March 13, 2024
March 13, 2024
March 13, 2024
It is well-known that China has rapidly developed its high-speed rail network in the past 20 years. Some people wonder why the USA hasn't done much in this field. One of the reasons might due to the fact that there are adiquate short airline routines between American cities.
While the government of China brags its governance system, I think that the foundmental technology of China's fast trains were originated in Japan. I once watched a video clip, in which the spokeperson of China Railway Inc., said all the technology was made locally.
March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024
Ich bin seit fast 4 Jahren nicht mehr in meinem Heimat gewesen. Mein Mann und ich haben mitten der Pandemie von Kalifornien nach die Türkei geflogen. Wir sind mit unserem zwei Katzen gefahren. Auf dem Flughafen in San Francisco hat eine Frau uns gesagt, "Ihr wisst, in Istanbul gibt es auch Katzen." Aber das waren unsere Katzen, nicht irgendeine Katzen! Der Flug hat 13 Stunden gedauert. Wegen der Pandemie, haben wir im Flug kein Essen bekommen, nur eine sehr kleine Flasche Wasser. Wir sind alle aber lebendig angekommen.
March 12, 2024
Approximentalement notre sommeil fait partie d'un tiers de notre vie. On en a besoin pour reprendre de la force. La majorité de gens se contentent de dormir aussi peu que possible pour profiter plus de temps. Hélas ils ne réalisent pas à quel point c'est nocif, pour vraiment profiter de la vie il nous faut un bon sommeil. C'est tout à fait normal il n'y a rien à se plaindre si l'on ne donne pas notre corps de ce qu'il a besoin il en va suffrir. Dormir trop peu peut être comparer à ne pas boire suffisament. Il y a des gens qui se disent qu'ils ont besoin de que 4-5 heures par jour bien que ce soit vrai qu'il y a de personnes pour qui il est le cas mais ils sont trés rare même pas 1 pourcent de la population. Il est plus probable que ces gens ont s'habituer de vivre avec moins de sommeil malheureusement ils ne remarquent plus qu'ils ont besoin de plus de sommeil c'est triste de empirer son corps sans savoir.
March 12, 2024
I don't think I'm a smart person. I suck at many things. I take too much time to do some things because I overthink and don't look for help. And other times, I have to ask people to repeat what they said to me because I get distracted and didn't hear at all or I just don't get what they are talking about.
Also, sometimes I'm really clumsy and I have caused a lot of accidents. I have lost many things because of this and broke a lot of glasses. And not just that, my sister gets anger at me because sometimes I forget to give her back the things she have lent me.
However, many people around me say to me that I'm smart. When I ask them why they tell me that I speak like an older person because of how mature I sound. Also, they talk about my grades at university and all the things I do on a week. Other times they just told me that I know many things about many topics, even a friend called me "enciclopedia" or "buscador de Google" in a joking way.
I know that intelligence is a lot more complex that it seems, but I don't see myself a genius. Also, I think that if you don't have discipline and a string willpower, intelligence will not be enough to grow and be your best version.
Thanks for reading!
March 12, 2024
Letzte Sommer bin ich nach Europa gereist. Zuerst habe ich Frankreich besucht. Dann fuhr ich mit dem Zug durch Süddeutschland. Am ende ging ich nach Österreich. Ich finde, dass Österreich ein wunderschönes Land ist. Die Berge in Westösterreich sind so schön! Die Restaurants auf dem Straße haben gunstiges und leckeres Essen. Man kann Musik in die Plätze hören. Ich hoffe, dass in die Zukunft werde ich nach Österreich wieder besuchen.
March 12, 2024
Una dieta pescetariana es un régimen alimenticio que excluye la carne de mamíferos y aves, pero permite el consumo de pescado y otros productos del mar. Hay numerosos beneficios de la salud con la dieta. Aunque las restricciones pueden ser difícil depende del local donde vive debido de la disponibilidad de pescado fresco.
La dieta pescetariana ofrece una variedad de opciones ricas en proteínas, como pescado y mariscos, que son fundamentales para el desarrollo y mantenimiento muscular. Pescado contiene ácidos grasos omega-3, beneficiosos para la salud cardiovascular y cerebral. Además, los productos del mar tiene yodo, zinc y vitaminas B12 y D. La diversificada gastronomía de los platillos de pescado conjunto con las especias se tornó comida blanda a una delicadeza. Hay otras dietas como el de mediterráneo que usan muchos principios del dieta pescatariana.
Sin embargo, la pesca excesiva y la acuicultura pueden tener impactos negativos en los ecosistemas marinos, afectando la biodiversidad y contribuyendo a problemas medioambientales. Hay riesgos imprevisibles como niveles elevados del mercurio, lo que puede afectar los fetos en desarrollo de mujeres embarazadas debido de los parásitos y niveles de mercurio de los fetos en desarrollo. Los precios de pescado son más costosos que otros tipos de alimentación como frijoles o cerdo. Asimismo, la eliminación de otros tipos de carne de la dieta puede resultar difícil para encontrar todos los nutrientes requisitos como vitamina B12 y hierro.
Sin duda, la plétora de opciones alimentas pueden transformar la dieta pescatariana a una opción irresistible. La dieta conlleva muchos beneficios a la salud mientras disminuyendo los riesgos de una dieta llena de carne roja. Aunque la planificación cuidadosa es requisito para asegurar el consumo de nutrientes y vitaminas suficientes para sostener el cuerpo saludable.
March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024
Cada verano hay muchos incendios en España, cuya causa principal es el descuido humano. Relacionado con los incendios forestales, el año 2012 fue el peor con casi 210.000 hectáreas quemadas. Debemos buscar una solución para esta catástrofe natural, y debemos tener más responsabilidad para el mantenimiento de los bosques. Además, es imprescindible que no olvidemos del cambio climático porque se han demostrado que tiene un impacto negativo en los fuegos, atizándolos o impidiendo su extinción. Avivados por la negligencia de muchas montañas, estos fuegos se ponen más grandes y más destructivos cada vez. Generaciones futuras querrán disfrutar de un bosque sano y bello. Comenzaríamos bien limpiando las montañas y endureciendo las leyes para que los responsables sean perseguidos.
En mi región, hace unos pocos años, había un incendio grande que creció tan rápido que unos coches tuvieron que huir para escapar con sus vidas. Desafortunadamente, una familia que se quedó atrapada y había de ir corriendo dentro del bosque para huir de las llamas. Corrieron y corrieron hasta que llegaron a un acantilado. La familia no tenía otra opción que saltar al mar que extendía unos 50 metros abajo de ellos. Sólo uno de los niños sobrevivo. Tenemos que controlar mejor los fuegos forestales para evitar que cosas así no pasen a nadie más
March 12, 2024
Heute werde ich zum ersten Mal seit lang auf Hallo Talk mein französischem Voiceroom öffnen. Der Grund darfür ist, dass ein meinem Hallotalkfreund habe mir das gefodert hat.Ich habe dadurch frührer am Abend gegessen. Jetzt wasche icn Geschirr, dusche mich und fange Hallotalk an.
March 12, 2024
Une des raisons que j'apprende le français est porquoi je veux apprende une nouvelle langue. Je aussi veux étudier à l'étranger. Comment à mon université c'est disponible un échange en France, j'ai choisi apprende le français. J'ai étudié aussi l'anglais, qui je parle bien, et j'ai essayé d'apprendre l'espagnol, mais je ne parle pas le espagnol, parce que je ne l'ai pas étudié beaucoup.
March 12, 2024
Hot Dog here!
When I looked for the English translation for "giri choko" on Eijiro XI Dictionary, I found a translation "chocolate out of courtesy" and an interesting example sentence, which said:
"Sales of 'giri choko' have decreased annually since peaking about seven years ago, due to the recession and a general trend away from formalities such as meaningless gift-giving, an official of Mitsukoshi's Ginza store said."
Eijiro Dicitionary was published in 2020. Therefore the peaking year was about 2013 or something like that. It was more than 10 years, although my company still remain such an out-of-date tradition.
Yeah, that's right. I used to be given 10 - 15 chocolates or more.
A few years ago, I announced that I didn't want to be given "giri choko" in order to catch up with that new trend in Japan.
However, I still got 5 chololates this year because some staff members have changed and they didn't know about my policy of Valentain chocolate.
Therefore, I need to give them back something that is at least twice as much as the price of the chokorate I was given. On March 14, the White Day.
Two out of five chocolates were given by someone on behalf of a team member (10 women) and by a department (40 women). In these cases, I need to buy chocolates 10 times as expensive as the chocolates they gave me...
I went to a sweet shop "Swiss" this evening, and bought the return gift chocolate for the chocolates out of courtesy.
I spent more than 20,000 yen!
Oh my gosh!
I'll give them back to them tomorrow, March 13, not March 14 in an attempt to break the old tradition, with a message: You don't need to give me giri choko next year!
I have to think about the message written in Japanese very carefully, not to be rude, but be able to block that chocolate next year effectively enough.
Maybe I can ask Japanese members on LangCorrct.
My Japanese message will be corrected in a more appropriate and cool way.
March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024
La berline dans laquelle la famille royale voyagea vers Montmédy (la destination prévue) à partir du 20 juin 1791 subsiste-t-elle ? La réponse : non.
Le véhicule fut commandé spécifiquement en vue du grand jour. Elle était robuste et comfortable pour six personnes.
Après la défaite de ce projet, on s’en servit comme diligence reliant Paris et Dijon jusqu’à ce qu’elle brûlât dans un incendie en 1795.
March 12, 2024
It was supposed to be a hike last Saturday, but it finally came to be a spring outing.
Because I had a stomach ache at the beginning of the hike, I decided to slow down and enjoy the scenery along the trail. Luckily, there were many flowers and waterfalls because spring was coming, and I had enough time to shoot pictures and videos. You can watch one of them here:
Maybe I will add some subtitles to this video tonight when I get home.
Here are some outlines:
1. There are streams all the way up the hill. Spring is coming. There is more water running in the streams, lively and exultantly.
2. Looking up, I saw a breeze blowing through the treetops, and a cherry tree in the distance was blooming.
3. Another cherry tree in bloom, and a waterfall!
4. There is a cherry tree in bloom too, at the top left of the waterfall. Nature is amazing. I didn't see a river when I walked at the top of the hill, but here it is, a waterfall coming from nowhere.
5. Many magnolia trees are blooming in the mountains, but this one is special. It just stands beside the road, posing beautifully. I can even touch the flowers, but I do not, I want to be a polite passer-by.
6. Here is almost the highest spot this day. Because of the humid and cloudy weather, the sky is not very clear. But I still love it. I think it is the artistic conception of "misty clouds" in ancient poetry.
March 12, 2024
Yesterday afternoon, I was at a church gathering. While the host was organizing the meeting, others discussed eternal life, and I couldn't understand most of them. An elegant man sat to my right hand side; he spoke with the host at a proper pace with beautiful tone. He looked like an elder stateman in a Youtube video I had watched before.
After the meeting, I inquired with someone I knew whether the two men were the same, and I sent the video link at the same time. My friend informed me they were different, suggesting that my inability of distinguish might due to I haven't seen thousands of North American people. Both men actually share the same hair style and head shape. I am a bit face-blind to them.
March 12, 2024
March 12, 2024
Aujourd'hui était un peu étrange. Une fille s'est approchée de moi quand j'étais en train de sortir de la bibliothèque et m'a demandé mon numéro, mon nom et elle m'a dit qu'elle m'a observait et qu'elle adore écrire des histories sur personnes qu'elle observe.
Je me sens un peu fatigué maintentant. J'ai dormi presque six heures.
March 11, 2024
I'm Hot Dog here.
In my previous entry, I got many useful techniques, solutions, and know-how regarding LangCorrect. Thank you very much.
In order to reduce the ratio of "correction made" and "corrected" when you write a long entry, some member told me that we should write perfect sentences that don't need to be corrected. However, I'm afraid to say that it would not be the solution, after making some research.
When I didn't make any corrections and only pushed so called "this sentence is perfect. No correction is needed" button. Yet, the number of my correction made increased!
Therefore, if you write a long entry, your ratio drops a lot no matter how perfect sentences you wrote.
In order to solve this problem, my advice is to write one, long sentence like the Japanese constitution.
For example: (You don't need to correct the following quote parts.)
"We, the Japanese people, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, determined that we shall secure for ourselves and our posterity the fruits of peaceful cooperation with all nations and the blessings of liberty throughout this land, and resolved that never again shall we be visited with the horrors of war through the action of government, do proclaim that sovereign power resides with the people and do firmly establish this Constitution.Government is a sacred trust of the people, the authority for which is derived from the people, the powers of which are exercised by the representatives of the people, and the benefits of which are enjoyed by the people.This is a universal principle of mankind upon which this Constitution is founded.We reject and revoke all constitutions, laws, ordinances, and rescripts in conflict herewith.
March 11, 2024
01:02:13 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)