waz's avatar

July 7, 2024

7 juillet 2024

Il pleut sans cesse aujourd'hui. Il y a un ouragan qui est presque arrivé à ma ville. Il ne devrait pas être très dangereux, mais il faut quand même rester en garde. J'espère qu'il y a une inondation pour que je ne doive pas aller au travail quelques jours cette semaine, mais mes espoirs ne sont pas très élevés. J'aime beaucoup la pluie parce qu'elle est très reposante et elle fait disparaître la chaleur. Tout ça signifie que c'est l'heure de la sieste !

cado's avatar

July 7, 2024

Brot backen

Ein meines derzeitigen Ziel ist zu lernen, wie man Brot backen.
Dafür habe ich ein kleine Forshung gemacht, um die Grundlagen zum Thema zu verstehen.
Ich bedaure, dass ich so gemacht habe.
Weil wenn man zum ersten Mal sieht, alles das die Anderen im internet sagen, dann wird das ganze Ding zu kompliziert wirken.
Deshalb habe ich entscheidend einfach zu probieren oder meinen Hände dreckig machen (als man auf English sagen würde).
Ich muss zugeben, dass mein erster Versuch damit nicht erfolgreich war.
Eigentlich war es für mich etwas schwerig, nachher das ganze Brot zu essen.
Allerdings habe ich fortgefahren und ich kann jetz ziemlich essbare Brote backen.
Ein schlechte Anfang meint nur, dass man sich in Zukunft mehr verbessern kann.

jnpathetic's avatar

July 7, 2024

Les caractére forts

Dans les histoires des fictions j'aime les caractére forts qui ont travaillé pour leur force. Le genre de caractére qui motive le spectateur à se donner à fond lui aussi et consacrer plus de temps à ses passions. Je me considére comme quelqu'un plutôt paresse de temps en temps j'arrive d'avoir un bon rhytme à ce qui concerne la productivité mais jamais pour trop long néanmoins je n'abonne pas et trouve que j'ai un bon rhytme à ce moment là. Je veux m'améliorer dans plusieurs et regarder ces caractére se donner à donne m'a rappellé que la discipline portera toujours ses fruits.

sewer9174's avatar

July 7, 2024


彼は車を四台も持つだけでなくて、「2006年スバルWRX STI」という車の一つと言いました。

adgemon's avatar

July 7, 2024

Breif 8

Leibe Valentine,
es is schon lange her, ich auf eine Reise gehen konnte.
Defentiv würde ich mitkommen. Bei mir ist alles gut.
Neulich gehe ich joggen und manchmal mit meinen freunden für eine Wochenende auf eines konzert in Vienna gehen.

Ich habe Zeit nächsten whoche am Samstag bis Montag seit ich frei mit der Arbeit bin.
Ich möchte mit dem Fahrrad aufs Land neben unserer Stadt fahren.
Magst du das oder doch?
Wie geht es dir?
Was gibt es bei dir Neus?

Liebe Grüße

cerise's avatar

July 7, 2024

Le mariage avec Louis VII (5)

La France au XIIe siècle n’était pas un État unique comme aujourd’hui. C’est une sorte de mosaïque. Il y avait de grands princes, des ducs, des comtes qui se partageaient ce qui sont les provinces actuelles. L’Aquitaine, grosso modo, s’étendait de Poitiers jusqu’aux Pyrénées et débordait sur l’Auvergne, ce qui fait d’Aliénor le seigneur le plus puissant occident. Par contre, le royaume de France était une poignée de départements, tout petit, équivalait quasiment à l’île de France tel que l’on la connaît de nos jours. En se mariant avec Aliénor, Louis VII devint donc un seigneur terrien infiniment puissant.

marcin's avatar

July 7, 2024

Fyrsti textinn minn á íslensku

Hæ! Ég heiti Marcin og ég kemur frá Póllandi. Núna bý ég í Finnlandi og vinn við Aalto háskóla. Mér líkar að læra tungumál og þetta er fyrsti textinn minn á íslensku.

cerise's avatar

July 7, 2024

Café vor der Orchesterprobe 2

Heute will ich über das gleichen Thema schreiben, um mir einige Wörter einzuprägen.
Gertern habe ich vor der Orcherterprobe im Café Zeit verbracht. Ich habe meinen Laptop metgenommen, um dort zu arbeiten. Als ich dort angekommen bin, habe ich den Post, den ich im Zug geschrieben hatte, veröffentlicht. Ich konnte arbeiten, wie meinem Plan, weshalb ich um 17 Uhr ein Brot gegessen. Tatsächlich war das nicht ein Brot, sondern ein stabförmiges Kopenhagener, genommen „Denish bar“.

adgemon's avatar

July 7, 2024

Brief 7

Liebe Caroline,
es ist lange Zeit seit Ich habe nicht an eine Reise fahren.
Ich möchte mit dir aufs Land gehen. Möchstest du mitkommen? ich bin offen mit andere Schlagen. Bitte erzähl mir wohin und womit du gehen möchtest. Und Wann du Zeit hast.

Ich bin zu eine neue Wohnung gezogen and es hast gedauert lange Zeit und braucht viel Energie.
Ich bin jetzt ein bisschen gestresst. Darum, gehe ich gerne ins Fitness Studio.

Wie geht es dir? Was ist bei dir Neues?
Liebe Grüße

heatedcanine's avatar

July 7, 2024

What A Private Person I Am!

I participated in an annual party and made a speech.
Otherwise, I only talked with a guy next to my seat, and I forgot to say hello to the VIPs (very important persons/people).
I failed as a successful/cool businessman. I didn't communicate with people whom I needed to do that.

I think I'm very introverted.
I thought I was rather a talkative boy.
When I was 14 years ago, I liked a classmate girl and I talked with her a lot.
The next year, there was a class shuffle, and I ended up in a different class from her.
Then, I wasn't able to talk with her somehow. Talking with a different class girl seemed somehow wrong for me.
After several months, her house was burnt completely. A fire hit her house.
After school, while I went home, I met her, but I wasn't able to say anything to her, no consolations, no cheering up. Nothing.
I regret I wasn't able to speak to her. I was too introveted.

One day when I was 4 or 5 years old, I didn't go to the kindergarten because my family and I were going to have a trip to Osaka for investigating my visual function. At around 11 am, my grandmom brouhgt me to a neighbor candy shop to get some caramel for my trip.
Then, the indergarten was over, and my classmates were going home and I encountered them.
I tried to hide myself from their vision, but I failed.
I wasn't able to say any excuses to them at that time.
Probably this was the first evidence that I've been introverted.

joannrainee's avatar

July 7, 2024

Sentences Practice Ch. 11

1. 精彩

2. 养成

abc90377's avatar

July 7, 2024

Frugal Shopping

Do you compare deals before buying anything?
Most of the time I don't; I just buy things in the most convenient way. I'm too lazy to make an effort for small price differences. But my parents are very good at shopping around. "Many a little makes a mickle," they always say.
They collect all the coupon codes, register for shop memberships, and wait for anniversary sales—all to get the lowest prices. I'm always impressed by their efforts. But sometimes they bargain in shops, which makes me feel a bit embarrassed.

shadowfax26's avatar

July 7, 2024

Domenica 7 luglio

Giorno di relax! Quanto è bella la giornata libera, quando mi sono eliberata delle faccende. Mi sono abituata a svegliarmi presto anche nel weekend. Vado a letto alle 22 invece che a mezzanotte.

Ieri siamo andati da papà invece che al ristorante all'aperto. Ho preferito l'idea di andare da lui piuttosto che andare al ristorante.

Mi ha telefonato un'ora prima di incontrarci, per farci sapere a che ora ci dovremmo vedere.

Sono già le 11 e ho già fatto una breve passeggiata e la spesa. Ho dovuto comprare solo cereali. Fino all'estate passeggiavo molto, ma fa sempre troppo caldo, quindi non esco molto.

Fra quasi 2 ore pranzeremo e poi farò un pisolino. Voglio leggere un libro horror prima di dormire. Ho iniziato a leggerlo 3 mesi fa e non l'ho ancora finito perché ho letto altre 5 libri nel frattempo.

Anche se è molto tempo che lo leggo, non ho dimenticato niente di quello che ho letto.

kailynhuynh's avatar

July 7, 2024



kailynhuynh96's avatar

July 7, 2024

About me

I like to work in a professional environment to study and contribute. I enjoy being a part of a successful and productive team, and thrive in a highly pressurized and challenging working environment.

kailynhuynh96's avatar

July 7, 2024

Cheese powder production

Cheese is very easy-to-use food. It can be produced in many delicious food, if not perfect product. And cheese powder is one of those byproduct.

What is cheese powder?

Cheese powder is made from cheese by milling it into smooth powder through several steps. The product will have taste and flavor as good as the original cheese. Sometimes, in order to enhance the flavor, the producer may add some extra ingredients into the process. This powdered product is used for sprinkling on food or as a direct food ingredient,...

The scientist discovered how to extend the shelf life of cheese in the 20th century. They found that the life of cheese would be longer after adding salt, sugar, and other spices. This kind of storage has led to the cheese powder we have nowadays.

Cheese powder has high nutrition value. It is estimated to contain protein (approximately 6.7g), and amino acids, which supports digestion and provide probiotics that are good for health. Moreover, it still contains a variety of fats ( about 1% to 34%), serving as a carbohydrate source, lactose, and glucose,...

Nowadays, cheese powder has 2 types:

- Traditional type: contains a little cheese. Simultaneously, other compounds will be added to maintain the cheese flavor of final products. This type is suitable for snacks such as potato chips, rice cakes,...

- Original type: won't have many other compounds added. Therefore, the cheese amount will be higher, and the final product will be more flavorful and more valuable. This type is suitable for high-end companies and households to use.

michiru's avatar

July 7, 2024

My thought after a movie

Saturday was a free day that I had
nothing to do, so I went to see a movie.

That's a Japanese movie whose title is "90歳。何がめでたい" .
I try to translate it in English, and that might be "Turned ninety years old. Is there anything happy to me? "

An elderly woman, 90, is the main character and likes complaining about daily events and smartphones from the view of elderly people.
It's very funny but very making us think deeply.

She said that people can get easily and quickly any information they want without thinking well.
This is making people dull and stealing their thinking ability, and eventually, people would be a fool and weak physically.
Therefore, it doesn't need to develop modern conveniences anymore.

I agree with her.
We certainly need to develop technology because of environmental problems and so on, however, I think the technology that makes our life convenient isn't needed anymore.
Because of the convenience, people don't move gradually.
I think if you don't move, your body would become stiff. In the end, you can't move as you like even though you are young.
This is the first step that would make people weak.

What do you think about this?
Do you want to have a more convenient life?

ericfournier's avatar

July 7, 2024

日本語の日記(2024年7月6日)ー 外泊


shorter's avatar

July 7, 2024



BlackGlasses's avatar

July 7, 2024


For no reason, sometimes I enjoy watching videos of polyglots showing their unbelievable abilities to then analyze them. However, this time I didn´t feel dumbfounded about Bella, a Russian girl that can speak eight languages. I know that kids have a great potential to learn, as if they were sponges that can absorb plenty of knowledge. Instead, I felt curious about how she learnt all those languages: her mother hired foreign nannies and professors to teach her languages by doing engaging activities. These activities included dancing, having conversations, cooking, reading, listening to music, and so on.
There are some remarkable points about her way of learning:
- She learns through gaming.
- She interacts with natives.
. The language becomes a secondary activity. Learning a language is not the goal for her, but a tool that allows her to interact with the world.
- She learns by context, instead of memorizing isolated words.

Val1014's avatar

July 7, 2024

ために vs ように


dubai03nsr's avatar

July 7, 2024



marblemenow's avatar

July 7, 2024

Entrée du Journal 05/01/2024

Aujourd'hui, j'ai regardé à des vidéos du jeu vidéo Team Fortress 2 en français sur YouTube. Je jouais beaucoup à Team Fortress 2 quand j'avais 15 ans. En ce moment, je joue à des jeux vidéo sur mon ordinateur portable de temps en temps. Actuellement, j'apprends le français et le tagalog, je joue du violon, je lis des livres et j'écris des articles d'informatique et de psychologie pour un journal, Reinvented Magazine. Tous les articles que j'écris sont en anglais, honnêtement. Parfois, je me demande pourquoi j'écris des articles en français. 

Malheureusement, j'ai un niveau intermédiaire en français. Il est trop difficile d'écrire seulement en français, en tagalog ou en anglais. J'apprends beaucoup de français tous les jours. Par exemple, j'écoute plusieurs podcasts sur Spotify et je regarde des vidéos sur YouTube. J'aime beaucoup ces chaînes : Easy French, InnerFrench, Piece of French et French Mornings with Elisa sur YouTube. Ils enseignent très bien (« Je recherche des synonymes du mot « bien » en français. ») et ils sont très gentils. J'ai découvert beaucoup de chaînes françaises comme Cyprien, mybetterself, Hugo Décrypte, Norman, psychologie pour tous, et Squeezie. Quand je voyageais en France (à Nice et Cannes) il y a environ cinq ans, j'oubliais tous les mots en français et j'avais peur de parler français. Mais maintenant, je n'ai pas peur de parler et je fais tellement d'erreurs en français, alors j'ai plus confiance avec la langue française.

Quand je parle français, je me sens plus formelle et élégante qu'en parlant anglais, ma langue maternelle. Je ne suis pas à l'aise avec l'argot français et je parle avec les francophones de différents pays : France, Suisse, Belgique et beaucoup de pays africains.

Ma faiblesse en français est la grammaire. La grammaire française est légèrement différente de la grammaire anglaise, et je suis perdue.

J'espère rentrer chez moi ce samedi avec mon petit ami. Il me manque. Il s'occupe d'un chat noir à Ithaca. Il a conduit jusqu'à Cornell University parce que la maison est trop loin.

Ciao !

grammairefranceanglaispsychologiecannesniceteam fortress 2informatique
thealchemist's avatar

July 6, 2024



marblemenow's avatar

July 6, 2024



Heute ist Samstag. Diesen Samstag, ich ging mit meiner Famille in einem Park. Der Hund meiner Schwester ging mit uns. Netzt, bin ich müde.

