samirjbus's avatar

Nov. 17, 2023

Schreiben Sie einen Gästebuchintrag

Ich danke Ihnen von Herzen für die Einladung. Ich habe die Ausstellung im Museum Hundertwasser besucht, weil es mein erster Besuch im Museum war. Ich finde dort viele Stillleben interessant, aber der Film Oberhundredwasser gefällt mir am besten. Obwohl das Museum hinter einer wunderschönen Aussicht und einer tollen Landschaft liegt, war es nicht einfach, dorthin zu gelangen. Ich denke, ein Ort mit Parkplatz ist die bessere Wahl, damit ich mein Auto parken kann. Nochmals vielen Dank für Ihre tolle Gastfreundschaft. Ich fühlte mich wie zu Hause!

shadowfax26's avatar

Nov. 17, 2023


C'è un brutto giorno fuori ( secondo altri ), ma per me è perfetto. Fa un po' freddo e sta per piovere. Ho già fatto una lunga passeggiata intorno al quartiere e ho anche fatto la spesa. Preparerò degli hamburger con le patatine fritte per pranzo. Una Coca in più andrà bene.

È il momento di godermi il weekend e rilassarmi. Questo pomeriggio mia mamma verrà a trovarci, quindi le ho comprato un succo d'arancia. Mi piace tanto quando la vedo. È contenta di se stessa e ha quasi sempre un'attitudine positiva. È sempre grande e ci aiuta molto con varie cose.

Dopo aver mangiato, leggerò un libro nuovo e poi farò un pisolino. Voglio farlo prima della visita di mia mamma.

A domani.

Bosser8Heures's avatar

Nov. 17, 2023

La musique, la culture, le sport et le paysage!

J'apprends le français Il y a quelques années et pour plusieurs raisons.

D'abord, j'ai appris la langue à l'école mais, en même temps, je commençais mon amour de la musique.
Ma prémiére concert était en 1981 (quand j'avais treize ans) et c'était the groupe du Metal, Iron Maiden. Mais le groupe de soutien étais français - Trust.
J'ai été un fan depuis, ce jour là.
Maintenance, j'adore beaucoup de genres de musique et j'ecoute beaucoup de musique français, nouvelle et ancienne!

Secondement, depuis ma jeunesse, j'ai suivi le course de ciclisme et, évidement, Le Tour de France. C'était le suele course qui était sur la télé à l'époque!

J'aime beaucoup le cinéma français. La nouvelle vague et les films plus modern.
Je trouve que les films indépendent sont plus intéressant. J'adore les films de Jean Pierre Melville.

J'ai visité la France quelques fois. La Bretagne, Le Loire et bien sur Paris.
Je voudrais visité encore quand j'ai le temp et l'argent! Mais, pour Le moment, je 'visite' la France grace à YouTube et plusieurs émmissions touristique en français, comme Les 100 lieux qu'il faut visiter etcetera!

Merci d'avoir lu mon premier message et j'éspere que ce n'est pas trop long?

voyagesciclismemusique françaiscinéma français
Meenakshy's avatar

Nov. 17, 2023

Werbespot im Kinderfernsehen B2 schreiben schreiben

Heutzutage nimmt das Thema Werbespot im Kinderfernsehen einen sehr wichtigen Stellenwert ein , weshalb ich gerne einen Blog zu diesem Thema schreiben möchte
Werbungen sind immer langweilig und übertrieben geworden. Außerdem entspricht die Werbungen nicht immer die Wahrheit , daher sind meiner Ansicht nach Werbespot im Kinderfernsehen nachteilig ,darüber hinaus sollte sie verboten werden
Es gibt verschiedene Werbungen im Fernseher ,die teilweise nicht für die Kinder geeignet sind . Es gibt auch die Chance , dass einige Werbungen die Kinder anziehen wie z.B die Werbung für Spielzeuge oder Werbung für Essen, das gesundschädlich sind , darum bin ich dagegen
Man sollte es nicht vernachlässigen ,dass solche Werbungen sowohl der Wunsch der Kinder als auch die Kaufentscheidung von Eltern beeinflussen . Manchmal sind die Eltern nicht in der Lage der Wunsch ihrer Kinder zu erfüllen. Aber die Vorteile sind für die werbetriebene weil ihre Umsätze gesteigert werden.
Es ist möglich , solche Situationen zu vermeiden , wenn der Eltern mit ihrer Kinder über Werbungen und Kaufentscheidungen sprechen .Sie sollten ihren Kindern auch den Unterschied zwischen Sendung und Werbepause erklären . Es wäre auch eine Möglichkeit , wenn die Kinder Spielzeuge miteinander täuschen. zusammenfassend lasst sich sagen ,dass die Kinder aneignet werden sollten , wie sie mit den Werbungen richtig umgehen sollten.

rabbit_1999's avatar

Nov. 17, 2023

整理(Decluttering my space)

11月16號 |11:19晚上

我一整天都在整理我童年的房間。後來沒想到我蘊含這麼多東西。因為我想做很“深層的清潔(deep cleaning)”,我就拿出來 “去看(sort through)” 我全部的衣服,書,紙,“?(trinkets)” 等來決定哪個要丟,哪個要捐,哪個腰留著。地上充滿了,沒有地方走!

其實,我最近的心情沒有那麼好因為這幾個月發生了很多”?(changes)”,尤其我住院。這幾個月都在 恢復。我的力氣都沒有,不感覺像我自己。此外,我對通常喜歡的事情沒有興趣,有 “個別(isolate)” 我自己。我以前都喜歡拍照片,畫圖,看很多書,跑步,學新的行動,彈琴,聽音樂,跟我閨蜜/藍顏知己聊天。

如此,當我們忘記我們是誰的時候因為上下浪的生活,我認為在乎我們的人和我們的 ”?(artifacts)” 可以提醒我們,可以幫助我們回憶。❤️

rabbit_1999's avatar

Nov. 17, 2023


*我找了一首有簡單歌詞的歌來練習直接的翻譯。蠻好玩的 :)

In many ways, they'll miss the good old days

Yeah, it hurts to say, but I want you to stay

When we was young, oh man, did we have fun

Promises, they break before they're made

[Chorus 副歌]
Oh, Maya says I'm lacking in depth
I will do my best
You say you want to stand by my side
Darling, your head's not right

Ah, see, alone we stand, together we fall apart
Yeah, I think I'll be alright
I'm working so I won't have to try so hard
Tables, they turn sometimes
Oh, someday
No, I ain't wasting no more time

And now my fears they come to me in threes
So I
Say, fate, my friend, you say the strangest things
I find, sometimes

[Chorus 副歌]

awawus's avatar

Nov. 17, 2023



chichette's avatar

Nov. 17, 2023



namyoo's avatar

Nov. 17, 2023

유행어나 신조어 사용

유행어나 신조어 모두 그 시대상을 반영하는 언어로 사용되어진다는 같은 의미를 가지기 때문일 것이다. 신조어란 새로운 단어나 새로운 의미를 만들어 내는 것이다. 유행어란 어느 한 시기에 사람들 사이에서 많이 쓰이는 말이다.
사람들이 표준어 이외의 언어들을 사용하게 된 이유 중 하나로 통신 매체와 기술의 발달을 들 수 있다. 인터넷 등 통신 매체 발달에 따라 새로운 표현이 많이 생기는 것이 유행어나 신조어의 형성으로 이어진다. 또한 과거와 다른 사회-문화적 변화를 겪게 되는 것도 유행어와 신조어 사용의 원인이 된다. 과거와 다르게 사람들이 나눌 수 있는 사화도 세분되고 사회 현상도 달라서 그에 따라 유행어와 신조어를 사용하는 사람이 많아졌다. 이러한 유행어나 신조어의 사용은 여러 가지 문제를 낳고 있다.
먼저, 유행어나 신조어의 사용은 국어 형태에 악영향을 줄 수 있다. 유행어나 신조어를 자주 사용하다 보니 국어 문법이나 철자법을 틀리는 경우도 많아지고 있다. 또한 유행어나 신조어 사용은 세대 간의 원활한 의사소통에도 방해가 된다. 연령이 높아질수록 인터넷 사용률이 떨어져서 신조어를 잘 모를 때가 많기 때문이다. 이는 세대의 갈등을 발생시킬 수 있다. 그리고 사회적으로 신조어 사용이 흔한 일이 된면서 때와 장소에 맞지 않게 신조어를 사용하는 사람들이 늘고 있는 것도 문제이다.
따라서 우리는 무분별하게 신조어를 사용하지 않도록 환경과 상대방을 고려할 필요가 있다. 예의를 갖추어야 하는 자리에서는 신조어 사용을 피해야 한다. 그리고 국어를 그대로 보존하는 일에 더 많은 관심을 가지고 노력을 기울여야 한다.

yukaraie's avatar

Nov. 17, 2023

Travel to Mt. Fuji

I went on a Mt. Fuji bus tour with my friend.
I’m glad I was able to go see Mt. Fuji with her on the three days off it was really crowded though.

She always takes really good pictures! I enjoy being her photos model! Lol
I really enjoy spending time with my foreign friends and guiding them around Japan. I want to do only things that I like and fill up my life with happiness.

escalonv's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023

Es kommt darauf an.

Bei mir kommt es auf die Person an. Normalerweise spreche ich mit Verwandten am Telefon, weil wir weit voneinander entfernt wohnen. Mit Freunden schreibe ich ihnen normalerweise eine SMS, und normalerweise sind diese Nachrichten kurz. Wenn ich mich mit ihnen unterhalten möchte, treffe ich sie normalerweise irgendwann in der Woche oder lade sie ein, etwas mit mir zu unternehmen, und wir unterhalten uns viel bei jeder Aktivität, die wir unternehmen.

knightsjohn2's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023

El aumento del poder de La ultraderecha. ¿Fascismo aparece?

El aumento del poder de La ultraderecha. ¿Fascismo aparece otra vez?

En los últimos años, la situación de la comunidad internacional sigue cada vez más caos. Tantas guerras como manifestaciones siguen ocurriendo en el mundo.

Desde la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania, Israel y Hamás, hasta consensos distintos en campus estadounidenses entre Israel y Palestino, manifestaciones de antisemitismo y contra ellos. Estos eventos han provocado que la mental de la gente inclina a extrema, en la que aumenta el poder de los partidos de ultraderecha en el mundo.

Si no paramos estos eventos, la situación sería más grave para la gente. Fascismo también aparecería otra vez.

En mi opinión, con cualquier especie, necesitamos dejar los odios y colaborar conjunto para desarrollar un futuro para nuestros hijos y nietos. Deje conflictos entre la gente, y abramos un futuro hermoso para seres humanos.

Freya's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023




jfartogra's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023

Tax declaration

During the last days I’ve been utterly busy with the compilation of documents for the tax declaration of the last year. This is a task that I should have done step by step throughout the year, in order to do small tasks more frequently. The truth is that I normally procrastinate it to the end, although I only take care of the straightforward part, the compilation, since the tricky part is done by a tax advisor.

I find several differences between the procedure in Spain and in Germany, where I have been living for the last years. In a nutshell, the tax declaration in Germany offers more chances of tax relief but with the linked burden of the required paperwork, which allows the tax and revenue office to proof the correctness of that relief. In Germany you can get tax deductions for a lot of different concepts such as books, electronic devices, double household (including trips between the two households). The deadlines here are also different. In the case of Spain you should deliver your declaration before the end of June and it is mandatory to do it every year. In Germany you get more flexibility in that respect, since you have time until year’s end. Furthermore, it is not always mandatory to deliver a tax declaration each year. That depends upon several variables.

A clear advantage to Spain in that area is the more advanced state of the so called “digitalization”. That offers an infrastructure that can be used to prepare and deliver a declaration more quickly. The tax filer receives each year a digital draft of the tax declaration, based on the ones of the latter years. For straightforward cases, when the declarant just has to read and sign the document, the issue can be solved in a matter of minutes.

It is not to say that digitalization works like a charm in Spain. But the country usually occupies a position in the top ten within Europe. This is not the case of Germany, which is for sure, no role model in that regard. A lot has already been written related to the German underdevelopment in the digitalization, but no definitive solution has been found.

maymaymay_'s avatar

Nov. 16, 2023

Please review my essay

The diagram illustrates how to recycle plastic bottles.
Overall, the recycling of plastic bottles shows nine steps, starting with the collection of plastic bottles from trash the crushing them into small pieces and end with the the manufacture end products.
The process of recycling plastic bottles starts with gathering plastic borrlts from trashcan, the second step is transporting them to recycling centre to sorting. After that, these plastic bottles are compressed into square blocks. After milling these blockes into small pieces, these pieces are dropped to a big tank to remove the dirt immediately. The six step is producing plastic pellets with the support of an enormous machine. After heating pellets to form raw material with a suitable temperature, these raw materials were born. The last step is producing end products, such as boxes, bags or bottles and transporting to supermarkets and retailers.
The diagram illustrates how to produce sugar from sugar cane with the support of many high technologies.
Overall, the production of sugar shows seven steps, starting with the growth of sugar cane to the milling and end with the transporting the products.
The process of manufacturing sugar from sugar cane starts with growing sugar canes from 12 to 18 months until it satisfies the quality standards. After that, sugar canes are harvested by trucks or farmers. After crushing sugar canes into bagasse, the liquid continues to be purified by a limestone filter to become pure juice. Then, this liquid is evaporated with a suitable temperature until it becomes syrup. before the product is dryed and cooled to sugar, the syrup is separated sugar crystals from syrup. The last step is transporting to the supermarkets and retailers.

lethanhhang's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023

writing task 2

Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Children are the future of a nation, so their education and development are of great concern to society. Some people assert that parents should be responsible for educating their children to become good citizens, while others argue it is the role of schools, to which I agree.

Admittedly, school plays an important role in educating children to become responsible citizens. To facilitate a learning environment, schools have to establish a set of rules, and students are taught to strictly adhere to these rules. This promotes the characteristics necessary for good citizenship such as self-discipline and obedience. Furthermore, the school is a miniature society with people from various backgrounds. Through interacting with their peers and participating in teamwork activities, students can build up interpersonal skills that make them good members of society.
However, parents have a more profound influence. First, they lay the foundations for their children’s behavior by teaching them the differences between right and wrong and guiding the children to behave accordingly. For example, kids are taught at home to learn proper table manners and be polite to their grandparents. Second, young individuals by nature mimic people around them, and they typically spend most of their time with their mothers and fathers. Therefore, parents can model behaviour that embodies good character traits, and their kids are likely to learn from it.

In conclusion, while school can teach children to obey the rules and develop collaborative social skills, parents can instill in children the basics of good behaviour and be good role models for them. Hence, homes are the better place for nurturing children into good members of society.

ziopasta's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023





lethanhhang's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023

writing task 1

The first line graph plots the percentage of homes that had a labor-saving electrical appliance between 1920 and 2019. Three kinds of appliances are shown: refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, and washing machine. The second line graph plots the average amount of time spent weekly on domestic chores per household during the same period.
Overall, the presence/use of these appliances increased over the period. There was a strong negative correlation between the ownership of these appliances and the amount of time spent doing household chores.
Nearly none owned a refrigerator in 1920, while four in ten % had a washing machine and three in ten had a vacuum cleaner. After that, however, refrigerator ownership underwent the largest increase, surpassing the other two after 1940 at 60% and reaching 100% in 1980, when it remained unchanged thereafter. The ownership of vacuum cleaners also experienced a notable rise and reached 100%, albeit much later in 2000, when it remained at that level as well. In contrast, the percentage of families owning washing machines, although starting at the highest value, only rose moderately and never reached 100%, but only about 75% in 2019.

Bair's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023

Journal #27: "How I'm learning English"

I want to tell you about my family. I have mother, father and two younger sisters. My parents are doctors and my sisters are pupils. My parents met at the medical university when they studed. My mother is from province and my father from city. My parants and my younger sisters live at apartment in downtown.I live with my girlfriend in neighboring area at own apartment. One of sisters study at high school and another sister study at primary school. One of sisters, which study at high school, is going to become a doctor like our parents. Another sister is going to become an engineer, maybe architect. Sometimes, I have my famaly over to eat homemade food. My girlfriend cook so delicous and perfect meals. It usually happens at the weekend. I have very wonderful family and girlfriend. I confident I can rely on my family or girlfriend.

Thanks for reading my journal.

lewis's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023

Draguer quelqu'un

Je me suis levé à 10h30, j'ai pris un petit café au café Maison Polanski et j'ai acheté un kilo de pommes au marché. la femme me disait que c'était nommé une pirouette de pommes, et je l’ai noté dans mes bloc-notes dans mon portable. J'allais au musée Beaubourg avec Sandrine, Adeline, Baptise et Anouk. Mais bon… c'était fermé. On faisait autre chose quand même. On a vu une petite exposition de Guerlain aux Champs-Élysées. Après, Bashir est parti et on est allé au bar nous quatre. Je me sens un peu coincé du cul entre les trois femmes bavardant. On a rigolé sans arrêt des gens qui sont propres et bavard de draguer quelqu'un.

milkyway's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023

A App for Illustrations

Recently I use an app called Procreate to make illustrations on iPad.
But I thought it might be better to use an app called CLIP STUDIO PAINT to make illustrations like manga. So I tried to use it.
CLIP STUDIO PAINT for iPhone is subscription service but we can use it free for just one hour every a day.
Any apps for iPhone can use also for iPad, so I downloaded the iPhone version.
If I could use it well, I would use for iPad version as subscription service.

Christina1912's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023

Meine Träume

Ich erinnere mich oft meine Träume. Letzte nacht traume ich dass ich ein Glas gegessen habe. Gestern habe ich ein Glas gebrochen und ich habe vor schlafen über dieses Glas gedacht. Normalerweise, sind meine Träume sehr komisch aber ich denke, meine tägliche Aktivitäten einflussen meine Träume. Ich träume auch oft dass alle meine Haare oder meine Zähne ausgefallen sind.

Christina1912's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023

Entspannen im Winter und Sommer

Normalweise, entspanne ich mich besser alleine. Im Winter, wenn es draußen kalt ist, ich bleibe in meiner Wohnung und trinke Tee. Ich lese auch ein Buch oder höre einen Podcast mit Gespenstschichten an. Im Sommer, schwimme ich gerne im Schwimmbad in der Nähe meiner Wohnung. Aber ich bin auch mehr Freundlich im Sommer. Zum Bespiel, gehe ich mit meinen Freunden aus für einige Getränke. Heute gehe ich mit Freundinnen in ein neues persisches zu essen. Ich freue mich darauf.

shadowfax26's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023


Urraaaa, oggi posso prepararmi per il weekend. È il momento di avere i giorni liberi e rilassarmi. Dopo aver mangiato studierò per mezz'ora e poi inizierò a lavorare. Non devo amdare in ufficio per il resto del mese.

È meglio ( per me ) lavorare da casa. Non indosso le scarpe e posso vestirmi comoda. Sono anche più rilassata, non sento nessuno urlare. In passato quando andavo in ufficio, c'erano troppe persone e a volte non parlavano a bassa voce.

Sto per pranzare. A domani!

rabbit_1999's avatar

Nov. 16, 2023



