March 8, 2023
The sunshine was a long-lost friend. And I decided to hang out to enjoy it. The wind was still a little chilly, but I could feel that spring was coming. My money tree is sprouting and I would love to buy some pebbles and decorations for its pot.
I visited a friend who lives in the Heights. This area is near Hoboken, but the vibe is different. The Heights is more diversified and has many fantastic restaurants, but the economy is not very well. Most shops on the central avenue are 99 cents discount markets. Things there are plain and basic, but I successfully bought an Angola hat in a vintage style at a good sale price. I also bought a lemonade from a Mexico convenience store, and its glass bottle is beautiful, I think it could work as a vase in the future. I also enjoy artists' graffiti on the wall, creative!
My friend is a brand shopaholic who usually preys on quality goods in big malls. He is not very satisfied with his home now, but the low rent fixes up most of his discontent. And he said that lifestyle shows who we are, I agree with him. I love to hang around at the street stops, because supporting the local economy is important, and they can give me a new perspective on how residents live their daily life.
Since spring is coming, I would ferret out more about where I live. Actually, I live in Hoboken for half a year, and I walk around some famous places, but I don't fit into this small and beautiful mile city closely, because Manhatten is so close, being a fake New Yorker is more attractive for past me. But one thing that happens yesterday changes my mind and I think it's a lot of pity that I ignore to learn more about my community.
(Wait Continue...)
March 8, 2023
El camino al pueblo de Aljibar era muy largo, aunque sin muchos peligros. Hecho de lodo y piedra irregulares, no era nada liso ni bonito, pero funcionaba y eso era lo importante.
Juan y Nieve se dirigieron a Aljibar lo más rápido posible. No obstante, Nieve ya había empeorado tanto que no podía moverse con mucha prisa y tenía que descansar a menudo.
Al tercer día, Juan empezó a desesperarse. Le parecía que Nieve se ralentizaba y empeoraba cada día. El viaje no debería haberles durado más que dos días, pero ni siquiera habían llegado a la mitad del camino. El hatillo que su madre les había hecho le sentía cada vez más ligero y pasaron el último pozo hace mucho.
Juan estuvo ensimismado pesando en todo esto mientras él y Nieve descansaban a la sombra de un árbol grande pero que no tenía buena pinta. De pronto, la voz de un hombre viejo le volvía a la realidad.
-¡Agua! ¿Tenéis algo de agua para un viejo como yo?
March 8, 2023
When came back from the hospital, I wondered why the doctor didn't ask me to get a CT first but only checked my body by hand. I searched on the internet and combined some words from the doctor, I found the reason.
If two nipples were slightly swollen simultaneously, they were probably to be breast hyperplasia, there would be no need to get a CT; if only one nipple was bloated, a CT scan would be necessary, because there might be a tumor.
The human body is a miracle, I feel all creatures on our planet are struggling for a better life and long longevity including me. When we are about to die or ready for death, we always try to leave our all physical belongings and genes to our children. We'll be living forever in a way.
March 8, 2023
March 7, 2023
March 7, 2023
Contexto: grabé un video y esto es la transcripción.
Ahora voy a hacer un video hablando por un minuto y no puedo parar de hablar así que...Hoy les voy a decir algo en que estoy pensando ahora es que hacer más aplicaciones o digamos crear más aplicaciones con código y para para ayudarles a la gente que está aprendiendo castellano u otro se dio u otros idiomas.
Así que en este momento estoy trabajando en una aplicación donde puede transcribir lo que estás diciendo. Después de este de hacer este video les puedo mostrar con un enlace en la descripción del video de lo que está pasando ahora mismo mientras que estoy hablando.
Lo que pasa es que hay un sitio y tiene acceso a tu micrófono y mientras que estás hablando está grabando y transcribiendo así que vamos a ver si funciona.
March 7, 2023
March 7, 2023
Hoy es el primer día de mi desafío personal de escritura. Mi objetivo es escribir 120 entradas en Español. Espero que este vaya a contribuir a mi meta principal de alcanzar el nivel B2 antes del fin de este año. Hace unos meses, solo me concentraba en input, o sea escuchar muchos podcasts, ver videos en YouTube y leer libros. Pero ahora, creo que es el buen momento para practicar output, sobre todo por escribir porque la escritura, a diferencia de la práctica oral, dame la ventaja de más tiempo para reflejar, utilizar un diccionario y recibir correcciones de personas encantadoras como vosotros, lo que me ayudará mi gramática.
March 7, 2023
¡Hola todos! Encantada de veros aquí a través de textos. Esta es mi primera vez estando aquí y por eso, voy a contaros un poco sobre mí. Me llamo Ash y vivo en un país en Asía. Llevo casi un año estudiando español y además, conozco un poco de coreano ya que he estudiado coreano hace casi un año antes de empezar a estudiar español. Me gusta mucho escuchar las canciones españoles y también, en particular, la ciudad Barcelona de España. He estado en Barcelona unos días hace tiempo y me he enamorado de la cuidad en un instante al llegar cuando viajé por Europe. Quiero viajar a y recorrer por países hispanohablantes por ejemplo, países de latinas Américas. Quiero hablar en español con los nativos y hacer amigos con ellos, lo que puede mantener aún si vuelva a mi país después. Esto es todo por hoy. ¡Hasta la próxima !
March 7, 2023
As I am still practicing grammar in my writing, I will continue to use different tenses and conditionals in this post.However, this time I’ll practise randomly since I want to figure out which things I’ve learned.
When I was a child, I often visited the local library in my town. Unlike many suburban libraries, there were books for any taste and age, from encyclopedias to children's books. I was always walking for hours among long rows of shelves, amazed by the abundance of books waiting to be discovered. More often than not, I couldn’t make a choice about what I wanted to read. While I poked around among old volumes and magazines, the librarian was usually making coffee or reading some book, so we didn’t interfere with each other. She was a middle-aged woman with a quiet voice, who was always wearing old-fashioned clothes that somehow didn’t look out of place on her. In the evening, after finishing work, she shut the door and left the library, returning the next morning at the same time.
For me, this woman was always a paragon of the avid reader, giving up many things in her life for the sake of her strongest passion, reading. She didn't have a husband or children, and I never saw her with a man. Sometimes, though, she brought her cat to the library. It was a big, fluffy animal with suspicious eyes and massive paws, always ready to pounce or attack. After discovering the cat at the library for the first time, I was afraid of her biting me for quite a long time but since she got used to me we got on like a house on fire.
I’d never had a pet before I met this cat, so it was quite a surprise when we liked each other. Since I had a brother, a pet in my family was out of the question. My parents were fairly tired of two restless adolescents turning everything upside down, so if we had adopted a pet, it would have become too noisy at home. I had already been in my 20s when my parents finally decided to adopt a dog, surprised as much as me by their sudden decision. They had been hesitating for months before they finally got the dog at home. Even though this dog brought a lot of joy to their lives, it was also quite a stress for them.
March 7, 2023
Türkiye'deki Türklerin yemek saatleri ve alışkanlıkları hakkında okununca biraz düşünedurdum.
İspanya'da ve İngiltere'de yemekler sıklıkla her 4/5 saat yemek yeriz.
O yazıya göre, Türkiye'de 4 yemekleri var, yani kahvaltısı, yemek yemeğini, akşam yemeğini ve yatsı yemeği, ama yemek yemeğini ile akşam yemeğini arasında yaklaşık 8 saat var (yani saat 12/13'ten saat 20'ye).
Madem bu arada boyunca 8 saat var, Türklerin hiç açlığı yok mu acaba? Başka bir şey yesin diye düşünüyordum...
Bilgisiz sorumdan üzgünüm :)
March 7, 2023
March 7, 2023
Today is day 156 of my daily English writing challenge. Today I went to my apointment with my Doctor but I didn't find my own Doctor because he came back to his hometown. I was sad about it. Anywhy the new Doctor was kind and he explained my situation and he gave another appointment.
March 7, 2023
After two days walking over these green lands, I have finally seen someone human. Running for his life, stumbling ove the ground, and pursued by three snapping beast, a man looked at me from the distance. I chosed to help -I don't know really why, beeing a bounty hunter don't predispose me to any kind of sympathy-. I've killed all three beast in three single shots. The man continued to run without lookig behind even without looking to me. Three lives taken to help one man. Three to one don't really seems justice; great! I don't like justice!.
March 7, 2023
Ciao Luca! Hai degli animali domestici?
Ciao Giuseppe! Sì, ho un cane di nome Rocky. È un meticcio, ma è molto affettuoso.
Che bello! Io invece non ho animali domestici, ma ho una pianta di basilico sul mio balcone.
(ridendo) Non credo che il tuo basilico ti seguirà come fa il mio cane!
(ridendo anche lui) Hai ragione, ma almeno non devo prendermi cura di lui come fai tu con il tuo cane.
Vero, ma Rocky fa parte della famiglia. Mi piace portarlo fuori a fare lunghe passeggiate e a giocare con lui.
Capisco. Ti piacerebbe avere altri animali domestici?
Onestamente no, un cane basta e avanza per me. E tu, hai mai pensato di avere un animale domestico?
Sì, mi piacerebbe avere un gatto. Sono molto indipendenti e mi piace la loro eleganza.
Ah, capisco. Ma forse dovresti iniziare con una pianta di menta, per allenarti un po' con la cura delle piante!
Hai ragione, forse dovrei! Ma sai, per me la menta non sarebbe un'opzione molto interessante come animale domestico.
March 7, 2023
March 7, 2023
Anoche pensé que hoy iba a intentar volver a mi rutina de antes. Digo, la rutina que básicamente dejé de hacer cuando comenzamos a mudarnos de Minnesota a Texas. Solía levantarme a las 5:30 de la mañana, preparar un poco de café, y estudiar español o ruso durante una o dos horas antes de ponerme a trabajar. Muchas veces, el estudio incluiría una videollamada con uno de mis amigos con los que he estado hablando desde hace mucho tiempo. Desde que nos salimos de Minnesota, ha sido un torbellino y realmente no he hablado con nadie para practicar, excepto algunas conversaciones cortas en Miami. Bueno, esta mañana me levanté a las 6:00, preparé café, estudié un poco, y terminaré con este diario. Mañana tendré una videollamada con mi amigo ruso y espero que poco a poco pueda volver a una rutina estable.
March 7, 2023
Il y a beaucoup de pays dans le monde avec une forme particulière. La France ressemble un hexagone, l’Iran un chat, la Romanie un poisson, la Chine un coq, etc.
L’Italie ressemble une botte, c’est irréfutable. Pendant j’étais à la recherche d’états avec une forme bizarre, j’ai vu plusieurs de personnes sur internet forcer leur agenda « Mon pays à la forme la plus intéressante », je l’ai trouvé drôle. Sans vouloir vous offenser (mais vouloir vous offenser), l’Italie a la forme la plus intrigante !
L’Italie est une botte au milieu de la Mer Méditerrané. J’aime imaginer les premières cartographes d’Europe découvrir la forme de l’Italie, en espérant que les bottes existaient déjà. Comment les rois italiques ont pris la nouvelle ? Ils ont ri ? Ils ont tué les cartographes pour haute trahison ? « Non, ce n’est pas possible ! Je n’habite pas sur une parcelle de terre qui ressemble une chaussure ! »
Le travail le plus dangereux de l’ancienne Italie : le cartographe.
March 7, 2023
What options are open to students after they leave school?
The purpose of this essay is to discuss about which is the best option for the students after they leave school. It is usually said that there are two main options to consider, and surely these are the most common: continue to study or finding a job.
Choose between these is a crucial decision, because it determines their future and students needs to be seriously aware of it. This is a topic often discussed but rarely solved.
If their family agree to financially support them, they could evaluate the opportunity to go to university. For them, it means spending 4 years or more at University, and spending their time to learn, research and study. It is undeniable that increasingly numbers of people attending university, and this make the context also very competitive one.
On the other hand, if there is not thei financial support of their families, they should probably consider the other option: finding a job, entering in the labour market and getting their financial independencies and freedon.
This is a better option also for who are not really interesting in studying.
Since this choise is related to both external and personal factors, and these are differents from people to people, it is not possibile to decide which is the best option.
Taking everything into consideration, it is generally agreed that there is not one answer for all, but it must be only an individual decision.
March 7, 2023
March 7, 2023
È l'ultimo giorno di meritato riposo, ma posso godermelo comunque. Ho già fatto sei mila passi oggi, mi sento fresca e potente.
Non ho ancora mangiato niente perché abbiamo iniziato a seguire una "dieta", si chiama digiuno intermittente. In realtà è più uno stile di vita. Finora possiamo mangiare senza problemi dalle mezzogiorno alle otto di sera. Non ho fame così tanto.
Dopo che pranzeremo guardaremo un episodio di una serie TV, e poi leggerò un po'. Continuerò a leggere il libro di Stephen King, lo stesso libro da ieri.
Ho bisogno di giorni come questi altrimenti mi sentirei triste e stressata.
Da domani ritorno a lavoro, spero che il tempo vola. A volte lavorare è stancante ma le bollette vengono comunque. Mi piace ciò che faccio al lavoro ma il problema è che io lavoro in modo stressante questi giorni. Altri colleghi non lavorano così tanto ma non me ne preoccupo.
March 7, 2023
Melbourne est appelée la capitale sportive de l’Australie. Un titre dont les habitants de Melbourne sont très fiers et que l ville mérite bien. Chaque année, le calendrier sportif commence avec l’Open de Australie qui est l’un des grands chelems du tennis: il se déroule à la mi-janvier.
En mars, le plus grand événement est le «Super Rugby». Nous sommes ici à Melbourne pour regarder cette compétition. 3 équipes australiennes et 3 équipes néo-zélandaises s’affrontent. C’est suivi à près par le Grand Prix : la grande course de voitures, similaire à celle de Monaco.
Melbourne est également le siège du «Australian Football League». C’est un type de foot et j’ai entendu dire qu’il n’est joué qu’en Australie. Nous l’appelons affectueusement «Aussi Rules». Les habitants de Melbourne sont accros de ce sport et chaque match hebdomadaire est regardé par au moins de 50 000 spectateurs. Les stades sont remplis de fans fous, criant et applaudissant.
Alors, je ne peux pas terminer ce résumé sans mentionner le cricket, un autre sport très populaire à Melbourne et partout en Australie. Le «Boxing Day Test Match » a lieu chaque année après Noël et c’est un match qui dure 5 jours ! Incroyable non !
March 7, 2023
Your salary = Your Time, skill or talent
If you are happy about your salary.
Please do take a moment and read what I am going to say.
I think your salary equal to what you offer to the company.
Or what the company willing to pay for such position.
My current job don’t require high qualification, you just follow the instruction.
So, the salary is low because you only provide your time to the company.
I also working as salesman before.
If I can find new customers, I can enjoy extra money.
But if I can’t find new customers, I will get fire soon.
At the end, I do think this is a fair treat for my boss and me.
You think so?
March 7, 2023
Your salary = Your Time, skill or talent
If you are happy about your salary.
Please do take a moment and read what I am going to say.
I think your salary equal to what you offer to the company.
Or what the company willing to pay for such position.
My current job don’t require high qualification, you just follow the instruction.
So, the salary is low because you only provide your time to the company.
I also working as salesman before.
If I can find new customers, I can enjoy extra money.
But if I can’t find new customers, I will get fire soon.
At the end, I do think this is a fair treat for my boss and me.
You think so?
March 7, 2023
La semaine dernière, j'ai eu l’opportunité de participer à un concours de cuisine. Il s'agit d'un immense honneur car je représentait tous les membres de ma classe pour rivaliser avec les meilleurs étudiants de différentes régions du pays. Au début, je me sentais extrêmement nerveux. Toutefois, grâce la présence de ma mèrè et sa motivation, j’ai dépassé bien tous les obstacles mentaux et j’ai réussi à cuisiner le « pho », un plat traditionnel vietnamien. En le cuisinant, je voudrais promouvoir la culture vietnamienne aux Européens et donc démontrer que la cuisine vietnamienne était aussi savoureuse que celle des autres pays. Bien que je ne soit pas le gagnant, j'étais extrêmement ravi d'être le seul étudiant asiatique qui présentait un des spécialités Vietnamiens devant les juges. J’ai vraiment apprécié cette expérience car elle m'a permis d'approfondir mes connaissances sur la cuisine du monde et m'a offert la chance d'entrer en contact avec de nombreux chefs talentueux que j'admirais considérablement.
07:19:50 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)