Jan. 26, 2023
Non ho voglia di niente oggi ma devo lavorare. Mia mamma ha preso un piccolo rafreddore e mi dispiace per lei, specialmente perché presto viaggia. Spero che stia meglio domani.
Ho un sacco di cose da fare oggi ma fortunatamente il tempo vola velocemente questi giorni. Credo di avere il tempo per fare di tutto.
Quando ero bambina, avevo il tempo per fare tutto quello che volevo invece adesso mi sento come non ci sono abbastanza ore in un giorno. È un po' comico ma la vita succede comunque.
Saranno le due quindi fra poco inizio a lavorare. Lavoro fino a mezzanotte, non mi piace per niente ma non ne sono triste.
Comunque sono felice perché ho parlato al telefono con mio papà per quasi un mezz'ora: non ho parlato così tanto da molto tempo. È stato carino e ho saputo di più della sua vita e delle cose che gli succedeno.
Da febbraio posso avere un programma più piacevole e posso dormire di notte come una persona più sana. Il sonno di notte non è paragonabile a niente.
È quasi weekend per gli altri, fra qualche giorno anche io potrò dire quello. Assolutamente non posso dire che ho una vita disordinata, provo sempre a raggiungere i obiettivi.
Adesso vado al negozio che è al piano inferiore altrimenti non ho niente da mangiare per pranzo.
Jan. 26, 2023
Creo que pueda escribir más en mí diario. Quiero escribir textos interesantes pero estes necesitan mucho tiempo : tengo buscar la idea, escribir ...
Cuando alguien hace una corrección, me encanta pero necesita mucho cuidado. Trato de comprender las faltas entonces las correcciones. Pues escribo una nueva versión del texto. Trato de recordar lsa correcciónes, a veces escribo una nota sobre unas de estas.
Hoy he visto un par de frases bastante simple que alguien ha escrito en francés. Al primer golpe de vista, no parecía interesante pero cuando lo he corregido me gustaba porque había un montón de posibilidad detrás todas esas palabras.
Ahora ya escribo algo así, sólo para escribir un poco.
Jan. 26, 2023
Good morning, everyone! A new day begins. Yesterday, I taught until midnight, and now I want to record it down. I taught a small class, and a little boy in one on one lesson.
Teaching a small class makes me realize the importance of computer technology and languages! Of course, the children also made me either laugh or angry. A little boy among those students always turned off his speaker and camera, and did other things. Every time I wanted to ask him questions, I had to call him back to the lesson, but he could always give me the right answers, and he had nice handwriting and clear pronunciations, so, I didn't give him strict limits, as long as he could maintain his behavior at that time. I feel excessive demands would be counterproductive.
The little boy who took one-on-one lessons made me upset because he rejected doing anything I asked him to do. When I spent time on my phone in yesterday's class, he came. When I looked up at him, I found him smiling at me, and I felt, "Well, today's class will go well." During the class, he kept his head down. I asked him what he was doing. He said he did nothing. Then I told him, you know what? You are free in my class, and you can do whatever you want, such as paint, play games with me. As long as you listen to me, I will satisfy you with everything. I know he is very tired, and it's necessary for children to learn while they play. He was very happy. We painted words in color and reviewed many words in the process.
I always think that we should teach students according to their aptitude. Although I don't know if l have followed this rule well, I will stick to it all the way.
Jan. 26, 2023
El otro día en la escuela hubo un ensayo de emergencia no anunciado para practicar salir del edificio en el caso de que hubiera una amenaza real. En este caso, la clase acababa de comenzar cuando sonó la alarma de incendio. Eso me pilló desprevenido porque normalmente la administración nos pone al aviso cuando va a suceder un ensayo. Los estudiantes estaban atónitos en sus pupitres hasta que se dieran cuenta de que había de evacuar las instalaciones. Entonces, empezaban a pararse y moverse hacia la puerta cuando un alumno me preguntó si me esperaron o ya podían salir. Le respondí que vayámonos y les mandé que se mantuvieran en fila mientras caminaban. Sin embargo, al hacerse a la idea de que realmente no existía una amenaza, algunos me hicieron caso omiso y charlaban con sus amigos mientras salían.
Jan. 26, 2023
Aujourd’hui, le 26 janvier est la fête nationale de l’Australie. À la fin du 18ème siècle, l’Australie a été colonisée par la Grande Bretagne. En 1901, la Grande Bretagne a adopté des lois permettant l’autonomie, et le pays d’Australie a été créé. Selon les historiens, à l’époque, il y avait six États et de créer un pays était assez compliqué : nos ancêtres travaillaient très dure pour accomplir cet objectif. Ils ont réussi car maintenant nous sommes un pays ayant une population d’environ 25 millions d’habitants.
L’Australie est très multiculturel accueillant un tas de migrants dans le 20ème siècle. Après la deuxième guerre mondiale, c’était des réfugiés européens, particulièrement les Italiens et les Grecs, plus tard les réfugiés vietnamiens et désormais des migrants qui viennent de l’Inde, de la Chine et de l’Afrique. On observe un pays qui est un mélange de cultures, de langues et de traditions. Le jour national doit être joyeux, un jour où toutes les communautés se réunissent. À l’époque, dans toutes les grandes villes, il y avait des festivités comme des feux d’artifice, des carnavals et des parades.
Même si, ce devrait être un jour de célébration, de nos jours, c’est devenu un jour plein de controverses. Les indigènes qui ont été exploités, chassés et tués par les colons anglais ne célèbrent pas le jour. Ils exigent que le jour est renommé comme un jour de réconciliation et plutôt que célébrer l’indépendance, passer le jour en réfléchissant. À leur avis, il est temps de guérir les vielles blessures et de se respecter mutuellement, commençant avec l’établissement d’un jour de réconciliation.
Jan. 26, 2023
Jan. 26, 2023
A comet which was seen for last time fifty thousand years ago by neanderthals it's coming back to be seen the days 1st and 2nd February. I would like to see it but I don't know if that it could be possible because where I live there's so much light pollution (like in almost every country). I don't know how it will look in the sky, I never have seen something like this before. I really would like to see it because this comet won't pass Earth again after fifty thousand years.
Jan. 26, 2023
Jan. 26, 2023
Jan. 26, 2023
While I was walking the dog this afternoon, he jumped after some squirrels and pulled the leash out of my hand. A squirrel ran behind a tree, the dog gave chase, and his leash caught on a root. His momentum turned him around the tree, wrapping the leash around the trunk. The dog kept running till his head was strapped to the trunk and he couldn’t move another inch. When I strolled over to check on him, he was staring at me sideways as if to say, “How did I get here?!” I couldn’t help laughing!
Jan. 26, 2023
While I was walking the dog this afternoon, he jumped after some squirrels and pulled the leash out of my hand. A squirrel ran behind a tree, the dog gave chase, and the leash caught on a root. His momentum turned him around the tree, wrapping the leash around the trunk. The dog kept running till his head was strapped to the trunk and he couldn’t move another inch. When I strolled over to check on him, he was side-eyeing me as if to say, “How did I get here?!” I couldn’t help laughing.
Jan. 26, 2023
Ma journée était calme. Ce n’était pas spécial, j’ai travaillé comme d’habitude. Je trouve que maintenant, pendant janvier c’est déprimé. Non, je ne suis pas déprimé mais le temps n’est pas beau. Le ciel est gris tous les jours ! Je veux le soleil, je préfère l’été.
Avant mon travail, j’ai fait du vélo intérieur 15 kilomètres. J’ai mal aux jambes parce que hier j’ai fait de la musculation. Le soir, j’ai lu un livre, c’était un non-romanesque. Finalement, pour la première fois depuis longtemps, j’ai médité. En général, je pense que j'ai passé une bonne journée même si j’ai fait l’habitude.
Jan. 26, 2023
The next day about 10 o'clock in the morning. I was already in the downtown areas of SZ. I could see the Diwang Building (Shun Hing Square) which was the highest over 300m at that time. The air was fresh and most of the people were in clean dresses while walking quickly, and the green belt was wide and beautiful...
I had no time to appreciate the scenery because I had no job then and made no reservation for a single room for me that night. It's interesting and a little bit ridiculous because I didn't prepare enough. If I went back to find a job again in an unfamiliar city, I should have reserved a room at least.
In order to save time, I went to a career agent asking for the latest job recruitment information, I'll prove that it was the right decision.
"Hi, young man, what job do you want?" the staff greeted me without any smile.
"I want to find a job." I answered timidly.
"Oh, no problem. Our information is updated hourly, these are effective and the latest information which is all 100% guaranteed. " the staff said quickly and present an A4 paper filled with job news. "100 yuan per information, if you are failed for the first one, come back and we will give you another two more pieces of information for free. You also can pay a monthly fee to become our premium membership... "
"This one, please!" I found an exhibition center was recruiting, a university certificate and fluent communication in English were prerequisites; relevant working experience is not necessary; a strong desire to develop in a creative field.
I want to try the job though I have no university certificate. I started listening to VOA (voice of America) both in English and Chinese program in 1989 (I was in grade 9 then, 1989 was a special and sometimes sensitive number in China). My English was not bad compared to most of my classmates.
In the next entry, I will write about how I got the job smoothly and miraculously.
Jan. 26, 2023
Jan. 26, 2023
Jan. 26, 2023
Jan. 26, 2023
Jan. 26, 2023
Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Russian post-punk.
В последнее время, я слушаю много русский пост-панк.
My boyfriend (who doesn't speak Russian) listened to it a year ago, but since it was sad, and I was in a different mindset, I told him to stop the music because I didn't like it.
Мой парень (которой не говори по-русски) её слушал год назад, но так как было грустно, а я была в другом настроении, я ему сказал, чтобы остановить музыку потому что мне не понравилось.
He didn't play it again until two months ago. I'm guessing he forgot about it.
Он её не снова играл до двух месяцев назад. Я полагаю он забыл.
He replayed a game that he hadn't touched in two years, and it's a multiplayer game that is quite popular in Russia and Ukraine, so people communicate in Russian quite a lot, sometimes even more than in English.
Он переиграл игру, хоть не сыграл 2 года, и это игра - мультиплеер, которая очень популярна в Россию и Украиннии, так что люди общаются много на русском, иногда чаще чем английский.
I think this is the reason why he remembered this type of music.
Я считаю, что это причина он вспомнил это тип музыки.
Jan. 26, 2023
TW: mention of suicide.
The song ‘sudno’ is a very particular song, because the lyrics were written by Boris Ryzhyi, a Russian poet that commited suicide in 2001. To me, his life was very shocking and looked for articles about him on the internet and newspapers and even read some of his poems. I was looking for stuff about his life in Russian out of curiosity, just because you can look for concrete things that you can't find in other languages, but I ended up understanding everything that was popping up, and that made me really happy because that means that my level of Russian is getting better, and I didn't even need a translator or look for more info in other languages.
Now, we listen to Russian post-punk together.
Jan. 25, 2023
Jan. 25, 2023
In the above sheet on January
26th, 11:30am, the time 9:30am is green. Does it mean it is booked by other students already? If so, from 9:30am to when? I mean, how long does the lesson last? The time at 11:30am on the same day is not green. I guess it is available for students to book. If I book a lesson at that time (11:30am), how long should I choose the lesson duration? I mean I only know you are available at 11:30am on January 26th, but I don’t know the end time. For example, you may be available from 11:30am to 12 pm and you also may be free from 11:30 to 12:30pm. That affects me choosing the duration of a class, so I must know the sheet clearly. Thank you.
Jan. 25, 2023
Jan. 25, 2023
Jan. 25, 2023
Wegen des Klimawandels wird die Naturkatastrophe wie Sturm und Unwetter in der Zukunft öfter passieren. Deshalb sollten wir darauf vorbereiten, um den möglichen Schaden zu vermeiden. Für den Ernstfall kann man vorher die wichtige Dinge zum Überleben, z.B. nachhaltiges Essen und Flaschenwasser besorgen, weil die Supermärkte während einer Naturkatastrophe nicht funktionieren werden. Wenn eine Naturkatastrophe wirklich vorkommt, die Leute sollen jederzeit sich über die aktuelle Situation informieren und eventuell die Anleitung von der Regierung folgen. Außerdem ist es wichtig, dass die betroffene Menschen ruhig bleiben, um mit Geduld auf die Hilfe zu warten.
Jan. 25, 2023
Sehr geehrter Herr Andreas,
Es tut mir leid, weil ich unseren Treffpunkt verändern muss. Ich möchte ihnen mitteilen, dass mein Freund mich vom Hauptbahnhof abholen will, deshalb könnten wir uns vor meinem Hotel treffen?
Ich hoffe, dass Sie das nachvollziehen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ahmad Aljomaa
13:29:18 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)