Jack's avatar

Nov. 22, 2022


During the pandemic, the district I live in set up more than thirty quarantine facilities, which are actually convenient hotels.

Each quarantine facility is equipped with a work team which consists of a director, an information assistant, three logistical staff, three medical staff and two policemen.

The director is responsible for everything in the facility. The information assistant is responsible for all the information about the facility. Three medical staff are responsible for the Covid test and temperature taking for people who are in quarantine in the facility. Three logistical staff are responsible for the logistical things for the facility. Two policemen guard the isolated people to ensure they act in order.

The following types of people need quarantines.
People who once were in contact with a person Covid positive. People who come from an area that is rated a high Covid risk area. People have been to a place where a Covid positive person has been there too at the same time.

The quarantined people need to take 7-days centralized quarantine in the quarantine facility and 3-day quarantine at their homes.

The local CDC will collect and process the information of life activity tracks of every person to identify who will need quarantine.

After that, the local cdc will inform the townships or the street offices that people who are in their jurisdiction will need quarantine.

Therefore, the townships or street offices will send the people who need quarantine to the quarantine facilities as well as take them to their homes after the centralized quarantine ends.

So far, the situation of Covid in the city l live in hasn't gotten better. New infected cases occur every day, but not so many. The war between Covid and the citizens is still ongoing.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 22, 2022

Contact Lens

My friend sent a picture to me yesterday, she said one of her high school classmates asked her to buy it in Japan.
She asked me what it is and what is for.
I have been working as an optician for over 10 years, so she messaged me and asked for some suggestions.
I said that's one famous brand of RGP which is an abbreviation writing of Rigid Gas Permeable lens. But it can only be sold by hospitals in China, but I don't know why it can be bought online without a doctor's prescription.

leontablet's avatar

Nov. 22, 2022

Weitere Geschichtsnotizen

In Preußen war es schwieriger die Geschichtslosigkeit Österreichs nachzuahmen, so viel es der König wollte. Er musste mehrmals versprechen, irgendwann Volksvertretung gewährzuleisten, doch noch nicht. Die verschiedenen Hochschule, hauptsächlich die Berliner, waren Quellen der freien Gedanken, und hegten Schrifter wie Görres und Arndt.

Metternich bot Ruhe an, altgewöhnte Ordnung. Den Jungen, frisch aus dem geweihten Befreiungskrieg zurückgekommen, gefiel das nicht. Aber die Jugendbewegungen dieses Jahrzehntes waren eigenartig. Fremdfeindlich bis ins Närrische, sie waren gegen den Absolutismus sowohl als auch gegen den Liberalismus gestellt, welchen letzteren sie für ein Kunstprodukt des Auslands hielten.

Sie bewunderten eine entstellte Vision der Vergangenheit, manchmal äußerten sie sich für neuzeitliche Gleichheit, andermal (unter anderen Lehrern) für das Glauben an Gott. Eine wirre Vermischung der Ideen, die nichts vom Schlage der festen entspringenden Entzweiungen der französischen Politik zwischen Links und Rechts aufwies.

Diese Knaben waren jedoch harmlos im Grunde. Doch einer von ihnen beging Eklatantes: einen politischen Mord. Die Reaktion war überstiegen, und so begannen die Zeiten der „Karlsbäder Beschlüsse“, mit der Absicht gegen alle keimende Revolution schleunigst zuzuschlagen, um die Vergangenheit keine Wiederholung einzuräumen.

funkypants's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

First day

Hi there. I have been living in the UK for 5 years already, but oftentimes I feel like my English could be better. Yesterday, I visited some friends I have known for a long time. They both are able to speak very fluently, virtually flawlessly. It made me jealous, I felt my English was clumsy and I wasn't able to articulate or say what I wanted without throwing in many grammatical mistakes. I hope that writing down my thoughts will somehow help me out.

jukia's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022



jukia's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022



TarYosh's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

Unexpected Guest

Last Saturday morning, an unexpected viewer appeared on my live stream.

When I started playing Priest Simulator, someone whose name was so unique followed my channel.
The name was “YankeeGyaruJKWakaraseNTR”, and it was hilarious.
Don’t ask me why.

I tried to say thanks to this new follower, but I couldn't help laughing.
At the same time, my brain started noticing something, but couldn't figure out what it was exactly.
Then the person commented “ara ara ohayo ikemen boy” in the chat.
Then, I realized what was happening.
I asked them, I mean, her, “Are you Oneechan?”

“big boin boin nekomimi oneechan desu wa”
She answered.

This name is totally her style, but I didn't notice that.
She was only witnessed in live streams on YouTube and there was no info that she appeared on Twitch before.
Who could expect that she would use a new name?

I was so delighted by her visit.
She was so funny as always, and my brain function was debuffed for a while.

Check out the related links in the notes section.

not_found's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022








ひきこもりの問題にはさまざまな原因があると思います。引きこもりは、個人的な傷とか、悩みとか、あらゆる失敗に大きく影響を与えられ、外界の関係から逃げて、家を出られないことにします 。

frannie_'s avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

Frases 22

Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntese libres de dejar cualquier corrección.

1. It is the hardest thing I have done.
- Es lo más difícil que he hecho.
1. I need to put my physical and mental health first.
- Necesito poner mi salud física y mental primero.
1. It is ruining my sleep.
- Me está arruinando el sueño.
1. I don’t want to sacrifice my routines.
- No quiero sacrificar mis rutinas.
1. The solution is to become more adaptable.
- La solución es ser más adaptable.
1. I need to remember to trust in myself.
- Necesito recordar confiar en mí misma.
1. It was an undesirable outcome.
- Fue un resultado indeseable.
1. External validation is important to young people.
- La validación externa es importante para los jóvenes.
1. I am content.
- Estoy contenta.
1. I care about his feelings.
- Me preocupo por sus sentimientos.
1. I wanted to leave the group chat.
- Quería salir del chat grupal.
1. I don’t know what the word for it is in Spanish.
- No sé cuál es la palabra para ello en español.
1. He is a bit pompous.
- Es un poco pomposo.
1. Everything is going according to plan.
- Todo va según lo planeado.
1. I feel excluded.
- Me siento excluida.
1. I deserve it.
- Me lo merezco.
1. He objectifies, demeans, is impatient and haughty.
- Cosifica, degrada, es impaciente y altivo.
1. This is what I will embody.
- Esto es lo que encarnaré.
1. She is a bit optimistic.
- Ella es un poco optimista.
1. I’ll bring my own lunch.
- Traeré mi propio almuerzo.
1. They are hypocritical.
- Son hipócritas.
1. I am excited for this new chapter in my life.
- Estoy emocionada por esto capítulo nuevo en mi vida.

isacrisma_'s avatar

Nov. 21, 2022


Manchmal habe ich lichte Momenten, in denen mir bewusst wird, dass das Leben über meine täglichen Gedanken hinausgeht. In diesen Momente sehe ich ganz klar und erinnere mich daran, als ob mir den Gedanke zum ersten Mal in den Sinn käme, dass es noch andere Menschen da draußen gibt, die gerade vielleicht lachen, weinen, leiden, lieben, sterben ... Es gibt auch mich, die sich immer wieder in ihren eigenen Gedanken versinkt und durch die Straßen mit verschwommenem Sehen schlendert.
In meinen lichten Momenten muss ich an Kierkegaard denken: "Das Leben kann nur in der Schau nach rückwärts verstanden, aber nur in der Schau nach vorwärts gelebt werden". Ist es nicht schade, dass man sein Leben als Anfänger beginnt? Wenn ich mit etwas mehr Erfahrung auf die Welt gekommen wäre, hätte ich vielleicht nicht so gelitten, in den Momenten, in den ich so geweint habe. Ich hätte vielleicht die Herzen von Menschen nicht gebrochen, die ich nie geliebt habe. Vielleicht hätte ich meinen Opa mehr gefragt oder meine Eltern öfter umarmt. Aber vielleicht ist das nicht schade. Denn schließlich ist es schade, wenn man durchs Leben in dem Wissen geht, dass man alles weiß. Ich will durchs Leben in dem Wissen gehen, dass ich ein besserer Mensch werde.

Rumble_Bumble's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

What Self Justification Is and How It Helps Us Feel Better

You may believe that you make good choices in life, but is that true? Indeed, usually we choose some things and later make up reasons for our choices. 

Let’s imagine you've driven an old Kia all your life, but then you’ve decided to buy a Mercedes. You spent all of your savings on this car and have put a strain on your budget. Maybe you even got a loan from the bank. In other words, it isn’t a reasonable purchase. But once you’ve bought this car, you’ve made an irrevocable decision, so now you have to find the reasons for your action.

You’ll probably start to tell your friends how great and safe this car, and how important it is for you to drive your children safely to school. Also, you can come up with reasons like this:  “I've work hard all my life and now can afford to give myself a Mercedes. After all, I deserve some comfort.” 

If some of your friends also buy a Mercedes after your talk, you’ll feel even better about your new car. 

Why do we do these things? Because we subconsciously want to reduce the cognitive dissonance about our actions. The term "cognitive dissonance" describes a mental discomfort that a person feels when holding two contradictory beliefs, attitudes or values. People tend to seek consistency in their feelings and thoughts, so this conflict causes unease and discomfort.

We couldn’t be entirely sure that we made the right decision whether we bought a car, joined an art course or ordered a new pair of jeans. Uncertainty makes us uncomfortable, ashamed, and nervous. That’s why we justify our actions.

Let’s take a look at another example: someone who wholeheartedly believes in a healthy lifestyle but they also smoke? How will this person deal with their cognitive dissonance in this situation? Probably, they will come up with some excuses for their harmful behavior. A smoker may decide that cigarettes are not as detrimental as everyone says, or they may convince themselves that the pleasure of smoking outweighs the consequences to their health. 

That’s why we shouldn’t rely on reviews on the product’s sites, especially if we plan to buy some items worth a king’s ransom. Customers who have already paid for an expensive product will justify their decision at any price. They absolutely need to believe that they've made the right choice. 

So, if you want to make a decision, don't ask for advice from someone who has just done it. For example, If someone has visited a psychotherapist for ten years and spent $50,000, they will probably tell you that Dr. Davidson is a great specialist. “I don’t know how different my life would look if I hadn't gone to him. I don't think I would have met my partner, changed my career, or gone travel. I wouldn’t have been as happy!” Of course, this person will never tell you something like, “Dr. Davidson is a fraud and liar, and you should never sign up for a session!” If we spend a lot of energy and money on something, we will support our decision at any price. 

We will justify not only our purchases but also our actions. For instance, some psychotherapists support the idea that expressing anger helps reduce it. Undoubtedly, it completely works the opposite. Hitting a pillow or shouting in the forest will make us even angrier. In the same way, when we punch or hit someone, we only fuel our rage. When we later ask ourselves why we’ve behaved that way, we start justifying our actions. 

That’s what a bully does when he bullies someone. When a bully later understands that he hasn't any actual reasons for beating a quiet student, he creates excuses for his behaviour to reduce discomfort. “This person is a nerd,” “If he had a chance, he would also beat me.” In other words, a bully blames a victim.

In short, we support decisions that we already have made at any price. Self-justification helps us reduce cognitive dissonance and feel comfortable about ourselves. It also protects our self-esteem and lets us feel better about ourselves.

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

Challenge, Day 51

Today is the 51st day of my daily English challenge. I didn't feel better. I have a pain because I have hernia cervical. My pain is very strong.

In the afternoon, I had an appoitment over Skype. We spoke in French, then in Spanish. She corrected me some words of pronunciation.

Finally, she gave me a recipe Italy and I will do soon.

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

El día 21 de mi reto.

Hoy es el día 21 de mi reto de español. encontré en Instragram y no estoy segura si es una cita o el dicho. He tratado de traduirla de árabe del español.

No puede esperar alguién encantarte si no sabes comó encatarate a ti mismo primero. Si no puede encatar tu mismo primero, no puede recepir el amor de los demás, y así perfecta lo que aprender; amarte a ti mismo primero.

elyssespeaks's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

Mon plat préféré de préparer

Maintenant j'ai 17 abonnés sur ma nouvelle chaîne YouTube où je poste une vidéo tous les jours. C'est formidable ça! Mais bon, aujourd'hui il fait -3° dehors donc je suis très contente de travailler de la maison, plus que d'habitude. Le temps froid me donne envie de manger quelque chose de chaud, comme un ragoût par exemple. Mon plat préféré est shakshouka, c'est un plat qu'on mange au Moyen-Orient, surtout au Maroc et en Israël. C'est un ragoût de base de tomates avec des oeufs. Il y a aussi du poivron rouge, des épices, et de la coriandre. Je le mange toujours avec de la coriandre, ça ne peut pas manquer! Je commence par faire sauter de l'ail, l'oignon et les épices jusqu'à ce que ce soit parfumé. Puis j'ajoute une grande boîte de tomates-- il y a des gens qui insistent sur cuisiner shakshouka seulement avec des tomates fraîches, mais c'est pas pratique. Il n'y a pas toujours des tomates fraîches à la maison (bien que ça serait un rêve.) Je fais cuire les tomates et le poivron rouge jusqu'à ce que tout devienne tendre, et je termine par ajouter les œufs dans la poêle et les faire cuire pour trois à cinq minutes. Pas moins et pas plus que cinq minutes parce que les oeufs continuent à se cuire même après d'éteindre la cuisinière. Pour le bien faire il faut penser à l'avance... Je suis bonne à faire du shakshouka. Je peux le préparer en moins de 40 minutes parce que j'ai eu beaucoup de pratique! Après écrire sur le plat j'ai beaucoup d'envie de le manger...

frenchfrancegrammaire française
BlackGlasses's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022



veronika's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

La caratteristica sulla base di testo.

Federica Angeli è nata a Roma nel 1975 È cresciuta a Ostia. È la redattrice e l’autrice. Nel 2016 è stata nominata “Ufficio alle del Repubblica italiana al merito” Perché ha combattuto contro la mafia.
Federica angeli è perseverata, retta e ostinata. La cosa che sicuramente può sottolineare è che la giornalista si prepara bene da tutte interviste. Perciò chiede le domande dritte e taglienti: “Si dice che dietro i roghi di tanti stabilimenti ci sia la sua mano” (r. 6) e “[…] È vero che Lei negli anni Ottanta assoldò un killer […]?” (r. 8-9). Mentre l’operatore è molto stupido Federica continua a riconoscere l’informazione più grandioso.
Durante l’infanzia Federica ha sempre avuto la paura della mafia ma era sicura che a Roma non c’è clan mafiosi: “Già da adolescente avvertivo il timore che i cittadini avevano di questi personaggi.” (r.33-34). Ma con la comprensione che Roma non solo ha la mafia ma anche sopra la media clan mafiosi Ha iniziato a parlare di questo. È tenace e insistente perché con tutte le forze ha provato a dimostrare alla pulizia che anche Roma ha i problemi con la mafia: “[…] Convincere il caporedattore dell’effettiva gravità dei fatti” (r. 20).
Dalla notte della sparatoria ha diventato una testimone ultima che ha dichiarato ciò che ha visto. È la persona che non ha paura da sacrificare la sua libertà per la giustizie e per la società.

Federica angeli lavora al cento per cento, mette il beneficio comune sopra il beneficio proprio. Questo mostra Federica come la redattrice ben qualificata e perseverante che fa tutto per la città e il paese proprio.

BlackGlasses's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

English Module

Hello everyone! I am so happy to begin this english module. I cannot wait to complete the activities.

I learned English, mostly, by myself in highschool but I have some mistakes and I hope Incan improve my English in this module.

slypkc's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022


금요일에 나의 룸메이트들과 나는 추수감사절을 기념했습니다.
저는 알프레도 파스타, 호박파이, 마늘빵을 만들었습니다.
제 친구들은 닭날개, 으깬 감자, 그레이비를 만들었습니다.
우리는 함께 영화를 보았고 나는 또한 새로운 친구들을 사귀었습니다!
즐거웠지만, 저는 추수감사절이 너무 기다려집니다.
저는 한 달 동안 가족을 보지 못했습니다.

s44l4m4ndristic4mente's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

Lasciare un lavoro

Circa di un mese fa ho cominciato a lavorare in un ristorante chiamato Old Wild West. Ero molto felice perché non ci è voluto tanto tempo per trovarlo, comunque la mia felicita non durò a lungo.

Il colloquio andò a buon termino, anche se non avevo risposte a tutte le domande una maniera corretta, per me era molto complicato capire il accento delle persone che mi stava facendo delle domande, sembrava che il suo accento fosse del sud, io non sono abituato a quel accento. Alle fine tutte è andato a buon termino.

Nella stessa settimana mi hanno chiamato per farmi sapere che avevo ottenuto il lavoro. Era un lavoro part time, comunque, i giorni erano a due turni per esempio il venerdì delle 10 della mattina alle 2 del pomeriggio e dopo sempre nello stesso giorno delle 7 fino a mezza note. Dall’altro lato doveva prendere il vaporetto sia per arrivare che per ritornare a casa mia. Ci mettevo circa una ora... e dopo doveva ritornare, non mi piaceva quell’orario.

Sono molto a disaggio con la maniera di lavorare in cucina è frenetica e caotica, le persone gridano per tutto, spesso mi dicono di fare tutto velocemente e anche mi dicono di fare cose che non corrispondono al ruolo di lavoro.
Dopo finire di lavorare sento un dolore accuso nella schiena, non è possibile rimanere in quel posto di lavoro, devo trovare urgentemente un altro.

praworks's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

Zertifikat B1 neu / Schreiben / 10-1

Hi, könnte jemand bitte meinen Brief korrigieren? Vielen Dank voraus.

Hallo Dev und Ruthvick, 

Ich hoffe, dass es euch gut geht. Wie ihr schon wisst, findet in unserer Schule ein großes Sommerfest statt. Gerade habe ich eine Anzeige auf Facebook gesehen: Das Sommerfest beginnt am Samstag, außerdem es gibt Musik, Essen und Trinken. Großartig, oder? Unsere alle freunde auch kommen da. Wollen wir uns treffen und echt Spaß machen im Sommerfest? Ich freue mich dafür. Also, ich hole euch ab in eurem Hause, was sagt euch? Ruf mich an bald. Bis Samstag. 

Liebe Grüße

leeekayi's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

21 novembre 2022 - Noël

Je ne suis pas rendu compte que c'est déjà 21 novembre, c'est-à-dire que le decembre s'approche. Pour moi, le mois de decembre est le mois de Noël. Il y a de plus on plus des décorations de Noël, par exemple, le sapin de Noël, les étoiles etc. En fait, je voulais toujours d'avoir un sapin de Noël chez moi, mais ma mère l'ai interdit parce que l'appartement était trop petit.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

My Family

My Family.

I have three siblings. My two older brothers, and my younger sister.

My big brother is 12 years older than me, my second brother is 5 years older than me and my sister is 3 years younger than me.

My oldest brother used to be an officer in the military. Now he has left the military and lives in Shanghai with his family.
He only has a son, and his son has had a son.

My second older brother works for a local tobacco company. He has only one daughter. His daughter has already gotten married and has a daughter.

My second older brother has two houses. One is in Shanghai and the other is in the local county.

I also have a son and my son has already had his daughter.

My son and I live in Fuyang city, but we don't live together. We live separately in the same community.

My younger sister has only a daughter who is working and living in Hangzhou. My younger sister has two houses. One is in the city l live in, the other is in Hangzhou city.

My parents have already passed away. My father passed away in 1987 and my mom just passed away at the end of last year.

kgloryah's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

Aujourd'hui était bizarre.

J'ai passé la nuit à chez de mon oncle parce que il est très malade. Je suis me réveillée à 7 h 30 et j'ai pris une douche. Après, j'ai prépare le petit déjeuner pour les deux de nous. J'ai fait les vaisselles et je suis pars pour l'université. Malheureusement, j'ai trouvé la congestion sur la route et je suis arrivée retard pour mon TD. J'essaie tourner mon PC mais il y a pas de batterie. J'ai demandé mon ami pour un charger mais j'ai trouvé que j'ai oublié télécharger la carte sur le site.

praworks's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

Zertifikat B1 neu / Schreiben / 9-2

Hi. Can someone correct below paragraph. Thanks in advance

Was für ein wichtiges Thema! Wie kann man den richtigen Beruf wählen! Ich habe die Meinung von Alexander gelesen und ich stimme ihn vollkommen zu. Der Beruf ist nicht nur notwendig um Geld zu verdienen, sondern auch um bequemes Leben zu haben. Deshalb passt man auf, wenn einem Beruf sich entschiedet. Er muss darüber diskutieren mit freunden, welcher Beruf gefällt ihn am besten. Außerdem, man kann auch im Internet suchen, es gibt großartige Information. Je man guten Beruf habt, desto man glücklich ist.

Monsieur_Elephant's avatar

Nov. 21, 2022

Etimologie di toponimi italiani #2

Continuiamo con le etimologie di regioni e città italiane!

¤ TRENTINO-ALTO ADIGE/TRENTO = "Adige" proviene dal nome latino del proprio fiume: "Athesis" ; è anche attestato sotto le forme "Deso", "Dise", e "Desium", e tutte sono probabilmente collegate al proto-germanico *þeudō, "il popolo", imparentato a "Deutsch" i "Tedesco", da una radice proto-indo-europea *tewtéh2 che significava "tribù". Il Trentino è ovviamente la regione di Trento, "Tridentum" in latino. Perché un tridente? Le ipotesi divergono, ma la più probabile spiega che i tre "denti" sono i tre colline intorno alla città, il Doss Trento, il Doss di Sant'Agata e il Doss di San Rocco.

¤ REGIONE VENETO/VENEZIA = Dai "Veneti", un popolo antico indoeuropeo, chiamato anche "Eneti", "Venetici", o "Henetoi" dai greci. L'etimologia è un po' oscura. Ho trovato una relazione con la dea Venus, il cui nome è collegato con "venator" ("cacciatore"), da una radice indoeuropea (*wen) che significava "amare, desirare forte". Tuttavia, si tratta di una ipotesi incerta.

¤ FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA/TRIESTE = Da "forum Iulii", "il forum di Giulio". In origine, il luogo era semplicemente un castrum (un campo fortificato), ma Giulio Cesare, che lo ha trasformato in un forum. La "gens" (famiglia) Iulii era una famiglia vecchia di patriciani romani, che dicevano discendere d'Enea, sopravvissuto della distruzione di Troia e antenato di Romulus. Il nome "Iulius" proviene probabilmente dal latino antico *Iovilios ("cha appartiene a Jove). Jovem pater = Jupiter, e la parola "jovem" è collegata al lat. dies, Deus, it. giorno, sanscr. deva, da una radice proto-indo-europea, *dyew-, "cielo, paradiso" ma anche "brillante". "Trieste", in latino "Tergestum", proviene da una parola slavica (forse di origine veneta o illirica), *terg, che significava "mercato". È imparentato al serbo-croato "trg" (col medesimo significato) ed al russo торг ("torg").