Dec. 9, 2022
Dec. 9, 2022
Dec. 8, 2022
Ich freue mich sehr darüber, dass jemand meinen ganzen Text echt durchgelesen hat und sehr ernst nahm, mir meine alle Fehler Zeile für Zeile korrigiert hat.
Heute ist alles bei mir sehr gut. Ich habe schließlich angemeldet (nach Anmeldungsgesetz) dann kann ich ein deutsches Bankkonto öffnen. Toll!! Was noch? ich habe einer sehr netten Freundin von mir über meine schlechte Erfahrung erzählt.
ich glaube, wenn man Mut hat, schließlich mit anderen über etwas Trauriges zu reden, fühlt man immer besser als bevor. Sie ist sehr nett zu mir und hat mich gut getröstet. Wir teilen unsere Begegnungen miteinander. Sie sagte mir, dass sie einmal Glück hatte, dass der Busfahrer das gesehen habe und einen Mann rausgeworfen habe, der sich sexuell belästigen wolle....
Ich muss jetzt nicht zu viel Kopf darüber machen.
Jeden Tag fühle ich mich todmüde. Zum Glück habe ich Freuden, die immer für mich da sind.
Dec. 8, 2022
¿Qué país quieres mudarse? ¿Por qué?
Todas las personas tienen un país más favorito y también quieren moverse a ese país. Para mi tengo también el país favorito y quiero moverse, el que es Japón.
En primer lugar, creo que Japón es muy ordenada. No puede ver nada basura por la calle, y sus edificios también se constituyen con bien cuidado. Me siento muy cómodo cuando camino por la calle.
Segundo, los japoneses son muy educado. Siempre dan un saludo educadamente y dicen:¿En qué puedo ayudarte?". Además, te ayudarán cuando parecen ser que tenga dificultades.
Por último, creo que la comida japonesa es muy delicioso. No solo se parece muy bonita sino que también el sabor es muy bueno. Además, me
me gusta mucho sushi, y el sushi en Japón es muy refresco.
Sobre todo, son las razones de que quiero mudarse a Japón. Quiero comprar un edificio en Japón en el futuro y vivir allá para divertir y sentir la vida en Japón.
Dec. 8, 2022
Let’s be fair, we compare ourselves to others all the time. When we see someone who is driving an outstanding sports car, or we find out that our college friend have bought a luxurious apartment, most of us start thinking “Gosh, what a lucky man.” Frankly speaking, we also compare ourselves to others in more prosaic circumstances: when we see our friend's new clothes or notice how easily our coworker builds a friendship with others. Immediately after we find out that someone is funnier, richer, or smarter than we are, we start to compare ourselves to them. Unfortunately, most of the time our conclusions aren’t in our favor. Comparing creates negative feelings and causes us to feel jealous, envy, and frustrated. We began asking ourselves, why don’t we achieve the things other people have, and why everyone looks happier then we are. However, should we really compare ourselves to others?
When Have We Started to Compare Ourselves to Others?
Indeed, people have compared themselves to others in the past. Nevertheless, at those times there were no Internet and TV, so people counted more on their intuition when they set their goals and create expectations from life. However, with the development of TV and internet, comparison have become the non-stop activity. TV ads amplified consumeristic crave, so people learnt longing for things they don’t actually need, whether it is a new pair of jeans or a sumptuous apartment. Media created a perfect trap that till now have been successfully provoking in people irresistible desire to have.
With the coming of Internet, this craving for better looking or having better things became enormous because of the very nature of social media. On Instagram, we every day see numerous profiles of wealthy millionaires cheerful bloggers, and pretty models. As a result, even if we don’t want to, we inevitably compare their lives with ours, which leads to negative feelings about ourselves.
Is Comparing Bad?
The fact is, comparing is not that bad. It’s true that it’s part of our nature which helps us to make sure we do things correctly in life. It’s also in our nature to strive for achievements and crave for something what we want to obtain. These features help us to become a better person and gain satisfaction from life, whether through aspiring career goals, learning new skills, or travelling to new places. Comparing becomes a problem when we place too much attention on it and when we think that others are better than we are. Comparing causes envy, jealous and dissatisfaction; it’s a tedious process that places a great pressure on our feeling of self-worth, and makes us vulnerable and insecure. Someone begins thinking about their imperfection, others start analyzing their so called “flaws.”
Comparing ourselves makes u believe that we should change and obtain things that we necessarily don't need. Thus, our disappointment and anxiety push us toward new goals, and we strive to become a better version of ourselves: smart enough, beauty enough and so on. We go to the gym, change careers, go on a diet, thinking that it’ll help us to be the best. It seems that our accomplishments should help us finally feel satisfied. However, when we achieve something, we don’t really feel any different.
Why does that happen? The problem is, the rush for something better is a never-ending process, known in psychology as a “hedonic treadmill.” Once we reach something, we return to the stable baseline of happiness, raise our expectations, and, again, want more. A new state of being soon thereafter becomes a new norm, so we start expecting more from the world: more luxurious apartments, more attractive body, or a successful career. Indeed, after getting what we want we again begin comparing ourselves to others and never feel grateful for what we already have. As a result, comparing never stops and leads only to bigger dissatisfaction in life. Struggling with mental illnesses, food disorders, depression, and anxiety are the results of the rush for the so called “better version of ourselves.”
How To Stop Comparing?
The idea that other people have better life is probably an illusion that creates our own minds. In fact, when we envy an attractive model, or a guy in an expensive Ferrari, we don’t really know what we jealous for, because we don’t see the reality of others life. Who knows, maybe this model is struggling with a food disorder, and this guy have no friends because of his wealthiness. The same is true for social media. When we see famous bloggers on bounty islands, or our cheerful friends on their holidays — in posh environment and in luxurious dresses — we compare their “top moments” with our average, day-to-day life. We think their lives are easy and free from worries, forgetting that nobody is willing to show their exhaustion, sadness, or loneliness online. We forget that wealthy businessman probably has an enormous burden of responsibility and, perhaps, works so much that he doesn’t see his family and children. Probably, he also has no weekends or holidays.
We don’t know what it is, what we are jealous of, so it’s better to be jealous carefully. It would be better to keep in mind that all of us have our own unique circumstances, talents, and personality. Every single person has their own advantages and problems, so it’s just incorrect to compare ourselves with others. Instead of comparing, let’s concentrate on something what we really can control, namely our life. We can’t control others, but we can see who we were yesterday, who we’re becoming today in order to get what we want tomorrow. We can accept ourselves and live our unique lives in authentic ways. Marcus Aurelius said that the best way to live is by accepting other people and ourselves, and learn to live well regardless on the circumstances. If we accept who we are, we liberate our minds from the buzz of social judgments and comparing. Therefore, get the chance to become truly happy.
Dec. 8, 2022
Привет Николас! Рада, что ты вернулся. Я испанка и учу русский язык. Первый раз, что я тебе встретила был на видео на канал называется 'Genia y caballo'. Тогда, я захотела начать изучение русского языка, но была побоялась потому, что я слышала, что русский один из самых сложных языков в мире. Женя была одним из немногих каналов изучении русского, когда русский не был так популярный, как сегодня. Я тебя нашла одно из её видео и я была впечатлена, что ты имеешь свободно говорить русский, особенно зная, что ты говорящий по-испански, как и я. Ты был моей мотивацией, чтобы начать учиться годами. Я была очень грустная, когда ты забросил свой канал. Я твой канал забыла а я продолжала учиться. 4 дня назад, я тебе вспомнила и подписался ещё раз. Какое совпадение! На следующий день ты загрузил это видео. Я не могу быть счастливее. Можно записать видео, где говоришь как выучил русский?))) Спасибо за всё!!!
Dec. 8, 2022
Today is the 68th day of my daily English challenge. At noon, my sister and I went out by her car, and she had listened a song by Céline Dion in French is ' Je voudrais parlais à mon père.' I think in English it means ' I'd like to talk to my father' to honor our father. It's a strong words and a song.
Dec. 8, 2022
Hoy es el día 38 de mi reto de español. Ahora quiero escribir algunas oraciónes.
-Estás engordando, necesitas perder peso y evitar de la comida chatarra.
-Estás engordando, necesitas dejar de comer dulces.
Creo que es diferente decir entre ' dejar de' y ' evitar de' ? ¿Me puede ayudar por favor?
-Ayer, compré una camisa. No me queda muy bien. Mañana, voy a devolverla.
Estoy agradecida por este sitio web y todos los que me han ayudado.
Dec. 8, 2022
When I was a child I noticed that all people around me were divided on two parts. There are the part who loves cats and the other one, who loves dogs. In the same period of time I made a conclusion that it depended on a character of the person. For instance, more independent people like cats more than dogs. These people don’t need to have a permanent connection with their pets. And we can say the same thing about cats. This sort of pet doesn’t need to spend a lot of with people. They can find an activity by their own. Food is only one thing they really want to get from owners.
The situation with dogs is the totally opposite. Usually dog’s owner is a person who likes to be active, talkative and in the moving all time. Such people prefer to have a pet like a partner, a companion for them. Also, I have heard one interesting moment about the difference between owners of cats and owners of dogs. First people are people who need to love, but seconds are people who need to be loved. I think there is something in this.
Dec. 8, 2022
Hoy es el jueves y no tengo una grabación de mi hablando en español así que escribo algo corto. Tengo ganas de mudarme a la nueva casa este finde. Aparte de eso, todo está ré bien en el trabajo. Acabo de cumplir dos años de empleo para mi compañia. Es la duración más larga de mi carrera.
Dec. 8, 2022
Es una pregunta interesante, porque nunca mi sentí "inocente". Desde que tengo memoria, recorda que he sentido el amor, el odío, grandes alegrías y dolores profundos. A mi modo de ver, la "inocencia" de la niñez es un mito de adultos que olvidan cuánto profunda es la vida interior de los niños. Pero bueno, me sucedierón algunos momentos de amor inocente, sí, antes de que mi corazón se hiciese una montaña de hielo.
En el primer año de la escuela primaria, quería a una chica que se llamaba Marion. Dios, ¡cómo la quería! Estaba tan enamorado de ella, con su pelo rubio y su sonreir feliz... Era hermosísima, llena de vida, se reía todo el tiempo. ¡Y tenía carácter! Cuando la veía golpearse para jugar son sus amigos, me parecía valiente y fuerte, entonces me parecía que sabía luchar. Admiraba todas sus cualidades, porque en esta época, ella era exactamente lo contrario de lo que era yo.
Un día, había ganado un premio. No recuerdo de qué concurso se trataba, pero recuerdo que me había esforzado al máximo para ganar el premio, que era un pequeño cactus, muy guapito. Decidí darlo a Mario. Sonrojando, extendí la mano y dije: "lo he ganado, pero quisiera dártelo..." Rió y me agradeció, "¡qué adorable! ¡Muchas gracias!"
Nuestro amor era imposible: era en quinto año de la escuela primeria, por tanto, mucho más grande que yo. Marion era buena con todo el mundo, pero teníamos pocos contactos. Supongo que para ella, mi gesto era solo él de un niño amable. No podía imaginar todo el amor que me consumía. Me faltó el coraje para decirle cuánto la quería.
¿Qué ha sido de tí, Marion? Richard III, en la pieza de Shakespeare, dice: "¡mi reino por un caballo!" ; sin embargo, daría mucho más para verte una vez más...
Dec. 8, 2022
Ayer pase tiempo para mantener la salud de mis plantas. Hay varios pasos que se puede hacer. Empiezo por lavar las hojas en la lavamanos si caben, y en la ducha si no las caben en la lavamanos. Entonces, añado granos de abono al tierra, lo cual juegan el papel de vitaminas como en el cuerpo humano. Jamás me había gustado la metáfora de que el abono es la comida de plantas porque lo que comen es el aire y la luz. Solo necesitan el abono cada tres meses. Al final aplico un aceite, neem, que protege contra insectos.
Dec. 8, 2022
Dec. 8, 2022
I went to a hospital for a checkup today.
I went to there by subway, but I didn't know where I was because I went out a different exit than usual.
During I checked where I was in Google Maps app on my smartphone, an old lady approached me and asked the way to a restaurant.
I thought in my heart that “I'm lost too, so I don't know,” but when I looked around, I saw a signboard of the restaurant, so I told her.
I was glad to able to tell her.
I could get to the hospital soon after that.
Dec. 8, 2022
Dec. 8, 2022
Some people say that computers have made life easier and more convenient. Other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
My essay:
While some say that computers bring stress and troubles to daily lives, I counter that computers have made our lives easier and more convenient for three reasons, which I'll explore in the following essay.
First of all, computers have made learning and studying more easily. With computers, it's direct to skim and find useful passage and learn new knowledge. Imaging that if there are no computers, one who wants to get some information has to go to a library and search through thousands of books.
Second, computers have helped us communicate with each other. As our devices are connected to the Internet, it's easy for we to chat and talk with each other in any time, at anywhere. Moreover, the computers provide us a screen to see each other lively, which is a more efficient way to interact. Without computers, we can only communicate by telephones or even letters. My experience is a good example to illustrate this. Since I went to a college far from my hometown, it had been difficult for me to chat with families face to face. Thanks to the computer and the chat apps, I'm able to talk with my parents everyday by several simple clicks.
Last but not the least, computers and the Internet has become more and more important since the COVID-19 spread over the world. The pandemic has changed our lives in all aspects, from education to entertainment. For instance, our college stopped in-class teaching and forbade students entering the campus because of numerous positive cases last year. To continue teaching, our college decided to switch to online courses, providing a convenient way for both students and teachers in the specific time. It's impossible to do such a change without the help of computers.
In conclusion, computers have played a significant role in assisting people working in different fields. As the repercussion of COVID-19 still exists, computers will become more and more necessary in our lives.
Dec. 8, 2022
Dec. 8, 2022
Dec. 8, 2022
À mon avis le plus important chose à faire après une dispute, c'est d'excuser. Bien sûr just quand on sait que c'était notre faute. Je crois s'on ne le fait pas c'est une signe que l'autre personne manque du respect pour la relation ou c'est une signe d'une plus grande fierté. Peu-importe si c'est la famille, les compains et cetera, il y a de temps ou on doit laisser notre fierté tomber. Il suffit de se demander s'on est prêt de casser une relation pour une dispute qui aura aucune importance à l'avenir. En outre le pire chose à faire à mon avis est au lieu de s'excuser on fait comme rien s'est passe.
Dec. 8, 2022
December 8, 2022
I'm from south. There are some differences in favor between south and North. I can understand the difference. But people become quite illogical when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten. If you lived in the south, for instance, you would consider Houttuynia cordata a great delicacy. You would not be able to understand why some people find it repulsive. On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of eating garlic raw -- the normally accepted practice in many northern area.
Dec. 8, 2022
De plus en plus, on trouve que certains mots anglais sont absorbés par la langue française. Il me semble que la majorité de ces mots concernent des technologies de l’information et des réseaux sociaux. Les mots qui me viennent à l’esprit incluent, le website, l’e-mail et le blog. J’ai une amie qui insiste toujours que j’utilise le bon mot français, un courriel, au lieu du mot anglais, un e-mail.
Je participe régulièrement dans des événements en ligne et l’autre jour, au milieu d’une réunion deux jeunes garçons sont apparus. Ils étaient impolis, utilisant un langage répugnant. C’était évident qu’ils voulaient perturber la réunion. En anglais, on les appelle un troll qui est une créature de la mythologie nordique. Quand j’ai consulté Google Translate, j’ai été étonnée de voir que le mot en français était aussi le même.
Maintenant, je voudrais partager un petit secret. Souvent quand je ne connais pas le mot en français, je dis le mot en anglais mais avec un accent français, autrement dit, je mets une prononciation française. Et j’avoue que la plupart du temps, c’est acceptable : les autres me comprennent. J’imagine que ce n’est pas la façon la plus élégante de le dire et sans doute l’Académie Française serait horrifiée.
Dec. 8, 2022
Dec. 8, 2022
Hoy mi esposa trabajó todo dia y se preguntó me a preparer la cena. Pelé cuatro papas esta corto y hago las fritas. Cocino las fritas papasen el horno a trescientos setenta y cinco con dos la piazza de pescada. Mi esposa revolva la casa a los cinco y media en la noche. Nos sientamos a la mesa y comimos cena.
Dec. 8, 2022
Hola todos,
Había estado aprendiendo español desde hace julio, y lo más difícil cosa sobre español es escuchando. Cuando hablando, alguna vez no sé que hablantes de español decir, pero me siento que estoy mejorar. Pero, tengo un tiempo difícil entendiendo hablantes de caribeño o chileano (no sé la palabra para gente de Chile) todavía. Ademas eso, me encanta aprender la idioma.
Dec. 8, 2022
I suddenly noticed that the Chinese own the best suitable living latitude in the world but are managed by one of the worst systems on Earth. So I said that God was fair to everyone in my last entry.
Chongqing is famous for three things: hotpots, beautiful girls, and night views. I'd like to share some concise reasons separately.
Hotpot: It's humid here. In old days, the dish was for some laborers first, they need some oily, cheap, fast, and easy-to-get food. So they mix anything can eat together in a pot, which was always spicy, and extremely oily. It's popular now in the whole year.
Girls: I know many people visit here for this, they want to find a beautiful girlfriend. No bicycles in the city, people have to walk on foot, so they have a much better figure than in other places; people who live here are mixed from many major cities in China over a long history, so they own better genes than that in other mountain areas. The weather is always humid, and their skins are soft and resilient. And one more attraction is girls in this city do not need their boyfriend to pay any fees to their families, the fees which is now a big burden for males and can not be avoided in most places in China.
Night views: It's a metropolitan who lies in mountains and two main rivers across here, when it shines at night, reflects different layers of lights in the sky.
02:43:32 (UTC)
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