yidacode's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024

인도 카레

요가의 선생님에 본격적인 인도 카레를 만들어 주셨다.
채식주의자가 있어서 채소만 있는 카레이다.
선생님이 인도에서 사 온 향신료를 사용해서 전날부터 여러 가지 채소를 넣고 끓인 카레는 너무 맛있었다.
요가 교실의 학생 30명 정도도 그라탕이나 난, 젤리, 케이크, 과일, 젠자이 등 각자 가지고 오고 있었다.
그것을 전부 먹었더니 배부르다.
오늘은 저녁을 안 먹어도 될 것 같다.

menchauser's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024

Le marché Dolac

Dans le centre de Zagreb il y a le marché, qui s'appelle Dolac (il se prononce "dolats"). Il est très populaire parmi les habitants de Zagreb et les visiteurs. Je vais au ce marché chaque weekend pour faire les courses. Il a tout les aliments: des fruits, des légumes, des viandes. À côté de Dolac il y a vendu des souvenirs croatiens. Mon café préféré aussi est à côté de Dolac. Quelquefois je le visite pour petit-déjeuner.

breadhouze's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024

[24-01-15] 월요일의 복습이다

글을 고쳐주시면 감사하겠어요!

가: 돈을 잃어버린 것 같아요. 죄송해요.
나: 뭐라고 해요? 돈을 잃어버렸다고요?

가: 이번 학기에 우리 딸의 대학 등록금이 육천만 육백만오십만칠만 원이에요.
나: 유천만 육백만오십만칠만 원이라고요? 너무 비싸네요!

가: 지난 주에 저랑 남자친구는 헤어졌어요.
나: 어머! 헤어졌다고요? 왜요?

가: 노래를 불러 주세요.
나: 불라고요? 왜 갑자기 그런 걸 물어봤어요?

가: 나중에 해변에 갑시다.
나: 해변에 가자고요? 오늘 비가 많이 와요!

가: 혹시 아이유 콘서트에 가고 싶어요?
아이유 콘에 가고 싶냐고요? 역시 가야 되는데 아이유가 국민의 가수이잖아요!

JJP's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024

(D6) - The importance of sleep for overall health

When I was a child a remember that my parents had a very difficult time to wake me up on time to drive me to school. I could sleep uncountable hours on a row without waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Likewise, I could sleep just three or four hours and feel well enough in the morning to keep going with my life.

However, I guess that nothing lasts forever, nowadays I have a much narrower flexibility on which a I can move to feel well and healthy. As time goes by, I’m getting older and I need to care more my sleeping hours. In order to do that, since it’s not that easy to fall sleep, I need to do more exercise and bare in mind that I cannot eat whatever I want before going to bed.

Therefore, I need to learn how to take a good care of myself to be in a good shape. Although once I’ve learned it, I feel much better again and I’ve gained in physical resilience which makes me feel a bit younger.

svetlana_chiara's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024

Legendy naszego dzieciństwa

Ten zbiór zawiera dziewięć legend polskich.
"Kwiat paproci"- o chłopcu Jacku, który zdołał zdobyć ten kwiat, ale posiadanie otrzymanego przez to bogactwa nie przyniosło mu szczęścia, bo przez strach stracenia tych dóbr, stracił o wiele ważniejsze - swoją rodzinę. A kiedy to zrozumiał, niestety było już za późno.
"O Popelu i Mysiej wieży" - legenda opowiada o władce Wielkopolski Popelu i jego żonie, które przez swoje lenistwo i miłość do beztroskiego życia doszły do zabójstwa bliskich ludzi, ale zostali za to surowo ukarani. I nie pomogło im nawet ukrycie w starej wieży nad Gopłem.
"O poznańskich koziołkach" - legenda o tym, jak zjawili się na środkowej wieży zegarkowe koziołki i co miał z tym wspólnego kuchcik Piotrek.
"O Piaście Kołodzieju" - o pochodzeniu pierwszego władcy Polski Mieszko I.
"O toruńskich piernikach" - legenda o kochaniu ucznia piekarza Bogumiła i jego córki Rózi i o dobrej radzie królowej krasnoludków, w wyniku czego zjawili się pyszne toruńskie pierniki.
"O śpiących rycerzach w Tatrach", którzy czekają na przyjście chłopca z dobrym i mądrym sercem, który zbudzi ich ze snu, żeby uwolnić ludzi.
"Świtezianka". Ta legenda spodobała mi się najbardziej. Opowiada ona o nieszczęśliwej Lenie i zdrajcę Stachu i o tym co może spotkać tego, kto przysięga miłości, a potem jest niewiernym.
"Skarby w Tęczynie" - o skarbach skąpego pana Tęczyńskiego, które są wyłącznie dla tych, którzy niczego się nie boją.
"Diabeł Boruta" o tym, że nie trzeba umawiać się z diabłem, bo i tak zawsze cię oszuka.
Legendy są ciekawe, ale napisane trochę prymitywnym językiem. Ale to jest zrozumiałe, bo przecież są pisane dla dzieci.
Ale mogę ich polecić początkującym do nauki języka polskiego, zwłaszcza tym, które marzą o posiadanie karty Polaka.

shorter's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024



MonsieurBaguette's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024

Les avantages de bilinguisme

Le bilinguisme devient de plus et plus commun. En fait, il y a une moitié de la popultion du monde est bilingue. Certains critiquent et doutent les avantages des avantages de bilinguisme. Alors, quels sont leurs avantages ?

Tout d'abord, les personnes bilingues ont une mieux dévelopment de leurs cerveaux. Cela améliore la flexibilité mentale aussi chez les enfants, car ils commencent leurs apprentissages depuis leurs enfance, qui sont un peu plus tôt que les autres monolingues. C'est-à-dire qu'ils sont un peu plus intelligents par rapport aux monolingues. De plus, bilingues sont aussi mieux protégés contre la maladie d'Alzheimer, selon des recherches d'Etats-Unis.

Une autre avantage est que le bilinguisme permet de connaître des cultures diverses. En étant un bilingue moi-même, qui parle français et japonais, cela me permet de connaître plus le culture japonais et français au même moment. De plus, je peux aussi connaître plus concrètement les deux cultures, parce que la communication est aisé quand on échange nos différences et similarités de notre culture.

Finalement, les bilingues sont plus adaptés à apprendre une nouvelle langue plus vite que les monolingues. C'est grâce à leurs expériences d'apprendre une langue depuis leur enfance. Avec une telle expérience, ils possèdent une meilleure méthode à apprendre une langue tant que les autres n'en ont pas. Les langues auront aussi des similarités aussi, comme le français et l'espagnol, qui ont des mots similaries. Donc, étant une personne qui parle français, ce n'est pas une problème d'apprendre l'espagnol.

Pour conlcure, le bilinguisme ont tellement beaucoup d'avantages et étant une personne qui parle plusieurs langues aussi, j'espère que les autres peuvent aussi reconnaître leurs avantages.

alexcjwei's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024


她去世界比賽, 可是他沒有拿到金牌。 她回國的時候怕見人, 一直吧頭低下來, 因為她失敗了。她感到很難受。但是, 有一個機場服務員獻鮮花給她。(機場服務員穿深藍色的衣服 [我剛才學了“深”這個詞)) 這個服務員不是給她鮮花因為她贏了, 反而是因為她失敗了。機場服務員是她的崇拜者。 運動員就開哭, 流出了眼淚。

rainonatent's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024





Fernanhaiku's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024

Day 7

Today, I feel really tired and a little bit stressed. That's why I can't write too much, I was about to fall asleep while I was writing this entry. My inner voice told me that I should not write anything today, but I really wanted to, and I also have to record my audio diary entry. I don't know what more to say, so don't give up, we can do it!

Xtren070's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024

Practice #2 IELTS task 2. I really appreciate the help :)

Some people tend to think that great thinkers or scientists had a big impact on the world because they gave themselves completely to their work and did not have an idea of “work-life balance”. It seems to me that it is an incorrect way of picturing a life of success. I would argue that people should try to have a good work-life balance that makes them happy.

It is undoubtedly true that more time spending on work can lead to a better economic place. However, an unhealthy work-life balance can provoke an emotional and physical dissatisfied life. Statistics demonstrate that psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety are linked to overwork. That is a result of lack of social support and activities that fulfill people's life. It is important that workers spent their time in social activities such as playing board games or outdoor sports, where they can bond with other people. That helps workers to have an emotional support, which is essential to be happy.

Secondly, when people devote their life to their jobs and companies, they miss out other activities that can enjoy, which is also negative to their creativity. Having hobbies or practicing some sports bring benefits for the brain, because it creates new neural connections. That is special relevant for creative people. By disconnecting from work, people recharge their energy and are able to find new perspectives. For instance, every day after my father runs, he feels fresh to solve work problems or find new solutions.

In conclusion, having a work-life balance have some emotional and physical advantages and also helps people to develop their creativity.

Mcallahan's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024

Die Videospiele ich spiele

Ich habe Videospiele auf dem Computer gespielt, während in die High-School besuchen. Aber in Universität habe ich sie nicht gespielt weil keine Zeit hatte ich. Unversität ist jetzt vorbei, darum habe ich wieder Interesse ihnen. Ich spiele jetzt dieselbe Videospiele wie in High-School habe gespielt. Ich mag sie noch einmal durch spielen.

chrisnies33's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024


Morgen habe ich keine Schule, weil es geschneit hat. Ich bin aufgeregt, weil ich ausschlafen kann. Ich habe Arbeit von sechzehn Uhr bis zwanzig Uhr. Normalerweise mag ich meinen Job nicht aber gerade brauche ich Geld, weil ich etwas Geld sparen möchte. Heute habe ich mich mit meinem Analysis Tutor getroffen. Er ist sehr hilfreich und ich fühle mich besser über Analysis, wenn er mir hilft. Ich hoffe, dass Mittwoch auch einen Scnheetag ist.

simonaliu's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024

The speech of Steve Jobs

Yesterday I listened the speech that Jobs gave at a university graduation ceremony.
He said that he never graduated from a college. What he learned at that time was those really interested him. He also connected his success to his dropout.
I have also read some biography of other famous figures, some of whom have dropped out from college too. It’s seems that if you want to become success, you shouldn’t go to university. This is very funny.
In my opinion, the reason why they are successful is that they do something right, not because those things they lost. In those speeches or biographies, the lead stressed what they sacrificed, and weakened what they did to gain.
We should study how to achieve, not how to sacrifice. So reading is far from being success, do more practice and try. The useful of those speeches may only be getting your out from trough periods, they can’t guide you to success.

tiger_tiger's avatar

Jan. 16, 2024

Ein beschäftigter Morgen

Liebe Freunde,

es ist einer dieser Morgen an denen alles ein bisschen aus dem Ordung läuft.

Letzte Nacht war es unerwartet kalt. Ich schlafe am liebsten mit geöffnetem Fenster. So kann frische Luft eindringen. Aber heute musste ich die Fenster schließen und eine zusätzliche Decke mitnehmen. Infolgedessen wachte ich mit schwerem Kopf auf. Ich bin nicht sicher, ob es der Beginn der Erkältung ist oder nur die Folge des Mangels an frischer Luft.

Meine To-Do-Liste für heute ist ziemlich lang deshalb werde ich mich kurz fassen.
Ein Punkt auf meiner To-Do-Liste, auf den ich mich freue bin, ist der Kinobesuch.
Hoffentlich schaffe ich es und es wird eine Geschichte zu erzählen.

Bis später.

Japanada's avatar

Jan. 15, 2024

Sabato 23 dicembre 2023

Mercoledì 20 dicembre 2023
Oggi è il compleanno di mio figlio. Ha tredici anni. Mia moglie ha comprato una torta. Anche mia suocera ha comprato una torta. Mia moglie era arrabbiata. "Perché hai comprato una torta? Non sai che compro una torta ogni anno, io?" Per quanto mi riguarda, non mi sono lamentato. Mi piace la torta.

Venerdì 22 dicembre 2023

Fa molto freddo. Nevica nella nostra città. La neve è molto pesante in Hokkaido e vicino al Mar del Giappone. Oggi iniziamo la settimana dello shopping nella mia aula (sono un insegnante privato d'inglese). Mia moglie aveva comprato articoli economici su internet (giocattoli, le caramelle ecc.) Diamo soldi finti agli alunni e devono "comprare" le cose che vogliono usando l'inglese. Lo facciamo ogni anno e i bambini lo adorano sempre.

Sabato 23 dicembre 2023

Mia figlia ha tenuto uno spettacolo di danza a Nagano. Il suo gruppo è andato in autobus da Matsumoto, ma siamo andati a prenderla alle cinque con la mia macchina. Le montagne sono molto belle con la neve. La sera abbiamo mangiato pollo natalizio e torta natalizio (è una tradizione giapponese). Il Natale non è una festa in Giappone, quindi l'abbiamo fatto stasera, anche se Natale è lunedì.

Freya's avatar

Jan. 15, 2024



KaragAlex's avatar

Jan. 15, 2024

Классный дед

«Может быть, Эл Банди кажется тебе забавным, но не забывай что он может связать тебе узлом.»

Иногда, когда я говорю с друзьями о боевых исскуствах, один из вас скажет это. Эл Банди — главный герой американского сериала «Женаты с детьми»(Married with Children), который игрался в грецеском телевидении на десятилетнии 90-я. Он очень ироничный отец который бсегда ввязывается в глупных спорах с его женой и детьми. Однако, даже если кажется неуклюжным и невинным в сериале, в настоящая жизни у него чёрный пояс по бразильскому джиу-джитсу.

Эд О'Нилл, настоящий человек за Эл Банди, начал заниматься бразильскому джиу-джитсу в возрасте почти сорок лет. После шестнадчать лет он взял чёрный пояс. И сейчас что он приближается возрасту восемдесять лет, он продолжает тренироваться. Каждый раз что я слышаю его историю, я чувствую много мотивации. Не потому что он мог бзять чёрный пояс, но потому что он начал тренировать на средном возрасте и продолжает тренироватьсяа до сейчас.

Я думаю, что он хороший пример поговорки «никогда не поздно». Я хотел бы продолжать тренировать тоже до такого возраста.

knightsjohn2's avatar

Jan. 15, 2024

El Movimiento de MeToo en Taiwán

El Movimiento de MeToo es cada vez más popular en los últimos meses. También tomamos muchos atención sobre estos asuntos relativos. Pero, ¿sabemos que es MeToo?

De hecho, Metoo ya ha sido popular en EE.UU.en los años, en el que la inventora de este movimiento espera que las mujeres puedan hablar su experiencia de desastre para que castigue a los autores y tenga justicia. Ya que la mayoría de las víctimas es mujer, a veces se llama el movimiento de los derechos de mujeres.

Como lo he mencionado, el beneficio del Movimiento de MeToo es que las mujeres o las personas presionaban por los poderes pueden dar a conocer a través de las plataformas social, lo que se justifique por la población para que tenga la presión a los autores.

Sin embargo, hemos vendo muchos fenómenos raros contra el objetivo de este movimiento, como la la violencia verbal a los autores en la plataforma. Estas acciones no son resultados que nos queremos.

En resumen, aunque Movimiento de MeToo es para personas que puedan dar a conocer informaciones a toda la población para justificar, tenemos cuenta con el objetivo de este movimiento para evitar otros fenómenos los que rompen la esperanza de las víctimas.

toshinou_kyouko's avatar

Jan. 15, 2024

My winter holiday

I live in Finland. One day, my colleague posted a message about renting his Spain's apartment. He gives a discount to people from our company.
So, about a year ago, me and my girlfriend decided to use this opportunity to spend couple months in Spain during winter. We thought that it would be nice
to have a warm weather and more sun.

We started planning it and decided to go there by car. I didn't have a driving license at that time so I decided to get it. I had to learn how to drive in English, because I don't know Finnish, and I was really nervous about that. It was challenging. Apart from traffic rules, I had to learn the new vocabulary, such as clutch, wing mirrors, gear stick, etc... But I enjoyed it and passed both my theory exam and my driving test on a first try. I was so glad!

To be continued...

james1906's avatar

Jan. 15, 2024

Tagebucheintrag (1)

Heute Nacht, mir ist ziemlich schlecht. Ich fühle mich so schuldig, dass es schmerzhaft ist. Als ich jünger war, habe ich mich bösen Menschen eingelassen und ich wünschte, dass ich ein neues Leben beginnen könnte. Es hat keinen Sinn, nach Schuldigen zu suchen.
Ich hoffe, ich fühle mich bald besser. Die Welt ist schön und es gibt so viele nette Leute. Ehrlich gesagt habe ich Glück.

(Entschuldigung für die Negativität.)

karlalou's avatar

Jan. 15, 2024

The Book That I Want to Read Again

I have a book in my mind for days, maybe weeks, that I want to read again now. That is Salinger's "Franny and Zooey". That is actually because of ChatGPT which is an AI I learned about recently. I liked the homey air of 'Zooey' but had difficulty understanding many parts of it. Now that I know this intelligent assistant, I might be able to understand the story better. And on the way, I'm sure I'll enjoy the conversation with the AI as well. I will also reread 'Franny' of course, which is a prologue-like short story, as I like the girl's comic-like quality very much.

Freya's avatar

Jan. 15, 2024

Quinta-feira 11/01/2023

Eu costumava ler muito quando era uma menina. Um dos livros que eu gostava muito se chama Diário de um Banana, mas nunca os comprei, minha irmã os tinha. São muitos livros! Naquele momento eram 6, mas agora são 18! Eu já sou adulta, de forma que não os li.

Freya's avatar

Jan. 15, 2024

Quarta-feira 9/01/2023

Ha muito tempo atrás meu saga de livros favórita era Crepúsculo. Se os vampiros existissem no mundo moderno, o que eles fariam? Os humanos poderian reconhecer? Eu primero vi o filme, em 2003, eu tinha 10 anos. Depois li todos os livros, graças a meu tio que me emprestou a saga. Finalmente meu pai os compro para mim. Ainda os tenho, são meus tesouros!

dubai03nsr's avatar

Jan. 15, 2024

