May 21, 2023
Discipline is an ever-increasing problem in modern schools. Some people think that discipline should be the responsibility of teachers, while others think that this is the role of parents.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
My answer:
Maintaining proper behavior and order in educational settings has become increasingly challenging. There are differing views on whether the duty of ensuring children’s adherence to behavioral expectations and rules lies with parents or teachers. From my perspective, it should be a joint effort.
Parents are accountable for fostering good manners and obedience. Babies are not inherently aware of right and wrong. They act solely based on immediate desires and needs and their understanding of the world is shaped primarily by parents. Therefore, parents are expected to raise them to become well-mannered and law-abiding individuals, enabling their integration into society and ensuring the well-being of others. They lay the foundation for those traits from their children’s formative years. This includes teaching basic table etiquette, polite language, and respectful greetings, and addressing misbehavior by removing toys or snacks. They continue to reinforce and nurture such traits as the children enter school by establishing learning times and reprimanding them for incomplete homework or improper behavior at school.
However, teachers also have a role to play. Their main duty is to impart knowledge, so they have to create a structured and orderly classroom conducive to learning. To achieve that, they need to establish classroom rules, such as maintaining silence during lectures and raising hands to speak. They also use rewards and recognition like verbal praises and certificates to reinforce positive behavior while imposing repercussions, including time-outs and reflective writing assignments, to address wrongdoings. Those approaches enable students to understand what is considered acceptable behavior and the consequences of their actions, fostering self-discipline.
In conclusion, parents must nurture their children into civilized citizens to facilitate their integration into society, contributing to a harmonious community, and so have teachers to create a conducive learning environment.
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
Weekends go by so fast, I want to rest more.
Anyways, another grammar I would like to use is "を込めて"
1.She received a box full of chocolates during Valentine's day.
2.The mother makes bento full of love for her child everyday.
3.He shouted in anger because he was having a bad day.
May 21, 2023
Later on, I met a person who I want to be in the future--- Susie. You know, as we grow older, many people might not be interested in learning new things, but she is quite different, she was admitted to University of International Business and Economics, became a postgraduate student in her 40s. She tries to learn English, yoga and psychological lessons after work. She wants to be a yoga coach and psychological counselor after retirement.
They are passionate about different things, they are trying to learn new things after work. And when you live better, you will be happier and you will work better. Through talking to them, I learned different life attitudes and saw more possibilities in my life. A few participants even sent me some private messages to show their appreciation. I feel it’s rewarding and valuable. We are helping each other out for improving self-confidence and communication skills. As a matter of fact, I become more and more confident when I’m working. I realize that I’m more than a staff, after work, I could be an interesting person and helping people in my own way.
Thank you for listening. Try to find your passion and enjoy your life!
May 21, 2023
Wendy, a music therapist who tries to use music to heal children with autism.
Nancy, a documentary director, she shared her working experience from crew director to freelancer. She wants to be a filmmaker in the future.
Julie, a staff from a state-owned enterprise, decided to quit her job after working for over 20 years, move to New Zealand and start her new life for her children’s education. Now she starts to learn English in her 40s.
I didn’t expect that many teachers would come to my chatroom, from kindergarten to university. One of them is called” Pipi”, She is a primary school teacher in a small village, she taught Chinese and Math at the same time, and recently, she started to teach English. But she was worried about her pronunciation and grammar. She wanted her students to be well-prepared before they go to high school. Pipi asked me some suggestions for learning English. Luckily, we got enough participants and they shared ways to improve their English. I believe her students are very lucky to have a teacher like her.
Well, sometimes my chatroom could be a tree hole as well, a place for strangers to share secrets and troubles. People are likely to share their troubles with me instead of talking to their friends or family. We show care and understanding toward each other. They always feel much better after speaking out.
May 21, 2023
Good morning everyone!
Thank you for the opportunity and support from my company XX and my supervisor Miranda. I’m so excited to be here today, my name is Annie and my topic is “live for more than work, find your passion in life”. Before we get started, I want to ask you a question, what’s your passion? Try to think about it.
I was born and raised in a small village in Sichuan. I always love exploring the world, talking to different people and speaking English since I was a kid. I went to Melbourne alone when I’m 21, and that’s my first overseas trip. I was going to plan more trips like that but due to pandemic, I cannot go anywhere. I found another way to speak to people from different places, which is on Red, 小红书. I have became a live streamer since then and try to hold some all-English livestream in my spare time. I named it “Online English Chatroom”.
Our passion for English brought us together. I talked to people from all walks of life, all over the world, a music therapist from Shanghai, an acupuncturist from Australia, a paragliding coach, a documentary director, a surgeon and so on. A few participants are impressive from memory, Now I want to share them with you all.
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
A) En esta escuela estudian los alumnos desde los 9 hasta los 14 años. El ritmo de trabajo es muy duro, tienen clase por la mañana y por la tarde. Por la
mañana, las clases empiezan a las 7.15 todos los días, y algunos alumnos se levantan a las 5 de la mañana. Las clases de baile terminan a las 12, y a esa hora los alumnos van a otra escuela que está cerca. Allí estudian las mismas asignaturas (lenguas, matemáticas, geografia, etc.) que los demás niños de su edad. Terminan las clases a las 6 de la tarde y a veces vuelven otra vez a la escuela de ballet hasta las 8.
B) 1.¿Cuántas horas de ballet tienen cada día?
Los alumnos tienen 5 horas de baile todos los días.
2. ¿Estudian en la misma escuela otras asignaturas?
No, ellos estudian otras asignaturas en otra escuela.
May 21, 2023
In this picture there is a group of people walking in the forest. They are carrying bags with water and different equipment, so they are probably going camping. They are following a path that is next to the train rails. There’s a yellow train coming from the direction the group is heading to.
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
L’autre jour, j’ai rencontré une jeune réfugiée qui vient d’Afrique. Martha m’a raconté son histoire de vie qui était tellement triste. Elle est née au Soudan et à cause de la guerre civile et la famine, avec ses parents et ses sœurs, ils ont déménagé au Kenya. Le trajet était dure et longue parce qu’ils l’ont fait à pied. Après avoir habité dans un camp géré par l’UNO pour quelques années, ils ont reçu les visas australiens.
Ils sont très contents d’être ici. Le gouvernement les soutient : ils reçoivent une allocation, un logement et des cours d’anglais. Après 6 mois, cette jeune femme parle l’anglais et cherche un travail. Elle me semble d’être consciente et travailleuse. Elle est prête de faire n’importe quoi.
Maintenant, Martha travaille pour ma voisine : elle est femme de ménage. Ma voisine est plus âgée et vit seule. Elle a besoin de l’aide pour nettoyer la maison, préparer les repas et l’emmener au supermarché. Martha vient quotidiennement. Elle a un programme de tâches qui comprend nettoyer la salle de bain, la cuisine et les autre pièces, passer la serpillière, l’aspirateur ou le balai, laver et repasser le linge, les serviettes et les vêtements. Martha est très occupée parce que la maison est grande et ma voisine a deux chiens et il est nécessaire de les promener chaque jour. Malgré tout, elle est joyeuse et quelque fois, je l’entends chanter.
May 21, 2023
Timothy: J'ai faim. Tu as envie de manger bientôt?
Greg: Non, je viens de manger avant de partir en ville.
Timothy: D'accord. Qu'est-ce que tu as mangé?
Greg: J'ai mangé une pizza à l'ananas. C'était chouette.
Timothy: ewwww, j'aime l'ananas mais je ne les mets jamais sur une pizza. Je préfère les pizzas à la viande, surtout le poulet epicé.
Greg: je ne peux pas être d'accord. J'aime l'ananas mais J'aime encore plus la pizza à l'ananas. En fait, je voudrais une autre pizza à l'ananas maintenant. Il y a un restaurant, qui vends les pizza, pas loin.
Timothy: Geniale, mais on aura deux pizzas car je ne vais pas partarger une pizza à l'ananas avec toi.
May 21, 2023
The doctors took a careful medical check on Zhu; he had lost two incisors and two wisdom teeth already loosen, and his back spine injured and would not able to walk as normal, the severity of the injury was serious.
Due to tragedy and big pressure from the school. The fire station eventually gave a strict punishment to the soldiers who were involved: The captain and three soldiers were forced to retire at once, and other soldiers who beat Zhu were given a warning letter.
The final punishment was quite strong. In China, if any soldier who were forced to leave military service would be affected for his whole life.
My classmate - Zhu, however, his head can not lift up when walking forever.
In the next entry, I will discuss why the soldiers dare to beat a child in public.
May 21, 2023
Hace mucho, antes de que llegaran los primeros seres humanos, vivían muchos espíritus aquí en nuestra isla. Algunos eran buenos, como Bwiñu, y otros como Da'chuz o Grushkpwii no tanto. Era un mundo distinto, peligroso, lleno de magia y poderes sobrenaturales. Un mundo que sigue existiendo, aunque no lo podamos ver.
Bwiñu, puesto que era el espíritu de la isla, era lo más poderoso de todos. Y eso les desagradaba a muchos, incluyendo a Da'chuz, el espíritu del relámpago y de las tormentas. La isla le estorbaba: no podía cruzar las montañas, tan altas como eran, ni alimentarse de Vlapwii, el gran océano. Solo le ocurría una solución: matar a Bwiñu.
Por lo tanto, cada día y cada noche Bwiñu y Da'chuz se peleaban. Da'chuz usaba sus rayos de electricidad para derrumbar las montañas y sus lluvias para inundar los campos. Bwiñu, por su parte, le arrojaba rocas y animaba a todos los aves de sus bosques a picarle los ojos a Da'chuz. Pero ninguno de los dos podía cantar victoria.
Una noche, enloquecida por los ataques de los pájaros, Da'chuz estaba resulto a acabar con toda la vida. Entonces, arrojó un relámpago a Adwathk, el árbol de la vida. Bwiñu se dio cuenta demasiado tarde; cuando llegó, el fuego ya le consumía. Adwathk gritaba mientras se quemaba, pero nada se podía hacer.
De repente, se oyó un ruido extraño, del fondo de la Tierra. Adwathk se desgarró, y en su lugar había un espíritu femenino, hecho de llamas y listo para la guerra. Su nombre era Vlai, todo lo opuesto a Adwathk, espíritu del fuego, guerra, ira y venganza. Se lanzó a Da'chuz, sin darle tiempo para reaccionar. Huyó en terror, y cada vez que volvía para amenazar a la isla, estaba Vlai, lista para derrocarle otra vez.
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
May 20, 2023
Sono contenta. Di solito quando lavoro di sera non sento di avere del tempo libero, ma oggi l'ho sentito.
Siamo dovuti uscire un po' di casa, solo per fare la spesa e andare dal KFC. Abbiamo avuto voglia di hamburger. Però ho fritto le patate a casa. Preferisco quelle fatte a casa che da KFC. Le facciamo nell'Airfryer e hanno un gusto pieno di sapore. Non potrei vivere senza la patata, è la mia verdura preferita.
Domani ritornerò al lavoro, farò la passeggiata quotidiana prima di lavorare.
Oggi ho guardato un episodio da una serie TV italiana, "Odio il Natale" con i sottotitoli in rumeno. Mi è piaciuto tanto, guarderò la prossima settimana un altro episodio quando potrò.
Tutto qui, vado a dormire!
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
Hello, I'm Mayara and it's my first post in this site. I'm still learning, so maybe I can make some mistakes in my text. Well, I've been study English for a long time ago, but I always stop in a half of the course and hence I forget what I learned. But now I pretend stay and learn.
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