Nov. 26, 2022
Les humains sont des créatures qui peuvent s'améliorer les plus vite que tout les autres. À cause de notre intelligent et notre volonté c'est possible de change nous-mêmes. Quelques s'améliorent plus vite qu'autres mais si on a un assez grande volonté ça ne fait pas une grande difference. C'est naturel de s'améliorer plus vite si on suive son passion et le sentiment d'avoir vaincre un défaut qui nous a ennui pour tant de temps c'est un des meilleurs sentiments au monde. C'est quelque chose qu'on ne peut pas sentir si nous sommes exceptionnel depuis le debut.
Nov. 26, 2022
Hi, könnte jemand bitte meinen Brief korrigieren? Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Liebe An,
alles gut bei dir? Letzte Woche habe ich einen Tankurs besucht, daher möchte ich dir von meinem Tankurs erzählen. An diesem Kurs nehmen viele Menschen teil. Im kurs gibt es nicht nur viele neue Freunde, die sehr freundlich sind, sondern auch nette Lehrerin. Ich mache diesen Kurs, weil ich gesund sein möchte. Außerdem kann Tanzen mir helfen, Stress abzubauen und Abwehrkräfte zu stärken. Ich denke, dass der Kurs dich bestimmt interessiert.
Herzliche Grüße
Nov. 26, 2022
Nov. 26, 2022
次、この科目について一番面白いことは勉強した文法を実際に応用することです。私はたくさんの文法を使えるようになって、前より気持ちがある自分の話し方を気がします。今まで勉強した文法の中で、「なり」という文法が大好きです。なぜならこの文法は個人の気持ちを表すからです。これはN1の文法ですか、日本人に日常会話でよく使えられます。例えば、「自分なりに頑張る」とか「 お金がないなら、ないなりに生活をしなければならない」とかです。
Nov. 26, 2022
Последняя ночь трёхдневного исполнения Элтона Джона была выдвинута как его последнее американское испольнение-тем не менее, концерт, происходивший в воскресенье ночью, представил зрителям сюрприз. Во время волшебного момента, нарекавшего газетами "любопытным и крошечным эпилогом для его грандиозного прощания", дорожное движение было задержано по пятому проспекту, в то время как Джон вступал на сцену, начинав исполнять свою песню, сопровождавшую открытием рождественской витрины. Фортепиано было внёсшее в 7 часов для сюрприза, и через две минуты исполнитель прошёл, сидевший внутри машины для гольфа, украсившей освещенными звездами, вместе с его двумя сыновьями.
Певец исполнил только одну песню, во избежание гнева жителей, если продюсеры закрыли улицу задолго. Джон выбрал эту песню за её значение - она была его первой песней, достигнувшей списка американских хитов. Исполнение было главным моментом на ежегодном мероприятии. Сотрудничество бренда с учреждением Джона, которое было предназначено для борьбы против спида, включает специальную витрину и пожертвование 1 миллиона долларов для фонда. Оригинальный тур, прервавший пандемией, возобновит в январе следующего года с исполнениями в Австралии и Новой Зеландии. После этих, будут и другие в Европе.
Последнее исполнение составит в Швеции. Джон, которому исполниться 76 лет когда закончится тур, считает бесконечное путешествие чересчур трудным, из-за того, что он постоянно чувствует себя отделенным из собственной семьи. Он прокомментировал к делу: "Как весь мир знает, моим детям скорее будут исполняться соответственно 10 и 12 лет . Поэтому, им нужно, чтобы их отец был с ними."
Nov. 26, 2022
Désormais, le coûte de vie augmente et l’inflation est élevée. Tout le monde se demande si une récession est proche. Même si le coûte de vie grimpe peu à peu, avoir des aliments nutritifs ne devrait pas être un luxe. Selon les nutritionnistes, il y a cinq produits alimentaires qu’il faut avoir dans nos armoires de cuisine. Ceux-ci sont bons pour la santé et ça ne coûtent pas les yeux de la tête. Voici la liste.
Tout d’abord, le poisson en conserve. J’adore le poisson et les fruits de mer et en mange beaucoup, mais j’admet que c’est chère. Je n’ai jamais pensé aux poissons en conserve. Les avantages sont nombreux. C’est aussi nutritifs que le poisson frais, et en plus c’est bon marché et d’ailleurs on peut le préparer de plusieurs façons.
Ensuite, les nutritionnistes recommandent des œufs. Je les adore et en mange souvent soit dans une omelette soit dans une salade. Apparement, deux œufs sont équivalent à une portion de viande. La troisième aliment de base est la tomate en conserve. J’en ai toujours plusieurs sous la main pour n’importe quelle occasion. C’est polyvalent et savoureux dans une casserole ou une soupe.
Les quatrième et cinquième catégories sont des carottes et des légumineuses. La carotte est l’une de mes légumes préférés. On peut la garder au réfrigérateur pendant une longue période et elle ne sera pas gâtée. Et si vous n’avez pas de recettes utilisant des légumineuses, je vous conseille de suivre le maître cuisinier Ottolenghi qui en utilise beaucoup. Jetez un coup d’œil à son livre de cuisine « Simple ».
Nov. 26, 2022
Nov. 25, 2022
Nov. 25, 2022
Nov. 25, 2022
When I was a little girl fairytales was great for me. I love all the adventures and the movies .The Stories was always so exited to me with the magic and the Mystery.But the best is the romantic with the beautiful dresses and balls.My favourite part was always when they come together and married.I mean in the real life it takes more than a adventure or dance.The real life is difficult and sometimes sad or mean.In the fairytales is it love on the first met and some.Sometimes I wish the live is as a fairytale with magic. When I was little I wish I have magical powers.But all that I can do it is to give my best.Then I can wait for a miracle. Yourself make a miracle.
Nov. 25, 2022
Voting is a natural human act since the establishment of civilizations around the world. At the same time, election is one of the most important concepts in democratic societies, since each individual's opinions are different and they decide most things by election in politics. Due to this importance, it has been discussed in recent years that the voting age should be lowered from 18 to 16 in many democratic countries. While many people think that young people are not mature enough to vote, in my opinion there are many positive aspects in this situation.
First of all, young people have stronger roots in society. However, despite these deep roots, young people are not actively represented in politics. They do not have a say in matters that directly concern them such as education. However, regardless of their ages, young people can overcome many different tasks with ease. Besides education, they are actively involved in many jobs as interns or employees or they can be pioneers in many scientific researches. This shows that young people are mature enough to have a say in politics as adults.
On the other hand, democracy means equal representation of all individuals. However, although young people have to obey the laws, they couldn’t involved in the law-making process. This causes young people to feel that their ideas are worthless, and as a result, young people become indifferent to social and economic issues. For these reasons, lowering the voting age and giving young people the right to vote will enable them to be more active and responsible individuals in all areas of society. In addition to this, the voting of young people also increases the turnout rate in the elections. This means that the more people vote in the election, the more democratic results will occur in the election.
In conclusion, although many people think that young people are mature enough to vote, voting by young people brings many positive benefits to society. By voting, young people become more sensitive and relevant individuals for the society and they feel more closely connected with the society. However, the turnout in elections increases and states are governed with more democratic results.
Nov. 25, 2022
Я живу в Англии. Лондон недалеко с меня живу. Есть три вокзала и много магазина. Автобусы здесь обычно вовремя, так я езжу на автобусе в школу и домой.
Место, что я люблю идти, библиотека. У неё большинство книг, что я хочу читать. Я могу одолжить книги, но я должен возвращать их в течение месяца.
Спасибо за чтение.
Nov. 25, 2022
Nov. 25, 2022
The reading and the lecture are both about deforestation. Whereas the author provides three benefits of cutting down trees, the lecturer disputes each reason explained in the article.
Firstly, the article suggests that the clearing of large areas of land achieved by deforestation can be used for farming purposes. In the short term, this allows people to cultivate and harvest enough food for every individual and thus the forestry industry tremendously impacts economy. This specific argument is challenged by the lecturer. He argues that the author has not considered long term consequences of these reckless actions. For instance, the majority of Rainforests in Brazil have been cut down, and therefore this ecosystem is in risk of disappearing. The lecturer asserts that there are other types of farming which do not endanger the ecosystem at such scale. He mentions that Hydroponic farming can produce a substantial amount of food, and it would leverage the advantages of technology.
Secondly, not only are cleared areas used for farming, but they are also considered as residential places, asserts the author. Nevertheless, the lecturer mentions that, even if the cleared surfaces are used for new residential areas, deforestation notoriously impacts an ecosystem by causing animal displacements. Moreover, he says that 20% of the oxygen is produced by Rainforests. As a result, deforestation is reducting the amount of breathable air since many individuals are trying to get more money selling houses in the cleared lands. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.
Finally, the writer suggests that forestry industry is a huge part of many national economies like Brazil, Thailand, and Indonesia. However, the speaker asserts that the beforementioned nations are developing countries and hence they are paging low wages to the employees, while abusing them. Thus, neither employees nor national economies are being benefited by this industry.
To conclude, the lecturer completely differs with the arguments given throughout the reading.
Nov. 25, 2022
El cambio climático y el calentamiento global aumentan la posibilidad y la fuerza del fuego incontrolado. Además de tener perdidos de vida, edificios y animales en las zonas desarrolladas en el mundo, otras zonas también se podrían impactar con la extensión del fuego incontrolado. Los pobres han sido a menudo más impactos por el calentamiento global, porque normalmente dependen más de los recursos naturales.
Especialmente en los países en desarrollo, el ingreso de la mayoría de de la gente depende de los recursos forestales. El gran fuego incontrolado podría causar catástrofe. El smog del fuego incontrolado causaría la contaminación del aire, provocando la acidificación del lago. Si el fuego incontrolado extendiese a la ciudad o su alrededor, rompería las instalaciones como el cable de la electricidad , la base de comunicación y los edificios. Además de traer directamente el sufrimiento a la gente, el fuego incontrolado también causa que la gente pierda su casa, sufriendo estrés y dolor. Sin embargo, la forma de vida de la gente con lujosa, consumir los recursos naturales y la contaminación sobre el calentamiento global, todos aceleran el calentamiento global, causando que suceda el fuego in controlado más frecuentemente.
Nov. 25, 2022
Prompt: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit.
Nowadays companies appear to respect human rights far more than 30 or 40 years ago. Notwithstanding, a tremendous quantity of entreprises are mistreating their employees and dealing with unethical practices which are affecting millions of people everyday. Thus, I strongly believe that business have the ethical obligation of being absolutely transparent with their practices and not doing anything they can to make a profit.
To begin with, a substantial amount of questionable business practices directly affect human beings. For instance, it is a well-known fact that there are many prominent companies outsourcing many of their activities to underdeveloped countries. Not only do they pay them less for the same amount of work, but these firms also treat these employees poorly. This particular situation leads to unprecedented human rights violations within the workspaces provided by these unethical businesses. One of such cases took place throughout the recent FIFA World Cup in Qatar, since senior managers were bribed and blackmailed to gloss over many shady practices withing the organization. This situation ended up in people dying during the construction of all the stadiums needed for the world cup, as they were forced to work under inhuman conditions.
In addition, such firms that do anything in their power to obtain profits, are more likely to deal with consequences for their actions. The cases of lawsuits to companies abound, as bans to many firms have exponentially increased in recent years. Such is the case of Teleperformance, a company focused in the call-center industry, which is now dealing with a lawsuit in Colombia, since this giant firm is underpaying their employees, and yet it is demanding a notorious amount of work.
Finally, unethical actions are also dangerous for those who commit them. For instance, I have personally seen the case of individuals who get brutally injured or even murdered because they were dealing with mafias or guerrilas. It is noticeable that they were heavily affected by their selfish desire of getting an unfair advantage over their competitors.
To conclude, unethical practices in giant companies affect innocent human beings. That said, business owners and the firm itself can suffer major losses. Finally, it appears that dealing with shady practices will only lead to the doom of companies, managers and employees.
Nov. 25, 2022
Today is the 55th day of my daily English challenge. There are many days I have thought to read again the corrections in the web site who people had corrected me because There a lot of yours explcations that I need to read again. My aim is to stop make the same mistakes in the future.
Nov. 25, 2022
Hoy es el día 25 de mi reto de español. Me siento muy mejore que ayer, así que pude hacer muchas cosas ineteresantes. Cómo, limpié la casa, cociné y hablé con mi hermana en tema diferente.
Por la tarde,me duché y descansé un poco. Después pasé más tiempo leyendo el libro más divertido.
Nov. 25, 2022
In America oggi è il Giorno del ringraziamento, che è una festa osservata soprattutto in America (e anche in Canada). A dire il vero non so molto della sua storia, ma è una festa legata all’arrivo degli esploratori che sono arrivati in America molti anni fa.
Ma ai giorni nostri la sua storia non importa. L’aspetto più importante è l’aspetto familiare della festa. Nelle nostre vite secondo me non ci sono molte opportunità di essere insieme con la famiglia, soprattutto quando i figli sono diventati adulti. Troviamo lavoro in un altro paese, conosciamo un ragazzo o una ragazza che abita lontano, e cettera. Di solito ogni figlio ha una vita propria, spesso lontano dal luogo, dove vivono i loro genitori. Quindi queste opportunità non sono così comune, e cerco di tornare in America ogni Giorno del ringraziamento, nonostante non abito vicino ai miei genitori.
Nov. 25, 2022
On dirait bien que le sentiment de jalouse est plutôt normal. Quand quelqu'un est mieux que nous-mêmes dans un certain domain ou quand une personne a quelque chose quelle elle merité pas à notre avis. Alors que c'est normal de se sentir jaloux de temps en temps ça ne doit pas être quelque chose de s'habituer. On n'est pas obligé d'aimer tout le monde mais il ne sert à rien de perdre notre temps avec detester quelqu'un. Il faut se concentrer à soi-même quelqu'un avait moins ou plus que nous ne change rien dans notre vie alors pourquoi ceci devait nous rendre triste.
Nov. 25, 2022
En un café existe muchas opciones que se puede pedir. El café que se está ubicada en mi calle tiene unas opciones especializadas pero tiene también los básicos, como café por percolador y bebidas de espresso que son mis favoritos.
En cuanto a café solo, prefiero los de tueste claro. Creo que hay más sabor en los tuestes claros y todo el café oscuro me parece igual. No quiero decir que el tueste oscuro es malo, pero si voy a gastar cinco dólares en un café, mejor pedir un que puede ser distinto.
Si me apetezco tomar una bebida de espresso, suelo pedir un cortado o capuchino. No quiero que el sabor del espresso esté perdido en la leche. Creo que la dulzura de espresso no require adiciones ni más sabores.
Nov. 25, 2022
Cet article du « Monde », décrit l’origine et la définition du « syndrome de l’imposteur ». Ce syndrome, qui, selon l’auteur, affect en particulier les femmes au travail, est le sentiment pervasif « de ne pas être à leur place ».
Même les femmes de position haute et avec des métiers prestigieux souffrent cette impression de vivre une vie de mensonges et ont la peur d’être découvertes n'importe quel moment. Le syndrome aussi provoque d’autres symptômes, notablement du stress, et « burnout ».
L’auteur soutient que, si les femmes ont certaines caractéristiques, comme être perfectionnistes, ou « névrotiques », la probabilité de souffrir de ce syndrome augmente. De même, certains métiers, comme le numérique, peuvent augmenter le risque de pression, discrimination et sexisme au lieu de travail, et, tour à tour, plus de chance du syndrome de l’imposteur.
Nov. 25, 2022
November 23, 2022.
In the morning, the first class I
attended was the safety
education.because my school requires everyone to hand in mobile phones. We must obey the rules and regulations of the school. I was so boring. I brought a book called this is how English thinking is made. I was going to read it, but I'm too sleepy to open my eyes, I feel asleep.
Nov. 25, 2022
Tsundoku est le mot japonais qui signifie l’acte d’acheter livres mais ne les lire pas. Ce matin j’ai compté les livres qui sont dans ma maison que je n’ai pas lus (en format numérique ou en papier) et il y a…136 livres. Ouf ! C’est très gênant…
L’idée d’un défi ‘no buy’ est probablement pas réaliste pour une personne impulsive comme moi. Cependant, je crois qu’un challenge quelque chose comme ‘lisez 10 livres avant d’achetez un nouveau’ pourrait marcher, mais cette tâche est un peu accablante !
Nov. 25, 2022
In late August, 1985, I held a dispatch certificate released by the Human Resource department of Anhui province, and took a long distance bus from the city I live now to Bengbu, and then took a train to Jiashan County seat, where my first work unit was at.
Jiashan County seat was on a small hill, so the roads there were not even. I went to the agricultural machinery bureau of the county first to report for duty, and they told me that I was assigned to the bureau's subordinate unit: the agricultural machinery training class. My role was as a trainer.
An officer at the bureau wrote me an introduction letter and let me go to the training class.
I left the bureau going to my first work unit. On my way, I asked a man how I could get there. He said, just go with me. It turned out that he was the leader of my work unit.
The work unit was also on the hill, which was very simple, and only had a few rooms. The rooms are connected in a row, from east to west. There were no inclosing walls for the office.
I lived in a room with another new employee who was assigned to the office from another specialized secondary school. We all majored in agricultural machinery management.
I started my career for the rest of my life this way, and I worked there till 1989 before I was transferred to my home town.
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