Monsieur_Elephant's avatar

Oct. 11, 2024

Рай женщин, чистилище мужчин и ад коней

Несколько лет назад, люди постучали на дверь дома моей бабушки. Они участвовали в игре, в какой-то охоте за сокрощениями. Им нужно было разгадать загадки, которые их заставляли ездить по деревньям. Я никогда не участвовал в такой игре, но предполагаю, что это хорошой способ веселиться и одновременно открыть новый регион. Иногда участникам надо было спросить у местных жителей (как бабушки) о помощи. В тот день, у них был странный вопрос: « О какой деревне говорят, что она "рай женщин, чистилище мужчин и ад коней"?»
Бабушка рассмеялась: «Ааа, это Буиян!»
«Буиян!» (приблизительная транслитерация французского Bouilland) — красивая деревнья, которая находится 5 километров к северу от той моей бабушки. Она находится на плато. Кстати, я советовал бы белые скалы Буияна всем гуляющим, которые желают посетить Бургундию. Там есть некоторые крутые склоны, и они требуют больше усилий от коней, поэтому, Буиян — «ад коней».

А почему «рай женщин»? Ну, по репутации, буиянские женщины были... неверными! Они веселились с разнообразными любовниками, так можно сказать, что эта деревнья была их рай! А если бедные мужчинам было надо терпеть таких жен(щин), может быть они немного грешили, и они были только в чистилищем!

Я очень рассмеялся, когда моя мать мне впервые рассказала эту анекдоту. Мне нравится узнать о деревенской жизни, в старые времена. Это история не преподается в школах. Только те, которые жили в этих деревнях, могут её рассказать. И по этой причине мне нравится слушать рассказы о деревнях своего происхождения.

cerise's avatar

Oct. 11, 2024

Hochzeit zu Kana

Das Bild „die Hochzeit zu Kana“ von Paulo Veronese wurde während des napoleonischen Kriegs geplündert. Nach dem Napoleons Fall forderte Italien die Rückgabe des Bilds, aber Frankreich verweigerte sie. Paris bot im Gegenzug ein Bild von Charles Le Brun an. Das erinnerte mich an der Trade in der Baseballwelt.

Paolo12's avatar

Oct. 11, 2024


昨日、YouTube Musicで音楽を聴いたり掃除したりしてた時、この曲がシャッフルで流しました。





Japanada's avatar

Oct. 11, 2024

Mercoledi, 14 agosto 2024

Sabato, 10 agosto 2024
Sono iniziate le vacanze estive. Sto lavorando a una traduzione del quarto libro delle Metamorfosi del Ovidio. È dura. Nel pomeriggio siamo andati a Matsumoto per guardare lo spettacolo del gruppo di danza di mia figlia.
Mio figlio non volevo guardarlo, quindi l'ho portato al cinema e ha guardato il nuovo film di Minions da solo.

Mercoledi, agosto 14 2024
Siamo andati al mare a Niigata per comprare del granchio. Abbiamo fatto un picnic lì, il tempo era bello. Ha piovuto mentre tornavamo a casa, ma va bene così.

ziopasta's avatar

Oct. 11, 2024






shorter's avatar

Oct. 11, 2024



macyspears's avatar

Oct. 11, 2024

Siento dolor

Mi nuevo trabajo no es tan importante ni maravilloso…no quiero hablar sobre eso. Me duelen el corazón y la mente. También hoy un amigo de mío ya no quiere hablar conmigo. En corto, él dice que soy demasiado tonta a hablar con. Él nunca era un amigo verdad supongo.

validegg's avatar

Oct. 11, 2024

À la plage

J'habite sur une île et j'ai habité ici pendant toute ma vie, donc ma maison est à côté de la plage, mais je n'y vais souvent pas. Cet été j'ai essayé d'aller à la plage plus souvent que j'y vais normalement. D'habitude, j'emporte une chaise longue, une bouteille d'eau, de la crème solaire, et un sandwich à la dinde que je fais typiquement faire à la sandwicherie. Cependant quand mes amis me rendent visite on emporte des pelles et des seaux pour construire de grands châteaux de sable. Pendant l'été c'est trop bondé et parfois je n'aime pas les touristes parce qu'ils sont énervants et ils sont parfois impolis, mais je comprends qu'ils sont très importants pour les économies de l’île. Dans l'ensemble, ça m'est égal. Si je pouvais, j'habiterais dans la forêt ou la campagne parce que j'aime plus la forêt et la campagne que la plage.

sillyboots's avatar

Oct. 11, 2024



heatedcanine's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

A Smartphone Is More Important than a Smartwatch

Last night, I ran about 18.5 kilometers in about three hours.
In case of the malfunction of my smartwatch due to GPS error by the solar flare activities, I tried to run without the monitors by the smartwatch (Garmin, Forerunner 265). Actually, I used it, and got data while running, yet I didn't see it while running.

It turned out there wasn't that difference.
I ran the training course which I had run over hundred times, so I knew the distance quite well.
I was able to specurate my heart rate, and running speed because I had done the same thing over and over.
After finished running, I checked my data on my smartwatch and the bluetues-connected smartphone software, "Garmin Connect."
Lo and behold, my data last night was almost the same as my previous run four days before.

While running, I made a minor course change for changing air, which made me got lost.
I went to a very small country road and it brought me to a small graveyard. There were about ten or twenty tombs there.
I felt as though a bad ghost or spirit brought me there, and felt scared a bit.
Then, I wanted to go to the restroom for my business, "poop."

I asked Okay Google to identify where I was now, and the nearest covenience store's location and show me how to get there.
Google responded poorly at first, so I couldn't help thinking the participation of the bad spirit/ghost.
Anyway, I should have been more realistic than thinking about such supernatural phenomenon. I needed to poop right away.

Finally, Google showed me a convenience store where I needed 19 minutes on foot.
I got there in 15 minutes by running, and I was able to finish my business successfully.

cap_amerika's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024


我很喜欢吃中国的菜,如果我没去过,但是我希望有一天我会去中国旅游,看很多的地方。我也要尝中国的特色菜。我是一个幸运的姑娘, 因为我的男朋友是中国人。每个星期我去他的家吃很多的菜。他妈妈说:“吃饭,吃饭!” 的时候,我们必须尽快走到餐桌旁。我的男朋友比我,每天吃中国餐。他教我怎么吃中国菜。


marblemenow's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

Mein Zwischenstopp in Island

Ich war zufrieden in Island für einen zwischenstopp. Der Flughafen war fantastisch erstaunlich und sauber. Das Mittagessen war billig und frisch. Ich habe ein Sandwich gegessen und ich habe Orangensaft und Wasser getrunken. Es war wirklich lecker. Ich vermisse Island.

haanfubuki's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

[日本語] Quote #4: Ernest Hemingway



haanfubuki's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

Quote #4: Ernest Hemingway



hiratecs's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

Watching The Sky

I enjoy watching the skies in the late afternoon, when the sun is setting. In addition to the vast array of cloud shapes that my imagination can almost always assimilate to pictures and figure, what I most like is watching the different colours that sky could be. Sometimes, it gradually gets darker only in a blue hue, sometimes it turns into a more orangish or even pinkier one. Anyways, the sky becomes different each day and it's really interesting and relaxing to daily compare its general changes.

I remember when I went to my aunt's house for vacation in southern Brazil early this year, and after some weeks, we traveled to the beach. It was the first time I'd stepped on sand's beach, so the memories still fresh. I don't want to talk about the whole experience I'd had because the text would be too long, I just want to highlight how different the sky was when you have another perspective of it. The horizon of the sea makes the whole experience feel different.

Co's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

A Laugh

I marvelous love when I can to laugh somebody or some group. I like hear a cackle. For me, it is the indicate my intellect. And I think if I can do for 0.1% better somebodys day and even my day was not good, I don’t spend the day in vain. My question for you: do you make a jokes today that people arond you laugh?

asfero's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

The Sixth Step to Improving my Academic Writing

How do I choose my source material?
Writing essay could be a really challenging task for non-native students, especially when a reading list is given by experts in their field. That list could be impossibly long and if the reading skill is not excellent, it can take a long time. Several recourses that students can use for writing academic texts are: Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, Wikipedia, academic journals, books and even online podcasts. For example, electronic libraries provide an indication of how respected books, theses, abstracts and article. Wikipedia can be a good start point for in case if a subject of essay is unknown. Essential point is asking other learners who took the course at last year, because they could provide useful recommendation. It is important to define which material is relevant to essay, that approach reduces the reading time. Of course, it would be good if students determine which authors are experts in academic field and what materials are authoritative and reliable. Understanding how information is relevant is one of the keys to success; therefore checking the date when book was published is necessary.

hakuryuu's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

语法: 了 (3)表示 "现在”


1. 我16岁了!
2. 你可以说了。
3. 我吃饭了。
4. 孩子们来了。
5. 我走了。

Adam541's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024



hitomisaka's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024



tramdo's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

T1-trouver un hôtel pour un ami

Salut Matthias,

Je te souhaite la bienvenue au Canada ! En cherchant, j’ai trouvé un hôtel appelé Jardins situé non loin du centre de Toronto. Le prix varie entre 50 et 100 euros par nuit selon le type de chambre et les services proposés. Pour t’aider à faire ton choix, je te ferai parvenir un catalogue détaillé. Par ailleurs, si tu effectues ta réservation avant le 10 octobre, tu pourras bénéficier d’une réduction de 20 %. Réfléchis bien, mais n’hésite pas à me poser des questions si tu as besoin d’aide.

À très bientôt !

Paolo12's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

仕事に疲れて聞きたくなる曲 #1



タイトルがThe Clashの「London Calling」に似てますね。きっと怒髪天さんたちにはThe Clashの影響が強いです。曲がストレートにパンクなんですね。事務所から運転で帰ると、たまにはこれを聞いて車の中で歌います。サビのセリフ、「泣くな、働き者!!!」がめっちゃ好きです。大声で歌うと疲れが溶けます。


Richieteng_'s avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

A Line Graph Report in IELTS Writing Part 1

(This is the first time I use this website and I guess there's a bug here to post images.
So, this link below is the image of the original question

This graph shows the proportions of audience to watch movie in 4 different age groups in the UK from 1990 to 2010.

We can witness that the majority group in cinema attendance was aged 44-54, while the minority was aged 14-24. Moreover, the percentage of each group generally has an increasing trend.

In 1990, audience aged 44-54 and 34-44 mainly accounted for the most – nearly 36%, and then, in 1995, the percentage of the latter remained almost at the same level and rose to around 45% in 2010, whereas the former predominated (40%), in 1995 and maintained it until 2010, reaching approximately 51%.

The percentage of watchers aged 14-24 comparatively flattened of all 4 groups, increasing from 15%, in 1990 to 21%, in 2010; there had been a relative oscillation in 24-34-year-old watchers before 2005, from roughly 24%, in 1990 to 33%, followed a same data in 2010, although all classes had decreased by 2000.

shadowfax26's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

Giovedì 10 ottobre

Scrivo sul diario da quasi 500 giorni. Mi piace avere una routine, ed essere costante è una delle mie cose preferite.

Sono felice di essere riuscita a riciclare le bottiglie d'acqua e di bevande. C'è un centro vicino a casa mia e ci sono andata stamattina. Non avevo molte cose da fare dopo essermi svegliata, quindi ne ho approfittato per sbrigare alcune faccende.

Mi lusingo di essere produttiva ed efficiente. Per me, niente si compara con la sensazione di sbrigare le faccende.

Quando penso al futuro, mi vedo di successo, tranquilla e con tutti i miei obiettivi raggiunti.

melmoth's avatar

Oct. 10, 2024

Die 26. Lektion

In dieser Lektion reden miteinander ein Mann und eine Frau.
Der Mann will dass sie gehen schnell los.
Er will ihren Flieger nicht verpassen.
Weil die Frau aber ihren Reisepass verloren hat, ist es unmöglich jetzt zu gehen.
Sie müssen zuerst den finden.