I had a terrible experience last Sunday when my iPhone's battery malfunctioned while I was hiking. So, I decided to carry a spare phone with me. It must be as small and light as possible. Thus I picked my iPhone 6s among my old phones.
When I prepared this spare phone, I found some pictures and videos about a hike I had gone on almost eight years ago.
It was on one of the eastmost islands in mainland China, about 338 kilometers away from Shanghai. I remember that I got really seasick on the boat and the weather was not very good.
But the view and the color of the sea were so beautiful. I think it could be the top 2 of my favorite sea views in China. The other one is in Lingshui, Hainan by the way.
I edited a short video with these pictures and videos last night. You can watch it here:
Maybe you like the views too.
1. Er denkt, dass sie ihm hilft, weil sie heimlich in ihm verliebt ist.
2. Seine Gedanken sind zerbrochen, als sie laut lachte.
3. Sie ist seine Sekretärin, er muss sich heiraten, um die Firma von seinem Großvater übernehmen.
4. Das Problem ist, dass die Frau, die er heiraten wird, vor der Hochzeit ging.
5. Sie sagt, dass sie ihm hilft, weil sie Freunde sind.
When I was young, I wanted to become a native English speaker.
Now, I've learned that the dream would not come true for mainly two reasons.
First of all, "To become a native English speaker" is logically impossible.
My nationality is Japanese, and I grew up in Japanese people and in the Japanese language.
That fact cannot be changed, so I cannot become a native English speaker.
It depends on the definition of a native speaker of any language.
Nationality doesn't matter. Naomi Osaka, a famous tennis player, is a Japanese person according to her nationality. Yet, she is far from a native Japanese speaker.
I think the definition of a native language X speaker is that they've grown up in their first decade in the environment where people speak the language X for their communication.
Agnes Chang can speak a very fluent and advanced Japanese. What she says tend to beyond the level of mediocre native Japanese speakers. Yet, she still has a strong accent, and we can recognize that she is not a native Japanese speaker.
Karen Takizawa is a native Japanese speaker. Yet, she grew up in the influence of Russian non-native Japanese speakers' weird Japanese.
Therefore, she can speak Japanese very fluently, but collocation of words is bad and her Japanese sounds weird, which is unique and vivid from another point of view.
I have to change my dream in order to make it logically correct; I wanted to be a fluent English speaker at the same level of native English speakers.
I wanted to master a native English speaker's accent, whichi isu differento fromu Japaneseu Englishu accento.
Yet, I've given up on it.
I grew up in area A in Japan, and moved to another area B in Japan when I entered a university at 18 years old. And I've been living area B for more than 40 years.
The intonation and dialect are different between the two areas.
More than 40 years have passed, however, the area B's people sometimes asks me, "Where are you from? Your Japanese accent is different from ours."
OMG! I think I've learned and mastered the area B's dialect and accent perfectly, but I can't speak it as it is. It's because I grew up in the first decade in the Area A.
I'm a native Area A's Japanese speaker, not Area B's Japanese speaker.
Even in Japanese, I can't imitate Area B's Japanese. So I can't imitate native English speakers' English, either!
Now, I don't care about my English accent much.
My aim right now is that I can speak a very clear and easy-to-understand-by native English speakers type English.
Plantas son excelente para su salud y ayuda a limpiar el aire. Especialmente el aire en su casa, todo el mundo debe tener un o dos plantas en su casa.
Creo que plantas son bonitas y me gustan muchos. Pero una problema por me es que no soy un bueno jardinero. No tengo un “green thing” y muchos de mi plantas mueren. Siempre la doy agua pero as veces es demasiado o no es suficiente. Algo más que no cambio es mi casa no tiene mucho sol. Porque de eso, solo tengo unos pocos lugares que puedo poner plantas. Pero el último problema es está muy seco en mi casa. En invierno, necesito un humidificador porque es tan seco.
În ziua de azi este un pic dificil să urmezi toate veste despre politici. Dar, am remarcat că uneori oameni țin părerea de altcine în loc să a gândi pentru ei înșine. Cred că cea mare parte de oameni fac asta dar o problemă cu asta e că te face susceptibil să fi influențat cu altcine pe care poate îți prezintă fapturile într-un cale părtinitor.
Cum putem să evităm asta? Cred că trebui să se întoarcem un pic și să încercăm să gândim din punct de vedere fără emoții. Cea mare parte de veste utilizează cuvinte să te fac simți emoții despre subiectul. Ca așa ei pot păstra atenția ta și e lor scop, După asta, cred că e important să citim veste aceeași peste mulți locuri. Fiecare locuri au lor propriu părtinitoare, deci cred că e important să găsim locuri cu diferit părtinitoare pentru a vedea alte perspective.
Parte diez.
En la Navidad, Harry se queda de piedra cuando abre sus regalos y ve que ha recibido una escoba de carreras nueva. Encima, es una Saeta de Fuego, la escoba que vio cuando estaba en el Callejón Diagon alojándose en el Caldero Chorreante. Es muy rara, muy rápida y extremadamente cara, así que Harry se queda perplejo cuando ve que fue un regalo anónimo, dado sin carta. Después, Crookshanks ataca a Scabbers de nuevo, lo que provoca otro discusión entre Hermione y Ron. Hermione le dice a Harry que cree que Sirius Black fue quien le dio la escoba, por lo que acaba contándoselo a McGonagall. McGonagall la confisca para la revisen en busca de hechizos, lo que enfada a Harry porque le dice que tardará varias semanas. Ahora tanto Ron como Harry están enojados con Hermione y terminan ignorándola durante días.
Mientras tanto, Harry empieza sus clases particulares con Lupin. Trabajan con un boggart que se transforma en un dementor alrededor de Harry. En lugar de utilizar el hechizo que el resto de la clase utilizó para deshacerse de un boggart, Harry practica la lucha contra los propios dementores aprendiendo y utilizando el encantamiento patronus. Es un hechizo muy avanzado y Harry lo practica durante un mes pero con poco mejora. Esto desanima a Harry, pero comienza a sentirse mejor cuando McGonagall finalmente le devuelve su escoba. Sin embargo, justo cuando Ron y Harry deciden perdonar a Hermione, Ron descubre sus sábanas cubiertas de sangre y Scabbers ha desaparecido.
Does eating gluten-free really make people healthier?
It depends. Recently we have seen a boom in products gluten-free. Some people claim that it makes sense to remove gluten from our diet, as our ancestors did not take it.
However, this affirmation depends on the zone you do the research. In some parts of the world our ancestors had a hunting diet, where fish and meat was the main source of food.
Whereas in some other places they would take a lot of milk and would plant crops. It is logical to think that their bodies adapted to this food. I think that taking gluten in moderation (as long as you are not intolerant) can be a great way of adding quick carbs to your diet, especially if you do sports.
Everyday I wake up, with a lot of effort, and I go to the bathroom to wash my face with really cold water. Then I do some yoga exercises to strech and I have breakfast with my husband. I usually have a piece of fruit such as a banana, a kiwi o a peach and a toast with peanut butter and jam. However my husband prefers to eat something salad as bacon of a boiled egg with a coffee. After that we make our bed, I brush my theeth and I get dressed. At this momento I look at my mobile for the first time in the day, since I don’t like to look at it just after I wake up. When I finish doing this I left home to go to work.
Hoy, he escuchado un podcast sobre las expresiones con la palabra cuerda. Aquí está una pequeña historia usando las expresiones que aprendí.
Pedro y Belén son hermanos de 8 y 10 años. Como muchos hermanos, aunque se amaban en verdad, solían discutir por pequeñas cosas. Por ejemplo, Pedro no estaba muy serio ni cuerdo y tomaba muchos riesgos que asustaban a Belén. Como Belén era mayor, pensaba que debía cuidar a su hermanito.
Cada fin de semana, suelen ir a casa de su abuelo porque sus padres trabajan. Su abuelo ya tenía 90 años, pero estaba muy enérgico y todos dijeron que aún tenía cuerda para rato. Aunque le gustaba recibir a sus nietos, odiaba las peleas entre hermanos. El sábado pasado, Belén estaba contando su semana en el colegio. El abuelo estaba muy interesado y le dada cuerda, preguntando cada vez más detalles. Pedro, celoso de toda la atención que prestaba el abuelo a Belén, no paraba de interrumpir para contar tonterías. El abuelo le repetía esperar su turno, pero Pedro tensaba la cuerda demasiado, hablando aún más fuerte.
Por fin, el abuelo estaba contra las cuerdas, debía escoger escuchar a Pedro o a Belén. Como no sabia que hacer, terminó enviándoles a ambos jugar afuera en el jardín, para poder descansar.
Gracias por decir me si usé las expresiones correctamente: tener cuerda para rato, dar cuerda a alguien, contra las cuerdas, tensar la cuerda demasiado y, estar cuerdo/a.
Spánek je velmi důležitý pro našé zdraví. Lidé potřebují dobře spát, aby mohlí cítit dobře a mít energii přes den. Pokud člověk nespí dostatečně, muže se cítit unavený, rozzlobený, nebo vystresovaný.
Většina dospělých potřebuje každou noc přibližné 7 až 9 hodin spánku. Děti potřebuje ještě více spánku, protože jejich těla rostou. Dobrý spánek pomáhá lepší fungování mozku. Když lidé dobře spí, mohou se lépe soustředit a učit se novým věcem.
Existuje mnoho způsobu jak lépe spát. První, je dobré jit spát a probudit se ve stejnou dobu každý den. Pravídelný spánkový režim pomáhá tělu cítit se připravené na spánek. Druhé, je důležitelne mít tichý a temný pokoj. Příliš mnoho světla nebo hluku může ztížit spánek.
Pítí kavy nebo čaje před spaním není dobrý nápad. Tyto nápoje má kofein, který udržuje lidi vzhůru. Místo toho, pítí tepleho mlěka nebo bylinného čaje muže pomoc tělu relaxovat.
Dobrý spánek dává lidem pocit štěstí, sílu a připraveni na nový den. Každý by se měl snažit dobře spát!
I'm healthy and have a beautiful family.
I'm willing to improve my career without giving up on my quality time with the ones that I love.
But there's always the feeling that I'm not doing the best that I could.
The presion from what society dictates is that I should spend and spend, in things that most of the time we don't truly need.Thetefore I always take more time before buying something.
But deep inside me I have projects that I would love to do like building a cabin in the woods and travel more without hassle ,instead of living paycheck to paycheck.
Although I'm young, I think that the people from poorer countries can have an advantage because, here in Latam there is always something to be done and this proves for an opportunity for those who strive for the better.
14:52:38 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)