salinasmichael's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

French Friends

Bonjour, je suis Michael, et maintenant je suis en train de chercher des amis francophone pour améliorer mon français. Également, je vais en France en février 28 jusqu’à mars 14. J’espère que mon français est super quand j’y vais.

thomasmichaelwallace's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023



lindsmar's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

No tenía ganas de hacer ejercicio

Ayer no tenía ganas de hacer ejercicio, pero sé que me siento mejor cuando me muevo un poco. Comencé con veinte minutos de cardio antes de levantar pesos. En los veinte minutos, me sentí cada vez mejor y estaba listo para levantar pesos. Cuando terminé, me sentí muy bien y con energía.

juestebanmar's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023



jacobb's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

Une résumé d'une nouvelle

Un travailleur a déneigé la neige d'un troittoir directement sur les voitures.

Les vieux sont très fachés et c'est un peu raisonable, mais c'est aussi drôle parce qu'il semble trop dramatiques.

La ville a apoligisé et l'enquêtera. Des gens disent que ses voitures sont endommagées et une femme a dit qu'elle va garer sa voiture plus loin de la rue.

liya_allien's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

Are Women More Peaceful than Men?

Women have nurturing characters, can be better caregivers, and get along with children, elders and other pets. There’s an idea that they're more peaceful by nature and aren’t adapted to competitive struggle whether in a career or in life in general. While this assumption is ubiquitous among modern humans in general, there're plenty of reasons to think it’s a preconception.

Society is accustomed to believing that men are strong and aggressive, love sports and beer, while women are fragile and gorgeous, enjoying cooking and cleaning. In some countries today, a woman who dresses in a gender-neutral way still might be perceived as rebellious or weird. However, these persuasions are no more than social roles created by society many years ago. Because women are more polite and nurturing, dress in feminine ways, people think it’s their natural traits. But women are expected to be polite and feminine, so they act according to this ideology so as not to be excluded from society.

The world expects helpfulness, kindness, and vulnerability from women, and many people don’t even realise that it’s gender stereotyping. In a culture that expects women to be obedient, their expression of anger and other strong emotions is not welcome. This results in jeopardizing women’s freedom, achievements and happiness in general. Women who live under social pressure and gender stereotyping face a wide range of social and psychological problems, among which are violence at home and depression. Frightened by their own husbands and society’s condemnation, many of them are hesitant to leave their partners or ask for help.

Modern culture, which dictates social norms of behavior and appearance, creates unrealistic standards of beauty for women. Popular media broadcast messages that implicitly and openly advertise the image of a perfect woman, with an excellent body and classical manners. The continued promotion of dieting, exercising, and plastic surgery implies that women are able to achieve these standards of appearance.

Unrealistic standards of beauty can also be seen in movies. For example, in Disney movies men are often portrayed as big and strong, while women are shown as being fragile, vulnerable and always needed to be saved. Princess Ariel in The Little Mermaid loses her voice, while Belle in Beauty and the Beast is scared by the intimidating and gigantic Beast. Princess Snow White in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is constantly busy with cooking, and Sleeping Beauty is simply waiting to be rescued… the list goes on.

Having found themselves unable to meet the standards of society, women give up and become depressed. Being exhausted and tired, many of them are chronically unsatisfied with themselves and struggle with self-confidence. Although many women are still expected to act according to their gender, be domestic and emotional, we have to admit that these are only gender stereotypes that restrict human’s freedom. Furthermore, these standards prevent not only women but also men from having a happy and satisfactory life.

minhsu's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

TET, Now is not like the old.

Tet is a traditional Holiday of my country. Normally, we have 7~9 days off, and we come homeland, meet my presents, friends, and do the things our ancestors used to do these days.
But recently, young people instead of go homeland, they like traveling or stay in the city where they still live and work every day, enjoy it like a normal day off.
Gradually the traditional history of these days is fading away.

js's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

Divagaciones 12

Él pasó el resto del tiempo en estupor, quedándose en el rincón de la sala y intentando evitar que alguien se acercara.

Ni siquiera puedes imaginar cómo te duelen los dedos después de tenerlos expuestos a ese frío durante solo dos minutos.

¿Crees que si la bomba sigue en marcha durante mucho tiempo sin que el combustible pase por ella, algo malo podría suceder?

La acumulación de polvo es notable, incluso un solo día después de que ellos hayan limpiado todo.

appalachia's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

The Proportions of Boys and Girls Who Achieved High Grades.

The figure for humanities in boys significantly increased to nearly 45% in 2000, which reached its peak and was over two times more than it was in 1996. As for girls, however, there had a clear decline, from almost 35% in 1996 to 25% in 2000. The proportion of boys getting high grades in arts also had an upward trend, rising to over 20% in 2000, even though the number of arts had a slight drop over a span of four years.
The data for the remaining three subjects in boys illustrated an opposing trend. The percentage of science in boys experienced a dramatic decrease, while the same subject in girls had a tiny growth of 1%. Maths fell to approximately 16% for high-achieving boys in 2000, but a three-fold surge in the figure for girls to 15% in the same year. The proportion of boys who got impressive grades in languages remained unchanged, at around 21% during the 4-year period, in contrast to a steady fall from 45% to 31% in the figure for girls.
Overall, boys primarily improved their performance in arts and humanities while girls made progress in science and maths from 1996 to 2000. The proportion of boys achieving high grades is much higher than girls in all five subjects in 2000, except for arts and languages.

appalachia's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

Should Schools Only Teach Students Academic Subjects?

Some people believe the top priority of schools should be to help students to acquire knowledge of different subjects, such as literature and mathematics. From my perspective, however, schools have the responsibility to teach children to know about the boundary between right and wrong.
Schools invest much time in the core subjects, mainly because the score of the college entrance examination is the only standard to measure students’ abilities, especially in China. The higher scores, the more chances there will be to enter a prestigious university. In this circumstance, students have no choice but to devote almost all of their available time to academic studies, causing them hardly have time to attend classes of developing healthy behaviors.
On the other hand, some opponents argue that it is also important for young people to understand what is right and what is wrong. If students only have a high ranking in their daily tests without having some basic grounds in behaviors, I guess they will not have some achievements in their careers. For example, imagine that a student who graduated from a well-known college doesn’t show any respect to their leaders and deliberately makes false data in their daily work, even though he or she has an excellent academic score or ranking in the college, he or she will not get along with their co-workers well. As time goes by, he or she is more likely to be isolated by others due to his or her negative behaviors.
As I see it, although owing a good academic grade is a good thing, knowing about the boundary between right and wrong is also necessary. If people possess both abilities at the same time, they are prone to gain success in their later careers. As long as they lose their judgement about telling right from wrong, there will probably have an adverse effect on their future life. Taking a salesman as an example, if he exaggerates functions and qualities of their goods to cheat consumers, he will face the risk of being dismissed, even if he has rich experience in this field. Conversely, no matter what stupid questions customers have, if he is always patient to give them a reasonable answer, he will have the possibility to get a promotion.
In conclusion, while I understand some people lay emphasis on academic subjects, what I think is that teaching young people the importance of discriminating between right and wrong also plays a key part in students’ long-term development.

bisam's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

Me alegro de escribir

Ha pasado un tiempo desde el comienzo pero he terminado lo que he empezado. Con mi primer texto en español (fue aquí), no sabía lo que iba a ponerse. Solo quiero escribir. Pero, pasando un poco de tiempo aquí, me he dicho que había muchas cosas que yo pueda hacer. Creía, y creo todavía, que un texto al otro, resulta una grande historia. Es un poco extraño, las palabras no son las mejor que podía elegir, pero es así.

Creo que mis textos y vuestros correcciones y vuestros textos y mis correcciones (y los otros textos y los otros correcciones) son una obra que sorprende. Quise poner todos mis textos corregidos en algún sitio. Ya es hecho. Ayer he pasado demasiado tiempo intentando de publicar estos texto en internet.

Al principio, creía que sería fácil. Después de un par de horas, fui desesperado. No entiendo como hacerlo aunque lo había hecho muchas veces en el hace unos años. Después demasiadas horas, he acabado. No era perfecto pero bastante bien. Ha estado importante para mí porque tengo dificultades pensar que he acabado cualquier cosa. Ya sé que puedo publicar mí proprio sitio internet y me alegro de esto. Y vi que estoy capaz escribir en español (¡los errores no importa!). No quepo en mí de alegría.

Me parece que he terminado algo pero solo es el principio. ¡Gracias a todos y todas!

bananabread's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023




Inesssssss's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023


For Most of people, they maybe keen to have a long life. Dreamed about travelling around the world and celebrated 100 birthday with great-grand-son and so on. For sure this is based on the premise that in a healthy condition. However, my grandma is over 90. But She is not really appreciate about this long life she has. Losing friends every year is what she keeps complaning about. This year, two more of her friends passed away. She said nobody to talk with anymore. Lonely haunted her. And the day-time become too long since the sleeping hour is reduced. It doesn't sound lovely with a long life. Is oneliness the fate of human beings?Do you want to have a long life?

Dani's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

Banning Cars

At first glance limit traffic in the city centers appears to be a good way to reduce contamination (is it pollution more appropriate?).
Yet, not everything is black and white. Banning cars could produce side effects in the normal activity of the area. Namely, a considerable reduction in the commerce (should I use trade? I'm refering to shops, restaurants...).
It's one thing to set a limit to the pollution, but quite another empty out downtowns.
It goes without saying that this kind of measures should be always along with higher investments in public transport.
I strongly believe that the way forward is to convert car lanes into bike lanes and to build big pedestrian zones. That is, creating a city for people, not for cars.
It's paramount that governments stay commited with this type of measures, since air contamination will be a crucial issue in the long term everywhere.
Taking everything into account, people should think about give up a bit of convenience of driving their own cars along the city centers, in favour of a healthier future.

Romany's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

L’âge de retraite en Australie

Je sais qu’en ce moment, l’âge de retrait est beaucoup discuté en France. Selon un article que j’ai lu, président Macron voudrait le changer de 62 ans à 65. Apparemment, les syndicats, la majorité de la population même les jeunes ne sont pas contents et ils organisent des manifestations et des grèves. Cela m’a encouragé à me renseigner sur l’âge de la retraite en Australie.

Le système ici n’est pas vraiment comparable à celui de la France. On peut prendre la retraite à n’import quel âge parce qu’il n’existe pas le système de pension de vieillesse du gouvernement sauf dans certains cas. L’éligibilité dépend de l’age, le date du naissance, de revenue et des actifs. Il y a un calcul et si on est en dessous du seuil, on recevrait une pension du gouvernement.

Chaque gouvernement successif encourage la population d’épargner et mettre de l’argent de côté pour leurs vieux jours. L’espérance de vie pour les hommes est 85 ans et pour des femmes 88 ans. Également, le gouvernement de nos jours, encourage les personnes âgées à travailler plus longtemps et à augmenter leur épargne. J’espère en devenant plus âgée, je serai en bonne santé et que j’aurai suffisamment d’argent pour financier mon style de vie.

shadowfax26's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

Un'altra domenica

Le mie ferie si avvicinano, non vedo l'ora di godermi l'inverno.

Oggi è un giorno tranquillo: mangiamo una pizza ai salami deliziosa e guardiamo una serie TV. Ho pure il tempo di giocare per Switch un po', tutti questi prima del lavoro.

Non ho qualcos'altro da fare oggi tranne lavorare.

Dopo stacco dal lavoro, posso rilassarmi; Questa è la ragione la quale sono desiderosa di finire la giornata lavorativa.

Da domani posso studiare ancora di più, studio sei giorni su sette. La domenica non studio mai perché per me è un giorno di rilassare. Mi rilasso la domenica indipendentemente da quali turni ho al lavoro. È una tradizione che mi piace farla.

Il tempo sempre passa velocemente, non mi preoccupo di quello che succede.

mareczek1234's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

La sangre de los otros

Hace algunas semanas lí una de las obras menos conocidas de la celebre existencialista y feminista francesa, Simone de Beauvoir - una novela que se llama «La sangre de los otros».

En el libro, el personaje principal, Jean, recuenta su pasado de obrero, militante comunista, soldado y luego miembro de la resistencia francesa mientras que su amante está muriendo a su lado. Através de la historia de la vida del protagonista y la gente en su entorno, de Beauvoir está explorando las temáticas de libertad y responsabilidad personal.

A menudo está cotando Dostoyevsky, diciendo que «todos somos responsables de todo». La autor tambien confronta el problema de inacción frente a la injusticia - a ver el tratamiento de los judíos en la zona ocupada de Francia durante la segunda guerra mundial, la amante de Jean se rebela y se junta a la lucha.

Parece entones que esta es la posición moral de la filósofa - que quedarse pasivo y ignorarle a la opresión implicaría complicidad en el proceso, sea que sea lo que está pasando.

La frase titular del libro, «la sangre de los otros», también aparece en las páginas de esta obra, el contexto siendo algunos franceses argumentando que no se puede pagar por la libertad con la sangre de los otros; que ellos no tienen derecho de mandarlos jóvenes franceses a morir en partes allendes del mundo para mantener su vida.

Pero el idealismo de ellos cayó, tanto en el libro como en la realildad, cuando la guerra llegó a su puerta.

Desafortunadamente, se puede decir que la humanidad no aprendió nada de este episodio no tan lejano de historia, ni de esta obra - porque otra vez estamos haciendo lo mismo, y la sangre de los otros está fluyendo en el este mientras que nosotros sentamos a gusto en nuestras casitas.

jimmy_jon's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

Relatar una notica de última hora sobre Israel

Esta mañana abrí una de las páginas de noticias a la que recurro a menudo para ponerme al día sobre las actualizaciones en el mundo. Habitualmente me actualizo con esta página por lo que no encuentro una gran diferencia en la cantidad de nuevas noticias en el día a día. Sin embargo, durante los últimos días he estado prestando ayuda a un amigo que me pidió apoyo con sus estudios de matemáticas. Así que al regresar a casa no me ha quedado tiempo para leer las noticias. En fin, esta mañana la página parecía presentar una inundación de novedades en temas de los que no he escuchado últimamente. Uno de ellos era la nueva escalada de tensiones entre los palestinos y judíos que ha surgido en los últimos días. Según medios israelíes, ocurrieron dos atentados en menos de veinticuatro horas que representan un súbito incremento de violencia nunca visto durante la última década. Uno de ellos sucedió afuera de una sinagoga donde, desde su vehículo, un atacante efectuó su arma contra civiles que estaban congregados frente al edificio. Después de investigar el incidente, las autoridades determinaron que el acto fue represalia por una operación que realizó el ejército israeli días antes que resultó en la muerte de nueve o diez palestinos. El parlamento israeli afirmaba que la operación era necesaria para impedir otro atentado inminente.

dkbuddy's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

LangCorrect a me

Volevo cercare un sito che richiederebbe a me scrivere. Ho molto modi pratticare leggere e ascoltare. Loro sono bouni capire and registrare. Scrivere e importante ricordare come parlare. Ho fatto delle richerche. Ho trovato dei consigli e ho provato LangCorrect. Lo e piu bene per me di altre

sashavitja's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023



Jack's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

A Short Translation

Men have love, but women don’t. Why? Because men treat people kindly because they love them. They love people first before they treat others well. But for women, no matter how well you treat them, they do not necessarily have an affection for you. Because women value money instead of affection, and that’s totally opposite to men. Am I right?

alisaaa's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

What aspects of college life do you like best

university life is wonderful and colorful.As being born in small town, I had been looking forward to studying in a university in a big city.In Dalian, I witnessed the enthusiasm of Northeast people and tasted authentic Northeast cuisine, which made me very excited. I think the happiest thing in college life is to make friends with like-minded people and have enough time to learn what you like. However, because Dalian is far away from my hometown, I can't go home often, so I'm afraid of the National Day holiday, because at this time my classmates go home, and I'm left alone in the dormitory. Although I will also go out to work part-time, I will still feel a little disappointed when I return to the dormitory at night.

globalicon's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

Mandarin Hellotalk 729 中文


Sorry for the delay, the driver will pick you up soon. At the end of the work day, I print reports. The employee can move your things to the new room. The employee will put the bed next to the furniture. The reservation is under the name of the main guest. Only they can check in.

duibuqi wan yidian, siji jiesong ni hen kuai. zai yitian de gongzuo jieshu hou, wo dayin baogao. guyuan keyi yidong ni de dongxi dao xin de fangjian. guyuan hui ba chuang pangbian jiau. yuding shi zhuyao keren de mingzi. tamen zhi keyi dengji

Bees's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

Les embouteillages sur les autoroutes

Dans les pays développés, il y a beaucoup de gens qui conduisent leurs propres voitures pour aller au boulot, pour faire les courses, et bien plus d’autres choses. À l’heure de pointe, l’autoroute peut ressemble plus à un parking qu’à un vrai autoroute. On ne voit que de feux rouges, et on considère si c’est plus vite de marcher que de prendre la voiture. Beaucoup de gens perdent beaucoup de temps dans les embouteillages, et les embouteillages ne sont pas bons ni pour l’économie ni pour l’environnement. Que faire ?

Il y a beaucoup de gens qui pense que s’il y a plus de voies sur l’autoroute, il y aura plus d’espace pour les conducteurs de manoeuvrer les voitures et donc, moins d’embouteillages. Mais en réalité, ça n’est pas le cas. Si on veut ajouter des voies, il fait faire de la construction qui empire les embouteillages. Après la construction, quand les nouvelles voies sont ouvertes, le problème disparaître pour un peu de temps, mais au fin, les problèmes se reproduire. Si les gens voient qu’il y a moins d’embouteillages, prendre la voiture devient une option tentante, et comme ça, le nombre de voitures sur l’autoroute augmente et le problème commence de nouveau.

Je crois que si les gouvernements veulent vraiment réduire les embouteillages, il faut investir plus d’argent dans les transports publics. Ils sont bons pour l’environnement, et si assez de gens les utilisent, le nombre de voitures sur l’autoroute diminue. Bien sûr, ce n’est pas une solution vite, et il peut être très cher à établir les transports publics dans les nouveaux endroits, mais en fin, les transports publics peuvent à la fois donner aux gens qui n’ont pas de voiture plus de mobilité, et aux gens qui en ont, une option moins stressante que les embouteillages.

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 29, 2023

Day 22: Urban Design

Today was the 100th anniversary of the university where I want to study and to celebrate they made a college fair for the first and last time in its history. This university is at the top so they don't need to do college fairs because they don't need a presentation. So, today I discovered a career that I didn't know, which is Urban Design or Urbanism. This career is about designing the streets where the people will transport unlike architecture which is about designing the structures where the people will live and work. I'm going to explain more about urbanism in my next post.