Nov. 17, 2022
Nov. 17, 2022
Nov. 17, 2022
Meines Erachtens war das Erschaffen der Liste des Welterbes im Jahr 1972 ein ausschlaggebender Faktor, warum wir in der heutigen Zeit zahlreiche erstaunliche und einzigartige Gebäude genießen können. Ich bin mir dessen sicher, dass viele von ihnen entweder nicht mehr existieren würden oder in mitleidswerten Umständen wären, wenn es die Liste nicht gäbe. Die Liste hat Aufmerksamkeit von der Öffentlichkeit darauf geschenkt, dass es unumgänglich notwendig ist, unsere Kultur und unsere Geschichte zu schützen. Natürlich kostet es Geld, diese Erbe instand zu halten, aber man kann keinen Preis an solchen Erscheinen des menschlichen Schöpfertums legen. Es gibt Dinge im Leben, die man mit Geld nicht schätzen kann.
Man darf aber nicht vergessen, dass ein Erbe zu schützen ist nicht das einzige Ziel dieser Liste. Es muss auch dazu führen, dass die Menschen sich in diesen Ländern ein besseres Leben gönnen können. In Brasilien gibt es beispielsweise Kulturerbe, die mit der Geschichte der Sklaverei zu tun haben. Das war ein ungeheuer trauriger und grausamer Zeitraum in der Geschichte Brasiliens und darf nicht in der Vergessenheit geraten, gerade damit er sich nimmermehr wiederholt.
Nov. 17, 2022
Bitcoin let some people and countries crazy.
The bitcoin let many people around the world crazy. One expert predicted the price will reach $200,000 for each, and promised he will cut off his dick if not at the price by the end of 2021; The highest portion of people to trade bitcoin is in Korea and China, they all wanted to strike the gold overnight; Salvador announce bitcoin was the country's law currency, every citizen would be arranged a bitcoin wallet...
Russia-Ukraine war occurred in the beginning of this year, both the countries consumed bitcoin a lot especially in Russia, because Western countries imposed some strong economic sanctions on the invader.
To be continued
Nov. 17, 2022
Около 8 миллиардов людей живут на Земле, и до 1,35 миллиарда из них рискуют пострадать от потери слуха из-за громкой музыки. По отчётам исследователей, примерно 1 из 4 человек, находящийся в возрастной группе 12-34, склоняется слушать музыку при высоких уровнях- опознаны как прислуживание музыка выше 80 децибел более 50 часов еженедельно.
Ведущие ученые сотрудничали вместе с своими коллегами из медицинских университетов в анализе открытий 33 прежних исследований, экстраполировав данные, чтобы дойти до таких выводов.
Они оценили, что, в частности, звук из персональных устройств прослушивания наносили вред 23 процентам участников, в то время как слух 48 процентов был вредин во время тусовок в барах.
Некоторыми содействующими факторами были использование приборов, таких как наушник, а также присутствие на концертах, где уровень звука редко регулируется, и в результате этого 1 из 2 человек подвергается чрезмерному звуку.
Вред, наносивший из небезопасного прослушивания к слуху, может копиться годами. Притом, воздействие таких вредных звуков с детства сделает несовершеннолетних более увязанными к соответственным расстройствами.
Nov. 17, 2022
My respectful and dear owner of this website.
Thank you very much for offering us this amazing website. It has helped a lot of people around the world who are eager to master a foreign language. Us language learners are very grateful to you.
Now, to show my gratitude, I want to donate money to your website, but I have difficulty donating via the channel already on your website.
So please contact me. I have a PayPal account, so I can transfer money to you through PayPal. Thank you very much.
Nov. 17, 2022
Nov. 17, 2022
If people's Covid are negative, they shouldn’t have done the Covid test.
If people's Covid are positive, there will be two situations.
One is that they don't have any symptoms and probably Covid will turn negative within a few days.
In my opinion, if a so-called disease has no symptoms, then it's not a disease, and the people with it are actually healthy.
Another situation is that people whose Covid are positive and they have some symptoms.
For these people, even though the government doesn't require them to do the Covid test, they will do the test positively because they already have symptoms. They need to go to hospitals to see a doctor.
The Covid test that is being held in China every day nowadays is totally unnecessary and it's a stupid idea.
In addition, sending people with Covid positive to hospitals to be treated is enough. What the hell has to do with others? Lockdown completely shouldn’t have happened in the pandemic.
Nov. 17, 2022
I gradually bought about 3 bitcoins in the last 5 years, average price around us$ 6,000 for each. I'd like to try something new for me. When I purchased it, I was asked not to write any comments including the word "bitcoin", because the word is censored by bank.
Amazingly the bitcoin price go up quickly, when it reached to $15,000, I sold half of them to go traveling and shopping.
About the year before last, the boss of TESLA Elong Musk allow customers to buy Tesla on official website. The Bitcoin price soared up rapidly, reached at it's highest point $69,000.
Everyone who owning bitcoin were very exciting including me , I know I am a very very small owner, but if you get additional $30,000 after one night, why not.
To be continued in my next essay.
Nov. 17, 2022
Nov. 17, 2022
To me, it is one of the many pleasures of traveling to look out of a train window. I enjoy seeing a beautiful nature landscape. Hoever, it is also enjoyable to see countryside and towns. All of people, whom I see and am unlikely to meet in the future, are living daily lives with their own happiness and sorrows. When I think that, I feel as if my worries are trivial and I feel relaxed.
Nov. 17, 2022
1. En fait j’ai reçu un email par une entreprise, qui m’a demandé si je pouvais faire un projet traduire de l’anglais américain a l’anglais britannique pour un jeu connu. Mais il s’avère ils trouvaient quelqu’un d’autre.
2. Je suis contente grâce du fait que j’ai décidé d’utiliser le fichier de texte du jeu pour m'entraîner le dialogue de jeu avec l’app de Anki avant que je joue au jeu.
Nov. 17, 2022
Conducir no es lo mío, así que plan de transporte suele ser la bici y los pies. Sin embargo, la temperatura ha caído en picada últimamente y no siento cómodo usar mi bici actual cuando la tierra podría ser congelado.
A veces el autobús puede llevarme donde quiero llegar, pero a menudo no hay una línea o una hora de salida que cabe con mis planes.
Quizás puedo construir una bici perfecta para la nieve y el hielo. Tendría llantas con tacos para agarrar el hielo, bolsas impermeables en los lados, y pedales para las botas que llevo en el invierno.
Nov. 16, 2022
Tout le monde est d’accord que le yoga est bon pour notre bien-être. Il améliore la force, l’équilibre et la forme physique. Apparemment, le mot yoga vient du sanskrit et il signifie d’être unis. Je me suis renseignée sur l’origine du yoga et quelqu’un m’a dit qu’on considère Tirumalai Krishnamacharya comme le père de yoga. Il est né en 1888 en Inde. Comme vous pouvez le voir, la pratique du yoga remonte à des siècles. À l’époque, il était professeur de yoga, guérisseur ayurvédique et une autorité dans son domaine. (a scholar)
Actuellement, il existe de nombreuses d’écoles ou de types de yoga. Depuis 2018, je suis l’Iyengar Yoga qui a été fondé par B.K.S Iyengar dans les années soixante-dix. Sa philosophie était de se concentrer sur l’alignement du corps par des postures : celles-ci sont connu comme des asanas.
L’année dernière, l’une de mes amies m’a présenté le Flow Yoga. Je ne l’ai pas apprécié puisque c’était trop rapide et trop énergique pour moi. Ce jour-là, j’ai jeté un coup d’œil dans la classe et il me semblait que toutes les autres avaient moins de 30 ans. Elles étaient très flexibles, souples et fortes.
La semaine prochaine, je vais accompagner mon amie à une classe de Yoga Nidra. Le but de ce type de yoga est de calmer l’esprit par la respiration. La philosophie, c’est qu’avec la respiration contrôlée, on peut détendre tout le corps et atteindre un état de profonde relaxation, physique, émotionnelle et mentale. C’est une ancienne tradition indienne aussi connue en tant que sommeil psychique. J’ai fait quelques recherches et selon les praticiens, la conscience se positionne à la frontière entre l’état d’éveil et de rêve.
Nov. 16, 2022
Nov. 16, 2022
I går jeg lavede danske pandekager. Danske pandekager er anderledes end pandekagerne laver vi traditionelt i Amerika. De danske pandekage er meget tynd og spiste sædvanligvis med sukker, syltetøj eller is. Jeg synes det smagte godt! Jeg kan ikke vente med at rejse til Danmark og spise mere danske mad.
(Jeg lærer dansk, men jeg er stadig en begynder. Kan du hjælpe mig? Tak!)
Nov. 16, 2022
Kissing is one of the strangest activities people and some animals do. At first glance, what is so attractive about exchanging our saliva and the remnants of our dinner's salad? Nevertheless, humanity consider kissing to be pleasant and desirable activity. In case you’ve never paid much attention to the nature of kissing, below I’ll describe why we kiss each other in the first place and why we should do this even more.
Certainly, kisses can be different, but anyone knows how to kiss someone. We kiss our friend on the cheek, kiss to say hello and goodbye, kiss our parents and children, and give romantic and erotic kisses. Whether you’re a kid, an adult, or an elder, you have probably kissed at least one person in your life.
The reasons for kissing
So why do we kiss? By and large, because it’s pleasurable. Kisses provoke a lot of emotions such as joy, excitement, and sexual arousal. On the contrary, kisses can cause negative feelings, like awkwardness or confusion. Perhaps, you rarely ask yourself why you kiss someone. As a matter of fact, me either. So, let’s figure out the reasons for kissing.
One hypothesis suggests that people kiss each other in order to get information about the health of a potential partner. On the whole, most women are looking for a healthy partner who can provide a long-term relationship, whereas most men want a partner who can bear and raise their children. Kissing requires close contact, during which a person can get information about their mate’s smell, taste and hygiene. Hence, a kiss help us understand whether we want to continue this relationship or not. To put it another way, a good kiss can point out a suitable partner.
Although this may be true, I’m not sure people kiss each other only to form a long-term relationship. Honestly, I gave a whole bunch of kisses in my life simply for pleasure, not for finding someone to raise my potential children. That leads us to the next kissing theory. In another analysis, scientists suggest that a kiss is a tool of seduction. Kisses fuel romantic feelings and provoke strong passion, so we use them in order to derive pleasure. Simply put, we kiss someone to entice them into having intercourse.
Indeed, I kissed a lot of people in my life, and this theory sounds convincing to me. Although, I’ve found another study where kissing is explained as a sign of trust. In accordance with that, we become vulnerable when we kiss someone by letting this person go into our personal space. In this manner, we form an attachment with a partner and acknowledge that we consider this bond significant. Another study similarly asserts that kissing is a specific ritual for maintaining a long-term relationship. Correspondingly, kisses help reinforce closeness, make our emotions deeper, and increase trustworthiness between mates.
The benefits of kisses
Regardless of the reasons, kisses generate many sensations, from excitement to confusion. So what about the benefits of kissing? Generally, there is a lot of proof that kisses can increase both our physical and mental health. For instance, here is evidence that kisses can reduce stress and cortisol. So, if you feel frustrated or overwhelmed, simply kiss someone.
Another reason for kissing? It helps burn calories. A prolonged passionate kiss can burn up to 5 calories. I don’t know about you, but this makes me think about kissing more. More than that, kisses can lower people’s cholesterol, which is a substantial benefit if you had a romantic dinner with your paramour just before kissing.
Be that as it may, kissing is a great activity regardless of the reasons and benefits. At first glance, kisses have no obvious pluses, but the fact is that they can improve your mood, increase your libido, and even help you to find a partner for life. With this in mind, I suggest you don’t hesitate to please yourself and kiss someone who you want right away.
Nov. 16, 2022
J'espere maîtriser la langue, c'est mon ultime but. Je suis canadienne et j'ai besoin de français pour travail. Maintenant, je pratique tous les jours mais je déjà debutante.
Je pense que français est très difficile. Il ya a dix ans, j'apprend français à l'école parce que français est la duexième officialle langue de Canada. J'oublie presque tout. D'accord, ça sera tout pour maintenant.
Nov. 16, 2022
Nov. 16, 2022
Yesterday I played badminton with some stranger for about 2 hours. I really enjoyed playing badminton, and actually other ball games are just quite difficult for me.
I am not an extrovert, so actively talking with a person I haven’t seen before can be far too hard for me. To be more socially interactive with people, I was trying to push myself to fit into different environments and make some friends.
I found that when I talk to someone, though we don’t know each other, he is willing to response to me. So if you do not dare to communicate with strangers, try to count “3 2 1” mentally and then start talking, put the fear behind.
Nov. 16, 2022
The weather was getting colder and colder, and simultaneously getting out of my bed becomes harder and harder for me. I might have gotten up early if I had to have a class in physical classroom. Anyway, who doesn’t like to wake up naturally?
In the afternoon, I watched some videos from a YouTuber named Jedcal. I was wondering why his video could be so amazing, the cinematic style and the cool edition. A bunch of time and effort must have been put into making these videos, as well as high-end photographic equipments.
Nov. 16, 2022
Why do some people not like quiet places?
Well, there are many possibilities. Some people are extroverted and like to spend time in crowded places enjoying the exciting and lively atmosphere. These people may feel lonely without being surrounded by a group of people. Others might have a sense of danger in a place with a lack of noise. For example, they may be afraid of walking through empty alleyways or parking lots.
Do you need a quiet place when you are working?
Yes, I do. I feel more concentrated on my work if there is no sound around distracting my thought. However, I work from home, so there are times when my house is quite noisy when my parents are outside of work. My mom puts the TV volume really high, and my dad plays YouTube videos on his phone extremely loudly. I find that when I’m working under these conditions, my work productivity really suffers.
Why do people like to spend time in quiet places?
I think for all sorts of reasons. One is that many people, like me, feel that the absence of sound can boost their work productivity. They can concentrate more. That’s why libraries are packed with students before exams. Besides, modern people are surrounded by the sound of vehicles, devices, and the crowd. So sometimes, they want to spend time in quiet café and parks to get a rest from the hustle and bustle of life.
5. Do you know anyone who likes noise
My aunt always has her television on really loud. I think this is because she lives alone, and she does this to create a livelier atmosphere around her empty house. My brother likes to play music on speakers with the maximum volume. I think all my next-door neighbors can hear it clearly. And my dad, he loves singing karaoke. He bought two massive speakers from Sony which are as big as my seven-year-old nephew. These two produce sound waves that can vibrate the whole house. My ears really suffer from this.
Nov. 16, 2022
Cuando viajo a Europa, cada vez me doy cuenta de cuánto me falta todo lo que hay allí y que no tengo en mi país. Aquí están las cosas que más quiero de los países europeos en los que he estado.
Lo más importante es el aire. El momento cuando llego a un país europeo, siento que me pongo intoxicada. No puedo dejar de respirar profundamente, intentando preservar un poco de este precioso aire que no hay donde vivo.
La arquitectura europea. ¡Joder!, ¡¿cómo es posible tener tanta belleza en cada ciudad, por cada calle?! Los países europeos están llenos de edificios del siglo diecinueve, de iglesias y catedrales antiguas. Es como si tu apareciera en un cuento de hadas.
¡Y claro, las campanas, tío! Hay ciudades donde se puede oír el repique de la campanas algunas veces en una sola ora, ¿no es maravilloso?
¿Porque ganar mucho dinero o tener relaciones sexuales cuando puedes escuchar el repique de las campanas tantas veces cada día?
Nov. 16, 2022
Nov. 16, 2022
Some weeks ago, I learned a new expression while browsing Youtube: Live off the grid.
Since the COVID19 pandemic, in France, some families were looking for houses to buy in the countryside or in some regions which were easily accessible by trains from their working place in the city. I would say it is good news with some restraints though. Why?
The price of houses can rise fastly, and it’s a problem for local people to buy a house afterwards. Most of the time, people who come from the cities have a better income, and can afford a house offered at a high price on the market. You know the rule : a lot of demands increase the price because the offers are less signifiants.
This society phenomenon could be interesting in depopulated villages. There are some villages which have the optical fiber and then a fast internet connection. People could work online because the main problem in villages is the lack of jobs. Obviously, there are some sectors where they need workers, like in elderly care. Unfortunately, these jobs are poorly paid and you need to use your own car to go to your patient's house. Not all of them live in a retirement home. Now, with the price of gasoline, these kinds of jobs aren't attractive at all even if the employer pays a part of the kilometers fees that you make. You also have to take in consideration the wear of your car.
All that to say, to make a village alive and enjoyable, you need people, yes for sure, but also job offers, industries, bakeries, doctors and so on. Otherwise, I guess it is a waste of time. All that asks for a big plan and major investments from many regional actors and from the village itself. Nothing will really happen by simply snapping their fingers. Now, with the high cost of energy, I don’t really know how they will attract investors in the industrial field. Not to forget that our working costs are expensive compared to many countries.
I wandered off a bit…!
I admire handy people and the ones who fend for themselves. However, I think that it’s impossible to totally live alone nowadays. You will always need one day a fellow to help you in a tricky situation. Imagine you are totally sick and you aren’t able to lift a leg out of your bed, it’s always a less source of stress to know that on the other side of the phone there is a doctor ready to heal you. If you are alone in your converted cave, natural selection can take care of you more easily. ;)
Even if I’m a kind of solitary girl by nature, the total adventurous life isn’t made for me. I don’t always have an advised eye to see where my house would need some mends by example. Of course, if I see a crack in the wall, I know that it is better to repair it before having water seepages.
These people living out of the grid are inspiring, some build their own house by themself almost from scratch. They use old tips for creating dry toilets and so on. I like their modesty. What else to say… life is a circle, sometimes a return to the source is liberating. :)
02:58:20 (UTC)
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