Sept. 2, 2024
Sept. 2, 2024
Merukari und Kuroneko-Yamato (japanischer größten Kurierdienst) haben eine Kollaboration, deswegen man sehr leicht den Artikel schicken kann. Wenn ein Artikel gekauft wird, bekommt der Verkäufer von Merukari einen QR-Code. Der Verkäuter lässt in einem Yamatos Laden die Machine den Code lesen, und ein Beleg wird gedruckt. Dann gibt er an der Kasse dem Angestellten den Artikel mit dem Beleg. Also kommt das Verfahren zustande. Von Anfang bis Ende macht man anonym einen Handel.
Sept. 2, 2024
Sept. 2, 2024
Wie die meisten Menschen, ich mag kein Ändern. Ich bin nicht der Typ Mensch, der schnell Angst hat, aber ich plötzliche Veränderungen unangenehm finde. Deshalb mag ich nicht Jobsändern und Karriereändern. Allerdings Anfang 2024 habe ich mich meinem Marketing Karriere hintergelasst und vorgebereite für ein Ausbildung im Deutschland nächster Jahr. Ich kenne, dass es groß Ändern ist und als ein lebensveränderndes Ereignis zählen kann. Ich bin immer noch nervös über diesem Bescheid, aber ich kenne, dass ich diese Lebenserfahrung haben möchte.
Sept. 2, 2024
I had a final round of job interview last week. The position for which I apply is two levels above the current position. I often work with a senior manager from the team that I want to join. He strongly suggested me to apply that position and kindly wrote a letter of recommendation to his line managers. He praised me a lot in the letter, but I feel unworthy. It is an unexpected opportunity for me to expand my career. The current job is not in demand, so it would be tough to find the similar job if I quit the job. However, I feel nervous because my workload will drastically increase. I would have to learn a lot of regulations and deal with boring tasks. Now, I am excited to work for challenging projects. To be honest, I don't want to leave the current position.
Sept. 2, 2024
Sept. 2, 2024
Mein Lieblingsgericht ist ein koreanisches scharfes Hähnchen. Es ist einfach zuzubereiten. Erstens müssen Sie Hähchenbrust wählen. Vergessen Sie nicht koreanisch Gewürz also Gochujang und Sesamöl kaufen. Dann schneiden Sie das Hähnchenbrust in kleinere Stücken und braten sie unter Rühren an. Danach geben Sie das gebratene Hähnchen und die koreanischen Gewürze in einen Topf und es mit circa 100 ml Wasser köcheln. Köcheln Sie sie, bis die Soße dick wird, und dann können Sie das Gericht fertig haben. Genießen Sie sie mit Reis oder Ihnen Lieblings Instant-Nudeln.
Sept. 2, 2024
Sept. 2, 2024
È iniziata una nuova settimana, che porta con sé nuove speranze e faccende. Mi sveglio ancora presto per avere il tempo di fare tutto ciò che ho pianificato.
Ho già studiato per un'ora. Non credo che studierò di nuovo oggi, ma mi è bastato. In fondo, devo anche lavorare oggi.
Sono curiosa di sapere se altri colleghi lasciano il lavoro. Ogni settimana controllo l'orario del team per vedere se c'è qualcuno che si è licenziato. Possiamo vedere sull'orario quanti turni mancano a qualcuno per il resto del mese.
Ho appena iniziato a lavorare e non ne ho voglia. È sempre così dopo aver trascorso il weekend in modo piacevole.
Sept. 2, 2024
Sept. 2, 2024
新しい言語を勉強している時とても便利なソフトは何といっても「Language Reactor」です(日本語では「ラングエージ・レアクター」だと思います)。このソフトはクロムブラウザの拡張です。ネットフリックスやユーチューブなどを見ながら二言語の字幕が同時に表示することができます。そして、言葉にクリックすると、辞書も表示することができます。
Sept. 2, 2024
Il venerdì passato sono andata al ufficio burocratico del dipartimento in carico delle targhe per recuperare il documento che mi darebbe permesso a praticare la guida. Anche se ho superato l’esame in rete, ho dovuto prendere un appuntamento per visitare l’ufficio dal vivo per convalidare l’identità e anche per fare un pagamento. Non piace a nessuno passare il giorno lì, e purtroppo non è stata un’esperienza gradevole per me. Per prima cosa, nel ufficio facevo un freddo cane così che ho perso il sentimento nelle dita a causa di una condizione preesistente che ha un impatto sulla circolazione sanguigna. Anche se molti americani si lamentano del numero irrisorio di condizionatori nell’Europa, questo è a parer mio un aspetto positivo ed è un motivo per cui non vedo l’ora di trasferirmi in Italia. Inoltre ho passato qualche ora in attesa, anche se il mio caso era abbastanza semplice. Mi chiedo se sia anche così in Italia — per quanto ne so già del sistema burocratico italiano, direi di sì.
Sept. 2, 2024
Sept. 2, 2024
Understanding all justice her words, Bao-yu was very upset:
— But I want you to stay and there is no need for grandma to talk to your mather! We will give her more money and she isn't taking you anywhere.
— Of course, mom won't forcibly take me away! — Shizhen agreed. — You can deal with her, especially if give her money. But if you didn't, she wouldn't mind. Frankly speaking, similar cases have never happened in our family! Human is not a thing which you can buy giving the money to the seller. But what's the use to leave me just like that, to separate fron my relatives with no reason? Neither your grandmother nor your mother will agree to this.
Sept. 2, 2024
The other day, there was a music event called "YouTube Music Weekend," and my favorite band, ずっと真夜中でいいのに (Zutomayo), performed. I initially thought it would be a short show—maybe 15 to 30 minutes—since that's how long the other artists' videos were. But to my surprise, it went on until 11:30! I was thrilled.
At first, I was fully immersed, watching in full screen for the first 30 minutes. But after that, since I expected it to end soon, I started to get curious and opened the chat. Suddenly, Zutomayo herself appeared, interacting with the audience, sharing fun facts about the live performance. It was such a fun experience!
Around 10:50, when everyone thought the show was winding down, she said out of the blue, "By the way, it will still go on after 11:00." Everyone got super excited, and it made the whole experience even more enjoyable!
After the show, there was a premiere titled "Big Announcement" on their YouTube channel at 11:30 pm. Obviously, I went check it out right away. The announcement was that they’re releasing a new mini-album this October! I was so excited I couldn’t sleep that night.
By the way, have you ever been to any music live concert?
Sept. 2, 2024
Sept. 2, 2024
Sept. 2, 2024
Sept. 1, 2024
Do you have fly catchers in your country? Fly catchers are useful tools for getting rid of flies. When I was a child, I used to see some in the kitchens of Japanese homes. There were lots of dead flies stuck to the sticky paper, which was a bit graphic and scary to me. Recently, I don’t see them much, probably because various kinds of pesticides are available nowadays. Still, the other day, I saw one at my French tutor’s house during our lesson via Skype. It was hanging from the kitchen celling. I was a bit surprised. Don’t the French have any qualms about using a bit cruel and unattractive tool like this? My tutor said that it was not pretty, but very efficient. I was impressed by her down-to-earth way of thinking.
Sept. 1, 2024
Heute habe ich mir Videos auf YouTube angesehen. Ich habe viele Wörter und die deutsche Kultur gelernt. Zum Beispiel sind die Deutschen pünktlich und direkt. Sie mögen keinen Smalltalk. Sie beschweren sich über die Deutsche Bahn.
Ich bin glücklich, weil ich heute Nachmittag spazieren gegangen bin. Es hat Spaß gemacht.
Sept. 1, 2024
Sept. 1, 2024
A veces, olvido vivimos en el mundo real y me gusto fingir que el dinero no será un problema en el futuro así que puedo imaginar una vida poco realista como viajar el mundo para barato pero aún teniendo diversión y haciendo cosas pijos. O trabajando un trabajo como no es un salario muy alto pero viviendo una vida lujoso. Como por qué ganar mucho dinero debes trabajo TAN duro justo ir a escuela medicina o de derecho (ambos debes que pagar mucho diner) y gastar demasiado años y despues eres tan ocupado con trabajo hacer cualquier cosa!
Sept. 1, 2024
To east from our village lives old lady, she is ninty years old. She eats only lean food, everyday reads preayers and thus she have gained favor of Guanyin bodhisattva.
One day a bodhisattva came to her in a dream and said: "You are devoted to God with all your sole but you don't have any grandchilds. I told about you to Jasper lord and he said that you're going to have a grandson!" Actually this old woman had a son and this son had a son too, but he died when he was either seventeen or eighteen years old. You should have seen how he was mourned!
Sept. 1, 2024
Cette samedi, je suis allé dans les bijouteries pour choisir une bague alliance avec mon fiancé.
Dans un atelier qu'on a cherché en ligue avant de partir, on a eu une expérience désagréable.
D'abord, la vendeuse a fourni un service normal. Elle a demandé la date de notre mariage et notre préférence pour un bague.
Ensuite, elle m'a apporté quelque bagues à choisir. J'ai essayé tous les bagues et donné mon avis.
Je l'ai commandé une question après essayer une bague en diamants, je l'ai dit, "une bague en diamants peut-elle être accidentellement rayée?"
La vendeuse m'a dit, "si vous être besoin de faire des travaux manuels, cela ne sera pas le cas, parce que le diamant est la pierre la plus dure de la nature." Son réponse m'a évidement mis mal à l'aise.
Plus tard dans le dialogue, son attitude reste froide et arrogante.
En fin, on a décidé quitter la bijouterie.
La raison est simple. Elle n'a eu pas de patience et gentillesse pour nous.
Quelle honte!
Sept. 1, 2024
05:58:43 (UTC)
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