MonsieurBaguette's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Première guerre mondiale (partie finale)

15 juillet 1918, l'Opération Marneschutz-Reims a échoué, et marque la chute de l'Allemagne dans cette guerre. Dans la dernière bataille, qui s'appelle « La Grande Offense des Alliés » (Allied Grand Offense), une attaque simultané des Alliés contre l'Allemagne. Les Alliés ont atteint la ligne Hindenburg, finale ligne defensive pour l'Allemagne et a brisé la ligne. L'Allemagne est perdu.

4 octobre 1918, l'Allemagne a demandé à É.-U. une armistice, et d'évacuer tous les troupes dans tous les territoires occupés. Kaiser Wilhem II a abdiqué, la Traité de Versailles est signé, et les pays est apparu de nouveau aussi (comme la Pologne, etc.).

La Traité de Versailles a imposé un restraint sur la militaire allemagne, qui doit payer les compensation aux Alliés pour les dégâts inflictés et perdre la majorité de sa territoire. Le Rhineland est une zone démilitarisé pour la militaire allemagne, qui s'agit d'une zone tampone pour les Alliés, donner plus de temps à la France et ses alliés d'agir dans les potentiels invasions d'Allemagne.

MonsieurBaguette's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Première guerre mondiae (partie 2)

Après, la guerre est transformé dans une guerre de trenchées. Puis mené dans un état de nul pendant 3 ans. L'Allemagne utilise ses sous-marins et a employé une blocage pour empêcher la Bretagne d'obtenir la norriture. Le blocage a échoué parce que la force navale est moins puissant comparé à celui de Bretagne. La Bretagne a utilisé la même méthode et a détruit beaucoup de norriture pour les soldats pendant quelques mois. À cause de ça, l'Allemagne résume la guerre sous-marine sans restriction, où les sous-marines peuvent détruire n'importe quels bateaux sur la mer qu'ils considèrent comme une « menace ».

Cependant, cette stratégique metterai l'Allemagne en beaucoup de risque, car cela faisait les États-Unis de rejoindre la guerre en 1917. Malgré tout, l'Allemagne continue. Après avoir coulé la 2ème (ou 3ème) bateau civil qui vient des É.-U. à Bretagne, les É.-U. a declaré guerre à Allemagne.

En Octobre, la Russie a quitté la guerre en raison de la Révolution d'Octobre, un coup d'État pour renverser le roi Tsar. Elle a signé une armistice avec les Empires Centraux.

Avec la Russie quitté la guerre, ce incident a laissé les Alliés en Europe désamparé, leurs troupes et économie sévèrement endommagé. En perdant une grande allié à l'Est, les troupes Allemagne concentre les troupes sur l'Ouest, faisant aussi le progrès à l'Est de France. À cette moment vitale, les É.-U. envoie les troupes fraîches en France tous les jours, c'est maintenant l'Allemagne qui est désamparé. Sa allié, Austriche-Hongrie est complètement inutile tout à long dans cette guerre et l'Italie, qui a rejoindre les Alliés puis signé une armistice. C'est-à-dire que l'Allemagne est tout seul contre France, G.-B. et les É.-U., Canada et aussi l'Australie (et d'autres pays)

maymaymay_'s avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Please review my essay

2. Describe a quiet place
You should say:
Where it is
When you like to go there
What you do there
And explain why you like to visit there
The place that I would like to about is the front porch of my house. Usually, when thinking of a quiet place, people living in cities may think about a park or a library. Although I’m also living in a city - in fact, I live in my city’s busiest street, Phan Chu Trinh street, most of the time in the day, my neighborhood is very peaceful and quiet. This is because my house is not located on the main road, but in a small dead-end alley. Apart from 7 to 8 am and around 5 pm, when people commute to and from work, there is almost no traffic in the alley. So my front porch is free from vehicle noises.

As I work from home, I can choose any places in my house to work, and when there is no task, I can take a break without being wary of my employer. So if I want some fresh air, I would go to sit in a chair on my front porch.
The chair is not very comfortable to sit in; it is made entirely of wood and has a straight back. But what I like about the spot is that the chair is seated next to the house’s fish pond. The pond was built by my dad, in which we raise a large number of tiny fishes that I have no idea what their species are, and three beautiful koi fishes – two juveniles and one adult. The three are a typical type of koi fish that has a white body with red-and-black-colored markings. My dad grows a variety of submerged, floating, and emergent plants in the pond. He built a concrete cover for the pond with a movable glass window to keep dirt out of the pond and prevent direct sunlight heating the water. On top of the cover, there are some pot plants with leaves hanging down to the water's surface. There is also a banyan tree to provide shade for the porch. The water is purified day and night by a powerful filter, so it is crystal clear. I can spend hours watching the vivid green mats on the surface of the water forming by Duckweed and Mosquito Fern foliage, the feather-like foliage of Parrot's Feather and Hornwort swaying with the flow of water created by the filter, and the colorful fishes swimming peacefully around the plants. Sitting there, all I can hear are the relaxing sound of water flowing and birds chirping. I can really immerse myself in nature in the middle of a major city at my doorstep.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

My Thoughts On Learning Languages

In my opinion, in order to learn a language well, one may need at least nine years to study (let us assume that the learners are not living in their target language speaking countries).

No matter how hard the learners study, their learning time is still less, but if they live in their target language speaking countries, they will learn very quickly because even if they are reluctant to study, they will still have a lot of time to study passively.

People around the learners speak the learners' target language, the environment surrounding the learners is full of their target language, and the learners can use their target language every day.

So if you have the chance to live in a country where people speak your target language, please take all the advantages of it. Study hard and you will save about 60 percent of the time it will take when you study in your native country.

deleted_user_13765's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Χειρόγραφα κείμενα

Πριν από περίπου δύο μήνες άρχισα να διαβάσω μερικά βιβλία στα ελληνικά. Απ' όλα αυτά που έχω, προσπάθησα να επιλέξω εκείνα που φαίνονται πιο εύκολα (και κυρίως πιο σύντομα, αυτό όμως δεν είχε πολλή σημασία στο τέλος επειδή τα περισσότερα ήταν συλλογές διηγημάτων). Με εξέπληξε πως πολλά ήταν ακόμα γραμμένα με το πολυτονικό σύστημα· στο διάβασμα δεν πειράζει, μα αν θες να γράψεις, το να θημηθείς όλους τους τόνους σε κάθε λέξη πρέπει να έιναι σκληρό.
Ενώ ξεφύλλιζα τα διάφορα βιβλία που σκεφτόμουν να διαβάσω, άνοιξα ένα και βρήκα ένα μικρό σημείωμα (στα ελληνικά, φυσικά). Δεν κατάφερα να το διαβάσω γιατί δεν μπορούσα να καταλάβω τους γραφικούς χαρακτήρες: η γραφή που έχω συνηθίσει δεν είναι τόσο παρόμοια με το πώς γράφουν πολλοί άνθρωποι κάποιες φορές.
Έτσι, έπρεπε να αποκρυπτογράψω το κείμενο λέξη προς λέξη μέχρι να τις κατανοήσω όλες. Η αδερφή εκείνης που είχε γράψει το σημείωμα ήταν η συγγραφέας του βιβλίου: ήταν ένα μεταθανάτιο έργο με τα κείμενα που δεν κατάφερε να δημοσιέψει πριν πεθάνει. Τότε, η αδερφή φρόντισε για τη δημοσίευση κι έστειλε μερικά αντίτυπα σε γνωστούς της συγγραφέα. Το βιβλίο είναι απ' το 2008, οπότε αυτό συνέβη πριν από αρκετό καιρό.

artemu's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Die beste Arbeitsstelle

Ich mag nicht meine heutige Arbeit (passt 'heutige' hier? ich meine die Arbeit, die ich jetzt habe). Jeden Morgen habe ich schlechte Stimmung, da ich an meine Arbeit denke, und wie muss ich den ganzen Tag im Office verbringen.
Schlechte Laune haben ist kein gutes Ding, und außerdem, schadet es die Gesundheit. Also versuche ich häufig an etwas Gutes zu denken. Zum beispiel, errinere ich mich an mein altes Job.
Vor zehn Jahren, als ich noch ein Student war, habe ich eine Arbeit gesucht. Nach mehrere Wochen der Suche habe ich eine Stelle im Representänzbüro einer italienische Firma.
An dieser Arbeitsstelle musste ich oft Geschäftsreisen machen, im Durchschnitt 10 Tage pro Monat. Die restliche Tage musste ich im Office arbeiten. Das office war von einer gewönliche Wohunug gemacht. Im Office waren Arbeitszimmer meines Bosses, ein Zimmer für Buchhalterin und Vertriebsleiterin, ein Schlafzimmer meines Bosses, eine Küche und ein Badezimmer. Wenn Ihr fragt, warum das Office ein Schalfzimmer hat, dann sollt Ihr wissen, dass der Boss grundsätzlich im Office lebte. Es war lustig, manchmal Office zu betreten und den schlafenden Boss durch einen Spaltbreit offene Schlafzimmertür zu sehen.
Die Arbeitsatmsphäre im Office war großartig. Der Boss war ein sehr positiver Mensch, der gern Witze erzählte und erlaubt kein Stress am Arbeitsplatz. Zum Mittagsessen kochte jemand etwas Einfaches zu Essen. Manchmal hat der Boss selbst gekocht. So kochte er seine Lieblingsgericht, eine 'armer kroatischer Manns Gericht': er bratete etwas Mehl und Knoblauch, hinzufügte Spinat und Milch und kochte den Spinat für weitere 5 Minuten; denn kochte er Würste und serviert die mit dem Spinat.
Ich mochte die Arbeit, aber nach einem Jahr musste ich die Firma verlassen.

dongjune96's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022


Ich kaufte dieses neu Auto (bei oder in) einem Autohaus in der Nahe meines Hauses.
Ich habe diesen neuen Computer (in oder auf) einem Einkaufszentrum in der Nähe meines Hauses gekauft.

Können Sie bitte das im Detail erklären?
Danke im Voraus

ziopasta's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022






teohsia's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

El viaje de Kinmen 1

Kinmen es una isla cerca del sudeste parte de China, parte de isla más cercana solo 3 kilómetro de Xiamen, China ,sino es goernado por gobierno de Taiwan ROC.

Kinmen es una historica isla que hay muchas arquitectura de estilo Minnan bonita. Como el clima ventosa y seca allí, Kaoliang liquor y vermicelli son abundan en Kinmen.

Este otoño, fui de vacaciones a Kinmen para mi descanso , cantaba cuando montaba en moto era relajarme en Kinmen por población pequeña.

deslang's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Layoffs & Immigration

Mass layoffs are hitting in the tech industry: right after Twitter and Meta discharged thousands of its workforce, Amazon is expected to let go about 10000 employees this week, according to the New York Times. Divisions that bear the brunt include Device, Retail, and HR. In this challenging time, tech employees are concerned about possible layoffs; to make matters worse, many people in this industry are on a work visa. How does layoff affect them? How can they maintain immigration status after their employment is terminated?

In this critical moment, we invited ABC, the founder of ABC & Associate, to answer those questions during our Thursday meetup. Dr. ABC will talk about the matters that people are concerned about the most. She will:

1. discuss how to maintain immigration status after a layoff during different stage of the Green Card process (OPT, H1B, 140, 485, etc)
2. provide advice about the rehiring process
3. analyze if a company needs to pause immigration support due to layoff

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

My Best Friend in Elementary School

I remembered I had a best friend named Wang in elementary. His mother was beautiful and filmed for a local toothpaste brand, she once invited me to have a lunch at their house, I had a strong memory on the delightful dumpling on that day.
We studied at school, played games after class, sometimes chipped in money to buy snacks. That's a memory like an elephant, a time without anxiety. I thought him as my best friend.
But about 30 years later, It was in 2014. I met him in the opening ceremony of grade one and occasionally found his daughter and my daughter were in a same classroom. I called his name excitedly, but he forgot my name and finally remembered me after I said out my name.
I felt failure and make a bad conclusion: I treated him as my best friend, but he didn't think so. Actually, we didn't chat or phone to each other face to face even our daughters graduated from school.

maymaymay_'s avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Please review my essay.

IELTS Speaking part 3:

1 How can rivers/lakes benefit local people?

They can offer many benefits to the local community. The locals can use water from them as drinking water supplies and for household chores such as washing clothes. Rivers and lakes also support local agriculture. They can be used for irrigation and their silt enriches and replenishes the area around them, creating fertile lands which can produce a large number of good-quality crops. Another benefit is that they are nursery grounds for fish species, shrimp, and other aquatic organisms, which supports fishing and aquaculture for the locals. This provides an important source of protein for people’s diets and employment for millions of people. Furthermore, large and navigable ones can also be used as a lower-cost and more efficient way of transporting huge amounts of merchandise than trucks. Some such rivers that I know are the Mississippi and Missouri in the USA, and in Vietnam, we have the Mekong. Besides, many fast-flowing rivers, such as the Columbia River, and again, the Mekong river, can be a source of renewable energy to produce hydropower electricity. Another function I think most lakes and rivers can offer is leisure activities such as fishing and canoeing.

2 Do you think rivers/lakes attract tourists?

Yes, I think they do. It is partly because the water scenery is very pleasant, beautiful, and calming to look at. Tourists like to visit a lake or a river to refresh their minds by spending time in nature and participating in a wide range of water leisure activities such as boating, kayaking, and fishing. Many tourists come to my hometown, Buon Ma Thuot city, to admire the beauty of various primitive lakes such as the Ea Kao and the Lak.

3 How do rivers/lakes affect local tourism?

They can greatly benefit tourism in the community in many ways. They provide sources of water and silt that can replenish and enrich the around area, so usually, lakes and rivers are surrounded by plants and trees. So tourists, especially nature-loving ones, can be irresistibly tempted to choose a place with a lake or river for holiday to admire the view of the glittering and sparking water and vivid green vegetation. Besides, lakes and rivers are usually nursery grounds for birds, so they can help tourism in the local by attracting tourists that are bird lovers. On top of that, they can also entice visitors that are into aquatic leisure activities such as boating, fishing, and kayaking.

4 Are rivers/lakes good for transport? Why?

I think it depends on their navigability. For example, small rivers and lakes with limited water depth cannot facilitate transportation by large ships, and those with fast-flowing currents may not be capable of assisting a small boat in crossing them. Also, rivers and lakes cannot be operated for transportation throughout the year as water may freeze during winter or water level may go down too much during summer. On the other hand, navigable ones can be used effectively as a means of transport. Waterway does not require any cost of construction and maintenance, and the operating cost of inland water transport is very low. Plus, ships can carry an enormous amount of heavy and bulky goods. So you can see that rivers and lakes can provide a viable alternative or addition to road and rail transport. The Great Lakes on or near the Canada-United States border, and the Mississippi and Missouri rivers in the USA are notable examples of many crucial water transportation networks in the world.

wakeup_mike's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

First post

이거는 제 첫 포스트이에요. 여기서는 여름이니까 요즘 날씨가 너무 더워요! 오늘 최고 온도는 28도였어요. 다행히도 저는 에어컨 집에 있어서 기분이 좋았어요. 이따가 밖에 나가서 온도가 추워져서 산책하러 근처 있는 공원에 갔어요. 그때 습한 편이라서 산책이 좋았어요

sun111's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

A minha experiência no mundo da educação de pessoas adultas

A minha trajetória como professor de pessoas adultas.
Eu vou falar brevemente sobre a minha experiência no mundo da educação de pessoas adultas.
Há uns anos teve a oportunidade de fazer uma substituição de um professor que trabalhava nesta etapa educativa. Foram dois meses a trabalhar com um tipo de alunado muito diferente ao que eu estava acostumado: as crianças. Ali descobri uma parte da educação baseada em outras metodologias, com outras disciplinas ou matérias, com outro contacto bem diferente com o alunado. Em definitiva, eu fiquei apaixonado por esta etapa.
Desde aquele ano, todos os anos letivos que eu tenho podido, tenho escolhido um posto como professor de pessoas adultas.
Há quatro anos, finalmente consegui superar o exame e ganhei um posto como funcionário definitivo. Não o duvidei um momento e escolhi novamente trabalhar nesta etapa.
Assim que agora eu tenho um posto definitivo na educação de pessoas adultas onde espero ficar durante alguns anos mais, pois estou muito contento com este trabalho y tenho uma ótima relação com os meus alunos y alunas.

Romany's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

14 novembre: la Journée mondiale de diabète

J’étais surprise d’apprendre qu’il y’a une journée mondiale du diabète. Le but est d’expliquer la maladie afin de la combattre. Je reconnais que le diabète est une maladie très répandue et j’ai appris qu’il touche 1 personne sur 10. L’un de mes amis a reçu un diagnostic de diabète quand il était un adolescent et la maladie rendait sa vie difficile : il a le diabète de type 1. Bien que ce type de diabète soit grave, heureusement, il existe des médicaments comme des injections d’insuline et des pilules pour le gérer et on peut vivre une vie normale.

Dans le cas de mon ami, il faut qu’il ait une injection chaque jour dans son estomac. Il a accepté qu’il ne se guérira jamais mais son mode de vie est relativement normal : il fait du sport, il travaille et il voyage. Néanmoins, il est toujours vigilant, prudent et il fait très attention à ce qu’il mange. Il y a toujours des risques car on dit que ce type de diabète abîme les organes et tue près de 1,9 millions de personnes par ans.

Il existe aussi un diabète de type 2. Celui-ci, n’est pas tellement grave et c’est lié à une mauvaise alimentation ou au manque de l’exercice. Pour le type 2, il est important de changer ses habitudes de vie : manger sainement et faire du sport. Si ça ne suffit pas, le médecin peut prescrire un traitement de pilules ou des injections. Mais une fois de plus, on ne guérira jamais.

felixir's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

-(으)ㄹ까 하다

1. 휴가가 어디로 가려고요?
제 아내는 하와이를 좋아해서 저기에 갈까 해요.

2. 나중에 뭘 하나요?
모르겠어요. 비가 올 테니까 집에 있을까 해요.

3. 상자에 뭘 넣어요?
귀걸이나 목걸이를 넣을까 해요.

4. 내년의 계획이 뭐예요?
대학에 돌아갈까 했지만 생각을 바꿨어요. 대신 유럽에 여행하려고요.

5. 주연 씨, 이사했다고 하던데요?
아니요. 이사할까 했는데 새 직업을 가까이 구했어요.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

A WeChat Message

I never tried to memorize an English word. It's enough for me to comprehend English words. So as long as I see an English word and know what it means, that's okay.

When I write in English, I only need to input the first few letters, and then, the related English words will pop up on my keyboard for me to choose.

If the word that I want doesn't pop up, I probably input the wrong letters, then I will read the word so the word will pop out.

If I failed in both of the methods, I would use the translation apps on my phone, putting in the Chinese words to get their corresponding English words.

Why don't I memorize how to spell English words? Learning English is only my hobby, so I don't need to take any exams. In addition, my memory is bad now, memorizing an English word is very difficult for me.

edwardhopper's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Au café

Maintenant, je suis à un café en train de travailler. Je sens que je travail plus efficacement quand je suis dehors. Quand je suis à la maison, il est très difficile de se concentrer sur mon boulot. Je fais quoi maintenant? J’écris un article que je vais soumettre à une revue scientifique. Mon délai est samedi donc il faut que je me dépêche.

applebubble's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022


Бывший роскошный отель в Майами, принимав президентов в разгаре 1960-х годов, обрушился в субботу после десятилетий заброшенности. 17 этажей отель был построен в 1957-м году, и Кеннеди сам выступил с речью там за конференцию "молодых демократов". Однажды, группа "The Beatles" исполнила там, пев 6 песен за радио-шоу, привлекав в общей сложности 70 миллионов зрителей. Исполнение являлось вторым появлением группы в данном шоу, происходившим через недели после своего легендарного первого появления.

Имущество пропало в полуразрушенное состояние с годами. К тому же, оно было закрыто после электрического пожара. Полицейские добавили, что члены семьи, обладавшей отель, часто ссорились по уплате штрафов в результате нарушения городских регуляций. Мэр, писав имейл обитателям после нарочного разрушения отеля, процитировал длинную и мучительную перепалку между небрежными владельцами, оставившими здание в запущенном состоянии.

В данный момент не ясно, как справиться с тучкой обломков. Некий владелец баскетбольного клуба уже выразил желание приобрести площадь и отсюда построить блестящий отель высоты 350 футов и кондоминиум, зато план находится в состоянии неопределенности, из-за регуляции, гласящей, что высота всех городских зданий не должны превышать порог 200 футов. Тем не менее, данный человек заинтересуется снова, если им (ему? как.. например только есть Джон и я, но мы пишем (Мы и джон съели.. но в этом случае?) и городской администрации удается сойтись в новом плане.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

A WeChat Message

I am hesitant to buy a new car because I already have three cars. One Bmw 7 luxury, one Passat and one Chery suv.

I just want a small suv with all high tech to give me an enjoyable and relaxing tour journey. The car I want to buy is for my wife and we to travel after I retire and none of the current three is suitable, in my opinion.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Monitoring Strengthen

It seems that any calls to or from oversea are monitored. I usually communicate with friend overseas via email. One day, I made a phone call to a friend in Hongkong, after the phone, I message immediately pushed to my phone warning me to be aware cheating or scamming information from overseas.
If I use my phone browse YouTube , Twitter via VPN, I also would receive a message warning me that I checked a website which may containing scamming data.

emma97's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Capitalismo de vigilancia

Este debate es muy interesante y de verdad tiene buenas puntos de los dos proponentes. Me parece un tema muy relevante para explorar.

La primera punta que venía a mi mente fue sobre capitalismo de vigilancia (surveillance capitalism). Las nuevas tecnologías soportan la capacidad de empresas grandes para conseguir volúmenes de datos de nosotros en niveles sin precedentes. Esto parece sin consecuencias en una primera mirada, pero en realidad se podría volver muy dañino. Las empresas como Google y Facebook ganan sus ingresos desde sus herramientas de predicción y capacidad de publicidades. Para asegurar que son más precisos las predicciones, el proceso conlleva modificaciones de comportamiento sin darse cuenta los usuarios. Por esta razón, creo que se está abusando de las nuevas tecnologías.

tinytomz's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Escribir en otro idioma

Escribir en otro idioma es divertido. Es más agradable que hablar, porque puedo buscar reglas gramaticales antes escribo. Aún, hago muchos errores, pero eso es cómo usted aprende.

emma97's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Sobre la playa

En verano, siempre quiero aprovechar el día y pasar lo más tiempo posible en la playa.

Definitivamente me siento una conexión profundísima con la playa y el mar. Me encanta despertarme antes del sol y tener un ritual con el amanecer, cuando no hay tanta gente en la orilla y hay tranquilidad y paz. Los sonidos del océano y las olas cuando rompen en la arena son muy calmados. Y en el momento cuando se sube el sol, se puede ver luz dorada y brillante, bailando en el agua. Entonces, se empieza sentir el calor, y la esperanza del día y todo su potencial. Me da tanto gratitud y una felicidad simple.

Igual me gustan las frutas de verano, como mango y sandía. Son tan dulces y refrescante en los días calientes.

Y en fin, las noches de verano cuando todavía hay luz hasta tarde. Me encanta comer la cena afuera durante el atardecer o cuando el tiempo hace bien, en vez de las noches oscuras y frías de invierno.

emma97's avatar

Nov. 16, 2022

Los dos tienen utilidad

Este tema es algo que he pensado muchas veces antes, incluso cada vez que quiero comprar un nuevo libro y no estoy segura de cual versión sería lo mejor.

Para mí, los libros digitales siempre están conmigo en mi celular o mi tableta. No pesan demasiados y apenas hay un límite. Específicamente para mejorar mi experiencia de aprender idiomas, disfruto mucho el proceso de anotar, resaltar, y buscar por palabras nuevas mientras los leo. Con mi app de libros, todas las cosas que he resaltado están accesible en una lista especial de notas, y es bastante más rápido para ver que un libro físico. Sin embargo, me cuesta mucho pasar tanto tiempo en mi pantalla. Además, disfruto leer muchísimo en los ambientes naturales, en los aires libres, particularmente en la playa. Pero con mucho sol se hace más difícil para ver el pantalla, y la batería dura por menos si la luminosidad necesita ser tan brillante.

En comparación, los libros físicos son más tradicionales. Se puede doblarlos, romperlos, y escribir en maneras mas desorganizadas encima de todas las páginas. No puedo llevar mucho conmigo siempre, pero en realidad no soy capaz de leer tantos libros en un día. Un libro es suficiente la mayoría del tiempo.

Por estas razones, uso los dos tipos de libros para situaciones diferentes.