April 17, 2023
Wenn ich viel Geld hätte, würde ich in viele verschiedene Länder reisen. Ich würde Flugtickets für meine Familie und meine Freunde kaufen.
Ich würde eine Klinik für Meditation und Augenheilkunde eröffnen.
Ich würde nur während der Woche arbeiten und mehr Zeit mit meinen Lieben verbringen.
April 17, 2023
В прошлую субботу мой парень и я выли в украинский и русский супермаркете. В Майами не так много славян, но на около города Sunny Isles много русскоговорящих. В Sunny Isles также ест два супермаркета, которые продают славянскую продукцию. Это город в часе езды. Мой парень думал, что это слишком далеко, но я убедила его пойти, потому что в Америке все далеко. Мы поехали в супермаркет. Мой парень нашел много вещей из своего детства, например Колбаса, Салат Шуба, красная икра, Подсо́лнечная халва, так далее.
Мы пришли домой и попробовали все. Парень попробовал салат Шуба и был очень доволен. был как дома. Я надеюсь, что мы сможем поехать снова в ближайшее время.
Я думала, что мне нравиться салат шуба, икра и селёдка, потому что я люблю рыба. Но любила.
Мои любимые - Пряники и халва. В америке халву обычно делают из кунжута. Это был первый раз, когда я попробовала подсолнечную халву. Очень вкусная!
April 17, 2023
Dear friend,
How are you? Sorry for taking ages to get back to you, but I had to study hard. By the way, have you received the email from the sport club about us running out of aerobics classes? I can't tell you how annoyed I am about this issue. What's more, we won't get our money back. I think they should refund us, don't you? Anyway, I should get going.
Best wishes,
April 17, 2023
I have been always fascinated by criminology. As a little girl, I absolutely loved reading crime and thriller novels and watching documentaries about serial killers. And I still enjoy doing that. That’s why one of the women I admire the most is Frances Glessner Lee ( 1878 – 1962 ) who is also known as “mother of forensic science”. She was first female criminologist and she had a great influence on developing the crime scene investigation in the United States of America. Yes, that’s right. She was the first criminologist in US, you got it right. So if you look on birth and death dates, you might notice that she lived in those times when women weren’t treated as equally as today and feminism just began to flourish. So how could this happen? That’s what I’m going to talk about.
Frances Lee was born in a wealthy family. Her father, John Jacob Glessner, was an industrialist and a perfectionistic man, which could not affect the life of mother of forensics. She had been educated at home by tutors; her brother went off to study at Harvard. Frances also dreamed about studying in the most prestigious university of America, however, Lee’s father didn’t allow her to further her own studies. “A lady doesn’t go to school,” he’d say to her. But Frances was persistent and clever.
As a young girl, she enjoyed Sherlock Holmes stories and medicine. Her brother’s classmate at Harvard, George Burgess Magrath, truly sparked Lee’s interest in investigating crime scenes and forensics. He told Frances stories of real-life crimes that he assisted in solving.
After her divorcement, she dives headlong into criminology. She was interested in all murders, high-profile cases and investigations. She even used to visit the places of death and autopsies. From Frances’s observations, the investigative methods that detectives used at that time left much to be desired. Detectives used to destroy many clues, some of them could not notice suspicious and evident things. As such, many criminals went free because of ignorance and poor training.
April 17, 2023
Als ich mein Studium beendet habe, wurde meine Freizeit zugenommen und deshalb habe ich neue Hobbys zu finden entschieden. Vor vielen Jahren war in meinem Kopf die Idee, etwas künstlich zu machen. Deswegen, ich einen Freund hatte, der singt, habe ich zu singen angefangen.
Erst habe ich ein individuell Kurz gemacht. Nach sechs Monaten ich dieses Kurz angefangen hat, habe ich an Instagram ein Flyer gesehen, wo Tenors gesucht wurden, um ein Chor in meiner alten Universität mitzunehmen.
Ich bin ein Tenor, die Chors Zeitpläne hat mir perfekt gepasst, dann ich entschiede diesen Chor mitzunehmen.
Sechzig Menschen seit achtzehn bis fünfundsechzig Jahre alt integriert den Chor, ein von dem größten Chor in meiner Stadt. Deswegen, ich nur Erfahrung allein zu singen hatte, wenn ich neben verschiedene andere Menschen singen musste, fühlte ich mich überwältigt und deshalb sang ich oft in einer leisen Stimme. Der Leiter hat das gemerkt und viele mal, seit ich mit dem Chor bin, hat mir gesagt "Du! Nimm deine Stimme aus!". Ich finde, das er mich inspirieren sucht und ich fühle mich ein bisschen inspirierend aber zu singen in einer höheren Lautstärke ist noch ein aktuelles Problem, das ich noch brauche zu lösen.
April 17, 2023
Abdurrahman Wahid, qu'on appelait familièrement « Gus Dur », fut le quatrième président de l’Indonésie. Même si son mandat présidentiel était de courte durée, il a réussi à obtenir une place spéciale dans le cœur du peuple indonésien. On a surnommé Gus Dur « le père de la tolérance » du fait de ses décisions politiques qui favorisaient les groupes minoritaires en Indonésie. Par exemple, pendant son règne, Gus Dur a permis que les Sino-Indonésiens célèbrent le Nouvel An chinois. Auparavant, les célébrations du Nouvel An chinois n’avaient que lieu dans la clandestinité car elles étaient bannies.
Mis à part sa position politique en faveur des minorités, une autre chose qui distingue Gus Dur des autres présidents dans l’Histoire indonésienne, c’est son bon sens de l’humour. Il aimait critiquer ceux qu’ils considérait malhonnêtes à travers des histoires satiriques qu’il avait inventées. Je vais vous traduire une des histoires les plus connues de Gus Dur.
Après leur mort, les Indonésiens vertueux sont entrés dans le paradis, tandis que les corrompus ont été condamnés à l'enfer. Un jour, les Indonésiens qui habitaient dans le paradis et en enfer ont pris la décision de bâtir un pont entre les deux endroits afin qu’ils puissent se rendre visite facilement. Ils ont donc commencé à construire le pont en même temps depuis le paradis et l’enfer. Selon le plan, les deux parties se rencontreraient au milieu du pont après un certain temps. Pensez au tunnel sous la Manche ! Quand les habitants de l’enfer sont arrivés à mi-chemin, ils sont devenus sidérés. Ils n’ont vu ni la moitié du pont ni les habitants du paradis qui étaient censés la construire ! Plus tard, ils ont trouvé que même le plan de la construction n’était pas là ! Fâchés, les habitants de l’enfer ont affronté les habitants du paradis, demandant pourquoi ils n’ont rien fait. Ils ont répondu : « nous ne savons pas construire un pont. Ceux qui sont capables de le faire, comme les chefs du projet, les entrepreneurs en construction, et même le ministère des Travaux publics entier, sont tous là-bas, en enfer ! »
April 17, 2023
To whom it may concern.
I have come recently to the Munich airport to do an important interview for a PhD position, yet it was a really hard experience after having so many issues due to an awful organisation from your airlines company.
First of all, I had to wait for almost two days in Netherland, where I should wait for the next plane to Munich, owing to an endless strike linked to poor working conditions of your staff. This fact was on the point of resulting in me losing the most important job interview I have ever had, after so many years of effort.
Secondly, my luggage was sent to another country, as the computer system was down and the remaining staff were particularly stressed for so many inconveniences. Because of that, I had to postpone sending important documentation to the human resources department, provoking unnecesarily an unforgettable first impression. Finally, after two days I had to come back to the airport to take my luggage and, of course, lose another day.
On ground of such poor services, I am writing this complaint letter in order to receive some kind of retribution, despite the fact that all the resultant chaos cannot be reversed. In case your company do not want to miss one among all the customers affected by the general strike, either an economical compensation or special discount should be offered to the passengers.
I am looking forward to receiving a prompt reply confirming my demands.
April 17, 2023
Madrid, as it can be stated in whatever big city or capital, has always suffered from endless traffic jams, specially in the city centre. This issue, in spite of having often being a promise by political parties, still remains unsolved.
In this regards, there are two posible solutions, which has been proved to be effective in some european countries, against this problem. These involve parking restrictions and public transport.
The first measure should not be considered in a strict sense, since there are several ways to put this idea into the practice, allowing to drivers and pedestrians coexist properly. For example, parking bans could be imposed according to the plate number, as well as, certain car charasteristics, such as the emissions index. This rule, based on scientific researchs, has lead to a better air quality in a short term, what has resulted in a noticeable reduction in pollution levels along with less respiratory problems between the citizens of traffic congestioned areas. Moreover, those who attempt to park illegally would contribute to the state through fine payment.
Concerning the second item, a cheaper or costless (in specific social circumstances) bus or train ticket might encourage people to keen on using the public transport more often. Nonetheless, their effects in the traffic flow would be nowhere near as remarkable as in the case of park restrictions, since monthly or yearly tickets, specially for commuters, are already cheap enough.
To sum up, I would consider to apply parking bans, as the benefit from it far exceeds those associated with promoting the use of public transport.
April 17, 2023
The cafeteria has always been a meeting point for workers both our company and others around it, since it was open to everyone. However, recently it has experienced a big drop leading it close to bankrupt.
As one may guess from explained above, it might be, in theory, a profitable business, as there was a high number of fixed clients. Nevertheless, the situation changed specially for the worse since the previous owner retired and a new young one took over it. Since then, there was several issues which have resulted in the staff deciding to go to another places to have breakfast and lunch. In short, prices has been risen, whereas quality and service have decreased. By no means, our personnel could afford to pay three times for lunch more than previously, even more from one day to another and keeping the same salary.
According to the quality, it was obvious that the vast majority of ingredients, not to mention some plates, were frozen and precooked. In this sense, why would one pay for something which it could have been cooked in a microwave?
Last but not least, the service were often not able to serve food on time, what it has resulted in some of the staff arriving late at work in the same company where the cafeteria is settled. That was due to the fact that the half of waiters and cookers were fired.
For all the reasons detailed aboved, it is unquestionable that our cafeteria should be put in charge by another more responsable person. Just in this way, it would be possible to revert the current scenario. Furthermore, the personnel dismissed should be hired back, because of the special and familiar relationship our company’s staff had with them.
April 17, 2023
Currently, one can find advertisings about any kind of product and these are globally widespread, both locally and on the internet. That results in a daily overexposure, which leads us to be concerned about to what extent marketing influence our decision in regards to choice a product or persuade us to purchase something that it is not really indispensable at that moment.
The typical argument in favour of marketing practices is that companies have the right to inform to their potential customers about product or services they offer, in order to ease their election between a wide range of brands. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that people do not demand for such help, even more, if it is taken into consideration that the most of goods are basic and customers can effectively compare them in the supermarket. Therefore, it is unquestionable to think about the idea of persuasion there is behind companies purposes through advertising, making people get interested in things that they do not really need. However, no way this situation go so far as to affect the general public psychologically.
Regarding to this topic, there is nothing to be worried about, since marketing will get companies made a place for their mark’s name, however consumers often are smart enough to discern about what it is truthful and objective information and those claims which exceed by far reality.
To sum up, the main, yet hidden, purpose of advertising is to persuade people to buy what they offer, rather than keep them informated.
April 17, 2023
People might expect that this technique is about rudely emphasizing something from the title.
In this skit, the guy on the right keeps saying that the other guy's girlfriend is ugly with emphasis, and the other guy mildly shows his irritation.
"But, she is reeeeeeeeally ugly, isn't she?"
"Hey, it's not considerate of you to say that."
Calling someone's girlfriend ugly itself is enraging more than any emphasis, but the way the guy on the right emphasizes it is hilarious.
In the end, the guy on the left even gives in and says, "Yeah, she is…"
I suppose this technique is daaaaaaaaamn easy to execute, so give it a try.
April 17, 2023
有一个离异的女人,他是一个人养着孩子,每天在工作很辛苦,从来没露过笑脸。她的工作能力很强,但是在所有人以为她应该升值的时候,她的领班给别人留下自己的位置。领班跟她很严肃的解释,他选择了别人因为这个人比她更乐观,毕竟在干活的时候微笑着的人省不少力气,甚至工作交往比较顺利。有时候身边的人讲出来的道理比从书上读到的东西更有效果。从那个时候这个女人把他的这句话记在了心上,每天微笑着干活。虽然她的生活状态并没有变化,但是她的心态真的变了。这是一个真实的故事,虽然我不知道, 以后这个女人过得怎么样,但如果她每天微笑着干活,这件事肯定改变了她给别人的印象。
April 17, 2023
April 17, 2023
Today is day 198 of my daily English writing challenge. Today I wanted to write some sentences becuase I want to know if I understand your corrections.
- When I come back home , my mother was steaming couscous. In this sentence I don't need to put preposition " at. "
-I have been problem of the internet since three months.
I have problem of the internet around three months.
-I send and eamil to a friend that I told her that we can meet over Skype the next week.
April 17, 2023
Avec mes amis, nous avons parlé du prix des marchandises. Nous avons tous remarqué que le prix des marchandises a beaucoup augmenté récemment. Actuellement, dans les journaux quotidiens, on ne parle que de l’inflation. Il y en a plusieurs raisons et la nourriture en fait partie.
Comme une de mes amies a affirmé, l’année dernière, le contenu de son chariot lui a coûté 100 $, mais cette année, les mêmes produits coûtent beaucoup plus. Tous les produits sont concernés : les légumes, les fruits, les pâtes, le riz, la viande et le poisson. Ce qui est étonnant, c’est l’Australie est un pays agricole et la plupart de nos aliments sont produits sur place par nos fermiers. Cependant, j’admets que la formule de l’inflation est assez compliquée parce que autres chose comme les énergies comme le gaz et l’électricité qui ont récemment connu de très grosses hausses de prix à cause de la guerre en Ukraine, sont incluses.
Je connais plusieurs familles qui en essayant d’économiser, ne mangent que deux fois par jour. Après avoir payé leurs fractures, leur loyer et les autres éléments essentiels, il ne reste beaucoup d’argent pour s’amuser. Je remarque que de nos jours, les gens ne vont pas souvent au cinéma, au restaurants. Cette semaine, les élèves sont en vacances et leurs parents cherchent des activities gratuites pour les amuser. Les activities comme faire des randonnées, des vélos ou des pique-nique sont populaires. Les parents sont rendu compte que alors que l’hiver approche et il fera plus froid, leurs fractures pour réchauffement vont sûrement augmenter. Il est important d’économiser quand c’est possible.
April 17, 2023
Mi sono svegliata presto oggi ( alle sei e mezzo ). Mi sono esercitata un po' su Duolingo stamattina - ho studiato italiano da molto tempo su quella app, ma ovviamente non credo che Duolingo sia abbastanza. È solo un gioco per me e mi piace vedere quanti giorni consecutivi passano - è una sfida dell'abitudine.
Mia mamma è già arrivata a Viena, purtroppo ieri il suo volo è stato in ritardo per qualche ora. Mio papà e sua moglie arriverrano oggi all'una, non sono andati troppo lontano da Bucarest.
Sono stanca morta, ma mi spingo oltre - ho molte cose da fare per il lavoro e anche per me stessa. Mi allenerò un po' più tardi sulla Switch. Ho iniziato ad allenarmi tre volte alla settimana e ho iniziato a mangiare più sano, voglio avere una vita lunga per godermi mio marito, i miei genitori e i miei gatti. Mi piacerebbe se i miei gatti vivrebbero molto ma questo non dipende da me - almeno potrei dargli una vita tranquilla il più possibile.
Mio marito è appena andato da mamma per prenderci cura delle sue gatte. Fortunatamente abita vicino a noi, ci vogliono solo venti minuti per arrivare al suo appartamento. Mi piace sapere che è così vicino, ci sono state molte occasioni in cui abbiamo dovuto andarci per aiutarla con qualcosa.
Oggi dovrebbe essere pioggia, potrò godermela guardandola dalla finestra.
Sto ritornando a lavorare mentre ascolto la musica in sottofondo, mancano abbastanza ore fino alla fine del mio turno!
April 17, 2023
I feel even better now after today’s English exams though I didn’t attend the last one because it was too hard for me to pass so I thought I will take that exam next year with good preparation. I must be well prepared in a year, or I have to wait for another year for the once-a-year opportunity for it, which for me is so time-consuming.
I have been doing my daily routines, namely brushing my teeth, washing my face, and exercising on regular bases, and this is very good for me to cultivate a good mood during the day and to keep myself clean and fresh throughout the whole day. I would have done so long back then, but due to the lack of sleep caused by heavy homework, I did not have a single bit of energy to keep myself clean and tidy, seriously, not a single! You can’t imagine the time when I was in school. It was so tough that I had to get up around 6:30 in the morning and get my homework done until midnight. I hate being in a typical Chinese school; I wish I could have been born in another good country; I regret I did not know what a normal and happy life could have been. I dislike some of the teachers I had in school, and I look down on most Chinese teachers and professors for they are not competent in academic teaching and they cannot educate me into the person I’ve always wanted to be.
Luckily, after more than 4 years since I left school, with my energy boosted and fatigue fading away, I am on my way to becoming the person in my heart. Personally, I am sure that I know the world better than most young people, and also I am more tech-savvy than most middle-aged adults. This advantage gives me a big help in forming the idea that, in a person’s life, chasing happiness is the number one principle we should apply as the financial income has been stable and enough. This is why I find the idea of working hard before enjoyment ridiculous, and the idea to stay silent while being exploited by capitalists absurd. We only live once, as this popular idiom suggests, so why do we have to be unhappy only for proving that we are better than others?
Mind your own business! If someone comments improperly on me, I will tell him to MIND YOUR BUSINESS! I will accept constructive advice from others, but if you judge me purely from your own subjective perspective without a fair word to say, then please walk away. I hope other people don’t pretend they are everyone’s parents, and I will also not lecture other people without their consent. To be frank, I don’t think other people, in general, are of much importance to me except the closest ones. Do you cry when heard the news that Ukraine was invaded and thousands of people died? I don’t think you will if you are normal like everyone else.
I also want to say something about girlfriends and romantic relationships. I, as a man who has never been in a relationship with a girl in my life who is 23 this year, may be taken as a clown to be laughed at, saying you’ve never had one so you don’t know and you will change your mind once you find one. Yes, I may change my mind once I really find one, but for now, I am at ease and don’t feel the motivation to do so. First, a good girlfriend is hard to find in a world where every person takes the other’s income, status, and power into account. And second, I have my parents by my side so I am not lonely. I think most girls, especially Chinese girls, are more realistic and inflexible in thinking. They don’t tend to be as energetic and outgoing as foreign girls. This is also true for most Chinese men. Following Chinese traditions and being gifted or to say, cursed by a general Chinese personality is good in some cases, but it happened not to be my requirement for the other half.
April 17, 2023
April 17, 2023
La confianza es tan rara: es algo muy fuerte que une la gente pero también puede romperse con un simple toque.
Hay los que les cuesta mucho fiar de alguien. Tengo el problema contrario: no puedo sino confiar de los demás, y a veces eso me trae problemas. A veces fío de la gente equivocada, de las personas que me van a traicionar, que me van a herir. Y cada vez que pasa, no puedo sino sentirme culpable por todo. Si no hubiera confiado en ellos, nada de eso habría pasado.
Durante tanto tiempo creía que la solución al problema era dejar de fiar de la gente, pero no es así. Al fin me he dado cuenta que el problema de verdad es que quiero gustarles a todos, y eso no es posible.
Hay un montón de gente tóxica que solo te quieren herir, traicionar, mentir. Por más que intentes gustarles, nunca serás su amigo y, no vale la pena, la verdad. Nos rodea un montón de gente buena que te van a cuidar, a apoyar, a alentar incluso cuando no crees en tu mismo. Si estás en una relación tóxica, siempre puedes salir, porque aunque te parece oscuro el túnel, al final sí que hay luz.
April 16, 2023
April 16, 2023
Al comienzo del episodio/El final del episodio anterior. Luego Nosotros Violeta esta escuela conocer compañero de clase incluso matón. Violetta 's Tía consigue ser conocida porque la mujer no es tutora. Luego, nosotros cambiamos a Violeta escuela esta música, la clase es del profesor y los estudiantes juegan juntos. Violetas tia es asustado eso Violetas Papa ir agarrar Violeta fuero si mujer es Violetta 's tia. La Mujer asustada es Violetas Para ir a enviar policía después de Mujer. Herman 's novia es intentar casar a Herman a pagar espalda a algunos dpto. Mientras esto sucede Violetas corazón es herido después de ella aprender eso ella amor hablar con otro nińa. Aunque esto es suceso Violeta tiene buen tiempo en la escuela. Herman 's novia' s coche es no libre por el gobierno. Por fin la escuela y su tabernero van a participar en la musical juntos.
April 16, 2023
Los productos de las compañías taiwanesas son más alta calidad que parece ser. Por ejemplo, una compañía taiwanesa de fabricar motocicletas, KYMCO, ha exportado su productos a 106 países, lo que presenta la calidad mundial. Además, la semilla de Phalaenopsis a través de sala blanca se cultiva varios colecciones cada año, lo que no
hay nada país poder lograr. Además, en los mares cerca de Taiwán tienen muchos recursos de la pesca. Por otro lado, en pesca pelágica, la cantidad de pescar el saury podría ocupar el primer lugar en el mundo, y el atún podría ocupar el segundo lugar.
Sobre todo, el desarrollo económico de Taiwán en el futuro será mantener abierto, agresivo, creativo y diverso. "Aunque Taiwan es pequeño, nuestro sueño es grande."
April 16, 2023
April 16, 2023
April 16, 2023
14:20:05 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)