Nov. 29, 2022
Ein Mann schreibt an einem Klavier. Er sieht nach außen durch ein Fenster. Drei Männer wärmen sich am Feuer. Er ist kalt und reibet sich die Hände. Die Uhr erklingt. Es ist 17 Uhr. Er sieht nach außen durch ein anderes Fenster. Die Kinder veranstalten eine Schneeballschlacht.
Ein Kind von ihnen läuft an das Fenster. Er beobachtet durch das Fenster der Mann.
In dem anderen Raum sitzt ein alter Mann. Er zählt die Geld. Ein Hund sitzt an ihm. Der Hund findet das Kind, das an der Tür steht und durch die Schlüsselloch nach innerhalb sieht, und schreit laut gegen die Tür. Der alte Mann nimmt eine Handvoll Steine heftig und öffnet die Tür. Er bewerft mit die Handvoll Steine gegen das Kind. Das Kind läuft schnell nach außen.
Nov. 29, 2022
Nov. 29, 2022
Hello! I hope you're doing well :)
Note: I'm aiming for the American English dialect.
In her book, Marie Kondo show us a beautiful framework to help us determine whether to keep something or not.
This framework is so simple but powerful: asking yourself if that makes you happy.
You see, how many times we keep something that doesn't makes us happy just for the fear of losing it?
This is a beautiful Japanese perspective of tifying up: not focusing about how useful, expensive or small are the objects but if they bring us joy.
She also includes some tidying tips like starting with the less sentimental objects and then with the sentimental ones, but the principal idea of the book is that.
Thanks for reading.
Nov. 29, 2022
Ein altes Tagebuch. Na und? Für mich ist es viel mehr als ein altes Tagebuch. Es hat eine schöne Geschichte. Als ich ein Kind war, schrieb ich jeden Tag eine oder zwei Seiten in einem kleinen Tagebuch. Ich schrieb, wie ich mich fühle, was ich gemacht hatte, oder ob ich verliebt war. So niedlich!
Trotzdem seit mehr als zehn Jahren habe ich dieses Tagebuch nicht wieder gesehen.
Nach der Schulzeit zog meine Familie ein und ich wusste nicht mehr, wo mein Tagebuch war.
Vor ein paar Wochen war ich in meiner Garage und habe es zufällig gefunden. Ich habe viele Seiten gelesen und ich habe mich an meine Schulzeit erinnert. Und unglaublich bin ich noch verliebt mit demselben Mann! Wir sind seit zwei Jahren verheiratet. Ich habe es ihm gezeigt und wir haben viel gelacht!
Nov. 29, 2022
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and the war between Russia and Ukraine, today we can still regularly see positive changes in the world. Thinking about the challenges humanity faced in the past pushed me to write about important changes on the planet and to attempt to guess how would it have changed our society if they hadn't have happened.
If I had known the history better, I would have created a comprehensive research paper about the most important shifts in world history. But since I’m just an amateur, this text covers only three events that has attracted my attention.
1920: Women's Suffrage
On August 18, 1920, women got the right to vote. If this hadn't have happened, however, our society would have been completely different. Speaking frankly, if I had lived in the ‘20s, I wouldn’t have liked the society of those times. Women even weren’t allowed to go to university, much less hold paying jobs. They spent most of the time at homes and believed that their happiness completely depends upon their husbands. Housewives were mostly dealing with washing and cooking, and although most of them didn’t mind doing the housework, something should have been changed. Luckily, Women’s Suffrage completely transformed women’s lives and our society.
1943: Invention of LSD
Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman might not have known about the extent to which he contributed to society with the invention of LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). Indeed, he also couldn’t have known that hippies and ravers would use his invention for their entertainment, dancing high at festivals. Nevertheless, there are a lot of positive effects of LSD that are worth using in medicine. The substance is effective in reducing anxiety, depression and pain in people with cancer; also it helps as a treatment for psychosomatic diseases and various addictions. On top of that, the result of LSD-assisted therapy can be seen quite quickly.
What if Hoffman hadn't invented LSD or somebody had stopped him from working, or he simply decided not to get on with his work? Probably, many people would have suffered today from pain and mental ilness, and some ravers wouldn’t have experienced some fun (which is, indeed, not as important). Imagine the changes in the world if scientists applied LSD on a larger scale and we would be able to use it for treatment of health problems worldwide? Who knows, maybe we could clear away our personal worries, and rid the world of depression?
2019: COVID Pandemic
From the moment the pandemic rolled out, it completely changed our world. We’ve become used to working from home, have realigned the concept of safety, and have become vaccinated on a worldwide scale. Indeed, there were also harmful effects of the pandemic, like the massive hit to many companies, from restaurants to concert organizers, as well as millions of deaths. Nevertheless, if the pandemic hadn’t hit the planet, who knows, maybe we could have encountered even greater risks.
For example, the pandemic caused the reduction of road traffic and, therefore, decreased the amount of traffic accidents. The diminished amount of road traffic also has led to lowered heart attack rates. Besides that, during the pandemic community action and connections amongst friends and families have increased. Simply put, we’ve come to pay more attention to our mates and relatives, even though the reason for that was rather gloomy.
With the coming of home isolation, enjoying a family dinner or hanging out with friends has become for many of us more important than ever before. On the whole, acknowledgment of the pandemic’s benefits may help us not only to ease our anxiety about what happened but also to continue to believe that the future will bring with it more positive changes.
Nov. 29, 2022
Dann seien sie(die Schmerzen) um den Nabel ausgewandert.
Die Patientin gab an, dass die Schmerzen erst im rechten Ohr aufgetreten seien. Dann seien die beidseitig geworden.
Die Fiebermessung(von der Patientin durchgefüht wurde) gäbe heute Morgen 38,8°C und gestern Abend 39,2°C an.
Sie beschreib den Husten als kaum erträglich. Des Weiteren teilte sie mit, das ihrer Schlaf deswegen gestört sei.
Die Patientin gab an, dass die Schmerzen vor 2 Tagen plötzlich aufgetreten seien, als sie aufstünde. Sie teilte mit, dass Sie in Ruhe Schmerzen aushalten könne. Die seien aber unerträglich beim Abtasten.
Nov. 29, 2022
Il y a la possibilité que quelqu'un dans ta vie parle de toi quand tu n'est là d'une facon negative. Ça peut arriver si la personne nous aime pas ou si elle est simplement jalouse de nous à cause de quelque chose. On ne peut pas vraiment contrôler les gens qui parlent de nous mais on peut contrôler notre reaction. La majorité de temps c'est mieux de s'en ficher de quoi les autres pensent mais les rumeurs peuvent blesser notre reputation donc on devrait agir contre les rumeurs faux et essaye de decouvrir la source de ces rumeurs.
Nov. 29, 2022
At the Tokatlian Hotel, Poirot asked for a room with bath, but he had to leave right now after he read a telegram. He asked the concierge to book a sleeper, First-class. After that, he went to the restaurant. M. Bouc, the director of the Copagnie Internationale des Wagons Lits, found M. Poirot and said to him. they both would leave tonight.
There were two men that interested Poirot in the restaurant. One of them glanced on Poirot for a moment and just for that second there was a strange malevolence, an unnatural tensity in the glance.
The concierge came to Poirot and looked concerned and apologetic. He told to Poirot there was not one first-class sleeping berth on the train. However, Bouc said the No.16 was always empty, so they went to the station together.
At the Station, the conductor said the No.16 was taken and the train was full. So Poirot had to select the second-class sleeping berth that the person came not yet. Ultimately, Poirot entered the train and got No.7. In the No.7 there was a man. He did not want Poirot get in.
The conductor putted the luggage in the compartment, so the man had to compromise. The train started.
Nov. 29, 2022
At the Tokatlian Hotel, Poirot asked for a room with bath, but he had to leave right now after he read a telegram. He asked the concierge to book a sleeper, First-class. After that, he went to the restaurant. M. Bouc, the director of the Copagnie Internationale des Wagons Lits, found M. Poirot and said to him. they both would leave tonight.
There were two men that interested Poirot in the restaurant. One of them glanced on Poirot for a moment and just for that second there was a strange malevolence, an unnatural tensity in the glance.
The concierge came to Poirot and looked concerned and apologetic. He told to Poirot there was not one first-class sleeping berth on the train. However, Bouc said the No.16 was always empty, so they went to the station together.
At the Station, the conductor said the No.16 was taken and the train was full. So Poirot had to select the second-class sleeping berth that the person came not yet. Ultimately, Poirot entered the train and got No.7. In the No.7 there was a man. He did not want Poirot get in.
The conductor putted the luggage in the compartment, so the man had to compromise. The train started.
Nov. 29, 2022
Nov. 29, 2022
Eddy is a single father of an 8 years old son, Junior.
He works as a teacher in a high school.
Eddy often seeks a date in story lessons.
He hides his leather pants and whip in his drawer, and this is why Junior thinks Eddy is a lion trainer.
Sometimes he comes up with unrealistic ideas that make other characters frown on.
Junior's annoying personality is inherited from Eddy for sure.
Nov. 29, 2022
Nov. 29, 2022
Aujourd’hui était un jour intéressant. Probablement parce que je suis toujours en décalage horaire, je me suis levé à cinq heures et demie. J’ai essayé de me coucher encore, mais malheureusement, je ne l'ai pas réussi. Mais, en fait, ce n'était pas mal parce que je n'étais pas fatigué, et en plus, je pouvais voir le lever du soleil. J’ai vraiment de la chance parce que j’ai une vue magnifique de mon balcon. J'espère que le nouveau dortoir où je dois emménager a une vue aussi bonne.
Après avoir vu le lever du soleil, j’ai décidé d'écouter des podcasts. Il faisait longtemps que je n'avais pas écouté de podcasts. Normalement, j’aime beaucoup écouter des podcasts dans les langues que j'étudie pour pratiquer la compréhension orale, mais récemment j’ai été trop épuisé. Heureusement, depuis que je suis arrivé à Taïwan, je me sens comme une nouvelle personne. J’ai beaucoup d'énergie et motivation. Vers 7h30 j’ai décidé de faire une promenade autour du campus. Même si je suis déjà ici depuis 5 jours, je trouve la beauté du paysage toujours étonnante. Continuant d'écouter les podcasts, je me suis promené pendant environ une heure. Sur le chemin, j’ai pris un petit déjeuner à l'épicerie. J’ai pris du riz frit et saucisse et j’ai été agréablement surpris quand la caissière m'a réchauffé le plat. Le repas était vraiment délicieux et très copieux aussi.
Pour le reste de la journée, j’ai étudié un peu, et j’ai continué d'écouter des podcasts. J’ai écouté dans 5 langues différentes, et maintenant je sens que mon cerveau va exploser. Mais, c’est bon parce que j’ai entendu beaucoup de choses intéressent et j’ai appris beaucoup. Je suis heureuse parce que c'était un jour productif et amusant aussi.
Nov. 29, 2022
Je pense que tu as besoin d’un nouvel portable.- Non, je n’en ai pas besoin.
Je viens d’Allemagne. - Oh, ma mère en vient aussi!
Tu as combien de livres? Je ne sais pas exactement, mais j’en ai beaucoup.
Ici à Taïwan, il y a de belles montagnes.
Tu as acheté de vieux œufs.
Merci pour partager de bons conseils.
Mon université est à 6 kilomètres du centre de ville.
La Poste est à 30 minutes du dortoir.
Il y a une boulangerie à 5 kilomètres d’ici.
J’ai failli rater le bus.
Ta copine a failli te larguer.
Elles ont failli boire du poison.
Nov. 29, 2022
Aujourd’hui, dans le matin, il faisait beau et il y avait beaucoup de soleil. Ici en Australie c’est printemps et nous avons de la chance de bénéficier d’un soleil abondant. Mais quand j’ai vérifié le météo, il a dit que au fur et à mesure, il deviendrait nuageux. Alors, j’ai décidé de prendre un petit promenade autour du lac et j’ai bien profité du beau temps.
Dans la soirée nous avons rendu visite à nos amis et quand nous étions sur la route, il a commencé à pleuvoir lentement : ce n’était qu’une légère bruine. Quand j’ai regardé par la fenêtre de la voiture, j’ai vu un ciel bleu avec quelques nuages. Mais peu à peu la pluie est devenue plus dure. Nous avons vu la foudre dans le ciel et nous avons entendu le tonnerre.
Et tout d’un coup, nous sommes rendus compte qu’il y avait des grêlons. Ils n’étaient pas tellement gros, mais par contre il y avait beaucoup de petits grêlons en très peu d’espace. La route était toute blanche !
Mon mari était inquiet que sa voiture était endommagée. Il l’a achetée il n’y avait que quelques mois. Mais quoi faire ? Nous étions sur une autoroute, il n’y avait aucun endroit pour s’arrêter et s’abriter. Alors, nous avons continué vers la maison de notre amis et je n’ai pas apprécié le trajet du tout.
Nov. 29, 2022
These past few days, the weather has gotten colder. Right now it's only 5 degrees Celsius.
Usually, I don't feel that cold if the temperature is above ten degrees Celsius, otherwise I feel very uncomfortable.
I am searching for information online to see cities where their lowest temperatures are above ten in the winter.
I guess life there would be very nice if I lived in those cities.
In China, I think only cities in south China can meet the demand. For example, cities in Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Fujian and Yunnan provinces.
Hopefully, I can find the best one.
Nov. 29, 2022
Nov. 29, 2022
Nov. 29, 2022
Nov. 29, 2022
El desarrollo de tecondogía mejora nuestra vida. Pero, ¿ todas las personas pueden acceder a los nuevos productos tecnológicos? Escribe un comentario con menos de 200 palabras.
El desarrollo de tecnología sigue acelerando, mientras mejorar nuestra vida más cómoda. Sin embargo, no todas las personas en el mundo se benefician su vida por el desarrolla de tecnología. Todavía hay mucha
gente en el mundo que no pueda acceder los nuevos productos tecnológicos. Por lo tanto, la diferencia entre las zonas en el mundo sería más grande.
Primero, debido a la diferencia de desarrollo tecnológico entre los países, provoca una asimetría de la información. Esta fenómeno se amplia la diferencia entre los pobres los ricos.
Segundo, porque la fenómeno se amplia en el mundo, las zonas pobres no pueden acceder los nuevos productos tecnológicos como la Inteligencia artificial, el móvil o la red, provocando su calidad de vida más bajo que otras personas.
Por último, debido a la fenómeno, las zonas en desarrollo sería más lento en su velocidad de desarrollo. Como en algunas zonas de los países de africa continental o del Sudeste asiático, su desarrollo está muy lento ya que se faltan unas tecnologías para ayudar a construir sus instalaciones básicas.
Sobre todo, aunque el desarrollo tecnológico mejoraría la vida de la gente, solo un parte de la gente se beneficia. Necesitamos colaborar conjunto, sin discriminación, para mejorar nuestra vida.
Nov. 29, 2022
My family plants some vegetables in the backyard, they are spinach, cabbage, shallots, and coriander this season in my country.
It's easy for me to make my backyard full of vegetables because my job is only to buy different species of seeds and give them to my father-in-law, who retired several years ago. I believe the vegetables he planted are 100% guaranteed organic vegetables.
I like to eat them without any processing in the pot, I eat fresh all of them.
I feel organic vegetables are good for constipating, which is better than medicine, you can take a try. I also want to say thanks to my father-in-law.
Nov. 29, 2022
Voglio scrivere un po' di un argomento molto tipico parlare quando si impara una nuova lingua, cioè come raccontare che cosa si è fatto durante un giorno. Allora, iniziamo con la mattina!
Di solito, la prima cosa che io sto pensando quando mi sveglio è "dov'è il caffè"? Siccome non sono una persone si senta sveglia al mattino, ho sempre bisogno di un caffè o più per svegliarmi proprio al mattino. Solitamente sto bevendo il mio caffè mentre uso il telefono o leggo qualcosa. Se ho dormito bene mi sveglio prima delle 7 e mezza e bevo il caffè vicino al letto.
Normalmente mi lavo e faccio la doccia subito dopo mi sono alzato, ma dipende dal giorno. Se ho molto tempo, anch'io faccio la colazione. Però, in realtà, la maggior parte del tempo non mangio la colazione perché mi sveglio troppo tardi purtroppo. Questa è una cosa che voglio cambiare. A volte mi sbrigo al lavoro per questo motivo e non penso al cibo.
Prima andare al ufficio per lavorare, ovviamente ho bisogno di preparare. Mi lavo i denti, mi pettino e alla fine mi trovo i vestiti che voglio indossare e mi vesto. Finalmente è ora per andare.
Per arrivare in ufficio devo usare il tram. Il mio appartamento è vicino alla fermata del tram, quindi per fortuna non devo camminare molto. Si prende magari 20 minuti per arrivare in ufficio.
Nov. 28, 2022
Se espera aquí una caída de nieve mañana de cantidad significativo. Me pone feliz verlo porque la nieve convierte nuestro mundo marrón y seco a una brillante y fresco. Me siento mejor después de nevar, por sus efectos de iluminación tanto que el silencio que traiga. Justo después de nieva existe un fenómeno en que las luces de navidad están cubierto en copos y emiten un luz muy blando. Mañana, voy a andar y buscarlo.
Nov. 28, 2022
Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntanse libres de dejar cualquier corrección.
41. She wanted a refund.
- Quería una devolución.
42. Her chin is round.
- Su barbilla es redonda.
43. My sister is insecure about her belly.
- Mi hermana es insegura de su panza.
44. I find elbows weird.
- Me parece los codos son extraños.
45. She has freckles on her cheeks.
- Tiene las pecas en su mejillas.
46. Her eyelashes are very long.
- Sus pestañas son muy largas.
47. I only like drinking cold water.
- Solo me gusta beber agua fría.
48. She uses hot water.
- Usa agua caliente.
49. The directions say to use lukewarm water.
- Los instrucciones digan usar agua tibia.
50. Remember to wash the bath mat.
- Recuerde lavar la alfombra de baño.
51. The bathroom has tiled floor.
- El baño tiene piso de azulejo.
52. It has a bathtub.
- Tiene una bañera.
53. My mum forgot to take the laundry basket.
- Mi mamá olvidó tomar el canasto de la ropa sucia.
54. The faucet is broken.
- La llave es roto.
55. I love toothpaste.
- Me encanta la pasta de dientes.
56. I change my toothbrush frequently.
- Suelo cambiar el cepillo de dientes con frecuencia.
57. I had covered her shoulders.
- Había cubierto su hombros.
58. I had wrapped him in a blanket.
- Lo había envuelto en una alfombra.
59. I had put the keys in his room.
- Había puesto las llaves en su habitación.
60. I had resolved the issue.
- Había resuelto el problema.
Nov. 28, 2022
Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntanse libres de dejar cualquier corrección.
21. I forgot to buy the wrapping paper.
- Olvidé comprar el papel regalo.
22. She still has (birthday) banners on her walls.
- Todavía tiene las guirnaldas por sus paredes.
23. I forgot to get you a card.
- Olvidé hacerte una tarjeta.
24. Turn right at the traffic lights.
- Gire derecho a los semáforos.
25. Continue left until…
- Continue izquierda hasta…
26. Take care at the intersection.
- Cuídate en el cruce.
27. There are many roundabouts near my house.
- Hay muchas rotondas cerca de mi casa.
28. Cross the road when the light is green.
- Cruce la carretera cuando la luz está en verde.
29. I love to drive on the highway.
- Me encanta conducir en la autopista.
30. There are many sales at the moment.
- En este momento hay muchas rebajas.
31. What a bargain!
- ¡Que ganga!
32. It is a small discount.
- Es un descuento pequeño.
33. Consumerism is both good and bad.
- Consumismo es bueno y malo.
34. I spent so much money.
- Gasté demasiado dinero.
35. Do not waste money on food.
- No malgastes dinero en comida.
36. I will be paying in cash.
- Pagaré en efectivo.
37. I will be paying by card.
- Pagaré con tarjeta.
38. I will never use credit cards.
- Nunca voy a utilizar las tarjetas de créditos.
39. You must line up.
- Debes hacer cola.
40. They just pushed in (to the line).
- Acaban de colarse.
14:03:57 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)