Jan. 28, 2023
In this post, I want to talk about two things which have caught my attention this week, namely a writing practice and a strategy of small habits.
How to create new habits
One guy on a learning forum advised me of a book by Brian Jeffrey Fogg “Tiny Habits”. He told me that this book is a great tool to build regular habits for anything, including language learning. I’ve started to read it and, to be honest, found it quite interesting. There’s a lot of advice about approaches that can help not only build healthy habits but also eliminate bad ones.
I’ve written out some advice so that I can remember them better:
Keep a positive attitude. If we want to achieve our goals we should keep in mind that we and only we are in charge of our behaviour and attitudes. It doesn’t make sense to be hard on ourselves or sink into despair when we don’t perform by our intentions.
Don’t rely on motivation and willpower. These are too shaky concepts that have nothing to do with long-term goals. At times we can be motivated and complete even more than we’d planned, other times we don’t have enough energy and can just sleep in and binge-watch Netflix. Instead of letting our willpower control our behaviour, we should rely on small, regular habits. In the long-term perspective, they help us accomplish more regardless of whether we have the motivation or not.
Take small steps. There is a popular delusion that to succeed we have to do radical, bold, and complicated things. However, that’s only the way to self-criticism and disappointment. If we want to build a positive streak and maintain regular habits, it’s better to take small steps: do 5 minutes of exercise instead of 30 minutes, or write one page of text instead of a whole article.
How to create new habits:
1) clarify your aspiration;
2) decide which kind of behaviour will help you to achieve your aspiration and write out 8-10 possible habits;
3) choose from the list of habits 2-3 habits for your everyday life.
Here’s an example. Let’s imagine I want to write in a foreign language every day. Because I know about the power of small steps, I eliminate my ambitions and clarify my aspiration — I have to write only 500 words every day. Now I have to think about possible habits that can prompt me toward writing and after a little brainstorming, came up with a list of possible habits.
Then I narrowed down the list to three habits:
1) drink a cup of coffee before writing;
2) brainstorm some ideas for posts;
3) open the document and create a structure for a post.
In theory, these habits will help me to write 500 words in English without hesitation every day. To be honest, I don’t know whether it’s a workable strategy so you’ll read about the results of my experiment after a while.
Writing Practice
Another thing that concerns me already for a week in my learning is writing practice by itself. A couple of native English speakers after seeing and correcting my English posts concluded that since I achieve an intermediate level, it would be better for me to devote more time to writing practice than to immersion with books and podcasts. As they explained to me, from this point deliberate and longer writing practice will help me improve my writing more than listening/reading. I still haven’t decided whether I should follow this strategy so I continue to postpone my decision. it would be great to hear more opinions and advice from other language learners.
Jan. 28, 2023
Let's start by pointing out the main reason why people often learn English. Without a doubt whatsoever, most students choose English over another language for the better job opportunities it brings.
However, I'm leaning more towards the chances that English gives you to learn about other cultures and to meet people all along the world.
When we tackle English learning, we tend to focus on grammar rules and tenses; just to give and example, we usually memorize large lists of irregular verbs.
Yet, we can't overlook the fact that when we learnt our native language we didn't do that way.
That's why I strongly feel that the best and amusing way to learn it is through reading books and talking with native speakers.
To wrap up, as for learning a new language is relate you should concentrate on enjoy the learning process and make the best of your study time.
Jan. 28, 2023
Seit ich sehr jung war, habe ich die Computer gliebt, leider könnte meine familie nicht damals einen Computer leisten.
Wir konnten unser erster Computer gekauft, als ich ungefahr 15 jahre war.
Nach dem Schule fange ich mit Systemingenieur an der Universität an, aber das konnte ich nicht enden, wegen die schleckte situation meines Land.
Bevor die Unversität habe ich Programmirung gelernt. Meine Lieblings Programmiershprache dammals war Java.
Danach habe ich einen Job als Tech support gefunden, der ein guter Job ist, aber nach drei Jahren, möchte ich etwas anders.
Also habe ich mich entscheidet, um eine Programmierkurs anzumelden.
Ich war 3 jahre ohne Programmieren, dehalb denke ich, dass iche eine Angleichung brauche.
Ich mache gerade einen Fullstack carrer path. Ich habe die Frontend beended, und habe ich mit dem Backend angefangen.
Die Frontend ist was die Menschen sehen and die Backend ist was die Menschen nicht sehen können, zum beispiel was pasiert in einem Server.
Mein neues jahr ziel ist, ein neues Job als Entwickler zu finden, ich möchte aber aus dem Ferne arbeiten, um einen Digital Nomad zu geworden
Jan. 28, 2023
El examen me hizo darme cuenta de que no hacía falta estudiar tanto, pero al menos no tenía que preocuparme por el resultado.
A esa altitud, el espacio aéreo no debe ser compartido, y no se permite entrar sin permiso previo del controlador del tráfico aéreo.
El clima de ayer no aportó condiciones favorables para hacer una prueba de vuelo, pero tuve que correr el riesgo para terminar todo antes de la fecha límite.
El acuerdo que desarrollamos de una plantilla no fue suficiente para que ellos quisieran seguir con las conversaciones sobre convertirse en uno de nuestros distribuidores.
Jan. 28, 2023
Quiero visitar España en 2023 porque me gusta las personas y la cultura. Hace cuatro años visité España con mis padres después de estudiar en Suiza durante la primavera. Mis padres y yo visitamos Toledo y Madrid. Me gustó más Toledo que Madrid porque tiene cosas más únicos como catedrales e iglesias. Espero poder ver más del norte de España y el campo en las montañas.
Jan. 28, 2023
The pie charts present information about the amount of electricity created in two countries in two separate years.
The figure for electricity generated by Australia dramatically grew to 130 units in 2000, which was nearly three times more than it was in 1980. In France, however, this kind of fuel was much lower. Nuclear power was a noticeable rise from 25 units in 1980 to 126 units, which reached the highest level in 2000 in France.
The hydro power modestly increased by 16 units in Australia over a span of 20 years, however, there was an opposing pattern in France, slightly decreasing to 2 units in 2000. We see a tiny drop in oil in Australia over two different years. Conversely, France had a steady rise. The figures for natural gas showed the same pattern, dropping to 2 units in 2000.
Overall, the total electricity production in both countries increased significantly. Coal was by far the most important fuel source in Australia in both years while nuclear power was the primary source in France. We see a clear upward trend in the amount of electricity of these two resources in their respective countries.
Jan. 28, 2023
A video made by one of my favorite youtuber Tokai On Air was fun, so I’d like to try to write about what was fun.
Please note that today's post contains spoilers.
If you are interested in the video you had better to watch it before.
“It's too cold 3 games at the freezing cold river! This is too much physical exertion! ! !”
Here is the video.
Tokai On Air is a 6 member group.
In this video Mushimegane was a MC, and the other 5 members play some games and the one who loses the games must enter the winter river.
The 5 members except for Mushimegane, ate ice candy with tank tops, threw water on them, fall into the river etc.
It looked very cold and I wondered if it was safe.
After the end of the games, Mushimegane fell down the ground. (Of course it was an acting though.)
I didn’t understand what happened.
Then Ryo shouted like “Tetsuya, it’s your fault, because you suggested the video like, ‘if we shoot a video easily in summer and just upload it in winter, it might seems we work really go all out.’”
I was tricked! XDDD
I had thought that Mushimegane had a most easy work with warm outfits, but actually he was almost suffering from heatstroke and had done the most hard work of all.
I watched the video again, then the other staffs wore half sleeves T-shirt, ice candy melted with heat, the cicadas were singing so loudly, it was definitely summer.
There were many voices that they did not notice even in the viewing comments.
It's scary how you could be blinded by prejudice, right?
Tokai On Air is interesting because sometimes they shoot videos from a different perspective.
Jan. 28, 2023
Tax is regarded as a burden by many people, especially in today’s competitive world. Although no tax is good for people to some extent, it has a negative effect on society’s normal operation.
People will live in better conditions without paying any taxes. The tax system means that every law-abiding citizen has the responsibility to pay a certain amount of money to the government. If people don’t need to pay this sum of money, they will have more disposable income and the pressure of making money will be much lower. In this case, people are able to spend more quality time with their family members or close friends in their spare time, instead of worrying about how to make more profits to pay the tax.
On the other hand, tax revenue plays a key part in the whole country’s economic system. Whether the country is wealthy or poor, directly determines the development of the whole society. The money from taxpayers makes the country guarantee the income of civil servants who can help the public deal with sudden accidents, such as fire brigades and police forces. Apart from that, the income from tax allows the government to invest money and time in constructing and improving public services, including the educational environment, medical services and public facilities.
Tax is also able to promote income redistribution of the whole society. Many countries implement an aggressive tax system, which means the higher income, the more tax should be paid. If people are living under the basic survival standard, they will be free from tax. The tax paid by high-income people is used to help those who are living in impoverished areas through giving out subsidies, providing affordable housing and other social welfare.
In conclusion, no tax indeed brings some benefits to citizens, however, all parts of society will function well based on a sound tax system.
Jan. 28, 2023
Why sister Wang looked at me with a so nice smile, that's because she thought Diana arranged for me to work here. Diana had told sister Wang that she would have a friend to work in the exhibition center. Interestingly, her friend hasn't arrived at SZ. Diana's friend - a talented young woman came here two weeks later, we became friends.
Of course, I didn't know the truth on that day. My most urgent thing was to find a job and a place to live tonight.
Each of us gave a brief introduction one after another, the seven people recruited from the job market all graduated from university, and can speak different levels of English, I am not the worst one. The two young girls who I met before had many years of selling tourist items, they had followed sister Wang for many years.
I felt a little awkward in my mind because I didn't how I passed the recruitment. I mimicked other newcomers and gave a very short introduction for myself, "I'm Ben, 24 years old, nice to meet every one of you here, and I am passionate to learn from you and our boss." The shorter introduction was better for me. In fact, no one wanted to listen more about others, they wanted to go back home as soon as possible except me. Finally, sister Wang gave some brief welcome words and left hurriedly.
Overall, I got the job without being interviewed by anyone. One of the old staff phoned Diana asking her to prepare a room for her new staff members - two boys had no place to live on that night including me.
Jan. 28, 2023
Jan. 28, 2023
Glad to hear from you, Valya! I'm fine, thanks! How's it going recently?
Oh in China, grade 9 is in middle school! How interesting! I know you are learning art now. What kind of art are you learning, painting or dancing?
Because of the Covid-19 , I have left school for 2 month. So our exams are canceled, too. But we'll have them when we come back to school. We have classes on computers these days (although it's winter vacation now). Luckily, we'll come back to school in February.
It's warmer and warmer in Xi'an these days. But it's still cold at night. lol I wish your dream will come true in this year.
Have a good day~
I'm waiting for your reply ~
Jan. 28, 2023
Jan. 28, 2023
Jan. 28, 2023
Ma, válaszolok egy írás javaslatará franciaul: "képzeld életedet internetelen: mi lenne eltérő? Lenne problemás?"
Őszintén, életem internetelen lenne nehéz. Egy nem vagyok egy geek, de ezzel cisnálok sokat. Az interneten tanítok, tanulok nyelveket, hallgatok zenét, olvasok cikkeket és nézek videókat különféle témákról… Ha megátalakítanám ezt digitális tartalomt fizikai tartalommál, akkor szerintem, házom nem lenne elég nagy! Tulajdonképpen, sőt nem találnék mindent a fizikai világban…
Today, I'm answering a French prompt: "Imagine your life without the Internet: what would change? Would it be problematic?"
Honestly, my life without the Internet would be complicated. I'm not a geek, but I do a lot of things thanks to it. On the Internet, I teach, learn languages, listen to music, read articles and watch videos about various topics... If I wanted to have this digital content physically, I don't think my house would be big enough! Actually, I wouldn't even find everything in the physical world...
Jan. 28, 2023
La mattina siamo usciti di casa con uno dei gatti. Il suo nome è Tredici. Insomma, è un gatto nero; sembra comune ma assolutamente non è comune per me. Ci porta la fortuna da quando lo abbiamo. La sua storia felice è che l'abbiamo salvato da una vecchia casa, dopo l'abbiamo visto su Internet.
Gli ho datto da mangiare e poi abbiamo fatto una estremamente breve passeggiata per la strada, dietro l'appartamento.
Abbiamo voluto mostrargli la neve - è un gatto molto speciale, quasi umano a volte. Prova sempre a bere dai nostri bicchieri e in generale gli piace l'aqua tuttavia non gli è piaciuta la neve. Lo amo tantissimo perché è un amico migliore degli altri. Mi fido di lui, non è solo un gatto.
Mi è dispiaciuto che non siamo rimasti molto fuori, ma la salute di Tredici è più importante.
L'altra gatta si chiama Poja. Era la gatta di mia suocera è dopo era morta, noi l'abbiamo presa con noi. Il suo comportamento assomiglia a una vecchia donna. La gatta, non la suocera.
I due gatti non vanno d'accordo ma li amo lo stesso comunque. Molta gente dice che i gatti sono meno fedeli che i cani, ma solo la gente che non ha avuto mai un gatto può crederci.
Lavoro di nuovo oggi; fortunatamente ho già pulito la casa e ho preparato i pasti per oggi - posso rilassarmi un pochino.
Sta ancora nevicando fuori - non ho visto l'ora per godere di questa splendida vista.
Vado a fare un pisolino - me lo merito.
Jan. 28, 2023
Hier, était la journée nationale d’Australie. C’était un jour férié et il y avait beaucoup d’activités à choisir : des marchés en plein air, des expositions et un défilé au le centre-ville. L’activité la plus populaire était la fête des lumières sur le Lac Burley Griffin et j’y suis allée avec une bande de mes copains. C’était la première fois que cet événement a eu lieu. Si je me souviens bien, les années précédentes, avant la pandémie, il y avait des feux d’artifice sur le lac.
Selon le dépliant, l’événement commençait à 17 heures et nous y étions à 19 heures : il y avait déjà une foule de gens. Partout, j’ai vu des familles assises sur l’herbe en train de pique-niquer. L’ambiance était festive avec un tas de stands de nourriture et de produits artisanaux. On pouvait manger la cuisine japonaise, australienne, turque et bien plus encore : on avait l’embrasas du choix. Sur le côté, il y avait des chapiteaux vendant de la bière et du vin. De l’autre côté, se trouvaient des activities pour les enfants comme la peinture sur visage et des clowns. Des stands vendant des articles faits à la main tels que des bijoux, des vêtements, des bougies et du savon m’a beaucoup plu et j’ai acheté des boucles d’oreilles.
Le spectacle a commencé à 21 heures et c’était vraiment impressionnant. Le thème était «refléter, respecter et célébrer». Alors, j’essaye d’expliquer comment l’émission a été organisée. Au milieu du lac, des jets d’eau s’élevaient haut dans le ciel, formant un mur. Sur ce mur d’eau, des images ont été projetées. Très chouette !
Il a duré 12 minutes commençant avec l’histoire de la formation du continent, il y a des milliers d’années. L’histoire racontait comment les indigènes s’occupaient de et protégeaient la terre. Après ça, on a vu des animaux emblématiques d’Australie comme le kangourou et le koala, des endroits emblématiques comme «Uluṟu»et la Grande Barrière de Corails et des sites emblématiques comme l «Opéra House» et le «Sydney Harbour Bridge». À la fin les visages de nombreux Australiens célèbres, et également d’Australiens de tous les jours, comme les infirmières et les pompiers ont été montrés. Je passais un beau moment avec mes amis.
Jan. 28, 2023
En fait, j'ai vraiment aimée écrire ma première entrée dans mon journal. Maintenant, je vais écrire de quels j'ai fait aujourd'hui.
Le matin, je me suis levée, et alors, j'ai promenée mon chat pendant environ une heure et demie. Aprés, j'ai eu un cours de conversation française. J'ai préparé le déjeuner, et après j'ai regardé le télé (mais c'était en français) et je me suis détendu.
J'avais quelques restes du dîner d'hier soir, et je les ai donné à mon chat, qui les a beaucoup appréciés. C'était quelques morceaux de "bluefin tuna", ils étaient très chers et très délicieux. My chat a une meilleure vie que moi.
Jan. 28, 2023
Ya estamos en el año de 2023, y acabo de cumplir mi 34 años. Necesito lograr algo este 2023 para mejorar la vida. Por lo tanto, tengo 3 metas que espero cumplir:ser un diplomático, mantener sano y tener un hijo.
Para ser un diplomático, necesito pasar la examen celebrada en septiembre y diciembre de 2023. Ya que tengo que trabajar en jornada, solo tengo pocas horas cada día para estudiar. Últimamente me levanto muy temprano y estudio 3 horas cada día, ya que cuando se acabo mi trabajo, estoy muy cansado. Por lo tanto, duermo a las 9 por la noche у me levanto a las 3 y media por la madrugada. Esta manera me hace más eficiente en el estudio.
Para ser más sano, hago ejercicio cada día por 30 minutos y bebo más agua. Los dos hábitos necesitan consistente y me dan más fuerza para mantener consistentemente el trabajo y el estudio.
Mi última meta es tener un hijo o hija antes de fin de 2023. Últimamente he entrenado la fuerza y duermo suficientemente. Además de ellos, lo más importante es necesito disminuir mi estrés y ser relajado frente al trabajo y el estudio.
Son mis metas de 2023 y espero que haya cumplido antes de fin del año.
Jan. 28, 2023
Jan. 28, 2023
Hola a todos:
Acabo de terminar mi libro nuevo en español. Ahora voy a leerlo otra vez y subrayaré las palabras no conozco y las frases que me parecen soñar naturales. Me gustaría leer la serie ‘Los Juegos de Hambre’ por Suzanne Collins después.
Gracias por leer :).
Hello everyone:
I have just finished reading my new Spanish book. Now I am going to read it again and underline the words that I don’t know and the sentences I feel sound natural. I would like to read the series ‘The Hunger Games’ by Suzanne Collins after.
Jan. 28, 2023
Aujourd'hui est la première jour où j'écris dans "mon journal français." J'ai commencé à étudier le français quand j'étais enfant, mais seulement pendant un ou deux ans. Je l'ai aussi étudié un peu à l'école, mais j'ai presque tout oublié. Je dois m'entraîner plus, et j'espère que je me souviendrai plus bientôt.
J'ai commencé à prendre des cours de français deux fois par semaine, ainsi que des cours de portugais deux fois par semaine... je le regrette déjà... parce qu'il est un peu difficile de changer entre les deux langues. Il est particulièrement difficile de changer la langue dans laquelle je dois essayer de penser. Les grammaires portugaise et française sont assez similaires, et parfois il est utile d'apprendre un mot portugais qui est similaire en français.
Je sais que j'ai beaucoup d'erreurs! Je dois faire une révision de la grammaire...
Jan. 28, 2023
In my last post I wrote that it was the day nineteen of my English challenge, but it was a mistake and was the day twenty actually.
Today I made a lot of stars of paper that I'm going to use as goal markers for my habit jar. I'm going to use my habit jar for building two habits, one of those is meditation. To recognize these habits easier, I made the stars of many colors. For meditation they are blue and green
and, when I meditate, I'm going to put into the jar a star of one of those colors.
I'm already thinking in another way to track my habits. I think that I could draw a tree on the wall of my room and stick onto it flowers or leaves of paper when I complete a habit.
Thanks for reading.
Jan. 28, 2023
Jan. 28, 2023
Jan. 28, 2023
09:50:00 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)