tommy's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023

Clock Meseum

I visited The Seiko Museum at Ginza exhibiting various clocks from ancient water clocks to state of the art wrist watches. Seiko is a famous Japanese company manufacturing affordable clocks with high performance. The company launched the first quartz watch series Astron in 1969. Clocks had counted the seconds by turning gears mechanically. Drawbacks of mechanical watches are low precision, cost and vulnerable to impact. Quartz watches use the precise vibration of quartz when applying electric current and do not require complicated system. Drastic drop in prices was caused by the innovation and resulted in collapse of clock industries in US and Switzerland. Today, more than 80% in the clock market is quartz type including radio clocks. I prefer mechanical watches because the sound of gears makes me relax.

Bair's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023

Journal #25: "How I'm learning English"

If I had anything, what was it?
Today I want to think about this question. If I could want anything I think it was strong health. I will explain for what. If you have strong health you can do anything you want. For example, if you want to climb on the Everest you need prepare befor climbing. Or, if you want build big company you mist work 24/7 everyday at the begining. Or, if you want to be a proffesional sportman of course you must have strong health etc.
I mean you can do anything you want, but I think you should have strong health. It isn't mandatory item, but with strong health you can turn around a mountain. How sad Archimedes: "Give me a foothold and I will move the Earth"

Thank for reading my journal.

rabbit_1999's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023



我們每天大概騎了七十 ---- 一百公里左右(miles),然後有時候還會做演講。




cola9796's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023






ziopasta's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023






shadowfax26's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023


È lunedì, quindi devo andare in ufficio. Ci vado anche domani. Fortunatamente dopo i prossimi giorni non devo più andarci ( questo mese ). Oggi non siamo molti a dover andare in ufficio, ma più della settimana scorsa.

Mi sono svegliata un po' prima del solito e poi mi sono allenata con la Switch. Dopo aver fatto questo, ho fatto una doccia. Devo solo mangiare qualcosa fino all'ora di uscire di casa.

Sarà una lunga giornata, ma ho la fiducia che andrà tutto bene.

Forse durante un periodo di inattività mi rimetterò a studiare ( ho già studiato ieri sera ).

Stasera voglio rilassarmi, dopo aver finito il turno. A domani!

rabbit_1999's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023

第一次用 LangCorrect

這是我第一次試試看用中文寫LangCorrect日誌. 我在德州出生長我,但我的父母從台灣來的。為了提高我的中文程度,我最近在努力學中文。我小時候真的討厭學和說這個語言因為在我的學校每個人都講英文。所以從小到三年前我一直都在avoid 講/學國語。我也小時候很不喜歡我自己的背景。很可憐。Even worse,我不會懂台語。

我知道有很多原因為何現在不會講好的中文。那時候我爸媽想要我們survive in America and 學好英文。我也是一個stubborn小孩。當他們講中文,我就會用英文回答。那時候我不知道學爸媽的語言是很重要的事情。但我的世界大部分是美國文化所以我沒有智慧。我覺得現在的刻板印象比較少。*雖然還有,美國的電影音樂產業現在就很容易受到亞洲人。真的不想我小時候。希望我每天努力努力學習,努力發現我的家人的歷史。


聽了很多音樂專輯(我今天整個晚上都在聽蔡藍欽的2001 demos,超級好聽哦!而且我最近喜歡的singers/bands 是 929,孩子王,Sorry Youth,EggPlantEgg, 林強,歐陽菲菲,Freckles),看了滿多台灣電影(【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】都拍得在彰化,我爸爸的家鄉;【誰先愛上他的】那個故事跟原聲帶是臺棒了;【當男人戀愛時】很厲害的演員;【台北飘雪】,有一點慢但是我最喜歡的部分是為電影攝影可以看得到台灣的美麗背景;我也想看台灣經典,比如【悲情城市】,【YiYi】),看了一個很熱門的電視節目 【我可能不會愛你】,也看了很多很多台灣/中國YouTube的影片。關於書我看完了【台灣的400年歷史】但是英文的version。。。無論那本書是很好的。


illescasdavid's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023

Genki Ch.12, 2B


lvllotsuig81's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023

Una domenica rilassante

Oggi è stata una giornata piacevole. Mi sono svegliato ad un ora un po' più tarda del normale. Di conseguenza ho fatto colazione un'ora prima del pranzo. Per fortuna non ho avuto alcun problema digestivo mangiando due pasti così vicini l'uno all'altro!

Nel primo pomeriggio sono andato a fare acquisti per comprarmi dei vestiti invernali ed anche qualche alimento. Ogni tanto vedo il mio amico che lavora lì al supermercato, ma purtroppo era impegnato a quel tempo.

Sulla via del ritorno a casa, ho deciso di prendere un giro per la città con la macchina per vedere le foglie colorate degli alberi. Fra un mese le foglie non ci saranno appese più, a causa del freddo e della neve.

Al rientro ho cucinato gli spaghetti, condendoli con il ragù che la madre ha preparato più prima. Sono grato di poter condividere i pasti con la famiglia.

joeyfrench123's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023

Pourquoi est football le plus populaire sport du monde ?

Cette question a piqué ma curiosité et je vais essayer d'écrire un peu sur les raisons que je peux identifier. En tout cas, si je ne peux pas répondre totalement à la question, je peux au moins pratiquer mon français.

Une raison que je trouve décisive, est la facilité de laquelle les gens peuvent jouer au football. Il n'exige pas des outils chères ou même d'un champ. Il faut seul un ballon, un peu de créativité (à créer un but) et on peut jouer !

Une autre raison peut-être est la variété du football. Le mince ou le gros, le grand ou le court, le rapide ou le lent, c'est tout egal parce qu'il y a plusieurs positions et manières de jouer au football, au contraire d'un sport comme basketball où il y a des charactéristiques specifiques qui sont les plus importantes.

Et finalement, c'est peut-être un peu subjectif à dire, mais je pense que le football est le plus populaire sport du monde parce que c'est le plus beau sport du monde, et il mérite d'etre appellé 'jogo bonito' (comment dire en français ?) par les brésiliens.

Januarymaz's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023

First day of learning English

When I in my middle school,my English teacher is very nice.She is a middle-aged woman about 60 years old.She teached me very paitently.ANd because of she liked me very much,my grade is better than anyone especially the English record.But,we changed our teachers because we go up to higher grade.The new teacher doesn‘t like me so I lost intrest in English.
As time goes on,I found out that learning English well is very important.Then I Start to learn it again and hope that I can insist on learning but not quit in halfway.

ziopasta's avatar

Nov. 13, 2023






Japanada's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023

Montag, 14. August 2023

Montag, 14. August 2023


Wir sind einkaufen gegangen, um Süßigkeiten und Kekse für Freunde in Japan zu kaufen. Später habe ich zuhause Bienen in unserem Zimmer gefunden! Ich bin allergisch gegen Bienen, aber mit einer Zeitschrift habe ich alle drei getötet. Sieg! Das ist der Grund, dass ich denke, das Gesellschaft nicht vollständig digitalisiert werden sollte. Mit einem Ipad kann man keine Bienen töten. Naja ... man kann, aber will man es wirklich?

Am Nachmittag sind mein alter Freund Jerry, seine zwei Söhne und seine Eltern bei uns angekommen. Seine Eltern und meine Eltern sind alten Freunde. Jerry wohnt, wie ich, in Japan und seine Frau ist ebenfalls Japanerin. Die drei verbringen diesen Sommer in Kanada. Eigentümlicherweise bleibt seine Frau in Japan. Es war schön sie alle zu sehen, aber es ist schwer mit Jerry zu Reden. Das Gespräch biegt sich immer zu Geld. Na gut, er arbeitet in der Finanzwelt. Ich bin Kindersprachlehrer, worüber können wir reden, das Alphabet?

Meine Kinder denken, dass Jerrys Mutter wie die mollige Gute Fee von Disneys Cinderella aussieht. Ja, das stimmt, tee he he.

soijetsu96's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023

JLPT N3 Practice 77


stefano's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023

Les dimanches

Le dimanche, je fais une promenade. Chaque fois, c'est presque le même trajet et le même temps. J'aime bien la période où les familles retournent à la maison, leurs enfants très fatigués où déjà endormis dans les bras de leurs parents. Les gens ont vécu et vu des choses et sont pleins de toutes ces images et émotions. Quand je retourne à la maison, les cuisines des appartements sont illuminées et tout le monde veut que ce moment ne se termine jamais. La plupart des gens n'arrivent pas à éviter de penser au lundi.

emili325's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023



dinata02's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023

Zertifikat Neu 1( Schreiben Teil 1)

Aufgabe 1
Sie haben gestern jemanden kennengelernt. Sie fanden ihn/sie sehr nett und haben auch Handy-Nummer ausgetauscht. Berichten Sie einem Freund/einer Freundin darüber.
-Wo und wie haben Sie ihn/sie kennengelernt?
-Was hat Ihnen an ihm/ihr sofort gut gefallen und warum?
-Bitten Sie um Rat, was Sie jetzt machen sollen.

Liebe Julia,
wie geht es dir? Mir ist zurzeit Super! Ich hoffe, dass bei dir alles gut so weit ist. Ich möchte bei dir etwas erzählen, dass ich gestern ein Freund kennengelernt möchte. Ich habe mit ihm im Deutschkurs getroffen. Er ist ein neu Studenten im DK. Während unsere Kurs sind wir Zusammen Diskution über Grammatik und wir machen Handy-Nummer ausgetauscht.Ich denke, Er hat ein guten Geschmack, was Kleidung angeht. Und er hat auch eine gute Sprache. Deshalb fühle ich mich gut mit ihn gesprochen. Er heisst Jakobson. Weisst du, Jakobson hat süsses Lächeln. Was mache ich jetzt? Hast du eine Idee, vielleicht mit meinem Kleidung oder Schmuck? Bitte schreib mir ein Ratschläge? Bitte schreib mir deine Antwort sofort!
Viele Grüsse,

knackerbrod's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023


Hej. Jag ska lär mig Svenska. Det finns ingen anledning. Jag vill uppnå nivå B1. Tack för läsa.

dagny's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023

My Journey of Language Learning

To me, comprehensible input and shadowing are the two most effective methods for developing speaking ability when you are on a low budget and don't have access to native speakers.

My learning process has been dull and painful; I don't really have any unconventional learning methods or amazing learning tips to share. But to get into detail about how I reached my current English proficiency level (B2), I'd divide the process into three stages.

(1) From A1 to B1 (2020–2021):

Learning Methods:

•Textbooks and workbooks (50%)

•Making sentences (30%)

•Shadowing (20%)

I started learning English in August 2020 and reached the B1 level at the beginning of 2022. Moving from A1 to B1 took me nearly one and a half years. During this time, 80% of my study hours were devoted to grammar and vocabulary, and 20% to pronunciation and fluency.

I systematically worked through various grammar textbooks and workbooks from A1 to B1. It is through my textbooks, along with some additional instructional videos and audio lessons on YouTube, that I learned some of the most fundamental grammar rules in English, such as the basic twelve tenses, conditionals, subject-verb agreement, relative clauses, articles, and conjunctions. As for my workbooks, they included articles on diverse topics, vocabulary lists, grammar points, exercises, and listening CDs. When using them, I would first memorize vocabulary words and read the article. Then, I would listen to the CD and echo what I heard as closely to simultaneously as possible. Finally, I would record myself reading the article aloud.

To make my shadowing practice more challenging, I sometimes shadowed without looking at the article. This required intense concentration and cognitive engagement as I usually forgot 60% of what I had heard. I would painstakingly listen to the audio repeatedly until I could effortlessly repeat the content in full, complete sentences instead of using broken, fragmented words. Through the process of repeating, I internalized new sentence structures, expressions, and collocations. Overall, this harder version of shadowing was helpful for my fluency, listening comprehension, and retention; it bridged the gap between passive understanding (reading or listening) and active use (speaking) by reinforcing my memory.

I also made sentences with new words every day. To me, making sentences was the best active learning method to practice writing when I was at the B1 level and couldn't produce more complex and longer texts. It helped me not only learn the meaning and contextual usage of new words but also their grammatical usage within a sentence. It provided a more nuanced understanding of the language's syntactic structures than rote memorization.

(2) From B1 to B2 (2022):

•Learning Methods:

•Textbooks and workbooks (30%)

•Making sentences and writing short essays (30%)

•Shadowing (30%)

Conversational lessons with native-speaking tutors (10%)

I started taking conversational lessons with native-speaking tutors online per week in January 2022. During this year, I dedicated at least 30 to 45 minutes daily to shadowing and mimicking, so my conversational skills improved quickly, and my English also progressed from B1 to B2.

I stopped taking conversational lessons in December 2022.

(3) Sill at B2 (2023):

Learning Methods:

•Reading and listening to a high volume of native content and writing long essays or texts (immersion method) (90%)

•Shadowing (10%)

I have been at the upper-intermediate level since the end of 2022. Currently, I don't use any grammar textbooks or workbooks. Although I don't have any structured learning plans at this stage, I've switched everything I used to read, watch, and listen to in my native language to English. Since my major at university is English, I now read and write more in English than in my native language. The only skill I am at a loss as to how to improve is my oral English, which reached a plateau a year ago and never really progressed beyond B1. I still do shadowing and practice pronouncing individual sounds, syllables, and words frequently, but I suffer from phonological fossilization regardless.

I'm pessimistically certain that my English will never reach the C1 level unless I live in an English-speaking country for an extended period.

yuan10960's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023

Gen V review

Today I finished the popular series Gen V which has been in trend for a long time since the pilot episode was released. Gen V is descended from The Boys, a notable anti-superhero TV series. I spent a whole day watching it without a break and frankly, the plot was beyond my imagination and brought me surprise in spades. I was disappointed about The Boys season 4 though, I have to say the idea of anti-superhero led me to arouse a lot of deep thoughts, I was always dreaming about how cool it would be if I had a superpower, but for now, I no longer want to be a superhuman, no matter who you are, everyone has his own difficulty.

shadowfax26's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023


Non ho potuto dormire molto la scorsa notte. Soffiava un vento terribile e oggi è lo stesso. Il vento ha fatto cadere un armadio che sta sul balcone. Fortunatamente non è successo niente di male, ma è stato spaventoso.

Non sono uscita a fare una passeggiata, ma ho corso per mezz'ora in casa ( mi sono allenata con la Switch ).

Devo lavorare oggi. Dopo aver mangiato, accenderò il computer e aprirò tutti i documenti necessari per il mio lavoro.

A domani.

splinterofchaos's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023


今日、tandem.netで話す練習を試しに行きましたが、突然に”Hello, how are you"と言われました。自然な言葉ですが、どのように返事すればいいかな。「元気です。お元気ですか?」しかわかりません。

私は文章を作ることは少しでもでき、ただの「How's the weather? 」というようなことなら何も知りません。知らない人と話すのはそもそも難しくありませんか。


milkyway's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023


A Japanese YouTuber who speaks English very well said that the most important thing to improve foreign language is shadowing loud.
Shadowing is what you try to imitate native speakers’ conversation or contents created for native speakers.
The YouTuber said, “You should continue it. Just 15 minutes a day, try it for a month.”

Yesterday, actually I did that.
First of all, I couldn't keep up with the speed. I wonder if I could do this after keep doing this?
Second, there were times when I couldn't hear the original voice in my own voice. So It might be better to use earphones.

There was also a good point that I noticed after trying it.
If I was just listening to the voice, I would find myself thinking about other things and have a hard time concentrating, but while shadowing I was able to concentrate on the voice.
I’d like to continue the lessons.

foggoguy's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023



cola9796's avatar

Nov. 12, 2023







