, mi piace essere un po' attivo. Mi piace fare scoperte culturali, visitare luoghi interessanti, passeggiare in un encantevole pezzo di natura, quando lo posso. Ritengo che trascorrere tutto il giorno sulla spiaggia a farmi grigliare come un bistecca sia qualcosa di noiosissimo, a fortiori quando la spiaggia è strapiena e tutti i turisti ci sono agglutinati come le acciughe inscatolate. Inoltre, non sono un buon nuotatore. Di fatto, non sono affatto a proprio agio nell'acqua, perciò preferisco evitare di entrarci.

Ora che la maggior parte del mondo (inclusa l'Europa) subisce ondate di caldo terribili, non penso che l'estate sia una buona stagione per viaggiare. Siamo tutti diversi, ma nel mio caso, il caldo uccide tutta la mia motivazione ed energia. Quando sudo come un porco sotto un sole cocente, solo voglio allungarmi al fresco e riposarmi! Preferisco l'autunno e la primavera, che sono molto più piacevoli. L'inverno può essere interessante anche, per viaggiare nei paesi più caldi, come quelli dell'Africa o del Medio Oriente.

Avrete capito che sopporto il freddo molto bene, ma il caldo... è tutt'altra storia! Eppure, vivo nel nordest della Francia. Non posso dire che sia una regione calda, storicamente. Tuttavia, gli scorsi estati sono stati particolarmente pesanti. Non oso immaginare che la gente ha sentito in paesi come il Canada, abituati a inverni rigorosi, che hanno subito temperature di cinquanta gradi!

jnpathetic's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

Les moments critiques

De temps en temps il pourra avoir un moment dans ta vie où ta image de ton copain ou copaine va changer. Ça pourrait être un change postive, par exemple il t'a aider avec quelque chose important et maintenant tu le apprécies plus ou un change negatve, disons qu'il t'a traité mal et tu te dis que tu l'as mal jugé. Dependant de l'action c'est à toi de decider comment tu réagiras et traiter cette relation à l'avenir

atomcdismantling's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022


上次,我谈到了概述关于印尼的岛屿。这一次,我向你们介绍一座其他绝妙的岛屿: 勿里洞岛。

2008年,因为小说"Laskar Pelangi/天虹战队小学"被改编为电影,所以这个岛屿一夜了成名。这部电影讲述了住在勿里洞岛的十二个小学生和一位老师的故事。他们很贫穷。他们的学校的状况也很差。但是他们都有很大的决心为了改变生活。多人发现这个故事又感动又鼓舞人心。

三年前,我跟我的家人一起去勿里洞岛旅游。一共有五个人: 我,爸爸,妈妈,妹妹和被父母邀请了的舅舅。从雅加达到勿里洞坐飞机只要大约一个小时。飞行非常短。

勿里洞岛有很多的美丽的海滩。Laskar Pelangi电影也是在那里拍摄的。我们也访问了几个海滩,然而我的最大的目的那里是尝当地美食。勿里洞岛的当地美食也有福建的影响。

这是我的家的最后的旅游。如果疫情情况变得更好,我想再一次去勿里洞岛。虽然其实我想解释更多, 但是我不知道怎么说。我的中文正在不够好。我有点失望,可是这个经历会激励我更努力学习中文。我不会放弃!

nasution's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022


わたしは月曜日から金曜日まで学校に行っています。学校は家からちょっと遠いです, 20分ぐらいかかります。それは遠いと思います。 わたしはたいてい学校で始めるのすることは先生にあいさつをして友達に「こんにちは」と言いてトイレに行ってそれからきょうしつに入ります。学校は6:30から15:00まで勉強しています。 学校のあとですぐ家にかえりますがときどき友達と外であそんで行きます。




Dani's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

A suspicious man

After the second *call up* from a woman this week, the police started to *look into* around the neighborhood. Some witness tell them about a *prowler* seen wandering during the last nights. In a *hazy* night the police finally found the man. It *turn out* (can I replace it for worked out or came out with the same meaning?) to be a man looking for its dog *cub*. He only was going out at nights because he has to work during the rest of the day.

Romany's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

Retrouver son père

Voici l’histoire dont j’ai entendu dire d’une jeune femme qui a retrouvé son père. Alice a 26 ans et elle n’a jamais connu son père et elle a été élevée par sa mère en Nouvelle-Zélande. Tout ce qu’elle savait de son père était qu’il était australien et il était marin. Il ne savait même pas qu’elle existait.

Il y a quelques années qu’elle s’est déménagée en Australie et en arrivant ici, elle a décidé d’essayer de le retrouver. Elle s’est renseignée auprès de plusieurs agences. Après en avoir choisi un, elle a rempli beaucoup de formulaires et a donné son ADN à des fins de recherche : son ADN a été mis dans la base de données pour un match. À son étonnement, il y avait un match ! L’agent lui a dit que c’était un match de 50 pour-cent. Ça veut dire que ce n’était pas sûrement son père mais quelqu’un d’autre qui partage le même ADN. Toutefois, l’agent avait confiance qu’il pourrait trouver son père.

Alice était perturbée : voulait-elle vraiment trouver son père ? Il ne savait pas qu’elle existait. Peut-être qu’il avait une autre famille et des autres enfants. Accueillerait-il une autre fille ? Elle avait beaucoup de doutes. Alors, après avoir profondément réfléchi, elle a décidé de se jeter à l’eau (decided to go ahead) et de prendre la dernière étape.

L’agent a trouvé son père. Il est marié et a deux beaux-enfants et ils vivent à Darwin dans le nord de l’Australie. Le père était chaleureux et accueillant et il l’a invitée à passer Noël chez eux. Quelle histoire incroyable !

riccardomartelli's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

Mein neuen Studienplan

Mein Ziel ist Deutsch B2 Niveau in Sommer 2023 zu erreichen.
Das ist mir sehr wichtig, weil ich jetzt in der Schweiz wohne. Demnach kann ein gutes Deutsch zu sprechen sowohl meine Karriere helfen als auch meine Integration erleichtern.

Anteil meines altes Studienplans sind wochentliche Unterrichte, die 1 Stunde dauern, auf iTalki mit einem deutschen Lehrer. Im unseren letzten Unterricht haben wir über die beste Methode, um Deutsch schneller zu lernen, gesprochen. Mein Lehrer hat die "Extensive Reading" Technik mir vorgestellt. Diese besteht im Wesentlichen aus ausdehnenden Lesung für die Mehrheit der Zeit. In der verbleibenden Zeit hört man irgendwie die Zielsprache zu. Mein Lehrer hat die gestestet, wann er Tschetschenisch lernen möchten. Ergebnis? Nach mehr als siebentausend Stunden konnte er zwar Tschetschenisch mit seinem Lehrer sprechen, aber sein Niveau von Grammatik war B1.

Eine Alternative, die mein Lehrer mir vorgestellt hat, ist die "4 Strands for language learning" von Professor Paul Nation und empfohlen vom Foreign Services Institute. Man muss die Lernzeit in gleichen Anteile unterteilt: 25% der Zeit für Meaning Focused Input (Lesen, Hören), 25% für Meaning Focused Output (Sprechen, Schreiben), und beide müssen zur derzeitigen Sprachniveau passten. 25% der Zeit muss man Lesen, Hören, Sprechen, und Schreiben auf dem nidrigeren Sprachniveau, um fließend zu werden. Nur 25% der gesamte Lernzeit muss verbraucht werden, um neue Vokabeln und Grammatik zu lernen.
Das scheint kontraintuitiv zu sein, aber es gibt empirische Beweise, die dies belegen.

Das 4 Strands klingt mir besser als intensives Lesen. Deshalb gebe ich ihnen eine Chance. Meinen neuen Studienplan besteht aus dem 4 Strands und jeder Sonntag messe ich die Fortschritte und beurteile, ob ich den Plan wie geplant ausführe. Meine Werkzeuge sind Langcorrect für Schreiben; abgestufte Leser für Lesen; iTalki für Sprechen; Anki für Vokabeln und Grammatik zu wiederholen.

Heute fühle ich mich begeistert und motiviert mit meinem neuen Plan und ich bin sicherer, dass ich mein Ziel erreichen kann!

ankiitalkilangcorrectdeutschlernenstudienplan'4 strands'
berkoo's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

Un découvert intérresant

Je m'appelle Alice. J'habite en banlieue donc il y a beaucoup d'arbres. C'est l'automne, tous les feuilles sont rouges, oranges, jaunes ! Comme c'est belle. Et l'air est fraiche. J'aime respirer cette air et j'adore cette saison. Aujourd'hui, c'est samedi, et je ne savais pas quoi faire. Le jour se passait ennuyeux jusqu'à mon amie m'a invitée à ratisser les feuilles de sa et ma maison ensemble. Vivre en banlieue est agréable parce que tous vos amis vivent près de vous et vous pouvez vivre une situation comme ça.

Elle habite avec ses grands-parents et ils n'ont pas la force néccessaire pour ratisser les feuilles donc je les aide parfois.
On a commencé à sa maison, parlant de l'école, des amis, riant en ratissant les feuilles. Après 20 minutes, on était fatiguées et on s'est assises sur la terre avec des tas de feuilles autour de nous. En reprendant nos souffles, quelque chose brillant a attiré mon attention. Elle brillait comme l'or.

Je l'ai prise et c'était une bague d'or ! En quelques secondes surprises, j'ai pensé de quoi faire et comment vendre cette bague, mais j'ai revenu à la réalité. J'ai pensé que c'est à la grand-mère de mon amie. Je l'ai montrée la bague et elle était reconnaisante parce que ma devine était correcte et sa grand-mère chercahit la bague depuis quelques jours. "Elle dois avoir la laissée tomber dans sa promenade, merci !!", mon amie a dit. J'étais un peu désappointée mais surtout j'étais heureuse pour mon amie et sa grand-mère. Et bien sûr, on a mangé de deliceuses choses fait par sa grand-mère ce jour-là. :)

jmurray's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

Краткое изложение скрипта

Этот скрипт о культурных конфликтов, которые происходили, когда Алекс пожил с русской семьёй в Воронеже. Причинами конфликтов были русские суеверия. В скрипте есть три суеверия и три культурных конфликта:

Во-первых, соль просыпалась на столь. Алекс подумал, что это нечто ужасное, но он скоро узнал, что в России есть суеверие: «Соль на столе -- к ссоре!»

Во-вторых, Алекс просто свистел популярную мелодию, а потом слышал о другом русском суеверии: если свистишь, у тебя не будет денег.

В-третьих, стакан случайно разбился. На этот раз Алекс подумал, что случится несчастье, но в России верят, что разбить посуду -- это у нас к счастью.

Мне было интересно читать о разных русских суевериях в этом скрипте. Я запомню, когда буду в России.

onediamondmorning's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022






Bees's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022


據美國 “華盛頓郵報”,警察暴力越來越嚴重。它們的數據庫顯示,從2015年至2021年,美國警察射殺的人數幾乎每年都上升了。更加期間於警察槍口下死亡的累計約7000人。奇怪的就是,聯邦調查局的數據跟 “華盛頓郵報” 的很不一樣。它們紀錄得於警察死亡不到 “華盛頓郵報” 的四成。其實,那不怎麼奇怪。什麼政府那麼容易地就承認射殺那麼多市民?據 “華盛頓郵報”,美國警察2021年射殺了1047人,就創紀錄,但 “警察暴力地圖”網站的數據顯示,今年截至12月3日,有1074人已經被警察射殺。


yaira's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

types of intellligence - exercise

Some last researches have said that prodigy children are likely to be shown up in a health family, likewise in a rich family.

Nonetheless, I say that it totally depends on each person as from my experience, my type of intelligence is visual with intuitive and interpersonal, and I don't come from a rich family. In addition, I have met people that suddenly turned into my closed friends, they all told me they came from a non-heath family in spite of having a lot of money saved.

yaira's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

types of intellligence - exercise

Some last researches have said that prodigy children are likely to be shown up in a health family, likewise in a rich family.

Nonetheless, I say that it totally depends on each person as from my experience, my type of intelligence is visual with intuitive and interpersonal, and I don't come from a rich family. In addition, I have met people that suddenly turned into my closed friends, they all told me they came from a non-heath family in spite of having a lot of money saved.

bailanlala's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

词汇表造句 #3 12-10-22


1. 酝酿

2. 发酵

3. 孕育

4. 磨合

5. 得寸进尺

谢谢网友们 :)

juestebanmar's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022



knightsjohn2's avatar

Dec. 11, 2022

Traducción 20

Un lobo у una oveja estaban bebido conjuntamente agua alrededor de un río. El lobo condenó a la oveja que mezcló la agua, pero la oveja respondió : "Ya que bebes en alto lugar del río y bebo en bajo lugar, no puede ser que mezcló la agua en el alto lugar. Un momento después, el lobo dice:"El año pasado imitaste el firmo mío." La oveja respondió: "El año pasado todavía no he nacido.“ Por último, el lobo dice:"Aunque eres bueno en discusión, aún voy a comerte.

El cuento señala que un país débil no tiene esfuerzos sobre la diplomacia en el mundo. El poder de un país es factor más importante para la diplomacia.

Eledaria's avatar

Dec. 10, 2022









prisci's avatar

Dec. 10, 2022

Come back

Only two weeks and my father came back from his travel. I have afraid because of my school perform. They aren't so good in the last time. I mean the once is always difficult but the school is very hard. It gives no practices only read and write. The test are not better the school is hard and offul. But I hope that it will better than before. The listening for me will always harder and teachers studies to hard with us. The classes are very big we are 30 children and it difficult to kept the consecrate and all.

But thanks for listening

Rumble_Bumble's avatar

Dec. 10, 2022

The Plant

One thing I’ve always wondered about is the writing process. Every time I want to write about something abstract, something that doesn’t have a strict structure, I feel embarrassed as though I’m a hollow shell, a person, who has nothing to say. But, once I start typing, everything clears up, and I miraculously manage to find words.

Recently, the place where I live has been becoming darker and colder. Every day I look out the window and see mountains shrouded in mist, frozen forest and from time to time, if I’m lucky, some sun. Cold makes me frozen from inside and before I even know, I becomе moody and anxious. I don’t like this state of mind, so I try to avoid it in various ways, among which are cooking, listening to music, writing, and reading. Once I start doing something with my hands, or distract myself with a good book, I finally stop thinking about my plans and goals, about severe weather and cold.

I also have a flower at my house which I care about and which also somehow improves my mood. Well, it’s not really a flower. I would say it’s a weed from a foreign country, maybe from India or Japan. This plant was presented to me by a friend who is an avid traveller and has visited a lot of countries. When I was given a seed, I wasn’t told anything about it, so I thought it was just some average plant. As it turned out, it was not.

At first, the weed was only a small sprout, but then it grew so big that I had to repot it in a huge pot. I was confused by its quick growth, so I started surfing the Internet to figure out how to care of him. From what I’ve found, the plant will bloom with amazing crimson flowers, if it resides in the appropriate environment. My plant has never bloomed, but I don’t mind waiting. After all, it turned out to be quite engaging to care of.

In summer and autumn, I had moved my plant to the balcony and had been letting it stay there until dark. In those months, the plant had been growing new stems and had looked quite healthy. But since the winter has come, I've had to leave the weed indoors and, sadly, it is looking worse now. First thing every morning, I move the pot with the plant to one of the different rooms, trying to find the sunniest place for it. There's also no sun for many days now, so often I have to move the pot under a lamp. Nevertheless, it’s still looking unhealthy, though I try daily to find the sunniest spot and water it regularly.

By the way, this plant doesn’t like water. I was surprised when I read it, but it turned out to be true. I shouldn’t water it too much, otherwise it will die. Isn’t it weird, given the fact that almost any plant, except cactuses, likes water? But, my plant doesn’t look like a cactus at all. So all I actually do is occasionally splash it with water and move it to different places in my home.

There was also a mishap with this plant a couple of weeks ago, which made me feel as a totally unreliable person who can’t properly care even about a plant. The weed has grown up so much that it fell down under its own weight, almost broking down its main stem. When I saw what had happened, I did nothing, thinking “Who knows, maybe this plant should grow like this?” Only after a day or two did I realize that there’s probably almost no plants on the Earth which growing up horizontally. With this disturbing thought, I began surfing the Internet, trying to figure out how to repair my unfortunate weed.

Speaking frankly, plenty of advices from plant lovers looked at the very least odd. For instance, one of them offered me to just let my plant die, because there’s nothing I can do. “Still,” told me the guy, “you can collect seeds and plant a new, exactly the same weed.”

As you can understand, under no circumstances would I let my plant die, pretending there’s nothing wrong with that. So after all this searching and googling, I eventually managed to find a way to repair my plant—namely, I should have created support for its stems from wands. Since I’ve never aspired to become a gardener, my attempts to repair my poor weed were remaining futile until I really concentrated on this task. I was turning stems this way and that, worrying that I have already caused more harm than help. After many attempts, I finally got through it.

So, now my plant has crutches from wands. I'll be blunt— now it's looking ridiculous, not to say scary. The plant reminds me of a clumsy fluffy alien, with its protruding stems and wands. Although the weed is looking weird, it seems that after the “operation” it feels better, because it has been turning bright green today. I hope that one day I’ll be lucky to see how its blossom, even though I don't hold out much hope.

Comment célébrez-vous votre anniversaire ?

Mon anniversaire est le 31 décembre et donc coïncide avec le réveillon du Jour de l’an. J’aime bien dire qu’il y a toujours une grande fête pendant mon anniversaire, mais ce n’est pas exactement pour me fêter. Je ne suis pas trop exigeant en ce qui concerne mon anniversaire puisque je ne veux jamais apparaître narcissique, mais de temps en temps des gens l’oublient, étant donné que c’est en plein milieu des fêtes d’hiver, et ça ne fait pas du bien. Cette année, ma femme et moi assistons à un mariage qui a lieu le réveillon du Jour de l’an. Donc c’est une triple célébration cette année !

anouk's avatar

Dec. 10, 2022

# I

Assise, son épaule touchante quelle d'un homme que lui semble l'observer toujours, les vêtements lui resserrent les jambes: malheuresement, ça n'est pas le jour du mois où son corps ne lui donne pas des problèmes. Donc, même sans pouvoir le regarder, elle est sûre que l'oeil tombe dégoûté sur les formes de son corps. Et tous ces pensées se fixent dans le cerveau quand l'homme, en approchant la sortie, rencontre avec les yeux la femme; et ce signe qui n'est pas
remarqué même pas par tout le monde, pour elle répresente une révélation.
Hèlas, que coeur et que émotions! Et même les amis qui remplissent ses meilleurs souvenirs, si ils pussent ressentir ce qu'elle éprouve dans ne serait-ce qu'un voyage en bus!
Femme douée de sentiments si forts et éprouvants que un parmi ses jours contient toute la tristesse et la felicité du monde, elle descende du bus, le nez rougi par le froid.