Jan. 8, 2023
Jan. 8, 2023
Jan. 7, 2023
Jan. 7, 2023
Jan. 7, 2023
Jan. 7, 2023
Para empezar, quisiera decir que para mí, todos los «pequeños actos» cotidianos para el planeta, como bañarse en menos de 10min, son como vendajes para un tipo sufriendo de un cancer: son insuficientes, considerando la severidad del problema global. Nos sirven a nosotros humanos, para que nos demos buena consciencia, pero no ayudan el planeta porque es el funcionamiento mismo de nuestra sociedad moderna que está haciendo el planeta enfermo. Sin voluntad política de transformar toda la sociedad, estos actos, aunque naturalmente contribuyen en un sentido positivo a la lucha ecológica, tendrán un impacto casi nulo a escala mundial.
Todavía, voy a responder a la pregunta. No tengo ningún coche, porque no tengo ningún permiso de conducción. Por tanto, uso el transporte público, lo que produce menos gases a efecto invernadero, comparado con los medios de transpore individuales.
También trato de substituir mis aparatos electrónicos lo más tarde posible. Mientras aún están funcionando, no los reemplazo. Credo que cambiar el teléfono o el ordenador cada año es un desperdicio de dinero y recursos naturales. Así, tengo un teléfono de 4 años y un ordenador viejo que tiene 10 años, pero no lo uso más como ordenador principal, ¡ya que es muy lento ahora! Hago la misma cosa para la ropa: no compro mucha, y la cambia cuando está realmente gastada.
Por fin, cuando salgo a alguna parte, por supuesto no tiro mis residuos a la calle o a la naturaleza. Es una cuestión de respecto.
En cambio, tengo costumbres que no son particularmente buenas para la ecología, por esemplo, comer carne. No sé si mi estilo de vida es globalmente bueno o malo para la Tierra. Supongo que es ni lo peor, ni lo mejor. En cualquier caso, no me engaño a proposito del impacto real que mis pequeños actos tienen.
Jan. 7, 2023
Which girl doesn't dream to be a princess. With beautiful dresses, a big castle and a crown. This live seem perfect and great. Yes it gives a big bedroom a many money and power. But would ýou like to know my minds. To be like a princess could be a nightmare. You think that I crazy then listening to me. Princess have horrible stress. Since there are little children must a princess hard work and study. For everything have them the best teachers and the hardest instruction.
They stuck perfection their whole live. All that they learn dance, fight, horse rinding and music. But the most horrible thing as a princess your live isn't your own. All want always that you the best and everyone tell you what should you love and what not. Even who you married just because of money. When you be a princess you haven't a freedom. Your just a perfect barbie that all makes happy.
Jan. 7, 2023
One of my hobbies is "Cafe hopping." I go to different Cafes and try a new drink.
There aren't really any flavours that I don't like so I will try just about anything.
I like going alone with a book. Especially on days when it's raining.
I don't really care about the cream art . Whether my latte has it or not I dont mind it.
But I do pay close attention to the cups the cafe has.
I care about the size and design of the mugs.
I dont really understand it but I do.
Jan. 7, 2023
저의 취미는 다른 카페에 가는 것이예요.
(One of ) my hobbies is going to different Cafes.
각각의 카페에서 미신 적이 없고 카피를 주문하는 편이에요.
I usually order a drink that I've never had before.
법의 알레르기 없고 비위가 상하는 맛을 거의 없어서, 아무것도 정도 먹고 시도할겠어요.
I don't have any food allergies and there aren't really any flavours that I dislike so I will try just about anything.
비가 오면 일에서 카페에 가는 제일 시간이 생각해요.
I think that the best time to go to the Cafe is on the days it's raining.
책을 읽고 휴대폰을 사용하고 일기를 쓰고 한 편이에요.
I usually read a book, look at my phone or journal.
카페 게중에는 아주 가고 바리스타랑 스몰탁크를 했어요.
Some Cafes I go to often and chat with the baristas.
직업이 스토레스 되게 시간이 있으면 런지에서 카페에 잠깐 가고 언니과 오빠한테 표현해요.
If my job gets too stressful I'll go a cafe on my lunch and vent to my sister or brother.
이런 시간이 있으면 SNS으로 전화 할게요. 크게 소리로 전화를 너무 안 좋아해요.
When that happens I text. I hate it when people talk loudly on their phones in the cafe.
Jan. 7, 2023
Jan. 7, 2023
The sentences below come from the internet but might not all be correct. Could you please explain to me why I have to use PRESENT PERFECT or PAST PERFECT in the numbered examples? Could I just use past simple instead of them?
The chart refers to the past years of 2000 and 2009 and I have attached it below.
1. The given bar chart shows the data on the total number of new houses constructed from 2000 to 2009 in the neighboring cities Derby and Nottingham. Derby 1) HAS BUILT more new houses in the later years when compared with Nottingham. It can be properly understood that initially, it was Nottingham who had more houses constructed but by the end of 2009, Derby had more houses built compared to Nottingham.
While Derby built 45 new houses Nottingham 2) HAD BUILT 50 houses in the year 2000.
Overall we can observe that Nottingham had fewer houses than Derby. Nottingham's house construction 3) HAS FALLEN sharply in 2006 and 2008 to fewer than 5 and 10 houses respectively. The only other time when Nottingham built more houses per year than Derby was in 2007.
2. In the year 2009 both Derby and Nottingham 4)HAS INCREASED its construction of houses to 345 and 250 respectively. Thus overall, the number of houses in Derby increased consistently while there was an anomaly in the rise of houses in Nottingham.
3. Nottingham seems to have more houses in 2000 with 50 houses and by 2007 the number of houses in construction increased to 190 compared to 120 houses in Derby. This was a sharp rise from previous year when fewer than 5 houses were constructed in Nottingham . Howevver, in 2008 there were only 10 houses that were constructed in Nottingham while Derby had 275 houses. Finally in 2009 , the construction of houses in Nottingham increased to 250 and Derby 5) HAD SURPASSED its neighbouring city to have built 345 houses.
Jan. 7, 2023
This is a list of top 3 scariest moments at your house.
3°: The first moment is when you turn off the hallway's lights. This is actually very spooky, especially when you just finished watching a horror movie. So to avoid all ghosts in the hall, you start to run as faster as you can to the end of the hallway.
2°: The second one happens while you are trying to fall asleep and you have not close your wardrobe door. After a few seconds, you realize that you need to keep the monster inside, so you go to the door and you close it, instead of just try to fall asleep as a normal person (just kidding).
1°: And finally, the last moment occurs in your bathroom in the middle of the night. It is just so unsettling be down there, but the worst part is when you take a look at the mirror, a chill vibe goes to your mind when you remember that it is 4 AM. It is so spooky, but in a weird way it is also so epic.
Jan. 7, 2023
오늘은 커페 단어에 대한 비디오를 봤어요.
Today I watched a video about Coffee vocabulary.
비디오는 [Santoverse]이라고 Youtuber 나왔어요.
The video was by a Youtuber named Santoverse.
비이오에서 커피를 주문하는 법을 가르쳤어요.
In the video she teaches how to order coffee (in korean).
시작에 "카페"의 발음은 [까페]인데 설명했어요.
In the beginning she explains that cafe is pronounced as [까페].
"케페"과 "까페"의 발은 차이점을 아직 모르겠지만,
I still have can't tell the difference between these two pronunciations but,
이런 말이 저한테 정말 중이 높어서 꼭 연습할겠어요.
this word is very important to me so I will practice this diligently.
Jan. 7, 2023
L'été passé, j'ai passé une semaine à Paris avec mon copain. Parce qu'on est restés dans un appartement au bord du centre-ville, on pouvait aller à pied à la grande part des attractions touristiques.
Comment je n'ai que commencé apprendre français, j'ai à peine utilisé mon français et j'ai plutôt laissé mon copain faire les commandes dans les cafés et restaurants. Mais ça va changer la prochaine fois où je vais en France ! Je vais pratiquer mon français tous les jours pour le perfectionner.
À Paris, on a visité plusieurs musées. Mon favori entre eux était le Musée des Arts décoratifs qui avait une exposition sur la créatrice de mode Elsa Schiaparelli. Il y avait des robes originales conçues par elle. C'était fantastique !
Un souvenir très spécial que je garde, c'est notre visite d'un cave de jazz. Une chanteuse américaine y a performé et on y est restés le soir entier. La chanteuse était génial et alors, tous les gens-là à dancé sur la musique.
Après tout, j'ai savouré beaucoup mes vacances à Paris et je voudrais y aller une autre fois.
Jan. 7, 2023
Today I went to the library in order to complete today's learning process. It is difficult for me to concentrate on books when staying at home. Because of many temptations at home, I can't help but get distracted. After everything was done, I went to my grandparents' home to eat dinner. My grandpa is suffering from the health problem. It is painful for him to sit or walk, so he spends almost entire day lying in bed. Last time I went there but didn't see him, because my grandpa had a painkiller and then caught up on some sleep. Today I saw him sitting by the bed, feeling so uncomfortable. I tried so hard to hold back my tears. I feel heartbroken that he was just diagnosed with cancer about two years ago. I know the only thing I can do now is spend more time keeping him company and talking to him. Everything will be fine.
Jan. 7, 2023
Jan. 7, 2023
Bonjour tout le monde. Moi, je suis un étudiante et je étudie français. Je voudrais écrite français qui n'est pas simple pour moi.
Aujourd'hui, j'ai étudié pour mon examen de français qui est à Lundi. Le leçon est verbes. J'ai joué les jeux videos avec mon frére. J'ai joue au basket, ce me intéressé. J'ai mangé du poission, du polulet et de la crabe. J'ai bu du jus d'orange et de l'eau. Moi, je voudrais parler et écrite le français trés rapidment.
À bientôt
Jan. 7, 2023
Jan. 7, 2023
1. Une victoire que j’ai eu aujourd’hui est recommencer à l’apprentissage de grammaire japonaise
2. Un facteur de stresse que j’ai eu est les doigts encore ont mal.
3. Une chose que je suis reconnaissent est vivre tres proche à une bibliothèque! Quand j’étais jeune je devais prendre un bus pour aller à la bibliothèque mais actuellement je peux juste marche pendant quinze minutes!
Jan. 7, 2023
Jan. 7, 2023
Jan. 7, 2023
Sehr geehrter Herr ......,
ich schreibe Ihnen, weil ich Ihnen noch einmal danken möchte für die Gelegenheit, die ich hatte, das
Praktikum zu machen.
Beruflich habe ich viel bei Ihnen gelernt habe und es hat mir geholfen, meinen Traumjob zu bekommen. Nun arbeite
ich in eine gute Arbeitsumgebung mit viele hilfreichen und stützenden Kollegen und Kolleginnen.
Ich habe gelernt, dass es eine neue Praktikantenstelle gibt und glaube ich, dass ich den perfekten Praktikanten
kenne. Er ist ein Freund von meinen und persönlich denke ich, dass er die Rolle perfekt füllen kann.
Ich möchte sie bitten, meinem Freund die Gelegenheit zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch zu geben.
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jan. 7, 2023
Mijn naam is Anna, ik ben tweeëntwintig jaar oud en ik ben een studente. Ik ben Belgisch maar ik kom uit Frankrijk want mijn ouders werken daar. Ik spreek Frans, Engels en Spaans. Ik heb Japans ook geleerd maar nu heb ik geen meer tijd om te studeren omdat ik Nederlands leer. Ik vind Nederlands makkelijker dan Japans. Tegenwoordig woon ik in Brussel omdat ik studeer vertaling van het Engels en het Spaans aan de universiteit. Ik woon met twee Vlaamse studenten, maar omdat ze spreken niet Frans en mijn Nederlands niet zo goed is, praten we in het Engels. Ik wil graag Nederlands met hen spreken maar het is een beetje te moeilijk voor mij.
Ik heb Spaans geleerd omdat mijn oma uit Spanje komt. Ze spreekt heel goed Engels en Frans maar ik wilde haar moedertaal kennen. Nu kan ik met mijn oma, haar zussen en haar neven in het Spaans praten en ik ben heel gelukkig.
Jan. 7, 2023
After one month, I got used to my job and wouldn't meet too many problems when negotiating with captains.
If we made a deal, the captain would generally charge us at least 5%, or 10% as his tips. Especially for some freighters from the southeast country, the captain usually asked for: "more, more...! " I have always been feeling shame for them and their country. Captains from western countries generally would not charge for their own private tips.
Corruption was also rampent in this port.
In theory, anyone who into or out of a ship must get a license card approved by the local army (one year later, all the duty transferred to local police). There were about 20 soldiers stationed in the port, Director Chen was their officer, and no one in the port dared to offend him.
one day in the morning at about 10 o'clock, my boss received a phone call from Director Chen, then he asked me to go with him to see the powerful man. My boss waved his hand to him a long way at the gate, he and two young girls were having a deluxe breakfast in a corner. he was about 1.75m in height, thin with grey hair, some black skin, and leisure clothes. My boss introduced me to him and ask him for more favor to me in the future.
We stayed there for about 5 minutes and then left. When my boss paid the bill, I noticed Director Chen's lip spread in a sly smile before the two girls.
Both two girls were his girlfriends. Some powerful men like to show off their lovers in public, and at the same time to show off their power before their honeies. It was popular at that time.
Jan. 7, 2023
But: Ecrire un courriel en expliquant que les droits de mon ami n'étaient pas respéctés.
Bonjour monsieur directeur,
Mon ami, Samuel, est un immigrant. Et dans l'université, normalement cela ne doit pas être un problème mais il face du racisme des autres étudiants et les professeurs parce que son couleur de peau. Quand il passe quelqu'un, d'après lui, la personne lui regarde comme il est un animal. Les professeurs ne le respectent pas et ne répondent pas à ses questions. Il ne peut pas apprendre dans ces conditions.
Dans les cours, il est victime d'intimidation des groups d'étudiants, surtout ça le bouleverse. Il est timide donc il ne fait rien de cette situation, c'est pourquoi j'ai voulu discuter avec vous. La dernère paille, pour moi, est quand il a perdu ses livres. Nous ne savons pas qui, mais je suis sûr, quelqu'un de nos cours les a pris. Ses droits de securité, d'éducation, d'égalité sont tous disrespectés.
Il y a deux solutions. 1, Samuel quitte cet université et ces événements sont entendus par les journaux; ou 2, les professeurs seront punis pour leurs actions et les étudiants seront envoyés au disipline. Si vous avez d'autres idées de punition ou pour aider Samuel dans sa voyage d'éducation, je vous écoute.
Merci pour votre temps,
14:16:28 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)