xiwen's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

Une lettre court dans bouteille

Cher Bouteille,
Je suis à la Ville Pyramide dans l‘ouest de la Méditerranéen. Cette ville petite est très chaud maintenant. Des carillon son vendus ici, leur voix sont beau. Ce me rappeler les doigt de votre flûte. Je veux on peut y aller ensemble la prochaine.
Alors, j‘ habite dans dortoir pour étudiants avec Hinako, une fille coréenne. Elle va à l‘institut aussi avec elle a étudié la poterie. Nous achetons des argiles per mercredis.
Et toi ? Comment ça va ? Tu me manques beaucoup.
À bientôt, gros bisous !

bestj's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023



Bair's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

Journal #24: "How I'm learning English"

Today I want to retell you plot of the film. Name film is "Dumb Money".

Attention!!! Spoilers!!!

If you didn't watch this film I recomend you skip my journal.

Ok. Let's start. First of all, I can't watch this film at movie theater, because in my town this movie didn't show at local movie theaters. So, I watched it today. What you know about Wall Street. In that place so much money circulates. I can't imagin how much, but main character could. That film tell the story about regular gay who belives him principal. He bet contra to Wall Street. He wanted to punish big bad gays with big money and proved as regular people can punish those bad gays. He organized alarums and excursions on internet or rather on Reddit. Reddit is the biggest forum in the World. I think you know what is it. In the end that regualr gay could prove that. He could earn some 10s millions dollars. I was on him side and I was happy when he won. I heard about this situation, but I didn't find out. I don't know what that gay do right now, but I predict he is happy man.

Thanks for reading my journal.

awawus's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

Cramming doesn't teach you anything.

We are vulnerable to relying on cramming when we are behind our study schedule. We cram the amount of work that was planned for 3 days an hour a day into a 3 hour long study session on the fourth day after which we tend to be satisfied with ourselves and say "It did not go as planned but I'm on track now". However, cramming doesn't actually let us learn anything; it just gives us a false impression that we learned something. Our brain is capable of taking in only so much an amount of information at a time that it requires us to spend the next 3 days reviewing to truly digest what we have just learned. But it is unlikely that someone who failed to study for the first 3 days in the first place will be successful for the next 3 days, resulting in zero learning. So no matter how tired you might be, it is important to sit down and start studying even if it is just a little bit because what matters is not the amount but how routinely we do it.

awawus's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023



cola9796's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023







Romany's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

Une blogueuse

Mon amie est blogueuse. Elle n’a que vingt trois ans et déjà elle a plus d’un million de followers. Son histoire est intéressante. Comme adolescent elle avait l’air perdu et elle a abandonné le lycée. Après un peu de temps, elle s’est inscrite à des cours de courte durée, puis elle a travaillé à temps partiel et elle a même fait du bénévolat pendant quelques mois. Rien ne lui a plu.

Depuis un jeune âge, elle s’intéressait au bien-être personnel, les produits de beauté et les cosmétiques. Souvent, je lui demandais conseil : quelle crème, quel sérum était le mieux. Elle m’a toujours donné des bonnes recommandations. Désormais elle est blogueuse avec un grand nombre de fans. En bref, un jour elle a créé un compte sur Instagram sur lequel elle a mis tous ses conseils et photos. Du jour au lendemain, elle avait de nombreux followers et de nombreux likes.

De nos jours, elle fait régulièrement les clips sur YouTube et elle est interviewée par les magazines de beauté. L’autre jour, j’ai entendu que l’entreprise LUSH (qui vend les produits de beauté) a annoncé qu’elle va devenir leur porte-parole. Quelle belle chance !

Ziez's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

Day Twelve: Jordan Trip Part Three

The next day we went to the beach. I don't know if it is fair for all nations, but Russians, when they travel abroad, they do their best to not meet other Russians. In Jordan, it was the opposite.

We walked through the sand searching for the available beach umbrellas. All of them were occupied by locals. Fun fact, women (fully dressed) and kids were sitting under one umbrella, men (fully dressed) under another, and only Russians (in swimsuits) mixed under one umbrella. We joined the Russian group most of the members were under 60. I believe that locals were discussing our group because of their smiles and faces with slight contempt.

I'm not a swimming person and I don't want to get a tan that's why I covered myself with a ton of layers of sunscreen under the umbrella and observed differences between groups.

There was one young woman who fearlessly lying down in a bikini with no emotions on her face under the sun. Of course, all eyes were on her. If men were satisfied with the view women were the opposite. Yes, I described local only, Russians paid no attention, they were busy talking about food, hotels, markets, or discussing what part of Russia were they from.

In one moment a local woman began to beat the drum and sing something, and one Russian babushka started dancing. I thought it would melt the ice between groups but seems it only made the local laugh. It is only my opinion, but I think they couldn't get why senior people are okay with their bodies and they are not shy to show imperfections.

Romany's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

La troisième guerre mondiale

La guerre ne fait pas de gagnants, ça c’est mon avis. L’autre jour, puisque j’avais du temps libre, j’ai fait de la recherche sur les guerres de nos jours. Il y en a beaucoup. Peut-être que vous pensez que j’ai recherché un sujet un peu bizarre. C’est vrai, d’habitude je fais de la recherche sur les sujets plus positifs comme les voyages, la culture, l’histoire, les énergies renouvelables ou même la nourriture.

Je vais vous expliquer pourquoi j’ai choisi ce sujet. Mon explication est simple. Dans l’actualité, on ne parle que des guerres : l’année dernière, c’était la guerre en Ukraine et désormais, c’est la guerre entre Israël et le mouvement Hamas. J’ai vu les photos et c’est tragique : tellement de personnes sont mortes et les bâtiments , les hôpitaux et les écoles sont détruits. La dévastation est complète.

Selon ma recherche, c’est inquiétant car il y a autant de guerre en ce moment, trop nombreuses pour être énumérées ici. Et il me semble que chaque année, il y en ait de plus en plus. Je me demande si la prophétie de Nostradamus se réalisera. Il a prévenu que la troisième guerre mondiale commencerait au Moyen Orient.

TrafficLight's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

Rassismus-Welle in Deutschland seit dem 7. Oktober

Um meinen aktiven Wortschatz in der deutschen Sprache zu erweitern, habe ich entschieden regelmäßig zu schreiben. Ich bin der Überzeugung dass solche Beiträge, zudem ich Korrekturen erhalte, eine effiziente Methode zur Verbesserung meiner Sprachkompetenz ist. Dies ist mein erster Beitrag; allerdings kannte ich schon den Namen „LangCorrect“.

Ich bin entsetzt, wie rasant den deutschen Diskurs in eine ausländerfeindliche Richtung im vergangenen Monat entwickelt worden ist. Klar, es gibt immer zumindest manche extremistische Akteure wie die AfD — und es wird so weiterbleiben. Doch besorgniserregend ist die rapide Übernahme solcher rassistischen Polemiken in die Mainstream-Gesellschaft. Es ist ein trauriges Resultat mehrjähriger Nachsicht gegenüber der rechtsextremistischen Szene. Und nun spürt man endlich die Freisetzung dieser brüllenden Kraft, die nicht konsequent entgegengesetzt wurde.

Die Bilder zu den Hamas-Angriffen auf dem 7. Oktober sorgten für Frustration: Raketen, Geiseln, an friedliche Zivilisten gerichtet. Solche Gefühle werden jedoch für eine gnadenlose Ausländerfeindlichkeit — besonders gegenüber Muslimen, Arabern und Türken — instrumentalisiert. Dass offene Darstellungen der Sympathie gegenüber Palästinensern hinsichtlich der 10.000+ Toden oft pauschal als „Judenhass“ durch Assoziation mit Hamas- und IS-Anhänger deskreditiert wird; Äußerungen wie Forderungen zum Entzug deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit (Söder, CSU; Buschmann, FDP Justizminister) oder Israel-Bekenntnisse bei Einbürgerungen (CDU MdB Frei, erster parlamentarischer Geschäftsführer der Union-Bundestagsfraktion), oder auch zur Unterscheidung zwischen „Deutschenrechten“ und „Jedermannsrechten“ (FDP Politiker:innen) bezüglich politischer Rechte; dass der Vize-Chef der FDP und der Generalsekretär der CDU dazu fordern, eine „Migranten“-Quote von 25% in Stadtvierteln bzw. 35% an Schulen einzuführen, dass Sprachen anders als Deutsch auf dem Schulhof ein Problem seien; dass Minoritäten — besonders die vorher ernannte Gruppen — von der Politik behandelt werden wie unter Generalverdacht (jüngste Rhetorik des Vizekanzlers und des Bundespräsidenten, dass solche Minoritäten mehr von Hamas „distanzieren“ sollen). Als ein Chinese der Arabisch learnt — das tut mir weh. Ich bin entsetzt, wie ehrgeizig die Menschen in Deutschland deren freiheitliche egalitäre Ordnung abschaffen wollen — wie maßgebliche Anteile der wahlberechtigten Bevölkerung bestimmte andere, gegenüber denen wir die gleiche Verantwortung haben, eben nicht als gleichartige und gleichberechtige Menschen ansehen.

hitommy's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

Japanese grammar

Let's practice the most basic subject-predicate grammar.

I'll explain「わたしはアンです。」.

”わたし” refers to I and is the subject.
"は" is a particle. It is pronounced "wa”.
It adds the meaning "to speak of it" in reference to the subject.
When "アン" is used as a predicate, "です" is added.
"です" is a polite expression.

shadowfax26's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023


Ieri sera siamo andati dalla nostra vicina ( vive di fronte a noi ) e siamo stati sul balcone per passare del tempo un po' e raccontare delle storie quotidiene.

Ero così stanca dopo il lavoro, quindi non ci siamo stati molto tempo. A volte per gli altri è difficile da capire che sono il tipo di persona che preferisce avere una serata tranquilla a casa, ma cerco di non lamentarmi troppo.

Vado di nuovo in ufficio lunedì e martedì prossimi. Non so cosa succederà a dicembre. Non posso credere che fra poco inizia un nuovo anno. Com'è passato il tempo!

A domani, come al solito!

Uhu's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

Recognise the schemes and write

When I created my account on Lang Correct, I naturally put English and German as target languages because these are the two I need to be fluent in. I needed to learn German from scratch because I live in Germany and, by the way, I enjoy it. It is for example always a pleasure to take a time to write and post my texts and discovering new words make me feel like a child who finds candies on a treasure hunt. The same doesn't go for English unfortunately. I consider myself as a good intermediate learner, even if I didn't pass any exams to confirm it. But I am deeply sorry, deer correctors, to confess that in conntrary as for German I do not have any comparable feelings for the English language, hence not the least motivation to write texts, to learn or even read a book. As a result: I keep being able to communicate fluently, however I feel that my sentences don't all sound natural and ask me a lot of efforts to build.

So what makes me write in English today? Exactly that: I had to write an e-mail and it was bad. I am starting to think that even if I almost don't need it currently, I might miss opportunities in the future if I sound basic because I cannot express complex ideas with colleagues and potential recruiters. On the other hand, I know I will soon tend to go back on my beloved German. So my scheme is: I work my English only when I am pissed at myseff after having to recognise my inabilities. Good to know.

I write German when I have both time to and an inspiration for the topic and the style I want to create. It takes me a lot of efforts but I'm always very proud at myself when I finally post it. My scheme goes like that: I follow my guts, enjoy my natural inclination for German, block the time needed. When I have to study it seriously with a book, I tend to procrastinate (is this verb as common as in French?) in the form of starting to learn some Polish. Polish is a language that I don't need to learn outside of being able to politely greet people in shops or restaurants. Guess what language would benefit me the more in Poland: English! So my scheme is: If by lazyness I don't want to study seriously German, I switch to something not easier but not so useful.

I recognized my schemes, now the question is what to do of this knowledge. I could always have English material under hand so I can blame myself and return to English instead of Polish every time I am too lazy for German. Or I could keep following my instinct and stay chaotic ,and certainly inefficient, about it.

namyoo's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

콩쥐에 대한 감정

한국 속담에 선인장이라고 하면 잔혹한 동화 '콩쥐와 팥쥐'의 주인공 콩쥐가 떠오른다. 이 동화는 예쁘고 착한 콩쥐가 계모에게 학대를 당한 것에 나눈다. 콩쥐는 고되고 힘든 일을 당하며 부당한 대우를 받아도 계모에게 순종하며 부지런하고 마음이 따뜻한 소녀가 되었다. 그래서 사람의 출신은 자기가 미래에 어떤 사람이 되는 데 영향을 크게 미치지 않고 좋은 사람이나 나쁜 사람이 되기는 사람마다 선택이다.
콩쥐는 계모에게 구멍이 있는 장독에 물을 채워 놓기, 나무호미로 밭을 타기, 베를 두 필을 짜기 등 고되고 힘든 일을 당하며 부당한 대우를 받는 경우가 작지 않다. 하지만 이러한 이겨낼 수 없는 역경에 콩쥐가 두꺼비, 황소, 참새 등 도움을 받았다. 이는 콩쥐뿐만 아니라 구사회 약자들이 당시 곤경에서 벗어난 데 도울 수 있는 어떤 행운이 있기를 희망한다는 것을 보여준다. 이런 희망의 마음은 두꺼비, 소, 참새 등 한국인의 농경 생활에 익숙한 동물들에 나타났다. 게다가 행복과 도움을 받겠다는 희망은 콩쥐가 재탄생된 것을 통해 더 강하게 강조된다. 콩쥐가 진심으로 행복하게 살기 위해 여러 번 재생하는 모습은 당시 한국인의 가정 행복을 추구하는 사고방식이다. 한 인생의 성공은 바로 결혼하고 부자가 된다고 하기 때문이다. 그러나 콩쥐가 소극적과 수동적인 성격을 가진 인물이라고 생각한다. 콩쥐는 계모와 밭쥐에게 학대를 당한 곤경에 처했을 때 반항도 안 하고 참으면서 살았기 때문이다. 그리고 계모의 시련에 맞서면 콩쥐는 단지 앉아서 울기만 했다, 심지어 밭쥐에게 해를 입었을 때 밭쥐의 나쁜 행동에 대해 강하게 목소리를 높이지 않으며 다시 살아나도 계모와 밭쥐에게 직접적으로 복수하지 않았다.이는 베트남 동화의 인물인 땀이라는 캐릭터가 떠오른다. 줄거리는 비슷하지만 마무리는 콩쥐에 비해 땀이 다시 살아나자마자 손해를 입은 사람의 원수를 갚다고 하는 점에 달라졌다. 땀의 복수는 악에 저항하는 능력이 일어난 것을 보여준 신호이라고 생각한다. 그래서 부당한 대우를 받지 않기 위해 콩쥐는 저항을 할 줄 알아야 한다. 당시 한국사회의 약한 민족도 마찬가지이다. 시민들은 지배 세력에 대한 저항과 투쟁으로 역경에 벗어나도록 노력해야 한다.
이처럼 우리는 권선징악을 믿기 때문에 콩쥐과 같은 항상 착하게 살려고 노력하는데 일상생활에서 부당과 어려움을 겪은 경우에는 견디지 말고 악에 강력히 저항해야 한다.

kabochacha's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023







私は日本語が下手ですから、あまり歌詞(かし)がわかりません。でも、意味はよさそうですね!「信じてみよう どんな明日も」と歌っていて、好きです!希望(きぼう)している感じがあって、ちょっと感動(かんどう)しています。





maymaymay_'s avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

Ielts writing task 1

The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land becomes less productive. The table show how these causes affected three regions of the world during the 1990s.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The pie chart illustrates the percentage of over-grazing over cultivation, deforestation and other has cause devastated in earth for agriculture and the table compares the proportion of north america, europe, and oceania degare agricultural land in 1990.

Overall, it clear that the proportion of over-grazing is the highest in the pie chart, the opposite was true for other reason. Also, in the table the highest percentage was europe.

As can be seen from the pie chart, at 35 percent. The figure for grazing too much as five times as the other, at just 5%. While there was a similar witnessed in the percentage of over cultivation and deforestation, a 28% and 30% respectively. Regarding to the table, the most significant in the figure for land degraded by deforestation and over-cultivation wa belong to europe at roughly 9,8% and 7,7%. In contrast, that one of over grazing is in the second of the column, at 5,5%. Meanwhile, at 1,7%, the percentage of deforestation was as approximately nine times as that one’s in the north america at 0,2%. The proportion of over cultivation was empty so, in the north america was more. At 3,3%. However, the highest in the figure for over-grazing was belong to oceania at 11,3%, as ten times as that one’s in north america. In addition, the total land degraded was considerably as in the europe.

foggoguy's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023



lethanhhang's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023

Please review my writing

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Many people believe that children should be taught to become a well person in society by there parents at home, while they are others who think that the place is sustaining for learning this is school and i agree with this point of view.

Firstly, some people feel that parents is the person who have a responsibility to teach their child according to this vision, the basis of their children starting from home, parents have to teach them to ensure that they understand about values and their position in the society.

Others people, however, feel that children have to apprehend that information by their teachers, from this point of view in case that, children have not only at home but they also can communicate with friends and teacher each other, moreover whole the time of student is justfor academic so they can enroll some out door activities to increasing their good characteristics.
I absolutely that learning from parents is necessary if parents have to give child all about how to become a good member of society, school will become less importance. In addition, combining between at home and at school is a nessciate work, people have to done this one’s immediately leading their child to become a good person in society,

ziopasta's avatar

Nov. 9, 2023






Japanada's avatar

Nov. 8, 2023

Sonntag, 13. August. 2023 (4)

Sonntag, 13. August. 2023 (4)

Canada's Wonderland

Ich habe nach Andreas' Schwester gefragt. Sie haben seit vier Jahren nicht mehr miteinander gesprochen. Ich war schockiert. Mein Gott, warum? Er hat mir erzählt: Als ihre Mutter starb, heiratete ihr Vater die Palliativkrankenschwester ihrer Mutter, eine 25 Jahre jüngere Frau. Seine Tochter (Andreas' Schwester) war wütend und brach alle Verbindung zu ihm ab. Als Andreas sich weigerte dasselbe zu tun, hörte sie auch sich auf, mit ihm zu reden. Autsch! Ich bin sicher, dass der Geschichte noch mehr steckt, aber ich finde es sehr traurig, wenn Familienmitglieder so streiten und sich weigern miteinander zu reden und dann alle Verbindungen zueinander abbrechen. Viele Familien auch hat eine ähnliche Geschichte ...

Um fünf Uhr haben wir verabschiedet. Im Auto habe ich den Kindern die Geschichte von dem niederträchtigen Chris Little erzählt. Er arbeitete auch im Vergnügungspark ...

Muniver's avatar

Nov. 8, 2023

Eine Katze

Mann I: Gestern habe ich eine Katze endlich mit nach Hause gebracht.
Mann II: Aber deine Frau war dagegen oder?
Mann I: Ja, sie war dagegen. Da waren wohl die Mäuse dran
Mann II: Woher habt ihr die Mäuse im Zwanzigsten Stock?
Mann I: Ich habe sie vorgestern mitgebracht.

Yakovleva's avatar

Nov. 8, 2023


Meine Lieblingfilm es ist Harry Potter oder Moulin Rouge. Und bei Ihnen?

Heisenberg13's avatar

Nov. 8, 2023

Die Öko-Bauern

die Wörter und Redemittel ersetzen bitte,wenn es nicht natürlich klingt. danke im Voraus:)

Heutzutage herstellen Bauern immer mehr ökologisch. Welche Ursachen stecken dahinter?

Bevor ich zu diesem Thema Stellung nehme , möchte ich mit Hilfe der Grafik einige Fakten präzisieren. Das Schaubild gibt einen Überblick über den ökologischen Landbau in Deutschland. Betrachtet man das Schaubild genauer , so fällt sofort auf, dass die Zahl von Betriebe und Agrarfläche im Zeitraum von 1996 bis 2006 relativ gestiegen ist. Während 1996 nur 2,1 % der gesamten Agrarfläche ökologisch gebaut wurde, waren es 2006 bereits 4,9% .

Aktuell steigt die Nachfrage nach Öko-Produkten , weil Menschen mit der Zeit vergleicherweise großen Wert auf die Gesundheit und das Umwelt legen. In diesem Fall ist es hervorzuheben, dass die veränderten Ernährungsgewohnheiten der Menschen diese Nachfrage stark beeinflussen.

Bioprodukte enthalten sowohl weniger gesundheit- und umweltschädliche Stoffe wie Düngemittel und Pestizide , die in der konventionellen Landwirtschaft eingesetzt werden. In der Massentierhaltung werden Tieren an einem engen Raum gehalten, so dass sie sich kaum bewegen können ,folglich sind anfällig für Krankheiten . Die Herstellung von Bioprodukten ermöglicht es dagegen , dass Tiere auf großen Flächen weiden.

Wenn so eine ahnliche Umfrage bei uns durchgeführt würde, sähe die Situation nicht anders aus als in Deutschland. Hierzulande ziehen sich Menschen zunehmend Bioprodukte, da die Meinung vorherrscht , dass sie nicht nur gesundheitlich ,sondern auch umweltschonend sind.

Ich möchte erwägen, dass dabei Naturkostläden große Rolle spielen, denn kann man dort fast jede Art von Bioprodukten finden, die in anderen Läden kaum zu finden sind. Diese Läden bringen jedoch einige Probleme mit sich. Vor allem können sich manche Menschen diese Produkte dort nicht leisten, weil sie nicht preisgünstig angeboten werden.

Zusammenfassend kann man dazu sagen, dass wir unsere Essgewohnheiten grundlegend ändern sollten, sei es um die Umwelt zu schützen , sei es um gesund zu leben .

stefano's avatar

Nov. 8, 2023

Le restaurant

Depuis longtemps, j'ai des problèmes avec mes yeux. Ils sont souvent trop secs à cause du manque d'un lipide. C'est un truc génétique, mon grand-père et ma mère ont également souffert de ce problème. Mon ophtalmologue m'a conseillé de manger des poissons gras pour avoir plus d'oméga 3. Mais je n'aime pas manger des animaux. Pour quand même assurer le taux d'oméga 3, j'ai commencé à manger du sushi et de la salade avec des algues. Près de chez moi, il y a un très petit restaurant asiatique où on peut manger ça. J'étais le seul client. Au moment où je suis entré, on a mis de la musique pop horrible et on a baissé le son de la télé à laquelle on pouvait regarder un match de foot. C'était une ambiance assez triste avec l'éclairage au néon, mais bizarrement tout cet ensemble m'a mis à l'aise. Le plat était très bon et la femme qui m'a servi le sushi était d'une beauté discrète. Dehors, il a commencé à pleuvoir et personne s'intéressait ni au match de foot ni à la musique pop. Personne ne disait rien. Après avoir fini le plat, je restais assis très longtemps sans que quelqu'un ait remarqué ça. J'aurais pu rester assis jusqu'à la fermeture de ce petit restaurant laid, caché et sans clients. Ils ont oublié comment se comporter vis-à-vis un client. Ils m'ont simplement oublié.

kabochacha's avatar

Nov. 8, 2023







