Nov. 6, 2022
Nov. 6, 2022
O ano passado, no fevereiro, ficamos por uma noite ao Hotel de Gelo em Kiruna, a Suécia. Foi uma experiência fantástica!
O hotel está feito de gelo e neve, mas não é preciso de se preocupar pelo frio. Afora estava a -29 graus, mas o interior do hotel estava a -5 graus.
Usávamos roupas de inverno, assim que a temperatura não foi um problema.
Pela noite dormimos numa cama feita de gelo a l'interior dos nossos sacos de dormir. Não tivemos nada de frio. Dormimos a noite toda e de manhã comemos um pequeno-almoço típico suíço.
Mas houve alguns problemas. O restaurante era caro demais e o serviço foi um pouco lento. Esperamos quase uma hora os nossos pratos.
O hotel tem também uma sauna e um “spa”.
Certamente, não é barato, mas é uma experiência inesquecível.
Nov. 6, 2022
Ich habe diesen Typ kennengelernt, auf dem ich total stehe. Wir haben uns nur einmal gesehen und unterhalten, für ungefähr eine Stunde. Wir sind durch die Stadt ein bisschen spaziergegangen. Damals dachte ich, dass wir mehr zu der Nacht hätten, aber er hat andere Pläne. Es war eigentlich für mich eine Enttäuschung, trotzdem habe ich das verstanden. Wir hatten keine Pläne außer einem Treffen.
Das ist vor einem Monat passiert. Seitdem haben wir uns zwar geschrieben, aber unbedingt weniger als ich möchte. Naja, nach dem ersten Treffen meinte er, dass wir uns zuerst nur Freunde sein sollen. Ich habe wahrscheinlich zu viel darauf erwartet.
Ich will mir aber nicht schämmen. Nicht nur ich aber er auch hat versucht einen neuen Treffen wahr zu nehmen. Trotzdem gibt es immer etwas im Weg, das alles kaputt macht. Heute würden wir uns nochmals treffen, wenn er nicht zu die Familie fahren müsste.
Vielleicht näschstes Wochenende?
Nov. 6, 2022
There was a bird. Her name was Chucky. She had beautiful colorful feathers. But she couldn't fly, because cat tore out her tail. At first Chucky was very upset and decided to figure out what means to be happy. She asked the Sun, The Wind and the Water. But they gave her different answers. Chucky was taken aback. She thought she was completely confused. Then she asked a wise owl and the owl replied:
- Happiness is what makes you happy.
Little bird realized that she was happy when she was flying. So, she didn't give up and build hot air balloon. Now she could fly on it and was very happy.
Nov. 6, 2022
Nov. 6, 2022
Ich habe schon Wörterbücher und Google benutzt, aber bitte prüfen Sie meine Aussage.
Heute habe ich eine meiner Bassgitarren mitgebracht. Ich habe sie in 2015 in Glasgow gekauft und habe sie mit meiner alten Band "Apache Sun" gespielt. Ich spielte jahrelang in dieser Band mit meinem älteren Bruder und zusammen haben wir Musik veröffentlicht und live in Schottland herum gespielt. Unsere Musik wurde in einige amerikanischen Fernsehserien verwendet und kommt auch in einem Film mit dem Titel "Uncharted" vor, der dieses Jahr herauskam. Sie wird in einer Filmmontage verwendet und ich fand es ziemlich lustig. Ich habe mit 13 angefangen, Bassgitarre zu spielen, aber ich habe mit 7 angefangen, Kontrabass zu spielen. Deswegen habe ich immer das Instrument sehr gut versteht. Meine Eltern kauften mir meinen ersten Bass als Weihnachtsgeschenk, aber ich spiele lieber diesen, weil sie sich so gut spielen lässt. Heutzutage spiele ich nicht mehr so oft, weil ich mich auf Deutschlernen konzentriere, aber ich habe vor kurzem eine neue Band gegründet, die "Rudergerät" heißt. Ich spiele auch jeden Freitag mit einem Freund, den ich in Reha kennengelernt habe. Zusammen spielen wir sowohl Lieder von Nirvana als auch Eigenkompositionen. Ich habe auch in Jazzbands und Musiktheater gespielt, aber meine liebsten Basslines sind immer Reggae-Basslinien, weil sie immer sehr cool klingen. Mit diesem Instrument einen Ton zu machen, kann man die Saite mit deinen Fingern oder einem Plektrum zupfen, und die Vibrationen werden von den Tonabnehmern aufgenommen und an den Verstärker gesendet. Es ist wichtig, mit den Schlagzeuger im Takt zu bleiben und nicht zu viele Noten zu spielen. Meine Lieblingsbassisten sind Paul McCartney von The Beatles, Geezer Butler von Black Sabbath und Krist Novoselic von Nirvana. Als ich jünger war, habe ich viel Black Sabbath gespielt, um meine Fähigkeiten zu verbessern. Wenn man in einem Veranstaltungsort spielt, wackelt der Raum und es fühlt sich immer gut an, Bassgitarre laut zu spielen. Habt ihr alle irgendwelche fragen?
Nov. 6, 2022
Nov. 6, 2022
Quel souvenir aimerez-vous le plus revisiter?
Pour moi, je veux revisiter le période où j’ai fait une croisière. Ça s’est passé en 2014 et c’était la première et la seule fois que j’ai fait une croisière. Cette expérience fait partie de mes meilleures souvenirs préférés parce que j’ai passé un trop bon moment. C’était une croisière Alaskienne, j’ai donc pu voir des glaciers et de la neige pour la première fois. J’ai aussi beaucoup de famille aux États-Unis, du coup j’ai réussi à rencontrer avec eux. Je voyage beaucoup mais je n’ai jamais rien fait d’aussi merveilleuse que cette croisière Alaskienne. Je ne l’oublierai jamais pour le reste de ma vie.
Nov. 6, 2022
Nov. 6, 2022
How often do you wear a watch?
Actually, I never wear a watch. However, when I was in secondary school, my uncle gave me one as a gift from his business trip to China. So I wore it from time to time, but I threw it away two months later because the strap broke.
What was your first watch look like?
If my memory serves me right, it had a bright red plastic strap and a mickey mouse graphic on the dial. It looked really childish and cheap. I did not like wearing it at all, but I still wore it sometimes, especially when my uncle was around, as it is his gift.
What type of watch do you prefer?
I would prefer a rose gold watch with a real leather strap that would feel comfortable on my skin. And I also want the strap to be ultra-slim so that it would not look strangely big on my thin wrist. I bought one exactly like that from an American brand called Fossil, which is famous for delivering high-quality, affordable watches, for my younger sister on her birthday.
Did anyone give you a watch as a gift?
As I have just said, my uncle gifted me a watch after returning from a business trip to china. He said that he bought it in a gift shop at Shanghai Disneyland. But he really did not take my age into account; the mickey mouse graphic on its dial is totally not suited for me at that time, a secondary student.
Why do people wear expensive watches?
I guess that people buy costly watches for all sorts of reasons; Some may do this because they believe that high price also means high quality. But I think for most people, especially men, watches from high-end brands are a necessary symbol to showcase their social status and wealth. They may want people to think highly of them.
Nov. 6, 2022
Бывшая экономка учредителя Amazon, Джефф Безос, возмутилась тем, что она и другие работники испытали рискованные рабочие условия у его дома, когда они работали там. Такие условия включали в себя принуждение вылезти из окна комнаты, чтобы дойти до туалета, пока семья Безоса была домой. В иски, предъявленный к общественному деятелю на этой неделе, другая экономка обвинила Безоса в дискриминации, когда её отругал во время представления предложения о том, что передышки должны длиться больше и должны быть больше мест, где работники могли есть.
Адвокат Безоса отрицал все обвинения, назвав их "абсурдны". Он объяснил, что зарплата экономки составила миллионы долларов ежегодно; по этой причине, не были совершены никаких актов дискриминации. Кроме того, экономки пользовались полным авторитетом насчёт передышек. Судя по этому факту, данное происшествие является маловероятным. Адвокат предложил, что экономка получила нагоняй по неудовлетворительной работе, а не по её логичным предложениям.
Кроме того, экономки сказали, что им было часто нельзя использовать туалеты, пока семья была домой, из-за того, что Безос и его семья, по их собственным словам, были "вправе" использовать их исключительно, ведь они были владельцами дома. Тем не менее, адвокат снова отвергнул эту "ложь", делав акцент на то, что у экономок были собственные туалеты.
Nov. 6, 2022
Ciao! Scrivo questa risposta perché non sono d’accordo con te. Penso che il maggior parte dei pendolari siano pazzi per questi monopattini elettrici. Ciononostante, io ho un’altra opinione: credo che questi veicoli rovinino la città.
Tuttavia, naturalmente ogni esperienza è differente. Perciò, ti scrivo dei vantaggi (e per essere categorico anche degli svantaggi) dell’utilizzazione dei monopattini.
Prima i vantaggi; da una parte la possibilità di noleggiare monopattini elettrici stimola la gente di scegliere viaggiare con questo veicolo invece di viaggiare in macchina. Per di più, monopattini occupano meno spazio delle macchine.
D’altra parte, credo che il fatto, che il maggior parte dei pendolari buttano i monopattini dappertutto nel marciapiede. Quelli non solo paiono brutti, però anche bloccano il traffico pedonale, e questa situazione può essere pericoloso particolarmente per gli anziani.
A mio parere ci sono molti migliori mezzi pubblici nella città eterna. È superfluo dire che viaggiare con l’autobus pubblico è meglio di viaggiare a macchina e di viaggiare in veicoli elettrici (incluso l’argomento del tema, i monopattini) per l’ambiente. Detto questo, è anche vero che ci sono delle situazioni in cui praticamente si obbliga di viaggiare con la macchina: come quando c’è un’emergenza o quando è molto tardo è già non ci sono dei mezzi pubblici.
Nov. 6, 2022
Ciao! Francamente, scrivo questa risposta per convincerti a cogliere questa occasione. La causa è che anch’io ho partecipato a una borsa di studio all’estero non solo una volta, ma due volte! La prima volta ero in Israele, la seconda in Slovacchia, e tutte le due mi sono piaciuti molto.
Tuttavia, naturalmente ogni esperienza è differente. Perciò, ti scrivo dei vantaggi (e per essere categorico anche degli svantaggi) di studiare all’estero.
Da una parte, viviamo in un’epoca in cui dobbiamo sempre adattarci a nuovi ambienti; abitare in un altro paese, conoscere e vivere un’altra cultura sono delle esperienze ottime per abituarti ai cambiamenti degli ambienti.
D’altra parte, è possibile che sarà difficile per te a socializzare con gli altri studenti nell’altra università. C’è anche la minaccia che non potrai finire gli studi in tempo, perché le materie nelle due università sono troppo diverse.
Nov. 6, 2022
Nov. 6, 2022
1. What clothes are you wearing today?
I'm wearing an orange fleece-lined hoodie and a pair of jeans.
2. Where do you buy most of your clothes?
I usually buy clothes on the internet. I don't like hanging around clothes shops to buy clothes as it costs a lot of time.
3. Do you think it's difficult to have your own business? Why/Why not?
I think it's very difficult. To have my own business, first I need to know what kind of business I want to have. But I don't have any idea about it. Secondly, even if I know what business I want to have, I don't have enough money to start a business as business failure is very common. Thirdly, a businessman is typically very outgoing but I'm not. There are some successful businessmen who are introverts but in general, being outgoing can help improve the chances of business success.
Nov. 6, 2022
L’un de mes plats préférés est le risotto. On dit qu’il est compliqué de faire cuisiner et qu’il prend du temps à préparer. Autant que moi, je trouve qu’il est facile de cuisiner et on peut utiliser n’importe quels ingrédients disponibles.
Moi, parfois, je le fait comme un plat végétarien avec de la citrouille, des épinards ou des poids. D’autres fois je le prépare avec des saucissons, du poulet ou des crevettes. Les ingrédients clés sont le riz, le fromage et le bouillon. À mon avis le secret est d’avoir un stock de bonne qualité. Quant à moi, je fais toujours mon stock à la maison dans la mijoteuse : c’est délicieux à chaque fois.
J’ai quelques vingtaines de recettes et même si beaucoup sont faites sur la cuisinière, je les ai adaptées à faire au four. La semaine dernière je me suis tombée sur une recette inhabituelle : un risotto vert avec burata. Les couleurs étaient vives. La recette me semble d’être assez facile.
Voici en gros les instructions. D’abord, on prépare la salsa verte. On mélange l’épinard, le basilic, les échalotes, la menthe avec un peu de l’huile et de vinaigre : mettre cela de côté. Ensuite, on fait frire un oignon et un ail finement hachés, et après quelques minutes ajoute le riz. Puis, on ajoute le stock chaud en 4 lots. Lorsque le riz est presque cuit, mélange les pois, le parmesan et la salsa verte. Enfin, ajoute l’assaisonnement et le dessus avec la burata. C’est prêt en moins de 20 minutes. La photo est superbe et le plat très appétissant : j’ai hâte de le faire cuisiner.
Nov. 6, 2022
Do you have a talent, or something you are good at?
I do not know if this can count as a talent but I can read really fast. I do not count exactly how many words I can read in a minute, but at least I’m sure I read faster than all my friends and acquaintances.
Was it mastered recently or when you were young?
It definitely was from a young age. I realized that I can read significantly faster than others around me as soon as I was able to read fluently, around 7 or 8. I, just like every other kid, loved reading novels and comics, but my parents could not afford to buy me any. So I used to borrow them from my friends after they finished reading, or if I could not wait to read, I read together with my friends. However, when I had already finished reading the whole page, they still did not read half of it. It happened all the time with all my friends, regardless of their age, and that is when I recognized my own talent – reading fast.
Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why?
Maybe. I think it would help if I choose to work as a proofreader, or jobs requiring reading long documents. But the odds are high as I am currently preparing to become an English teacher, and do not have the intention to switch to other careers if am hired.
Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?
I suppose not. While I am certain that my siblings read much slower than me, I am not really sure about whether or not my parents can read fast because I rarely see them read; their job does not require reading, they do not have time to read and they are not even interested in reading.
Nov. 6, 2022
La settimana prossima e per lavorando. Lunedi lavorero a mia casa, farò una passagiata con mia cane e praticcero pianoforte quando ho finito lavorare. Martedi e Mercoledi viaggiero a Londra lavorare con miei colleghi. Pranzemo insieme. La fine settimana incontrero mia famiglia gioceremo calcio. Habitono vicino a me
Nov. 6, 2022
Was werden Sie nächste Woche tun?
Nächste Woche, ich werde im Büro zurückgehen, weil ich müsse an einem Treffen teilnehmen. Auf dem Treffen werden ich und die andere Teilnehmer über das Thema der Simplifizierung einiger Arbeitsprozesse diskutieren. Wir müssen einen Plan entwickeln, den wir müssen unserem Boss zeigen. Zu Hause, ich werde weiterhin mein Buch lesen. Ich glaube, dass die nächste Woche wird sehr langweilig zu sein.
Nov. 6, 2022
Nov. 6, 2022
Nov. 6, 2022
Das Wetter in Baschkortostan in kommenden zwei Tagen steht unter dem Einfluss des Westwindes, der ganze Himmel ist mit Wolken bedeckt, mit der Sonne ist nicht zu Rechnen.
Die Temperaturen in den meisten Regionen Baschkortostans liegen bei 0 bis -2 Grad, im Osten und Südosten ist es ein wenig kühler — 5 bis 7 Grad unter null. In den Bergen schneit es heute den ganzen Tag lang, ansonsten kann man Niederschlag am Nachmittag in der Umgebung von Oktjabrski erwarten.
In Ufa ist es wolkig, 0 bis -2 Grad, gegen Abend heitert es sich ein bisschen auf. Ein mäßiger Wind weht vom Westen, der Luftdruck liegt bei 758 Torr.
Nov. 6, 2022
Nov. 6, 2022
Nov. 6, 2022
Hello! I hope you're doing well :)
Thank you for correcting my mistakes.
Today I'm making this assignment earlier so I'll have free time later.
What were the three most important achievements in your life?
1 Reading books by myself.
2 Learning languages; including English and Japanese.
3 I learned some of my highschool's subjects on my own
Write about an experience in which you have overcome some difficulty.
Due to COVID-19 quarantine I felt depressed, where I couldn't do much to improve my situation. I used to escape from my reality to a game called genshin impact but then I started to read books and see a brand new reality; I started to take control of myself even when a chaos was around me.
Describe your school routine.
I read my highschool's resources, then I make flashcards in the StudySmarter app, after that I take a break and finally I complete the activities.
Sometimes I complete them earlier to have free time later.
What do you do in your free time?
I use my mom's camera, dance, learn languages, read, knit, and most of all I study physics.
What new skills or challenges are you trying to overcome?
-Making easier to keep all my hobbies and school activities up.
-Mastering my skills.
-Improving my actual situation.
Write about any difficulties in this moment of your life.
Sadness and rage.
Sometimes I feel sad and angry for my actual situation and I'm doing my best to understand and control my emotions.
What are you doing to overcome those difficulties?
I write a diary, I pay attention to my emotions and I allow myself to feel them, I read books, I make exercise, I learn languages and I learn physics with a lovely professor, I'm trying to be grateful everytime I can.
What are your plans after finishing high school?
I want to study and live in a safe country, I would like teaching learning techniques, I want to study geography and I wish being a fashion designer.
Would you like to study for a degree? Which one? Which university?
I'm not sure about what university but I want to study geography in college because I love it so much.
What would you like to work on?
Most of all, I want to be a fashion designer.
What is your greatest goal?
To appreciate every moment, no matter how hard it is.
What challenges will you have to face to achieve your goal?
Ego, and changing my life's perspective.
Write a half page reflection on what you learned during this English modules and how they contributed to your formation.
During these modules I learned how to describe the location of objects, I learned how to indicate people how to go to an specific place, I learned when I must use capital letters and how to express fluently in English.
I feel more confident when speaking in one of my target languages.
I learned how to conjugate and when should I use the words "were" and "was".
I also improved my English pronunciation and my English undesrstanding so I can consume contents in English without feeling unconfortable.
This module and the influence of my professor's corrections improved drastically my English mistakes.
Now I am much better at English and it allows me to interact with a plenty of people all over the world.
Therefore, I learned about myself; about my past, my present and what I want to be in the future. I clarified my goals in order to achieve them.
These modules were a beautiful challenge to face and they gave me a lesson that is to remember that I'm not perfect so I should focus on improving and try over and over again until I master English.
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