Nov. 5, 2022
Where is your favorite place to meet with your friends?
Both I and my friend, Quynh, love seafood. So most of the time when we have the chance to hang out, the street food stall called Co Ba, which is located in our hometown city central square and serves a range of snail dishes and grilled squid, is our number one place to go. The food prices there are quite reasonable, and the view is great as we can look into the square which has spectacular light displays during the night.
Do you think there are some places more suitable for meeting with others?
To me, it depends on whom you are meeting with. For hanging out with friends, I guess café and street food vendors are places to go for young people in Vietnam due to their inexpensive prices and chilled-out atmosphere. With coworkers or date partners, I suppose a fancier place would be better, such as restaurants or a more luxurious café.
3. Are there any differences between your favorite meeting places in the present and in your childhood?
They are totally different. When I was a child, I hung out with the kids in our neighborhood, and our houses were the go-to place. So the houses with the largest living room and the most toys would be the most favorite for us. Because we all can earn money now, we have a wider choice of meeting places. And our go-to place now is a food venue that serves the kind of food that we all crave at that moment.
4. Why are some meeting places better than others?
I guess the vibe, atmosphere, food, beverages, and services of a place are all important aspects when deciding which meeting places are better. So a restaurant with good food and services, and a relaxing atmosphere would certainly be preferred over one with rude waiters, bad food and a stifling ambiance.
Nov. 5, 2022
dagen innan: Dagen innan resan packade jag min resväska.
i går: I dag är tisdag, i går var måndag.
i dag: I dag är måndag, därför arbetar jag.
i morgon: I dag är fredag, i morgon är lördag.
i morgon bitti: I morgon bitti ska jag äta frukost.
i morgon kväll: I morgon kväll ska jag titta på en svensk film.
morgonen därpå: I morgon är fredag och morognen därpå äter vi frukost senare.
dagen därpå: I dag är fredag, i morgon är lördag, dagen därpå är söndag.
i morse: I morse åt jag frukost.
i förmiddags: I förmiddags arbetade jag.
i eftermiddags: I eftermiddags fikade jag med min man.
i kväll: I kväll ska jag läsa en bok.
i natt: I natt ska jag sova i min säng.
tidigt på morgonen: Jag föredra att göra yogaövningar tidigt på morgonen.
på morgonen: På morgonen kan jag koncentrera mig bäst.
på middagen: På middagen behöver jag en paus.
på kvällen: På kvällen läser jag gärna.
i onsdags: I onsdags levererar stormarknaden var mat.
i helgen: I helgen besökte jag mina föräldrar.
i måndags: I måndags promenerade jag.
på måndag: På måndag lagar jag mat för hela veckan.
nästa måndag: Nästa måndag ska jag cykla.
på måndagarna: På måndagarna arbetar jag alltid hemifrån.
förra veckan: Förra veckan packade jag väskan.
den här veckan: Den här veckan reser vi till Sverige.
nästa vecka: Nästa vecka ska jag tvätta kläderna efter semestern.
Nov. 5, 2022
Hi ! My name is Isa, i'm a law student. I'm currently studying in a my second year of master degree in the university of Strasbourg, France.
Normally, a week kind of looks like that :
I like to wake up early in the morning, maybe around 6 or 7 o'clock. Then i take a coffee, and take a great time for myself, enjoying to learn either italian, german or russian on my computer.
After that, i eat my breakfast and then i go to the gym for 1h30 or something like that.
I feel so good after having done my exercise !
Then, i come back home, take a shower and begin to study... That's not the best moment of the day but it's something I have to do !
I also go to the university... I don't have a lot of classes during the week, so i am there maybe 2 or 3 hours per day.
The tuesday, i go to my cubain salsa class and i really like that ! That's so much fun !!
I also give 10 or 15 hours french classes to foreign students on a platform called "preply".
Often, the wednesday or thursday, we go have a drink with my friends of the master (i don't how to call them, the friends that i met inside of my studies).
Also, next week is a little bit special because on friday, we celebrate the winning of the Allies during the WW1, so friday 11th of November, I won't have any class and i'll spend time with my mum.
During the week-end, i generally do nothing special but really enjoy seeing my mum and spending time with her.
That's what i'll do next week, thanks everyone for reading my text ;)
Nov. 5, 2022
Tout le monde a une bucket liste : des choses à faire, des pays à visiter et des expériences à vivre. Alors, avez vous une liste de chose à faire ou à accomplir, et ce qu’il y a dessus ? Moi, j’ai une liste des sites historiques, des pays et des villes que je veux sûrement visiter avant qu’il ne soit trop tard.
La leçon la plus importante que j’ai apprise de la pandémie c’était de suivre vos rêves : ne hésitez pas ! S’il y a une opportunité, saisissez-la. Demain, tout sera peut-être différent. Je m’excuse car je parle comme un biscuit chinois (fortune cookie).
Alors, retournons à nos moutons, sur ma bucket liste est une visite à l’Amérique du Sud. J’admets que c’est un continent énorme avec beaucoup de pays vraiment intéressants. Bien entendu, je ne peux pas les tous visiter mais je les ai réduits à 3 ou 4 endroits.
En tête est Machu Picchu qui est la ville ancienne fondée par la civilisation inca au 15e siècle. Elle est suivie de près par les îles Galápagos. Galápagos sont connues pour ses lions de mer, ses pingouins, ses poissons exotiques et ses oiseaux inhabituels. Et alors, si je serai en Amérique du Sud, je pourrais aussi bien visiter la jungle amazonienne et les cascades de Iguazu.
Nov. 5, 2022
Nov. 5, 2022
Do you like the morning or evening?
I’m definitely a night owl. I’m currently living with my parents, and they wake up early and make a lot of noise in the morning, but they also sleep early too, so in the evening my house is really quiet. Since I like silence and peace, I prefer the evening over the morning.
What do you usually do in the evening?
I'm not really like going out, so after work, I stay at home and find something interesting to do on my phone, that is watching youtube videos, scrolling through my Facebook wall or reading web novels. I think I am quite addicted to my phone. Then at about 1 am, I do my night skincare routine and go to bed.
What did you do in the evening when you were little? Why?
Before I turned twelve, my parents could not afford to buy electronic media equipment like television, computers and smartphones, and also did most of the parents of the neighbor kids. I live in a dead-end alley with quite a spacious street and almost no vehicles passing by, so after dinner, I and the kids around my age gathered up in the street and played some traditional folk games such as jumping rope, “cat chases mouse” and “blind man’s buff”. However, after having a television, I start to spend more time watching cartoons and movies rather than playing outside.
Are there any differences between what you do in the evening now and what you did in the past?
Since I’ve got a smartphone at the age of 19, my nighttime routine has been quite the same; I have been spending most of my evening on my phone watching YouTube videos, scrolling through social media and reading web novels if I do not have any other task to do. But for the past 12 months, the amount of time spent on my phone has reduced significantly as I have been preparing for taking the IELTS test. I have dedicated most of my evening to improving my writing skill by writing two essays for parts 1 and 2 of the IELTS wring test and posting them on two forums that correct essays for free called Englishforums and lang correct.
Nov. 5, 2022
Quand j'étais petite, je n'aimais pas de legumes. Je n'aimais pas de viande. Je mangais seulement de malboeuff.
Mes parents pense que il faut que je ámorieler ma forme donc l'été, j'allais rester avec mes cousins. Ils habitent dans la campagne dans une grande ville avec beaucoup fênetres. Il est plutôt bien parce que je trouvais que c'étais plus facile pour me détendrais. Á London, ou j'habite, il y a trop des gens et c'est vraiment bruyant.
Aussi, étant donné que la ville de mes cousins est á cote de la montagne, je faisais de la rondoné souvent. J'étais sainement; je decouvrais que bio legumes sont mieux que l'autres legumes. En fait, je mangais trop du brocoli, du carrot, et de la salade.
Maintenant, j'adore de legumes (sauf pomme de terre). Rester chez mes cousins était bonne pour ma santé donc je pense que l'été prochain, je vais retrouver! Je m'entends bien avec mes cousins et mon oncle et ma tante sont vraiment gentille. Ils ditais [They said?] que je peux visiter dans la futur.
Mes parents sont aussi trés hereuxeuse car maintenant, je suivs un régime equillibre [follow a balanced diet?] et fais l'exercise plus souvent. Ápres ma visiter, j'ai décidé jouer le basket. Á mon avis, l'équipe basket est le perfect pour moi parce que je suis assez grande.
J'éspere que je peux continuer cet style de vie [this lifestyle].
Nov. 5, 2022
Nov. 5, 2022
Ich habe viele Hobbies. Mein Mann scherzt, dass mein Hobby Hobbies ist. Ich backe, lese, und laufe gern. Aber stricken und nähen gefallen mir auch. Ich kann auch nicht Deutsch lernen vergessen! Kürzlich sind meine Freunde und ich mehr oft ins Theater gegangen. Unsere Stadt hat viele schöne Theaters und etwas zeigt beliebte Theaterstücke und Musicals. Wir haben sogar Hamilton geschaut und alle haben es geliebt. Wir haben den König besonders gemocht. Er war komisch und hat gut gesungen. Vorher das Theater sind wir in ein Restaurant gegangen und nachher sind wir in eine Kneipe für noch einem Getränk. Die Nacht hat Spaß gemacht. Vielleicht ist das Theater ein neues Hobby!
Nov. 5, 2022
Je suis indien et j’aime la cuisine étrangère parce que j’aime gouter la cuisine différente. Je veux prendre nouveau de cuisine. Cependant, Mon plat préféré, c’est indien. Ici, en Inde, on mange beaucoup de bons plats et ils sont meilleurs pour la santé que d’autres. De plus, la nourriture d’inde est très délicieuse et savoureuse. À mon avis, la nourriture indienne est fraiche est moins grasse que d’ailleurs comme la pizza ou les frites par exemple, mais délicieuse tout de même. La cuisine indienne a beaucoup de variété; quelque plats sont piquants et épicés mais les desserts est très sucrés.
Nov. 4, 2022
スペイン語にはいない、好きな日本語の表現や単語はたくさんあると思いますけど、今それについて考えてみるとすぐにはいくつかしか思い浮かばないです。まずは、多分一番好きなのは終助です。アニメや本で特定のキャラクターの類を示すために使われる「よ」、「ね」、「だろう」のようなものです。例えば、老人のキャラが使う「じゃ」や「じゃろう」とか、それともお嬢様が使う 「かしら」や「そうよ」とか。それに、ちゃんとした文学的な小説でも、性格、性別や先輩と後輩、上司と部下の関係によって違う喋り方があるので、直接に言わなくても、誰が何を言ったのかは明白であることが好きです。スペイン語には一つしかいないので、一人称代名詞の多さも似たような理由で好きです。
Nov. 4, 2022
Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntete libre de dejar cualquier corrección.
1. It would be bad if we still had to wear masks.
- Sería malo si todavía tuviéramos que usar máscaras.
1. What is the usual temperature in your city?
- ¿Qué es la temperatura usual en tu ciudad?
1. It has been very cold recently.
- Recientemente, hace mucho frío.
1. It has been a bit hot.
- Hace un poco calor.
1. If you went to a beach here, it would be very temperate.
- Aquí si fueras a la playa, estaría muy templado.
1. It is the perfect weather for the beach today.
- Hoy es el tiempo perfecto para ir a la playa.
1. I used to usually stay at home.
- Solía quedarme en casa.
1. When I don’t do much, I am more likely to feel tired.
- Cuando no hace mucho, soy más propenso a sentir cansada.
1. I signed out of my high school yesterday.
- Ayer firmé al cole.
1. Next week my school is going to have a formal. Here, we call it a formal, and Americans call it a ‘prom’
- La próxima semana mi cole va a tener un baile. Aquí, lo llamamos un ‘formal’. Americanos lo llaman un ‘prom’.
1. At this event, you usually eat a meal with your classmates and take your final photos together as a year group/grade.
- Durante este evento, sueles comer un plato con tus compañeros y tomar las finales fotos juntos como un grado.
1. It is the one of the only series set in the state of New South Wales, Australia.
- Es unas de las únicas series que es ambientada en el estado de New South Wales, Australia.
1. I relate (in an emotional way) to the series a lot.
- Entiendo mucho a la serie.
1. To celebrate Christmas, people in Australia usually put lights up outside of their houses.
- Celebrar la Navidad, los australianos suelen poner luces en sus casas.
1. Because my mother is from the Philippines, my family and I usually we celebrate with a big feast, and eat together for either lunch or dinner.
- Porque mi mamá es de las filipinas, solemos celebrar con un gran banquete, y comer juntos por el almuerzo o la cena.
1. During the holidays, all of the shops are closed.
- Durante las vacaciones, todas las tiendas están cerradas.
1. Some people go to the beach, but this is usually an activity done on New Year’s Day.
- Alguna gente ir a la playa, aunque esta actividad suele hacer durante el día de Año Nuevo.
Nov. 4, 2022
Nov. 4, 2022
En ce moment, je lis l’excellente BD de Guy Delisle « Chroniques Birmanes » qui illustre son expérience en Birmanie, où il a vécu pendant quelque temps avec sa femme, médecine chez Médecins Sans Frontières. Je savais déjà quelques choses de la Birmanie, parce que je la trouve fascinante, bien que je sois loin d’être expert. C’était un pays que j’aimerais visiter un jour, mais malheureusement la situation politique, toujours tendue dans ce pays très familiarisé avec la dictature, a nettement empiré dernièrement. Il y a une décennie, lauréate du prix Nobel de la paix Aung San Suu Kyi a été permis pour la première fois de se présenter aux élections législatives avec son parti politique d’opposition, et a emporté la victoire. Mais par la suite elle était fortement critiquée pour sa position pendant le génocide des Rohingyas, et beaucoup de gens étaient déçus par le manque de vraie libéralisation dans la société birmane. Quand son parti a emporté les législatives à nouveau en 2020, le militaire a fait un coup d’état, emprisonnant Suu Kyi, et la dictature a recommencé, avec la perte des quelques libertés que les Birmans a connu.
Nov. 4, 2022
It happened again my dad goes to a journey. My father has a job with many travels he must always leave. That starts in my middle school time. Suddenly he must leave and that for six months. He always must travel for weeks and then he came back for moths. My father has always missed so many Christmases also this from the last year. Sometimes he travels in winter and came back to summer. This year happened the same thing this once he leaves us for six weeks. I hope this doesn't take that long. My father must always stay longer as planted. The half of my school years I must taking care of myself and my notes. I hope my father is fine and he comes save back.
Nov. 4, 2022
When I was learning English, I couldn't imagine how it would be. Only with time did I realise that learning a language is a far more different experience than, say, maths. I think it's a much more unconscious process than many of us suppose. On my way, I've gathered some tips that have helped me, and I want to share them with you.
Make it Fun
A popular myth about language learning is that it is mundane. I used to also think like that until I realised that I enjoy the learning process. Crafting a good learning strategy is the best way to find joy in learning. To do this, you should delve into different topics, speak with other learners, find reliable textbooks, and so on. When you figure out which learning activities you need, you'll be able to pick and choose the ones which you enjoy the most.
For example, I'm a bookworm, so I try to integrate reading into all my learning activities. This includes reading subtitles, trying to find amusing books, browsing through newspapers, and noting down tricky words. I stopped worrying about memorising words, articles, and gerunds. It became more important for me to maintain just a positive attitude and keep going.
Mix Different Activities
Admittedly, even your favourite learning activity may become dull if you do it for too long. How do you deal with this? Well, mix it up a little. You don't just have to read; you can also listen, speak and write. This way, you will stay interested in learning this language for a long time.
Here's an example from my experience. I concentrated on reading in my target language and did nothing else for an entire week. At one point, I switched activities and opened a grammar book. Could you imagine my surprise when I discovered that I enjoyed doing grammar exercises? I was tired from all that reading and needed to do something else. If you think that you're the type of person that hates grammar, try doing what I did.
Don't Gloss Over Details
Peculiarities are everywhere when you consume content in your target language. The problem is that we rarely notice these details. Articles, sentence construction, a speaker's intonation, or the register of a text are just some examples of details we don't always pay attention to. We like to watch shows and read books without focusing on them too much. Nevertheless, it's crucial to stop and pay attention to the small things from time to time.
Let's say you're reading a book. Try to read it slowly, look up unknown words and phrases, and think about the sentence's structure. This type of reading may be exhausting, but it familiarises you with the language.
Ask for Feedback
It's hard to analyse your progress if you are learning a language alone. Often we cannot know if we have learned something without consulting someone. Whenever I study flashcards, write a post, or read a book, I hope that it will help me make progress. However, sometimes hoping alone is not enough for me to keep going.
In this case, feedback from others may help. I get feedback from my tutor and online editors, but you can try other options. For instance, you can check out an online language-learning platform, find a language buddy, or work with a professional tutor. It's up to you.
Take Breaks
Language learning isn't all fun and games; it's an intense activity that drains energy. Even if you can devote all your time to learning a language, it doesn't mean you should. Language learning is a long-term process, and we shouldn't overwhelm ourselves. So keep calm and take breaks. You will learn the language eventually. The more motivated and positive you are, the sooner you will achieve your goals.
Nov. 4, 2022
Nov. 4, 2022
Wszystko się zaczęło, gdy na Twitterze pewien użytkownik pod imieniem Gaspardo opublikował zdjęcie, na którym był przedstawiony nieznany kraj. Według mapy ten kraj znajduje się na północno-zachodzie od Portugalii. Gaspardo napisał „Jestem pewien, że Amerykanie nawet nie znają nazwy tego kraju”. (1)
Kraj nazywa się Listenbourg, a wcale nie istnieje. Na wywiadzie z dziennikiem Le Parisien Gaspardo powiedział, że na początku to był żart, żeby wyśmiać się z Amerykanów, którzy mają stereotypowo słabą znajomość o geografii. (2)
Listenbourg przyciągnął uwagę francuskich dzienników i francuskiej społeczności Twittera. Nawet linia lotnicza Ryanair ogłosiła na Twitterze, że otworzyła nowe lotnisko w Listenbourgu. (3)
Listenbourg ma nawet swoją flagę i hymn.
Flaga polega na dwóch horyzontalnych pasach, czerwonym na górze, a białym na dołu. W centrum jest złoty herb kraju z literą N. Gaspardo wyjaśnił, że wyobraził sobie, że sam Napoleon stworzył ten kraj.
Hymn inspiruje się hymnem Liechtensteinu. Jest zaśpiewany po francusku i co śmieszniejsze Gaspardo śpiewa w nim, że jest prezydentem kraju i że „Amerykanie nie znają, czy jesteś na mapie”, oczywiście w odniesieniu do kraju. (4)
Nov. 4, 2022
Liebes Tagebuch,
ich habe Dich noch nicht vergessen und werde auch heute Dir schreiben.
Am Morgen habe ich früh gearbeitet. Um 10 habe ich noch einmal meinen Freundinnen getroffen. Dieses Mal sind wir nach Polen mit G.s Auto gefahren. Wir haben erst Benzin getankt. An der Tankstelle haben wir viel gewartet. Wegen der Inflation und der Energiekrise kommen hier auch viele Deutsche und fast alle Leute ein Jerrican im Autokoffer haben. Dann haben wir im Supermarkt eingekauft und kurz ein bisschen Shopping gemacht. Wir haben keine Kleidung gekauft, sondern Küchenzubehör. Ich denke, wir drei sind Essensüchtig/ vom Essen besessen, ahahah! Ich habe endlich einen flachen 35 cm Teller für Torte und Quiche gefunden !
Ich hatte mit zwei Verkäuferin Kontakt. Eine von ihnen war sehr unangenehm, aber die andere war im Gegenteil sehr nett. Mit ihr habe ich polnisch zu sprechen versucht, und es hat geklappt. Zurzeit kenne ich nur ein paar Wörter, aber ich sehe, dass Leute hier die Mühe schätzen.
Später sind wir in den Park spazieren. Wir haben ein heißes Kaffee getrunken. Später bin ich wieder zu Hause angekommen. Nachdem ich mich ein Sandwich vorbereitet habe, habe ich gearbeitet.
Jetzt höre ich in meinem Kopfhörer laute Musik zu. Meine Katze miaut, weil sie ausgehen möchtet. Aber außen ist es dunkel und regnet stark! Noch viermal ist sie aus und ein von die Wohnung zu den Balkon gegangen. Sie will bloß, dass ich der Regen halte. Es nervt!
Bis bald!
Nov. 4, 2022
Today is 35 day of my daily English challenge. Today I woke up early and I felt like to doing a lot of things.
I went to the checken. I had an orange juice. Then I cleaned the house. In the afternoon, I sent an email to a friend, I watched to a video en Spanish. After that, I read a bunch of word a loud.
I am grateful for this website and everyone who has helped me.
Nov. 4, 2022
Nov. 4, 2022
Hoy es mi cuarto día de mi reto de español. Hoy he madrugado hasta las 07 de la mañana.sentí muy algre y tengo ganas de hacer muchas cosas en el día.
He ido a la cocina, he hecho de zumo de naranja. Luego he limpiado la casa.
Por la tarde.vé he enviado un mensaje a mi amigo. He visto un video en español, ademas he leido en voz alta algunas palabras.
Estoy agradecida por este sitio web y que todos me han ayudado.
Nov. 4, 2022
En la escuela superviso un grupo de chicos que se reúnen los lunes después de terminar el día escolar para jugar juegos de mesa. Él que más prefieren jugar se llama Swipe y se juega empleando las cuadras de letras del juego Scrabble. El punto del juego es formar palabras con las letras que se revelan una tras una en el centro de la mesa. Al principio todos las cuadras con las letras están boca abajo para que nadie pueda verlas. Después los participantes hacen turnos eligiendo una cuadra de esas cuadras y luego las ponen boca arriba en el centro de la mesa. Todos compiten para formar una palabra de al menos tres letras con las que estén disponibles y al lograrlo, se quedan con las cuadras que forman la palabra que se ha identificado. El juego se llama Swipe porque en cualquier momento, otro jugador puede arrebatarle una palabra a otro jugador, añadiendo una letra que está disponible en la mesa. A la hora terminar, a los chicos les gusta inventar maneras novedosas para devolver las cuadras a la bolsa en la que son guardados. A veces es difícil meter todos en la bolsa sin que ninguna cuadra se caiga ya que son pequeñas. Un alumno inventó la idea de formar un embudo con papel y así pudo introducir las cuadras en la bolsa eficazmente.
Nov. 4, 2022
I'm grateful each time when I'm corrected because I love languages and I eant to thank you because you're making this language learning journeay easy to face.
If someone asks me about my corrections use I would say that I review my past journals and then I write a new one.
After I review my corrections I relax my attention in order to enter to diffuse mode and comprehend better that information.
It's not a particular way to use my corrections in langcorrect, I have some ideas though.
-To create flashcards
-read the corrections out loud.
-copy the original text and try to fix the mistakes I did by myself without looking the corrections that others made and after that correcting it again looking at those corrections.
-Teach what I learned.
As people say "teaching is learning twice".
Thank you for reading :)
Nov. 4, 2022
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