sappyginger's avatar

April 23, 2023

Was sollte/muss man bei Ihnen tun. Was darf man nicht?

1. Musik darf am Stand laut nicht abgespielt werden. Laute Musik ist am Strand nicht abzuspielen.
2. Müll darf auf der Straße nicht verstreuet werden. Müll ist auf der Straße nicht zu verstreuen.
3. Lehrer und Lehrerinnen sollten in der Schule zugehört werden. Lehrer und Lehrerinnen sind in der Schule zuzuhören.
4. Fotos sollten in heilligen Stätten ohne Erlaubnis nicht geschossen/gemacht werden. Fotos sind in heilligen Stätten ohne Erlaubnis nicht zu schiessen/machen.
5. Bei einer Beerdigung sollte der traditionelle Trauergesang gesungen werden. Bei einer Beerdigung ist der traditionelle Trauergesang zu singen.
6. Wenn Gäste zu Besuch kommen, sollten ihnen Essen und Trinken angeboten werden. Wenn Gäste zu Besuch kommen, sind ihnen Essen und Trinken anzubieten.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

April 23, 2023

My Opinion on Telecom Fraud(5)- The Battle Is on

Many victims have been rescued by volunteers from Cambodia. As soon as they return to Taiwan, the local authority would check and question each of them carefully, that's not only due to the health problem concerns but also want to determine why and how they were trapped in this country.

One of the most astonishing findings was that some of the people who claimed to be seeking help were actually real criminals. They had been planted by criminal groups, concealing their true identities and aiming to learn how the police conducted their rescues. Thereafter, the criminals quickly adjust their operations, making it increasingly difficult to save people from their grasp.

Additionally, according to a BBC report, the trapped people from Taiwan only estimated at around 5% of the total. The majority of the victims are from China, with a few from India, Malaysia, and other countries.

leeekayi's avatar

April 23, 2023

15 & 16. ¿Tienes tiempo para todo?

Mi repuesta es honestamente “no soy superwoman y no tengo tiempo para todo”.
El mes de abril , tengo muchos proyectos a cumplir porque la fecha límite es el final de este mes. Además, todo mundo commence a hacer la revisión para el examen final pero yo, no hago nada todavia. Además de la cosa de la universidad, debo aprender los idiomas. No quiero olvidar el francés, el español etc. Encima de eso, en mi lista, incluye también limpiar mi casa, cocinar, hacer ejercicio … Entonces, no tengo tiempo para mis amigos y mi familia, sin mencionar de tiempo para hacer nada.
Estaba un poco estresada la semana pasada, pero ahora estoy bien porque terminé una grande parte de cosas en mi lista esta semana. Entonces, el fin, tengo tiempo para hacer otras cosas de mi lista. ¡Jaja!, para mí, la mejora manara de descansarme es terminar las cosas que me estresan. Bueno, tomar un té, de ir a la montaña y desconectar de todo me ayudan a descansarme pero esos no son pratiques de alejarse de la problema.
Por lo tanto, es muy importante de priorizar algunas cosas más que otras para tenir suficiente tiempo de hacer “todo”. Como para mí, los idiomas son bastante importantes en mi vida ahora, entonces, no prefiero los sacrifier para tenir mas tiempo de revisión, aunque hago menos cuando estoy muy ocupada. Digo siempre a des amigos que me quejan que no tienen tiempo para estudiar el idioma que “sí, tu tienes tiempo para estudiar el francés si eras passionnante en este idioma.” Además, para todo, la salud es la mas importante y entonces, debo poner de tiempo para hacer ejercicio, para dormir.
En el triangulo de tiempo, dice que solo pode tener dos ápices de los tres: sueño, vida social et estudio/ trabajo, entonces se trata realmente de prioridades y de a qué decide ponerle más atención. Escogí el sueño y estudio/ trabajo, pero eso no significa que abandoné mi vida social. Siempre tengo tiempo para mis amigos y mi familia si necesitan y estoy segura que me entiendan porque ellos son ocupados también, ¡jaja!

sleepysdsu's avatar

April 23, 2023

留学をする仕方 (大学の作文)

1. 紹介

2. お申し込みの前に

3. 申し込み方法


4. 準備

5. 最後に

journalstudy abroadessay
knightsjohn2's avatar

April 22, 2023

Traducción 90

Damasco, 18 de abril (CNA)--
El presidente de Síria, Bashar Al-Ássad, recibió hoy una visita del ministro de Exteriores de Arabia Saudí en
la capital, Damasco, que se ha empezado la relación diplomática bilaterales que hace década sin contacto. Arabia Saudí y Irán han recuperado su relación diplomática hace unas semanas.

Según AFP, es la primera visita de el funcionario de Arabia Saudí a Damasco desde la guerra civil en Siria empezaba el año 2011. Esta visita presenta una nueva relación entre Damasco y Riad.

Según un medico nacional de Siria, SANA, Ássad indicó en el encuentro que :“ Una buena relación entre Siria
y Arabia Saudí debería ser normal. La relación buena no solo beneficia a ambos países, sino también al mundo de Arabia y a esta zona."

knightsjohn2's avatar

April 22, 2023

Traducción de examen

En los últimos día, YouTube fue boicoteado por unas 250 empresas, ya que sus anuncios comerciales demuestran a menudo en los sitios web de discursos extremos o de la noticia falsa, que hace Google tener la supervisión con cuidado "sus socios tomaban sus anuncios comerciales." En el pide de los países de la UE a Facebook y Google, se colaboran activamente con otros grupos en el filtro de los sitios web de la noticia falsa, para que disminuya su impacto. La noticia falsa no es "un" problema, sino “una serie" de problemas, la cual incluye los problemas como la conversación extrema en la comunidad social, el valor de anuncios comerciales en el internet, el sistema de emitir informaciones diversas y la construcción un sistema de la responsabilidad de los medios. Además, los problemas incluyen como responder a monopolio del foro social, tanto competencias como Facebook y Google
Google que se fueron revisaban por la UE, haciéndoles sen la responsabilidad pública sobre la información. Si manejáramos el fenómeno de la noticia falsa, construiríamos un espacio público con la confianza.

veronika's avatar

April 22, 2023


Ciao Sophie,

Come stai? Com’è la tua preparazione dalla maturità? Io sto bene. Sono molto felice che ha scritto tutti i miei esami.

Questo l’articolo che hai mandato è scritto dalla giornalista Parvis Sadigh e tratta dallo nuovo soggetto scolastico cambiamento climatico.
Secondo l’autrice i cambiamento climatico è un tema molto importante per i giovani. È anche una parte dai tanti aree come politica, storie ed economia. Questo insegna i giovani il comportamento corretto nei confronti della natura. Ma non solo questo problema anche tanti l’altri porta dallo plan a immettere il soggetto nuovo. Com’è con l’economia. Con questo modo non risolviamo i problemi ma diciamo dai nostri bambini che questo non è i loro problemi. Inoltre tanti questi soggetti futuri come economia, nutrizione o cambiamento climatico saranno i nuovi ori nel orario scolastico che già oggi è completo.
Un altro problema sono gli insegnanti non qualificati, che insegnano il soggetto che non hanno studiato. Inoltre ha la georgrafia in tanti stati tedeschi diversi temi e arie di studiare. Non sono i capitali dei paesi più ma diversi temi dai soggetti altri.
L’autrice perla dei progetti per i studenti che possono durare quattro settimane dove si può studiare tanti temi in tutte le sue aree. Ma è difficile da realizzare perché è bisogno dai più tanti ori e più tanti insegnanti.

Spero che ti ho aitutato con l’articolo e puoi presentare nel tuo club.
Tua Veronika

shadowfax26's avatar

April 22, 2023


Ho una giornata di relax oggi. La scorsa sera abbiamo visto un film rumeno e ne siamo stati impressionati. Il film era sulla vita dei tassisti a Bucarest e sulle loro relazioni in generale. Non ho visto un film rumeno da molto tempo. Direi che era davvero buono.

Ieri pomeriggio siamo andati da papà e abbiamo festeggiato in anticipo il mio compleanno ( dato che lavoro quel giorno ) e ci siamo raccontati varie storie.

Stamattina ( dopo che mi sveglierò ), mi eserciterò su Duolingo per continuare la serie. Spero che sarà a un livello più alto entro l'estate.

Vado a dormire adesso, sogni d'oro a me!

W_K's avatar

April 22, 2023

La danse des abeilles

Je suis apiculteur, entre autres activités (touche à tout et bon à rien, c’est moi). Ça me permet d’observer la vie des abeilles, des créatures très bien organisées et intelligentes. Elles communiquent en dansant. L’humanité devrait le faire aussi. Peut-être la communication serait moins précise, mais notre vie quotidienne — beaucoup plus agréable. Imaginez quelqu'un essayant d'exprimer : « Les côtes de porc sont en promotion » en dansant !

courageuse19's avatar

April 22, 2023

Writing Challenge, Day 203

Today is day 203 of my daily English writing challenge. I'll film three recipes because I have to poste on Tik Tok as soon.

courageuse19's avatar

April 22, 2023

Día 173 de mi reto

Hoy es el día 173 de mi reto de español. Mañana mi vicena va a vistarme, entonces tengo que preparar muchos de dulces y pastel.

BlackGlasses's avatar

April 22, 2023



cute_hoglet's avatar

April 22, 2023

Aprendo palabras a través de frases escritas

1) Este otoño parece ser triste.
2) Me gusta caminar con mis amigas.
3) No juego baluncesto.
4) Primavera y otoño son mis estaciónes preferidas.
5) Cuando era niña, escribí unos poemas hermosos.
6) No quiero una pareja
7) Mi cama es mucho grande.
8) No juego videojuegos
9) Soy mucho feliza con mi gata.
10) Mi bolso es marrón.
11) En mi dormitorio está una cama.
12) No me gusta bebecitos porque ellos son fuerte (especialmente por la noche).
13) Adoro edificios antiguos que tienen una historia interesante.
14) El borrador está encima de la mi mesa.
15) Me veo como una princesa en mi vestido.

isaac's avatar

April 22, 2023

Student exchange program

Our class has taken part into an exchange program with students from the secondary school in the North of London during two months. Despite the huge change for me, generally speaking, it has been a wonderful experience to remember.
At first, since our school is located in a small town, I felt a little bit scared (I was not able to sleep the night before the flight). Nonetheless, after that I realised that there were no real reason to be worried about, as me and my classmates were received like new students, that is to say, with curiosity but charmly.
We were said that their climate is wet and cold, so I supposed them not to play outdoors, yet for my suprise, I found that they have a lot of facilities, such as sport halls, where they can do sports like soocer, basketball and even tennis. So, despite of that last fact, they are similar to us in their way to have fun.
Regarding the host family, I was treated as their little, who was living with my family in Spain. The first two days I was unable to speak, more for shyness than language, after which I became very familiar with them and my host big brother Paul. Besides his help with some idioms and pronunciation, he also showed me some interesting places, as the biggest skatepark in the city. I was amazed by this facility, as well as, how many children at my age practise skateboard there and their skills.
All in all, in spite of my start there, I would highly recommend to future students to participate, not only to improve their English, but also in order to get to know another country and culture, and discover that it is possible to have fun far away from home too.

beaujacques_chevalhomme's avatar

April 22, 2023

Un groupe néo-zélandais

Hier, je suis allé à un concert avec un groupe néo-zélandais que j'aime beaucoup. Je m'attendais à ce qu'il soit bien, mais il a fortement dépassé mes espérances. J'étais frappé à quel point ils avait prévu tout pour la performance, chaque chanson était plus impressionnante que la dernière. Pourtant, ce n'était pas une performance ostentatoire, avec beaucoup de lumières ou du confetti ; simplement, tous c'était au bon moment et les artistes jouaient de leurs instruments avec un talent remarquable.

beaujacques_chevalhomme's avatar

April 22, 2023

Le Parlement européen passe une réforme du marché carbone

La Parlement européen vient de passer une réforme qui vise à renforcer le marché européen des quotas d’émissions. C’est une étape importante pour accélérer la décarbonisation de l’Europe, parce qu’il pousse les industries les plus polluant de baisser leurs émissions rapidement pour ne pas devoir payer des impôts lourds. De cette réforme, ce que je trouve particulièrement important et bien réfléchi est le « mécanisme d’ajustement carbone aux frontières », qui fait que les importations dans l’Union européen doivent aussi respecter les standards du marché européen. Si les émissions pendant la fabrication d’un produit sont en excès des standards européens, l’importateur doit acheter un certificat d’émissions en Europe, ou payer la différence entre son prix sur le marché carbone en Europe et le pays d’origine. Ce que j’espère augmenterait la conformité avec les règles, et éviterais que l’industrie fuie l’UE. Par contre, l’extension progressive du marché carbone au carburant pour les véhicules et le chauffage risque d’avoir des conséquences lourdes sur les plus précaires, si le « Fonds social pour le climat », prévenir pour éviter tels conséquences, n’est pas utilisé avec prudence.

beaujacques_chevalhomme's avatar

April 22, 2023

Je n’ai pas d’accent

En tant que personne avec un accent américain du Midwest, je me retrouve bien dans ce post. C’est vrai que l’accent avec lequel je parle est souvent qualifié comme « neutre » ou même « pas d’accent », parce que c’est plus ou moins l’accent de prestige aux États-Unis. Mais, à mon avis, cette qualification correspond à un manque de réflexion ; bien sûr que je ne parle qu’avec un accent parmi d’autres. De toute façon, en parlant de réflexion, je me suis rendu compte récemment que j’ai encore quelques préjugés en ce qui concerne les accents. Je trouve que nous américains sommes souvent fiers de notre tolérance par rapport aux accents étrangers en anglais, parce qu’il y a tellement d'immigrants aux États-Unis, et qu’il faut adapter. Bon, c’est aussi facile d’être permissif à l’égard des accents quand sa langue est la langue de mondialisation, qu’il faut que tout le monde utilise, mais je digresse. Pourtant, je trouve qu’on arrive à être prompt à porter des jugements sur autres qui parle avec un accent américain régional, y compris moi-même de temps en temps. Donc, c’est une chose à laquelle bien réfléchir.

NB : je réponds à un texte d'un autre participant, d'où la référence à « ce post ».

isaac's avatar

April 22, 2023

Methods of economising local library services

The arise of the internet and subsequently ebooks has lead libraries to a second term, since they are often used for certain students who prefer this place to concentrate. That is the reason why the local government has proposed to reduce costs in this service as another measure against economic crisis.
In order to achieve such aim, two ideas has been suggested, that is, reduce the opening hours and look for compromised people interested in being volunteers.
Nowadays the local library open from 9am to 9pm, which is far from making sense, as in the mornings students attend their lessons and few people come, not to mention that those who do it just read the newspapers. Therefore, it would be more reasonable to open just during the afternoon as to be useful for whom really need it. That idea would contribute to reduce significantly the expenses by half.
In regards to ask for volunteers to do the same tasks than librarians, that would be an unpopular strategy to economise. It would imply to dismiss most of the current workers, except from the head of the library. Furthermore, even though most of the time librarians in a lower position do not usually make use of their knowledge, this is indispensable to help users to find the proper information or encourage them to read. This is a task that even the most cultured volunteer is not qualified to do.
To sum up, the best solution to cut down on costs would be open the library when it is really necessary. On the contrary, volunteering in the library would turn into a unpopular move, specially because of those workers who would be directly affected for such measure.

isaac's avatar

April 22, 2023

Letter to a friend who start her first job

Hi Maria,
I recently heard of you. How are you going? Is it true you are on the point of starting a new job in the kitchen of the local restaurant here? These are really good news.
There is nothing special you have to be worried about, as you will be working in the lowest position, so you don’t need a good knowledge about cookery. Basically, you will have to cut and peel vegetables, as well as, clean tons of dishes. I am not an expert in the world of work. I have been working in a bar as a kitchen help for four months so far, but after your first week you will find it all very automatic. I rely on your manual skills for this job, as you are a very energetic person, and that’s the main requirement you will have to meet for your boss.
As you probably know, you should expect a lot of working hours and workload, but not a great salary. Although that‘s more than enough for you. You don’t need to move on to another city, so I suppose you will still be living with your parents.
Apart from what I tell you before, a great deal of patience is very important. You won’t be the first person to deal with a boss who lacks of empathy. This job is often more to do with psychology than physical demands.
I wish all my information in firsthand help you at least to feel more relaxed.
See you soon! I hope you can find some time to spend together and relax from working

isaac's avatar

April 22, 2023

Student trip project

Currently, people live in a technology overdependent world, specially youth and teenage. They do not actually even know how to do certain tasks, in other historical moment, it woud be taken for granted, such as, prepare fire, food and more importantly, work in a team. That is the main reason behind the project it will described below.
There are two principal aims in this project, that is, encouraging student to be more self-sufficient and make them realise how important is to participate in a group to achieve a common goal.
According to the first topic, students will have to be able to set a fire, search for food and find the most appropiate materials to build a basic refugee to spend the night in. Those activities are interesting in order to improve their self-confidende and manual skills without using any kind of technology. Nonetheless, in this sense, the experience will not be reminded by the students in a different way than they would do having a trip in a natural park.
Most noticeable will be the social and cooperative skills they will gain, since these are useful towards their future, particularly, to work in group. They need to learn to communicate with different people and deal with misunderstandings. Otherwise, they will not be capable of achieving their goals, as there are not enough time to prepare them properly. Therefore communication and creativity will be indispensable between the different participants.
All in all, the most remarkable and useful learning after this activity will be, by far, social habilities, which are required in a teamwork, not to mention in other contexts of our life.

isaac's avatar

April 22, 2023

Music festival at "Morón"

Music festival at "Morón"

Reasons for a local music festival
Our village is not particularly the typical destination for tourists to choose, even for andalusian people. There is nothing notable, specially for youth, beyond some areas to practice climbing and the historical centre. Therefore, an interesting way to put end to this situation would be creating a music festival. In regards to the costs associated to such an important event, it should be stated that these are mostly covered by the company publically elected to be in charge of it, and remaining costs will be derived from statal public funds for culture.

Possible place and music events
According to the place, the best option, by far, is the empty fields in the outskirts next to the motorway, since citizens would not be affected for noise and related problems (as it is stated below in this proposal) and the public would not get lost.
Because of the enormous space for the event to take place, the best option to gather as much and diverse public as possible would be settling four stages for different kind of music: rock, electronic, reggaeton and rap. These are the most demanded for young people.

Disadvantages and solutions
The main issue linked to the festival could be alcohol consumption and use of drugs. To minimize the effects of it, a police reinforcement would be required during this time. Costs of which will come from the company in charge of the festival. Furthermore, one of the requirements to access to this public contract should be contributing with an additional private security group.
Whenever the company elected follows the instructions and rules to organize the festival, this event will result in an important platform so as to attract people to our village and improve the local economy.

isaac's avatar

April 22, 2023

The advantages of working from home (essay)

The workplace has experienced a huge change enormously since the arrival of new technologies, specially concerning the tools and, more recently, motivated mainly during the Covid outbreak in 2020, due to a noticeable rise in online jobs.
In this sense, it is worth mentioning there are two important advantages which encourage potential workers to choose this path, that is, working at home and flexibility.
Accordingly to the first item, it implies not to travel to the place of work, which results in saving cost both for employee and company (as they do not have to pay maintenance costs like electricity). Of course, there could be many elements at home distracting our attention, particularly in case of having a baby. Nonetheless, setting a good place to work would allow us to be more focus on it, as well as, take much more advantages of our breaks.
Flexibility is usually the main claim that companies do in order to attract new staff. They often state that „you will be able to work whenever you want during the day“. Nevertheless, this apparently favorable situation might turn into more time at work for the same task, since the more one split the daily timetable the more time it will be necessary to complete such duty.
In conclusion, after considering both options, one could benefit much more from teleworking because of not having to travel to the office, that is to say, stay at home.

bestj's avatar

April 22, 2023



traveller_turtle's avatar

April 22, 2023

Une histoire d'horreur (partie 1)

Cinq années plus tôt, j’ai fait du camping avec mes amis dans le montagne. Nous étions épuissés après une longue journée de randonnée, donc nous avons mangé le dîner rapidement et montés le tente pour nous nous sommes couchés.

Tout allait bien et nous avons presque endormis, sauf que soudainment j’ai rendu compte que ma lampe de poche est perdu. Je l’ai chercher partout dans le tente mais je n’ai pas la rétrouvé. « Peut-être c’est dehors aux toilettes » mon amie m’a dit. J'ai pensé qu'elle avait raison, donc j’ai sorti du tente.

echoooo's avatar

April 22, 2023

Lesson design. Please help me!thanksss

Lesson Design
Lead-in: Question
How to give a professional presentation
about your company?
Lead-in: Goal of class
1 Get more familiar with the scene: Meeting clients for the first time
2 Get more familiar with the introduction of the company and the products
3 Learn new vocabulary and expressions
4 Learn more about presentation skills
Warm-up: Question
Q1: One impressive experience of business presentation?
Q2: What do you want to know in the first presentation of one company?
Presentation Case:  Structure
Presentation Case: Content
1.1 Greeting: Good morning, everyone.
1.2 Self-Introduction:  My name is Olivia and I’m the head of the international sales department at Shein. 
1.3 Goal of Pre: I am delighted to have the opportunity to give you a brief overview of our company. And let’s see what we can do together of our business.
2.1 Company introduction: First of all, let me start by telling you some background information about our company. Founded in 2008 , Shein is  one of the fastest-growing online fashion retailers in the world. We are headquartered in Nanjing and have expanded our business into more than 200 countries.  We have a team of more than 10,000 employees globally, including a group of talented designers who continuously work to create unique and stylish designs. Our mission is to provide customers with the latest fashion trends at an affordable price without compromising quality. 
2.2 Product: Now, let me give you a brief overview of our product line. We offer a wide range of products, including women's clothing, men’s wear, children's clothing, and accessories. With over 20,000 styles  to choose from, customers can easily find exactly what they are looking for. We are committed to providing high-quality products to customers around the world. And with over 15 years’ experience, we have established long-term partnerships with many suppliers, allowing us to offer our products at low prices.
2.3 Service: In addition to trendy, affordable, and quality fashion products, we also provide an excellent customer experience. Shein’s website offers a user-friendly interface with a smooth checkout process and we are always available to answer any questions that you may have. Besides, the company collaborates with influencers from diverse backgrounds and body shapes to create size-inclusive clothing lines to provide an inclusive shopping experience.
3.1 Conclusion: In conclusion, Shein is a fashion e-commerce platform that delivers stylish and affordable fashion products to fashion-conscious customers worldwide. And we believe that Shein is the perfect partner for your business needs.
3.2 Q&A: Thank you for your attention, and please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Question group
Question from Customers:
What is your main business?
Where are you located and how many staffs do you have?
How about the annual sales value?
How many production lines and capacity do you have?
Do you have certificate of XXX?
Have you exported to USA/Europe/Japan?
How about the MOQ and usual lead time?
Question for Customers:
Where are you from?
What is your main business?
How many years have you been in this field?
May I know where are you buying from? Have you ever bought from China before?
Which markets are you selling XXX to?
What is your sales mode? Wholesale or retail? How many stores do you have?
How about the market situation in your place in recent 2-5 years?
Review and Feedback
Q1: What we’ve discussed about in this lesson?
Q2: How do you evaluate this lesson?
Q3: What do you think of  your learning effect?
Q4: Any suggestions for the next lesson?