Jan. 27, 2023
Imposing prison sentences is an efficient way for serious prisoners to be punished. While this approach has indeed its own advantages to some extent, other methods can achieve better effects.
Long prisons can be seen as a deterrent for every citizen. If offenders pose a severe threat to the whole society, they will definitely lose any freedom through longer imprisonment. This is a powerful deterrent for everyone and helps people understand the outcome of violating the law. Therefore, I suppose many people are likely to give up some greedy thoughts, including selling counterfeit products, exaggerating the introduction of goods to cheat consumers, and stuff like that. For example, as long as people have a record of breaking the law, it will be very difficult for them to hunt for a decent job because of this detrimental experience. So, in order to get away from these harsh punishments, people are not inclined to commit a crime.
Community service might a suitable method to rehabilitate these criminals. Many first-time offenders break the law on the spur of the moment because of no social experience. The government shoulder the responsibility to provide opportunities of public services for those minor offenders, which is a great way for them to increase their social responsibility and self-awareness to become a law-abiding citizen. Through these community activities, not only can they know about the essence of giving others a favor, but also these kinds of activities are able to raise their awareness of the importance of contributing to society. Conversely, if minor criminals are prisoned for a long time, they will not realize their abilities to care about others or contribute to the public. In some cases, they have just restricted the boring and harsh incarceration which increases the risk of reoffending after being released from prison.
In conclusion, there is no doubt that imposing longer prison is a positive strategy for those severe offenders or re-offenders. Community services, however, might be a better method to educate minor criminals.
Jan. 27, 2023
C'est la nouvelle année chinoise et c'est l'année du lapin. Cette année, ma famille et moi sont retournés en chine pour visiter mes grands-parents et aussi la grande famille parce qu'après la plus grande vague de Covid-19 en chine décembre dernier, la frontière chinoise a en fin réouverte. Ça fait trois ans que je n'y ai pas retourné ici et bien sûr, il y a des changements : quelques bébés ont rejoint la famille ; tout le monde s'est grandis, mais les ambiances ici n'ont pas changés. Les relationships de gens sont compliquées et prétendues. Je ne sais pas si c'est le problème du monde adulte ou c'est simplement le problème de la grande famille ici. Je vais expliquer d’abord l’adjectif « compliqué » : comme beaucoup d’entre eux se sont mariés avec leur relatives de la famille, je ne sais pas comment les appelle ceux que je n’ai jamais vu. On ne peut pas simplement les adresser comme « tante, oncle », mais on doit les accorder chacun un nom comme 姨妈,大伯 etc. L'arabe familiale est trop compliqué. Pire encore, chaque fois que je suis ici, mes parents nous emmènent à différentes réunions familiales, même si je ne les pas connais. Je sens que c’est une perte de temps à assister à ce genre des réunions. Et au fait, il y a toujours trop de plats à ce genre de réunions et j’en ai assez, et grâce à ça, je n’ai jamais eu faim cette semaine-ci. Mon ventre se gonfle et je prends quelques kilos en qu'une semaine. C’est aussi un grand gaspillage de nourriture !
Ensuite, je vais expliquer l’adjectif « prétendues » : comme c’est une grande famille, il y a surement des conflits, presque 90 pourcents du temps qu’il s’agit de l’argent, le reste 10 pourcent, c’est pour du manque de respect pour les seniors. Mais dans la grande occasion où toute la famille se reuniont, tout le monde s’entende très bien : on se salut bien pendant le repas, mais tout de suite, après ça, ma mère a commencé à se bavarder concernant des autres membres de la famille avec ses frères. Grace à ce genre de conversation, je me suis apprise pas mal de choses. Je trouve que c’est très difficile de faire plaire à tout le monde et c’est correct que je m’en fiche des regards des autres.
Si vous avez regardé le fameux 红楼梦, je suis sure que vous comprendrez ce que j’ai décrit.
Jan. 27, 2023
Jan. 27, 2023
The table presents information about the number of waste created in six different countries in three separate years.
The waste produced by the US had a significant rise, from 2003 million tonnes in 1980 to 4005 million tonnes in 2000. The figure for Japan was much lower, slightly increasing to 52 million tonnes in 2000. The amount of waste created by Korea was also relatively huge, at 31 and 19 million tonnes in 1990 and 2000, respectively, although there was no data in 1980.
There was a lower value in the remaining three countries. Ireland had the minimum waste during this period, although there was a modest growth and no information was provided in 1990. Poland also rose by 3 million tonnes between 1980 and 2000. The figure for Portugal was an opposing pattern, which declined by just 0.2 from 1980 to 2000, although we see a tiny climbing to 10.1 million tonnes in 1990.
Overall, the US produced by far the most waste in all three years and almost all countries saw an increase in these three years, except for Korea and Portugal.
Jan. 27, 2023
I like Arya Stark the most in the Game of Thrones. "My name is Arya Stark. I want you to know that. The last thing you’ll ever see is a Stark smiling down at you, as you die." This is what she said when she took revenge on Walder Frey. I like her becasue she is a determined girl who runs " wolf blood" with a pure heart. She is kind but not without wisdom. She is fully aware of the way of survival. She has her bravery, her justice, and her gentleness and independence in the heart. In this dark world, she grows like a weed. Even she saw the darkest, but never be part of it. She killed lots of people, but she knows how important the life is. A person who has a strong mind and best "no one".
Jan. 27, 2023
Ha llegado el viernes, que representa el final de una semana muy larga. Sin embargo, para mí, realmente no representa el final de la semana hasta que logre resolver los problemas eléctricas con el sistema con el que estoy trabajando. Ahora actualmente tengo una fecha límite porque nos vamos a mudar a mediados de febrero, así que necesito terminar todas las tareas pendientes para entonces. Si no, vamos a perder al menos dos o tres días de trabajo durante la mudanza. Si no tuviera pedidos pendientes y asuntos de servicio para atender, tendría más emoción al pensar en mudarnos, pero la sensación más prominente que tengo en estos días es pavor. Espero que eso cambie pronto, pero todo dependerá de mí.
Jan. 27, 2023
Actuellement j' habite dans un appartement. Ma chambre est grande, donc c'est ma chambre à coucher et aussi ma chambre pour travailler (Je travaille à domicile. Je suis un illustrateur.).
La chambre a une grande porte. La porte a des fenêtres, mais j'ai mis des images de chats dessus. Je ne veux pas que ma colocataire peux voire moi.
Quand on entre, on a à la gauche des bibliothèques. J'ai beaucoup des livres au sujet des languages et le art, des livres de cuisiner, des bande dessinée etc.
À côté des bibliothèques est deux tatamis et sur ili est un futon.
Derrière les tatamis et le futon est un grand placard.
À droite des tatamis et un étagère. C'est à milieu de la chambre. À droite d'étagère sont trois bureaus avec les ordinateurs et sur un bureau sont des plantes; un bonsai de ficus microcarpa, un bégonia tamaya et un mini monstera. J'ai deux chaise de bureau.
Jan. 27, 2023
To etyczny system stworzony przez Arystotelesa.
Postanawia, że w każdej cesze zachowania istnieje złoty środek. Na przykład odwaga znajduje się pomiędzy byciem tchórzem a brawura. Zbliżamy się doskonałości w cnotach przez ćwiczenie. W tym sensie, udoskonalenie siebie polega na ćwiczeniu dobrych nawyków. Postępowanie zgodnie z tym systemem prowadzi do "kwitnącego życia", co jest celem Arystotelesa.
Jednym z problemów tego systemu jest to, że nie jest jasne, czym tak naprawdę jest "kwitnięcie".
Jan. 27, 2023
Finalmente nevica nella mia città. Fuori fa freddisimo e c'è un vento terribile.
Anche se faceva freddo la mattina, sono andata al supermercato per comprare qualcosa.
Mia mamma parte per Atena oggi però purtroppo l'aereo è in ritardo a causa del brutto tempo.
Non credo di fare molte cose oggi perché sono già stanchissima.
Ho fatto una breve passeggiata per la neve e poi sono tornata a casa subito.
Ho parlato al telefono con mia mamma mentre aspettava all'aeroporto. Le ho detto di avere pazienza perché non c'è nient'altro da fare.
Fortunatamente non viaggia da sola, lei e la sua amica viaggiano insieme.
Ho appena fatto colazione, quindi mi preparo a fare una doccia prima del lavoro.
Dopo tutto, è il mio martedì!
Jan. 27, 2023
Hello El! How's it going recently?
Thank you for your blessing! Yes, we're still on winter vacation. The Lantern Festival will come in 10 days. And we will come back to school the next day. haha~There will be an important exam soom, so I must review hard these days.
We went to the mountains yesterday. There was snow and heavy wind everywhere( Although there was no snow for many days in the city!). But the scenery in the mountains is really beautiful! And the steps are very slippery. Luckily, I didn't fall down, haha^_^ I also send a photo with this letter. So you can see them, too.(*^▽^*)
You said that your Franch teacher has gone to Canada. So are you in Canada now? I wonder what your trip will be like, and I hope you can go to Paris one day~
I heard that "H" is not pronounced in French. For example, read "help" as "elp" in French. Is that true? HAHA
Oh It doesn't matter~ Sounds like you were having a great time in carnival. I saw there was a tiny plastic baby in your cake! That's interesting! So did you buy the next king cake?
I think you might in the Jazz Band, isn't? What Instrument can you play? Maybe we can send a recording in Slowly~
Thank you for your praise!!! Yes, we have English lessons at school everyday. I'm not a real top student at school, but my grades of each subjects isn't bad. My English teacher is really good at gramma and vocabulary, but his oral English is not as good as his gramma. He's hard-working and helpful, and always ready to help his students with English. When I wrote the last letter, my friend Xue helped me correct some gramma and spelling mistakes( Thanks for his correction! ).HAHA His English is a little bit better than mine.
I’m writing something about how to learn mandarin. Please wait for me. ☺️I will send it to you when I write the next letter.
What are you doing at school these days? Did you go anywhere interesting?
I'm waiting for your reply~ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )
Jan. 27, 2023
Jan. 27, 2023
Sehr geehrte Frau Gasteiner,
Ich möchte Ihnen noch einmal bedanken. Letzter Woche meine Freunden und ich haben im Ihr Unterkunft geblieben.
Aber wissen Sie was passiert? Ich habe meine Schuhe vergessen. Ich habe es gewaschen und dann in der Balkon geliegt.
Es ist eine Blaue Nike mit weise Reihen, große 40.
ES wird mir sehr wichtig gezählt. Ich bekomme es letztes monet als Geburstag, geschänk
Jan. 27, 2023
Jan. 27, 2023
Bueno, es graciosa, porque en mi propio idioma no me interesa sobre música. Claro, me gustan algo las canciones pero no soy una fanática como las otras personas. Pero con los idiomas diferentes, en realidad me gusta música mucha más.
Tengo tres diferentes cantantes que me gustan. Ha*Ash, Río Roma y Matisse. No sé si ellos son buenos conocidos o no, pero son mis “go-to” cantantes.
Mi canción favorita de Ha*Ash en el momento es “Si Pruebas Una Vez”. Absolutamente me encanta la melodía y las letras. Por alguna razón, la canción casi me recuerdo de verano.
De Río Roma, el cantante primero descubrí, es empatado con “Odio la Distancia” y “Tu Me Cambiaste la Vida”. Ambas son muy hermosas y me recuerdan cosas diferentes.
Y de Matisse, mi canción favorita es “A Olvidarte”. No sé por qué. Solo encontré y repetílo otra vez y otra vez.
Eso es todo. Quizá habría más en el futuro pero por ahora, me gusta quien encontré. También me doy cuenta que muchas canciones en español parecen ser romance, si o no la canción está triste o feliz. Pero no me interesa mucho porque son hermosas.
Jan. 27, 2023
I've recently been looking for a tracking system for my habits. I used to have a whiteboard which was diveded into boxes for all the days of the month and I checked the boxes when I completed a habit or task. I abandoned this system because it didn't work for me and I don't like using apps. However, today I read an article about a girl who got inspiration from the book "Atomic Habits" ( I think that I should read that book), and she decided to make a habit jar. A habit jar is a system where you put goal markers (like paper clips, beads, coins or whater you like) into a jar when you complete a task or habit. I'm going to try it out for my meditation habit.
Changing the subject, the weather is very cold today so I hope that it snows in next days. There are some places where it snows in Mexico and I live near of one of those places. I really would like to see the snow this year.
Jan. 27, 2023
Jan. 27, 2023
Jan. 27, 2023
J'ai envie d'un ami.e qui habite au n'importe quel pays mais qu'il/elle parle le français.
Mais c'est presque imposible !
J'ai essayé et rien a passé...
Maintenant que je pense, c'est patetique mdr.
Quand j'apprenais l'anglais , j'ai trouvé quelques amis sur Facebook. Actuellment je n'ai plus facebook :(
Et whoah! j'ai pris beacoup de vocabulaire et aussi j'avais un petit ami qui parlait l'anglais et on parlait presque toujours en anglais et il savait plus que moi à ce moment-là.
Et bon grâce à ces interactions est ce que j'ai amélorié tellement mon anglais.
En français je n'ai reussi pas à faire des amis ou obtenir un petit amie haha ( j'ai un question comment est écrit la rire en français? haha ou jaja) cela je crois que m'aidera beacoup.
Mais c'est bizarre d'approcher au hasard à des étrangers et dire « salut, je veux devenir votre amie pour apprendre le français»
Je comprend à quel point c'est bizarre et un peu egoïste de chercher des personnes pour votre propre benefis.
Parce que avec mes camarades de classe on essaye mais en fin on termine en parlant à l'espagnol parce on ne se comprend pas :((
Jan. 27, 2023
An hour later, I went into a three-star standard hotel and found the exhibition hall on the second floor. Three workers were working at the site while a middle-aged woman watching them, she was obviously pregnant. Another two young girls were cleaning some crafts at a corner, some paintings, porcelains and electricity wires were put everywhere.
The woman asked me first, "Hi, young man, the exhibition is now in decoration, not opening yet."
"Oh, I just came from the job market, they gave me the address and asked me directly to come here." I answered.
"That's great, come on! You can help the two girls do some cleaning job now, we're so busy right now and the exhibition center is going to open to the public in three days. They will come back in the afternoon, we are all waiting for them." She ushered me to the two girls at a corner saying, "You three clean the crafts first, he is your new colleague. I'm tired and will be leaving in minutes, a person will send some lunch meal here at 12:30 PM"
I was a little bit confused, who was "them", and who we were going to wait for?
The woman went away soon and left the others to continue working. I chatted with the two girls and got to know the exhibition center was only prepared to open for foreign tourists, the boss was recruiting some new staff members who can speak English in the job market at the time.
The company was financed by a local travel agency and the lady who was in the job market then. The woman I met was the wife of the travel agency's boss, we called her Diana (I don't know why she has such a famous name which same as the Princess of Wales, because they were looked quite different).
At about 5 PM, another lady (I call her Sister Wang) went into the hall followed by seven young men and women.
She looked tired while looking at me with strange eyes and asked the two girls, "Who is he? "
"Diana told us he is our new colleague, he has been working here with us the whole afternoon."
"Oh, welcome! Let's give a self-introduction one by one, we're into a family now!" Sister Wang looked at me with a warm smile.
Jan. 27, 2023
Jan. 27, 2023
Eine Sache, die ich hervorheben möchte, ist, dass die deutsche Concordia Schule besonders Wert auf die Lebensqualität der Kinder legt. Insofern leistet die Lehranstalt einen Beitrag zu sozialen Projekten, die die Jungen selbst in die Tat umsetzen.
Dafür schreiben zwei Schüler sich jeder Klasse an die Werbetafel ein, um sich einen bestimmten Tag dafür zu engagieren, Kinderheime zu verbessern und auszuhelfen. Die Lehranstalt bringt ihre Unterstützung in das Kinderheim “El Abrigo” und die Schule "Escuela Proed" ein, wo sowohl arme als auch verlassene Kinder bis zum 9. Klassen hingehen.
Dort führen die Schüler/-innen verschiedene Aktivitäten durch. Die Schüler/-innen suchen die Stelle auf und fördern den Spaß und Glück. Sie leiten Aufführungen für die Kinder, unternehmen zusammen lustige Spiele und dabei spenden sie Essen, Süßigkeiten, Getränke, Spielzeuge, die die Schüler/-innen selbst dank der Verfügung des Fachhandwerksbetriebs der Bildungsanstalt anfertigen. Sie verbringen die Zeit mit den Kindern, indem sie sich mit ihnen integrieren. Darüber hinaus verbessern die Schüler die Kinderheime, indem sie Kinderplätze renovieren und sie mit Farben streichen.
Der Freiwilligendienst ist bedeutsam für die Schüler, da es den jungen Leuten ermöglicht, die Nächstenliebe praktisch in die Tat umzusetzen und Förderung in Bezug auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Charakterformung angedeihen zu lassen.
Für die German International School Boston spielt die Nachhaltigkeit eine wichtige Rolle und es ist ihnen wesentlich, dass die Schüler die Umweltprobleme nicht kalt lassen dürfen. Demnach veranstaltet die Schule zahlreiche Aktivitäten zu diesen Themen in allen Klassen. Eine davon wäre der Zero-Waste-Tag.
Zero Waste Day ist ein Tag, an dem sowohl die Schüler/-innen als auch die Lehrkräfte sich vornehmen, den ganzen Tag keinen Unrat zu produzieren. Dadurch brachte dies zuwege, dass die Bildungsanstalt an diesem Tag 3 kg weniger Abfall produzieren konnte als an einem üblichen Tag. Das Ziel ist es, den Schüler/-innen zum Bewusstsein der allgemeinen Abfall- und Plastikmüllprobleme der Umwelt zu verführen.
Jan. 26, 2023
1. Girls today you will exercise/ will be exercising alternately. First Mary does/ will do /is doing her handstand and Sophie makes/ will make/ is making sure Marie is keeping her body in a vertical line. No body-bending. Then change (of roles)/ then you change. Sophie takes / will take/ is taking her turn to perform her handstand and Mary corrects/ will correct/ is correcting her body position.
2. Can we leave the training 5 minutes earlier/ early today? Yes, in exchange of good, hard work. Don't make it a habit though. It would/ will be an exception this time.
3. He scored 35 % in/ on the test/ exam.
Are all the alternatives separated with slashes possible?
Are points 4 and 5 correct?
4. The mark was entered in the grade book under the rubric of participation.
5. Taking she'd like to get a final C or B in this subject, the low score on the test from the first term should not affect her end of year GPA mark provided that she will intensify her participation in lessons, never get a fail mark for homework, report being unprepared for the lesson twice this term at the minimum and upgrade all her E marks to C and B marks the least.
6.What sentence might be similar in meaning to JOHN HAS AN APPOINTMENT WITH THE DOCTOR ON MONDAY
apart from
'John is seeing the doctor on Monday'? Could it be: John is having an arranged meeting with the doctor on Monday? or John is visiting a doctor on Monday or '.......' having a doctor's visit on Monday?
6. A-It sounds like your boss depends on you.
B- Huh? You aren't serious, are you?
- Huh? You aren't being serious, are you? Which of B's two answers is better? Why?
Jan. 26, 2023
Los Angeles, 24 de enero (CNA)—
Después de 3 casos de disparos, que sucedieron en la provincia de California y causaron 19 muertos, la provincia de Washington, en norte de California, ha sucedido hoy un caso de disparo también.
El traidor huí después de disparar a 3 personas.
La policía manifestó que era un disparo aleatorio y estamos trabajando para capturar el traidor.
En el día 21 por la noche sucedió un caso disparo en un club que está cerca del de Monterey, California, y causó 11 muertos.
Además, hubo 2 incidente de disparo ayer en California y causaron 7 heridos y 1 muerto, respectivamente.
Por otro lado, en la ciudad con 100 mil residentes ,Yakima, ubicada a 160 kilometros desde Seattle, la mayor ciudad de la provincia de Washington, la policía local manifestó que un hombre estaba en una tienda que se llama "Circlek" y disparaba a 3 personas a la hora local de 3:30 por la madrugada.
Se parece un disparo aleatorio.
Jan. 26, 2023
Nueva York, 21 de enero (CNA)
Los medios estadounidenses, tales como CNN o The Washington Post, anunciaron respectivamente que despedirán sus empleos en invierno a causa de la preocupación de la recesión.
Un medio estadounidense, Vox Media, anunció ayer que despedirá 7% de empleos.
El medio tiene los sitios de web, Vox Verge, y la revista de Nueva York.
Antes de Vox Media, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, Buzzfeed y los otros medios habían anunciado despedir empleos.
El jefe de Vox Media, Jim Bankoff, envió un memorándum el día 20 sus empleos y señaló que, debido al impacto de la economía a nuestro negocio y esta industria, necesitamos cortar alrededor de 7% de empleos en la compañía.
Vox Media confirmó este memorándum a la Agencia France-Presse (AFP), en lo que señaló que los trabajadores elegidos recibirán la notificación de despedir en 15 minutos. Es decir, 130 trabajadores fueron dejados de la Compañía con 1.900 trabajadores.
Jan. 26, 2023
Lima, 21 de enero (CNA)
El ministerio de Cultura de Perú ha anunciado hoy que ya cerraron un punto famoso de visita en el mundo, Machu Picchu, a causa de la expansion de las actividades del protesto de anti-gobierno.
La decisión causó unos cientos de turistas que se han atrapados alrededor de este sitio.
Según la Agencia France-Presse, la manifestación que piden su presidente, Dina Bauarte, dejar su cargo, ha sido desde diciembre del año Pasado, y ha causado 46 fallecidos.
El gobierno anunciaba el estado de emergencia en las zonas que fueron atacabas.
Las autoridades anunció el día de hoy que hubo un muerto de otro manifestante, en el sur de Perú.
Antes de cerrar oficialmente el punto de vista, Machu Picchu, el servicio para las turistas llegar a dicho punto en tren se ha interrumpido, ya que el ferrocarril fue destruido por los manifestantes.
De momento, al menos 400 turistas, incluso 300 extranjeros, se han atrapado en la ciudad de Aguas Calientes, en el pie de la montaña, y están esperando la evacuación.
13:10:15 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)