一昨日の話を続けたいと思います。前回は「○○しておく」例とした、今回は「○○している」について語りたい。「○○している」の文法は最初勉強する時、言葉の論理とか由来を思わないで、そのまま覚えていくばかりだ。だけどある動画は言葉の基づく論理を教えてくれました。ちなみに、動画は "Cure Dolly"というチャンネル作って、彼女は強い意見を持ってけど、日本語の文法の説明は異常に分かりやすいと思います。動画では「○○している」の「いる」は「あるといる」の「いる」と同じと説明した。もちろん「いる」とは世の中にあって、生きていて、存在している。そういうわけで、「て」である動作に繋ぐと、その動作が生きているのように、続いてるというニュアンスを添える。動画は言葉の由来がよく分かると、直感的な理解が出てくるということを教えてくれた。日本語を学ぶには、これはまるで革命のような視点の変化。
As some of you may know, about two weeks ago, I visited a scenic area known for its long history of ginkgo trees with a friend. We meant to see the golden leaves of the ginkgo trees, but it was not a good time because the leaves were just beginning to turn yellow.
Last Saturday, I saw some golden ginkgo trees aside the trail when I was aiming to hike to a famous ancient academy in a small village. I made a video of them, you can watch it here:
There's a perfect proverb for this kind of situation: 有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成阴
Literally, it says that one plants a flower but the flowers don't bloom, while she pokes a stick in the mud and it grows into a tree.
It means that things do not always turn out as one would expect, well-laid plans may fail, and success may come where you least expect it.
Quand j’étais petite, à l’école, j’ai appris que 71 pourcentage de la surface de la Terre est couverte par l’eau. En plus, on trouve l’eau dans l’atmosphère, dans les glaciers et même dans le sol. Cela étant dit, de plus en plus, on entend parler des inondations et de la sécheresse. Les études ont révélé que c’est à cause du réchauffement.
Actuellement, la commission mondiale sur l’économie de l’eau sonne l’alarme et met en lumière une crise de l’eau. Une future catastrophe humanitaire est à nos portes. Sans assez d’eau la production alimentaire est menacée. Si rien est fait pour préserver les ressources de l’eau, une situation pire pourrait arriver au cours des vingt-cinq prochaines années. Cela m’agace que personne ne fasse rien.
Tout le monde doit prendre cet avertissement au sérieux et agir immédiatement. Alors, quelles mesures peuvent être prises pour conserver l’eau. Plusieurs idées viennent à ma tête telles que prendre des douches courtes, ne pas arroser le jardin et j’en passe.
J’ai déjà mentionné que les linguistes considèrent qu’il y a environ 7 000 langues parlées autour du monde. Bien que ces langues partagent certaines caractéristiques similaires comme une grammaire et un vocabulaire, je veux dire que chacune de ces langues soit différente, varié et riche.
Qui d’entre vous connaît le nombre de mots qu’il y a en anglais et dans la langue française ? Apparemment, quelqu’un les a compté dans une étude menée par l’Université de Harvard et Google. D’après eux, la langue anglaise est l’une des plus riches en termes de vocabulaire : il y plus d’un million de mots anglais. Par contre, la langue française possède 60 000 mots dans les dictionnaires. Pourtant, on reconnaît que tous les mots ne sont pas inclus dans les dictionnaires.
Selon Wikipedia, le mot le plus long en anglais est « pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis ». Ayant 45 lettres, c’est un nom d’une maladie. Quel vire-langue ! D’autre côté, le mot le plus long en français est « intergouvernementalisation ». Ça je peux prononcer.
Capítulo 12: Información secreta.
En el capítulo 12, Bilbo y los enanos están ante el pasillo. Deciden que el «saqueador» debe ir primero. Bilbo se pone el anillo y se dirige por el túnel. Ve al dragón gigante, Smaug, tendido sobre un montón de tesoro. Bilbo roba una gran copa de oro mientras duerme y se escabulle con cuidado hacia los enanos.
Smaug se despierta y se da cuenta de que falta la copa. Se enfurece y busca al grupo, soplando fuego por toda la montaña, pero su escondite en la entrada secreta los salva. Al no poder encontrarlos, vuela al pie de la montaña, ve sus poneys y se los come. Más tarde, regresa a su guarida y se queda dormido. Finalmente, Bilbo vuelve a bajar por el túnel y encuentra a Smaug, que esta vez está despierto y esperándolo. Bilbo es invisible pero Smaug puede olerlo. Bilbo habla a Smaug en acertijos (que es la forma correcta de hablar con los dragones). Halaga a Smaug con cumplidos y lo engaña para que le muestre su vientre y Bilbo se fija en un punto débil en su pecho.
Justo antes del momento en que ataca, Bilbo huye por el túnel y Smaug, demasiado grande para caber, sopla fuego tras él. Bilbo apenas logra escapar y se quema el pelo. Bilbo les cuenta a los enanos lo que había pasado y el zorzal en la roca lo escucha. De repente, todos oyen el feroz rugido de Smaug y cierran la puerta justo antes de que caiga una avalancha de piedras. Bilbo y los demás están ahora atrapados en el túnel y la única salida es a través de la guarida de Smaug.
Dec. 1, 2024
Who everyone know, valentine´s day is a romance day. Everyone associate Valentine´s day with red roses, pink hearts and candlelit dinners, the last you´re going to expect is a break up. But a poll stated that 45% of people prefer that.
What happen with the 65% remaining?. It could be they want to end on February 14?.
Well for that people, Pizza Hut take advantage of this situation and offer a pizza called "Hot Honey Goodbye pies" for people who want to break up with their partner. Actually, the way to buy this Pizza Pie it´s through the website This idea help to the "future ex" to receive a complimentary pizza to help them get over being dumped. Pizza Hut say " With the launch of Goodbye Pies, we are bringing that perfect blend of sweet and heat…to real life. We are delivering spicy news in the sweetest way for Valentine's Day".
Basically, the person enter to the website, buy the pizza, write the name of her ex partner on the pizza box and the delivery driver will deliver the bad news in the best way with a potentially plausible break-up excuse for you.
For me, this idea is absolutely amazing, its different and Pizza Hut knew how to avail the situation when no one did.
Although really, I wouldn´t do it because I prefer to talk with the other person and say the reasons why I want to end the relationship. But in the other hand I understand the people who cant express their feelings.
What do you think about this idea?
I need to improve my English, so every comment that you want to say me is perfect for me.
Dec. 1, 2024
Dear manager,
I hope this email finds you well. I'm a customer who dined at your restaurant with my friends yesterday. We four were sitting near the window by the entrance and left around 7:00 PM. Unfortunately, when I got home, I couldn't find my bag anywhere. It contains important stuff like my driver's license, house keys and a wallet with credit card and cash inside. I assumed I possibly left it in your restaurant. It is a black leather handbag with a teddy bear keychain attached. If you have found it, could you please call me at 123456 or reply this email.
I would really appreciate your help.
Best regards,
Tina Chen
(Could you please help me refine it to make it natural and appropriate, expand the vocabulary range)
Dec. 1, 2024
I have a tendency to get into rabbit holes that keep getting more and more obscure. My latest adventure involve underground Japanese movies. I think it all started with Ringu and Ju-On, these movies have a type of beauty that I can only compare to maybe The Exorcist or Rosemary's Baby. They totally blew me away and when I discovered it was common for Japanese movies to not have soundtracks, I was fully in. I found movies that changed my life, opening a whole new world of self-discovery and film appreciation.
Yesterday, I watched a film called The Man Who Stole the Sun. The movie is about a charismatic yet atypical chemistry teacher. You get the impression that he chooses to be a solitary man. Rather than spending time with people, he prefers to do things he is passionate about. He looks like a badass rock star and doesn't let anything get in his way, even ignoring social tacit agreements, at times.
Early in the film, he and his students are on a school trip, having a wonderful time, when the bus is hijacked by a delusional man who demands to see the emperor of Japan or he will kill everyone. They reach out for the police and after much negotiation, they say they will comply to his wishes but it was a trap. They off the guy, saving everyone who was in the bus. The charismatic teacher and the cop who were behind this "operation" are then decorated with medals and talked about on all the news outlets. However, the teacher has something else going on in his private life — he's making an atomic bomb, of course! And that's all I am going to say. c:
Thanks for reading, don't forget to like and subscribe. *Bro fist*
Dec. 1, 2024
Dec. 1, 2024
Today, I reinstalled a very popular game on my laptop called League of Legends, just to lose some time and to remember the old days. I used to play it with my friends from high school, and I remember it was a game played by lots of toxic people. Since this game is highly competitive, has long matches and is also a 5x5 team game, the players are constantly stressed. That's why I stopped playing, it was not a psychologically healthy experience. Even my friends were getting mad at me sometimes. I'm glad I managed to step back from that addictive game, because most of people can't just leave it. They end up losing hours that could be used to more productive activities, like learning a new language haha. Nowadays I only play it occasionally and between long intervals throughout the year (the last time I played was probably about two years ago). If you mute all the players in every match as I do, you will surely enjoy the experience way more.
Dec. 1, 2024
Hallo Leute,
ich bin in einem haben Jahr mit der Schule fertig und weiß noch überhaupt nicht, wie es weitergehen soll. Woher weiß ich , welcher Beruf für mich geeignet ist? Was soll ich machen: mich beraten lassen, einen Berufsfindungstest oder ein Praktikum machen? Könnt Ihr mir Tipps geben? Danke
(Vgl. Menschen, Deutsch als Fremdsprecher, Arbeitsbuch, Hueber, 2015, Lektion 9, Seite 84)
Gratulation. Bald keine Schule mehr.
Ich würde dir raten, dich beraten zu lassen. Es kostet nichts und könnte dir helfen, eine Entscheidung zu machen. Und wenn nicht, dann ist es egal. Du wäre noch, wo du vorher warst.
Berufsfindungstests sind nutzlos. Die Antworten passen nie, also sind die Resultate falsch.
Und, wenn du auf einen Beruf Lust hast, solltest du absolut ein Praktikum machen. Da du die Arbeit probieren kannst und zu Ende wirst du wissen, ob du dabei gern arbeitest.
Viel Glück für die Zukunft.
Dec. 1, 2024
Dec. 1, 2024
やる → やります → やって。
① 野田さんはまたやると思いますか?
② クラブで、ダンスをする?
③ 生きがいはどうやって見つける?
立つ → 立ちます → 立って。
① 野田さんは向こう、彼は背が高い男の人立つです。
② 郵便局の行列で、今日は長いさ立ちました。
③ 電車に乗り遅れただから、今はホームを立っています。
Dec. 1, 2024
Dec. 1, 2024
As Trump will be the next term of president in the US, but one of my friends doesn't like him. He said Trump was too arrogant; it could be acceptable to be a president, but not a person. It's so interesting for me to hear the idea. I didn't discuss this president with him anymore, because I am neither USA citizen nor Canadian. Trump is natured as a businessman, and he will manage the USA as a corporation, targeting profit, together with the loose cannon, callus figure, and richest man, Elon Musk, to make big changes in the USA.
Dec. 1, 2024
Last year, I went to see my aunt.
While I was at it, I went to a hair salon just opened near the aunt's home.
A hairdresser who was in charge of me was very polite and thoughtful, and cut my hair nicely.
But the place is far from my place, so I hadn't visited the salon for a long time.
Yesterday I happened to have an opportunity to visit my aunt, so I went to the salon for the first time in a year.
Surprisingly, the hairdresser's attitude has been changed.
He seemed unmotivated and irritated.
I felt like I was treated poorly, and the finished look wasn't as nice as last year.
I don't know what happened to him, but I'm sad to see his attitude changed that much just in one year.
I reckon I won't go there again.
Dec. 1, 2024
Dec. 1, 2024
First, you can take lessons and enlightenment through failure. Just being not given up in failure, flashback at why you failed and you can take the enlightenment. Understanding the reason of failure can help you to overcome the weaknesses and grow up. Moreover, you can also empathize with others through failure. People who almost experienced success may hardly understand those who have not succeed. Therefore, people who succeed a lot may easily criticize or ignore other people, but people who succeed with being failure in the past may sympathize with others and being humble.
Dec. 1, 2024
Ich will bald ein Violinetui kaufen, deshalb suche ich jeztz darüber nach. Die Etuis von Bam, eine französische Marke, sind sehr populär, aber in Japan sehr teur. Ich glaubte dann, dass ich eines kaufen können, wann ich in Europe reise. Ich had dann den Website von Bam gessehen, aber man keinen Preis zeigte.
Dec. 1, 2024
Lately , Global Warming increases because humans are unconscious. One of most significant reasons is that people usually use fossil fuels and that causes air pollition. In addition,the atmosphore is destroyed by air pollution. For instance, humans use diesel or gasoline cars instead of electricity. Also, they use individual cars instead of public transportation .In this way, , air pollution may increase more. Another reason is that people cause water pollution.For example, some factories release harmful wastes into the environment and they are usually water area such as lakes ,rivers, seas ,and so on.In breif, people harm themselves because this environment is their future, so they have to be careful doing everything about environment.
Dec. 1, 2024
The human spend much time on electronic advice.That has several causes of addiction.First of all,people do not happy in real life so they spend time on social media.For instance,boys have not car but they watch edit of car or play car games.Girls watch famoua person for seeing who rich life .Both of them watch instagram reels because it contains a lot of videos and all kind of topics.Furthermore,the human find to spend time something.Therefore,they contact screen.For example,they do not know how time pass so this is what they want or they play game because this continues very long time and it is fun.As the human have these reasons,they can be screen addiction.
Dec. 1, 2024
7. 良いプロフィール基盤を構築する。
Dec. 1, 2024
There's an old Japanese house in the north part of my town.
Nobody lives there, but it belongs to Mr. Hirayama, who lives next door.
The house is a typical Japanese house, along with there's a huge tree in the garden.
It is said to be around 1000 years old and designated as a natural treasure in my town.
In 2022, a movie called "Bosei" was filmed there.
I think it means "maternal instincts."
You can watch it on Netflix.
The main characters are relatively popular actresses named Erika Toda and Mei Nagano.
07:38:17 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)