Aug. 25, 2023
The reason that most individuals are in debt are due to the overuse as well as irresponsible use of credit cards, banks should not issue credit cards unless they are completely sure of an individuals’ ability to pay back their debts. To what extent do you agree with this?
Many individuals find themselves in debt because of their reckless overspending with credit cards. This leads to some arguing that a bank should only grant credit cards to applicants when it is certain of their ability to repay debt. I completely disagree.
Firstly, card issuers have the capability to examine the credit reports of applicants who have prior credit history to gain insights into their spending patterns and make decisions regarding approvals, credit limits, and interest rates. However, this approach cannot guarantee that cardholders will not exceed their credit limits. Unanticipated expenses such as medical bills or sudden car repairs can push individuals beyond their planned budgets. Additionally, unforeseen life events like illness or job loss can have adverse effects on one's financial stability, impairing their capacity to meet debt obligations. Even individuals with commendable credit scores may find themselves in debt as a result of these unpredictable circumstances. Consequently, requiring that issuers grant credit cards only when they are confident about their applicants' ability to repay is unfeasible.
Secondly, it is challenging, and at times even impossible, for issuers to gauge the financial habits, spending behaviors, and credit management capabilities of first time applicants due to their lack of prior credit history. There is no surefire tool or formula that can provide an accurate prediction of whether someone will become an impulse buyer who accumulates debt every month or a prudent spender. Demanding that financial institutions must have absolute certainty regarding the repayment capacity of such applicants before granting a credit card is impractical. Such a requirement would likely result in very few, if any, approvals for first-time credit card applicants, hindering the introduction of new users into the credit system.
In conclusion, issuing institutions cannot predict the spending habits of first-time cardholders or any of several situations that may lead to debt. As a result, they never can be absolutely sure of anyone's ability to pay off their debt.
Aug. 25, 2023
Aug. 25, 2023
Oggi sarò molto impegnata al lavoro. Dovrò aiutare qualcuno di nuovo, gli spighierò cose riguardo al lavoro. Dato che lui vive in un altro fuso orario, oggi lavorerò dalle 8 e mezzo. Fortunatamente oggi è la sola giornata in cui devo aiutarlo.
Mi sono già allenata alla Switch e ho già fatto il caffè per berlo un po' tardi.
Questo pomeriggio mia mamma verrà a trovarci, quindi così va la giornata - in fretta. Sono abituata a passare il tempo in fretta, non c'è nessun problema.
A domani!
Aug. 25, 2023
Note : Je sais que lorsque l’on écrit une histoire en français, on doit utiliser le passé simple. Mais dans mon cas, je voudrais pratiquer le passé composé et l’imparfait (et le plus-que-parfait si c’est pertinent).
« Mon portefeuille est là ! Sur la table ! Prends-le !» a dit David. « Prends tout ce que tu veux!»
« Je prendrai tout ce que je veux !» a répondu le vampire.
« Bien ! C’est bien ! On ne t’arrêtera pas, je le promets !» criait David.
« Vous ne m’arrêterez pas. Je le promets !» a répondu le vampire.
La lumière éclairait les dents tranchantes. Une pensée terrible est venue à l’esprit de David et Emma en même temps.
« Regarde ses dents. C’est un … ?»
« Un vampire !!»
« Lequel ?» a sifflé le vampire. « Il ne peut être qu’une personne !»
Les yeux du couple étaient grands et terrifiés. Leurs bouches se sont ouvertes d’horreur. Ils se tenaient la main et leurs estomacs se sont remplis de peur.
« Déjà ce soir,» continuait le vampire, « J’ai bu trois personnes. Une de plus … puis … je peux … dormir … et me sentir jeune à nouveau.»
Le vampire avançait vers eux. L’instinct a poussé David à se placer devant Emma pour la protéger. Avec reconnaissance, Emma a tenu son dos.
Aug. 25, 2023
Sales companies should recruit people who are hungry for money as they will make the most dedicated workers.
Do you think money is the driving force behind hard work?
What factors should be taken into consideration when recruiting staff for
sales positions?
Some recommend sales businesses hire individuals with a strong desire for money as they tend to be the most committed employees. While the pursuit of monetary rewards is indeed a primary driver of diligent work, there are other equally significant contributors. When hiring personnel for sales roles, customer orientation and communication skills need to be considered.
Money is not the sole or universal motivator for workers. Many individuals do work diligently with the goal of financial gain. Their desire for money tends to stem from the fact that it is essential not only for meeting basic needs but also for leading a comfortable, safe, and enjoyable life. However, there are additional factors that contribute to a dedicated workforce. Some workers go above and beyond in their roles because they are deeply passionate about what they do. They do not view work merely as a means for making a living but as a fulfilling, purpose-driven pursuit. For example, many traditional artists invest significant time and effort into perfecting their performances, even when the financial rewards are limited, as they are devoted to preserving and promoting their cultural heritage.
Communication skills and customer orientation are crucial considerations when recruiting for sales roles. Salespeople with strong communication abilities can persuasively convey the benefits of a product or service, making it easier for customers to understand and appreciate what is being offered and therefore increasing the chances of closing a sale. Additionally, salespeople with a customer-oriented mindset prioritize customer satisfaction and needs above all else. They strive to understand customer's requirements, preferences, and pain points. They then seek to provide personalized solutions and adjust their approach to address specific needs. This customer-centric approach can lead to high levels of customer satisfaction, foster rapport, and ultimately generate repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations.
In conclusion, besides the allure of money, there are other factors driving diligence in the workplace, including passion. When selecting candidates for sales positions, strong communication skills and a customer-centric mindset should be top considerations to ensure success in closing deals and customer satisfaction.
Aug. 25, 2023
Aug. 25, 2023
Cuando me estreso, uno de los lugares a los que me encanta escaparme es un restaurante indio situado a dos manzanas de mi edificio de trabajo. En primer lugar, es un lugar discreto. No hay luces brillantes ni intermitentes en la entrada ni carteles en el escaparate. No tiene nada más que un cartel colgado junto a la puerta con el nombre escrito. Si no supieras que está ahí, lo más probable es que pasaras de largo.
Para entrar, hay que hacer fuerza empujando la puerta. Cuando entras, lo primero que notas es lo humilde y pequeño que es el interior. Las paredes son grises. Hay pocas mesas y sillas dispuestas en fila. A diferencia de la mayoría de los restaurantes y locales típicos de esta zona, que se esfuerzan por crear un ambiente estimulante y llamativo, éste es un lugar que se centra en lo que importa: preparar buena comida. Por eso siempre está lleno de gente a la hora de comer. Siempre ha sido un lugar de confianza que me permite comprar batidos de mango y especialidades para el almuerzo a un precio razonable, y me hace muy feliz trabajar cerca de él.
Aug. 25, 2023
No worries. Covid is not a big deal nowadays. I had covid in January this year, and all the medicine I took were only two acetaminophen pills. If you really have Covid, you should take a good rest, eat well and sleep well. Take care, and I hope you get well soon.
Sorry Matt, I don’t. When I had covid, I only had a fever for one day. I did have pains in my body, but after the fever was gone, I felt well quickly. Covid didn’t affect my appetite. I could eat food those days. If you feel unwell staying home, please go see a doctor to get system treatment.
Aug. 25, 2023
Aug. 24, 2023
Mon appartement n'est pas vraiment grand. Il n'y a que trois salles : deux chambres et une cuisine. La cuisine est aussi un salon, avec un canapé, deux télévisions et trois fenêtres. J'ai appris faire la cuisine l'année dernière et maintenant je l'aime beaucoup. D'habitude, je fais cuire du steak avec des légumes. Pour boire, j'ai du lait. La plupart du temps, le repas est bon, particulièrement quand j'utilise l'appareil de sous vide pour cuisiner la viande. Écrire ce m'a fait vraiment faim, donc je dois faire la cuisine maintenant !
Aug. 24, 2023
Aug. 24, 2023
Some people believe that the higher a product's price, the more likely it is that people will want to buy it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
There is a belief that a product's price and its desirability are positively correlated. However, I strongly disagree, as I believe that for most cases, this correlation does not hold true.
Indeed, for specific consumers, an increase in price enhances a product's desirability. This stems from their assumption that a higher price signifies superior quality, prestige, or exclusivity. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the luxury goods sector, where some individuals are willing to spend substantial sums, often in the thousands or even millions of dollars, on premium items. While some are drawn by the promise of impeccable craftsmanship, others make these extravagant purchases to signal their social or economic status, even when the actual quality of the product may not fully justify its exorbitant cost.
However, in the majority of cases, a higher price does not necessarily translate to increased desirability. Consumers have become increasingly discerning in their purchasing decisions. Most no longer automatically associate a higher price with superior quality or desirability. Instead, they carefully evaluate products by weighing the benefits they expect to receive against the product's price. Products that offer exceptional value for their price tend to be more appealing. In fact, high prices can sometimes dissuade potential buyers, particularly when the perceived value does not align with the cost. Imagine a scenario where consumers are presented with two products of similar quality but different prices. More often than not, consumers opt for the more affordable option, viewing the expensive product as overpriced. Furthermore, consumers' economic circumstances significantly influence a product's appeal. When financial constraints are a concern, affordable options are typically considered more attractive choices.
In conclusion, the association of higher prices with superior quality, prestige, and exclusivity does indeed attract some individuals to costlier items. However, the general trend among consumers is to select products that give them excellent value for the price.
Aug. 24, 2023
The performance of staff can have a significant impact on the success of a company. What can companies do to increase staff productivity?
Staff performance carries considerable weight in determining the fate of a business. There are two strategies companies can adopt to improve staff performance, namely training and development programs, and regular performance evaluations.
Regular performance evaluations are powerful tools for enhancing employee productivity. These evaluations establish a structured platform where managers can provide constructive feedback to their employees. This feedback allows employees to identify areas for improvements and channel their efforts accordingly, ultimately leading to improved performance. During these evaluations, employers also have the opportunity to acknowledge, praise, and reward hard-working and productive employees.. When employees feel that their efforts are valued and appreciated, it significantly boosts their morale and motivation, resulting in them maintaining or even surpassing their performance levels.
Training and development programs serve as powerful instruments to increase staff productivity as well. They offer employees valuable opportunities to hone their existing skills or acquire new ones. With these enhanced skill sets, employees become more proficient and effective in their roles, resulting in increased productivity. Training and development sessions may also introduce employees to more efficient work methods and strategies for process optimization, enabling them to streamline their workflows, eliminate inefficiencies, and ultimately boost their output. Extensive research and surveys consistently demonstrate the positive impact of such initiatives on employee performance. For instance, a report from McKinsey highlights that organizations prioritizing continuous learning and employee development often experience a significant surge in productivity, typically ranging from 10% to 15%.
In conclusion, training and development programs can upskill staff members and equip them with techniques for work efficiency, while regular performance evaluations can help them identify and improve areas of weakness, as well as reinforce positive behaviors. Consequently, these initiatives contribute to a significant improvement in output.
Aug. 24, 2023
Now I don't study at the university or school. My study rutine include just English lessons with myself. I wrote 'with myself' because i learn this language by my own program without teacher. It's interesting experiens to prepared all nessesary studing materials alone. I spend 2-3 hours per 5 days a week on it. During lessons I try to improve my speaking , listerning , writing and reading skills. I think that the biggest part of the time i spend on speaking. From my opinion I should start pay more attention for my grammar and vocabulary. On my lessons I use different exercise books. Sometimes I learn lyrics of my favourite English songs that helps me to wide my lexicon.
The next weak I will commute from Poland to Belarus. I hope I will have enought disipline to continue my studying. Also in Belarus I will have more free time and maybe i will spend more time on English.
My study/life balance isn't perfect but I'm strongly try to fixed it :)
Aug. 24, 2023
Aug. 24, 2023
Aug. 24, 2023
Aug. 24, 2023
Aug. 24, 2023
Quand le soleil est en train de se coucher, sa lumière dévoile le grain de la surface des champs et des routes comme une pellicule en noir et blanc.
L'éclat des gens qui viennent de nager longtemps dans les lacs et qui marchent affamés dans les rues du soir.
Le visage rayonnant de la petite fille qui aide son père à traverser la rue. Il avance à peine avec ses béquilles.
Aug. 24, 2023
Heute ist es so warm in Berlin. Ich habe den Eindruck, das ich schmelzen werde.
Wenn Menschen echt auf Eis wären, würde Berlin ein riesige Swimmingpool sein.
Aber es ist eine gute Bereitung für meine Reise in Brasilien nächste Woche. Ich werde nach Belo Horizonte fahren, in der Familie meiner Freundin. Dort wird es warm, aber nicht wärmer als in Para, im Nord, wo ich 5 Tage bleiben werde. Ich bin so aufgeregt, die Amazonien Wald zum erstes Mal entdecken. Aber eben dort werde ich versuchen, Deutsch jeden Tag zu üben.
Das ist alles für heute, bis morgen!
Aug. 24, 2023
Hello Matt,
Sorry for the delay.
In the past few days, I had two work trips, so I was not able to reply to you.
WeChat does have a function for paying, but I don't think it also pays for delivery.
When I buy things at shops, I use my WeChat to scan the shop owner's WeChat collection QR code to pay them.
When I buy things on Taobao, I use Alipay (I can't use WeChat pay since the two of them are competitors).
WeChat doesn't have its own professional online purchasing platform, so it can't offer delivery services.
However, you can use WeChat pay to buy things on some online purchasing platforms that are accepting WeChat pay, then the shop owners on the platform will be responsible for delivering you the goods you buy.
Aug. 24, 2023
Bozhou is a prefecture-level city in the northwest part of Anhui Province. It used to be a county-level city governed by Fuyang city—the prefecture-level city in Anhui Province.
In 2020, Bozhou separated from Fuyang, becoming a prefecture-level city starting to govern Mengchen, Guoyang and Lixin counties and Qiaocheng District. These counties and Qiaocheng District were governed by Fuyang before then.
The area I live in is the Huaihe River Basin (valley). One of the tributaries of the Huaihe River is Guo River, the second longest tributary of the Huaihe River.
Bozhou is located by the Guo River. It's said that in ancient times, cities in China were all built by rivers, because it was convenient to transport.
Bozhou is a historical and cultural city in China, also known as the hometown of the famous historical figures of Caocao, Laozi and Huamulan, and the biggest traditional Chinese medicine trade market.
The appearance of Bozhou nowadays looks comfortable and beautiful. The streets in Bozhou are clean and tidy. Inside the city, there are many trees, bushes and flowers, which make it like a garden.
Aug. 24, 2023
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
zunächst möchte mich bei Ihnen bedanken für Ihre Einladung,
aber leider kann ich nicht kommen. Der Grund dafür ist, dass ich zu dieser Zeit einen Termin beim Arzt habe.
Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Yazan Koukeh
Aug. 24, 2023
Heute ist Donnerstag. Keine Neuigkeiten. Viele Arbeit soll ich machen, aber ich will das überhaupt nicht. Statt zu arbeiten, schreibe ich diesen Text. Zum Glück arbeite ich aus der Ferne, deswegen kennt mein Arbeitgeber nicht, dass ich schon eine halbe Stunde vergeblich verschwenden habe. Alle meine Gedanken sind über das Wochenende, weil meine Mutter ankommt. Es macht mich froh, ich habe sie schon seit einem Jahr nicht gesehen. Leider sind die Flugtickets aus Russland momentan wirklich teuer, aber das ist keine Überraschung. Am 29. August habe ich Geburtstag. Ich bin fast 28. Ich plane mit meinen Mutter, Frau und Tochter zusammen nach einem Lokal gehen, das in der Nähe liegt. Ich war dort einmal. Es ist ein netter Ort mit höflichen Kellner und einer schönen Terrasse. Glücklicherweise ist das Wetter in Serbien noch heiß. Das letzte Mal, wann die Mutter ihre Enkelin gesehen hat, war im Herbst 2022. Sie war jünger als 1 Jahr alt. Heute ist sie schon 1 Jahr und 8 Monate alt und sieht ganz anders aus. Ich frage mich, wie die Mutter darauf reagieren wird. Bestimmt positiv!
Aug. 24, 2023
Son haftalarda arastırmacılar konuşamaz yapma bir hastalık geçiren insanlari için konuşmanın daha kolay ve verimli bir sekil buldular. Şimdiye kadar onlar diğer insanlarla konuşabilmakiçin tek bilgisayar kullanabildilar, ama şimdi onların beyniye tellerden oluşturma cihaz koyarak benin düsüncelerin direkt olarak okuyabilirmiz. Ancak bundan endişlim, cünkü diğer amaçlara dönüştürmerek bu cihazlar suçlular hackliyebiliyorlar.
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