linc's avatar

June 20, 2024


Никогда не заставляйте человека быть с вами в отношениях или общаться. Если это не взаимно, то отпускайте его. Люди точно знают, что они делают. Если бы они хотели соответсвовать вашей энергии, то они бы это сделали. Отвечайте их непоследственность с вашим отсутствием. Пусть они вас потеряют из-за их недостатка усилий.

(я сам перевёл этот текст. Надеюсь идеально звучит)

KosteRico's avatar

June 20, 2024

My Water Polo experience

I played water polo when I was a child. I was a hole set (center forward) and did pretty well on my level of competitions. I’m supposed to stay at 2 meter line zone and with my back to the goal. I was quite good at dribbling and shooting. But I mostly played mini water polo which is a subtype. It differs by the smaller field size, unlimited attacking time. My parents brought me there when I was a child to grow up a winner mindset, because my town didn’t have other strong teams which would compete on national level. But bullying, toxic relationship with a coach backed up my future dislike for that sport. I’ve had enough of it. Now I’m more into football and basketball haha

shadowfax26's avatar

June 20, 2024

Giovedì 20 giugno

Sono tristissima, la mia gatta è ancora malata. Questa volta è grave, non le fa male lo stomaco. È ritornato il suo cancro oppure non è andato mai via.

Credo che non si senta affatto bene, ma non possiamo farci niente. Spero che si sentirà meglio entro stasera.

Tutta la gente che ha un animale domestico a cui voglio bene spera che la loro animale guarisca, ma non dipende dalla speranza.

Ho già bevuto un caffè e ne berrò uno più tardi, sono troppo stressata e ho sonno.

La mia vicina di sopra non ha fatto rumore di nuovo, ma mi sono svegliata prima del solito a causa del caldo.

Siamo andati dal veterinario con la gatta e ci ha detto che sarebbe stata operata martedì. Dopo l'intervento vedremo cosa succederà.

Dopo quella visita sono riuscita a fare una breve passeggiata e a comprare qualcosa da mangiare.

Ho ancora molte cose da fare oggi e non mi riposerò finché non è tutto fatto. Sbrigare le faccende è una delle mie attività preferite.

Cercherò di cucinare qualcosa di nuovo e di delizioso questo weekend. Posso tener fede alla promessa e così mi godo il sabato cucinando.

Mi sarei riposata adesso, ma devo lavorare. A domani.

tramdo's avatar

June 20, 2024

Garder votre maison

Tâche 1: Votre ani Cédric a accepté de garder votre maison et jardin pendant vos vacances. Écrivez un message pour lui dire ce qu’il doit faire.


Bonjour Cédric,

Merci d’accepter de garder ma maison et mon jardin pendant mes vacances à partir de samedi prochain. En fait, il n’y a pas beaucoup de choses auxquelles tu dois prêter attention. Le camion poubelle ne vient qu’une fois par jour, donc tu dois sortir les poubelles chaque à 6 heures. Mon chien doit être nourri à 19 heures ; sa nourriture se trouve dans le frigo, à côté des légumes. Concernant le jardin, il serait bien que tu arroses les plantes deux fois par jour, matin et soir, pour assurer leur fraîcheur et leur croissance. Si jamais il y a un problème ou une question, n’hésite pas à m’appeler ou à m’envoyer un message.

À bientôt !

abc90377's avatar

June 20, 2024

Subtitles and Logograms

When you watch a movie, do you turn off the subtitles? I have heard that Taiwanese people prefer subtitles more than people in other countries. I don't know if it is true. But I know that in Japan, they dub every movie if the characters don't speak Japanese, whereas in Taiwan, we don't do that unless it is an animation or a movie for children. And when I watch Western TV news, they dub the interviewee if they don't speak English. That is never a thing for us. As for YouTube, I notice most YouTubers don't put subtitles on their videos, but most Taiwanese YouTubers do, even if their audience can perfectly understand Mandarin.

So maybe we do like to 'read' subtitles. I'm curious about it, so I scrolled online and found a theory. It said because most languages in the world are phonograms, the alphabet itself doesn't have meaning. But Mandarin is logogram, which means every character has its own meaning. For example, '木' means 'wood' in Mandarin, and '森' means 'forest', because a forest is made up of many trees. But as a full word, we use "森林" to represent a forest. Fun fact: '林' means 'grove' because it also consists of trees but fewer than a forest, so this character contains only two 'woods(木)'.

The theory suggests that languages using logograms make it easier to consume information through reading because each character is like an image. That's why we like to 'read' subtitles when watching videos. To be clear, this is not an academic article; it is just a random discussion online. But isn't it interesting? Maybe the writing system of a language does create significant differences on how we processing information. I want to learn more about it.

Vynk's avatar

June 20, 2024



luthothegreat's avatar

June 20, 2024

Mes difficultés avec le français

Salut, j'ai 16 ans. J"ai lecole, avec IGSCE annee deux. J'ai appris le francais pour le passe deux annee, c'est tres difficultes. Je naime pas appris langages avec dans l'ecole. Les classes est plutot non structure, avec petit interessant dans les bases, et plus d'accent sur gagnent autant vocabularie sur possible. Je prefere apprentisage langages dehors la classe, mais je juste passer au travers pour le annee. Quand j'ai fini, je voudrais apprendre ce encore, ainsi que un autre langage. S'il vout plait, donner des conseils sur la façon dont je devrait appredre le francais, que ce soit le primaire scolair level, ou d'autres.

SecondSerenity's avatar

June 20, 2024



車から家の中まで新しい机を持つことを手伝ってくださってありがとうございました!自分で机は重すぎたが、一緒に持ちやすかったです。お手伝いにならなかったら、無類なはずでした。 食べ物を作ってあげると思います。どんな食べ物が好きですか?


TNewfields's avatar

June 20, 2024












玲亜:是啊! 所谓"真正"的诗何时开始?


婷: 何不干脆放松一下呢?



dubai03nsr's avatar

June 20, 2024




lumia_prix's avatar

June 20, 2024

First Entry

J'ai écrit des notes sur la conjugaison des verbes.
Au début, ça semblait difficile. Mais avec la pratique et l'aide, ça sera plus facile.

Le dévouement et la patience sont nécessaire !

marblemenow's avatar

June 20, 2024

J'ai oublié d'écrire un texte hier

J'ai voulu écrire un texte hier soir, mais j'ai oublié d'écrire quelque chose en ligne. Je me suis reposée chez mon copain et on a nagé au ruisseau près de sa maison pendant quarante-cinq minutes.

ronpei's avatar

June 20, 2024

"Embracing Defeat"

Lately, I have started reading the book "Embracing Defeat" by John Dower, which one of the users on this site introduced to us by his post. The book, which won the Pulitzer award in 2000, is said to meticulously depict how Japan recovered in the aftermath of World War II.

Currently, I just finished reading the chapter 1 titled «Shattered lives» in the original English version. It begins with the day August 15, 1945, when the Emperor broadcasted the Imperial Rescript on Surrender to the nation. On the day before, Japanese government decided to surrender unconditionally and accepted the Potsdam Declaration. According to the author, «Responses to the emperors broadcast varied greatly». Indeed, I guess every single person felt differently while listening to the emperor’s words, because some believed in him frenetically while others opposed to Japans military actions, whether implicitly or explicitly. I recalled my late mother’s words I had heard when I was a child. She said that she had never felt sadness, but rather a great relief and kind of joy listing to that broadcast at her age of 17. She added that she had been hoping the war would end as soon as possible those days even if Japan lost. She also said she never wanted to remember her miserable days during the war.

The most impressive description was about war orphans and homeless children, who were the war’s youngest victims. According to a February 1948 report , the number of them rose up to 123,510. Many of them lived in railroad stations or under trestles in abandoned ruins. Those days, a distinguished writer Osaragi Jiro, who was asked why the Japanese did nothing about their street children by a British acquaintance, answered that they lacked not only the financial resources, but also lacked love as a people toward strangers. The author, Mr. Dower, put an question:«Japanese were shallower than other peoples when it comes to love?» I don't know the answer, but if it were true, it could be a reason why there are now fewer refugees accepted in Japan than other countries.

Although I’ve just started reading this book, it seems to provide us a lot of chances to rethink about our country and the world.

ericfournier's avatar

June 20, 2024

日本語の日記 (2024年6月19日)


shorter's avatar

June 20, 2024



quillington's avatar

June 20, 2024

Chcę kupić roślinę

Uwielbiam naturę i piękne kwiaty. Ale jestem trochę leniwa i zwykle zapominam rzeczy. Istnieje bardzo wysoko szansa, że zapomnę podlewać rośliny i one zginą. Może kupię mały kwiat.

thealchemist's avatar

June 19, 2024



Xtren070's avatar

June 19, 2024

19/06 Printed newspapers or books: opinion essay :)

Technology is changing how people do their daily activities, and reading is not the exception. Some people think that in the future, with the widespread use of the internet, everyone will prefer to read online for free than to purchase printed newspapers or books. While I partially agree with that statement, I also believe that physical reading materials will still be a part of people's reading habits.

Firstly, it is reasonable to assume that people would prefer reading for free online than spending money on the equivalent physical content. That is because they will save money, particularly with expensive books that require to be imported or with books that are written in other languages. For example, when I was buying books on Amazon, the transportation fee was as expensive as the book. I was only able to read it because I found the digital version of it.

Secondly, even though digital content is sometimes free, there are some users that prefer buying books and newspapers in order to avoid the distractions that come with reading online. It can not be denied that the internet have affected our ability to focus on specific activities. For example, many people, instead of finishing the book they are reading online, they ended up watching videos or playing video games.

In conclusion, I believe that in the future, people will still read books or newspaper in its digital and physical form. The former will allow people to read without spending a lot of money, and the latter will help them to avoid distractions.

Student123's avatar

June 19, 2024

La terapia de Instagram tiene un problema

Según el autor, somos “animales sociales”, lo que merece el contacto con los demás. Quizás seamos imperfectos a veces. Aunque la cultura de silenciar a nuestros familiares y amigos en los ámbitos virtuales y reales nos oculta de la realidad y nos priva de los aspectos difíciles de la vida.

La búsqueda por el bienestar sirve para justificar nuestras acciones, lo cual permitirnos evitar las conversaciones difíciles. El autor también criticó las terapeutas que escuchan y validan las perspectivas vanidosas de sus pacientes sin cuestionar sus falacias y carencias. Mutear, bloquear, eliminar e ignorar nos permite a escapar cuando necesitamos hacerlo, pero nuestra ausencia es igual que una respuesta. Con el efecto dominó, aprendemos evitar lo que sea difícil. Nos engañamos a nosotros mismos cuando carecemos de las habilidades de comunicación imprescindibles para crecer personalmente.

Por otro lado, poner los límites adecuados nos ayuda a sobrevivir y enfocarnos en nosotros mismos. Solamente podemos controlar nuestras acciones y respuestas, pero no podemos controlar los demás. Debería algo en medio que nos permite el espacio y tiempo que necesitamos mientras dándonos lo que deseamos en el momento. Como una alarma con una función de dormitar, necesitamos darnos el permiso a hacer una pausa cuando la necesitamos. Respectar los límites de los demás es lo mismo que respectar a los seres queridos y personas valuables en nuestras vidas. Especialmente, nadie merece el derecho de vivir sin alquiler en nuestras mentes, corazones y almas.

Como un pájaro con sus criaturas, su libertad no es el fin sino que el comienzo de su próximo capítulo. Sacarnos las gafas de color rosado nos ayuda a enfocar nuestro tiempo y energía en lo que valoramos. Sin embargo, es importante que podamos reconocer nuestros motivos por lo que hacemos y tomamos la responsabilidad por las consecuencias imprevistas.

Bosu's avatar

June 19, 2024



satyras's avatar

June 19, 2024


Durch diese Grafik versteht man ein Phänomen, dass man mit digitalen Geräten z.B. Apple Watch die Daten rund um ihren Körper zu sammeln und dokumentieren.
Dieses Schaubild stellt fünf Bereiche dar, die gemessen werden können, nämlich Ernährung, Freizeit, Sport Gesundheit und Büro.
Beispielsweise ist das Dokumentieren von Kaloriengehalt meiner Meinung weit verbreitet. Viele Menschen dokumentieren diese Daten, um sich abzunehmen.

Außerdem ist Dokumentieren von Kalorienverbrauch sehr nützlich, ich habe diese Funktion auch benutzt, weil ich gesund und meine Figur bleiben möchte.
Einerseits bieten diese Funktionen uns meine Meinung eine Möglichkeit, die eigene Körpersituation zu kontrollieren, prüfen und die Zeit zu konstruieren/organisieren.

Anderseits steckt dahinter auch Risiko, die eigene Informationen könnten gestohlen, analysiert und weitergegangen werden.
Und wenn man ständig auf die Daten konzentrieren, könnte sie auch stress werden.
z,B. Wenn ein Mensch, der unter Schlafstörung leidet, ständig auf die Schlafqualität und wie langer dauert der Schlaf achtet.

Genau so wie man gesagt hat, jede Münze hat zwei Seiten. es ist notwendig, eine Grenze zu stellen.
Mache Funktion halte ich für sinnlos, beispielsweise wenn man in Berufsleben die Tastenanschläge zu dokumentieren.
Es klinge interessiert, aber warum? vielleicht es wird bewiesen, dass man eine hochwertige Tastatur hat.

rationelis's avatar

June 19, 2024

Мой терапевт

Привет мои дорогие друзья,

Сейчас шесть часов. Я сижу под столом в библиотеке. Сегодня утром я был в терапевте. Я не знаю, как правильно его называется. Ну я могу добавить: он фисический терапевт. Он помогает мне с своей больной спиной. Я делаю упражнение каждый день. У меня был (appointment) с терапевтом в одиннадцать часов. Мы закончили в половине двенадцатого. Потом я пошёл в спортзале, чтобы практиковаться в новых упражнениях. Я был там с двенадцати до часу. После этого, я купил расных продуктов для ужин. Когда я вернулся домой, я немного поспал. Я планирую остаться здесь до восьми часов. Я посмотрю фильм под названием Инспектор ГАИ. Я надеюсь, он мне нравится. Сегодня вечером я поиграть новую игру до одиннадцати часов.

Всем пока!

ieatdirt12's avatar

June 19, 2024

Planear un viaje

Estoy planeando un viaje a un país hispanohablante, pero no sé cuál país. Estoy pensando de Colombia, Costa Rica, o España. Me encantarían las montañas y las selvas de Colombia y Costa Rica. Aparentemente, el acento de los colombianos está más fácil a entender.
Por supuesto, España será más segura. Además, me encanta que España sea uno de los países más saludables del mundo y me encantaría ver su estilo de vida en persona. Sin embargo, no puedo evitar pensar que debo conocer mi lado del mundo, las Américas, antes de ir a Europa.
Creo que cualquier opción que elijo lo será maravilloso.

viajeespañacolombiaplaneandocosta ricalas montañasla selva
jnpathetic's avatar

June 19, 2024


Nous tous avons un ego c'est à dire un desir d'étre supérieur, meilleur et surpasser nos camarades. Il se trouve que pour quelques personnes c'est plus grand à cause de differents raison. Combien de fois ils ont gagné ou perdu, leur entourage, leur aptitudes inné et cetera. Enfin bref l'ego est naturel est present ce qu'il est important à quel point il nous influence.

D6hydrati0n's avatar

June 19, 2024

