Nov. 26, 2024
L'avantage notable du tourisme pour un pays est la stimulation de son économie. Quand un pays accueils les touristes, il profit de la stimulation économique parce que les gens dépenseraient beaucoup de l'argent. Ils achètent les ticket pour leurs "flight", ils paient aussi pour les choses comme les activités, des sites historiques et la nourriture. Dans ce manier, les résidents auront l'opportunité de conducter leurs affaires.
Cependant, iy aussi de inconvénients du tourisme. Un exemple est les differences culturelle entre les visiteurs et les habitants. A cause de ces différents, il permettait miscommincations entre les deux groupes. Il y a des instances aussi ou les touristes n'aient pas la respecte pour les sites historiques qu'ils visitent.
Nov. 26, 2024
In order to become healthy, you may think about jogging and running. Some people might think about running a full marathon as well. Me too. Marathon has become quite popular in Japan for the past decade.
In order to run a marathon better, you need to strengthen your legs.
In order to strengthen your legs, trail run excercise is one of the good and reasonable methods.
I went to trail running last Sunday, and my legs and hips are aching now.
The first purpose was to be healthy, trail running has a lot of risk.
Some people would fall down and die. Actually, I heard about a guy lost and found dead in the mountain yesterday.
You may get lost in the mountain trail.
Google map doesn't work because it doesn't indicate trails, only roads for automobiles.
I soleved this problem yesterday, by installing a software such as YAMAP (yama is "mountain" in Japanese and map is a map in English, so YAMAP is a pun) and YamaReco (mountain record). They can indicate trails in the mountains.
You may suffer from SFTS (Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome) when you're bitten by a tick in Japan.
You need to wear longer sleeve shirts and longer pants. That may bring about heat stroak instead during the summer time. Yet, it's autumn and winter, so SFTS can be avoided now.
You may encounter wild pigs or wild boars and hit by them. Actually, I encountered them in Kimpo mountain several years ago.
I should learn about the behavior of wild boars.
Therefore, I made a brief research on the internet:
You may think that wild boars are aggressive and attack people with their horns.
But actually, they are very coward animal.
You may think that they are nocturnally active, but they can be active during daytime.
They are very coward and afraid of humans, so as a result, they are active at night.
When you encounter them, don't shout or make a loud noise.
You should not turn around, but go backwards slowly.
They have a very poor eyesight, so you can hide behind a tree.
Oops, I should be very careful about hornets and poisonous snakes as well.
I may encounter bears too.
I've lost my confidence whether trail running is good for my health or not.
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Studying at a private university has both advantages and disadvantages.starting with the positive factors,better education opportunites are important for the quality of a university.For example,modern classroom furniture ,new equipment,modern laboratories can improve the quality of education.If the furniture is broken or outdated ,it can affect your focus and comfort.Another advantage is better accommodation conditions.For instance,if your dorm is far away,you can spend extra money on transportation,such as taxis or buses.On the other hand,one major disadvantage is the high cost of a private university.For example,you need to pay for meals,school materials,accommodation,books,extra lessons,and so on.It can want money for everything.Another disadvantage islower quality of education because teachers prefer a private university for money so teachers teach as long as they get their money.In conclusion,studyingg at a private university can be very expensive.You should think about all the pros and cons before deciding for your education.
Nov. 25, 2024
Twenty days have passed since my septum sugery. In this time, I have learned a lot of things, as much as technollogy and behavior.
For example, I think my patient have improved and I have learned to control my feelings, but above all I have knew myself.
Regarding technolllgy, I have learned more topics about SAP. I am developing APIS REST in SAP right now. This is a interesting project where I have implemented all my aknowdlege about SAP
In general my recovery process has been good.
Always, I give thanks to God.
God bless you and thanks for reading my post.
Nov. 25, 2024
Le elezioni sono state sorprendenti, in senso negativo. Ho votato per il politico meno peggio, ma purtroppo la mia scelta è finita al secondo turno contro una persona di cui non ne avevamo sentito parlare prima di ieri.
È una persona fanatica di destra e sembra che non abbia i piani migliori per il nostro paese.
Le prossime elezioni sono fra due domeniche e ne sono spaventata. Spero che tutto andrà per il meglio.
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
I'm considering buying a microphone, so I can practice online conversations on Discord starting in December. My current headphone is falling apart; the foams is fraying and the painting are literally turning into dust and sticking all over my head. That's why I don't use it anymore. Instead, I use cheaper earbuds that I bought on Aliexpress (before they started charging abusive fees). Searching up on Reddit, I found a mic with a really impressive quality, and I might afford it as well. But I think I'll wait until Black Friday is out so I can get some discounts on it. It isn't an essencial investment to my life since the only purpose of purchasing it is online talking, but I think It would be nice to gift myself as an end-of-year present.
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Chaque jour, pour aller au travail, j'attends à l'arrêt de bus.
Il y a vingt arrondissements à Paris.
C'est trop cher de vivre dans le centre-ville, donc je préfère la banlieue.
Deux rues se rejoignent au carrefour.
J'adore la mer, donc, je voudrais vivre près du chantier naval.
Les bâtiments dans la cité sont très hauts et gris.
Vous devez aller au commissariat pour signaler cela.
La compagne me manque, mais il y a un espace vert près de chez mois.
Si vous avez besoin de la police dans un petite ville, cherchez la gendarmerie.
Vous pouvez trouver la mairie à l'hôtel de ville.
Nous nous retrouvons sur la place centrale.
Je viens de commencer, donc je vais vivre dans un quartier populaire.
En fait, c'est sûr de marcher dans une ruelle durant la nuit à Paris.
J'adore l'architecture gothique, mais ce n'est pas pour tout le monde.
Je travaille dans une bâtisse simple, sans l'architecture particulière.
La Notre-Dame est une belle cathédrale près de mon appartement.
Le roi vit dans le château sur la colline.
Elle veut une maison avec une clôture blanche.
L’édifice domine la ville avec sa grande tour.
Ma famille veut que j'aille à l'église chaque dimanche.
Laissez mon colis dans l'entrée si je ne suis pas chez moi.
Elle veut explorer les vieux châteaux laissés à l'abandon.
De nombreuses maisons de pêcheurs bordent le canal.
La Tour de Coit est une grande tour classée monument historique à San Francisco.
Paris est considéré comme un haut lieu de mode.
Le Jardin du Luxembourg se trouve à une encablure de mon école.
Je suis une citadine toute ma vie, j'adore les villes.
Les produits sont très utilisés pour le ménage et le nettoyage de bureau.
La diminution de la population de la ville inquiétait les autorités locales.
L'environnement urbain est toujours bruiyant, avec beaucoup d'énergie.
Je pense qu'embaucher un agent immobilier est trop cher quand on cherche un nouvel appartement.
La construction sera complétée dans six mois, mais cela prend toujours plus de temps.
Le marché de l'immobilier est très chaud en ce moment, donc je te conseille d'attendre un peu.
J'ai trouvé le prix de l'immobilier trop cher pour ce que c'était.
Le promoteur de cet immobilier est très soucieux du respect de son histoire.
Les gens qui travaillent dans la finance essaient d'éviter la spéculation.
Appelez la police pour les alerter de bruits suspects.
Hier, la police a fait une arrestation dans la rue devant mon appartement.
La police peut faire un contrôle d'identité si vous agissez de manière suspecte.
La vieille dame a déposé une plainte contre moi parce que j'ai organisé une fête hier soir.
Faites attention de ne pas endommager la vieille porte.
Si vous voulez faire l'urbex, il est important de ne pas entrer par effraction.
Hier soir, les criminels ont été placés en garde à vue.
Si nous continuons comme ça, la police va intervenir !
J'étais témoin lors d'un procès important.
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Una difficoltà a cui si confrontano gli studenti imparando il francese e l'italiano è il modo di fare i segni diacritici. È soprattutto un problema per gli anglofoni o tedescofoni, che non hanno nessun segno sulle tastiere QWERTY. Sebbene si possa fare la maggior parte delle diacritiche con i codi Alt. Si deve mantenere il tasto "Alt" premuto e inserire una stringa di numeri dal tastierino numerico. Per esempio, la combinazione "Alt + 0200" dà la lettera "È". Le tastiere virtuali sono un'altra soluzione. Le uso particolarmente per scrivere lingue che si scrivono da alfabeti non latini, come il persano e il russo. Mi piacevono molto le tastiere virtuali del sito Lexilogos, che sono facili da usare.
A questo proposito, ho visto sul sito web di Zanichelli che gli accenti sulle maiuscole non erano obbligatori in italiano, solo "fortamente raccomendati". In francese i diacritici sulle (et sotto) le maiuscole sono obbligatorie. Scrivere "Ca" invece di "Ça" è un errore, perché cambia la pronuncia, visto che la mancanza di cediglia trasforma il /sa/ in /ka/. Purtroppo, molti (specialmente la gente relativamente anziana) hanno sempre imparato che non era il caso. All'epoca delle macchine per scrivere, era di fatto difficile, se non impossibile, di fare maiuscole con diacritici.
Una ragazza di cui ho corretto un testo qui mi ha detto che non abbia mai questa abitudine perché secondo un francophono che aveva incontrato su Internet, tutti se ne fregano dei signi diacritici con le maiuscole. In un certo senso, è vero. Ma quando corrego, presumo sempre che alcuni studenti potrebbero un giorno sostenere esami di francese, usara la lingua in contesti professionali o solo preoccuparsi di parlare una lingua corretta, perciò, non posso pensare alle cose di cui si frega. Mi fa pensare alla mia adolescenza. Molti su Internet scrivevano nel "languaggio SMS", un tipo di francese trascurato (e onestamente illeggibile) pieno di errori e di abbreviazioni, come se scrivessero col telefone. E quando qualcuno loro facciava la rimarca che potrebbero scrivere meglio, rispondevano "non siamo a scuola". Non ho mai capito quella mentalità. È un po' stupida per me, però...
Mi chiedo se esista un "languaggio SMS" italiano!
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Nov. 25, 2024
Sorge dafür, dass das Zimmer warm ist. Zieh dir mehr Kleidung an, wenn du denkst, dass dir kalt wird.
Leg dich bequem auf den Rücken hin. Schieß die Augen und atme tief ein und aus. Ein und aus…
Entspann dein Gesicht, deine Augen, diene Stirn, deinen Mund.
Entspann deine Finger, dann deine Arme und deine Schultern.
Entspann deinen Körper, während du noch tief ein- und ausatmest.
Entspann deine Beine, deine Füße. Jetzt deine Zehe.
Bleib ruhig für fünf Minuten bis du die Klingel hörst.
Jetzt beweg dich langsam. Öffne die Augen und setz sich langsam auf.
Nov. 25, 2024
02:40:36 (UTC)
Streaks reset at midnight (00:00)