Nov. 6, 2024
Nov. 6, 2024
Als Kind hatte ich kein Handy, weil damals Handys noch nicht existierten. Und ich hatte eine wunderschöne Kindheit! Meine Kinder haben erstmals Handys empfangen, als sie 10 Jahren hatten. Es waren zuerst einfache Handys nur für Anrufe und sms. Jetzt haben sie Smartphones. Sie spielen oft und verbringen viel Zeit im Internet
Einige Freunde von mir haben Kinder und schenken ihnen teure Smartphones. Ihre Kinder gehen immer mit dem Handy spazieren, um in Kontakt mit den Eltern zu sein. Ich habe aber auch Freunde, die stark gegen Handys sind. Sie glauben, Handys sind für Kinder sehr schädlich. Ihre Kinder haben sehr einfache, altmodische Handys. Sie können nur anrufen und SMS schicken. So bleiben sie in Kontakt mit den Eltern, aber spielen nicht und surfen im Internet auch nicht.
Kommen wir zu den Vor- und Nachteilen. Was sind die Vorteile? Mit einem modernen Handy bleibt das Kind immer in Kontakt. Man kann einen Videoanruf mit dem Kind haben oder eine Tracking-App installieren. Dann verstehen die Eltern immer, wo ihre Kinder sind. Moderne Handys helfen auch sehr beim Lernen. In diesem Thema gibt es auch Nachteile: Handyspiele sind sehr bunt, laut, interessant und machen Kinder manchmal süchtig. Einige Spiele auf dem Handy sind sehr brutal und passen den Kindern nicht. Im Internet kann das Kind verbotene Inhalte für Erwachsene finden. Das kann schlimme Konsequenzen haben.
Ich persönlich denke, alles ist in diesem Thema sehr individuell. Ich bin gegen ein Smartphone im Alter von 5 oder 6 Jahren. Aber mit 10 dürfen Kinder schon regelmäßig Smartphones benutzen. Eltern sollten aber dabei sehr aufmerksam sein.
Nov. 6, 2024
Nov. 6, 2024
Buongiorno, Cinzia!
Ho ancora mio fratello e la mia amica qui. Ma, mio fratello vai via domani, quindi non pulì la sua camera oggi. Invece, sarebbe possibile che vieni ancora domani oppure venerdì per fare quella camera quando lui è parto?
La problema è che un altro amico arriverà da Ingleterra venerdì. Problemi sempre!
Questo amico è qui solo 4 giorni (da venerdì a lunedì), poi Rachel va muoverà nella camera grande. Lo so che è lavoro di più per te. Mi dici l’extra soldi. Mi puoi chiamare? Grazie, grazie e mi scusa xx
Nov. 6, 2024
A volte ci sono piccole gioie. Ho iniziato a lavorare e ho visto un ticket (il mio lavoro consiste nel rispondere ai ticket su varie cose) di un collega, in cui parlava in italiano con qualcuno.
Sono lieta di aver capito quasi tutto! Inoltre, mi sono resa conto che il collega ha fatto un errore grammaticale usando il congiuntivo.
Ovviamente non lo critico, però sono fiera di me stessa. A volte ci vuole un po' di incoraggiamento per fare il grande salto nello studio.
Per questo motivo ho preso una pausa dal congiuntivo e ho studiato altre nozioni grammaticali.
Nov. 6, 2024
Nov. 6, 2024
A few days ago, I wrote about the mistakes I made while speaking English.
Today, I encountered the same situation, which reminded me of a Chinese proverb.
"Boiling dumplings in a teapot, having the food but unable to pour them out." - When you read the Chinese text, you'll get the ingenious point.
It means having all the answers but being unable to articulate them.
I'm still in trouble, but I'm happy to share this proverb, especially for my Chinese learner friends here.
Nov. 6, 2024
Es scheint, dass Trump die Wahl gewinnen wird. Das ist leider keine Überraschung für mich, trotzdem bin ich unglaublich enttäuscht. Obwohl ich habe ursprünglich für meinen deutsche Urlaub angefangen, Deutsch zu lernen, ich hoffe, dass ich nach Deutschland umziehen könnte, um den wachsenden Faschismus der USA zu entkommen. Natürlich muss ich einen Stelle finden, den mit meinem Arbeitserlaubnis helfen würden. Mein Wohnungsmietvertrag hier in New York dauert bis Ende Juni, aber wenn ich einen Job bekomme, könnte ich vielleicht balder umziehen. Ich plane ein drei-Monaten Deutschkurs bei New York University in Januar mich anzumelden. Ich glaube, es wird leichter, ein Job zu finden, wenn meine Sprachniveau mindestens B2 wäre.
Nov. 6, 2024
Nov. 6, 2024
Some governments spend a huge amount of money to cultivate players to win golden medals in all international contests instead of allotting such money to the children who really have enthusiasm for certain sports or regard sports as hobby, and I completely disagree this misuse.
Obviously, there are a variety of benefits children can get from doing exercise. First and foremost, doing sports will lead to a higher life expectancy for everyone, not just for children. There are a number of instances that some patients have recovered by the attempt to practice some sport, even without surgery. Moreover, taking up sports can make children perform well in both study and work, because exercise is not only a way to release stress but the process to acquire how to collaborate with others, let us say basketball or football, which are crucial abilities for people to achieve some work or business.
Not only does any practise which merely subsidize partial people to become competitors wreck social fairness, but stifle the opportunities for the underprivileged to be top-tier players. We have seen that a number of children born into the areas with poverty who are prodigies of some particular sports, because of no support from their governments, have to lead a common life. I do not mean that common life is awful, but it would be a great loss for the whole human civilization to possess excellent players, and the Olympic game should have been more competitive with them for audience to appreciate.
Nov. 6, 2024
Nov. 6, 2024
Nov. 6, 2024
Nov. 6, 2024
People usually say that having a young appearance has a lot of advantages. I agree, but only to a certain extent. My entire family has young faces, from my mother to my older sister. I'm not an exception. Being son of a third generation Japanese father and a well preserved mother who looks way younger than she actually is makes my face looks like I'm a 15 while I'm 21.
One of the worst parts of this is when I have to run some errands throughout the city so I have to interact with unknown people. They treat me like a child, I can clearly notice the tone change when someone start talking to me. That's why I started growing out facial hair (and failed miserably because of genetics), hoping people would take me at least a bit more seriously. My height is also way below average and this should be the part that most makes me feel like I'm a kid.
I remember this one class from a technical school I was attending, where one of the teachers was absent and we're free to get back home. I almost got stuck inside there just because I didn't look as an adult to the eyes of the school manager. I Had to beg him to believe me and he agreed only for that once. Since then, I always keep my ID Card inside my pocket when I'm not home.
I mean, the benefits of aging slowly are still great, but those other things are such a drag and I wish I had at least some extra 8 or 9 centimeters so I would get the overall male height.
Nov. 6, 2024
Actuellement, tout le monde parle de l’intelligence artificielle. Allez-vous l’accepter ou avez-vous peur ? Je connais plusieurs personnes qui s’inquiètent pourtant d’autre côté, il y en a des fans. Content ou non, le fait est que l’intelligence artificielle est là pour rester.
Je remarque que elle s’insinue déjà insidieusement et lentement dans notre vie quotidienne : dans nos portables et nos systèmes informatiques. L’intelligence artificielle est presque invisible et la question que je pose est la suivante. Est elle une menace, une ennemie ou faut-il l’accueillir à bras ouverts.
Ma mère a 93 ans. Elle habite dans une maison de retraite. Bien que son corps soit faible, mentalement, elle est très alerte. Elle a été toujours curieuse et même aujourd’hui, elle suit les actualités. L’autre jour, après avoir lu un article, elle m’a demandé « c’est quoi, l’intelligence artificielle ? »
Nov. 6, 2024
Le Melbourne Cup se déroule le premier mardi en novembre. J’imagine que vous n’avez jamais entendu parler de cette course. Il s’agit d’une course de cheval. Certains la considèrent comme le plus grand événement australien et on remarque souvent que c’est la course qui arrêt la nation. Elle se déroule à 15:30heures et durant ces trois ou quatre minutes de la course, la nation se retient son souffle. On ne parle pas, on ne travaille pas, au lieu de ça, on regarde la télévision et la course.
Beaucoup de gens parient sur la course et l’agent échangé est énorme. Malheureusement, la plupart des personnes ne gagne rien, au contraire, ils perdent beaucoup. En Australie, les jeux d’hasard sont un grand problème. Il existe des casinos et tous les clubs ont des machines de poker. Ici, on peut parier sur n’import quelle course, n’importe quel sport même n’importe quel événement. On peut mettre un pari d’un dollar ou des centaines de dollars. Et j’ai honte d’admettre que les paris en ligne deviennent de plus en plus populaires et le gouvernement ne s’attaque pas au problème.
Nov. 6, 2024
Je vais dédier cette entrée à Elon Musk, l’homme le plus riche du monde. Peut-être vous êtes surpris que j’ai choisi ce sujet. Ne vous méprenez pas car je ne suis pas fan, en effet je le déteste. J’ai choisi ce sujet car Elon Musk, avec Donald Trump domine l’actualité.
Ce milliardaire possède les compagnies Tesla, SpaceX, les réseaux sociaux X et j’en passe. Pourtant, j’ai décidé de parler de lui puisque il est devenu partisan de Donald Trump. Donald Trump qui est le candidat républicain aux élections américaines. Actuellement, Musk est le fan numéro 1 de Trump et pour moi c’est incompréhensible. Pourquoi est-il devenu un partisan ? Apparemment, aux élections précédentes, il a voté pour Biden. Tout semble à l’envers ! Pour autant que je sache, beaucoup de monde considère que Musk est arrogant et imprévisible. Cela étant dit, peut-être Musk et Trump sont compatibles.
Je viens de découvrir que Musk a organisé une loterie où l’un des partisans de Trump aura la chance de gagner un million de dollars. En plus, cette loterie va durer environ deux semaines. La question posée est, est-ce que c’est légal ?
Nov. 6, 2024
(For training of writing exam of EIKEN Tests Grade Pre-1)
I believe that people should stop using goods that are made from animals. This opinion is based on the following reasons: the animal rights and the endangered species.
First, the animal rights should be protected. For example, some companies which make goods that are made from animals often genocide animals, which is not allowed by the moral.
Second, If we stop the manufacture goods that are made from animals, we can protect the endangered animals. Some of the goods are made from endangered animals which we should protect. We also can create the regulations for protecting the animals internationally.
In conclusion, I think that stop using goods that are made from animals is essential, as this can not only protect the animal rights but also guard the endangered species.
Nov. 6, 2024
Nov. 5, 2024
Hello everybody,
My name is Luca and I'm an economists student.
I am at second year of a Master's degree in Business Administration. I want to improve my language business skills (I want to reach B2 level as soon as possible XD) so that is why I decided to enrol the Erasmus+ programme and coming here, in Frankfurt, where I'm writing this text. This is the only reason I decided coming here.
Firstly, because of studying abroad means a lot for me, starting from finding out new cultures and different view from people coming all over the world. I think this programme is the best opportunity to open your mind.
I've been here since 1st September and I've noticed the power of English, which is the only solution to communicate and understanding other people.
It's not so easy getting away from your home but, you know, it's just matter of time...
Since I'm here I've learnt a lot of new things, in general, how to respect different views of the things.
In conclusion, I'm appreciating this opportunity the home university gave to me and I want to enjoy it until the last day.
Nov. 5, 2024
Nov. 5, 2024
Nov. 5, 2024
Penso che tutto è nel titolo!
L'ultima volta che ho scritto un testo qui, ho chiesto idee di libri che potessi leggere, benché imparo la vostra lingua da solo tre o quattro mesi.
Sui consigli di una persona che mi aveva corretto, ho deciso di iniziare la lettura di "In oltre parole", un libro corto scritto per une scrittrice di origine bengalese, che è cresciuta negli Stati Uniti, e che è innamorata con la lingua italiana. In questo libro, questa persona descrive la sua esperienza del suo apprendimento della lingua, come ha fatto, quale sono state le difficoltà che ha incontrate.
Ho avuto bisogno di un paio di settimane per leggere il libro per intero. L'ho letto sull'e-reader, dunque non è stato impegnativo capire le parole che non conoscevo. Ho infatti potuto utilizzare il dizionario integrato per ottenere le loro definizioni. Se, nonostante ciò, non riuscivo a capire il significato di una frase, potevo tradurla facilmente. Il contrasto con le metodi che impiegava la scrittrice era impressionante: vent'anni fa, si doveva trovare la definizioni in un dizionario di carta, era più fastidioso. Viva la tecnologia!
Invece, c'è una cosa che non sono capace di spiegare: non ho apprezzo molto il stile della scrittrice. Avevo questa impressione strana che leggevo un testo che qualcuna avesse potuto scrivere qui. Ma, naturalmente, senza errori!
Non so se dovrei leggere un'altro libro in italiano ora. Ho trovato questo esercizio molto simpatico, ha il vantaggio che, con lui, posso progredire in questa lingua che non incontro spesso nella mia vita. Facendo così, non temo di dimenticare quello che ho già imparato. D'altra parte, ho voglia di leggere un mucchio di libri in francese o in inglese, su altri teme. Forse la soluzione è semplice da trovare... leggere di più?
Nov. 5, 2024
Estou me divorciando do espanhol? Não exatamente, mas vou me concentrar mais no português. Tenho estudado espanhol desde que era pequeno na escola e, embora aprecie esse idioma, acho que quero mudar minhas prioridades. Acho que o português é mais fácil e se encaixa em meus planos sociais e para o futuro. Vou praticar espanhol às vezes, mas espero que o tempo extra me ajude a melhorar meu português.
Nov. 5, 2024
15:50:24 (UTC)
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