Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
"Concerto vs Concertante"
"Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini" is not a concerto, unlike other Rachmaninoff's compositions for piano and orchestra. It is a concertante piece, i.e. it is similar to a concerto in character but does not follow all of its rules. For example, Rhapsody is a single-movement composition, whereas a concerto must consist of three movements. Here we come to the first analogy between the piece and life: We too have no movements in life, which is a constant flow that terminates only with our death. However, we can outline movements, as Rachmaninoff did, dividing his Rhapsody into three sections corresponding to the three movements of a concerto: a slow movement preceded and followed by fast movements. Still, life, like the Rhapsody, has to be performed in a single stretch, none part of it is self-contained.
However, it is easy to divide life into these interdependent parts that are smaller than movements, particularly for younger people. Those under twenty-five have lived through one to two movements at best, and they don't comprehend them, but they know how to mark up their lives - with years! These years for us are the same as the variations for the Rhapsody. Precisely, the main difference between the Rhapsody and a concerto and between life and fiction is that everything consists of variations, not of movements with the formulated conventional structure of contrasting themes, internal development, and so on. This is a serious statement that has far-reaching implications. I will devote most of this article to proving that life is a series of variations and what that means for everybody.
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
In Australien war das Obst sehr billig und gab es viele Sorten. Einige Obstsorten haben doch nicht sehr gut geschmeckt. Zum Beispiel waren die Birnen nicht gut, und ich habe oft mit iher Weinkompott zubereitet. Ich konnte dann sie gut schmecken. Eine andere Obstosorte habe ich auf ähnlich Weise gegessen. Sie war ähnlich dem Pfirsich und der Aprikose, aber ich kann mich an ihren Namen nicht erinnern.
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
Bonjour à tous,
Je vous remercie sincèrement d’avoir accepté de m’aider pour ce déménagement. Voici comment cela va se dérouler.
Je vais quitter mon ancien logement situé au numéro 1 de la rue Paradise pour emménager dans un nouvel appartement au numéro 11 de la rue Jardin.
Le déménagement sera rapide, avec un trajet estimé à seulement 20 minutes. Cependant, pour garantir que tout se déroule sans encombre, j’aurais besoin de quelqu'un pour accompagner le camion et veiller sur mes affaires.
De plus, serait-il possible que l'un d'entre vous m'accompagne, ainsi que mes deux chiens, jusqu'à ma nouvelle adresse ?
Merci encore pour votre aide, et je compte sur vos réponses rapidement.
À bientôt !
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
Sto lavorando da qualche ora e mi sto prendendo la pausa pranzo. Tutto è più sopportabile dopo aver mangiato.
È necessario che io abbia una mente limpida e riposata, ma purtroppo sono un po' stanca. Forse mi riprenderò dopo aver bevuto un caffè.
Le cose vanno piuttosto bene al lavoro. Mi aspettavo che andassero male dopo i cambiamenti, ma sembra che non ci fosse niente di spaventoso.
Ho passato l'aspirapolvere e ho messo la casa in ordine. Se tutto è a posto, posso svolgere le mansioni e fare le faccende senza preoccupazioni.
È ora di ritornare alle mansioni. Potrò riposarmi dopo aver finito il turno.
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
Сегодня, я хочу описать пейзаж, который я посмотрела вчера.
Когда я сидела с моим парнем в парке, я смотрела, что около озер сидел мальчик и девушка. Их было лет десять, и я не знаю были ли они брат и сестра или друзья, но они сидели и играли. Когда девушка, сидящая рядом с озером, посмотрела на утки, она сказала мальчику на латышском, “посмотри на всех этих куриц!” Я смеялась очень громко потому что, мне тоже нравиться это сказать когда я смотрю утки.
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
ラフティングの後で、一緒にBBQをした、美味しかったです。夜はお酒を飲みながらカードゲームをした。ITOというカードゲームをした。初めてやったが規則が簡単だった。とても良かったです。泣くしたほど笑う過ぎた TT。2時ごろ眠るになった。
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
I had stepped back from practicing writing in English for a while. I thought it had been maybe half a year, but it’s actually only been one and a half months since my last essay. Before I stopped writing, I had maintained a streak for 67 days, so I guess I was a little burnt out. After a month of recharging, I finally feel ready to get back to writing! But this time, I will do it at a smoother pace to avoid burnout.
Recently, since I’ve done less output practice, I have been reading a lot of English books. I subscribed to an app called LingQ, which allows me to import my own eBooks. Whenever I look up words, it saves them and automatically creates flashcards. The downside is that the user interface design is quite unintuitive, and the app is sometimes buggy. Since it costs $14.99 USD a month, this is annoying.
But LingQ does help me read English books more efficiently. It records the word count I’ve read, generates audio from the text, and can be used as an Anki-style flashcard app. So overall, the advantages outweigh the inconveniences for me.
Sept. 10, 2024
Ma fille viendra nous rendre visite ce week-end à Canberra. Elle habite à Sydney, cependant puisque sa grand-mère ne se sent pas bien, elle a décidé de passer un bon moment avec elle. Sa grand-mère vit à Canberra dans une maison de retraite. Elles sont proches et je suis certaine que la visite sera bien pour ma mère. Ma mère a besoin d’une distraction car en ce moment elle n’a pas le moral.
Le samedi, nous dînerons ensemble et j’ai trouvé une recette très facile à préparer. C’est le printemps ici, et pendant cette saison l’agneau est en promotion. Êtes vous au courant que l’agneau australien est délicieux : tendre et plein de saveur. En fait quand j’étais petite, j’ai dessiné une carte de l’Australie avec des agneaux, des kangourous et des émeus.
Alors, retournons à nos moutons, ( ça me parait un bon jeu de mots ), la recette dont j’ai parlé. Il s’agit des escalopes d’agneau. On prépare une marinade grecque avec 4 ingrédients : de l’huile, du citron, de l’ail et de l’origan. Ensuite, on fait mariner les escalopes et après quelques heures, on les fait frire à la poêle. La recette a recommandé de les faire frire 2 minutes à chaque côté. À mon avis, cela sera le plat parfait pour mes invitées.
Sept. 10, 2024
In one of my previous entries, I talked about a cave on my last hike trail. ( You can find a video link here if you haven't seen it:
It's a wild cave, which means there's no dedicated team to take care of it.
When we got there, We found some trash on the ground, but we didn't have the tools to dispose of it, let alone carry it down the hill.
Luckily, that area belongs to a small village, so villagers will come to clean it in their spare time.
But I still feel it's wrong. It's unfair to leave those pieces of trash in the cave and let the villagers do extra work.
In the meantime, I have to admit that some guys in the hike team are shameless. Maybe It's only about 5% of the population, but still, we can't put an end to littering.
So I decided to help the villagers build a garbage collection program as a game project.
The project plan hasn't been finished yet.
If you have any advice or suggestions, feel free to tell me!
And if you have seen some successful solutions to related problems, please share them with me. I have never hiked to any wild area outside China, so it's totally unknown to me.
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
Sept. 10, 2024
11:38:18 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)