Aug. 30, 2024
I think I might want to turn this place into some sort of Twitter... Anyway, I don't write here much.
sketch of today:
- Please send back the completed test assignment by 4 p.m. on August 30.
- (15 minutes before the deadline) The file says 2 calendar days, and not 1. May I send it by EOBD today?
- Okay...
- (submits at 8 p.m.)
I'm doomed not to get a job, even the one that I actually can do.
Aug. 30, 2024
Récemment, j'ai du mal à trouver des livres français à lire. J'ai commencé "Le rouge et le noir" et "Les misérables", mais je ne les ai que dans l'application de livres sur mon téléphone, où il peut être difficile de les lire. J'aimerais qu'il y ait une libraire française dans ma ville, où peut-être que j'achèterai une Kindle. Avez-vous quelques recommandations de livres ?
Aug. 30, 2024
Aug. 30, 2024
Aug. 30, 2024
Aug. 30, 2024
Ich gehe zum Supermarkt normalweise früh Abend, bin aber heute gegen 2 Uhr. Als ich einmal durch die Kasse ging, habe ich mich erinnert, dass ich eine fertig gekoches Reis kaufen muss, und ich zur Teilung zurückging. Dann sind gerade normal Reis gekommen. Ich konnte also Reis erstmal seit einer Weile kaufen. Während Verkäufer das Reis auf dem Regal legten, kamen Leute, die das bemarkt haben, dort erwarteten. Wenn ich 5 Minuten später geworden wär, hätte ich kein Reis kaufen können, weil es das Reis nur 30 Packungen zu gaben schien.
Aug. 30, 2024
Aug. 30, 2024
Ahora estudio español. Es mi segundo idioma extranjero, el primero es inglés, como la mayoría de la gente.
Me encanta este idioma (español), para mí es más fácil que el inglés o el chino (intenté estudiarlo también). Me gusta la gramática, el léxico y especialmente me gusta la pronunciación. ¡Sí! Español suena muuuy bonito, me encanta escuchar a los nativos. También me gusta mucho hablar español, para mí es como un paraíso para los oídos.
Pero por supuesto encuentro dificultades. Por ejemplo, es muy difícil hablar tan rápido como un nativo. Sé que necesito practicar más, pero me cuesta mucho.
También es difícil usar todos los artículos, y se, le, la, lo y otros. Cuando escucho español, lo entiendo, pero no puedo hablar de la misma manera. Creo que necesito más tiempo, y podré conseguir los resultados deseados.
¡Gracias por todo!
Aug. 30, 2024
Aug. 30, 2024
Soy una persona un poco introvertida. Así que para mí es estresante conocer a gente nueva.
Me gusta llevar una vida tranquila y vivir en mi zona de confort. Pero a veces trato de dejarla. Por ejemplo, ahora vivo en el extranjero y tengo que conocer a gente nueva cada día. Pero no puedo hacer amigos aquí, aunque no los necesito, porque tengo a mi cariño, mi novio. Él sustituye a todos para mí.
También tengo buenas relaciones con mi familia, mi abuela, mamá y hermana, y con la familia de mi novio: su abuela y mamá.
Solemos comunicarnos cada día y así que no me siento sola.
Pero extraño a mis hermanas en mi país natal. Nos comunicamos por internet, pero no a menudo. Echo de menos nuestras citas en persona, cuando hablábamos y tomábamos café en la cafetería. Fue un tiempo genial.
Aug. 30, 2024
Ces dernieres jours, j'ai vu quelques vidéos avec les proverbes ou les expressions en français.
Par example, j'ai entendu:
« Tomber dans les pommes ». Cela signifie que quelqu'un est en train de perdre se connaissance.
Pour être honnête. Cette expression est très drôle pour moi, parce qu'on peut vraiment imagine qulelqu'un qui tombe sur une pile de pommes.
La deuxième expression j'ai entendu dire était:
« Pisser dans un violon ». Cela signifie « l'action est inutile ». En allemand on a la même expression mais un peu différents : « c'est pour le chat ».
Et enfin la troisième expression:
« Poser un lapin ». Un lapin, c'est « a bunny » en anglais, mais dans ce contexte, cela doit signifer on été transféré.
Aug. 30, 2024
Le mariage de Raoul et Pétronille envenima un conflit déjà existant entre Louis VII et Thibaut IV. Ce dernier attaqua Raoul de Vermandois et l’ost royal envahit la Champagne. En janvier 1143, à Vitry-en-Perthois, les armées du roi incendièrent à l’église dans laquelle 1,500 villageois périrent. Leur mort reprocha à Louis VII, qui partirait pour la deuxième croisade afin d’expier cette faute.
Aug. 30, 2024
The Japanese weather bureau who cried that a huge disastrous typhoon would come to my area had deceived me once again.
They tend to exaggerate things, so I regard it as the boy who cried wolf.
Anyway, when the weather bureau warns us that a natural disaster will come, we have to prepare for it.
And when it turns out to be an exaggeration, we will feel happy and thank god.
Aug. 30, 2024
Me gusta leer artículos en Internet, como la BBC y Wikipedia. Estos son buenos porque son muy descriptivos y específicos del tema, por lo que puedes aprender nuevo vocabulario. Aunque los artículos profesionales son útiles, me gustaría leer contenidos más informales, como foros o redes sociales. Así podría aprender las jergas y los trending topics que interesan a la gente.
Aug. 30, 2024
Ho studiato un po' d' italiano dopo essermi svegliata. Mi sembra di dover andare avanti e imparare altre cose, ma sono bloccata.
È colpa mia, perché voglio sapere meglio varie nozioni di grammatica prima di imparare di più.
Mi dimentico di non sapere tutto nemmeno nella mia madrelingua, è ovvio che sarebbe lo stesso per altre lingue.
Non ci vuole un genio per capire che dovessi mettere più impegno nel mio studio. Però l'altro giorno ho sfogliato tutti i quaderni in cui ho scritto negli ultimi anni tutto ciò che ho imparato. Mi sono resa conto che non ho dimenticato quasi niente di quello che ho imparato fino ad ora.
Dovrei lasciare il mio cervello a conservare le nozioni e le nuove parole che ho imparato.
Per questo motivo non voglio ripassare le stesse cose ogni giorno, voglio andare davanti e godermi la lingua.
Aug. 30, 2024
「SNSがやめられるか」と聞いたら、もうやめたと言えるでしょう。まだインスタのアカウントが所持しても、スマホにアプリがないのであまり使わなりません。そのおかげで、日々の投稿や写真は見なくて、忘れやくなるので毎日インスタをチェックしません。それに、他の国に住んでいる友達や家族と話したいとき、FACETIMEの電話やFacebook Messengerのメールを使って、SNSを使わなくても日常生活にあまり影響がないと思います。反対側に、無駄になる時間が減らしてよかったですわ。
Aug. 30, 2024
It's a difficult summer for a person like me who has a windowsill garden in Shanghai.
I watered my plants every day and sprayed their leaves twice a day, but they are still in bad condition and barely live. The weather has been too hot for a too long time.
This kind of situation made me want a house with a yard. If so, I could put my plants in a better spot, and maybe they would have a better life.
Aug. 30, 2024
September is almost here. At this time of year, the sun sets earlier, and the days get shorter, which can be a bit depressing to me. However, in recent years, I look forward to autumn coming. We have experienced long crazy heat this summer in Japan, and nighttime temperatures have not yet dropped below 25 degrees in my area. Moreover, early autumn is the rainy season. On rainy or cloudy days, the temperature usually doesn’t rise much.
However, autumn is typhoon season in Japan. Actually, a super typhoon is currently passing through the Japanese archipelago, causing a lot of damage including floods and mudslides. I cannot help but feel how greatly we humans can be affected by natural phenomena.
Due to global warming, our perception of the seasons is definitely changing. For example, the autumn leaves season is gradually getting later. This is because temperatures remain relatively high even on late autumn. In addition, the rising sea temperatures are bringing about various changes in fish species and populations. Seasonal recipes also may be subject to change.
Aug. 30, 2024
Aug. 30, 2024
Roughly a decade ago, when I was in middle school, I found a site called Lang8. Lang8 was something similar to this site, it let me post stuff, get corrected for all the mistakes I made, I was quite happy using that site at the time. After a while, due to many circumstances, I just sort of forgot about it. The last time I revisited it was last year and I just notice I can't log in anymore, the site had been dysfunction. To be honest, I don't really care that much because I was more focusing on journaling in my native language, and I had a bit of Dunning-Kruger effect in me as well. Until a year ago, I felt like I can understand everything being said on YouTube (which is the main thing I use to immerse myself in the language), most of the things written on Reddit. That is not the case anymore.
Last year, I decided to go on a quest of conquering the Japanese language due to the love that had been snowballing 3 years prior. It might not seem related to my English, let alone my English writing skills, but as I go further into the Japanese language, I become more aware of my lack of my English skills. When I use an premade Anki deck to brute force through the frequently used vocab, I sometimes see words that I haven't heard of like 'excursion'. I just realized that aware of what one's doesn't know is also a skill, a skill that I myself have forgotten. I started to see more new words popping up in Reddit, words that a native speaker would 100% know but I have no clue what those are: buoyancy, dyslexia, amalgamation, etc. Knowing that I have been trying to bridge the gap between me and a native by reading more stories and novels as I sort of reaching the diminishing returns of my listening skills (or this is just another layer of Dunning - Kruger effect). I braced myself for the pain I would have to go through knowing it would be hard, but my first novel went pretty smoothly, it was "They both die at the end" by Adam Silvera. The novel was fairly recent and the vocab used was closely related to this era, I was surprised by how fast I could get through 400 pages in just a day. My confidence was boost, by a lot. At that time I also got informed about a site that rate the difficulties of books in a scoring systems called "Lexile" (shorten as "xL", the higher the number x is, the harder the book) I checked and saw that one was about 900L. On a whim, I hopped on to a e-commerce site and but a bunch of novels, there were "Sapiens" (unrated), "The secret garden", "To kill a Mocking Bird"; the scientific one like Sapiens might be a challenge, but the rest has way much lower Lexile score - what could possibly go wrong?
It turns out the easiest book is the non-fiction one and the rest is brutal to get through, "The secret garden" uses a lot of weird Indian accent or something, the characters also use a lot of old pronouns like "thy", "thee" or combinations like "th'art", etc. I haven't even finish "To kill a Mocking bird" yet, the vocabulary use is really dense, in fact, it is denser than "The secret garden" by a multitude in my opinion. And don't let me get started on "Lolita" - Nabokov, that was indeed a novel with beautiful use of language, but having read through it in my native language, I still find it deserve a soft spot for one of the harder books in English. That being said, I got my hands full with Japanese lately, so I couldn't read novels in English as much as I used to. I still want to work on my second language - English, so I thought to myself: Maybe practice writing once again is a good idea, it doesn't interfere with my Japanese immersion and I have the urge to express myself more in English lately as well. That's how I ended up here, hopefully this is not too cumbersome for corrections. To anyone reading this, I hope you have a good day and lots of improvement on your language learning journey.
Aug. 30, 2024
Aug. 30, 2024
Un mese fa ho acquistato una lampada che si usa per indurire lo smalto in gel usato per la manicure. Ci sono vari tipi di smalto: lo smalto classico che purtroppo erode entro qualche giorno, l’acrilico unghie molto saldo e resistente e il gel, che a parer mio è la via di mezzo tra queste tecniche perché dura per più tempo ma non fa danni alle unghie tanto quanto l’acrilico. Il gel per unghie viene attivato per i raggi ultravioletti, quindi bisogna inserire le dita all’interno di una lampada fornita da questi raggi. Sebbene sia un metodo più sano in confronto dell’acrilico, devo fare attenzione all’esposizione frequente ai raggi UV che aumenta il rischio di sviluppare cancro della pelle oltre a far venire delle rughe alle dita al livello estetico. Noto anche di aver sviluppato una grande testuggine sul medio della mano sinistra tre estati fa; non me ne preoccupo, ma mia sorella dice che dovrei visitare il dermatologo prima o poi per farla controllare.
Aug. 29, 2024
Aug. 29, 2024
Aug. 29, 2024
12:58:59 (UTC)
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