Jan. 31, 2023
Hoje tive um dia perfeito. De manhã, levantei-me mais tarde que o normal. Tanto a minha gata e eu ficámos na cama até às dez! Depois, andámos para uma mercearia perto da minha casa, e comprei um pouco de pão. Voltámos para casa e almoçamos. Tive algumas reuniões de trabalho no Zoom, mas não demoraram. À noite, fiz o jantar e tomei um longo banho.
Jan. 31, 2023
I have the Heatmap add-on in Anki and I found that It's so satisfying to see my progress with this add-on, however, I don't know why.
I suppose that the reasons are that I can see my progress of the last days,I feel the necesity for not cutting my strike and because I would like to fill all the blank squares of this add-on. Maybe I can apply the same concept of this add-on for my bullet journal, tmorrow I'm going to talk more about this idea..
I'm going to start writing my posts in the morning because sometimes I very exhausted and I end up writing a lot of mistakes.
Jan. 31, 2023
I have not written for a long time. Firstly I give a short excuse for my absence.
Last year I had a great Christmas with dozens of my friends. I also have an excellent situationship ( an internet word about a romantic relationship that is not considered to be formal or established) with one of my best friends. The feeling is sweet but also complex, I am obsessed but now I am calm. I still have a lot of things to learn and to write about American dating culture. I think it is a literally interesting topic to write about. (Would I be the next Carrie? Just show me where is my Mr.Big in New York, lmao)
Today I watched a video about playing a game, This War Is Mine. I fell into it and felt the same sorrow and happiness as the YouTuber. Not everybody in a war is a soldier. For a normal person, survival is hard in an unpeace time. Though we could still pull ourselves up by helping others, reading, enjoying music, and keeping the fire of the hope to union with our loves.
This game has an important meaning for me. It encourages me to face my memory of the lockdown I experienced. That nightmare really changed me and for a long time, I just burn them into my heart and never talk it in the most real tongue for the people I know and unknown. It destroyed my belief in many things so I just wanna run away. But the game reminds me of many TRIVAL kindnesses that protect me from being broken. The gate of my memory is open and many things flood now. I can't stand crying now, but I now accept myself.
I would write more about that experiences in future. This year I have three wishes: learn basic Spanish; become an elegant front-end web developer; and write my first storybook. Writing in English is a little hard for me to pick the best words to describe my feelings, but with your help, I have faith that I would do my best.
Jan. 31, 2023
Si je obtiens le travail je devrais me déménage. Je n'avais jamais vécu sans mes parents.
Et je me déménagerai à la capital.
Je ne pourries pas aller et venir dans le même jour donc le mieux est de se déménager.
Je ne connais pas la capital. Je suis allée évidemment mais c'est tellement différent d'habiter là ! Particulièrement pour les embouteillages.
Ce sera tout nouveau.
Je n'ai pas peur mais je ne sais pas comment je me sentirai. Quel ferais-je si je naime pas le travail ?
Je sais cuisiner, laver mes vêtements.
Tout simplement, je sais comment survivre mais je suis très comfortable chez mes parents que il y a des moment que je n'aimerai pas partir.
Je suis grande assez dont je suis prête pour habiter seule.
Mon chat ! J'ai un chat il est mon petit chou 🥦.
Il me manquera énormément.
Comment je serai parti à un lieu que ce partagé avec des autres je ne pourrais pas l'emmener avec moi.
Oh no ! mon petit, maintenant je suis triste. Quand même je pourrais il ne serait pas comfortable.
Si c'est difficile pour moi je ne peux imaginer pour un chat.
Je retournerais en 45 jours j'espère mais ça sera une éternité sans mon petit.
Le travail sera en français dont je dois améliorer le plus rapidement possible.
Je ne suis pas embauche, pas encore. Le jeudi c'est la dernière entretien et si je suis accepté je devrais commencer mes valises.
Jan. 31, 2023
Aujourd’hui, j’ai fait de la musculation. Je me sens vraiment fatigué. J’aime la salle de sport. Tout le monde à la salle de sport est très gentil. Généralement, nous commençons par un échauffement. Après, nous commençons l'entraînement en force, qui est composé de les soulevés de terre, des pompes, la flexion des jambes, des haltères et le développé couché. Finalement, nous terminons avec un étirement. Je fais de la musculation trois fois par semaine. Je l’aime bien. Aussi, je pense que c’est incroyable pour soulager la stresse. Notre salle de sport a une compétition en mai, je ne sais pas si je vais aller mais qui sait !
Jan. 31, 2023
Ambasciatore: Questo, Vostra Maestà, è il tiglio, che da molto tempo rappresenta la lealtà e la forza del nostro popolo. È la nostra speranza che, come segno di amicizia tra i nostri due Paesi, Vostra Maestà accetterà il regalo di ventimila di tali tigli, per poi piantarli nei numerosi parchi e spazi pubblici in tutto il Vostro regno, come tenere sentinelle che, nel calore del sole estivo, doneranno ai Vostri diligenti cittadini sia ombra, sia il dolce profumo caratteristico del tiglio.
Regina: Ambasciatore, vi ringraziamo. Ed è veramente un profumo molto caratteristico. Primo ministro, possiamo scambiare due parole? Scusateci, ambasciatore.
Primo ministro: Vostra Maestà?
Regina: Sentite l’odore di sborra?
Primo ministro: Cosa?
Regina: Sentite l’odore di sborra? C’è un odore incredibilmente forte di sborra.
Primo ministro: Io … Vostra Maestà!
Regina: Mi stavo domandando se potesse essere l’albero. Non siete mica voi?
Primo ministro: No, non sono io, Vostra Maestà! Ma … a dire il vero … cioè, non posso dire di sentire veramente …
Regina: Oh, dovete sentirlo! È fortissimo!
Primo ministro: Smettetela! Vostra Maestà, smettetela subito!
Regina: Come, scusate?
Primo ministro: Vi chiedo scusa, Vostra Maestà, ma l’intero tenore di questa conversazione è completamente fuori di linea con i costumi contemporanei.
Regina: Cioè?
Primo ministro: Non è vittoriano.
Regina: È un’osservazione perfettamente valida.
Primo ministro: “Guardate le ruote buffe di quel biciclo,” è un’osservazione perfettamente valida per una vittoriana, Vostra Maestà. “Ma i tigli non sanno di sborra?” è, per contro, il cielo che ci cade in testa!
Regina: Primo ministro!
Primo ministro: Sapete quanto abbia caldo? Sotto questo cappello? Con questa barba? Questa barba grande vittoriana, Vostra Maestà? Sto bollendo! Sono ricoperto di amido e sto bollendo e riesco appena a muovermi a casa per colpa di piccoli vasi su delle colonne e di ritratti di bambini malati che pregano, e a cosa è servito? A cosa è veramente servito essere stato un vittoriano per gli ultimi cinquant’anni della mia vita se all’improvviso mi si accosta la Regina Vittoria in prima persona e mi domanda se sento l’odore di sborra?
Regina: Be’, devo dire qualcosa.
Primo ministro: Nient’affatto! Nient’affatto! Voi siete la Regina Vittoria, questa società è stata un’idea Vostra, io sto bollendo e Voi non direte nulla, né a me, né all’ambasciatore!
Regina: Diteglielo voi allora.
Primo ministro: No!
Regina: Primo ministro, o uno di noi dice qualcosa adesso, o da questo giorno in poi ogni singola estate ogni singolo parco saprà di sborra!
Primo ministro: Be’, che sappiano di sborra allora!
Regina: Bene!
Jan. 31, 2023
Today it was a day very bored
I was school and eat rice with milk,I laughed very with my friends but I have homework.
Yesterday I watch a movie,I like moving,cried of the emotion
My friend it will go a Puebla it happen the yaer coming,missed her but is a change well to her
It was everything,Thanks
Jan. 31, 2023
Jan. 31, 2023
Jan. 31, 2023
Jan. 31, 2023
據報導,大部分的美國人如果有緊急情況,400美元的應急費也付不起。報導稱,叫 "安全儲蓄" 的公司對約1100名美國成年人開展調查,發現受訪著的2/3如果突然得付400美元的應急費沒辦法使用信用卡或是貸款。僅1/3的人能輕鬆地付錢應急。更堪憂的是,美聯儲2021年開展了很像的調查,發現2/3多受訪著 (68%) 會使用現金支付400美元的應急費。現在的狀況跟那時候的相反。更加,具個人理財專門,財務部安全狀況再擴大。
Jan. 30, 2023
Cette question est bizarre, parce que je me souviens quand je n'avais pas d'internet quand j'étais jeune, mais maintenant l'internet est une partie intégrante dans ma vie. Je suis un étudiant de troisième cycle, et donc j'ai besoin d'utiliser l'internet pour mon recherche. Je l'utilise aussi pour récréation. Par example je regarde des vidéos en Youtube ou des séries en Netflix. Donc j'imagine que si il n'y a pas d'internet, alors j'aurais besoin de trouver les autres types de récréation. J'imagine que je lirais plus, mais peut-êtres ce serait un bon chose pour moi, parce que j'aime lire les livres. Pour conclure, je pense que ma vie serait different, bien sûre, mais c'est difficile de dire si elle serait mieux ou pire.
Jan. 30, 2023
Let’s say person A work in the government and person B work in a private company, if the two of them do the same work, person A get a higher salary than person B, if person B wants to get the same salary as person A, he or her needs to do more work than person A, but it doesn’t mean working in the government is rich or something, it only means working in the government is relatively better than working in private companies. Compared with businessmen, people working for the government don’t have much money. Generally speaking, as ordinary government employees in China, they are able to live their lives without working so hard, but they are not considered rich.
Jan. 30, 2023
Jan. 30, 2023
Jan. 30, 2023
Jan. 30, 2023
¡No he escrito por unas pocos semanas, pero estoy tratando de ser mejor! Tuve mi examen final para la clase de ciencias del cerebro el viernes pasado. Fue muy difícil y tomó 3 horas para completar. Espero que fuera el examen más difícil del semestre. Desde entonces me he estado relajando.
Jan. 30, 2023
Jan. 30, 2023
As adults, we used to think that we're wise and experienced, and that nothing in the world could surprise us anymore. By achieving career goals and accomplishing difficult tasks, we falsely assume that we're fully prepared for any obstacles coming our way. However, no matter how confident we feel about ourselves, sometimes it turns out that we’re not that skilled at dealing with simple blocks.
Let’s take me as an example. While I enjoy thinking that I’m in full control of my actions, it’s not really true. I may believe that my willpower is enough to nail anything, whether it's taking yoga classes or stopping smoking. However, my stamina is less strong than I’d like to think.
Speaking of smoking, you should see my hopeless efforts to get rid of this harmful habit. Regardless of my righteous intentions, I successfully find justifications for another roll time after time. When it comes to finding reasons to inhale a cig one more time, I come up with brilliant ideas. Sometimes I tell myself that I’m too tired and can let myself a little indulgence, at other times I simply give up. There are moments when I tell myself that life is already hard enough, so it’s not worth it to consider stopping smoking.
The important thing here is that I love the ritual of smoking, and that is what makes it so difficult to stop. The very thought of this little treat alone prompts me towards buying a new pack of cigarettes. Which means it’s becoming more and more difficult to break this vicious cycle. Once I come up with a reason, it gets easier to think of another reason another time. There are many ways to deceive ourselves while still believing in our innocence, I can tell you. By how quickly my mood becoming worse, you can guess how long I haven’t been smoking. Which means staying far away from me and not asking questions is your smart decision at this time. But after I give up one more time and smoke a cig..Boom, I’m again a normal, friendly person.
The friends with whom I talked about smoking were divided into two groups: those who feel guilty about smoking and those who don’t. Although I try to listen more to those who regret smoking, when I’m out of cigarettes, I predictably run to second ones. One question that concerns me the most — what is worse, smoke and regret about it, suffering from the quilt, or enjoying smoking in a full way and forget about regrets? Neither of these options is the best, of course, since I would prefer not to smoke at all, but it is what it is.
One friend giving me another cigarette told me “I don’t care about smoking because life is unpredictable. There’s much more chances I’ll be killed by a truck than die from cigs.” It sounds not so optimistic, but at least he doesn’t feel guilty about smoking, like me. While rolling a joint, he often considers different arguments in favor of smoking or non-smoking. It may sound strange, but in his opinion, the biggest disadvantage of non-smoking is not bad teeth or even cancer, but boredom. “There you are sitting at your desk and it’s time to take a break. You stand up, and.. What will you do? Oh well, you’ll make a coffee.”
Sometimes I think his favourite activity is smoking. I mean, I have trouble understanding how you can justify your decision to smoke, but he does it time after time. He spends a lot of time on his balcony, puffing smoke and lecturing his guests about the benefits of that habit. You may not believe me, but they often leave the balcony looking happier than when they came in. Looking at him, I really don’t know what’s what anymore. Never had worries about the real, long-term consequences of smoking crossed his mind. Not only doesn't he worry about smoking, but he also enjoys it. While I’m wondering how to defeat my habit and coming up with all kinds of excuses, he simply doesn’t care about that. Really, why do I create all these justifications? Maybe I luck not energy or willpower to stop smoking, but simply courage to smoke without guilt? In that respect, my friend seems much happier than me.
Jan. 30, 2023
At first glance, everything that comes with technology is positive. But, all that glitters is not gold because excessive dependence (or dependency?) on technological advances could be harmful. There is a fine line between convenience and laziness.
What's more, the use of some technologies are reducing our capabilities. For instance, nowadays many people are unable to get by in an unknown city without using a GPS.
As far as I am concerned the main invention in the last years was the Internet.
One reason for thinking this is it changed the way we buy all kind of things.
Another reason is it gives us access to a massive information of any type.
Last but not least, the Internet is the biggest advance in the human history in relation with communication between people.
To sum up, most technological advances are great, but we have to set the limit to not overuse them and create a wrong dependency.
Jan. 30, 2023
Im Radio laufen gerade zwei Lieder, die man als Rache-Lieder bezeichnen könnte. Das erste ist ein Lied von Shakira, das zweite von Miley Cyrus.
Ich weiß nicht, ob es ein Zufall ist, dass beide Lieder zu diesem Zeitpunkt veröffentlicht wurden: liegt es am Einfluss der Sterne?
Das Lied von Shakira gefällt mir überhaupt nicht, es ist sehr direkt, nennt beides Piqué und seine neue Freundin und lässt nichts für die Fantasie. Ich wurde sagen, es ist sogar beleidigend, weil sie mit der anderer sich vergleicht. Ausserdem, Shakira hat zwei kleine Kinder und ich bin der Meinung, dass sie aus Respekt vor ihren Kindern dieses Lied nicht veröffentlichen sollten, schliesslich wird ihr Ex-Partner immer der Vater ihrer Kinder sein.
Auf der anderen Seite gibt es den Song von Miley, das gefällt mir besser. Ich finde es eleganter, und da nicht so viele direkte Hinweise zeigt, kann sich jede Frau, die sich in einer ähnlichen Situation befinden hat, mit dem Lied sich identifizieren.
Ich denke, dass Shakiras Lied in ein paar Monaten unbemerkt bleiben wird und wir alle vergessen werden. Miley Cyrus Lied hingegen könnte immer als ein sehr gutes Lied über Liebeskummer in die Erinnerung bleiben.
Jan. 30, 2023
Jan. 30, 2023
Ich habe seit November einen neuen Chef, er ist etwas älter als ich und von Geburt an reich. Als er ins Büro kam, dachten und erwarteten wir, dass er anders sein würde als unsere früheren Chefs, aber nein, Chefs wählen andere Chefs, die aus einer ähnlichen Familie kommen, eine ähnliche Ausbildung und eine ähnliche Karriere haben. Er ist also eine Fotokopie aller anderen Chefs in unserem Unternehmen. Er besuchte als Kind ein Internat und absolvierte seine Berufsausbildung zwischen London und Amerika. Er trägt massgeschneiderte Schuhe und Anzüge und benutzt zu viel Haargel. Hat auch eine meteoritische Karriere in der Bank gemacht. Im Gegenteil, ich wechselte von einer Abteilung der Bank zur anderen, auf der Suche nach einer Stelle, der nicht so langweilig ist. Ich glaube, ich habe kein Chef-stoff: Ich stamme nicht aus einer reichen Familie, ich habe nicht in Amerika studiert, ich kann mir keine massgeschneiderten Kleider leisten, ergo, ich werde nie ein Chef in der Bank werden, noch will ich einer sein.
Jan. 30, 2023
The bar chart presents information about the proportion of different genders who enrolled in eight subjects in Australia in 1995.
Arts and humanities were the most attractive subject for female, at around 19% in 1995, compared with about 13% for male in the same subject. There was a big difference in health, chosen by 15% of men, which was over three times more than it was for women. A similar pattern illustrated in education, with 10% and approximately 6% for boys and girls, respectively. The gap between genders in business studies was the lowest.
Male showed more interest in the remaining four subjects. Engineering was by far the most favorite subject for male, in contrast to only 3% of female choosing it, which reached the biggest gap. 14% of men chose maths and sciences, around twice as high as the figure for women. Similarly, computing was also much more popular with boys than girls. Although the number of male was higher than female in accounting and economics, the disparity was small, only about 2%.
Overall, female were inclined to choose arts and humanities as their major while male were interested in engineering. The percentage of arts and humanities, health, education and business studies for boys was much higher than for girls. And the data for the remaining four subjects showed a different pattern.
Jan. 30, 2023
A casa mia fa freddo in inverno. Si, c’è riscaldamento, ma lui non è tanto forte, quindi anche se lo accendo tutto il giorno al massimo, ancora non diventa caldo a casa. Purtroppo significa que ho un problema piccolo. Perché si accede il riscaldamento tutto il giorno, non sono sicuro se il boletto di riscaldamento è altissimo alle fine del mese. Mi sembra che perché il riscaldamento non è forte, probabilmente non usiamo molta energia per riscaldare la casa. Ma allo stesso tempo, è sempre acceso, così magari deviamo pagare molto per il riscaldamento, anche se la forza di lui non è alto. Vediamo che serà alla fine del mese.
04:23:26 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)