Jack's avatar

Nov. 25, 2022

My First Work Unit

In late August, 1985, I held a dispatch certificate released by the Human Resource department of Anhui province, and took a long distance bus from the city I live now to Bengbu, and then took a train to Jiashan County seat, where my first work unit was at.

Jiashan County seat was on a small hill, so the roads there were not even. I went to the agricultural machinery bureau of the county first to report for duty, and they told me that I was assigned to the bureau's subordinate unit: the agricultural machinery training class. My role was as a trainer.

An officer at the bureau wrote me an introduction letter and let me go to the training class.

I left the bureau going to my first work unit. On my way, I asked a man how I could get there. He said, just go with me. It turned out that he was the leader of my work unit.

The work unit was also on the hill, which was very simple, and only had a few rooms. The rooms are connected in a row, from east to west. There were no inclosing walls for the office.

I lived in a room with another new employee who was assigned to the office from another specialized secondary school. We all majored in agricultural machinery management.

I started my career for the rest of my life this way, and I worked there till 1989 before I was transferred to my home town.

atomcdismantling's avatar

Nov. 25, 2022


大家好! 我叫atomcdismantling。这当然是这个账户的名称, 不是我的。我是印尼人,可是我有中国血统。如果我父母没弄错的话, 我的祖先是从云南或者福建来的。但是, 我不会说中文。我正在努力学中文。因为我是初学者, 我可能犯错误。如果是这种情况,我道歉。非常感谢!

mlk_'s avatar

Nov. 25, 2022

Un pique-nique créole

Pendant nos vacances à La Reunion, on a découvert une tradition typique: le célèbre pique-nique créole. C'est un partie de l'art de vivre à la Réunion. Et en effet, nous a vu espaces extérieurs pour pique-niquer partout sur l'île. Dans la menu, il n'y avait pas de sandwiches mais il y avait les spécialités creole délicieuses. Notre hôte a cuisine different plats dans un grand casserole sur un feu de bois. On a goute la saucisse avec du riz jeune. C'était un peu épicé et absolument fantastique!

maymaymay_'s avatar

Nov. 25, 2022

Please review my answer for IELTS SPEAKING PART 3

[ Part 3 ]
Are traffic jams common in Vietnamese cities?
I guess traffic congestion is inevitable during rush hours in any city in Vietnam, so commuting is a daily problem for urban dwellers. The traffic in my hometown, Buon Ma Thuot city, is very light most of the time. But when it is at around 8 to 9 in the morning, and 5 in the afternoon, there is always a long line of bumper-to-bumper vehicles crawling at a snail’s pace. But it is nothing compared to the traffic state in Ho Chi Minh City, where I lived for about four years for university. During rush hours, the traffic is at a complete or near standstill most of the time, and you can encounter several gridlocks or bottlenecks. Apart from peak hours, the streets between 9 am to 10 am and between 3 pm to 4 pm are also crowded with vehicles.

2. Why are cities today facing serious traffic issues?
I think it is because urban areas tend to have a dense population, which partly causes by the growing trend of urban transition since people from rural areas or small cities flock to major cities to find better employment or education opportunities. A city usually has a high rate of vehicle ownership as it is rather easy for urban people to afford a motorbike, car, or at least a bike. This results in a large volume of vehicles on the roads. On top of that, many cities are not built with proper planning, which means that the existing road infrastructures tend not to facilitate the smooth flow of such a colossal amount of vehicles there. You can encounter several bottlenecks if you travel in HCM city as many narrow roads are incapable of accommodating the vehicles’ movements.

3. What can be done to improve traffic conditions in cities?
One method is to scatter working hours. For example, we could push back the working hours of public offices to 10 am, so they would commute at a different time compared to the 9-to-5 workers of private firms. I think this would dramatically reduce the flow of commuters during rush hours. Another is to upgrade the public transport system so that many more people would choose to use it instead of driving. I believe that if governments make taking public transportation more comfortable, convenient, and safer, citizens would feel less of the need to own and use a private vehicle, which would significantly ease traffic congestion. Besides, governments can also invest in building intersections, interconnecting roads, overloading bridges, or flyovers in high-traffic areas to facilitate travel there.

4. Can developing public transport help resolve traffic issues in cities?
I think it will definitely ease traffic pressure in cities. If it is convenient, comfortable, and safe for people to take a bus or train, they would undoubtedly feel less of the need to own and use a private vehicle. Therefore, improving public transport can bring down the number of vehicles on the road, freeing road space and reducing traffic congestion.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Nov. 25, 2022


I am not a vegetarian. I eat meat or fish every day, I can not imagine what I will be like if only eat vegetables.
We know that true monks are not allowed to eat meat, they can not kill living creatures. I heard about a famous monk named HaiDeng who specialized in Kungfu and died in his Seventies.
Because he was a martial art master and well-known in China, some doctors made a medical check on his body in order to find the reason why he was not living longevity as expected.
Surprisingly, his death was due to malnutrition and anemia.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 25, 2022

The Origin of My Job.

When I was in middle school, children from farmer's families could get a job only by performing excellent on the specialized secondary school entrance exams. Otherwise, they could only be farmers for the rest of their lives.

The pass rate of the exam was very low, which was only 3 to 5 percent. The competition for being accepted was very fierce.

Every student studied very hard to get the acceptance, even though at least 95 percent of them would fail.

Fortunately, I was a little smart, and I often won the top three places in my class, which had around 60 students.

In mid-July 1982, I went to the local county seat to take the exam. After that, I immediately reviewed all the school courses at home to prepare to take the exam next year because I was not sure if I could pass the exam I had taken.

In late August, I was informed by a person in my middle school that I won the number one in the exam in my school.

To see the exact score I got, I immediately cycled to school. On my way to school, I even fell into the ditch beside the road because I was so excited.

On the first of September, I took a bus to the city where I live now to study at a specialized secondary school. Three years later, I graduated and was assigned a job to work for the government.

It is how I got my current job.

sunspot's avatar

Nov. 25, 2022





ashlynn1257's avatar

Nov. 25, 2022

Ejercicio #1 - En

1. Encontrámosnos en el centro comercial.
2. Ella es en la tienda.
3. Él rompió conmigo en la fiesta.
4. Ellos fueron en el avión.
5. Ir a escuela en el autobús.
6. En un minuto, el partido va a empezar.
7. El libro es en español.
8. Lisa hace bien en la matemática.
9. Él es un maestro en la música.

maymaymay_'s avatar

Nov. 25, 2022

Please review my IELTS SPEAKING part 2's answer.

1. Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam.
You should say:

When and where it happened?
How long you were in the traffic jam?
What you did while waiting?
And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam.

I believe that rush-hour traffic congestion is something to be expected in urban areas, and my hometown, Buon Ma Thuot city, is no different. But it is nothing compared to the traffic jam in Ho Chi Minh, which is the largest city and the main hub of the economy in our country. I lived in Ho Chi Minh for around 4 years for university, so I know all too well how severe the traffic jams there are. But the most memorable congestion that I have ever encountered in my life is on the first day of my university entrance exam.

Nowadays, Vietnamese students only need to sit the national high school graduation exam taking place in their hometown, and the college admissions will be based on this test’s result. But back about 7 years ago, students had to go to the city in which the university that they applied for was located and took an exam specifically for university entrance. So in my time, millions of students in the south of Vietnam poured into HCM city to pursue higher education there, and I was one of them. Thankfully, I didn’t need to rent a room like many of these students as I have an aunt who lives in HCM. She also drove me to the test site and picked me up after. Unfortunately, the time that I got off was also when people living there traveled home from work or school, at about 5 pm. So you can imagine how congested the streets were. The traffic was at a complete standstill, and the pavement was also filled with riders who wanted to avoid the gridlocks on the streets, but they could hardly move too.

It was in summer, so I was dripping with sweat from the sweltering weather with the burning sun, together with the body heat from the bumper crowd. Besides, everyone drove too aggressively as they always tried to squeeze into any tiny empty spot and jump ahead of other bikes. I was so stressed out since I felt like an accident would happen to us at any moment, and the incessant noise from the horns and engines, together with the exhaust fumes, only made everything worse.

I remembered that when we were stuck in a bottleneck for around more than 10 minutes, my aunt decided to turn into the first alley that she saw along the street to pass this jammed area. However, many people had the same thought, so the alley was also crowded. And the funny thing, and irritating at the same time, is that when we got back to the main road, we saw the same riders who were stuck in the bottleneck with us before but didn’t take the shortcuts. So we didn’t really make any greater progress, just traveling a longer distance. My uncle called us three times when we were traveling to ask why we still didn’t get home. We spent about 2 hours getting through a route that only took us 30 minutes on the first travel in the afternoon.

I have to admit that this situation made me instantly regret my decision to pursue higher education in HCM city. But my aunt did reassure me a bit since she said that the traffic wasn’t as bad on a normal day.

Romany's avatar

Nov. 25, 2022

Les tremblements de terre

Récemment, il y avait trois tremblements de terre dans la région Asie-Pacifique. Je remarque qu’ils se passent fréquemment dans cette région et je me souviens bien le tsunami et le tremblement de terre qui ont eu lieu en 2004. Les pays les plus touchés étaient l’Inde, l’Indonésie, le Sri Lanka, la Thaïlande pour n’en nommer quelques-uns. Selon les chiffres officiels, 227 898 de personnes sont mortes, les vagues du tsunami étaient de 30 m de hauteur et le tremblement avait une ampleur de 8,8. C’était l’une des catastrophes naturelles les plus meurtrières au monde.

Alors en revenir aux plus récents. Le premier était le 21 novembre, en Indonésie dans la province de Java et son ampleur était 5,6. Cela a causé beaucoup de dévastation puisque les immeubles n’avaient pas été bien construits. Les maisons, les écoles, les hôpitaux et d’autres édifices publics ont été tous touchés. Étant donné que l’Indonésie est sujette aux tremblements de terre fréquents, c’était triste de voir encore des immeubles endommagés et les peuples paniqués.

Le deuxième a eu lieu dans les Îles Salomon, le 22 novembre, un jour après celui de l’Indonésie. Son ampleur était 7,0 : enfaite plus puissant que l’autre. Même s’il a déclenché l’avertissement de tsunami, après un certain temps, l’alarme a été annulée. Je ne connais pas encore le nombre de morts et j’ai entendu sur les informations que l’opération de sauvetage ( rescue efforts) est encore en cours.

Le troisième était au large de la côte est de l’Australie dans la mer et celui-ci n’était que de l’ampleur 3,6. Heureusement pas de décès ou de dommages.

atomcdismantling's avatar

Nov. 25, 2022


Bien que l'équipe nationale de l'Indonésie n'aie rien gagné et qu'elle soit faible, les Indonésiens sont en général fous du football. Non seulement nous aimons le football indonésien, mais aussi celui du monde. Le match d'ouverture de la Coupe du monde 2022 a débuté il y a cinq jours. Étrangement, la fièvre de la Coupe du monde, qui normalement se répandait rapidement dans tout le pays durant les éditions précédentes, n'est pas là cette année. J'ai fait mes recherches et trouvé quatre raisons principales qui expliquent l'indifférence du peuple indonésien envers le soit-disant championnat le plus attendu dans le monde.

Premièrement, la télé ne fait plus partie intégrante de notre vie. Il y a dix ans, je suis tombé amoureux de ce jeu parce que mes cousins regardaient toujours les matchs du Mondial à chaque fois qu'ils me rendaient visite. À cette époque, la télé était la seule source d'information et de divertissement dans beaucoup de maisonnées indonésiennes. Nous n'avions pas de portables sophistiqués, et l'Internet n'était pas disponible partout. Les stations de télévision se disputaient les droits de diffusion du Mondial, et le gagnant promouvait cette manifestation sportive sans cesse. Ce n'était qu'une question de temps avant que les chansons et les nouvelles du Mondial s'enracinent dans notre cerveau. Aujourd'hui, je peux regarder seul un match en direct sur mon portable ou mon laptop, sans devoir sortir de ma chambre. L'avancement de la technologie nous a rendus plus individuels.

Deuxièment, l'édition de cette année est arrivée au mauvais moment de l'année. Normalement, les Mondials se déroulaient au milieu de l'année, pendant les vacances semestrielles en Indonésie. Puisque les joueurs n'auraient pas survécu à la chaleur torride au Qatar en été, on a reporté le Mondial à la fin de l'année. En ce moment, beaucoup de parents interdisent à leurs enfants de veiller toute la nuit pour regarder les matchs car ils doivent aller en cours le lendemain matin. Croyez-le ou non, l'enthousiasme (ou l'absence) des enfants en suivant le Mondial fait une grande différence dans l'ambiance.

Troisièment, nous nous efforçons de protéger notre santé plus que jamais. Nous savons que la COVID ne fait pas de discrimination. Personne n'est à l'abri de ce virus. Nous n'avons pas d'autre choix que de se coucher tard si nous voulons voir les matchs qui ont lieu en Europe ou au Moyen-Orient. Moi-même, je ne regarde que les matchs qui commencent avant 20 h. Si nous ne nous reposons pas suffisamment, notre système immunitaire sera plus faible. Nous aimons le football, mais nous saisissons chaque occasion d'être en bonne santé pendant cette période d'incertitude.

Finalement, certains d'entre nous ont l'impression que cette édition du Mondial est trop problématique. Certains reprochent au Qatar d'avoir pratiqué l'esclavage moderne, et d'autres sont déçus que le Qatar prive la communauté LGBT de ses droits fondamentaux. Le reste trouve dommage que le Mondial soit entaché par des problèmes sans rapport avec le football. Au bout du compte, plein de gens en ont marre et ont décidé de délaisser le Mondial.

applebubble's avatar

Nov. 25, 2022

в Румынии

Предполагалось, что четыре монета, которые были обнаружены в Румынии в 1713-м году, относились к римским императору. Однако, полтора века после обнаружения, исследователи повсеместно утвердили, что на самом деле, артефакты были созданы аферистами. Зато, сегодня, научные работники отвернули такой вывод, заявив, что они являются подлинными; при этом, они застали всех врасплох. Один из них заметил, что на поверхности монет оборачиваются царапины, которые были знаки того, что монеты, которые датировались 1800 годами назад, однажды были в циркуляции.

Использовав мощные лупы, учёные определи, что присутствие царапин показали, что они шевелились по кошелькам. Они уверены, что лицо человека, украшающее монеты, принадлежит командиру, короновавшемуся императором дайской области, которая была шахтерской деревнею, отрезавшей римской империей когда пандемия и гражданская война вспыхнули.

Теория основывается на том, что он возглавил территорию, чтобы своя войска и свои мирные жители повиновались ему, когда враждебная армия окружала город. Чтобы удержать на плаву экономию, он решил, что было необходимо изобрести собственные монеты. Разумеется, сырё этого региона было куда грубее того, приходившего из Рима; поэтому, было куда вероятнее, что монеты подвергались бы вреду. Если научное общество одобрит такие выводы, то это означит, что будет возможно включить ещё одну историческую фигуру в анналы истории.

felixir's avatar

Nov. 25, 2022

-지 그래요?

1. 여기에 꽤 더운 것 같아요.
자켓을 벗지 그래요?

2. 제 방이 더러우니까 아무것도 찾을 수 없어요.
방을 청소하지 그래요?

3. 이는 엄청 아파서 먹는 것이 어려워요.
음식을 섞지 그래요? 그럼 마실 수 있어요.

4. 용돈을 다 섰어요.
아르바이트를 구하지 그랬어요?

5. 너무 배가 고픈데요.
아까 먹지 그랬어요?

frannie_'s avatar

Nov. 25, 2022

Frases 24

1. I like doing orders.
- Me gusta hacer los pedidos.
1. Do you have the items I asked for?
- ¿tienes las cosas que te pedí?
1. The class is full.
- La clase es llena.
1. It’s management’s fault.
- es la culpa de la gerencia.
1. We have to be a united front.
- Tenemos que ser un frente unido.
1. I didn’t read the terms and conditions.
- No leí los términos y condiciones.
1. It was an original design.
- Era su diseño original.
1. What’s her address?
- ¿Qué son las señas de ella?
1. Can you repeat that please.
- Podrías repetirlo, por favor.
1. It is a reserved table.
- Es una tabla reservada.
1. It was on special (sold cheaper than usual).
- Estaba en especial.
1. It’s a missing dog.
- Es un perro perdido.
1. It’s a file.
- Es un archivo
1. We are not related to each other.
- No estamos relacionados.
1. She has all the power.
- Tiene todo el poder.
1. She makes all of the decisions.
- Hace todos decisiones.
1. It’s a new law.
- Es una nueva ley.
1. What size is this shirt?
- ¿Qué número de camisa es esta?
1. She has to be my guide.
- Tiene que ser la guía mía.
1. What is her location?
- ¿Qué es la ubicación de ella?

frannie_'s avatar

Nov. 25, 2022

Frases 23

1. I have to search for it at home.
- Tengo que buscarlo en casa.
1. I’m just gonna search it up online.
- Voy a investigarlo en línea.
1. It’s only free today.
- Solamente gratis hoy.
1. Have you watched the news?
- ¿Has visto las noticias?
1. She’s outside.
- (Ella) está afuera.
1. They’re out together.
- Están juntos.
1. Get out.
- Salga.
1. Click on the dot.
- Hacer clic en el punto.
1. Is my microphone on?
- ¿Está mi micrófono encendido?
1. You missed a comma.
- Omitiste la coma.
1. What is the price?
- ¿Qué es el precio?
1. I forgot to check (double check, look again).
- Olvidé revisar.
1. It’s on the top floor.
- Está en la planta superior.
1. It’s on the shelf.
- Está en el estante.
1. She is on top of the world. (Succeeding metaphor).
- Ella está en la cima del mundo.
1. State your name and address.
- Di tu nombre y tus señas.
1. When will you have more products?
- ¿Cuando tendrás más productos?
1. When will you be receiving more products?
- ¿Cuando recibirás más productos?
1. They should be free.
- Deberían ser gratis.
1. I don’t have any data until next month.
- No tengo ninguna data hasta el próximo mes.
1. We have human rights.
- Tenemos los derechos humanos.
1. Don’t leave a bad review.
- No escribas una mala evaluación.

mackie500's avatar

Nov. 25, 2022


I had the idea of ​​doing a weekly writing challenge and this is the day one.
Be a language student can be hard sometimes, for me who study 3 languages it's a crazy and cool experience.
Even when my studies plan fall apart I always try put the language learning in my daily routine and this make me feel more close of the languages and enjoy the trajectory.

mackie500's avatar

Nov. 24, 2022

lack of confidence

It's been a long time since I start learning english and I still have no confidence. I used to write in a notion page and some few days ago I found this site and I belive that will be a good place to practice.

ozymandias99's avatar

Nov. 24, 2022

Gaming and adulthood

Prompt: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Games are as important for adults as they are for children.

In our society, there is a lack of consensus within many branches of knowledge about whether or not are games as important for adults as they are for children. As a rule of thumb, I strongly believe that gaming poses as a great tool for adults to improve and mantain their overall health.

To begin with, a case can be made on the fact that videogames boost the mental health of adults in the long run. Furthermore, it is a well-known fact that playing videogames releases chemicals within the brain which cause people to enhance exponentially their mood. Such is the importance of gaming for adults, that I have personally seen many grown-ups playing League of Legends, Rocket League or FIFA with their friends on a daily basis.

In addition, educational games have become well-known purveyors of entertainment and knowledge for mature people, since they can deliver information in a far more appealing manner than classes or even online courses. Not only will games improve your knowledge, but they will also enhance your logical reasoning. As a matter of fact, there is a substantial number of online coding games which will help you acquire the programming skills you have long wanted to master and further will make you more suitable for a Software Engineer job.

Finally, in this new era, home-office stands out as the main way of working. Thus, within many industries, individuals are neither seing nor talking to each other often. Therefore, gaming is seen as a tool to connect and interact with other human beings. I can mention that I tend to play with my friends since I have slim to none contact with my coworkers.

To conclude, gaming is an enriching experience which includes notorious psychological advantages. Moreover, you can improve your overall skillset by playing videogames. Furthermore, electronic games are great tools for socializing. At the end of the day, gaming can be seen as one of the main driving forces behind people's well-being, benefiting society across the board.

Jack's avatar

Nov. 24, 2022

Making Noodles

Maybe back then I was just several years old when I tried to make noodles.

One day, my mom went to the fields to do farmers' work, and only me was at home.

I often saw that my mom often made noodles, so I thought I should be able to make them too.

I was excited when I had the idea. I thought it would be a big challenge for me because I have never done any cooking.

Then, I took a certain amount of wheat flour and sweet potato flour, mixed them and made them into a dough with water. Afterwards, flattened the dough thin enough with a rolling pin, folded it and cut it into noodles.

Because I was just a kid, not that strong and that was the first time I made noodles, so the noodles were not thin enough and long enough. Then I boiled the water in the pot and put the noodles in to cook it.

When my mom went back home, I told her that I had already cooked the noodles for her. She was very surprised and told me that the noodles were not bad.

It was the first time I did something to help my family when I was in grade two or grade three in elementary school.

ozymandias99's avatar

Nov. 24, 2022

Arguments regarding dinosaurs' extinction

The reading passage discusses three theories which explain the extinction of dinosaurs, notwithstading, the lecturer casts doubts on each one of them.

First of all, on the one hand, the author in the reading passage stated that a soar in temperature caused dinosaurs testes to malfunction. As a result, male dinosaurs became sterile. Therefore, dinosaurs died out since they could no longer reproduce. On the other hand, the speaker vehemently asserts that it cannot be established whether dinosaurs were sterile or not. Soft tissue such are testes do not remain after fossilization and hence it cannot be proved if these organs were functioning properly.

Secondly, the reading passage mentions that dinosaurs became extinct due to an overdose of plants with psycho-active agents, since they were not able to neither detoxify the substances nor taste its notorious and dangerous bitterness, due to faulty livers and tongues respectively. Nevertheless, the speaker states that dinosaurs' tongues and livers did not stand the test of time. He argues that had the researchers being able to analyze these reptiles' organs, they would be able to identify how they work. Furthermore, he mentions that Angiosperms flourished long before the extinction of dinosaurs and hence it is unlikely that these plants provoked dinosaurs' demise.

Finally, a large comet which hit the Earth, reports the author, caused dust to rise into the atmosphere. This blocked sunlight and provoked a sudden, unprecedented drop in world temperatures that ended up causing a mass extinction of dinosaurs. Conversely, the speaker argues that even though an asteroid striking the Earth is an undebatable fact, 52 species of dinosaurs thrived for as long as 300 thousand years after the impact. Hence, according to the listening passage, the impact from a large asteroid itself did not cause dinosaurs to die out.

In conclusion, throughout the listening passage, the professor holds a skeptical position regarding the theories discussed by the author.

yktor's avatar

Nov. 24, 2022

Wetter in Zürich

Ich wohne in der Schweiz, in einer kleinen Stadt neben Zürich. Jetzt ist es Herbst und deshalb ist es kalt - etwa 7-9 Grad am Tag. Jedoch war heute schönes Wetter.

Obwohl es morgens geregnet hat, war es Nachmittag sonnig. Gelbe bäume haben unter der Sonne wunderschön ausgesehen. Also habe ich beschlossen, in den Feldern herum zu joggen.

Die Wegen waren nass, aber für mich war es egal. Obwohl es Herbst ist, waren die Feldern grün. Wahrscheinlich werden sie mit Wintergetreide gesät :). Ich habe gern frische Luft geatmet und die Landschaft angesehen. Am Horizont konnte man die Alpen sehen.

TarYosh's avatar

Nov. 24, 2022

Duolingo Stories

Last Sunday, I enjoyed Duolingo story lessons during my live stream on Twitch.
Duolingo is a kind of easy for me, so I play this app for entertainment purposes.

In the Duolingo lessons, some fun named characters appear.
Basically, they know each other.

I will write about some memorable characters in future posts.

Check out the related link in the notes section.

Rumble_Bumble's avatar

Nov. 24, 2022

A Daily Routine of Writers and Philosophers

Everyone has their own attitudes and habits, be it a typical time for waking up, or favourite activities for weekends. In that sense, well-known people are not an exception, and they also have their favourite foods and places for going out. In this post, I’ll describe some interesting habits and routines of famous writers and philosophers.

German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, led a simple and ordinary life. He lived in the countryside and never travelled throughout his entire life. Some of his biographers assumed it was because of his introverted personality, but in fact the reason was simpler: the philosopher was sick. Kant had an abnormally small chest that caused his heart and chest to shrink, so he had quite fragile health. As a result, Kant couldn’t endure long trips.

He usually woke up at 5 am, then smoked a couple of pipes and drank tea. He gave lectures in the same courses for 40 years and never changed this routine. He also liked nourishing and simple food, like a well-done steak and good wine. After meals, Kant usually went for his famous stroll, a habit that helped him to discover new insights and develop his theories. Although many of his acquiaintances considered him to be an introvert, Kant had a social personality and liked talking with people.

American philosopher, William James, was famous for a rather peculiar habit — not creating any. He led messy life, and his daily tasks were accomplished rather haphazardly. James was a great procrastinator and busied himself with many unimportant activities so that he would not find himself writing. For instance, he would polish his nails for hours or rearrange books in his library until his anxiety finally pushed him to work.

James usually had a drink before dinner and kept this habit until his thirties when he finally stopped smoking and drinking coffee. Nevertheless, James also had his fair share of harmful habits. Throughout his life, the writer suffered from insomnia and use chloroform to help himself sleep. If after using the substance he still couldn’t sleep, he would read. Later, he complained to his friends about his night reading as another expression of procrastination.

American-British author, Henry James, always had a strict timetable and wrote every day throughout many years. He was so committed to writing that he started to write a new book immediately after finishing the previous one. After many years of intensive writing, his wrist started to ache, and he had to abandon hand-writing in favor of dictating what he wanted to write to his secretary. The secretary usually visited him at his house every morning and they worked together until he felt tired. Sometimes, James asked a secretary to come in evening, and in order to prevent her from losing concentration, he gave her a chocolate bar.

Irish novelist, James Joyce, always ffound himself in debts and in order to pay them he had to give private piano lessons, which typically occupied his days. Therefore, he had time for writing mostly in the evenings. After writing, Joyce sometimes visited local pubs, where he liked singing Irish songs; he was very proud about his strong voice. Sometimes he went with his wife to the opera or attended other cultural events.

French novelist, Marcel Proust, is well-known for his epic book Remembrance of Things. In order to write this book, Proust decided to completely withdraw from society. All of his time he spent in his famous bedroom, where he also ate and took a quick nap throughout the day. He left his bed only when he needed to find some facts or get new experiences for future writing.

Proust also wrote on his bed at night. Most of the time only a small lamp lit up in his bedroom, due to which Proust had problems with his eyes and quickly tired from reading or writing. If the novelist wanted to cheer himself up, he took a caffeine pill or Veronal, a barbiturate. Besides this, the novelist would use an opium-based powder to reduce his chronic asthma. Sometimes he took only a couple of puffs, but other times he could smoke it for hours.
After that, he liked drinking coffee and eating a croissant; often times, it was all that he ate for an entire day. However, sometimes people saw him in restaurants, where he typically ordered different dishes and ate like a normal person.

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