Nov. 22, 2022
Hi, könnte jemand bitte meinen Brief korrigieren? Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Hallo Anna,
Ich hoffe, dass es dir gut geht. Wie du schon weißt, war ich gestern Abend bei meinen neuen ausländischen Nachbarn zum Essen. Er war sehr froh zu mir zu sehen. Wir haben gemeinsam über verschiedene Themen diskutiert. Zum Beispiel: Musik, Politik und Umwelt. Er hat ein tolles Essen vorbereitet. Ich finde Currywurst zwar am besten, aber ein bisschen salzig. Ich habe nicht nur echt Spaß gemacht, sondern auch gut gegessen. Trotzdem mochte ich ihm zum Essen danken, konntest du mir sagen, wie soll ich dafür tun? Ruf mich bald an.
Liebe Grüße
Nov. 22, 2022
My Job
I was transferred to my current department in June 2020. The name of the department is called agricultural radio broadcasting and television school, which focuses on training the farmers in the district I belong to.
Every year, my department will train 300 farmers. These farmers will be in six different classes based on what they are growing.
There are classes which specialize in vegetables, fruits, crops, agricultural machines, livestock and so on.
If the farmers mainly plant vegetables, then they will join the vegetables class. If farmers mainly grow fruits, then they will join the fruit classes.
The classes have different training durations, the shortest one will be 6 days and the longest one will be 16 days.
The courses being taught for each class contain two types of training: indoor theoretical training and field training. The ratio of practical lessons to theoretical lessons is usually one to one or two to one.
The start time of training each year is at the end of April or the early of May and the end time of the training each year is usually at the end of November or the early of December.
Now, my department has finished this year's training. In the following months, my coworkers and I will mainly do the documents to meet various inspections from various superior departments.
Nov. 22, 2022
Terza parte della serie sulle etimologie.
¤ LIGURIA/GENOVA = Dai Liguri, un popolo che era probabilmente pre-indoeuropeo e vivava in questa regione ed al nord della Toscana. La forma più vecchia è "Ligyes" in greco, "Ligus" in latino, ma è diventata "Ligures" per rotacismo (la trasformazione /s/ => /r/). La lingua dei Liguri antichi non è attestata da nessuna iscrizione, perciò è impossibile dire a quale famiglia appartiene. Alcuni ci vedono una radice pre-indoeuropea, *legh, "fango, limo", che spiega anche il nome della Loire in Francia (quelli che ci vivono sono i "Ligériens"), ma mi pare che sia un'ipotesi poco certa. Per "Genova", ci sono diverse teorie: una collega il nome al latino "genu", un'altra al deo Giano, che aveva due facce, come Genova: una faccia che riguarda le montagne, e l'altra il mare. Tuttavia, entrambe parono essere etimologie popolari. C'è un'inscrizione in etrusco che designa la città come "Kainua", ciò che significa "nuova città". L'origine etrusca è più verosimile.
¤ EMILIA-ROMAGNA/BOLOGNA = Da una via romana, la via Aemilia, creata dal console Marcus Aemilus Lepidus, per collegare Ariminum (Rimini) a Placentia (Piacenza). La gens Aemilia apparteneva ai patrizi romani. Il suo nome è probabilmente di origine sabine, ed "aemilius" avrebbe significato "affabile". "Bologna" proviene dal celtico "Bonona", radice "bona" ("base, fondamenta"). Si ritrova in "Vindobona" ("la fondamenta biancha"), da quella proviene Vienna. In etrusco, la città si chiamava "Felsina".
¤ TOSCANA/FIRENZE = Dagli Etrusci, un popolo antico notto. A quanto pare, "*turskum/*tursci" era un nome umbriano datto a questo poplo, che è diventato "Trusci", "E-trusci" e poi "Tusci" dai Romani. I greci li chiamavano "Tyrrhenoi", et da dove proviene il "mar Tirreno". Tutti questi nomi sono collegati con "turris": gli Etrusci erano la gente che costruiva molte torri. Gli Etrusci stessi si chiamavano "Rasenna" o "Rasna", un nome all'etimologia sconosciuta. "Firenze" era "Florentia", nominata così perché fu fondata durante i Floralia, giocchi dedicati alla dea Flora (protettrice dei boccioli). "Fiore/flora" provengona da una radice proto-indo-europea *bhleh3, "crescere, fiorire". Le parole impartentate sono il ted. Blum ("fiore"), Blatt ("foglia"), sans. phulla ("fiore").
Nov. 22, 2022
Der Patient gab an, dass die Schmerzen seit gestern bestehen und gestern Nacht deutlich schlimmer gewesen seien. Außerdem teilte er mit, dass er ähnliche Schmerzen schon mal für 5 Tagen gehabt, aber dieses Mal seien die schlimmer.
Die vegetative Anamnese ergab, dass er seit 2 Monaten etwa häufiger urinieren müsse und zwar 9 mal pro Tag. Ferner teilte er mit, dass er letzte Nacht Schlafstörung gehabt habe.
Er rauche seit 35 Jahren täglich 20 Zigaretten. Er trinke 5 Tage der Woche 1 L Bier.
Nov. 22, 2022
1 Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?
No, not really. The first image that immediately pops up in my mind when I hear the word “celebration” is a stack of dirty dishes and a messy house with empty beer cans all over the floor. This is because in Vietnam, to celebrate a special occasion, the female members are in charge of preparing a large feast for the whole family and/or the guests. My family is no difference from that. So on an important event, my mother and I have to wake up early in the morning to buy fresh ingredients in a nearby market and spend hours in the kitchen cooking an enormous amount of food. Usually, after cooking, I am already fed up with the smell of food. The cleaning up after the party takes forever too. I guess that only men love to throw a party as they don’t have to do anything but enjoy the feast and get totally wasted after.
2 What kinds of events do people usually celebrate?
Well, there are numerous occasions that are worth celebrating. For example, most people celebrate their birthdays with friends and families. Anniversaries such as weddings or funerals are common celebrations too. People also commemorate national holidays such as Independence Day and some international holidays like Halloween and Christmas. Some also throw a party when they achieve a considerable accomplishment such as a promotion or college acceptance.
3 Do people often celebrate events with a large group of people or just a few people?
I can’t speak for everyone, but I suppose it partly depends on how large one’s social network is. This is because people undoubtedly want to celebrate their important day with those who are close to them. So for someone who has a lot of such people, celebrations will usually mean spending time with a large number of people. This is also true for those who have a lot of relatives living nearby. On new year's day or the death anniversary, for example, my house is packed with about thirty people who are my extended family.
4 Do people often celebrate festivals with families?
Yes, I think they do. Normally, people are so occupied with work or study that they seldom have the time they want to spend quality time with their families. So most people will try to make up for this during festivals. If you attend a festival in Vietnam, such as Hung King Temple or Giong festival, you can see many parents holding their child’s hand or walking with their teenagers or adults.
Nov. 22, 2022
Hi, könnte jemand bitte meinen Brief korrigieren? Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Hallo, Herr und Frau Stein,
I habe vor zwei Tagen in die neue Wohnung eingezogen. Die gefallt mir sehr gut, es gibt ein großes Wohnzimmer. Außerdem nicht so weit zur Uni und nur 10 Minuten mit dem Bus. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe, um die Wohnung zu suchen. Ich mochte Sie meiner neuen Wohnung dafür einladen. Bitte rufen Sie mich, wenn es möglich ist.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Nov. 22, 2022
Nov. 22, 2022
Nov. 22, 2022
Uní una liga que juega mi videojuego favorito. Es un titulo viejo y se fue lanzado en el año dos mil siete, pero los usuarios ya son leal y siempre hay muchos jugadores en linea.
Jugar en un equipo es muy distinto que como he había jugado en el pasado, donde jugaba solo. Hay que prestar mucha atención a la comunicación y las posiciones del otro equipo porque la énfasis está en ganar el partido y no en subir el marcador. La otra diferencia es que no se puede aprovechar la ignorancia de los principiantes porque todo el mundo sabe bien los habilidades básicos.
Todavía tengo que conocer mejor mis compañeros de equipo para distinguir sus voces mientras jugando un partido.
Nov. 22, 2022
В 1963-м году, Абрахам Линкольн находился на открытке народного кладбища на поле битвы Геттисберга и предсказал в речи, что "мир будет замечать и вспоминать мало то, что произошло здесь". Разумеется, такое предсказание оказалось далеко от реальности, из-за того, что именно его речь значится в списки самых знаменитых речей на протяжении американской истории. Следует отметить, что он произнёс данную речь 159 лет назад. Сочинение составило только из 272 слов. По этой причине, она закончилась настолько быстра, что множество людей, находившихся среди аудитории, не обратило внимание на легендарного президента, стоявшего на сцене. Притом, никакому из четвера фотографов удалось снимать фото исторического момента.
По отдельности, фото, снимавшие в тот день, не обеспечивают достаточными уликами, чтобы определить точное нахождение помоста говорящего. Зато, согласно бывшему аниматору и фанату Линкольна, подсказки есть. С помощью современной технологии, исследователям удалось найти его, использовав программу.
Nov. 22, 2022
その日まだ覚えられます。私は9歳であったあの朝に。母はFifiと言って、黒色の犬であって、chihuahuaでした 父もchihuahuaであって、Tacoと言って、白色でした。Fifiは5匹子犬を生んで、Robbieは最終でした。兄弟は茶色と白色でしたが、Robbieは一つの黒色でした。一目惚れのよるに、その犬が欲しかった。母さんに[飼っておねがい!]と言いました。折よく、母さん受け入れました。
Nov. 22, 2022
Nov. 22, 2022
Nov. 22, 2022
Est ce que vous savez que près de 10 % de l’électricité mondiale est produit par l’énergie nucléaire ? En fait, elle prends la troisième place après l’énergie hydraulique et l’énergie thermique à flamme. J’étais un peu étonnée puisque j’ai toujours pensé que le public avait peur de l’énergie nucléaire, particulièrement après les désastres de Chernobyl en 1986 et plus récemment de Fukushima en 2011.
Cependant, je me suis rendu compte que j’avais tort. En 2020, le nombre totals de centrales nucléaires augmentait à 443 installations dans le monde. Je constate qu’une trentaine de pays a fait le choix de les exploiter pour produire de l’énergie électrique. En tête ses trouve les États-Unis, suivie par la France et puis la Chine. Bien que les États-Unis possèdent le plus grand nombre de réacteurs nucléaires, selon mon renseignement, la part de l’électricité d’origine nucléaire est beaucoup plus importante en France qu’aux États-Unis. En France, le nucléaire représente la première source d’énergie.
Désormais, en Australie les réacteurs nucléaires sont interdits. Ces interdictions ont été introduites en raison des préoccupations communautaires et environnementales. Je remarque que dans les années cinquante après la deuxième guerre mondiale, sous le gouvernement de Menzies, l’Australie a autorisé l’Angleterre à effectuer des essais nucléaires secrets dans le désert d’Australie du Sud. Quand tout est devenu public, il conduisait (lead to protests) à des manifestations et à notre position actuelle.
Nov. 22, 2022
During the pandemic, the district I live in set up more than thirty quarantine facilities, which are actually convenient hotels.
Each quarantine facility is equipped with a work team which consists of a director, an information assistant, three logistical staff, three medical staff and two policemen.
The director is responsible for everything in the facility. The information assistant is responsible for all the information about the facility. Three medical staff are responsible for the Covid test and temperature taking for people who are in quarantine in the facility. Three logistical staff are responsible for the logistical things for the facility. Two policemen guard the isolated people to ensure they act in order.
The following types of people need quarantines.
People who once were in contact with a person Covid positive. People who come from an area that is rated a high Covid risk area. People have been to a place where a Covid positive person has been there too at the same time.
The quarantined people need to take 7-days centralized quarantine in the quarantine facility and 3-day quarantine at their homes.
The local CDC will collect and process the information of life activity tracks of every person to identify who will need quarantine.
After that, the local cdc will inform the townships or the street offices that people who are in their jurisdiction will need quarantine.
Therefore, the townships or street offices will send the people who need quarantine to the quarantine facilities as well as take them to their homes after the centralized quarantine ends.
So far, the situation of Covid in the city l live in hasn't gotten better. New infected cases occur every day, but not so many. The war between Covid and the citizens is still ongoing.
Nov. 22, 2022
My friend sent a picture to me yesterday, she said one of her high school classmates asked her to buy it in Japan.
She asked me what it is and what is for.
I have been working as an optician for over 10 years, so she messaged me and asked for some suggestions.
I said that's one famous brand of RGP which is an abbreviation writing of Rigid Gas Permeable lens. But it can only be sold by hospitals in China, but I don't know why it can be bought online without a doctor's prescription.
Nov. 22, 2022
In Preußen war es schwieriger die Geschichtslosigkeit Österreichs nachzuahmen, so viel es der König wollte. Er musste mehrmals versprechen, irgendwann Volksvertretung gewährzuleisten, doch noch nicht. Die verschiedenen Hochschule, hauptsächlich die Berliner, waren Quellen der freien Gedanken, und hegten Schrifter wie Görres und Arndt.
Metternich bot Ruhe an, altgewöhnte Ordnung. Den Jungen, frisch aus dem geweihten Befreiungskrieg zurückgekommen, gefiel das nicht. Aber die Jugendbewegungen dieses Jahrzehntes waren eigenartig. Fremdfeindlich bis ins Närrische, sie waren gegen den Absolutismus sowohl als auch gegen den Liberalismus gestellt, welchen letzteren sie für ein Kunstprodukt des Auslands hielten.
Sie bewunderten eine entstellte Vision der Vergangenheit, manchmal äußerten sie sich für neuzeitliche Gleichheit, andermal (unter anderen Lehrern) für das Glauben an Gott. Eine wirre Vermischung der Ideen, die nichts vom Schlage der festen entspringenden Entzweiungen der französischen Politik zwischen Links und Rechts aufwies.
Diese Knaben waren jedoch harmlos im Grunde. Doch einer von ihnen beging Eklatantes: einen politischen Mord. Die Reaktion war überstiegen, und so begannen die Zeiten der „Karlsbäder Beschlüsse“, mit der Absicht gegen alle keimende Revolution schleunigst zuzuschlagen, um die Vergangenheit keine Wiederholung einzuräumen.
Nov. 21, 2022
Hi there. I have been living in the UK for 5 years already, but oftentimes I feel like my English could be better. Yesterday, I visited some friends I have known for a long time. They both are able to speak very fluently, virtually flawlessly. It made me jealous, I felt my English was clumsy and I wasn't able to articulate or say what I wanted without throwing in many grammatical mistakes. I hope that writing down my thoughts will somehow help me out.
Nov. 21, 2022
Nov. 21, 2022
Nov. 21, 2022
Last Saturday morning, an unexpected viewer appeared on my live stream.
When I started playing Priest Simulator, someone whose name was so unique followed my channel.
The name was “YankeeGyaruJKWakaraseNTR”, and it was hilarious.
Don’t ask me why.
I tried to say thanks to this new follower, but I couldn't help laughing.
At the same time, my brain started noticing something, but couldn't figure out what it was exactly.
Then the person commented “ara ara ohayo ikemen boy” in the chat.
Then, I realized what was happening.
I asked them, I mean, her, “Are you Oneechan?”
“big boin boin nekomimi oneechan desu wa”
She answered.
This name is totally her style, but I didn't notice that.
She was only witnessed in live streams on YouTube and there was no info that she appeared on Twitch before.
Who could expect that she would use a new name?
I was so delighted by her visit.
She was so funny as always, and my brain function was debuffed for a while.
Check out the related links in the notes section.
Nov. 21, 2022
ひきこもりの問題にはさまざまな原因があると思います。引きこもりは、個人的な傷とか、悩みとか、あらゆる失敗に大きく影響を与えられ、外界の関係から逃げて、家を出られないことにします 。
Nov. 21, 2022
Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntese libres de dejar cualquier corrección.
1. It is the hardest thing I have done.
- Es lo más difícil que he hecho.
1. I need to put my physical and mental health first.
- Necesito poner mi salud física y mental primero.
1. It is ruining my sleep.
- Me está arruinando el sueño.
1. I don’t want to sacrifice my routines.
- No quiero sacrificar mis rutinas.
1. The solution is to become more adaptable.
- La solución es ser más adaptable.
1. I need to remember to trust in myself.
- Necesito recordar confiar en mí misma.
1. It was an undesirable outcome.
- Fue un resultado indeseable.
1. External validation is important to young people.
- La validación externa es importante para los jóvenes.
1. I am content.
- Estoy contenta.
1. I care about his feelings.
- Me preocupo por sus sentimientos.
1. I wanted to leave the group chat.
- Quería salir del chat grupal.
1. I don’t know what the word for it is in Spanish.
- No sé cuál es la palabra para ello en español.
1. He is a bit pompous.
- Es un poco pomposo.
1. Everything is going according to plan.
- Todo va según lo planeado.
1. I feel excluded.
- Me siento excluida.
1. I deserve it.
- Me lo merezco.
1. He objectifies, demeans, is impatient and haughty.
- Cosifica, degrada, es impaciente y altivo.
1. This is what I will embody.
- Esto es lo que encarnaré.
1. She is a bit optimistic.
- Ella es un poco optimista.
1. I’ll bring my own lunch.
- Traeré mi propio almuerzo.
1. They are hypocritical.
- Son hipócritas.
1. I am excited for this new chapter in my life.
- Estoy emocionada por esto capítulo nuevo en mi vida.
Nov. 21, 2022
Manchmal habe ich lichte Momenten, in denen mir bewusst wird, dass das Leben über meine täglichen Gedanken hinausgeht. In diesen Momente sehe ich ganz klar und erinnere mich daran, als ob mir den Gedanke zum ersten Mal in den Sinn käme, dass es noch andere Menschen da draußen gibt, die gerade vielleicht lachen, weinen, leiden, lieben, sterben ... Es gibt auch mich, die sich immer wieder in ihren eigenen Gedanken versinkt und durch die Straßen mit verschwommenem Sehen schlendert.
In meinen lichten Momenten muss ich an Kierkegaard denken: "Das Leben kann nur in der Schau nach rückwärts verstanden, aber nur in der Schau nach vorwärts gelebt werden". Ist es nicht schade, dass man sein Leben als Anfänger beginnt? Wenn ich mit etwas mehr Erfahrung auf die Welt gekommen wäre, hätte ich vielleicht nicht so gelitten, in den Momenten, in den ich so geweint habe. Ich hätte vielleicht die Herzen von Menschen nicht gebrochen, die ich nie geliebt habe. Vielleicht hätte ich meinen Opa mehr gefragt oder meine Eltern öfter umarmt. Aber vielleicht ist das nicht schade. Denn schließlich ist es schade, wenn man durchs Leben in dem Wissen geht, dass man alles weiß. Ich will durchs Leben in dem Wissen gehen, dass ich ein besserer Mensch werde.
Nov. 21, 2022
You may believe that you make good choices in life, but is that true? Indeed, usually we choose some things and later make up reasons for our choices.
Let’s imagine you've driven an old Kia all your life, but then you’ve decided to buy a Mercedes. You spent all of your savings on this car and have put a strain on your budget. Maybe you even got a loan from the bank. In other words, it isn’t a reasonable purchase. But once you’ve bought this car, you’ve made an irrevocable decision, so now you have to find the reasons for your action.
You’ll probably start to tell your friends how great and safe this car, and how important it is for you to drive your children safely to school. Also, you can come up with reasons like this: “I've work hard all my life and now can afford to give myself a Mercedes. After all, I deserve some comfort.”
If some of your friends also buy a Mercedes after your talk, you’ll feel even better about your new car.
Why do we do these things? Because we subconsciously want to reduce the cognitive dissonance about our actions. The term "cognitive dissonance" describes a mental discomfort that a person feels when holding two contradictory beliefs, attitudes or values. People tend to seek consistency in their feelings and thoughts, so this conflict causes unease and discomfort.
We couldn’t be entirely sure that we made the right decision whether we bought a car, joined an art course or ordered a new pair of jeans. Uncertainty makes us uncomfortable, ashamed, and nervous. That’s why we justify our actions.
Let’s take a look at another example: someone who wholeheartedly believes in a healthy lifestyle but they also smoke? How will this person deal with their cognitive dissonance in this situation? Probably, they will come up with some excuses for their harmful behavior. A smoker may decide that cigarettes are not as detrimental as everyone says, or they may convince themselves that the pleasure of smoking outweighs the consequences to their health.
That’s why we shouldn’t rely on reviews on the product’s sites, especially if we plan to buy some items worth a king’s ransom. Customers who have already paid for an expensive product will justify their decision at any price. They absolutely need to believe that they've made the right choice.
So, if you want to make a decision, don't ask for advice from someone who has just done it. For example, If someone has visited a psychotherapist for ten years and spent $50,000, they will probably tell you that Dr. Davidson is a great specialist. “I don’t know how different my life would look if I hadn't gone to him. I don't think I would have met my partner, changed my career, or gone travel. I wouldn’t have been as happy!” Of course, this person will never tell you something like, “Dr. Davidson is a fraud and liar, and you should never sign up for a session!” If we spend a lot of energy and money on something, we will support our decision at any price.
We will justify not only our purchases but also our actions. For instance, some psychotherapists support the idea that expressing anger helps reduce it. Undoubtedly, it completely works the opposite. Hitting a pillow or shouting in the forest will make us even angrier. In the same way, when we punch or hit someone, we only fuel our rage. When we later ask ourselves why we’ve behaved that way, we start justifying our actions.
That’s what a bully does when he bullies someone. When a bully later understands that he hasn't any actual reasons for beating a quiet student, he creates excuses for his behaviour to reduce discomfort. “This person is a nerd,” “If he had a chance, he would also beat me.” In other words, a bully blames a victim.
In short, we support decisions that we already have made at any price. Self-justification helps us reduce cognitive dissonance and feel comfortable about ourselves. It also protects our self-esteem and lets us feel better about ourselves.
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