toobatea's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022

El peligro de los extraños

Vivimos en un mundo en que la gente se sienten cada vez más sola, excluida y desconectada. Lo que no nos ayuda es el miedo a hablar con extraños, que nos aflige por culpa de quienes han difundido el mensaje de que el acto de hablar al azar puede ponernos en peligro. Algunos expertos afirman que enseñarnos esto, desde una edad temprana, ha tenido graves consecuencias: un tipo de precaución y preocupación que va demasiado lejos ha reducido nuestra capacidad de confiar en otras personas, y ha llevado a la pérdida de oportunidades sociales y económicas. Sin embargo, hablar con desconocidos, en las condiciones adecuadas, puede mejorar el estado de ánimo y aportar un sentimiento de pertenencia.

Toda la vida nos han vendido el mensaje del peligro de los extraños, así que no me sorprende que les tengamos miedo. Cuando era más joven, todos los adultos me advertían que no hablara con desconocidos por el peligro. Pero a medida que fui creciendo, me di cuenta de que hablar con el desconocido a tu lado tiene sus beneficios. Al hablar con ellos en los bares y las calles, he encontrado momentos de alegría y amistades tan profundas que no esperaba, que no habrían sido posibles si no hubiera interactuado con ellos. Ciertamente, algunas personas han atravesado experiencias traumáticas con desconocidos; lo mismo me ha pasado. Pero eso no significa que todo el mundo represente un riesgo, ni que debamos descartar a todos por no ser un conocido.

ziopasta's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022






applebubble's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022

Der Sommer

Diesen Sommer habe ich kein mit dem Flugzeug gereist. Obwohl die Pandemie fast ausgestorben ist und die Regierung jetzt die Flüge zulasst, der Preis der Flüge sehr hoch ist, deshalb es lohnt sich nicht reisen.

Romany's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022

2 milliards de personnes mangent des insectes

Dans une entrée de journal précédent j’ai mentionné la sécurité alimentaire et j’ai posé la question : s’il y aura assez de nourriture pour tous les inhabitants du monde dans les années à venir. Le Salon international de l’alimentation vient de se tenir à Paris et les délégués qui venaient de partout, réfléchissaient à cette question. Comme j’ai déjà écrit, l’innovation est le clé et pour certains spécialistes les insectes pourraient faire partie de notre alimentation quotidienne.

Je vois vous frissonner mais pour 2 milliards, c’est à dire, un humain sur quatre mangent des insectes régulièrement. Apparemment, on dit que ces personnes sont entomophages : un nouveau mot pour moi ! En Thaïlande, au Mexique et dans certains pays africains, les chenilles, les criquets et des vers sont au menu. Ce dont je me souviens, c’est quand j’étais en Thaïlande, nous nous sommes arrêtés à un feu de circulation et il y avait des petits enfants qui vendaient des insectes frits. Le chauffeur m’a fortement encouragée d’en acheter. Selon lui, c’étaient délicieux et on les mangeait comme collation.

Alors, mettre de côté nos préjugés, car on dit que les insectes sont pleins de nutriments : des vitamines, des protéines et beaucoup plus encore. En effet, les insectes sont pleins des substances indispensables à notre bonne santé. De plus, élever des insectes est écologique. On n’a pas besoin de beaucoup d’eau ou d’espaces et ils mangent n’importe quoi.

Quant à moi, je hésite de remplacer de temps en temps la viande ou le poisson avec les insectes. Ça sera pour moi, un pas trop loin.

edwardhopper's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022

J'ai envie de dormir

Je me suis levé aujourd’hui en me sentant super fatigué. C’est parce que j’ai dormi très tard la nuit dernière et que je n’ai pu dormir très bien. En effet je continuais réveiller en pleine nuit. Maintenant, je ne veux rien faire d’autre que dormir mais j’essaie de lutter ce sentiment. Même si la météo ne m’aide pas du tout. Il pleut tellement du coup tout ce que je veux faire est dormir. Pour combattre contre ça, je vais prendre un bain froid et faire une promenade.

JoeTofu's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022


1⃣️ “我是一个中国人。”
2⃣️ “我是一个住在法国的中国人。”

如果把 “一个” 删除掉,会不会听起来更自然一点?

3⃣️ “我是中国人。”
4⃣️ “我是住在法国的中国人。”

zaozao's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022

A diary written yesterday

I stayed up late last night just for watching short videos about XuSong, a famous singer in China, through Bilibili (one of the most popular video websites in China). I felt so regretted that I didn’t write my diary timely and waste a lot of time. It hurts my eyes a lot cuz the light was too faint at the night. I just couldn’t t stop scrolling through the screen even though I didn’t find something that attracted me too much.

Is this app full of magic? Then why my eyes could not move away from the screen? Reflecting on myself, perhaps it is the feeling of boredom that make me do this kind of useless and repeated thing.

I promise to finish every day’s tasks first, then have a little rest. Try to have a real life conversation with friends to clear my head.

When I went to the bed, I suddenly remembered my unfinished work, watch a spoken practicing course, memory new vocabulary and listen to the interpreting course. How busy should I have been. However I didn’t take it seriously, as if it’s not a big deal for me. Only if the examination of CET 6 is around the corner will I fully concentrated on studying.

Super thank you for corrections.

applebubble's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022


Неправильно говорить, что производители и эксперты краш-тестов никогда не рассчитали женскую анатомию, когда они придумали манекены, использованные в соответственных тестах. На самом деле, согласно десятилетнему отчёту, сделанному американской газетой, транспортное управление уже начало тесты женских манекенов с 2003-го года. Тем не менее, тогдашние модели были по-простому уменьшенными вариантами стандартных мужицких моделей, равнявшись размерам двенадцатилетнего, символизировав по этой причине только 5 процентов женщин.

Сегодня, шведские инженеры выпустили обновленные манекены, назвав их "моделями для оценки сидений", которые являются более символизированными женских тел.

Числено говоря, мужчины с гораздо более вероятностью гибнут в ДТР, чем женщины, поскольку они проводят длиннее время за рулём, и они более склонны к совершению рискованных действий на дороге. Однако, женщины страдают от более серьёзных травм после аварии, если учесть размеры их тел. Из-за этой принципы, женщин-инженеры были вдохновлены создать более точные модели.

Сегодняшнее исследование сосредоточивается на смягчении ударов, причинённых во время ДТП. Исследователи сделали акцент на то, что дизайн сиденья влияет на вероятность выживания, из-за разницы центра тяжести между мужчинами и женщинами. Насчёт причины, почему только сейчас есть точное изображение женского тела, они ответили, что
мужчины царят в научной области, так что число сторонников более точных моделей-очень мало. В будущем, они надеются , что будут создаться модели пожилых, детей и тучных.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022

A WeChat Message

Hi, Eilidh, People who do Covid tests are transferred from some public or private hospitals, and they get their salary from their original work unit.

In fact, every volunteer has a work unit and has a steady income.

Epidemic prevention and control work is only phased work, and volunteers don't need to work for it for so long, so it doesn't matter much to work for it for a short period without paying.

But if people took it as full time work for a long time, there would be a specific department paying them, otherwise no one would do it.

People who do the job also need to live, to support their families, so they can't do things without getting payback.

zaozao's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022

My little diary

Do work out a lot. I felt sore and ache all over from back to feet.
Yesterday I went to a suburban home with my friend, and when we came back to school, we immediately happened to catch a bus, which was extremely fortunate, because we have to waited for at least 10 minutes in the bus stop before. Interestingly, the bus driver was still the one who sent us to our destination in the morning.
In the afternoon, though the restaurant was crowded with people, most of them are students, we got into the restaurant without a hesitation. Waiting for about 20 minutes, our delicious dinner was on the table. I did not think the food was as good as it used to be, maybe I was just not hungry anymore after a long wait.
Thank you for correcting.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022

Nucleic Acid Testing

My head teacher at school posted a message in the social media platform,asked every one of us must submit a screenshot of Nucleic Acid Testing result, only negative in the last 24 hours was allowed to go back to school.

pumpkinpie's avatar

Nov. 7, 2022

練習 「ています」


ashlynn1257's avatar

Nov. 6, 2022

Mi rutina de mañana


Cuando me levantaba en la mañana, usar el baño y lavarse los dientes. Después puse la ropa, cepillarme el pelo, y ir a desayuné. Usualmente, comía un bagel y bebía un taza de naranja.

Con la correcciones:

Cuando levantaba en las mañanas, usaba el baño y me lavaba los dientes. Después me ponía la ropa, me capillaba el pelo, e iba a desayunar. Usualmente, comía un bagel y babía un vaso de jugo de naranja.

Quelle est votre saison préférée ?

Ma saison préférée est définitivement l’automne. Premièrement, je pense que la météo est le plus agréable en automne. Je ne supporte pas trop la chaleur, et je suis toujours soulagé quand la première fraîcheur d’automne arrive, alors je peux porter une jolie chemise en flanelle. Les changements plus rapides dans la météo, le feuillage, et la lumière sont un rappel d’être conscient de l’impact de l’environnement sur nos vies. Bon, ça peut devenir un peu fatiguant d’avoir besoin de ratisser les feuilles tout le temps, mais à mon avis ça vaut le coup. Deuxièmement, l’automne a deux de mes fêtes préférées : l’Halloween et le jour d’Action de grâce. Il y a toujours des soirées déguisées à Halloween où on peut s’amuser bien avec ses amis. En revanche, le jour d’Action de grâce est une période de passer chez famille, réfléchissant bien à quoi est le plus important.

frannie_'s avatar

Nov. 6, 2022

Frases 13

Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntete libre de dejar cualquier corrección.

1. My dad is really cheap.
- Mi papá es muy tacaño.
1. I’m not looking forward to summer this year.
- No estoy deseando que llegue el verano este año.
1. Apparently this summer is going to be the hottest it has been ever.
- Al parecer, este verano va a ser el más caluroso que jamás haya sido.
1. I would like to get a tan at the beach!
- ¡Me gustaría quemarme en la playa!
1. Are you an extrovert?
- ¿Eres un extrovertido?
1. We have to buy fake nails. (Plastic nails)
- Tenemos que comprar uñas falsos.
1. I enjoy talking to you.
- Disfruto hablar contigo.
1. What country would you travel to to see snow?
- ¿En cuál país te gustaría viajar para ver el nieve?
1. In Australia, it snows in only one place.
- En Australia, solo nieva en un lugar.
1. Although I haven’t done much in my life yet, it just means that I have more experiences to look forward to later in life and now!
- Aunque no ya he hecho mucho en mi vida, solo significa que tengo más experiencias que esperar más adelante en la vida.
1. My friend left (dropped out of) school early due to bullying.
- Mi amigo dejó los estudios temprano debido al acoso.
1. We are all working and we all want to travel together.
- A todos estamos trabajando y todos queramos viajar juntos.
1. I find it really exciting that we are all going to go to university.
- Me cuesto emocionante que a todos vamos a ir a universidad.
1. It doesn’t matter.
- No importa.
1. It is a six month course you do, and after you complete it, you can go into any university course you want.
- Es una carrera de seis meses que hagas, y después de entregarla, puedes ir a cualquiera carrera quieres.

anthony_guilherme's avatar

Nov. 6, 2022

O que eu gosto em Portugal

Olá a todos, espero que esteja tudo bem com vocês.

Hoje eu gostaria de falar sobre algumas coisas das quais gosto em Portugal.
Primeiro, acho que o clima é muito bom, é muitas vezes ameno e o sol costuma estar presente. Por isso, é bastante diferente de França onde não há muito sol durante o inverno.
Portugal é uma país com uma cultura muito rica, ora no âmbito literário com autores como Luis de Camões, José Saramago e Fernando Pessoa como em outros âmbitos artísticos com por exemplo o fado. A comida também é uma das coisas das quais eu gosto muito, em particular dos caldos e dos pastéis de Nata que como quase diáriamente.
Admiro muito a beleza de Lisboa, é uma cidade muito colorida e gosto muito da sua arquitetura e do fato que esta cidade tem muitos parques e espaços verdes onde é possível descansar. Um detalhe do qual gosto são os pavimentos de pedra com padrões artísticos.
Finalmente, gosto imenso dos portugueses, acho que são muito abertos, alegres e fazem todo o possível para que eu me sinta como se estivesse em casa. Acho que encontraram um equilíbrio entre a vida profissional e as atividades de lazer.

Poderia falar de muitas mais coisas, e fá-lo-ei, mas nos meus próximos textos.

Até já!

whisperofspring's avatar

Nov. 6, 2022



courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 6, 2022

Challenge, Day 37

Today es the 37 th day of my daily English challenge. Today I felt much better than yesterday.

After woke up, I drunk lemon juice. I don't like to have breakfast. Then, I washed my face, brushed my teeth. I begun to clean the fridge because had messy. After I finished it. I baked chicken potato. It was delicious!

In the afternoon, I reviewed some lessons in Spanish, then I read tow texts a loud. I also did same in English. I was delighted that what I did today.

Before sleeping tonight, I will take care of myself and I read my book.

maymaymay_'s avatar

Nov. 6, 2022

Please review my essay.

Do you collect anything?

No, I don’t. I am not very into collecting things. I understand that many people collect on particular stuff because they love it so much. I have a strong love for books too, but I do not want to make a whole collection of my favorite novels and comics. For me, it seems like a waste of money as I can pay a much lower price for the digital form. Besides, my house is too small for this kind of hobby.

3. Is collecting a popular pastime in Vietnam?

I am not sure because I do not know a lot of people, but there are many people that I know who are into collecting. My younger sister and brother, for example, have a whole collection of shoes, some of which they never wear. My childhood friend bought the whole series of all his favorite comics, and dedicate a room to store them.

4. Do a lot of people in Vietnam collect things and what do they collect

I guess just a small number of people in Vietnam are into collecting things. Most people do not have the time or money to pursue this hobby. But I have seen many young people who like to collect high-end products such as shoes, bags, and watches. Stamp collecting is popular among the older generation in Vietnam.
What subjects are you studying?
I’m currently working now, so I do not study any subject at the moment. But I graduated from the University of Finance and Marketing with a degree in International Business.

What subjects are you studying?
I’m currently working now, so I do not study any subject at the moment. But I graduated from the University of Finance and Marketing with a degree in International Business.

4. Why did you choose to study that subject?
The first reason is that I have a knack for learning English, so I decided to pursue a career that could make use of it. Another reason is that at that time me and my parents believed that the business sector offered better salaries than others. As a result, I wanted to work in the import and export industry, so I chose to study International Business.

5. Do you like your subject? (English linguistics)
No, I did not. While the courses that required English skills were rather easy for me, those that required Math skills, such as financial analysis, were torture for me, as I am very bad at Math. I wish I had chosen to study English linguistics major instead.

1. Is it very interesting
Some courses were quite interesting. I don’t really remember their names, but one course really opened my eyes to the basic concepts of a country’s financial system, which were totally fascinating. Others, on the other hand, were quite dull, especially ones that required mathematics and Excel skills.

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 6, 2022

Día sexto de mi reto

Hoy es el sexto día de mi reto de español. hoy me he levantado poco bien. lo primer algo lo he hecho es tomar zumo de limón,luego me he lavado la cara y los dientes.

Por la mañana, he limpiado la congelador porque estaba sucio y desordenada,después he preparado un plato es " Patatas con pollo al horno."

Por la tarde, he revisado algunas lecciónes en español, además, he léido un texto en voz alta. Creo que es una buena manera para mejorar mi dioma.

A la 15 horas, tuve una cita con a mi amiga por Skype y la había esperado por mucho tiempo, desafurtunadamente,no ella estaba en linea. Entences, he leído tambien dos textos en inglés en voz alta.

polyglot27's avatar

Nov. 6, 2022

Introverti(e) ou extroverti(e)?

Un(e) Introverti(e) est quelqu’un qui préfère être avec une ou deux personnes aussitôt qu’une foule. Ils sont concentrés sur leurs pensées intérieures et leurs idées. Ils ont tendance à être timides et réfléchissants. Ils préfèrent travailler seule. Des carrières pour un introverti : comptable, informaticien(ne), écrivain(e).

Un(e) extroverti(e) est quelqu’un qui préfère parler avec tout le monde. Ils reçoivent leur énergie par la socialisation. Ils sont ouverts et ils ont un vaste réseau social. Ils aiment travailler en équipe. Des carrières pour un extraverti : agent(e) de change, agent(e) immobilier, politicien(ne), coiffeur/coiffeuse.

Je suis un extroverti. J’adore parler avec de nouvelles personnes. C’est parfait pour moi parce que je dois parler avec des personnes au travail. J'apprécie de travailler en équipe.

slypkc's avatar

Nov. 6, 2022


저는 최근에 매우 바빴습니다. 국어와 언어학을 위해 열심히 공부하고 있습니다. 한국 문화에 대해 배우는 것과 한국어를 배우는 것을 정말 즐깁니다. 최근에 "친애하는 평양"이라는 다큐멘터리를 봤습니다. 어떤 언어를 배우든 그 나라의 문화를 배우는 것이 중요하다고 생각합니다.

maymaymay_'s avatar

Nov. 6, 2022

Please review my essay

What types of buildings are there in your city?
In the affluent neighborhood of my hometown, Buon Ma Thuot city, you can see all kinds of buildings that are associated with developed urban areas, such as skyscrapers, high-rise apartments, and large office and factory buildings. The city also has some slums packed with weak buildings that look like they will fall down at any moment. But what makes it different from others is that you can spot many traditional stilt houses made of wood or bamboo in some ethnic minority villages.

Do you prefer old or new buildings?

With no question, I would go for old ones, for both safety and convenience reasons. It is unavoidable that houses will be degraded over time, so old houses are certainly less safe than new houses. Also, I believe that construction design and materials evolve in a way that can fulfill the changing need of people. So I would argue that modern houses are more comfortable and safe to live in than historic ones. Like, most of them are designed to be able to provide electricity to all rooms, which is something that you can hardly enjoy in an old building.

Are historical buildings important?
Absolutely, I think they are of great importance, and governments therefore should pay more attention to preserving them. I believe that such buildings represent the history and culture of the past, and they promote a shared identity for the community. They also can attract visitors and benefit the local tourism industry due to their unique character.

Would you like to live in an old building?
No, absolutely not. I have seen so many people talk about how their old houses or apartments are so inconvenient to live in, either on the news or on YouTube. Like, the ancient houses in certain areas in Hanoi, which are protected by the law against demolition, are notorious for being so uncomfortable to live in that the owners have many times protested to gain the right to reconstruct them. Similarly, while most old apartment buildings in France give a unique gothic vibe to the city and are very pleasant to look at, I have watched some people that have rented them reviewing what living there is like on YouTube. They are obviously not satisfied at all with the poor ventilation and no elevator system.

dragonzy's avatar

Nov. 6, 2022

Блін! Відпусте!

Блін! Відпусте! [formal]

Блін! Випусте кермо! [formal]

Блін! Відпусте! [formal]

Блін! Випусте кермо! [formal]

omikami's avatar

Nov. 6, 2022



