Aug. 24, 2023
Les habitants de Los Angeles s’inquiètent puisque une grande ouragan approche. L’ouragan vient du Mexique où elle a inondé de nombreuses villes. J’ai vu des photos et c’était horrible. Le bureau de la météorologie américain a prévu que l’ouragan traverserait la frontière entre le Mexique et l’État de Californie. Le gouverneur de Californie a annoncé l’état d’urgence. Son porte parole a encouragé le public à se préparer.
Le sud de Californie est le plus menacé : les villes comme San Diego et Los Angeles. Apparement, tout le monde restent à l’intérieur à cause de l’alerte et il n’y a que quelques voitures sur les rues. Un journaliste a rapporté que les rayons des supermarchés sont vides. Le publique est paniqué
Mon cousin vit à Los Angeles et il est anxieux. D’après lui, cette ouragan est la première depuis presque 90 ans. Normalement, les habitants de Californie subissent des tremblements de terre et des incendies, jamais des ouragans. Heureusement, juste maintenant, je viens d’entendre sur les nouvelles que l’ouragan a été rétrogradée au niveau 2, pas au niveau 4 comme prévue. En plus, la meilleure nouvelle est que ce n’est plus classé comme une ouragan mais a été reclassée comme une tempête. Ça, c’est une bonne nouvelle.
Aug. 24, 2023
1. {long overdue} Last night I headed out to a bar with my bestie Kate. Our date was long overdue.
2. {je ne sais quoi} I saw a guy in that bar. He wasn't handsome, but he had a certain je ne sais quoi which made me want to know him more.
3. {come-hither} So I gave him a come-hither look.
4. {clear on} He wasn't very clear on what I was hinting, and then he walked right out the door.
5. {a lost cause} I thought it was a lost cause so I continued eating.
6. {a mouthful of} Then he came back and walked towards me, and said, "Sorry I had to take a phone call". But he caught me a mouthful of fried chicken. That guy smiled awkwardly, but still asked for my number.
7. {beat yourself up} After he left, Kate said, "Don't beat yourself up! You still have a chance."
8. {shooting fish in a barrel} "Yeah but I told you, I'm not like you. You can get any guy you want like shooting fish in a barrel," I smiled bitterly.
Aug. 24, 2023
Aug. 24, 2023
È nuvoloso, ma fa ancora caldo. Non vedo l'ora che sia l'autunno. È la mia stagione preferita, anche se sono nata in primavera. In rumeno diciamo che le persone nate in una certa stagione preferiscono quella stagione. Non sono d'accordo, sono una prova me stessa. Non mi piace il caldo per nulla, mi piace più tremare dal freddo che morire del caldo.
Sabato sera andiamo al ristorante con una coppia di vicini ( viviamo tutti nello stesso complesso residenziale), quindi voglio fare le pulizie e studiare questi giorni.
Sabato anche giocherò a Pokemon Go - parteciperò ad un evento. Posso dire che sarà un weekend pieno di gioia e possibilità.
Fra poco inizierò a lavorare, a domani!
Aug. 24, 2023
"Autofreie Innenstadt" ist ein interessantes Thema, über welches heutzutage oft diskutiert wird. Als ich ein Kind war, habe ich in der Stadt gewohnt und ich stimme Kinans Meinung zu.
Mehr und mehr Leute besitzen ihr eigenes Auto. Deshalb steht man öfter im Stau und mehr CO₂wird ausgestoßen. Durch eine autofreie Innenstadt kann man viel Geld sparen, die Umwelt schützen und gesünder leben, da man mit dem Fahrrad fährt oder zu Fuß geht.
Ich gebe zu, es wird schwerer, zur Arbeit oder zum Supermarkt zu kommen.
Ja, die Innenstädte sollten autofrei werden, aber im Autoland, wie Deutschland, ist das leider nicht so einfach umzusetzen.
Das ist sehr schade.
Aug. 24, 2023
Aug. 24, 2023
Aug. 24, 2023
My name's Arpi. I'm from Armenia. I'm 17 years old. I'm studying music in special musical school. I'm playing harp already 5 years, before that I studied piano. Now also playing piano, as second instrument. Last year I started taking cello lessons. This academic year I'm going to enter the conservatory. Now I want to learn english to continue my studies abroad.
Aug. 24, 2023
Caesar here stands the famous and renowned Dictator Caesar who was born in 100 BC and died in 44 BC. I believe every person after receiving elementary education knows him in Western countries.
Just about 150 years ahead of Caesar, Qing Shihuang also created a powerful empire in China. He has been considered as the first emperor who unified China, so everyone in my country who can speak Chinese knows him. Qin, established a principle of dynastic succession in China untill now in 2023. I am inclined to this idea and very sadly to see this system has been strethened asisted by the cut edge technology.
Aug. 24, 2023
Liebe Lara,
wie geht's dir? Hoffentlich geht's dir gut. Ich schreibe dir diese E-Mail, um dir von der Erinnerungsparty zu erzählen.
Die Party war bei mir zu Hause und alle unsere alten Freunde von der Uni sind gekommen. Wir haben getanzt, uns unterhalten, viel getrunken und die Musik war super.
Ich habe viele Geschenke bekommen, zum Beispiel eine weiße Uhr und ein schönes T-Shirt, aber das beste Geschenk war das Buch, das ich vor viel Zeit gesucht habe.
Es ist schade, dass du nicht kommen konntest
Nächstes Wochenende gehen meine Familie und ich ins Kino, um Oppenheimer anzuschauen. DU solltest uns begleiten.
Viele Grüße,
dein Marcus
Aug. 24, 2023
Marketing and promotion is the key to a successful business. To what extent do you agree?
Many believe that the most critical factors for a business to succeed are marketing and promotion. However, I completely disagree, as product and service quality, along with operational efficiency, are equally, if not more, vital for long-term success.
The quality of products or services stands as a cornerstone of long-term success. While effective marketing and promotion strategies can capture customers’ attention and stimulate immediate buying, if what they receive falls short of their expectations, they are unlikely to make repeat purchases or recommend the business to others. In some cases, dissatisfied customers may even spread negative feedback, deterring potential buyers. Conversely, businesses can foster loyalty among their existing customer base and attract new customers through positive word-of-mouth referrals by consistently delivering high-quality offerings. This commitment to quality can boost their brand reputation and credibility, contributing to sustained success.
Operational efficiency is another crucial element for long-lasting success. Operations encompass all aspects of running a business, from producing and delivering products or services to managing inventory and addressing customer needs. While advertising can attract customers and boost short-term sales, efficient operations ensure timely deliveries and excellent customer service, leaving them satisfied. These customers often become loyal, long-term buyers who may recommend the business to others. In contrast, operational efficiencies, such as delays in delivery, slow response times, and inadequate problem-solving, can lead to frustration, order cancellations, and negative word-of-mouth referrals, ultimately damaging a company's reputation and credibility. Therefore, efficient operations are paramount for achieving sustained success.
In conclusion, while marketing and promotion play vital roles in business, they are not the sole keys to lasting success. High-quality products or services and operational efficiency are equally, if not more, essential for companies to succeed in the long run.
Aug. 24, 2023
An increasing number of people are buying what they need online. What are the advantages and disadvantages for both individuals and companies to shopping online?
E-commerce is gaining increasing popularity. This essay will discuss the two primary benefits of online shopping: the convenience it provides for consumers and the cost-efficiency it offers businesses, as well as its two major drawbacks: the potential for disappointing purchases and the intensifying competition in the marketplace.
The convenience for shoppers and cost-efficiency for sellers are the main advantages of online shopping. Individuals can browse, select and purchase products at any time and from anywhere with an internet connection, with items delivered to their doorstep. This eliminates the need for physical store visits, waiting in checkout lines, and transporting items themselves, saving both time and effort. Moreover, businesses can significantly reduce their overhead costs by opting for e-commerce. They can operate form centralized warehouses or even from home offices, thereby avoiding the high costs associated with maintaining retail locations in prime, often expensive, commercial areas. They can also manage their operations with a smaller staff, particularly in the sales and customer service departments. Amazon serves as a prime example of how embracing e-commerce has allowed a company to minimize the expenses for extensive physical infrastructure and staffing.
However, e-commerce can also result in unsatisfactory purchases and a highly competitive market. The inability to physically touch, feel, examine, or try out a product in person can lead to discrepancies between the expected and actual characteristics of an item purchased online. This disparity can result in dissatisfaction if the received product falls short of expectations. Additionally, e-commerce has made market entry more accessible by eliminating geographic boundaries and the need for physical storefronts. Consequently, a fiercely competitive landscape has emerged, with companies now vying against not only local competitors but also against global players. This trend is evident across all popular e-commerce platforms from Shopee to Taobao, where thousands of sellers offer similar or identical products, including hundreds from overseas. In this highly competitive arena, businesses face the challenge of distinguishing themselves and capturing a share of the market.
In conclusion, while online shopping offers consumers unparalleled convenience and cost savings for businesses, it also introduces the risk of customers receiving disappointing items and companies facing an intensely competitive market.
Aug. 24, 2023
Als ich Kind war, helfe ich meiner Mutter bei dem Haushalt und immer noch, weil ich bei meinen Eltern lebe. Deshalb habe ich, z. B. den Müll rausbringen, staubsaugen und Gerichte waschen.
Bei uns in Syrien helfen dir Männer bei den Haushalten nicht, weil die meisten Frauen nicht arbeiten und Männer den Haushalt und das Kochen nicht gut machen können.
Doch wie alle Sache im Leben gibt es in diesem Thema sowohl Vor- als auch Nachteile.
Einerseits, wenn jeder bei den Haushalten hilft, niemand wird müde werden.
Es ist auch schneller, wenn alle den Haushalt zusammen machen.
Andererseits können wir nicht abstreiten, dass es auch manche Nachteile hat, zum Beispiel, wenn man von der Arbeit kommt, müde ist und den Haushalt auch machen muss, wird man keine Zeit für seine Familie und seine Lieblingsaktivitäten hat.
Ich bin der Meinung, dass alle bei den Haushalten helfen muss, um schneller die Haushalte zu beenden.
Aug. 24, 2023
« Je me sens comme si je suis dans un film », a-t-elle dit.
« Plus que dans un rêve », a-t-il répondu.
« Oui, un rêve. Quelle chance nous avons ! »
« Devine de qui je rêverai ce soir ? », a-t-il dit.
« Qui ? Qui ? »
« Ses cheveux sentent la rose ! Elle est comme un ange ! »
Leur rêve était sur le point de devenir un cauchemar, pensait le vampire qui les écoutait. Tout d’un coup, il a ouvert la porte et s’est tenu là, montrant ses dents tranchantes. Le jeune couple a crié et puis se serraient dans les bras dans un silence terrifié. Le vampire pouvait sentir et goûter leur peur. C’était comme il aimait. La peur rendait aussi le sang plus sucré.
Aug. 23, 2023
Hauptsächlich beantworte ich diese Frage mit "Nichts" , weil ich keine Angst von Dunkelheit oder Spinnen habe, aber ich kenne das Gefühl. Warum? Es ist schwirig zu sagen, aber ich habe Angst von nicht erfolgreich sein. Ich bin ehrgeizig und habe viele Sachen, dass ich machen will. Ich habe Angst von versagen.
Aug. 23, 2023
Aug. 23, 2023
Hier, j'ai eu un bon jour. Je suis allé aux mes cours, et j'ai trouvé que j'aime bien tous mes professeurs. Je suis heureux que ils sont sympas. En dehors du cours, j'ai allé à la salle de sport pour lever des poids. Ça à été vraiment asumant et j'y voyais certains de mes amis. J'y vais aller aujourd'hui aussi, après faisant cuire. Même que l'école n'est pas mauvais, j'ai hâte de la fin de semaine parce que je ne suis pas allé à des bars la fin de semaine dernière. Deux jours plus !
Aug. 23, 2023
Cuando pienso en esto, no hay mucho de mi antigua vida que me hace falta. Cada día, descubro tanto que tengo la impresión que el tiempo es demasiado rápido. Esta mañana fui al bosque. Estaba entre los pinos y las hayas, había un montón de plantas que no conocía. Estaba buscando Zor, pero no la vi. No fue inquietante y con la luz a través de las hojas tuve tanto que admirar.
En un momento, me pare cerca de una pila de madera para observar a un ratón. No tenía el tiempo para entenderlo que estaba haciendo… En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, Zor había saltado repetidamente sobre el pobre animal. Me dejó estupefacto en una mezcla de fascinación y de horror. Una vida justo acabó de terminarse, una otra había encontrado una forma para seguir adelante.
Nunca jamás supe, no sé y jamás sabré lo que pasa en la cabeza de Zor. Me miraba intensamente, pero no tenía ni la menor idea de que significaba esto. El cuerpo del ratón entre sus patas, ella se queda fija y yo también. En la profundidad de sus ojos, me perdí, perdí el concepto del tiempo. Aprovechando de compartir esta sensación, pensé que todo esta más fuerte, la muerte se alejó y la tormenta de la vida tomó todo el espacio.
Al final, lo agarró entre sus quijadas y se fue. Continué mi paseo y devolviendo a mi casa me hice un café muy corto para meditar sobre los eventos.
Aug. 23, 2023
Aug. 23, 2023
Aug. 23, 2023
Aug. 23, 2023
In some countries, it is common for families to own and run their own business, Some people think this is the best way to run a business, while others consider this a potential source of problems. What is your opinion?
The family-owned and -run business model is quite prevalent in certain regions. Some argue that it comes with numerous challenges, while others, including me, believe it is the best practice.
Indeed, there are challenges that can arise in such a model. Consider a scenario where family members have heated arguments at home. It can be challenging for them to set aside these conflicts when they enter the workplace. These personal tensions can lead to a strained atmosphere and disrupt work processes, leading to decreased productivity. Furthermore, since these companies often rely heavily on family members for key roles, they might miss out on the diverse perspectives and expertise that external professionals can provide. This limitation can hinder innovation, growth, and the adaptability to rapidly changing market trends.
However, family-owned and -run businesses possess several unique strengths. Their owners, driven by the desire to pass down the business through generations, often prioritize continuity and long-term growth over short-term gains. For example, they may place a strong emphasis on product quality over immediate benefits. Additionally, family members involved in these businesses typically have a high level of commitment and loyalty due to their personal connections to it. This means that they are more likely to go the extra mile to ensure its success even during challenging times. Collectively, these factors contribute to the sustained and enduring nature of family-owned and -run ventures.
In conclusion, while businesses that are run and owned by family members may face the challenges of interpersonal conflicts and a lack of diverse perspectives and expertise, they also tend to have a more loyal and committed workforce with a long-term focus. Such benefits allow them to have a high rate of survival, making them the best business model.
Aug. 23, 2023
Some countries encourage foreign companies to open in their country. Many people think that the government should focus on encourage local businesses rather than foreign businesses. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many believe that governments should prioritize local businesses' growth over attracting foreign ones. I wholeheartedly agree, as this helps in not only retaining wealth within the country but also safeguarding cultural heritage.
Local companies play a significant role in maintaining domestic wealth. They put their earnings back into the community by sourcing materials and services from nearby sources and employing people from the area. This contributes to job creation, investments, and the country’s overall economy. Many nations have propelled domestic companies to global leadership through pro-local policies, and therefore create millions of jobs and add billions of dollars to their GDP. South Korea's LG and Samsung, and Germany's Nova and Volkswagen, exemplify this. In contrast, foreign companies often repatriate their profits to their home countries. this diminishes resources available for local development. For example, many African countries have experienced limited economic benefits from their abundant oil and gas reserves due to the frequent repatriation of profits by domestically established foreign energy companies. Hence, prioritizing local businesses over foreign ones can allow governments to optimize the benefits of economic activity.
Local businesses also play a crucial role in preserving and promoting cultural heritage. Their products often embody the unique traditions and craftsmanship of their region. However, the influx of foreign enterprises increases competition, potentially forcing local businesses to shrink or close down. This, in turn, results in the erosion of the cultural essence tied to their products. For instance, many countries are seeing traditional dishes gradually replaced by foreign fast-food options like McDonald's. This has led to a decline of cherished culinary traditions. Therefore, governments should prioritize supporting local businesses over foreign entities to safeguard their cultural legacy.
In conclusion, governments should invest in local businesses rather than on attracting foreign ones as this can lead to the retention of wealth and the preservation of cultural heritage.
Aug. 23, 2023
Monsieur le Maire,
Maintenant, plus que jamais, vous devriez agir pour le bien de notre santé mentale. Vouz avez pris la décision d’ouvrir les rues de notre quartier à la circulation des autobus, car nous sommes inquets pour notre tranquillité de l’âme.
Les consequences pour notre sérénité sont désastreuses ! Il est démonté que nul n’est plus heureux quand on habite dans une zone bruyante. Les autobus causent une bruit insupportable et nous ne voulons plus souffrer de cette distraction. Le télétravail est devenue plus difficile dès vouz avez ouvert notre rues pour les autobuz, et notré productivité a chûte extrêmement! !
En ouvrant les rues à la circulation des autobus, vous contribuez au danger pour les pietons. Notre quartier attire beaucoup des jeunes familles qui n’ont nul approprié lieu de laisser jouer leurs enfants. Nous voudrions attirer votre attention sur le fait qu’il n’y a pas assez de parcs, donc notre enfants passent les après-midis et les soirs en jouant dans la rue. C’est important pour leur développement personnel. Monsieur le Maire, nous vous demandons d’agir au plus vite !
À cet égard, vous devez fermer la circulation des autobus dans notre quartier.
En vous priant d’agréer l’expression de notre considération la plus distinguée.
Aug. 23, 2023
La chaleur des derniers jours chauds de l'été reste longtemps dans les pièces. À la fin de cette saison, les soirs commencent à se rafraichir et on ouvre toutes les fenêtres. J'ai vu un hôpital où le personnel a fait cela dans tout le bâtiment. C'était comme la fin d'une fête après le départ des invités.
Devant les nuages mauves du soir à la fin de l'été, un hélicoptère passe, cet objet volant qui ressemble beaucoup plus qu'un avion aux oiseaux. Parfois, je le confonds avec un dinosaure.
02:28:44 (UTC)
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