Romany's avatar

April 28, 2023

Brandy : une chienne bien aimée

Brandy vit dans notre rue et appartient à ma voisine. Brandy, une chienne très aimée, est très mignonne. Je ne suis pas certaine de sa race. C’est une chienne de sauvetage que ma voisine a récupéré dans un refuge pour animaux. Quand je regarde Brandy, j’imagine qu’elle est un mélange de plusieurs races : de caniche, de beagle et bien d’autres encore.

Brandy est noir avec des taches blanches. Même si, elle a 12 ans, elle était active et espiègle, jouant toujours dans le jardin avec ses jouets. Elle remuait toujours la queue et il me semble qu’elle souriait tous le temps. L’année dernière, elle est tombée malade. Elle ne pouvait pas marcher ou dormir et était très agitée. Ma voisine l’a montrée au vétérinaire. D’abord, il a pensé que Brandy n’était que déshydratée. Ensuite, il a déclaré que peut-être elle avait une tumeur. Après avoir effectué plus de tests, il croyait qu’elle souffrait de démence. Honnêtement, je pensais que le vétérinaire n’en avait aucune idée. Finalement, les tests ont confirmé que Brandy avait un cancer et il a prescrit les médicaments.

Grâce aux médicaments, Brandy semblait aller mieux. Je la voyais dans le jardin avec ses jouets. Malheureusement, la semaine dernière, ma voisine m’a dit que Brandy est encore tombée malade et ma voisine avait peur que le cancer se soit propagé. Le vétérinaire en qui je n’ai aucune confiance, a affirmé que la fin est proche et ma voisine se prépare au pire.

cthylla's avatar

April 28, 2023

Сообщения (7)

- Я фанатка мексику еду.
+ Тебе понравится пляжи.
- Мне не нравится пляжи, назови меня странной (=call me weird).
+ Как тебе нравится чили?
- Мексики чили просто нереально классно! Мне нравится почти всё, кроме тахин ('tajín', not 'tahini'). Не понимаю почему кто-нибудь подумал 'ммм, этот вкусно фрукт нужно быть острым. О, да, давайте добавим чили с худшим вкусом тоже, так что этот вкусный фрукт будет полностью испорчен'.
+ Тахин очень классный ахаха, а также чамой (chamoy). В Испании вы едите фрукты без чили?
- Конечно! Как и остальной мир, в основном (=like the rest of the world, basically).
Я никогда не попыталась чамой, но хочу. Не знаю, где я бы смогла это найти здесь. Звучит вкусно.
+ Моя мама всегда готовит странную еду. Например, она вчера приготовила рыбу с манговым соусом.
- Тебе нравится, что твоя мама готовит?
+ Ну да. А тебе нравится, что твоя мама готовит?
- Нет))

kafs's avatar

April 28, 2023



Sorting files from yesterday’s pictorial:
•I’d check the email if there are students that want to change their chosen pictures.
•I’d encode their chosen pictures from their J.O.’s into the pc.
-I’d add something at the end of the chosen picture filename to indicate that it’s the photo they chose.
-I’d create a folder and I’ll put only chosen photos from yesterday’s pictorial.
•After I encode the chosen pictures, I will now transfer it into our backup drives.
•I’d create a batch of only chosen pictures of a certain date and give it to the editors.
•If there is a pictorial like the Makati, SHS, or White Coat, Sir Abe will give me an Excel spreadsheet where I’ll put the chosen photos of the students.

•The photographer will hand me the sd card along the J.O. of the students after their photoshoot is finished.
•I’d copy the contents of the sd card into the pc and create another folder named *student name* and that’s where I’ll put his/her pictures.
•I’d call the student if his/her pictures are ready for viewing.
•I’d tell the student that I called for viewing to fill-out on the pictorial sheet.
•I’d open the pictures for them and tell the student to choose one photo per set (e.g., 3 sets of pictures for Legacy, 5 Sets for Silver, and 6 Sets for Platinum) that they want to be printed out.
•After they choose, if they availed the free magazine promo, I’ll open the photos they chose (except white background toga) and among those, they’ll choose 1 picture that they want for their magazine cover.
•I’d ask whether they brought a flash drive or not. (I’ll give their raw pictures)
•I’d now transfer the photos to them; If they don’t have a flash drive, I’ll send the pictures to their email through Google Drive.

•I sometimes would cut/frame pictures if they’re all busy and there’s a student claiming a picture that is in studio but not ready.
•I sometimes assist students when they’re taking the printed copies of their graduation pictorial.
•I sometimes would set-up selfie booth and assist the students how to operate that thing.

Scarlett_Father's avatar

April 28, 2023

Death in Western Movies

I have seen some Western movies which focus on the late 19th to early 20th century, generally in the far West of America.

It appears the kind cowboys and notorious criminals were easy to die due to fighting or shooting each other, even leading to a whole family was made to perish. They didn't show any sympathy for the deceased. Owning some doubts about the large amount of death from the films, I have searched on the internet want to discover some unknown reason. I found that's not an actual thing in real Western lands during the period.

In fact, regardless of whether they were ordinary citizens, cowboys, police, and even notorious criminals, all tried their best to avoid any conflicts with each other. Especially didn't use guns unless inevitable.

Human lives were respected and regarded as precious more than today in the barren western lands. The scenes we saw in the cinema were largely exaggerated.

juestebanmar's avatar

April 28, 2023



bletillastriata's avatar

April 28, 2023

الأبريل فين؟

(يرجى ملاحظة: أنا مبكتبش بالفصحى علشان أنا عايز أزاول الكتابة بالعامية، بالتحديد بالمصري.)

اليوم هو الجمعة ٢٨ أبريل وبالنسبة لي ده يصعب تصديقه علشان بأشعر أبريل بدأ من وقت مش ببعيد. كنت مشغول جدا كل الشهر فالوقت مر بسرعة ههه. على أي حال، الشهر المقبل أنا عايز أكتب بالفعل كل يوم إن شا الله

mona's avatar

April 27, 2023

¿Qué es lo que más te gusta y más detestas de tu país?

Soy francesa y vivo actualmente en Escocia.

Lo que mas me gusta con la Francia es su amor por los productos locales y artesanales. Echo de menos el queso fresco, o recoger los albaricoques salvajes. Viniendo desde el sur, cerca la frontera espanola tambien extrano partir en las montanas, ver paisajes diferentes en menos de una hora de distancia uno del otros. Puede elegir entre la frescura de los Pirineos, los castillos medievales en Carcasona o il mare Mediterraneo hacia la ciudad de Perpignan. Adoro el cine y me gustan el sarcasmo, la classe, la melancolia y el humor de los actores frances.

Lo que me disgusta mas es la presuncion de algunos. Los tiempos cambian pero lo recuerdo asi. No soporto el calor del sur. El servicios tambien es otra historia! El frances casi nunca esta de buen humor por trabajar y sabe defenderse.

Aqui esta mi opinion sobre la francia.

joaorocha's avatar

April 27, 2023

Sentences, April 27th, 2023.

Men normally don't use to spend hours picking out a suitable clothing in each accasion as women normally do. It save us a lot of time, mainly when we are rush.
I got afistrate product, the way as you like. D o you whant to buy it? Needless to say that you can return it if you don't like. But I'll give you a certainly, You'll see the results straight forward.
Our unaware thoughts can play acausal role in many issues in our lives, without we even figure it out. They are, many times, the invisible force that drives our motivation, or the lack of them.
When this thoughts get long enough maneging somebody's behaviour, the things can go from bat to worse leading the person towards a pit called depression.
This morning my wife hug me from my back, lifted me up and knocked me on the floor, falling down with me too.
Forget it, I'll not finish it overnigh, it really takes long. I think you going to spend about two years working on it.

BlackGlasses's avatar

April 27, 2023



cyril's avatar

April 27, 2023


(I found 御匙 on this website : But I wasn't able to write it by my own with my keyboard, do you know why ?)

westudy_99999's avatar

April 27, 2023

La petite torture

La petite tortue est petite et mignonne. La petite tortue sort lentement de sa coquille, qui est sa armure. Avec deux bandes rouges de chaque côté de la tête, rouges comme le feu. Elle a de petits yeux comme des perles noires ou vertes, un nez pointu et une bouche minuscule.
elle étend ses pattes courts et étire sa queue fine, et rampe autour du balcon .

sergio's avatar

April 27, 2023

Formal Email 3

To whom it may concern,
My name is Sergio and I am a member of the club. I am writing in reply to the email which was sent to all of the members yesterday. I would like to express my thoughts about this issue. I consider that this challenging situation must be addressed as soon as possible. For this reason, I would like to give you some solutions about how to approach it. To solve the economic matter, we have reached an agreement to pay an extra fee for the club membership. Additionally, we would like to prepare a meeting to discuss the sponsor's issue further. We hope this will be taken into account, as we cherish all the moments and experiences we have shared together. Be that as it may, I believe it is important to take action quickly and find a solution that benefits everyone. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and please let me know if there is any further information or support that I can provide.
Yours sincerely, Sergio.

sho's avatar

April 27, 2023

Conversations about men's perspective 6

Is there a way to say these sentences more naturally?
I'd like to speak English more naturally and not sound like a textbook. 🙇‍♂️
Since this is casual conversation, there is no need to correct mistakes in capitalization, casing, or forgetting to type a period. Also, sorry for the length.🙏

Which name would you like your girlfriend to call you?
I already know.
That's kind of tough actually.
All right. I think I get it.
Three two one.
Okay. Wait!
Am I the odd one out this time? Are you kidding me?
You, are... explain!
I mean I just like to be called my name.
I like that too, though like I like being called my name but also babe on top of it is nice. Because that's just a level of intimacy that you don't have with anyone else.
Yeah, that's true. I like the special privilege. It should be called like something different. That's why I went with baby.
Yeah, same here.
What do you usually use?
I always say my love.
Does me too actually. I use love more than anything.
Babe. I used to use it. It feel so young.
Darling? I don't know who uses that. Who uses that. I've never heard of anyone actually use that, except for on television.
I'll say that ironically as a bit of a joke not in a serious way.
What did you pick?
Two. I've never dated anyone from overseas, so I've never been called babe and darling.
What are you usually called?
It's either my name or a nickname. I think nicknames are a good way to go. It's boring to have the same name every time. I like to call each other by whatever name we think is funny or cute. But if I had only the choices I want to be called "babe". I imagined it, and it's pretty good.

sho's avatar

April 27, 2023

Conversations about men's perspective 5

Is there a way to say these sentences more naturally?
I'd like to speak English more naturally and not sound like a textbook. 🙇‍♂️
Since this is casual conversation, there is no need to correct mistakes in capitalization, casing, or forgetting to type a period. Also, sorry for the length.🙏

Which is the most attractive?
Oh this is tough. This is actually tough but it's also kind of easy.
Like what makes her attractive technically, right?
Basically, yeah.
Okay. Three two one.
Oh, let's go.
I like how both of you were like *stares*
We gotta check on you. Can you imagine if he's like "3"? I'm like what!?
Haha. You have to vibe with the person.
Yeah, it's so sexy too. If you connect on the same level of humor, it's oh my god and it's such a nice feeling.
Just like it makes spending time with that person so much easier.
Yeah, so much easier yeah yeah.
Even if you guys don't typically share the same humor if you guys can understand each other, it's still like great. It's fashion can always be worked on.
Yeah, for sure.
Cocking like what?
Yeah, we can also work on that too but you can't really work on someone's humor. If i'm laughing, you like ... , it's like okay well I guess I gotta go. I guess I should leave, sorry for boring you with my date, you know.
Next one, next one.
Last one.
Noooo. This sucks the worst part of the day right here.

sho's avatar

April 27, 2023

Conversations about men's perspective 4

Is there a way to say these sentences more naturally?
I'd like to speak English more naturally and not sound like a textbook. 🙇‍♂️
Since this is casual conversation, there is no need to correct mistakes in capitalization, casing, or forgetting to type a period. Also, sorry for the length.🙏

Which is your favorite way to hold hands?
Oh, this is interesting. Have I ever thought of this, absolutely not.
Now that I see it actually I can see my favorite way of holding hands.
I think I got mine.
I kind of get mine.
Okay. Three two one.
Always you, man. Why you gotta be so different.
What's wrong with you guys.
You're the odd out here, man.
I was going to pick three.
Oh, really.
I like it sometime.
That's not the primary method, you know.
I feel it's cute. I mean I like it. But when I'm like typically holding hands, it's typically the lock.
Yeah, you got to lock it.
I don't want no one to break the boundaries. Also I'm nervous of my pinky.
I'm scared.
That it's going to rip off?
Yeah, I feel it's going to break. It's so fragile, you know. I don't know, I don't really like my pinky being held very much.
And, if it's not number two, it's usually number one.
Really. I can't do that.
Oh really? It's fine.
That's weird.
Oh no no no, this is like,
That's like a friend.
You hold hands like that with friend?
I get what you say. You don't always lock.
Yeah, you don't always lock and my fingers get tired of it.
Yeah, yeah. So the reason I picked three is because I don't like holding hands in general that much. I like when it's like just like for a minite or two locking it for a second and then release it again. Also I get sweaty hands very easily.
Me too. Me too. Me too. Me too.

sho's avatar

April 27, 2023

Conversations about men's perspective 3

Is there a way to say these sentences more naturally?
I'd like to speak English more naturally and not sound like a textbook. 🙇‍♂️
Since this is casual conversation, there is no need to correct mistakes in capitalization, casing, or forgetting to type a period. Also, sorry for the length.🙏

Which is your favorite hairstyle?
This is easy for me.
Really. This is tough for me.
I think I know.
Wait. Wait. Okay. I think I got it.
Three two one.
We're always kind of. You're always splitting from the pack, man. What did you pick?
I picked three. Actually I like long hair. That's why I like braids, I like ponytails, I like a messy bun but I like myself a nice ponytail, I don't know why. Ponytail for me.
I picked messy bun actually for that reason too though. I also like long hair. So when she's in a messy bun, it's pulled back a little bit and then she takes it out, pooh! What are do you doing.(Whatchu doing? )What are you doing, you know. And Japanese men like the nape of a woman's neck and me too that's why I chose three, which shows it more.
Why did you pick?
I just like that natural look. Like the look where it looks like she's not putting in too much work. So I really like that. And I don't like those braids so that's why it kind of.
Really. I like them all, to be honest.

sho's avatar

April 27, 2023

Conversations about men's perspective 2

Is there a way to say these sentences more naturally?
I'd like to speak English more naturally and not sound like a textbook. 🙇‍♂️
Since this is casual conversation, there is no need to correct mistakes in capitalization, casing, or forgetting to type a period. Also, sorry for the length.🙏

Which clothes do you want women to wear to a party?
I know which one I'm not picking.
Me too.
For me, it's very obvious actually.
I guess I know what I'm picking.
Shall we?
Wait, wait, wait... Okay. Shall we.
Three two one.
Toshi, why two?
I guess it's like kind of classy. I like it. One and three I don't know. It just doesn't do it for me.
What did you pick?
What were you debating with?
Yeah, why? I think one is nice and gorgeous, and three is cute.
Oh, my gosh. Not three.
Definitely not three.
Three is like what?
Like what, are we cinderella.
No, what's wrong with Cinderella? I like Elle Fanning, and the moment I saw three, I pictured her in it. That's why I thought it was cute.
Why didn't you pick two?
Two is cool, but too cool for my taste.
Really. I think two is just... it just fits. I mean I can see 2 as, like, a throw-it-back party.
Two is like for any type.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you got it. I like it.

sho's avatar

April 27, 2023

Conversations about men's perspective

Is there a way to say these sentences more naturally?
I'd like to speak English more naturally and not sound like a textbook. 🙇‍♂️
Since this is casual conversation, there is no need to correct mistakes in capitalization, casing, or forgetting to type a period. Also, sorry for the length.🙏

Which place to go on an anniversary date?
That's a hard.
Now I'm ready.
Are you ready, too?
Yeah, I think I got it.
Okay. Three two one.
I chose theme park because I like fun stuff. That's all it is. I like fancy dinners and stuff too, but it's not really my style per se like I like to make things more sentimental.
I picked sunset dinner. Like fancy is that's not my world at all. A sunset dinner is more about the location. So you can also just have an onigiri actually. For example.
It's more about the time, the place. Maybe some music.
Yeah, that's true. You could kind of make it your own.
Yeah, exactly.
Righttt. Actually, I changed three. I got your idea. If I were a woman, I'd fall for you.
Right? haha

courageuse19's avatar

April 27, 2023

Día 178 de mi reto

Hoy es el día 178 de mi reto de español. Hoy compré nuevo auricular hasta poder hablando con i amigos por Skype.

courageuse19's avatar

April 27, 2023

Writing Challenge, Day 208

Today is day 208 of my daily English writing challenge. In my country the weather is hot since summer is approaching. Today I bought two new earphones until to able speaking with my friends over Skype.

sun111's avatar

April 27, 2023

Partire in vacanza

Para andare in vacanza, io preferisco totalmente andare in campagna, perché la campagna offre molti plus possibilità legate alla tranquillità e al dolce fare niente.
Per cominciare, la campagna è sempre più tranquilla che la città e anche offre un ambiente più rilassante. Inoltre, non ha tanto rumore e, con un po´ di fortuna, nessuno ci disturbi, perché non ci sono molte persone.
Quindi, se vuoi rilassarti, andate in campagna e dimentica la città.

tosha's avatar

April 27, 2023

L'oncle de Christian De Sica

Christian De Sica est un acteur comique italien. Avec son ami Massimo Boldi, il a joué dans beaucoup de "cinepanettoni" (des films comiques italiens qui sors pendant la période de Noël).

Son père était Vittorio De Sica, qui a été un acteur et réalisateur très apprécié. Les films les plus connus sont Sciuscià, Le Voleur de bicyclette, La ciociara et Mariage à l'italienne.
La mère de Christian De Sica était Maria Marcader, elle était une actrice espagnole. Elle a connu Vittorio pendant la réalisation d'un film, où il était metteur en scène. Il se sont mariés au Mexique, mais l'État italien n'avait pas reconnu leur union, parce qu’il avait divorcé de sa première femme, ainsi ils ont obtenu la citoyenneté française et ils se sont remarié à Paris.

La famille Marcader avait des origines aristocrates, mais Ramón Marcader, le frère de Maria, a été convaincu par les idées communistes, il est devenu un agent du NKVD (qui aujourd'hui nous connait comme KGB) et pour eux il a tué Lev Trotski.
Christian De Sica, un acteur connu pour son rôle de tombeur et de mari infidèle dans les cinepanettoni, est le neveu du tueur de Lev Trotski, la vie est pleine de surprises !

doer's avatar

April 27, 2023

Essere malato

Credo che stia diventando malato. Una delle mie amiche è stata malata la scorsa settimana e adesso, mi sento un po' stanco e ho mal di gola. Non so se potrò andar alla scuola domani. È la prima volta in mesi che sono malato. Sarebbe dovuto passare nella primavera? Avrebbe valso di più se fossi stato malato nel inverno quando ancora sarei rimasto in casa. Ma, non c'è niente che puoi fare per decidere quando cadi malato. Bisogna di accettare la situazione e aspettare migliori giorni.

vega1000's avatar

April 27, 2023

DELE A2 Prueba Escrita

Dónde está tu nuevo trabajo ? A qué hora tu nuevo trabajo ?
Conozco un restaurante en campo,5 kilómetros de centro.
La últimas vez que fui allí cuándo pasado semana, con mi novia.
MI favorita el pollo,muy rico y grande.
Su favorita el postre, el pastel de chocolate,muy dulce y grande.
Creo que tu gustan comer y beber .
¡Hasta pronto !

Ryu's avatar

April 27, 2023


≫ ジャーナルを見てくれてありがとうございます!これは、暇な時に書いてみた架空物語のオープニングのような物です。クリエイティブライティングなので、内容は自分の考えを表しません。よかったら、訂正をください! ≪




