Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
Le Canada est un pays qui a beaucoup animaux dangereux. Par exemple, les ours inspire terreur dans tous les gens qui les rencontrent. Cependant, il y a un animal qui est le plus terrifiant de tout le Canada. C'est un prédateur qui on voit rarement parce que, c'est un prédateur en embuscade. C'est le castor.
Les castors sont célèbre pour couper les arbres. Mais malheureusement, leur dents qui peuvent morder les arbre avec l'aise peuvent couper à travers les fémurs aussi. Pour les humains c'est une recette pour désastre. C'est à cause de le fait que les castors aiment ses cacher dans l'eau sombre et couvert par le végétation. Quand le temps est bonne, tout à coup les castors sautent hors de l'eau et prennent leurs victimes par la jambe. Aprés perdre une jambe, on n'est simplement pas d'un compétition pour le castor.
Les castors sont les animaux qui aiment manger leurs victimes vivantes et le dernière chose que leurs victimes voient sont habituellement les grandes dents qui marchent progressivement des pieds vers la tête. Malheureusement il y a plus d'un million de Canadiens qui mourir dans cette mannière chaque année.
Jan. 15, 2024
I’d like to study Chinese a litle, because I want to go on a trip to Taiwan.
I try to write while using google translate a lot, because my Chinese level is under beginner.
I want to go to Hsinchu city.
And I want to eat some delicious fried rice vermicelli.
Could you tell me if you know good restaurant?
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
Kína még nem talált hatásos ellenszert a visszaesésre. A kiskereskedelmi forgalom, az ipari termelés és a beruházások mértéke messze elmaradtak a várakozásoktól. A múltban Kína nehéz gazdasági helyzetekből gyorsan kilábált a beruházások fellendítésėvel és az ingatlanpiaci spekuláció ösztönzésével.
Kína azonban eladósodott és az export lelassult.
A kormánynak már csak egyetlen keresleti forrása van, a háztartások fogyasztása.
A fogyasztás és a beruházások közötti egyenlőtlenség most mélyebb, mint valaha. A gyenge belföldi keresletet okolják a magánszektor visszafogott beruházási kedvéért. Valamint a fiatalok 21 százalékot meghaladó munkanélküliségi rátája hatalmas nyomást jelent.
Jan. 15, 2024
「ベトナムと言ったら真っ先に何が思い浮かびますか?」と尋ねると、 外国人の多くはフォーやブンチャー、パンなどの美味しい食べ物に感動すると答えるでしょう…また、「戦争」と答える人も少なくありません。 おそらく、ベトナムが今日のような独立と自由を獲得することができるまでに、非常に長い戦争期間を経たからだろう。 これらの激しい戦争の成功に貢献するには、将軍たちの賢明な軍事的方向性と知的な戦略が確かに必要でした。 戦時中のベトナムの有能な将軍について語るとき、ボー・グエン・ザップ将軍に触れないことは確かに不可能です。 彼はホーチミンに次いで、20世紀のベトナム史において最も重要な人物である。
ザップ将軍は、ベトナムがフランス植民地主義者と戦おうとしていた時代、1911年にクアンビン省で生まれた。 おそらく彼は儒教の家庭に生まれ、戦争中の国であったため、幼い頃から倫理、イデオロギー、愛国心について非常に厳しく教えられてきました...彼はすぐに当時の多くのベトナムの愛国的革命家たちと触れ合い、彼に歴史の真実を追求する情熱を与えた。
彼は学生時代から革命運動に参加しました。 1930年にインドシナ共産党に入党した。 1940年、フランス植民地政府の禁止により、彼はホーチミンに会うために国境を越えて中国に渡った。 短期間のエキサイティングな革命活動とその才能により、すぐに皆の信頼を得て、1948年にベトナム初代陸軍大将となり、ベトナム人民軍で活躍しました。 多くの人が驚くのは、ザップ将軍が軍事訓練を受けておらず、私立学校の歴史教師としてスタートしたということだ。
彼は当時ベトナムでの多くの重要な作戦の指揮に直接参加しました。 しかしおそらく、「1954 年のディエンビエンフー作戦」は、ザップ将軍の名を 5 大陸に知らしめ、彼が適用したゲリラ戦術の成功を示した作戦であったのでしょう。 この戦役中、ザップ将軍は戦闘計画を「迅速に戦い、迅速に勝利する」から「ゆっくりだが着実に」に変更した。 これは、ザップ将軍が軍隊生活の中で最も難しいと考えた決断でした。 軍の指導者になるということは勝利を望むことだが、ザップ将軍の場合、どんな犠牲を払ってでも勝利を達成できるとは限らないが、勝利には常に兵士の血と血の犠牲を最小限に抑えることが伴わなければならない。 ディエンビエンフー作戦における戦闘計画変更の決定はその一例である。 このモットーは、勝利を確実にすることに加えて、兵士の損失を最小限に抑えることも目的としています。 ザップ将軍の貢献と犠牲に対する共有、同情、賞賛、励まし、感謝が、兵士と大衆の中に大きな力の源と勝利への比類のない意志を生み出す動機となってきました。 その結果、戦争は輝かしい勝利を収めましたが、この勝利の 2 か月後、フランス植民地主義者はジュネーブ協定に署名しなければならず、フランス植民地時代は終わりました。
しばらくして、ザップ将軍はベトナム人民軍の将軍としてベトナム軍を指揮し続け、南軍と米軍と対峙した。 ザップ将軍は 1975 年のベトナム統一の原動力の一部でした。イギリスの軍事史家ピーター・マクドナルドは、軍事指揮下でザップ将軍についてコメントし、ザップ将軍を高く評価しました。彼は戦いと勝利に満ちており、史上最も偉大なリーダーの一人となった。 ゲリラ戦と通常戦を組み合わせた点で彼に匹敵する将軍はほとんどいません。 この組み合わせはこれまで存在しませんでした。」 ザップ将軍はその才能を高く評価されていたが、「たとえ偉大な功績を残したとしても、まだ大海の一滴に過ぎない」と謙虚な姿勢を崩さなかった。 たとえ名将と呼ばれても、私は兵士と同等です。」
戦後も国防大臣としてベトナム人民軍を指揮した。 彼は 1991 年に政界を引退しましたが、今でもベトナムを気遣い、見守り、ベトナムのさらなる発展を助けるための提案をしています。 2013年、健康上の理由により逝去。 ザップ将軍の死は、ベトナム国民だけでなく、世界中の人口の大部分に多くの悲しみを残しました。
ザップ将軍がいなくなっても、彼の勝利と犠牲は常にベトナム国民に刻まれ、決して忘れられることはないでしょう。 今日、私は独立した自由で平和な国に住むことができて幸運であり、ボー グエン ザップ将軍には常に感謝し、敬意を表しています。 ザップ将軍の愛国心、責任感、勇気、謙虚さ、優しさは、私たちが見習うべき貴重な資質です。 どの国にも、今日のような平和を勝ち取るためには、ザップ将軍のような祖国を守るために犠牲を払い懸命に戦った才能ある英雄がいると思います。 したがって、その犠牲を失望させないために、私たちのような若い人は、一生懸命勉強し、より発展した祖国の建設に貢献するために熱心に働く必要があると思います。
Jan. 15, 2024
Once upon a time in a deep magical forest there lived a princess named Leila. When she was born the whole kingdom gathered to see her beauty, she was as small as a ladybug and as beautiful as a picture, but none of her family knew that something very terrible will happen to Leila when she falls asleep. The night came, her mother entered her room and kissed her for so long that she didn't notice it was already midnight on her way out. She said to her: ''Sleep well, my beauty.'' She turned off the lights and closed the door, but suddenly there was a boom! All the guards, as well as her mother and father, rushed into Leila's room, but Leila's bed was empty. They searched and searched the whole castle and every part of her room but she was nowhere to be found. Her mother cried so much that she didn't even eat, drink or sleep for days. Hundreds and hundreds of guards went looking for her but she was nowhere to be found. The King, her father, ordered that whoever finds his daughter will get one million golden coins. Days and days passed and so had a year but Leila was nowhere to be found. The Queen cried desperately: '' My dear, I miss our little beauty so much! I want to know where she is and what happened to her, that's why I wanted to ask you to find a knight.'' The king answered: '' Yes, but where do you plan to find him? The Queen replied: ''Meet knight Josip, he is going to help us find our little princess.''
According to the Queen's desperate will, the King found Josip who was willing to help and the King asked him: ''Why do you want to help us?'' Josip answered: ''My Majesty, my family is very poor and my younger sister is very sick. We don't have golden coins to buy her expensive medicine and when I heard about your reward, I knew I had to do it so you see that's why I want to do it. The King told him: ''Listen, young man, I am telling you this. If you bring my daughter alive to me, I will pay for your sister's medicine and I promise to give you two million golden coins. Josip replied: ''Thank you, my lord, when should I start?''. The King simply said: ''Tomorrow.''
The next day came and the knight went in search of the lost princess. As soon as he came into the forest, he felt a little scared but he remembered his sister and gathered the courage. Half way in the forest, he found the tree of golden apples but then he remembered that the King warned him that he would come across and see strange things in that forest because it was magical. The knight walked and walked and suddenly he saw an old house. He entered it out of pure curiosity, but when he entered, he saw a beautiful girl with long blond hair and he approached her. He asked her what she was doing there and she told him that she didn't know and that she was there alone since she was little. He wasn't quite sure if she was the beloved princess so he didn't want to say anything to her. But it was already dark and he wanted to continue with his journey. Suddenly, a small hand grabbed him. When he turned around, he saw that it was the girl from the old house who told him that he could stay and sleep in the house with her. Since it was already dark and cold, he agreed because he didn't know what could happen to him in this forest. Then they fell asleep. The next morning the knight woke up and saw that the girl was gone. He went outside and saw her picking up some berries, he knew that they were Plumberries and very poisonous. He got them out of her hands and told her that those were poisonous. After hearing that, she thanked him and offered him to stay for another night. He thanked her and they made lunch together. After lunch they went for a walk. The girl asked him what his name was. He told her Josip. She told him that it was a beautiful name. He asked her about her name but she replied she didn't know. She showed him a pendant that said Leila. She couldn't read it because she was illiterate. She didn't even know what her name was. The knight was in shock. It was a princess!!! He waited until they got back to the old house. When they came ''home'', they sat down at the table and the knight told her everything. Her state was one of a profound shock but she trusted him. He told her that the next day she could go to the kingdom with him. She agreed. The next day the knight couldn't find her anywhere. He looked everywhere, inside and outside the cabin but she was simply not there. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to find her but then, he saw a note on the table that said: ''Dear Josip, I wanted to run away, I was afraid I wouldn't be good enough for a princess. I'm so sorry''. The knight looked for her and looked for her until he found her by the river. He approached her quietly and asked her why she was afraid. She told him that she thought that King and the Queen wouldn't approve of her as their daughter. He convinced her that they had sent him to find her. She was relaxed and joined him on their way back to the kingdom. When they came back to the kindom everyone looked at her strangely. They entered the castle and the Queen and the King couldn't believe their eyes. The Queen cried: ''It's her, it's really her!''. The King said: ''I can't believe it!'' They asked her what had happened to her. She answered that she just found herself there and that she became the ultimate queen of the forest and that she liked her life. She told them she would like to go back to the forest and live there. The King and the Queen could not believe what they just heard, they didn't know what to say. They were so afraid to lose her again, they begged her to stay with them for at least five days and then they would let her go freely. She agreed and stayed for a week.
That week was great for her. She wore all kinds of dresses, ate delicious food and went to see the crowns that were being made for her. After a week, she said goodbye to the Queen and the King. She finally went to the forest to be the greatest Queen of all times there. The knight Josip got his money and his sister was cured. The King and the Queen were happy to at least see their little girl from time to time. They arranged on regular meetings in the forest or in the castle. Everyone was happy in the end and that is the only thing that matters.
Jan. 15, 2024
Aujourd'hui, la biodiversité affronte un danger grave. C'est à dire les espèces animales et végétales sont en danger. Ces dernières sont menacées de disparition. Ça m'angoisse horriblement de perdre ces espèces extraordinaires et précieuses.
Toutes les espèces de la faune et de la flore ont toujours montré leur générosité pour l'être humain. Les animaux nous produisent des diverses produits, également les espèces végétales nous alimentent. En outre, les arbres nous laissent toujours leur ombre où nous pouvons nous reposer.
En résumé, il y a toujours une liaison entre l'humanité et les autres espèces, tout de même, on ne leur fait pas assez d'attention et on les avarie.
Il faut préciser que 844 espèces sont éteintes entre l'an 1500 et aujourd'hui, par ailleurs, 7597 sont en danger, et c'est une situation excessivement alarmante.
C'est le moment d'agir pour protéger la diversité sur terre, en d'autres termes, préserver la biodiversité.
Pour commencer, il faut remarquer des dangers contre la biodiversité.
Premièrement, à cause des déforestations, les habitants des fôrets perdent leur habitat et deviennent plus fragiles.
Deuxièmement, les catastrophes naturelles et le réchauffement climatique mettent certaines espèces proche de l'extinction.
Finalement, la chasse illégale des espèces protégées est choquante et il faut strictement le punir.
Ensuite, qu'est qu'on peut faire pour préserver la biodiversité?
Premièrement, on peut s'engager aux organisations non gouvernementales pour aider.
Deuxièmement, on doit changer notre mode de vie et vivre de manière plus respectuese de l'environnement.
D'ailleurs, on peut diminuer notre consommation de viande.
En définitive, la biodiversité est très importante et il faut qu'on fasse tout qu'on peut pour la protéger.
Jan. 15, 2024
En ce qui me concerne, l'avenir de notre planète est un enjeu assez grave sur lequel je suis énormément soucieuse.
Aujourd'hui on voit des nombreux changements que notre chère planète ait eu et maintes catastrophes naturelles qui se passent comme le résultat. Par exemple le tremblement de terre, l'inondation, l'incendie et le tsunami.
En fait si on continue de cette manière et on ne chnage rien de notre mode de vie, la planète sera complètement détruite dans quelques décennies et par conséquent, les générations qui viendront après nous, ne pourront plus habiter ici.
D'après moi, pour éviter la perdition de notre planète, la sauver et donner la chance d'une vie meilleure aux générations suivantes, il faut faire quelques mesures.
Premièrement, il faut qu'on utilise les transport public plus souvent et les gouvernements doivent aussi mettre des infrastractures pour ces modes de transport.
Deuxièment, il faut que tout le monde se met d'accord et crée des lois internationaux sur la consommation d'énergie.
Ensuite, on peut essayer à acheter moins de produits emballés et acheter en vrac de plus en plus. En conséquence on diminuera l'utilisation de la plastique.
On doit aussi s'équiper d'une gourde en inox par personne pour ne pas utiliser les bouteilles d'eau.
De surcroît, on doit essayer d'acheter moins et éviter la surconsommation.
Ensuite, il faut qu'on utilise les sacs en toile au lieu des uns en plastique pour faire des achats.
Dernièrement, il faut manger moins de viande et changer la façon de se nourrir.
En conclusion, notre planète est sérieusement en danger et il faut la respecter plus et pratiquer les comportements éco-responsables pour la protéger.
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
La circulation est difficile, je suis optimiste pour résoudre ce problème.
Les jardins sont importants, une concurrence de jardinage aura lieu.
La pollution de l'air est à cause du gaz co2, j'interdirai la circulation des voitures polluantes.
Les jeunes ont des difficultés scolaires, j'aiderai les jeunes à être moins nerveux pour leur futur
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
Nowadays social media takes an integral part of the modern world, and it is hard to overrate its significant role. Of course, there are many advantages and drawbacks of using social media in our daily life. In my point of view, social media might give us numerous pros so that it would be silly not to use them. The main advantages are listed down below.
The biggest and the most important advantage of social media is connectivity, the opportunity to connect with anyone and anywhere, if you have an internet connection. For example, today we don't need to travel in order to speak with a foreiner and we’re able to do it without much effort sitting on the chair, learning or sharing our opinion or thoughts. Another crucial benefit is the ability to be connected with your beloved, your family, so it becomes much easier to live in a distance with them, because we don’t feel this distance when we’re able to interact with them anytime.
Another important advantage is promoting your services or goods using social media. Local businesses can save a lot of money by not buying expensive advertisements on TV and contact their audience without intermediaries. As well as blogers, for whom social media became a place to work and earn money by giving people interesting or useful content. Social media actually is a reason for the appearance of a new stratum of people - videoblogers.
Another big advantage which I can’t miss is using social media for being updated on actual news. While news on TV and web sites are biased, using social media can show us real facts and existent situations without interpretation.
Meanwhile there are some drawbacks of using social media. In my point of view the main issue is the vulnerability of our privacy. In reality you don’t even need to be a hacker in order to find much personal information about a person, users of social media mostly are ready to share their personal data. But this fact doesn’t cancel out the risk of hacking, which is also very probable. The attackers can get your personal data and share it on the internet.
One of the other cons is the risk of becoming addicted to social media. It leads to excessive use and wasting time, not having enough physical activity and so on. It is especially dangerous for youth, their excesive use also can lead to mental issues due to comparing themselves with others. By the way, today’s social media with short videos, like Tiktok, might be very addictive because they give our brain dopamine, the “feel-good” chemical.
In conclusion, even though social media has very harmful drawbacks, it's impossible to imagine our life without all the benefits it gives us. The sole way to mitigate drawbacks is to prevent excesive use of social media by being conscious and disciplined enough.
Thank you!
Jan. 15, 2024
Bonjour tout le monde!
J'ai récemment appris ce site et j'ai décidé d'essayer écrire.
Cette année, je commencerai ma première année d'examens importants, donc je dois travailler dur pour améliorer mon français.
Je m'appelle Gideon et j'apprends le français depuis quatre ans à l'école. La langue me plait beaucoup parce que j'adore apprendre la riche culture française, goûter la cuisine français, comme les croissants, les escargots, la Soupe à l'Oignon Gratinée, écouter des chansons françaises telles que "La vie en rose", "Hier encore" et aussi les plus nouvelles chansons par exemple, "Tourner dans le vide" et "Tous les mêmes".
Un peu à propos de moi est que j'apprécie jouer au tennis et frapper les balles très fort pour évacuer le stress dans ma vie.
Les trois mots j'utiliserais pour me décrire sont: dynamique, travaillant et bavarde.
Un endroit où je voudrais voyager est Japon parce que la ville et la campagne sont très pittoresques, la nourriture japonaise est ma préférée et les nouvelles technologies que possède le Japon sont étonnantes.
Merci beaucoup de votre lecture et j'espère écrire bientôt.
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
In my opinion children must learn how to do chores at home. I think those are basic skills that they will need in the future. They have to know how to do everything at home, like, for example: put the dishwasher on, how to wash their clothes, keep the house clean, and so on. I believe learning these things will help them to know not only how to do these tasks but also, they will experience the effort that one has to do in order to maintain one’s house.
It is a pretty common quarrel the one involving the chores at home. So, if they know how to do everything and the amount of time and effort required, they will be able to live alone in good conditions and, in case they share their life with a partner, they will be more understandable with the chores that the other party is doing at home.
Since the household chores are inevitable, even if one has not to do them, this knowledge will help them to keep their things clean and empathies with those doing the hard work.
Jan. 15, 2024
Este otoño yo y mi hijo solían viajar casi todos los domingos (correcto?) / Este otoñyo solía viajar con mi hijo casi todos los domingos (correcto?).
En estas breves viajes exploramos los alrededores rurales de la provincia en que vivimos. Cada vez cogimos el tren en la estación más próxima de nuestro pueblo, o hacíamos transbordo en el capital de la provincia. En el último caso tenemos que ir allí en autobús. Normalmente salimos no muy temprano, yo dejo unas horas para caminar por la montaña y el campo para volvernos a casa no muy tarde.
En uno de los primeros viajes buscamos una cascada, cuál fotos vi anteriormente en internet. En fotos parecía maravilloso. Pero después de horas de búsqueda encontramos solo su sitio completamente seco. Pero otro domingo fuimos a otro sitio, donde encontramos una cascada viva.
Jan. 15, 2024
Jan. 15, 2024
00:06:38 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)