ericfournier's avatar

June 18, 2024

日本語の日記 (2024年6月17日)


Jack's avatar

June 18, 2024

Bake Sweet Potatoes in the Field.

When I was a child, life in the countryside was so boring. We didn't have a lot of fun.

One thing that made me happy was baking sweet potatoes in fields.

At the end of October, it's the harvest season for sweet potatoes in my area. People used cattle to pull plows to plow sweet potatoes out of the ground. After people picked up sweet potatoes, there were still some sweet potatoes remaining under the ground.

When we children went to the sweet potato fields to dig out the remaining sweet potatoes, we carried two things: a basket woven from the twigs of the chaste trees and a shovel with a wooden handle.

After we dug out some sweet potatoes, we dug a small ditch in the ground and put the sweet potatoes on the top of the ditch. Then we found some dried sweet potato vines and put the vines inside the ditch and lit them to bake the sweet potatoes.

Half way through the baking, we flipped the sweet potatoes. When they were almost completely baked, we stopped the fire and pushed the sweet potatoes into the ditch and covered them with the soil that was dug out from the ditch.

After about ten or fifteen minutes, it was time to eat the baked sweet potatoes. At that time of food shortage, they were our big meals.

Have you ever baked sweet potatoes this way when you were a child?

badjei's avatar

June 18, 2024

17.06.24 - L'autodifesa femminile

Questa sera ho seguito la prima lezione di un corso di autodifesa. Il corso è gestito da uno studio di fitness che offre corsi di ballet e di arti marziali, ma credo che sia di recente che avesse deciso di offrire questo corso piuttosto specifico. Tutte le altre partecipanti erano donne, e abbiamo discusso i vari tipi di assalto e anche qualche metodi di difenderci contro un aggressore maschile. Ho ricevuto tante informazioni durante il giro di solo un’ora, in particolare alcuni consigli contrari dei miei istinti: per esempio, siamo state consigliate di non ignorare i mendicanti, ma invece di guardargli negli occhi -- così riconosciamo la loro umanità, abbassando il rischio di fargli arrabbiare e di conseguenza il rischio di un assalto.

Omar01's avatar

June 17, 2024

Schreiben B1 Teil1 Film gesehen

Lieber Anas,
wie geht es dir? Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut. Für mich ist alles in Ordnung.
Eigentlich möchte ich dir mitteilen, dass ich letztes Wochenende abends einen wunderbaren Film im Kino gesehen habe. Er hat um 18 Uhr angefangen und um 22 Uhr aufgehört. Ich glaube, es ist der interessanteste Film, den ich bisher gesehen habe. Es geht um zwei Brüder, die sich jahrelang nicht gesehen haben. Am Ende treffen sie sich auf einem Markt und umarmen sich lange. Die Darsteller haben ihre Rollen sehr gut gespielt. Was hältst du davon, wenn wir nächstes Wochenende mit mir ins Kino gehen und uns den Film noch einmal anschauen?
Liebe Grüße

hibiscus's avatar

June 17, 2024





ronpei's avatar

June 17, 2024


Lately, I’ve been cooking bento for my husband twice a week. In Japan, the bento that a wife makes for her husband is called "Aisaibento(愛妻弁当)", which means the bento filled with her endless love towards her husband. She usually doesn't mind taking the time to prepare it. It’s not the case for us. The bento I make may be called "Kyousaibento(恐妻弁当)". "Kyousai" means the wife who has much stronger power than her husband concerning the household. I just thaw frozen foods that have been stocked in the fridge. The only thing I make is "Tamagoyaki(卵焼き)". It takes only 10-20 minutes to prepare and put them into the lunch box. I also make bento for myself at the same time, so it is beneficial for me, too.

When we were a young couple, he said he preferred to eat at the canteen. Maybe, he thought that bento I make would not be as delicious as meals served at the canteen. However, now that the canteen in his current workplace only offers high-calorie and fatty dishes, he seems to be satisfied with the bento I make, because he has some health problems with his blood pressure and level of blood sugar. Besides, the ingredients I choose are usually healthy ones, such as vegetables and fish. However, he doesn’t seem to feel full and after lunch he must eat sweets, such as cakes, puddings or chocolate. That’s even worse.

Professeur_Chantecler's avatar

June 17, 2024

Hitchhiking to Sweden

I’m planning a trip fron Lyon (France) to Härnösand (Sweden) by hitchhiking.

I’ve got very dear friends there whom I used to visit more than once a year. I haven’t visited them for several years now and I miss them. Fortunately I met some of them in other circumstances but I haven’t met the other ones for a very long time. One of the things that put me off going there was the price of the train tickets (I refuse to fly for obvious ecological reasons).

This year, I’m not richer than before so I thought that it could be a great adventure to travel there for free, by hitchhiking. But only with a good friend. I think I could find it demoralising to make this kind of trip by myself though, on the contrary, I’d find it very exciting to do that with a dear friend.

So I asked two good friends if they felt like going with me. Both of them liked the idea very much but only one accepted the proposal. The other one had other plans for this summer. I’m so, so, so, so happy about that friend coming with me!!! I really love this guy and I feel amazingly happy to spend so much time with him, to go through these “difficulties” with him, to introduce him to my Swedish friends… It’s going to be such a great trip! I can’t believe it!

trav33's avatar

June 17, 2024

Un creador de problemas

Mi novio es muy paciente y sopuerta mucho. Y soy un creador de problemas. Por ejemplo, esta semana, leía un libro ("Juliet Toma un Aliento"), y la mujer en el libro, Juliet, estaba dormiendo junta a su prima. En la mañana, Juliet se despertó su prima por se dio un "Wet Willy." Un "Wet Willy", si no sabes, es cuando pone tu dedo en tu boca y despues pone ese dedo en la oreja de un otra persona. Es incómodo. Pues, leí el libro y la próxima mañana, se dispierté con un "Wet Willy." El estaba un poco de enojado pero tambien tuvo un sonrisa. No quiero empujar a mi suerte, y no hacer otra vez !

aerrastudies's avatar

June 17, 2024



Bosu's avatar

June 17, 2024



D6hydrati0n's avatar

June 17, 2024



abc90377's avatar

June 17, 2024


When did you start buying your own outfits? I started learning how to dress myself in high school; before that, my mom bought my clothes. Looking back at photos from my teenage years, I feel embarrassed by my style, but maybe it's a road everyone need to pass through. Now, I know what styles suit me, and buying clothes has become less stressful. I usually stick to a basic style: t-shirts, black jeans, or classic one-piece dresses. However, I think I've stayed in my comfort zone too long, and I want to try new styles more often, like vintage or more boyish looks.

jnpathetic's avatar

June 17, 2024

Cette fois pour du bonne

Depuis quelques semaine j'essaie plusieurs choses qui demande la discipline pour qu'ils marchent. Jusqu'à maintenant je recommencer tant de fois j'ai bien commencé, atteins une bonne ryhtme rien pour que je puisse tous foutre en l'air en laissant ma paresse gagner. Hélas pour elle je suis têtue et pas prêt a renoncer avant que je réussi. Cette fois ci j'ai l'intention de le remporter.

thunderaichu's avatar

June 17, 2024



marblemenow's avatar

June 17, 2024

J'écrirai plus des informations plus tard

J'écrirai plus d'informations pour me préparer pour un entretien d'embauche pour le poste : Analyste de données marketing à l'université de Cornell plus tard. L'entretien est demain matin à 10 h 30.

Aussi, je ne veux pas lire plus d'autres livres aujourd'hui parce que je suis épuisée et j'ai faim. Je veux bien dîner au MacDo à New York avec mon copain après être partie de l'aéroport Stewart International. Je pratique maintenant mon français écrit.

J'ai lu trois livres aujourd'hui :

1. Je vous écris de Téhéran
2. La vie devant soi
3. Les liens artificiels (Je n'ai pas fini ce roman.)

livresmarketingnew yorkentretienaéroportanalystemacdocornell
mfrenette's avatar

June 17, 2024

재준님하고 Langcorrect함께 시도하기

오늘 재준님하고 Langcorrect 경험하고 있는데 너무 재미있어요. 함께 성장하고 싶어요

SJJ1234's avatar

June 17, 2024


I love basket ball.
Do you know my name?
Get out of here!

cerise's avatar

June 17, 2024

Ein Tag im Bett

Heute war ich immer im Bett. Vielleicht habe ich immer noch Fieber. Ich habe Kopfschmerzen und Körperschmerzen. Ich habe vielleicht Korona angebracht.

shadowfax26's avatar

June 17, 2024

Lunedì 17 giugno

Aspetto che arrivi metà settimana perché l'inizio non è iniziato bene. La mia gatta non si sente bene affatto. Sebbene sia malata, vuole essere accarezzata. Spero che si sentirà bene entro la serata.

Tutte le persone che hanno un animale domestico sperano che i loro animali si guariscano, ma non dipende da se stessi.

Stamattina ho bevuto un caffè al sapore di lampone. Ne berò di nuovo questo pomeriggio, mi sembra che ricordi l'autunno.

Ho finito il libro nuovo qualche giorno fa, credo che sia il miglior libro che abbia mai letto negli ultimi tempi. Ne ho iniziato uno che ho comprato 4 anni fa e non ho avuto l'opportunità di leggerlo finora.

Ieri siamo andati di nuovo al parco con il nostro gatto, questa volta non si è spaventato come sabato. Ha provato a guardare gli uccelli e la gente, ma si nascondeva per tutto il tempo.

Ritorno a lavorare. A domani.

kikokun's avatar

June 17, 2024

My Strange Experience

When I was suffering from a cervical sprain, I made sure to receive a special treatment (osteopathy) once a month. During one of those treatments, I had a strange experience.

I was lying on my back on the treatment bed.
I was conscious, or at least I thought I was, but I must have been in a daze and a dragon appeared in front of me. Of course, my eyes were closed.
It had a large face with big eyes. I felt the dragon would take me to the source of my suffering from the cervical injury.
As soon as I sensed I had mounted the dragon's back, I instantly traveled across time and space. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie.

In that moment, an incredibly eerie cross appeared. It was a dark, murky cross. On top of a hill, there was a building like a fortress.
Additionally, I sensed the word "Seljuk," which I had learned about in world history in school.
It was really odd.

龍 オステオパシー
mfrenette's avatar

June 17, 2024

Un Canadien apprend le français en Corée

J'ai 42 ans. Je viens du Canada mais habite a Seoul pour 17 ans. J'ai appris le français à l'école mais je n'ai jamais eu d'endroit où le parler à l'extérieur. En Corée, j'ai appris le coréen avancé. Je veux si bien parler français.J'aimerais pouvoir vivre parmi les francophones. C'est tellement plus facile à apprendre.

cerise's avatar

June 17, 2024

L'histoire de Calais

En 1347, au cours de la guerre de Cent Ans, à la suite d’un long siège, Calais fut occupé par l’armée anglaise. Saint-Pierre et 5 autres comparurent devant Édouard III, roi d’Angleterre, pour sauver les habitants calaisiens. Ce fait historique inspira la sculpture « Les Bourgeoises de Calais » (1888) d’Auguste Rodin. L’armée française de Charles VII se remettant sur pied avant que les Anglais aient essuyés une défait. Il en résulte que Calais fut devenu le seul territoire continental du Royaume-Uni auquel on envoyait des députés.
Lors de la sixième guerre d’Italie, le 7 janvier 1558, le duc François de Guise reprit Calais d’Angleterre signant les traités Cateau-Cambrésis.
À la fin de la guerre Religion, Calais fut occupé par l’Espagne pendant un certain temps, mais il finit par être rendu à la France par le traité de Vervins, signé en 1598.

judar's avatar

June 17, 2024

O descanso

Eu dei uma pequena pausa neste site. Terminei meus exames e retomei meus hobbies. Eu começarei a escrever aqui novamente.

tramdo's avatar

June 17, 2024

Un salon du livre

Coucou mes amis,

J'espère que vous allez bien. Je voudrais partager mon expérience lors du salon du livre organisé samedi dernier près de chez moi. L'entrée était gratuite. Comme je rêve de devenir auteure spécialisée dans le roman romantique, cette exposition m'a donné l'occasion de rencontrer de nombreux auteurs célèbres du monde entier, notamment mon auteur préféré, John Green. Ensuite, les participants ont pu écouter les auteurs partager leurs techniques d'écriture pour améliorer leurs compétences. De plus, il y avait une séance de dédicace gratuite où j'ai pu converser avec les auteurs face à face. Enfin, si vous êtes amateurs de livres, vous seriez ravis de recevoir des livres gratuitement. Je vous recommande vivement de participer à cet événement.

À bientôt !

CheesyToastyToasts's avatar

June 17, 2024


人工智能在翻译领域取得了显著进展,像谷歌翻译、DeepL、NiuTrans 和微软翻译这样的工具正引领潮流。这些平台都由人工智能驱动,能够快速翻译大量文本,其精确度和准确性日益提高。例如,谷歌翻译利用机器翻译进行自我校正和提升翻译质量。同样地,DeepL 的人工智能系统可以同时翻译多种语言的多个文本,为用户提供低成本或免费的服务,并支持多种语言。