Nov. 24, 2022
近年、私たちは皆、非常に困難で不確実な時期を経験しています。 だからこそ、日常ニュースから気をそらし、趣味に没頭して、このようなイベントを開催することは非常に重要だと思います。
Nov. 24, 2022
Nov. 24, 2022
Nov. 24, 2022
Сегодня , сельтско-римский музей потерял свое самое драгоценное сокровище; обнаружилось, что 493 золотые монеты, оцениваемые в стоимости 1,7 миллиона долларов, были украдены в вторник утром.
"Этот инцидент является тотальной катастрофой," заявил городской мэр, добавив, что он "похож на сцену детективного фильма, в котором вор сыграл до совершенства его роль в сюжете." Полицейские объявили, что воры совершили взлом и поступили в зал телекоммуникаций, срезав провод и причинив таким образом прибой в телефонной сети. Техник поднимал тревогу полицейскому корпусу. Тем не менее, они сознали, что банки были куда уязвимее для таких наступлений, решив при этом отправить патрульные машины на такие местности.
Система безопасности музея показывает, что дверь была открытой в 13.26 часов и воры ускользнули оттуда 9 минут позже, раздробив вдребезги в промежутке витрины, содержавшие монеты, датировавшие на веках назад. Персонал узнал о произвёдшем , когда они пришли на рабочее место до 10 часов утром. Командир полицейского ведомства заметили параллели между этим взломом и двумя другими заметными ограблениями, произведшими за последние годы, а именно взломом гигантской монеты у другого музея в 2017-м году и кражей драгоценностей у хранилища в 2019-м году. Ещё неизвестно, существуют ли связи между этими двумя и последним, из-за того, что украденное имущество было найдено, пока члены преступной группы ещё находится на свободе.
Nov. 24, 2022
2019년 여름에 전주에서 공부했을 때 호스트 남동생이랑 지역 도서관에 갔어요. 어렸을 때 고향의 도서관에 많이 갔고 지금 대학교의 도서관에서 아르바이트를 해요. 그럼 한국 공립 도서관하고 미국 도서관은 어떻게 다른지 잘 알아요.
한국 도서관에서 보통 정말 큰 열람실이 있어요. 사유의 연구실이 별로 없어요. 한국 도서관과 바교하여 미국 도서관들은 사유의 방들이 많아요.
미국 도서관들보다 한국 도서관들은 선진 기술이 많이 있어요. 예를 들어서 미시간 대학교에서 책을 혼자 빌릴 수 없어서 도서관 노동자가 도와줘야 해요. 한국에 있었을 때 간 도서관에서 남동생이 혼자 컴퓨터로 책을 빌리고 반납할 수 있었어요.
한국 도서관들은 정말 조용해요. 큰 열람실에서도 사람들이 많았는데 조용해서 놀랐어요. 그리고 한국에서 사람들은 많이 혼자 책을 읽고 있었어요. 미국 도서관과 비교하여 정말 달라요. 미국 도서관에서 보통 시끄러워요. 그리고 사람들은 보통 안 읽고 랩톱을 사용해요..
Nov. 24, 2022
In this currently running World Cup in Qatar, Japan beat Germany in the late goals 2-1. I was astonished by this great Asian football team, if I attend gambling in the match, I would not stand for Japan.
On behalf of Asian countries, Saudia Arab beat Argentina the day before yesterday, I personally thought it was impossible for any Asian country the second time to win against a world-top German team.
But god bless Japan and the Japanese won the world's respect in this match, the Japanese stopped a few shots from German.
It's undoubted many Germans were upset by the final goals.
Nov. 24, 2022
저는 앞으로 미국에 살고 싶은지를 모르겠어요. 미국 문화와 사회는 문제들이 많아요.
미국사람 개인주의적 사람이라서 지역 사회가 별로 없어요. 그 때문에 사람들 사이에서 신뢰가 없어요. 아마도 그 때문에 미국에서 범죄가 많고 사람들 다른 사람 에께 도와주고 싶어하지 않아요. 미국에서 많은 사람들은 와로운 것 겉아요.
예를 들어서 독을에서 다른 것 같아요. 미국보다 독일에서 공동체감은 더 튼튼해요. 독일에 있었을 때 사람들은 정말 착했어요. 그리고 독일사람들에께 사회에 사는 사람의 행복와 건강이 중요해서 세금 다른 사람한테 도와주면 괜찮아요.
아마 졸업 한 후에 독일에 이사가고 싶어요. 대학원에 들어가면 학비가 없을 거예요 그리고 건강 보험도 정말 쌀 거예요. 그래서 어릴 때 독일에 사기 좋은 선택이예요..
Nov. 24, 2022
Los incendios forestales siguen siendo 9 días ,y hacen daño a la corazón de los públicos. Al mismo tiempo, Turquía ordena su todos los esfuerzos para extinguirse y disminuirse rápidamente través del aire y de la tierra.
El ministro de la Agricultura y el Bosque, Bekir Pakdemirli, comparte a través de su Twitter la situación del recate los incendios forestales. Ha compartido, por ejemplo, las situaciones de los incendios forestales en los lugares turísticos como Manavgat, Bodrum, Milas y Marmaris. En los últimos 9 días 180 incendios distribuidos 38 provincias fueron controlados con éxito.
Nov. 24, 2022
Nov. 23, 2022
Prompt: Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students?
Nowadays we live in a society which is constantly demanding everyone to go the extra mile, including children in academic environments. It is a well know fact that certain educators are assigning homework every single day of the week, whereas others have ruled out school assignments as a daily task. As for myself, I strongly believe that leaving homework on an everyday basis is far from beneficial to infants.
To begin with, it is a biological fact that children necessitate more sleeping hours than an average adult. Nevertheless, they cannot have enough resting time when they have the obligation of finishing their homework, let alone have free time for themselves. Infants are not going to be healthy if they can only rest properly once in a blue moon.
Additionally, learning thoroughly an entire new topic does not necessarily require everyday practice. As a matter of fact, human beings tend to forget a skillset after a certain time, usually months or even years. Hence, if learned properly, people will remember math skills they acquired during high school, even though a long time has passed without applying this knowledge.
Furthermore, should a lesson be adequately planned, there is enough time in a classroom for acquiring a substantial amount of information. For instance, children usually have two hour classes at an elementary school level. Based on this fact, a math class would have one hour for developing the topic and another one for applying all the recently acquired knowledge. Not only is there more than enough time for learning the subject theoretically but also empirically. Even though this example may seem a rough approximation, it clearly shows that there is sufficient time within a two hour lesson to learn a whole subject without assigning any homework.
To conclude, hardly ever would children be able stay healthy if they have to finish assignments everyday. From a biological standpoint, infants have the ability to keep a subject in their head without doing homework everyday. Moreover, it is noticeable that a class has enough time for any information an educator plans to deliver. At the end, it appears that leaving school assignments everyday would only hinder children overall development.
Nov. 23, 2022
Nov. 23, 2022
Nov. 23, 2022
Nov. 23, 2022
Nov. 23, 2022
As far as I konw, Darwinism is only a theory. You can believe it or not, it depends the path that your faith takes.
As far as I remember, I always have been a good son, of course not flowless, but doing my best.
There can be moments when, no matter what it is, we're not willing to do realy the bast job.
If you are willing to wait changes or not, it's up to you!
My wife is tall enought to not use a stool to grab anything on the shelf or into the upper parts of the gabinet.
The doctor said me that I'm supposed to do septoplasty surgery, but I got no money now and I goint to wait make it for free. but, by the other hand, the taxes that I have been paying for decades have already payed it.
Nov. 23, 2022
Acabo de preguntarle a mi compañero de piso de que debo escribir hoy. Me contestó, «Escribe sobre ese herida que ocurrió la semana pasada», pero ya he escrito sobre eso. Entonces, sugirió que escribo un cuento que trata de mis plantas, el transporte público, o la política. En serio, me conoce bien. Sin embargo, esas temas también he hecho antes. Decidí que yo escribiría de forma larga sobre las dificultades en elegir una tema y ahora aquí estamos. Esta noche voy a montar alrededor de mi ciudad en bici y supongo que eso serviría como tema mañana.
Nov. 23, 2022
According to liberalism the new ‘unworking class’ is a useless class because they do not influence positive on prosperity and glory of society. The authors of the article the future of employment explore that 47% of U.S. jobs replace the algorithms in the next 20 years. They are telemarketers, sport referees, paralegal assistant and so on. The archaeologist is a safe profession because of specific skill - pattern recognition. The future would give some jobs that require creativity and flexibility and some today workers are not able to be for example a virtual world designer. Another problem is unknown which skills have to acquire people because the half of today’s getting school abilities are not necessary anymore in the future.
Nov. 23, 2022
Bien qu'on a parlé seulement de sa solitude jusqu'à present (et la raison est très claire si vous l'avez compris même à peine), comme il interagit avec les autres est très intéressant aussi. Sa solitude, quoique ça influence considérablement son comportament, pourrait fourvoyer l'opinion sur sa vie sociale; en fait, bien qu'il la considère comme une maladie à éradiquer, sa sensibilité est une très grand influence, peut-être le moteur, de ses comportaments.
Pour la plupart du temps, il observe en silence; mais attention, son observations peuvent être comparées à une étude véritable. Le fait intéressant est que souvent il ne développe pas ses idées sur les autres; ces restent comme des intuitions vierges et purs, pas encore tuées par son intelligence; et ces intuitions étaient les choses plus douces et delicieuses que le monde lui donne.
Par ailleurs, quand il écoute quelque chose, voici que son égocentrisme étrangle le coeur et le sucre quitte sa bouche; l'inconvénient de comprendre toutes les idées et de pouvoir les critiquer, de remarquer chaque signe du corps est que cela fait des années que le résultat, le produit, de son intelligence est la solitude et une gôut amère à la bouche.
Mais parfois il est come si sa sensibilité a besoin de déborder, comme si l'amour, qu'il demande à son intelligence de donner sans cesse, doit sortir, d'une façon ou d'une autre. Et donc le coeur caresse le ceveaux pour le mettre au lit, en préparant à dépeindre des sourires ou des rares larmes sur son visage.
Nov. 23, 2022
How organised were the lives of famous writers, psychotherapists and philosophers? Did they have any specific habits or rituals? In this post, I’ll share some interesting facts about the day-to-day lives of famous writers, philosophers and psychotherapists.
A French existentialist philosopher, Simona de Beauvoir, was a hard-working person with a strict schedule. According to biographers, she worked every day and usually didn't have problems with writer’s block. Even if de Beauvoir had a few weeks off, she would feel bored soon thereafter, and would be in a hurry to return to work.
De Beauvoir also had an open relationship with the French playwright and novelist Jean-Paul Sartre from 1929 until his death in 1980. They were not only friends but also sexual partners. Moreover, their relationships were not traditional. Both of them had other lovers, but they agreed to share all the details about their romantic and sexual experiences with each other.
Thomas Wulf usually began writing around midnight and preferred to drink a lot of coffee and tea while he was working. Wulf also had a specific problem: he was quite tall, so he never could find a suitable chair or table for writing. After searching in vain, he decided to write while standing next to a refrigerator in his kitchen.
Patricia Hismith wrote in bed, surrounding herself with cigarettes, an ashtray, donuts, and a cup of coffee. She avoided anything related to discipline, and wanted to make writing as pleasurable as possible. She also had a habit of drinking some alcohol before she started writing. She was sure that a glass of gin helped her cope with her hyper-activeness, which she even regarded as even “excessive” sometimes. Later in life the writer developed a high tolerance to alcohol, so she would also keep a bottle of vodka near her bed. Hismith was drank every morning right after she woke up, and made a mark on the bottle to restrict her consumption of alcohol per day.
A Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard liked walking because it helped him to come up with new thoughts and ideas. He also liked drinking coffee and had a collection of 50 different cups. Kierkegaard and his secretary had a strange ritual: every morning, the secretary chose a new cup for Kierkegaard's morning coffee and announced his decision to the philosopher.
Just like Patricia Hismith, the French writer Voltaire also liked working in bed. Usually he read or dictated his new texts to one of his secretaries, who typically came to his house early in the morning. The best time for writing was, in Voltaire’s opinion, evenings and nights, so that was when he locked his bedroom and wrote alone. In general, Voltaire could work over 18 hours a day.
Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud was able to build a life devoted to work thanks to his wife Martha, who did all the housework. Martha ironed Sigmund’s handkerchiefs, folded his laundry, and even put toothpaste on his toothbrush. Nevertheless, he wasn’t a slacker either. Sigmund woke up every day about 7 in the morning and waited for his barber, who came to trim his beard every day. After shaving, the whole family had breakfast together. Sigmund wasn’t picky about food, and preferred traditional dishes, like roast beef or mashed potatoes. He genuinely enjoyed his meals and sometimes was so concentrated on food that guests felt uncomfortable as Sigmund could keep silent throughout the entire meal.
Besides tasty meals, Sigmund also loved walking and smoking. Usually he walked about an hour or more every day, and it was not a relaxed stroll, but rather a quick rush along the streets. He also enjoyed smoking very much. Once, his nephew refused to give him a cigar, so Sigmund responded that smoking is both the cheapest and the most pleasurable activity in the world, so if his nephew did not try it, he would miss out. In general, Freud could smoke over 20 cigars a day despite his doctors’ warnings and worsening health problems.
Nov. 23, 2022
Pourquoi le tango nous rend si heureux ?
Ça ne se compare pas avec la Coupe du monde de football. IL n’y a pas tellement beaucoup de participants. Et il n’y a pas du tout de spectateurs pour cet évènement. C’est un marathon de tango.
Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire ?
Il s’agit d’un événement international d’une durée de quatre jours. Le marathon commence généralement le jeudi soir et se termine le lundi soir. Il peut avoir des participants de n’importe où dans le monde, généralement environ deux cents personnes.
Pourquoi ces gens de différents pays du monde se rassemblent-ils en un seul endroit ? Ils veulent danser.
Pourquoi, demandez-vous, aller d’Amérique ou du Japon à Riga, par exemple, pour danser ? Et le fait est que ce ne sont pas les spectateurs comme au football, mais les participants qui apprécient la danse, qu’ils sont prêts à la suivre jusqu’au bout du monde. Mon professeur de tango a dit « mordus par le tango ».
Et peu importe de quel pays vous venez d’Argentine ou du Japon, l’essentiel est que vous ayez trouve un langage commun dans la danse et les émotions fortes, gui unissent des gens du monde entier.
Nov. 23, 2022
En mars 2020, le monde a changé à cause de la pandémie du Covid-19. En même temps que la crise de santé et la charge sur le système de santé publique, la vie quotidienne n’était plus reconnaissable. Tout à coup, les parents avaient la charge d’éduquer ses enfants à la maison, les profs enseignaient en ligne, et beaucoup du monde commençaient à télétravailler.
Pour certains, ce changement était un apprentissage abrupt (signal : beaucoup de mèmes sur « activer le micro, svp », et nous ne devons pas oublier l’avocat qui a plaidé une affaire judiciaire avec la tête de chat sur Zoom…). Pour autres, cependant, la vie de télétravailleur leur convenait. Pas de transport, un gain d’autonomie et les heures plus flexibles, sans parler d’éviter les énervements quotidiens du bureau.
Un article de Le Monde en novembre 2021 a observé que, en général, le télétravail profite à la fois aux entreprises et aux salariés, et résulte en une augmentation de productivité. L’économiste Pauline Grosjean a noté en octobre 2021 que le télétravail offert plusieurs avantages économiques aux femmes, mais particulièrement, femmes avec enfants.
Néanmoins, certains employeurs continuent à être sceptique sur le télétravail (y compris peut-être le plus fameux anti-télétravail chef, Elon Musk). Reportage par le BBC en septembre 2021 indique que les chefs se sentent plus en control avec une équipe présentielle. Autres chefs disent qu’il y a plus d’opportunités pour collaboration social et créatif dans le bureau. Et bien sûr, Elon Musk a dit que les télétravailleurs « font semblant de travailler ». Malgré cette attitude de Musk et autres chefs, il pareil que le télétravail est ici pour rester.
Nov. 23, 2022
Today is the 53th day of my daily English challenge. Today I woke up with a strong pain on the left side because I have cervical hernia.
I went out for shopping. After came back home, I prepared the diner because I was fasting. In the afternoon, I was talking to friend over Skype but I didn't because I am in pain and it's hurts a lot. When I felt a little better I had read a text a loud.
Before sleeping, I go to wear my pyjamas, then pray.
Nov. 23, 2022
Hoy es el día 22 de mi reto de español. He salido al supermercado por comprar panes y algunas verduras.
Al llegar a mi casa lo primero que hice cocinar, después descansé un rato acostada en mi cama porque ayer no pude dormir muy bien y tuve un dolour muy fuerte en la ezpalda.
Por la tarde, he leído uno texo en Inglés en voz alta y he tratado aprender algunas palabras. También he revisado algunas lecciones en Español.
Antes de acostrame, voy a ver un vlog en YouTube en Inglés.
Nov. 23, 2022
En ce moment, je lis, ou plus précisément, j’écoute le livre audio, de « L’Archipel du chien » de Philippe Claudel, un écrivain français. Je le trouve passionnant, mais c’est très différent de ce à quoi je m’attendais, ayant lu un de ses autres livres, « La Petite Fille de Monsieur Linh », en fait le premier vrai livre j’ai lu en français. Le dernier est un livre qui fait chaud au cœur grâce à ces personnages qui possèdent une générosité et ouverture d’esprit énorme. Par contre, dans « L’Archipel du chien », la plupart de personnages sont épouvantables, avec des mœurs plus que douteuses, qui se justifie en faisant des choses horribles. Je trouve fascinant que le même auteur puisse écrire des personnages diamétralement opposés, et puisse comprendre aussi bien ce qui les pousse à agir de telle manière.
Nov. 23, 2022
L’appartement est joli, mais il y a certaines choses qui, me dérange. Premièrement, il y a beaucoup de bruit, surtout la nuit. Je ne crois pas que je puisse bien dormir, je dors mal depuis deux mois maintenant.
Avant que je rentre dans l’appartement, je trébuche dans les décombres des vélos, des poussettes et d’autres objets encombrants. Je souhaite que les propriétaires des vélos ou des poussettes les rangent.
En plus je crains que les cafards se soient installés ici ! Il faut que vous fassiez quelque chose avec les !
Je voudrai que la cour sous mes fenêtres reste propre même après avoir promené les chiens. Je ne pense pas que ce soit très difficile.
Ensuit il y a des odeurs désagréables de canalisation dans la salle de bain. Il faut que vous soyez vous en occuper.
Je crois que vous résoudrez ces problèmes dans un avenir proche.
Bien cordialement
03:19:40 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)