I watch interest serial about famous naturalist and writer Gerald Durell childhood. He had loved animals since 2 uears old. When he was 6-7 years old, his eldest brother Lorens left in Greece their family consist of mother, sister Margo and brother Lessly.
I really recommend you to watch - there are funny and lung story!
1. Since Paul is honest people trust him
2. The reason he is successful is that he works extremely hard
3. Joan is interesting person due to living in exotic places, as a result she has had so many strange experience
4. Don tends to ask people a lot of questions, so he comes across as being inquisitive
5. I dislike her due to the fact that she is vain and self-centered
1. He has a habit speaking with mouth full, which I find to be disgusting
2. Sarah strikes people as being immature, since they often giggle when someone speaks to her
3. Owing fact that David never pay anything, gives the impression of him being mean
4. In my opinion, as he don't return things which he's borrowed, he seems to be dishonest
5. Since my sister often forget where she puts things, she appears to be absent-minded
1. Having been covered in dust, Oliver climbed down the ladder
2. Having been tired out, Veronica couldn't go on with the journey
3. Being so rude, Richard has no friends
4. Being so intelligent, she can speak six languages
5. Being so absent-minded, Frank always forgets his car keys
6. Having been laughing hysterically, Susan couldn't speak
7. Having been walking on crutches, Paul left the room slowly
8. Being so patient Louise is cut out to be a teacher
1. Being vain, Cathy spend hours doing her make-up, furthermore, she is always looking at herself in the mirror.
2. Since Jerry is timid, he not only blushes easily, but also looks at the floor when talking to people
3. In addition to that Gordon shouts at people a lot, he also clenches his fists whenever he gets angry, so he strikes as being aggressive.
4. Paula gives the impression of being insincere, as she flatters people she dislikes as well as pretends to agree with them, even she's of a different opinion.
5. As far as I'm concerned Roberts tends to tap her foot if she has to wait, moreover, she sighs if things don't happen quickly; it seems to me that she appears to be impatient
I'm a huge fan of Soap&Skin. Soap&Skin is the name under which Austrian musician Anja Plaschg is performing.
I like her music for being sad and depressed. Because of her I decided to pick up playing piano, since I wanted to play her songs.
I saw that she was giving a concert in Portugal this summer and decided to visit it.
The concert was part of a goth festival, which was quite surprising, because I don't really think her music suits it well.
On the festival were quite a lot dark clothes, piercing, and interestingly looking people.
The concert went really well and I was all over the moon I managed to visit it. I was grinning constantly during the concert because I was so happy.
I liked it so much that I've already bought tickets for the next years concert in Austria.
Asiatische Nudeln instant schmecken gut, doch sie enthalten viele Additive.
Warum hast du keines baren Geld?
Ich habe doch keine Zeit, zur Bank hinzugehen, gehabt.
Trotz am Vortage konnten wir unser doch zwei Tickets des Konzerts kaufen.
Wenn ich doch im nächsten Jahr nach Deutschland flöge!
Since I decided to learn English, I realized that think in English in a country where only speak spanish, is so difficult.
Sometimes I would wish write my emails in English, but my coworkers would complaint about it.
All in all, the good news is exists plataform to practice. Given my learning comprises 4 aspects (listening, speaking, writing, reading) and my free time is limited, I have to practice every another day 2 topics. For example, I practice on langcorrect my writing and use some youtube channels for my listening today. Tomorrow, is turn to speaking in another platform and practice my reading (my ebook "atomic habits").
To be honest, every day practice my listening and when i understand more words and contents I feel more proud for me.
Thank you for to be part of my process. I feel I will reach my goal.
Ich lese gern um Deutsch zu lernen.
Das Problem ist gut Bücher zu feinden: nicht zu schwer trotzdem interessante.
Am Anfang habe ich ein Paar Märchen gelesen, dann Momo, das hatte ein Freund mir darüber erzählt.
Jetzt lese ich Rambo. Ich habe keines andere Buch gefunden dass ich verstanden könnte.
De plus en plus, on entend parler de l’usurpation d’identité. Alors, c’est quoi exactement ? C’est quand une autre personne vole votre identité et ce voleur prétend d’être vous. Malheureusement, c’est un signe de nos temps que ce type d’arnaque augmente. Regrettablement, on compte de nombreuses personnes qui ont été victimes de ces escroqueries.
La question que je veux aborder, c’est comment savez vous si vous avez été victime d’usurpation d’identité ? Je vous donnerai une expérience réelle vécue par l’une de mes amies. Ça fait deux ans qu’elle a commencé à recevoir des documents étranges tels que des factures et des recettes. Elle recevait aussi des courriels dont elle ne reconnaissait pas l’expéditeur.
Elle était très perturbée et ne savait pas quoi faire donc elle a pris conseils de son frère. Il est aîné, très sage et je sais qu’ils sont proches. Il a immédiatement vérifié son compte bancaire et à son grand désarroi, il a été piraté. Il y avait certaines transactions frauduleuses. Ils ont parlé avec les responsables à la banque pour expliquer la situation et ils ont aussi porté une plainte au commissariat. À l’époque c’était, et ce reste même aujourd’hui un cauchemar et une situation très compliquée à résoudre.
En 1144, Aliénor avait vingt ans et demeurait encore stérile au bout de sept ans de mariage. Après l’incendie de Vitry-en-Perthois, Louis le Pieux quittait le lit conjugal. Risquant la répudiation sans enfants, elle demanda conseil à l’abbé Bernard Clairvaux, futur saint Bernard, l’un des plus proches conseillers du pape. L'infertilité apparente d'Aliénor était sans doute imputable à la piété de son mari, qui respectait scrupuleusement les prescriptions de l'Église concernant les rapports conjugaux.
先生は私に【ていました】 文法教えてくれました。
例えば: 【日本に働か位ていしました】対【日本に働か位しました】。前者の文はアニメみたい。後者の文は退屈と写真みたい。
Apparently the conversation will flow better if you use ていました for past tense as it helps the other person visualize your language as a story in their mind。This sort of concept doesn't exist in English grammar。
Vor kurz habe ich angefangen kochen zu lernen. Am Anfang war es schwer, weil ich keine Erfahrung in der Küche habe. Nachdem ich einige Tutorials gesehen und geübt habe, habe ich angefangen zu verbessern. Jetzt kann ich ein paar einfache Gerichte kochen und ich genieße das viel. Kochen ist eine spannende und wertvolle Hobby für mich geworden
"Concerto vs Concertante"
"Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini" is not a concerto, unlike other Rachmaninoff's compositions for piano and orchestra. It is a concertante piece, i.e. it is similar to a concerto in character but does not follow all of its rules. For example, Rhapsody is a single-movement composition, whereas a concerto must consist of three movements. Here we come to the first analogy between the piece and life: We too have no movements in life, which is a constant flow that terminates only with our death. However, we can outline movements, as Rachmaninoff did, dividing his Rhapsody into three sections corresponding to the three movements of a concerto: a slow movement preceded and followed by fast movements. Still, life, like the Rhapsody, has to be performed in a single stretch, none part of it is self-contained.
However, it is easy to divide life into these interdependent parts that are smaller than movements, particularly for younger people. Those under twenty-five have lived through one to two movements at best, and they don't comprehend them, but they know how to mark up their lives - with years! These years for us are the same as the variations for the Rhapsody. Precisely, the main difference between the Rhapsody and a concerto and between life and fiction is that everything consists of variations, not of movements with the formulated conventional structure of contrasting themes, internal development, and so on. This is a serious statement that has far-reaching implications. I will devote most of this article to proving that life is a series of variations and what that means for everybody.
In Australien war das Obst sehr billig und gab es viele Sorten. Einige Obstsorten haben doch nicht sehr gut geschmeckt. Zum Beispiel waren die Birnen nicht gut, und ich habe oft mit iher Weinkompott zubereitet. Ich konnte dann sie gut schmecken. Eine andere Obstosorte habe ich auf ähnlich Weise gegessen. Sie war ähnlich dem Pfirsich und der Aprikose, aber ich kann mich an ihren Namen nicht erinnern.
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