sebobafett's avatar

Feb. 13, 2023

Felicidades tempranos a mi esposa

El cumpleaños de mi esposa será éste martes. Va a cumplir veinte y siete años. Hoy fuimos a nuestra iglesia por la mañana y después fuimos a tres lugares.

Primero fuimos a la casa de la amiga de mi esposa. Ellos nos dijeron ayer que tenían un regalo para mi esposa pero irán a estar fuera de casa entonces la única oportunidad de obtenerlo fue ahora sí fuimos a su casa. Lo bueno es que su casa es en camino a nuestro otro destino. Mi esposa encantó sus regalos y yo tenía una experiencia buena con un perro nervioso.

Luego fuimos a la casa de unos conocidos de mi esposa para visitar con sus amigos de nuevo zealandia. Me gusta su acento y me hizo pensar que hay mucha gente que habla inglés en una manera extraña para mí. Su casa es bonito adentro y me hizo feliz visitar con las amigas de mi esposa. Estás in particular ayudaron a ella en un tiempo de necesidad en el pasado y estoy agradecido por su apoyo.

La última destinación fue la casa de mi suegra dónde miremos el Super Bowl. Tuvimos mucha comida rica. Mi esposa fue dado más regalos. Y salimos llenos de estómago y corazón.

Day 5 Journaling


Today I am going to do my homework earlier in the morning because, like I said before, I want to spend time with my old grandparents 🙃
I also have to practice my English speaking skills in an app called Lingbe. I think it could be really useful for me because at school, never speak, even if it's a really important thing in the language learning. I'm always not really confident with this kind of app because I don't already know people with who I'll talk.
Yesterday, I was on the autoroute with my grandparents and my little brother and it was a really silly person 😕. He wanted to overtake we and he made a thing called "queue de poisson" ("fish tail"). It consists in overtake by the right even if it's forbidden...
It's very dangerous and we can have died if my grandfather wasn't attentive.

I think I have write enough.
Thanks !

Fernanhaiku's avatar

Feb. 13, 2023

Day 37: Exercising Again

Tomorrow (Monday in my country) I'm going to start exercising again. I couldn't exercise this week because I got a cold. But I now feel better. I'm saving money to buy weights. If I get into university, I'm not going to have neither the money nor the time to go to the gym regularly, so I will need a way to exercise in home. That's why I want to buy some weights.

Wish me luck!

What are some reasons to exercise for you? (I'm curious)

Jack's avatar

Feb. 13, 2023

My Third Car

In 2017, my wife and I moved to another apartment in my city. This apartment was a little far from the place my wife worked in, about 5 kilometers away.

During summer and winter, the weather here was too hot and too cold. Riding an e bike to go to work and go back home was really a sufferance.

My wife told me that she wanted to buy a car for her to go to work. Because the car was only for going to work and going back home, so a small and cheaper car was enough.

After I looked for several small and cheaper cars, I thought the Chery 3 X SUV was suitable for her. This car has several different configurations, and I chose the expensive configuration. Although it was the top configuration, it only cost me a little more than 70,000 RMB.

Somehow, she didn't drive the Chery many times. I guess she may not be confident about driving cars. A few months later, my daughter-in-law started to drive that car going to work and going back home. Her work place was in the countryside, and was very far from the place she lived in.

After I bought the BMW that I mentioned in my second essay, I only drove it a few times before my son took it over. I had to drive the Passat that I mentioned in my first essay again in the past few years.

quirkyqwerty's avatar

Feb. 13, 2023



BlackGlasses's avatar

Feb. 13, 2023


ー もう少しで話してください。
ー分かりません。 遅く話せばいいですか?
ー 分かりませんでした。繰り返すそれを言ってください。
ー優しさと言う 藤井風さんの歌が好きです。
ー what do you mean by thatって日本語でなんて言うのですか?

BlackGlasses's avatar

Feb. 13, 2023

Thank You

I'm practicing different ways to be grateful because I think that giving you a simple "thank you" is not enough. You see, I have nobody to correct me before joining LangCorrect and I'm very grateful for all the corrections you made.

- You are the best. Thank you for helping me to improve my English.

- Thank you so very much. I owe you one.

- Thank you for taking the time for correcting me.

- I really appreciate the detailed comments you wrote. Please tell me if I can help you with anything, too.

- I'm grateful for all the time you took to explain me and giving me examples.

- Thank you for correcting me and for being so patient and kind to me.

- Thank you for taking the time to read my journal entries and for correcting them.

- Thank you for not only helping me to learn English but also for taking the time to correct others.

- Thank you very much! There are a lot of mistakes that I usually don't notice without your help.

- Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart. :)

- You are the bestest ever!!!

Scarlett_Father's avatar

Feb. 13, 2023

My Life in SZ (17) - Boss's Comments

Some of my colleagues' English was much more fluent than mine, even three of them passed TEM-8, which stands for English Majors-Band 8, and shows their English ability at a high level. It's not surprise for a university student to acquire a TEM-8 certificate nowadays, however, it was not the case in 1996.

Sister Wang asked Diana, "Why A-Ben's (They call me A-Ben) sales volume so high? His English is not the best, why do customers trust him?"

Another boss Diana answered, "I have noticed this recently, I think maybe there are three reasons.

First, he is patient and never stops chattering about the products and he seems informative to customers, which let them get some interesting stuff to think about.
Second, His English is not the best, and with a strong local accent, yet it's acceptable because all of us have a different level of accent. The customers can understand his words.
Third, he wears a pair of myopia glasses with a big black frame, which let him look very honest."

As time passed, some of us including me gradually come to realize why my boss - sister Wang had warned us that we would feel bored in some extent if we worked here over three months.

journeytoc1's avatar

Feb. 13, 2023

La culture des adolescents

Avec toutes les générations, il y a toujours un parti du peuple qui dirige la culture actuelle: les adolescents. Ils décident ce qu'il est à la mode ou pas. Les jeunes possèdent une vraie puissance mondiale, bien qu'elle change à l'instant. On voit un changement de la facilité de la création de tendances. Les jeunes peuvent créer, partager, et éliminer les tendances plus vite que jamais. Les réseaux sociaux pose une nouvelle complexité à la culture. Au lieu d'avoir les traditions fondées à la société, il y a les engoument de la semaine. Ce nouvel ajoutement au monde n'est ni bon ni mauvais. Ce n'est qu'une différence remarquable.

Jack's avatar

Feb. 13, 2023

My Second Car

My second car

In 2014, my son ended a job in Hangzhou and returned to my home city. He was in his twenties back then. According to Chinese tradition, that age was supposed to find a girlfriend. In order to find a girlfriend early for him, I gave the Passat to him, therefore I didn't have a car to drive.

Suddenly, the fact that I didn't have a car to drive made it very inconvenient for me in my daily life. I could only ride an e-bike or go somewhere by walking. I realized that just one car was not enough for my family, so I was planning to buy another car.

This time, I wanted to buy an SUV. An SUV could go anywhere because it had a large clearance from the ground. The first SUV model that came to my mind was Tiguan because its sales volume had been the first in my country for several consecutive years.

After I told my wife about my thoughts, she didn't agree with me and she told me that we should buy an expensive one. I was like "maybe we can buy an Audi A 6?" She still denied my idea. She was like "we should buy a class d car, such as Audi A 8, Mercedes benz s, or BMW 7 Series." I was shocked by her idea. After all, we were not rich people.

I started to look for information on the internet about these three car models, such as their looks, prices and configurations.

After a lot of work on estimating, I decided to buy a BMW 730 luxury because it was the cheapest among the three car models with the same configuration.

I inquired about its price from many BMW 4 s stores in big domestic cities, and Beijing Baocheng BMW 4 s store offered me the cheapest price.

In November 2015, my second older brother, my son and I went to Beijing to buy it. The BMW official offer was 1038000 RMB, but the store cut it 26 percent for me. Together with other fees, I paid more than 800000 RMB for this car.

Beijing was so big, we spent about an hour driving away from it. My second older brother and my son took turns driving the car. Beijing was more than 800 kilometers away from my city. We started to drive home that afternoon and arrived home the next morning. Of course, we rested in a hotel half way home that night.

yaw's avatar

Feb. 13, 2023

The video

I have a teacher of English, she is my best friend she always to leave many homework so she wants me to make a video but I can't speak English during five minutes because my English is very bad but i have to make.

polyglot27's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023

Employé du Mois

Salut Peter,

J’espère que vous allez bien.

Je voudrais vous féliciter. Vous avez gagné employé du mois ! Bon travail. Je suis vraiment fier de toi. Ce n'est pas une surprise, vous avez travaillé très dur depuis vous avez commencé avec notre entreprise. Nos clients sont contents avec ton travail. Vous êtes la première personne au bureau et la dernière à partir chaque jour. Vous travaillez les heures supplémentaires toujours. J'étais impressionné quand vous avez aidé mettre en œuvre un nouveau logiciel il y a six mois. Maintenant, notre entreprise a gagné beaucoup d'argent.

Parce que vous avez beaucoup de succès, je voudrais vous donner une augmentation de votre salaire. Le changement sera en effet immédiatement. Merci pour votre service à la entreprise.



Jack's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023

My First Car

My first car was a Volkswagen Passat and I bought it in 2009.

That year, I earned a little money, which was about 120000 Chinese Yuan. My family on my wife’s side suggested my wife and I buy a car. Of course, I also wanted to buy a car, which used to be my dream.

The first car model that I wanted to buy was the Volkswagen Langyi, which was said to be the first car that was jointly made by both Volkswagen companies of Germany and China.

This car was a Class A, so it was not that big, and in other words, it was only enough for five people’s rides. The style of this car was very in line with the Chinese aesthetic and that was why it was my first choice.

At that time, my city only had one Volkswagen 4s store, which was in the southwest part of the city. One day, I went to that store to see Langyi. Next to the Langyi, there was a Passat. I got into the Passat after I checked the Langyi and I suddenly felt very comfortable because the Passat was very spacious and looked much nicer than the Langyi.

A Passat was about 60000RMB more expensive than a Langyi. I was hesitant to buy a Passat although I really liked it.

My family on my wife’s side told me that money is not a problem as long as I liked it-they said they could lend money to me.

In March 2009, I finally bought the first car of my life. The model of the car was Passat 2.0 MFI. I didn’t dare buy Passat 1.8T because it was more expensive than the 2.0 MFI.

Monsieur_Elephant's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023

Запретить рекламу к детям?

Да, я считаю, что надо запретить всью рекламу к детям моложе двенадцать лет. Ну, я считаю, что надо запретить всью рекламу больших предприятелей, но давайте сконцентрируемся на детской рекламе, так как она тема этого предложения текста.

Очень просто манипулировать ум молодых детей. Вы уже помострили одну рекламу иргшки на телевизору? У каждой такая же структура: улыбающийся ребёнок играет продуктом в красочном мире со спецэффектами и музыкой. Всё идёт быстро: планы рекламного ролика, музыка и смешная песьня, которая её часто сопровождает. В течение 30 миут, реклама бомбарирует детей стимулами, до когнитивной перегрузки. Это совершенно выключает их разумные мысли.

Старые рекламы (примерно до 50-их годов) обращались родителям. Но после, промышленники поняли, что они смогли бы заработать намного больше денег обращався прямо к детям. Импульс к покупке происходило бы из детей самих, и все родители хотят баловать дочь или сына, нет? Таким образом, дети стали потребителей, и сегодня, с молодого возраста, мы привыкаем к тому, определить нашу личность потреблением.

Мир детских реклам также увековечивает родские стереотипы. Я не вижу проблемы в том, что девочки одеваются в розывое и мальчики в синее, но когда дети становятся так стереотипичными, как G.I. Joe или Barbie, значит, как коммерческими продуктами, в том случае есть же проблема.

Часто, реклама продвигает продукты, которые сами вредны детям, такие как соды полны сахара...

В целом, реклама вредят прихическому и иногда физическому здоровью, особенно в случае детеи, поэтому, запретить её было бы неплохо!

KyleSays's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023



Hello, I'm Kyle. I want to make friends and learn Japanese! Let's discuss our language and culture. :)

slypkc's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023

데이트할 때

저는 데이트할 때 편하게 이야기할 수 있는 곳으로 가고 싶어요. 만약 제가 데이트를 한다면, 식당이나 카페 같은 곳이 완벽해요. 저는 또한 놀이공원으로 데이트 가는 것을 좋아해요. 저는 무서운 놀이기구를 좋아하지만, 관람차와 같은 느린 놀이기구도 좋아해요. 관람차와 같은 놀이기구는 주변에 아무도 없이 이야기할 수 있는 시간을 쥐요. 저도 밖에서 하는 것을 좋아하고 놀이공원은 그것에 완벽해요. 하지만 좋아하는 사람과 함께 있으면 무엇이든 재미있을 수 있어요.

dlee73's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023

La publicité ciblée aux enfants doit-elle être interdite?

La publicité est quelque chose d’ennuyant que nous sommes obligés à supporter de temps en temps, mais c'est son omniprésence dans la vie quotidienne qui nous a peut-être rendu inconscients de ses dangers. En fait, il s’agit de la manipulation psychologique des gens. Les entreprises ne nous persuadent pas d'acheter leurs produits avec des arguments raisonnés, mais au contraire, ils jouent avec nos émotions, nos désirs inconscients, et la peur d’être inadéquat : d'être trop gros, trop mince ou d'avoir trop de rides sur le visage. Malheureusement, les adultes, qui ont déjà terminé leur développement psychologique, sont moins susceptibles d’être manipulés que les enfants, qui ont tendance à se fier à tout ce qu’ils entendent. En fait, permettre la publicité ciblée aux enfants, c’est permettre des grandes entreprises à les éduquer. Mais quelles sont les valeurs que ces entreprises veulent enseigner aux enfants ? Si j’étais le DG d’une grande entreprise, je voudrais que les enfants n’aient pas d’estime de soi, qu’ils soient toujours insatisfaits avec leurs corps et leurs vêtements. C’est comme ça qu’ils ressentiront l’envie d’acheter toujours de nouveaux vêtements chaque fois que la mode change, et d’essayer de nouvelles pilules amaigrissantes afin d’être aussi mince que les mannequins dans toutes les publicités. À mon avis, donc, il est incontestable que toute publicité qui cible les enfants doit être étroitement réglementé, voire interdite.

interestingthoughts's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023

Mi escritos

Hola :D

Me gusta escribir mucho. Mi primero vez que escribí que cuando yo estaba diez. El nombre de la novela es "Ride". Fue 50 paginas y escribí por seis meses. Tambien escribí una novela se llama "Midnight Moon and Maggie May". ¡Es tres cien paginas! Escribí por un poco más de un año. Ahora, escribo una novela que es ciento cuarenta paginas. No tengo un nombre para la novela. Quiero terminar la novela pronto. Tengo muchas ideas para novelas. Pero, no escribo suficiente.

¿Tienes una novela? ¿Cuánto largo es tu novela?

Adios :>

courageuse19's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023

Día 104 de mi reto

Hoy es el día 104 de mi reto de español. Hoy cociné un tradicional plato se llamo Berkoukeche. Mi mamá y mi vecina le gustó.

courageuse19's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023

Writing Challenge, Day 134

Today is day 134 of my daily English challenge. I noticed my home's Internet is always slowly.


I have the internet is always slowly tow months ago. So I haven't able to speak with my friends over Skype.

I have the internet is no work much better tow months ago, that's why I can't able to speak with my friends over Skype.

jzohrab's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023

Escuchando un audiolibro

Ayer empecé a escuchar un audiolibro en español. Se llama "El Inquilino", de Javier Cercas. Lo saqué de la biblioteca usando una aplicación llamada "Libby".

(Libby es una buena herramienta para estudiar idiomas, puesto que se puede sacar libros y audiolibros gratis de la biblioteca, y si tienes un e-reader (dispositivo electrónico para la lectura), puedes buscar nuevas palabras en el diccionario sólo con un click. Últimamente, he pasado un rato buscando casi cada palabra nueva que encuentro mientras leo, usando otra aplicación que desarrollé yo mismo. He sido muy agotado, pero creo que es necesario hacerlo, a menos a veces.)

Volvamos al tema. Con este audiolibro, al escucharlo, entendí la gran mayoría de las palabras. Lo interesante fue que, aunque entendí cada palabra, era como me fijaba en cada una, aunque estuviera por solo una fracción de una segunda, y me perdí el significado de la frase entera. Como si estuviera viendo los pincelados de un cuadro, y no notando la escena entera.

La historia es interesante, y el libro es corto. Creo que voy a terminarla hoy, y tratar de dejar que mi mente ... comer frases enteras, y no mordisquear cada palabra. :-)

cthylla's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023


1. I want to take a rest.
Я хочу отдохнуть.

2. I felt bad.
Я чувствовала вину.

3. I had to do things.
Я должна была делать вещи.

4. I have been learning Russian for months now.
Я уже учу русский язык месяцами.

5. I love this version.
Люблю эту версию.

6. This turned out to be true.
Это оказалось верно.

7. I am easily distracted.
Я легко отвлекаюсь.

8. The only bad thing is that I don't have time.
Плохо только то, что у меня времени нет.

9. It seemed strange to me.
Мне показалось странно.

10. He didn't get my attention.
Он не привлекли моего внимания.

valdast's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023

Ein ruhiger Abend

Gestern Abend bin ich mit einer Freundin ausgegangen, die ich seit einigen Wochen nicht mehr gesehen hatte. Vor zwei Wochen war ich erkältet, und letzte Woche war es draußen -6, weswegen ich zuhause geblieben bin. Stattdessen war es gestern nicht zu kalt, und wir haben und deswegen endlich gesehen.

Zuerst sind wir ein bisschen spazieren gegangen, und danach wollten wir in unser liebes Lokal gehen, um eine Tasse heiße Schokolade zu genießen. Leider gab es keine freien Tische, da im Fernsehen das Finale des Sanremo Festivals übertragen wurde. Deswegen haben wir beschlossen, in eine Kneipe zu gehen, wo wir eine Cola und köstliche Pommes mit Würstchen bestellt haben.

Um die Zeit totzuschlagen, haben wir zunächst Dame gespielt (in der Kneipe gibt es mehrere Brettspiele!), und dann hat sie ihr Tablet aus der Tasche geholt, und wir haben einige alberne Spielchen gespielt, die wir im App-Store gefunden haben.

Obwohl wir nichts Besonderes unternommen haben, liebe ich es, meine Wintersamstage so zu verbringen!

258's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023

Estrategias para lograr mis metas

Este año tengo la misma meta que en los años anteriores: seguir aprendiendo español. Me encanta que ahora puedo entender mucho cuando escucho un podcast o leo algo en línea pero creo que necesito pasar más tiempo escribiendo y hablando español. También me gustaría poder leer libros de ficción. Para lograr esta meta tengo la intención de aprender nuevo vocabulario cada semana y escribir textos en este sitio web.
También quiero sacar buenas notas en el colegio. Aunque voy a hacer los exámenes el año que viene, creo que van a ser más fáciles si ya sé lo que aprendimos este año. Por eso voy estudiar mucho en casa pero también quiero aprovechar de mis clases en el colegio, prestar atención y hacer preguntas si no entiendo algo.
Mi última meta es pasar menos tiempo en redes sociales y más tiempo en la naturaleza así que voy a montar en bicicleta los fines de semana si hace buen tiempo. Espero que esto me ayude a llevar una vida más saludable.

aga666's avatar

Feb. 12, 2023



I wanted to know if this phrase is correct. Sorry for having only one phrase but I don´t have enough level to write something else. Thx in advance.
What I wanted to say: I´m a Japonese student.
I was just curious if I made this correctly because I made it up by myself. :D