emilia_'s avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

Job interview

I have a job interview tomorrow. I looked for a part time job, but this one is full time. A really big advantage is that is very close to my home. Just 10-15 minutes on foot. It's very important for someone who doesn't have a car and the bus connection is poor. Now I'm going to prepare for an interview. I need to think what about they can ask me and how to answer. In that I will feel more comfortable tomorrow. Especially I won't speak in my mother tongue. It's always one challenge more for me.

jobjob interview
lethanhhang's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

please review my essay

When was the first time you used a computer?

That was a long time ago, I think, probably like over a decade ago. Owning a computer was a thing exclusive to the rich when I was young, so having a computer class in primary school was the first time that I ever had contact with a computer. I still remember that I felt extremely nervous when my teacher taught us how to turn on and turn off the computer because I was so scared that I would do something wrong and break it.

What would your life be like without computers?

I would imagine that it would be extremely inconvenient with a life without computers. When I was in university, most of my study was done with my computer. I stored all necessary sources of information such as textbooks and articles there, and I wrote my essays and completed group work such as making power point with it too. So if I had not had a computer, I would have had to do these things on my smartphone, which was absolutely not powerful enough to store a large amount of data and function such activities properly. Similarly, after graduating from university and entering the world of work, I also do virtually all my tasks with my computer. Even though I could contact my customers and coworkers through my phones, it would still be very difficult to work without my computer because I also have to use several applications such as Microsoft World and PowerPoint, which cannot be operated properly on my phone, to create documents and reports, and make slides for presentation.

In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?

Well, I can figure out several situations. the first one is when I am using public transport. So when I am on a bus, there is nowhere to place my computer except on my lap. However, my poor eyesight does not allow me to be able to look at a screen from a far distance, and I feel that the heat emitted from my computer kind of burns my lap. So I choose to use my phone instead when I am on a bus. Another situation is when there is a thunderstorm. My mom always turns off our home power and forbids us from using our phones and computers when there is heavy rain with thunder because she is afraid of the possibility of lightning striking our house.

edwardhopper's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

Ils m'ont quitté !

Ma mère va aller aux États-Unis demain pour retrouver ses amis. Mon père est déjà là pour travailler et il est là depuis une semaine. Cependant, je vais rester ici. On a beaucoup de famille aux États-Unis donc on y va souvent, environ une fois par an. Cet ans sera la première fois qu’ils y vont sans moi. Je suis un peu triste et jaloux d’eux mais je suis également content qu’ils profiteront là-bas.

maymaymay_'s avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

please review my essay

1. What kinds of things are boring to you?

There are a variety of things that bore me, like waiting in line and listening to long dull speeches. Repetitive daily tasks such as household work are also really boring.

2. What will you do when you feel bored?
As long as I can connect to the internet, I do not think that I can feel bored. There are various means of entertainment online; I can spend hours watching YouTube videos and reading web novels. There are endless digital entertainment contents that can drive away boredom.

3. What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?
The most boring that I did when I was young was that I used to babysit my brother, who is 6 years younger than me, when my parents were at work. I had to do this each day for about a year before I turned 7 and had to go to school. After that, I only looked after him on the weekend. Because he was so small and fragile, I was constantly scared that something could harm him. So I kept staring at him and did nothing else. However, I was a child at that time too, and you know how a child is, always fidgeting and wanting to run around. So looking after my brother is the most insufferable task for the old six-year-old me.

4. Do you think school is boring?
To me, school was absolutely boring. It felt like torture sitting through each 1-hour class as what most of my teachers did was reading everything in the textbook, except for math and science ones when they had to explain the formula. I think I still might have gotten decent scores on exams if I had skipped those classes and only tried to memorize knowledge from the textbook at home. But I believe that school time has prepared me to be resilient to the current boredom of having a 9-to-5 job.

anouk's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

Le cinéma pour moi

Le cinéma a toujours été pour moi une niche très ennuyeux, plein des personnes paresseuses. Avant de commencer à les regarder plus souvent, le seuls fois que j'aimais un film était quand je le trouvais par hasard: ça veut dire à travers les citations des films et amis.
Mais soudain j'ai remarqué que je détestais le cinéma parce que je l'ai trouvé trop ennuyeux pour moi; mais j'ai pensé que ça peut-être un mon problème : jaiydonc essayé à commencer à regarder des films conseillés par ma soeur. Comme elle aime le cinéma vieux, elle m'a conseillé des films des années 60 et 70 principalement. Maintenant, en regardant "Lola" de Jacques Demy, je me rapproche au cinéma français, que je trouve déjà beau.
Bien que ces films m'amusent, je ne crois pas que ça deviendra jamais une passion, comme les langues ou autres sujets.

TuLee's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

Des vacances à la mer bien occupées

Lundi, je fais de la plongée libre. Mardi, Hugo avec moi louent un jet ski pour explorer la côte. Mercredi, je nage avec les dauphin et c'est fantastique! Jeudi, je cherche à faire de la plongée, mais c'est difficile! Vendredi, je joue au volley avec Lydia et nos équipe gagnons! Samedi, je fais du surf avec mon frère. Et dimanche, tout le monde font du windsur.

Ducky's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

My Old Boots.

It makes me pity when it is time to have to throw them because they are old. With the times that we have spent together. How many paths and mountain routes have shared. They have never failed, and they have always protected me from stones, branches and slips. But there comes a time when you can no longer continue to do your good job, and you have to rest. My feet and I, will always be grateful to you.

Romany's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

Le programme de migration : des travailleurs qualifiés

L’Australie est composée de migrants à partir des colons anciens jusqu’à de nos jours de migrants qualifiés. Au fil des années, l’Australie a accueilli quelques millions de migrants : des travailleurs, des réfugiés, et des familles.

Le programme d’immigration est très important. L’objective, selon le site-web du ministère de l’Intérieur est d’attirer des migrants qui vont apporter une contribution significative au pays. Je cite le site-web qui dit « les migrants contribuent à l’économie et remplissent des postes où aucun travailleur australien n’est disponible».

Pour autant que je sache, désormais, les compétences les plus demandées sont les chefs de projet, les comptables, les ingénieurs, les électriciens et les infirmières. Néanmoins, je remarque que sur la liste gouvernementale, qu’elle comprend également des réceptionnistes, des danseurs et des acteurs. Je suis vraiment étonnée ! Je ne crois pas qu’on a une pénurie de danseurs et sûrement nous pouvons former des réceptionnistes ?

Bien que je soit d’accord parce qu’il y une pénurie de travailleurs qualifiées dans certaines professions, je constate qu’il y a un problème structurel. L’Australie compte de jeunes étudiants intelligents : aussi intelligents que dans d’autres pays. Je vous demande : si oui, pourquoi ne pouvons-nous pas éduquer et entraîner nos jeunes à combler la pénurie de compétences ? À mon avis le ministère d’Éducation et le ministère d’Emploi doivent travailler en étroite collaboration. Il faut qu’ils développent une stratégie pangouvernementale. ( whole of government)

maymaymay_'s avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

please review my essay

I use a variety of applications for work. As I am currently working from home, I use Facebook to contact my coworkers and customers. Just like every remote worker, I also use Zoom for team meetings. It is completely free and very convenient. And of course, we cannot miss out Microsoft's apps such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel when it comes to necessary technologies for work. I think they are an integral part of virtually all office jobs.

What technology do you use when you study?
To me, my laptop is indispensable when it comes to studying. Instead of having a pile of notebooks and textbooks laying around my study table, I download all necessary textbooks’ in pdf form to my laptop and use Google Docs and Microsoft Word for note-taking. I also use my laptop to take online classes. Just like almost all online learners, I downloaded a communications platform called Zoom to my desktop in order to have video lessons with teachers.

What kinds of advertisements do you watch?

I usually do not deliberately look for advertisements, so I only encounter them as commercial breaks on television and Google ads when browsing websites and watching YouTube videos. But I follow some YouTube channels specifically for reviewing products such as clothes, make-up and skin care. These YouTubers are sometimes paid by certain companies to give good reviews for their products. So I consider this to be a type of advertisement too, and I enjoy watching it.

Where can you see advertisements?
I think we can see advertisements everywhere nowadays. You would certainly encounter random posters and banners hung on trees or electric poles when you travel somewhere or commute. Also, when you watch television, browse websites, scroll social media platforms, and even listen to music on mobile phones or computers, adverts keep popping up and sometimes become very irritating. I mean, it is impossible to avoid them.

Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?

Most of the time, I would just wait for the skip-ad button to appear and click it as fast as I can. But rarely, if the adverts appear to be very aesthetic and eye-catching, I would watch them till the end. And part of such ads is for Japanese games, which feature astoundingly beautiful characters and majestic backgrounds.

Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement?

I would say yes if YouTubers reviewing sponsored products can consider a form of advertising. If my favorite YouTubers give great compliments to some products, I would be really tempted to purchase them, even though I know that they may be paid for this. This type of advertisement gives me a sense of credibility because I feel those YouTubers are like my friends who are recommending some of their favo

andreadebrno's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

Transporte público na República Tcheca

Eu nasci e cresci na República Tcheca e sempre dei o transporte público daqui por garantido. É fácil demais se acostumar com que você não precisa de carro e pode chegar em qualquer cidade só com o transporte público.
Porém, fiquei sabendo que não é por toda parte que funciona assim. Fiquei sorpresa quando um amigo brasileiro que veio me visitar na minha cidade preferiu ir de carro mesmo uma distância muito curta (menos de 10 minutos a pé).
Quando estive no Brasil há três anos, fiquei três semanas no Rio e deu para perceber que sem carro você não pode alcançar lugares mais afastados. No entanto, percebi que o caso daquele amigo foi mais complicado. Não foi o problema da distância, talvez um pouco de preguiça, mas sim uma mentalidade e cultura diferentes.
Enquanto na República Tcheca ganha todo mundo um salário mais ou menos igual, no Brasil existem diferenças muito grandes entre as classes sociais. O transporte público, por ser usado pelas classes sociais médias e baixas, fica sendo estigmatizado.
Na República Tcheca é diferente: os tchecos também vão de carro, mas isso não define o seu status social, pelo contrário, quem tem carro vai querer usar o transporte público da mesma maneira como aquele que não tem.
Tem três vantagens principais do transporte público na República Tcheca: você pode alcançar qualquer lugar do país, a qualidade dos meios de transporte é razoável e o custo não é alto. Em outros países da Europa não é sempre assim. Em geral, o custo é o dobro e você só consegue ir a cidades bem interconectadas.
Quanto aos meios de transporte mais usados, nas cidades grandes (aqui são todas com mais de 70.000 habitantes) tem bonde e/ou trólebus; em todas as cidades (até nas pequeninas) tem ônibus. Se você viajar entre duas cidades, dependendo da distância você pode pegar trem ou ônibus.
É verdade que na República Tcheca fica tudo pertinho comparado com o Brasil. Portanto, se um dia você vir aqui, se senta livre a usar o transporte público.

jnpathetic's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022


Chacune personne a une différente compertement dependant de la situation. Par exemple tout le monde se sent propablement mieux avec ses amis que ses prof. C'est naturel on montre les gens ce qu'on croit qui veut les plait. On cache les attributes de notre caractére que pourrait pirer notre chanche pour notre avenir par exemple un emploi, des possibles relations etc. Malheureusement ils ont des gens qui sont tellement doué de cela qu'ils le utilise pour manipuler nous. Faire attention à ces types.

beeznoblatt's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022


Биологиа ето исследование жизни. Она помогает нам понимат многие веши, например как наша тела работает, как наша тела держит теплы, и из чево мы сделаны. Биологиа очень важная знать. Несколька веш мы можем учится в биологии, генетика (исследование человечиские черты), зоологиа (исследование животные), ботаника (исследование растении), и экологиа (исследование отношение между всеми живыми существами).

Человек кто изучает биологию называется биолог.

felixir's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022


1. 나쁜 뉴스를 읽느라고 슬픔을 느꼈어요.

2. 첫 번째 빵을 타느라고 다시 만들어야 했어요.

3. 커피를 흘르느라고 옷을 갈아입어야 했어요.

4. 치과 약속에 가느라고 회사에 가지 못했어요.

5. 실내에 두꺼운 자켓을 입느라고 땀을 흘렸어요.

beeznoblatt's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

Моя утра

Севодня я праснулся в 10:30. Я лежал в кравате пару часов, потом встал и почистил зубы. Я пошол в комнату моево шиншилу и выпустил его. Я лег на кресла и он сразу сел на мой грудь, как он кажды день делает.

Я тогда начел читать книгу. эта книга научная фантастика, мой любимы род. Она колексия новеллы. Я закончил читания одну расказу и положил книгу обратна на подоконику.

frannie_'s avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

Frases 10

Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntete libre de dejar cualquier corrección.

1. The event wasn’t at a public place.
- El evento no estaba en un lugar público.
1. We simply ate too much.
- Simplemente, comemos tanto.
1. Thirty days, thirty deals.
- Treinta días, treinta gangas.
1. She ate chicken nuggets.
- Comió nuggets de pollo.
1. I would like the beach if I liked sand.
- Me gustaría la playa si me gustara la arena.
1. I haven’t heard of it before, what is it about?
- No lo he oido nunca, ¿de qué trata?
1. Do they pay you?
- ¿Te pagan?
1. Would they continue to pay you if you went to England?
- ¿Seguirían pagarte si fueras a Inglaterra?
1. The work is very relaxed. (Not strict)
- El trabajo es muy relajado.
1. At the start, I found it hard to speak with strangers.
- Al empezar, me costó hablar con extraños.
1. I am very grateful for your help.
- Estoy agradecido tu ayuda.
1. You have helped me with my Spanish a lot.
- Me has ayudado mucho con mi español.
1. In the same way, this other application also helps me.
- De la misma manera, esta otra aplicación igualmente me ayuda.
1. They will correct you.
- Te corregirán.
1. It has made me gain confidence in myself.
- Me has hecho ganar mucha confianza en mi mismo.
1. I have to plan the make up I will wear.
- Tengo que planear el maquillaje que usaré.
1. They are educational.
- Son educativos.
1. She annoys me.
- Me molesta.
1. You are a writer?
- ¿Eres escritor?
1. We were supposed to go to Sydney, but the trip/excursion was cancelled because of COVID-19.
- Debíamos ir a Sydney, pero la viaje (la excursión) habían estado cancelando debido a COVID-19.
1. At the start, I found it hard to roll my r’s. Once I mastered this, I felt more confident.
- Al empezar, me costó rodar mis r´s. Cuando dominar esto, gané más confianza.
1. It’s very fun.
- Es muy divertido.
1. There’s this new movie that was recently released on Netflix.
- Hay una película nueva que recién estrenó en Netflix.
1. It makes me feel proud because it mimics the slang and attitudes of different categories of Australian youth.
- Me siento muy orgullosa porque imite la jerga y las actitudes de diferentes categorías del juventud australiano.
1. That is amazing!
- ¡Esto es asombroso!
1. I am not a good cook.
- No soy buena cocinera.
1. The culture in my family is one of doing things independently, such as eating and making one’s food.
- La cultura de mi familia es de hacer cosas de modo independiente, tal como comer y hacer comida.
1. They liked doing things in an independent manner.
- A ellos les gusta hacer cosas de modo independiente.
1. I am happy that there are people close to your age.
- Me alegro que hay gente muy cerca de tu edad.
1. Thank you for your perspective.
- Gracias por tu perspectiva.
1. It is an anonymous website.
- Es un sitio web anónimo.
1. It’s a component of learning,
- Es un componente de aprender.

applebubble's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022


Мужчина, живая в штате Висконсина и работав в музее, потерял его работу из-за его выбора костюма для Хэллоуина. Согласно объявлению из музея, в субботу, неизвестный работник был заметен за прогулку по району, будучи одет как Гитлер. Костюм вызвал ажиотаж в заголовках и на соцсетях, вместе с другим мужчиной, который одевался в нацистской форме и провёл время в баре.

Музей был уведомлен, что мужчина оказался одном из их работников. В частности, он был давним работником, страдав от когнитивных нарушений по причине травматического ранения мозга. Музей отстранил его от работы в временном режиме, пока не совершилось расследование, заметив, что его действия были неприемлемыми, и кроме того, противоречат все принципы, в которые верит музей, и за которые он выступает. Представитель музея добавил, что необходимо, особенно сейчас, "защищать мир от всех видов антисемитизма и дискриминации, а также предрассудков." Ко вторнику, директоры музея определи , что все попытки интегрировать его в штабу (штаб?) только создавали бы напряжённое окружение для и персонала, и посетителей.

К тому же, музей утверждал, что работа данного человека была под надзором в течении 10 лет из-за его медицинской карты. Он признал, что ношение костюма было шуткой, намеревавшейся на пародию диктатора, а не было в его честь.

Romany's avatar

Nov. 3, 2022

Les actualités du jour : les manifestations en Iran

Les manifestations en Iran continuent et selon l’organisation Iran Human Rights, plus de 200 personnes ont été tuées. Alors, l’histoire est qu’en Septembre, une jeune fille est morte après avoir été détenue puisque son voile était mal porté. Selon la police, elle est tombée dans un coma et est morte d’une crise cardiaque: elle n’a que 22 ans.

Les manifestations sont plutôt dirigées par les étudiants dans les universités et dans les lycées. Bien que les manifestations aient commencé à la capitale de la province du Kurdistan, d’où vient cette jeune femme, désormais c’est partout. En effet, j’ai lu que nombreuses femmes ont coupé les cheveux pour montrer leur solidarité.

Le gouvernement iranien essaye de contrôler la situation et il y a du reportage que plusieurs arrondissements ont été bombardés. Le gouvernement a également fermé les médias sociaux : WhatsApp et Instagram. Malgré ça, des photos ont été postées et des vidéos ont été diffusées sur les réseaux sociaux, incitant les manifestants.

Le mouvement touche aussi le secteur privé. De plus en plus, il y a des grèves, particulièrement au Kurdistan. J’ai entendu dire qu’une usine pétrochimique a été bloquée : un secteur vital pour l’économie du pays. De son côté, le gouvernement nie qu’il y a un problème et rassure la public que la production gaziers et pétrochimiques est normale.

De mon avis, toutes ces manifestations sont devenues plus larges que la mort de la jeune femme.

mh930's avatar

Nov. 2, 2022

Geschichte #4

Als ich ein Kind war, haben meine Familie in der Nähe eines Waldes mit einem Bach gewohnt. Mein Bruder, unsere Freunde und ich haben dort oft gespielt. Der Bach war sehr klein und flach aber zu uns war er ein großer Fluss. Wir haben Brücken gebaut, zu fischen versucht und Papierschiffe getrieben. Aber jeder Winter ist unser kleiner Bach zugefroren und dann mussten wir bis Frühling warten, wenn er schmilzt.

swaggywanderer's avatar

Nov. 2, 2022

November 2 | 2 Kasım

I like to eat vegan foods, because it helps to lose weight. I do not eat vegan all the time, however.

Yiyecek Vegan seviyorum, çünkü kiloler eksiliyorum. Ama, tüm gün yiyecek vegan yemekiyorum.

swaggywanderer's avatar

Nov. 2, 2022

November 2nd | 2 نوفمبر

I like to eat vegan foods, because it helps to lose weight. I do not eat vegan all the time, however.

أحب أكل نباتي صريف لأن الحمية أضعفي. لكن لا أكل الحمية كل يوم.

Uhu's avatar

Nov. 2, 2022

Schon wieder schreiben

Seit fünf Monate habe ich hier nicht geschrieben. Ich muss verraten, dass ich mich auch nicht viele Mühe gegeben, um mein Deutschniveau zu verbessern.

Warum kann ich nicht mit meine Übung regelmäßig sein? Ich bin manchmal so faul. Da ich allerdings gerne Deutsch lerne, finde ich keine Erklärung dafür, dass ich Zeit zu Zeit plötzlich keine Lust auf Lernen finde.

Zwei Wochen vorher habe ich eine moderne Kunstssaustellung besucht. Dabei war auch eine Veranstaltung, wo man vor dem Publikum seinen eigenen Gedicht vorlesen dürfte. Sechs Personnen haben es gewagt. Das war sehr schön, auch wenn ich kaum verstehen habe. Gedichte sind nämlich wie Musik, Lyrics.

Ich selbst würde auch gerne Gedichte auf Deutsch schreiben, aber ich stehe zurzeit sehr weit von bereits zu sein. Anstatt schreibe ich hier, um nie zu vergessen, dass man nur beim Üben vorschritten und sein Ziel erreichen kann.

studylemon's avatar

Nov. 2, 2022

un cours ennuyeux

Aujourd'hui, J'ai eu mon cours de Littérature. J'ai le cours avec ma copine Ronja. Nous sommes amies puisque un peux semaines, mais elle est très sympa et ses blaques est très amusantes. Notre professeur est un bon prof. Il explique les sujets en dètail.

À midi, je suis allée à ma maison pour j'ai manger mon déjeuner. Après, Je suis retournée à L'Université pour mon cours de Linguistique. Mais, dans cette cours, le professeur est un peux ennuyeux. Il était difficile de se concentrer.

À Soir, J'ai fait du shopping dans la ville. Mais, accoun des bus sont nèst venu pas J'ai devrai attrende de 20 minutes.

Je suis un peux fatigué, Je serai dormir.

Bonne Nuit.

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 2, 2022

Challenge, 02 with tenses.

Today is my 02 challenge with tenses because I have difficulty with them. Therefore I need your help me. Thank you for everyone.

I posted yesterday the sentences with " Prensent Simple" and "Present Continuous."

Present Simple:

I ride my bike every day. This sentence uses in my routine.

I go to work every day. It means this is my routine or my habit.

Present Cotinuous:

I am riding my bike right now. This is means an action that happening now.

I am drinking tea right now. This is means an action tha happening now.

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 2, 2022

Challenge, Day 33

Today is 33 day of may daily English challenge. Today I have a busy day. I am very active. I did a lot of things. I decided to watch a vlog on YouTube. I understood all video. It was unbelievable!

I aslo reviewed a bunch of words that I learned yeterday. Before sleeping, I'll read some pages of a book in English.

I am grateful for this website and everyone who has helped me.

courageuse19's avatar

Nov. 2, 2022

Mi reto,02 día

Hoy es mi segundo día de mi reto de español. Ante todo, no sé nada en español y estoy aprendiendo sola.Estoy orgullosa de mí misma.

Hoy he madrugado las 07 de la mañana, después he tenido desayuno.Después he decidido ir a la tienda del ordenador para buscar de la placa base por mi télefono, he comprado dos pan y algunas verduras. Cuando llegué en casa. El primer algo he hecho estaba he preparado cocinar porque estaba hambre.Después de fregar los platos. Voy para la cama para descansar muy pronto.

Por la tarde, he léído un libro en árabe y he revisado algunas de la lecciones. Después he léído algunas de la palabras en voz alto.

Antes de acostarme, voy a ver un vlog en Youtube en español.
Mi objetivo siempre ha sido ser un buen oyente y acostumbrarme a escuchar español.
Estoy agradecido por este sitio web y todos me han ayudado.