Oct. 10, 2024
Enquanto o sudoeste dos EUA está se recuperando do furacão Helene, outro furacão, o furacão Milton, está se aproximando rapidamente, ameaçando casas, empresas e infraestrutura. Há muitas pessoas que não podem partir para a segurança porque não têm dinheiro para a gasolina ou para as passagens aéreas. Essas pessoas são retratadas pela mídia de notícias como “escolhendo ficar”, mostrando uma realidade diferente.
Além disso, uma conspiração está se tornando mais popular, que diz que a mudança climática se deve à atividade humana. Embora muitos de nós possamos pensar que a queima de combustíveis fósseis, essas pessoas estão dizendo que os furacões recentes foram objeto de geoengenharia para os interesses especiais do governo. A desinformação na Internet é um grande problema, que é agravado pela terrível situação em que ela se encontra. Esperamos que os cidadãos da Flórida consigam evacuar para um local seguro.
Oct. 10, 2024
Oct. 10, 2024
Oct. 10, 2024
Jules Janin a estimé les descriptions de la vie quotidienne dans "le Voyage sentimental" de Laurence Sterne qu’il mentionnait fréquemment dans ses écrits. Il est donc possible que le critique français ait été le déclencheur de la réévaluation de Sterne en France au XIXe siècle.
Janin a opposé la complexité des "Mille et une nuits" et la simplicité de Sterne qu’il a tant appréciée. Il a découvert les vertus de Sterne dans son sens aigu de l’observation et dans son exploration du monde intérieur des êtres humains, qui reflètent la personnalité de l’auteur.
Dans "Un hiver à Paris", Janin a cherché à enlever les frontières entre la réalité et l’irréalité sans hésiter à transgresser les normes du récit de voyage et celles du conte fantastique. Nous constatons donc que Janin hérite de Sterne son attitude de braver les normes établis et de poursuivre les possibilités du roman.
Oct. 10, 2024
Hii !
I’m Sonia , from France and I would like to be lvl C1 in only one year . I need it for my studies . So I’m actually lvl B1 almost B2 but I try every days to improve my English , I watch a lot of videos on YouTube for it . I have a few contact with English people so it’s cool for me . I love the Chinese culture and anyways I speak Chinese fluently. So I hope that you’ll can help me with my English .
For the information I speak American English instead British English cuz I thought that the American English was better but it’s a bit weird sometimes but anyways I just want to learn English, the basically English that everybody understand.
So bye bye everyone! 👋
Oct. 10, 2024
I've noticed that I tend to get bored when doing the same thing regularly, even if it's a good habit that I enjoyed at first.
Luckily, I found two ways to get over this kind of situation.
The first way is to upgrade my habits. I have a personal vocabulary book on an app and I need to review the words in it from time to time. Suddenly one day I didn't want to memorize those words. A few days later, I opened that app again and was aware of my interest in the etymologies. Then I upgraded my vocabulary routine to read the origin of the words.
Secondly, I set some rewards for the habits I have to finish. As you may know, my action camera was an award for my fifteenth hike.
Do you have other strategies to maintain a good habit? Feel free to share with me.
Oct. 10, 2024
Cher monsieur,
Je viens de lire votre poste sur le sujet du changement de nos moyens de travailler. Comme économiste, je suis d'accord avec l'avis qu'il faut convertir la semaine de travail actuelle à quatre jours à la place de cinq, malgré les doutes d'un autre côté. Je sais que ce sujet tient à vous, comme gérant, mais je vous prie de tenir compte mes idées des bienfaits d'une telle semaine de travail.
La première raison évidente pour instaurer une semaine ainsi est une meilleure équilibre entre la vie privée et la vie professionelle. Vous avez mentionné que votre société a eu du mal pendant vos essaies préalables, cependant, il faut reconnaître que n'importe quel changement majeur de telle sorte est assorti de défis. Pourtant, il y a de nombreuses entreprises qui ont essayé une semaine de quatre jours, et elles ont remarqué une augmentation de productivité à la suite de son instauration, car il fait bien à l'esprit d'avoir assez de temps pour se reposer et se préparer pour la semaine. C'est-a-dire que respecter les limites du cerveau nous permet d'en profiter davantage.
De plus, une semaine de travail de quatre jours a également des bienfaits macroéconomiques. Il est reconnu qu'il y a des pénuries de postes de travail et un taux de chômage élevé dans plusieurs pays, surtout chez les jeunes. Toutefois, une réduction de jours de travail nécessite qu'on embauche davantage de personnes, et par conséquent, on réduira le taux de chômage. Cette réduction aura de nombreux effets positifs, parce qu'une réduction de chômage implique un pouvoir d'achat élevé et donc une augmentation de revenu.
En somme, il faudra une durée d'adataption avant que la nouvelle semaine de travail ne soit bien instaurée, mais je crois enfin qu'elle en vaut la peine, surtout en raison de ses nombreuses advantages et le bon qu'elle peut faire à la société. Je vous remercie pour avoir considéré mes idées, et si jamais vous voulez approfondir sur les moyens d'adapter votre commerce à ces nouvelles habitudes, j'ai ajouté ma carte de visite à ce courriel. Merci beaucoup.
Oct. 10, 2024
Oct. 10, 2024
I'm going to run in the Fukuoka Marathon in 30 days.
As the temperature has become lower and lower, it's much more confortable to run.
When I'm losing weight, it's very tough to run a long distance. I feel as though I'm running out of battery. I feel I have hypoglycemia attack.
When I eat much, I can run longer distance, although I gain weight by 1-2 kilograms.
I need to lose 10 kilograms more in order to get the aimed record, so it's a dillenma and a challenge. But I enjoy it.
I don't feel any knee pains or hip pains, and I think my mental and phsical health condition is rather good.
My biggest concern right now is the higher activity of the solar flares.
They say it affects the accuracy of GPS (Global Positioning System).
I totally rely on my excercise and races on Garmin smartwatch, Forerunner 265.
If GPS doesn't work well and give me the wrong information of my running speed, distance, etc., it would be fatal.
For example, they say that I should practice running in the rain as the training in case of the rainy day official race.
Likewise, I should do my excercise without wearing the smartwatch, Yoda might say:
"Let go, Luke! You should rely on your instinct!"
Oct. 10, 2024
There is a Japanese saying, 情けは人の為ならず. This means: If you come across someone in need, you had better help them, because it will pay off in the future. Generally, we should be merciful to others as much as we can. However, the meaning of this proverb has recently changed to the exact opposite. Namely, we should avoid helping others without considering whether your help will really benefit them. For example, there is a possibility that your help may cause them to put in less effort or become less active, so we had better let them deal with the problem on their own. In Japan, we've become a cruel world. I heard a Turkish proverb that goes, “Do good and throw it into the sea. If the fish don’t know it, god will."I prefer this.
Oct. 9, 2024
John Clapton is a bus driver. He is 34. He lives in a little flat in the center of the town. He has a wife and a little son. His wife's name is Paula, she is 27. She is housewife. She likes to cook delicious dishes for her husband, go shopping, read interesting books, play the piano, listening classics and play with her son.
Jhon works every day. Usually he gets up at 5 a.m., have a breakfast and go for a work. It's not far from home and it takes 10 minutes. He always start to work at 5:45 a.m. and finish at 06:00 p.m. Sometime after work he goes to drink beer with his friends and discuss latest news. John has lots of friends, they often spend free time together.
On weekends John spend the time with his family. 0n Saturday they usually do housework and in the afternoon they visit their parents. In warm seasons, in spring and summer they take a walk before go to bad. They usually don't go to bad before midnight.
Oct. 9, 2024
Oct. 9, 2024
Oct. 9, 2024
¿Cuánto tiempo cree que durarán las redes sociales? No soy el único que lo ha percibido, pero las redes sociales han dado un giro a peor. Dejé las redes sociales hace unos años, pero últimamente he estado leyendo artículos y libros sobre la «enshittificación» de Internet, un término utilizado inicialmente para describir el deterioro de los productos y servicios en línea, pero que ahora se utiliza de forma general. Los algoritmos de las redes sociales son cada vez peores y muestran contenidos que provocan a muchos usuarios, lo que provoca enfados entre los sitios. Esto puede afectar a la salud mental de los usuarios, pero es difícil salir debido a lo adictivas que pueden llegar a ser estas plataformas. Creo que es importante tomarse descansos de vez en cuando y pasar tiempo con la familia y los amigos.
Oct. 9, 2024
Today I with my friend go to a pottery workshop. This experience was first in our life. We did glasses on a circle. My friend do straight glass, above the ears and drew a frog. I drew a goldfish and printed small fish. Do you know which animal the happiest? It is a goldfish. Do you know why? Because it has memory for a 10 second. This point said Erich Maria Remarque: if you want to be forever young, learn to let go.
I knew this in a serial Ted Lasso, I recommend you, this is so optimistic!
Oct. 9, 2024
Quoi qu'il arrive notre pire enemi restera toujours nous mêmes, mais qu'est-ce que cela veut dire? Ce "nous mêmes" fait réference à notre mentalité pour être plus précis notre facon de voir la monde et notre réaction vers l'adversité. Je dirais qu'envrion 90 à 95 pourcent de nos problémes vient de nous c'est à dire les situations comme on voit comme des problémes. Certes c'est plus facile à dire qu'à faire mais si on ne permet pas aux brimages de nous affecter ils auraient aucune effet. Peu importe le dommage que notre corps subis rien est en capable de toucher notre esprit si on ne le laisse pas.
Oct. 9, 2024
How I can reference properly? I was a little surprised when I was reading about several referencing systems that require their own rules for compiling an in-text citation or a bibliography and why breaking the rules by the students is unacceptable. Now I think that is an optimal technique for self-development. I want to clarify I never thought about that from the point of view of how the critical thinking is being formed. Using an essay-writing service start to become really popular in student community; however, that kind of cheating is caught anyway. So, if the student is liable for his own future, he has to follow the rules of the university. The first step to do it is look at guidelines or talk to teacher and find out which referencing system is used: Modern Language Association, Modern Humanities Research Association, Oscola, Harvard author-date systems and etc. The second step is that mixing those systems are inappropriate. The third step is that every quotation and an in-text citation have to be match with references. Following those rules will help not to forget about paraphrase, direct quotation and footnotes, what helps better understanding which your own thought is and which is not as well.
Oct. 9, 2024
→→ その一:宛名の位置について
*いくつかの例は「〇〇様」から始まります(たとえば:〇〇様|拝啓 |挨拶|主文)
→→ その二:敬称について
Oct. 9, 2024
Heute beginne ich dieses Buch, "Short Stories in German for Beginners," von Olly Richards und Alex Rawlings. Ich habe Angst, weil ich kenne nicht viele Wörter auf Deutsch. Normalerweise lese ich solche Bücher auf Englisch und Französisch. Es ist natürlich für mich, aber Deutsch ein bisschen schwer ist. Dennoch möchte ich mein Sprachniveau im Deutschen verbessern.
Oct. 9, 2024
Oct. 9, 2024
Oct. 9, 2024
Oct. 9, 2024
Mi sono svegliata prima del solito e ho fatto una breve passeggiata. Fortunatamente il tempo era bello e sono riuscita a fermarmi per un bel po' su una panchina riflettendo al futuro.
A volte è necessario essere consapevoli di quanto velocemente passi il tempo e avere fiducia in noi stessi.
Ho finito ieri sera il libro che leggevo nelle ultime settimane, ne inizierò un altro subito.
Siamo tutti delusi al lavoro. Tutti i miei colleghi pensano che andrà peggio d'ora in poi.
Siamo a metà settimana e sono già alla frutta. Mi servirebbe una lunghissima vacanza per riprendermi. Spero di andarci in una alla fine dell'anno, per iniziare il prossimo alla grande.
Oct. 9, 2024
Oct. 9, 2024
19:44:51 (UTC)
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