Acid_cookie's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024



judar's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

Mi lengua materna

He vuelto de mis vacaciones en mi país natal. Mientras estuve allí, descubrí que no hablaba mi lengua materna con tanta fluidez como creía. He decidido que tengo que dedicar más tiempo a mejorar. Me sumergiré más en el idioma e intentaré hablar más, a pesar de mis inseguridades. Ojalá pueda mejorar y comunicarme con eficacia.

waz's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

La caféine

Récemment, j'ai commencé à arrêter la caféine. J'ai décidé ça parce que quand je tombe malade, j'ai toujours mal à la tête qui l'aggrave jusqu'à ce que je boive du café. J'ai passé de trois ou quatre tasses par jour à seulement une, ce qui m'a rendu très fatigué. La semaine prochaine, j'espère l'arrêter complètement. Pour moi, je veux que le café soit une gâterie, pas un vice.

sachisachi's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

Two Men Ruined the English Meet-up (90)

There's an English study meet-up in my town, and usually there are around 20 people coming including four teachers.

There is an old man named S who is really talkative, and the leader who is feisty in the meet-up.

The other day, Mr. S said something wrong in front of others, and the leader was upset and started to yell at Mr. S.

There were already many people, but the two men didn't care about others and kept arguing.

We were really awkward, but couldn't do anything.

We just had to wait for them to calm down.

Why nobody didn't stop their fight is because I guess everybody already knew their personality.

If someone tries to stop them it would have gotten worse.

We ended up wasting 20 minutes in the beginning of the meet-up.

After two men disrupted our meet-up, the leader kicked out Mr. S, and the leader apologized to everyone.

However, honestly it felt like the way the leader insult Mr. S was a little bit nasty.

neko_no_hitai's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

日本語日記 #3

① 語彙の勉強を続けました。少しずつ、もっとたくさんの言葉を学んでいます!とても嬉しいです。
② また「賢者の贈り物」のビデオを見てその後に続いて言って、発音を勉強するためでした。
③ 今日の文法のビデオ授業を見て、なんか「は」と「が」の違いが分からない人が多くいることに気がつきましたが、ありがたいことに私は今分かっていると思います。

tramdo's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

Tâche 3: la réduction du temps de travail

De nos jours, la réduction du temps de travail divise l’opinion publique. Certains estiment que travailler moins permet aux employés d’équilibrer vie professionnelle et personnelle, améliorant ainsi leur productivité. D’autres soutiennent que le temps de travail doit s’adapter aux besoins de l’entreprise.

À ce sujet, il est indéniable que diminuer le temps de travail présente plusieurs avantages.

Premièrement, la santé des employés doit être priorisée pour assurer l’efficacité. Par exemple, en Allemagne, les employés ne travaillent pas le week-end, ce qui améliore leur moral et renforce leur dévouement.

De plus, en dehors du travail, chacun doit avoir du temps personnel. La vie étant limitée, il est essentiel d’utiliser le temps efficacement pour en profiter pleinement. Les entreprises devraient donc encourager leurs employés à consacrer plus de temps à leurs loisirs et à leurs proches.

En conclusion, bien que cela exige une adaptation des entreprises, je suis convaincu que réduire le temps de travail aide à améliorer la qualité de vie.

shadowfax26's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

Martedì 27 agosto

Mi sono svegliata presto, quindi ne ho approfittato per fare una lunga passeggiata e per fare la spesa. Domani mio marito deve andare da lei per aspettare un idraulico.

Ho comprato dei dolci per mia mamma, voglio darglieli per migliorare la sua giornata.

Stamattina mi sono svegliata stanca, ma è importante che faccia le mansioni. Devo dargli la priorità.

A volte è così - non mi sento di buon umore finché non bevo il secondo caffè della giornata. Fra poco ne berrò uno e dopo mi sentirò più fresca e pronta per svolgere le mansioni serenamente.

Ho voluto fare una sorpresa a mio marito, quindi prima di lavorare ho ordinato online un libro che vuole da molto tempo. Domani il libro lo aspetterà a casa.

Il libro sarà consegnato all'Easybox, spero che arriverà prima del suo ritorno.

cerise's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

Auf der Suche nach des verlorenen Reis

Meine Angebot für Zubereitung des Abendessens bei meiner Mutter hatte ehrlich sagt eine Gründ. Ich wollte Reis essen, das ich hatte gedacht, dass es dort noch da gab. Gegen was ich erwartete gab es nur Reispackungen, die man mit Mikrowellen isst. Ich hatte sie noch nicht nie probiert und hatte geglaubt, dass sie nicht gut geschmeckt. Sie waren aber so gut wie regulär Reis.

cerise's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

Le mariage provoquant des conflits

En 1142, avec le soutien du couple royal, Raoul divorça d’avec sa première épouse. Louis VII, déjà en conflit avec l’Église au sujet de l’élection épiscopale de Bourge, s’attira ses foudres. De surcroît, la dissolution du mariage entre Raoul et Éléonore provoqua un nouveau conflit avec le comte de Champagne, Thibaut IV de Blois, oncle de l’épouse répudiée. Le comte de Champagne, indigné, fit aussitôt appela au pape Innocent II.
Malgré toutes ces discordes, le mariage de Raoul de Vermandois et de Pétronille d’Aquitaine eu bien lieu à Noyon la même année que l’annulation de mariage précédent de ce dernier, devant l’évêque de la ville Simon de Vermandois.

MattRWR's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024



milapila's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

Random (i'm prepared)

Maybe I will never understand. The fact that some people understand it is just annoying. Many things are, not like I'm not usted to it. People can love other people deeply and I love my family (or part of it) like that. Other person, I'm not sure. Having someone, whether girl or boy, it is just feels annoying.

Annoying. Many things annoy me. Most of them are due to my eternal lazyness, that never seems to stop or it is just repressed Don't even care about stupid little things. I never do enough. That's why these stupid little things get bigger and bigger.

A though can crear a masive if it is not handle at time. That's how my mind works lately. And that's annoying. I'm tired of live, but Im tired of thinking about dead too.

Ideas that become goals that become Dreams that are so dificult to achieve. My intuiton always telling me Im doing si thing wrong. It's like discipline is never enough and life hits fucking Hard everytime I make a mistake. Do I need this crazy amount of shit? Someone can do this for me so I can concéntrate in what is going to change the World and create an ideal versión of it that Just lives In my ideas. Are the rules that I imagine Just stick where they come from? Will I be capable of express all of this shit I only ver out o paper? Will my words be correct?

Legeartis's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

The Vibe of the Day (10.07.2024)

You walk through sultry Moscow downtown. You glance at renovated old mansions, mysterious hotels, de luxe car models, flourishing cafés with tables enveloped in greenery from the South, and stylish pedestrians. The web of the streets is very dense when you try to find your turn and sparse when you try to reach the next street or boulevard. You go along the spiral to the office, at every moment bewildered by the city structure. You feel drawn by the city through the streets to its thoroughfares and district nuclei like department stores, theatres and underground stations. Finally, you extricate yourself from this living maze and reach the destination, entering an office with comfortable temperature, moderate lighting, and muffling carpets. You are shielded from the dazzling hustle and bustle of the city centre.

Tammy's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

A Book with Two Versions

I've told you folks that I've been reading a great book "A Child in You" for a few weeks. And I haven't finished it yet because I'm reading both the Chinese and English versions simultaneously.

It's really enjoyable to read a book this way. Not only can I improve my English, but also I can sense the subtle differences due to the translation.

The author wrote this book in German and I don't know anything about German, so it's difficult to say which version is much closer to the original.

If the original is like the English version, then the Chinese translator must be a detail-oriented and thoughtful person. Maybe she worried that the readers could not follow the author's method, so she gave some words to help them get it.

If the original is more like the Chinese version, then the English translator must be an efficiency-oriented person who likes simple and plain language.

Personally, I like them both. They help me understand the book from different perspectives.

heatedcanine's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

Typhoon No. 10 Is Going to Hit Us Directly

Typhoon No.10 has changed its expected course, and heading toward us.
The weather bureau warned us that our area would be severely damaged by it. It's going to be a big disaster in my area.

To prepare for the typhoon, I've been busy postponing a scheduled lecture by a famous professor, canceling the dinner party with him afterward, announcing participants of the postponement, and rescheduling everything.
Privately, I also need to prepare for potential power outages and water supply cuts by filling the bathtub with water, charging mobile batteries, and freezing water in plastic bottles. If the air conditioner and fans can't be used, there's a high risk of heatstroke.
I've also made sure to fill up my car's gas tank. In the worst-case scenario, I might need to spend time in the car with the air conditioner on.

That said, every time there's a big fuss about a typhoon hitting directly, it usually turns out to be nothing significant. This has happened three or four times now. However, about five years ago, our town was hit directly by a typhoon and suffered considerable damage.
I'm half suspicious that it will turn out to be another "false alarm", yet I'm ready to meet the disaster.

In three or four days, we'll find out whether this one will be another "false alarm" or a real threat. If my activity on LangCorrect completely stops in the next three or four days, please assume that the typhoon will have caused significant trouble in my area.

May the Force be with us always!

reni's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

Mon temps d’écran

Aujourd’hui je n’ai presque rien fait de productif.
J’ai passé beaucoup de temps devant mon portable parce qu’il n’y avait pas beaucoup de choses à faire dans mon travail.
Je travaille chez moi donc mon lit est assez proche de mon bureau, et j’ai tendance à utiliser mon portable parce qu’il n’y a personne autour de moi pour m’arrêter.
Alors, mon temps d’écran est très haut, c’est presque huit heures.
C’est un miracle que j’ai choisi à écrire ce post aujourd’hui pour pratiquer mon français !

Xtren070's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

A story with a streetlight, a bear, and a kid

“I feel sad” the boy thought after finding his parents arguing. Everything happened in just one second. He had the idea of walking to the kitchen for a jar of honey and mixing it up with his cookies. But as soon as he left the door edge, he heard voices speaking strongly against each other. It was his parents. He was used to it, but this time it was painful. They complained about him. “He only wants to eat his honey but does not pay attention to his studies” said the father, annoyed. The mother simply agreed, as her voice showed. After that brief and painful moment, they blamed each other for a bear they found in the garden. They blamed each other's dirtiness and disorganization. Following that scene, the kid stopped being hungry, and only wanted to sleep. But then, he thought, “wait a second! There was an animal in the garden!" . "Sleeping would only remove my opportunity to see a real bear” he considered. He left the house through the dark door, but he did not find any bear in the garden. After debating whether to leave or not the house, he decided to cross the gates. It was late at night and the street was empty, only lit by streetlights. There was nothing, and when he was about to turn away, there was a beautiful bear with an umbrella standing in the edge of the street. The bear was about to cross the avenue, but before doing it, it waved goodbye to him.

Godokoro's avatar

Aug. 27, 2024

Infierno Blanco(The Grey)の話



thealchemist's avatar

Aug. 26, 2024



SeijuKai's avatar

Aug. 26, 2024



cute_hoglet's avatar

Aug. 26, 2024

Qu’est-ce que vous aimez ?

J'aime apprendre les langues, lire les livres classiques ou sur l'histoire ou politiquement. Aussi j'aime bricoler.

Dilshod8607's avatar

Aug. 26, 2024

Über mich

Hallo an alle. Mein Name ist Dilshod. Ich bin 22 Jahre alt. Ich wohne in Usbekistan. Seit 2 Monaten lerne ich deutsch.

hibiscus's avatar

Aug. 26, 2024





Nerdqueen's avatar

Aug. 26, 2024










libraz's avatar

Aug. 26, 2024

Día diecinueve de mi racha

Hoy presenté una solicitud de graduación. Fue procedo exasperante. Hice que presentar dos solicitudes. Tengo dos títulos. Un es en letras y un es en servicio médico de emergencia. Tengo que presentarme a la escuela de enfermería pronto. No quiero ser paramédica siempre. Aunque soy joven, mi trabajo se me desgasta porque es tan físico. Quiero un trabajo calmado en una clínica.

huiruwang's avatar

Aug. 26, 2024

Je cherche un emploi en France

Je cherche un emploi en France depuis un mois. Malgré ce scénario peu encourageant, j'essaye toujours et je ne peux pas abandonner.

Qu'est-ce que je fais tous les jours ? Chaque matin, je commence à consulter mes e-mails, les réseaux sociaux et mon téléphone pour les nouveaux messages. Et puis, je révise mon CV et l'envoie pas mal. Dans le même temps, je cherche de nouveaux emplois dans les sites comme Indeed, LinkedIn, etc. Il fait attendre quelques jours ou semaines de recevoir de réponse. Quel long processus !