Nov. 12, 2023
Nov. 12, 2023
Sonntag, 13. August 2023
Das Beste an einem Besuch in meiner Heimatstadt ist der Klatsch.
Am Abend sind meine Familie im Haus meiner Eltern angekommen. Auch sind mein Lieblingsonkel und meine Lieblingstante aus Oklahoma und Meine Tante, Zelda, die in Toronto wohnt, gekommen. Zeldas Stiefsohn wird nächstes Jahr heiraten. Herzlichen Glückwunsch? Nein, Zelda hasst ihn. Zeldas Ehemann starb 2017 an Krebs, aber seine zwei Söhne gefielen ihr nie. Der jünger, der heiraten wird, hatte um Geld für die Hochzeit gebeten. So eine Frechheit! Er bat immer um Geld, als sein Vater noch lebte, und selbst jetzt, als er tot ist, bittet er seine Witwe um Geld. Der ältere Sohn hat seit dem Tod seines Vaters nicht mehr mit ihr gesprochen. "Das passt mir gut!" sagte Tante Zelda. "Ich konnte diesen Scheiße nicht ausstehen. Und Rick (der jüngere) bekommt keinen Arschpfennig!"
Onkel Dennis aus Oklahoma hasst die Republikane Partei und er ist davon überzeugt, dass die USA zu einem faschistischen Staat gerade bekommt. Beruhige dich, Onkel. Oklahoma ist der röteste Staat in den USA. Trump ist nicht mehr Präsident. Er wird ins Gefängnis gehen und nicht mehr ins Oval Office züruckkommen. Tante Clara ist wütend, weil ihre Stieftochter Hochschule aufgegeben hatte und jetzt mit ihrem Freund, einem Pizza-Ausläufer, zusammenwohnt.
Am Ende des Abends konnte Tante Zelda ihr Hörgerät nicht finden. Sie hat eine Stunde verbracht, versuchen es zu finden. Kein Glück! Hat sie es getragen, als sie ins Haus angekommen? Sie kann sich nicht erinnern. Vater glaubt, dass sie senil bekommt.
Ich liebe meine Familie ... aber, ich bin froh, dass ich Japan wohne. Tee hee hee.
Der Tag ist endlich vorbei. Was für ein beschäftigter Tag. ...
Nov. 12, 2023
Nov. 11, 2023
Da ich müde bin, wird es kurz und etwa informeller sein.
Als Arabisch-Alleinlerner kommen sporadisch Unklarheiten vor. Es es fällt mir dann nützlich auf, Fragen an andere zu stellen und sie beantwortet zu lassen. Ich habe doch keine schnellreagierende Freunde die Arabisch können. Zuvor aktive Foren wie WordRefernce gelten als Archivlernmaterial zu Gunsten. Aber die günstigste (zumindest für viele) Methode heutzutage ist eben neuere Großplattformen — unter anderem: HiNative. Und den habe ich gestern probiert.
Das Layout ist wie ein Forum, aber nicht aufwendig kategorisiert und ohne erweiterte Sortierung oder Suche. Meine Einzelfrage bekam eine schelle Antwort. Ansonsten war es unerwarteterweise hilfreich, Fragen anderer Arabischmuttersprachler:innen zu beantworten: Durch das Lesen und Beantworten deren — die oft teilweise auf einfaches Arabisch geschrieben sind — kann ich meinen bestehenden Wortschatz vertiefen.
Nun leider gibt es keine „betriebssicheren“ Alternativen zu HiNative: Solche Wissen sollen nicht proprietär behalten, die jederzeit von einem Unternehmen gekündigt und möglicherweise alles gelöscht werden können. Und das Geschäftsmodell scheint mir auch nicht ganz ethisch.
On another note: LangCorrect sollte über Arabisch verfügen.
Nov. 11, 2023
Liebe Anna,
wie geht es dir ? Bei mir ist soweit alles in Ordnung.
Letzten Samstag habe ich ein neues Auto gekauft. Weißt du, das ist das Auto, nach dem ich so lange gesucht habe.
Dieses Auto gehört der berühmten deutschen Marke BMW. Daher musste ich 100.000 Euro für das Auto ausgeben. Mein neues Auto ist schwarz und hat vier Sitzplätze.
Du weißt schon, meine Arbeit benötigt ein Auto. Allerdings ist mein altes Auto neulich häufig kaputt gegangen. Aus diesem Grund habe ich die Entscheidung getroffen, ein neues Auto anzuschaffen.
Ich habe einen Vorschlag, dass wir nächsten Monat zusammen mit meinem neuen Auto einen Ausflug machen. Was meinst du ?
Ich warte auf deine Antwort.
Viele Grüße
Dein Peter
Nov. 11, 2023
Je viens de finir mon premier livre en français, Harry Potter à L'École des Sorciers. Je ne l'avais pas lit pendant plusieurs années et c'était bon à retourner à ce monde. Au début du livre, j'avais cherché beaucoup de mots pour comprendre le texte. Mais au cours du roman, j'ai commencé à comprendre de plus en plus et à la fin, je ne cherchais qu'un ou deux mots par page. Demain, je vais commencer la seconde livre, Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets. J'espère que je deviens encore mieux à français !
Nov. 11, 2023
The next day my band went to the paid beach because it is cleaner, less scary, and had a lot of chairs, umbrellas, some entertainment from animators, and bars (with alcohol-free beers).
We were resting, and talking, and the waiter brought us some smoothies.
"We didn't order those". - we were telling him.
"Mo worries, it was paid by the man over there." - He points at yesterday's staff guy I asked for his name.
Of course, my band started making jokes, but I felt so bad about what I'd done. I didn't realize my friendly gesture could mean something else in this country.
The bus took us from our hotel to this beach in the morning, but we took a taxi to return. Maybe we weren't lucky, but we found only one taxi driver who was buying instant noodles. His five-sit car (including the driver seat) accommodated six of us. We put P, the only boy in our company, in the front seat, and five of us sat in the back.
Right after the ride started, the driver began to make some pervert things. He didn't know English well, so mostly he showed what he meant by gestures. When he found out that we were from Russia he called us all Natasha. As far as I understand it is the most common Russian name for foreigners and has an image of a standard Russian woman - blond, slim, pretty, maybe sometimes mercantile, and easily accessible.
One of us had really big lips, and he focused on them. He inflated his lips and showed by gesture that they were big. But before that, he decided to finish his instant noodles while driving.
Nov. 11, 2023
Hoy estudié español durante una or dos horas, pero mi mente no funciona muy bien. No puedo pensar y me siento muy cansada aunque estoy tomando un café. Creo que no dormí muy bien anoche. En una hora, más o menos, mi esposo y yo iremos a hacer ejercicio y espero que me sienta mejor después. Desafortunadamente, también el clime es triste hoy.
Nov. 11, 2023
La semana terminó tal como las últimas dos o tres: en el campo haciendo pruebas con el dron y el generador hasta que atardeciera. Lo malo es que se está poniendo el sol más temprano desde el reciente cambio de hora. Por eso, no podemos ensayar el generador hasta las 8 de la noche como antes. Ayer tuvimos que terminar las pruebas alrededor de las 6 de la tarde porque se estaba poniendo demasiado oscuro. Aunque logramos ensayar el generador durante casi tres horas y media, este trimestre tenemos una meta de alcanzar 80 horas de uso. Ahora estamos a 70. Estaremos de viaje durante la mayoría de la semana que viene, así que tenemos que esforzarnos para adelantar mientras podamos.
Nov. 11, 2023
Nov. 11, 2023
According to the article, 82% of Japanese people surveyed felt that children of today are likely to be financially worse off than their parents' generation when they grow up. This result is reasonable because Japanese government impose heavy taxes on young workers to maintain pension fund and healthcare system. People aged 65 and older can benefit from clinical services at lower cost and receive higher pension than young generation even though taxes of past were much lower than that of today. Most people are aware that healthcare system will be collapsed within a few decades. However, Population aged 65 and older accounts for 30% so that they have significant impact on policy making. I don't mean to blame elderly people for exploiting government budget. Law makers should discuss vigorously to streamline social security system and increase investment on children and young parents. Although it has reached the point where nobody can stop aging society, nothing is more important than children.
Please share your opinion about your countries.
Nov. 11, 2023
In my free time at the weekends. I usually do some gardening work; plant vegetables, feed the fish in my small pond, and repair some wooden pieces of furniture. Occasionally, I would invite, or be invited by some friends to chat over beers or tea. Besides that, I also like to sleep if I feel tired on the latest weekdays.
Nov. 11, 2023
Nov. 11, 2023
Nov. 11, 2023
I had to prepare lunch myself, because there weren’t family members in my house today.
So I decided to try making a fluffy omelet rice.
A while ago, I had watched a YouTube video by Tokai On Air. In that video they tried to make it, and I thought I might be able to make it well, too.
I watched videos again, and try to make it.
I made ketchup rice and put on omelet on top.
It wasn't very smooth, but I think I did pretty well considering it was my first time.
I wonder if I would try it again tomorrow.
Reference video
Nov. 11, 2023
Nov. 11, 2023
Nov. 10, 2023
Nov. 10, 2023
He visto un articulo interesante anteayer, lo que muestra 3 tipos de gatos generales para que ayudemos a distinguir tus gatos domésticos o qué tipo de gato quieres. Generalmente, según sus pelas y orígenes distintos, hay 3 razas de gatos más populares en el mundo. Son siameses, persas y los gatos de Maine.
El gato siamés es una raza más antigua que restos. Se creen que provienen de Tailandia. Son cariñosos, juguetes, por eso los dueños necesitan jugar a menudo consigo. Con suerte, según su pelo cortado, un cepillado semana es suficiente.
Por su parte, la raza del gato persa es como su nombre, de Persia(hoy Irán). Se llevaba a Europa en el siglo XVII. Estos gatos les gusta quedar solo y tranquilamente, pero a veces les gusta jugar con su dueño. Con largo pelos, necesita cepillarlos cada día para evitar nubes.
Por último, el gato de Maine son de America continental, de la provincia de Maine. Es más antiguo en dicho continente. Según su personalidad, son muy cariñosos y les gusta jugar con su dueño también. Además, son muy amigables, por eso se pueden adopta por toda la edad, incluso niños. Un cepillado semanal es suficiente.
En resumen, no importa tienes o quieres criar cualquier gato, su salud física y mental es necesitar cuidar. Generalmente, les gusta explorar y ser limpiado, así que necesitamos crear un medioambiente cómodo para ellos.
Nov. 10, 2023
Levels of youth crime are increasing rapidly in most cities a round the world. What are the reasons for this, and suggest some solutions.
In todays’ modern era, crime is become a major prpoblem of the govenrment. Although this tendency may lead to negative results, the number of crimes by the young is growing dramatically. This essay will look at some of the reasons a nd solution for this.
On the one hand, the most dominant factors of lawbreaking functions from young folks has to do with financial issues as an offspring of being abandoned by both their guardians and society. Moreover, the economic issu is something that children have to struggle with their parents get divorced. Furthermore, adverse data which contributed as other actor. For instance, not only children are inuted ignored ignore the logistical rules but they are also encouraged to get involved with some illegal activities, such as hacking others wo utilize their identities in order to access their bank accounts.
On the other hand, to iron out this crisis, allocating some fortune by either authorities or philantrotrapists to provide occupational opportunities for juniors may be effective. Additionally, preparing some course to nehance their abilities to resolve in the vocational market. In addition, imposing some law to supervise the internet seems to be vital to stop which can devastate impression on individuals. For instance, neither system or penalising are not adequate to restinct the abusers of this realm, hence, fortifying them can have some positive footprints as well.
In conclusion, it would not be an insurmountable problem if the reasons behind be discovered. Controlling the internet or the emergence of enoch occupation opportunities can be recommended to limit ist late.
Nov. 10, 2023
Finora è stata una giornata meravigliosa e tranquilla. Ho camminato per un'ora e poi sono ritornata a casa per pranzare. Mi sono rilassata leggendo un po'.
Mia mamma è venuta a trovarci prima del solito. Non le piace quando fa buio presto. Abbiamo passato piacevolemente un po' di tempo con lei.
Secondo altrui una giornata così può sembrare noioso, ma sono fortunata a poter avere l'opportunita di fare le stesse cose quasi sempre. Per gli altri è difficile capire se non piace a loro, ma non importa.
Vado a guardare un po' la TV. A domani!
Nov. 10, 2023
我喜欢的艺术家今天发行了一张专辑,所以我太开心。专辑叫“Rock Star”是个迷你专辑,一共有8首曲目。其中,我最爱喜的歌曲是“Leave”。这首歌讲述的是一个人不得不与他的爱人分手,尽管他们仍然相爱,但现在却想念爱人的存在。这首歌带有柔和的人声和原声吉他,给人一种凉爽的感觉。所有的歌曲本身都很好听。发行这张迷你专辑就是“Stray Kids”。从去年开始我就是他们的粉丝。我对“Stray Kids”喜欢的第一个理由就是他们制作自己的音乐。他们参与作词、制作、编曲。第二个理由是他们忠于自己,另外,仍然保持真实的声音。虽然他们的音乐会面对批评,他们不关心这些,还不断尝试和发布他们喜欢的歌曲。第三,他们确实是真诚的人。与他们一起工作的人常常会说好的评论。最后原因是他们之间的爱和纽带,他们对职业的热情,他们对粉丝的爱都是真诚的。你会觉得这个女孩不是很妄想的吗?我以前也这样觉得,当时听说人们说那样的话是我很想笑。因为我认为名人做所有这些粉丝服务只是为了保持他们的积极形象。老实说,他们是否真的爱他们的粉丝对我来说不重要,应为他们在名人生活之外,还有自己的个人生活。“Stray Kids” 是我的第一批艺术家,他们打破了我对名人的所有刻板印象和错误假设,让我成为他们的粉丝。
Nov. 10, 2023
Topic: global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today. What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and individuals take to tackle the issue?
In today’s modern era, more and more serious that every also concerned. In this essay, i will indicate the cause of global warming and give the measure tackle issue.
On the one hand, one of the predominant reasons for problems pertaining to climate is pollution. There has been a substantial increae in the automobile industry, everyone owns a car which has resulted in inevitable air pollution, moreover, according to the research by health officials, traffic congestion has increased multifolf in the past few years in metropolitant cities like name india. Consequently it has resulted in the depletion of pure air. additionally, another prominent factor is used plastic which take centuries to recycle. Hence people throw away it in wherever if they want.
On the other hand, there are innumerable measures that can be implemented to avoid chaos. The first solution is the management of cars and encourage exert of electronic vehicle. For example, tesla has been running their electronic cars throughout texas. Last but not least, the government bodies should introduce stringent laws to avoid the owning transportation is harmful environment and levy heavy penalties if found so, these measured should be accepted by all the concerning citizens.
In conclusion,. Global warming is swiftly increasing due to the excessive gases and waste released into the environment,. Howe er, the government should come up and introduce adamant rules and instead of electronic vehicle.
Nov. 10, 2023
After the beach, we booked some trips to the Wadi Rum desert and Petra. There weren't funny stories so I'll tell only that these places were the first time when I didn't feel that someone watching me. There were only men and they acted like I used to men act around women. By the way, in Petra, men looked like Captain Jack Sparrow with tangled hair, eyeliners, and a recognizable beard and mustache.
In the evening, we met with my band from the second part, (P, N, E, T, S, and I) for sort I'll call us PENIST, (I hope I won't get banned) near the swimming pool. We were talking, sharing news and pictures, and drinking, of course.
For this time, one 30-35-year-old woman from a previous arrival joined us. She belongs to the group that arrived a few weeks earlier and should have been going back in a few days.
And this is her story.
She traveled alone and met a local guy. They went on a date a few times, nothing serious just a good time while she was here. One day, she noticed kid clothes in the car, and the guy told her that it was his nephew's stuff. She decides that it is not her business. Later on, she went to the tour's office to book a trip to the desert and met that guy. She greeted him, and he answered kind of coldly and left. The woman who worked there asked her how she knew him, and she pretended she was mistaken.
The tour woman tried to convince her to tell the truth because this guy was married to her friend and they had a kid.
The hotel staff who worked in the cafeteria near the swimming pool were leaving and asked us to switch off the lights when we were done drinking. One day, I asked a staff guy's name because I am friendly, and additionally, I was pretty tipsy. I thought if they asked to switch off the lights every day, it would be polite to know their names. I didn't expect that it would lead to an unexpected result.
Nov. 10, 2023
15:07:45 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)