Nov. 3, 2022
Nå leser jeg denne boken som heter «The Art of Statistics» av Sir David Spiegelhalter. Det er en bok som introduserer meg til feltet av statistikk. I dag leste jeg det 4. kapitlet, hvor han diskuterer konseptet av «årsaksforhold». La meg sammenfatte hva han skrev.
Hovedpunktet er at korrelasjonen mellom to variabler ikke innebærer årsaksforholdet. For eksempel, ifølge Spiegelhalter finns det en korrelasjon mellom antallet til solgte iskremer, og antallet til drukningsdøder. Derimot ville det vært dum å suggerere årsaksforhold. Denne korrelasjonen er på grunn av en «confounder», en variabel som volder begge variablene, i stedet for det ene volder det andre. I dette tilfellet, det er sommeren: i sommer kjøper mer mennesker iskremer, men mer drar til bassenget eller stranden, som forårsaker den økende hendelseraten til drukninger.
Jeg håper at det gir mening. Takk for å lese.
Nov. 3, 2022
Nov. 3, 2022
Nov. 3, 2022
I usually write my journals in french, but today i thought, why not write something in English again? Since i finished school and started going to university, i only wrote English to communicate with the friends i met through the internet. The English I use there is a quite simple English and i have the feeling my English is not progressing any longer.
The problem now is , I don't have the time to study English in my free time. My Lectures and Courses keep me quite busy and the during rest of my free time I usually study french, rest or meet up with friends, which is very important to me, because they keep me from feeling lonely in this new city. My busy schedule annoys me a bit though. I wish the day had more than only 24 hours. Or we wouldn't have to sleep that much. I feel like im a Koala bear nowadays because i'm sleepy all the time!
In today's linguistic class our professor introduced us to the topic of phonetic, which looks into how we produce Louds like vocals and consonants. It is quite hard to understand everything on first try and, even more, to learn all of the new letters you need to transcribe your written words into spoken words. I just hope it will get better with time. Concerning time, i really need to get some sleep or else i'll really turn into a Koala Bear tomorrow.
I hope you had a wonderful day!
Nov. 3, 2022
He is prone to narcissistic traits for as long as I remember.
I was prone to ear infection as a child.
The nurse gave her an injection as she was lying prone on the hospital bed.
He is prone to anger.
His excessive need for attention and care is frustrating me.
Drinking excessive water can be actually harmful.
My preoccupation with my self-image is frustrating sometimes.
His preoccupation with his past mistakes is making it hard for him to live in the moment.
I have a question. I don't really understand the difference between the verb "persuade" and "induce". Could you give me some examples of using the word induce in a sentence?
Nov. 3, 2022
--------- Zunächst würde ich gerne wissen, ob man in einem Tagesbucheintrag Präteritum oder Perfekt verwenden muss. Ich habe Perfekt verwendet, weil es in meiner Muttersprache üblich ist. Wenn das nicht läuft, dann bitte nicht korrigieren : ich werde es mit Präteritum wieder schreiben.----------
Liebes Tagebuch,
gerade fühle ich mich wohl, da ich heute einen schönen Tag erlebt habe.
Seit ich mich entscheidet habe, auf langcorrect wieder zu teilnehmen, habe ich ein paar Texte korrigiert. Das habe ich ruhig am Morgen noch im Bett gemacht.
Ich habe um 10 Uhr mit meinen Freundinnen verabredet, und während ich sie in Postplatz wartete, hat sich mir eine Gärtnerin genähert. Sie hat mir alte Blumen geschenkt, die trotzdem noch ziemlich frisch waren, und hat mir erklärt, dass sie zu werfen eine Schade wäre. Diese kleine Aufmerksamkeit hat mir erfreut. Und jetzt steht in meiner Küche einen wunderbaren violetten Blumenstrauß!
Meine Freundinnen sind angekommen. Wir haben uns herzlich begrüßt und haben welche Kräuter als Geschenk ausgetauscht. Dann sind wir gelaufen und haben wir Streetfood und leichtes Bier gekauft und den besten Platz in der Stadt gefunden, um in der Sonne zu essen. Wir haben über Freundschaft geredet. Da die Stadt wo wir wohnen zum Weinen schön ist, fühlte ich mich künstlich inspiriert. Während wir sprachen, habe ich die Landschaft angemalt, und das Ergebnis für ein Mal nicht schlecht war. Das Bild habe ich meiner Freundin geschenkt, so sie die Stadt nicht vergisst, wenn sie weit von hier umziehst. Aber stop! Ich will nicht an ihrem Weggang denken!
Später habe ich im Altstadtbuchhandlung gebummelt und ein deutsches Buch gekauft. Ich möchte diesen Roman lesen, weil ich den Autor kenne und will ihn unterstützen. Ich habe schon die erste Seite zu lesen versucht, aber es ist mir zu schwer. Das Buch behalte ich für die Zukunft, wenn ich besser bin. Zurzeit ist das Buch in meinem Regal sehr dekorativ.
Später zu Hause musste ich eigentlich etwas für die Arbeit vorbereiten. Ich habe es ohne Stress geschafft.
Dann habe ich Rosenkohle und gerauchtes Tofu gekocht, und es hat geschmeckt.
Jetzt schreibe ich direkt auf Deutsch mein Tagebuch. Später werde ich ein Comics-Buch lesen. Das klingt perfekt!
Tagesergebnis: stärkere Freundschaft; viele leckere Kräuter für die Küche; mit den Blumen und dem Buch ist meine Wohnung schöner als bevor; künstliche Inspiration, und ich bin für die Sprache mehr motiviert...
Wenn nur jeden Tag wie heute sein könnte!
Bis bald, Tagebuch
Nov. 3, 2022
Today is my third challenge with tenses because I have difficulty with them.
Present Simple:
I read a book.
When I explained you is not for you. Is for me. I want to you said if I understood as I explain the sense.
Well, this sentence describes one of my routine and it's true.
Present continuous:
I am reading a book. This means an action that isn't happening now, I maight read in a few days.
Nov. 3, 2022
Nov. 3, 2022
Hello! I hope you're doing well, today I want to write about one of my favourite books called "Reality is Broken" by Jane Mc Gonigal.
Thank you for correcting me. You're the best :)
I hope this information will be useful to you.
Note: I want to use American English.
As a plethora of studies said, optimism is benefitial, it improves relationships, learning, attention and it make us happier because it diminish stress and anxiety.
However, a few optimism is harmful as a lot of it.
The thing is that sometimes we overestimate our control over the things.
But there's a solution: we can have a flexible optimism which consist in evaluating constantly our abilities when facing a situation and increasing or decreasing our optimism when we don't have too much control over it.
Pause and recall.
Don't look at the text, what were the principal ideas? How can you use it for your daily life?.
Thanks for reading :)
Nov. 3, 2022
Many companies want their company name to be well known. To achieve this goal, they use ad campaigns and spend a lot of money on attracting clients. Are there any other ways to attract people to your company? Actually, yes, and this is viral content. Here I'll describe how to produce viral content and make it...well, viral.
What is viral content?
It is content people share because they like it. Do you remember the last time you sent a funny photo of a kitten to a friend? Another example of viral content is the Ice Bucket Challenge, where people pour cold water on their heads. Everywhere on Instagram were videos of people with buckets, don't you remember? Surely, this content was highly viral.
Which type of content can be viral? In general, it can be anything: photos, videos, memes, GIFs, etc. The possibility of content going viral depends not on its format, but on the fantasy of its creators.
So how to create viral content? Let's find out.
Get to know your audience
Do some research first. Do you know who your customers are? Check what they like, what inspires them, which platforms they prefer, and where they spend their free time. The portrait of your audience will help you understand what makes them interested. So there will be more chances for you to create something highly viral.
Also check your competitors and the type of content they're creating. Keep in mind that you should produce something better than your rivals' content.
Be authentic
When you check your auditory and competitors, it's time to brainstorm some ideas. Write down everything that comes to your mind, even if some of it seems weird.
Also it's important not to repeat your competitors' ideas. The more authentic the content you make, the better the chances you'll stand out from everyone else. So don't be afraid to create something original and unique.
Capture your audience's attention
Create killer headlines
Needless to say that your headlines should be engaging. More than that, you need to make killer headlines that entice readers to open your post and read, read, read. Let's face it: nobody wants to read boring texts, so keep this in mind when writing headlines. Begin with a provocative phrase, or hook the readers' interest with an unusual question. With a compelling headline, you increase the chances that customers will at least open your text.
Get Visual
Images and videos engage people far better than anything else. We should keep this in mind when producing our content. Create a colourful infographic or funny gif, video, or collage; everything depends only on your imagination.
Write clearly
Create a clear message that is appealing to your audience. There's no need for complex explanations and details. Forget about the pros and cons, AIDA formulas, and so on. Just make it funny and simple. Your customers will be ready to buy anything from you if you achieve this goal. Dull reports and long reads almost never become viral.
It should be easy for people to contact you after interacting with your content. Include a call-to-action and a link to your site to help customers check out your products. It's an extremely crucial step, without which all your viral efforts can be all for nothing, so don't forget it. So, add anything: CTA, link to the company's site, phone number, social media account, etc.
Content can become viral accidentally, but we can't rely on fate in marketing. There's no need to create a bunch of ad campaigns for viral content, but one or two will be useful. Ad campaigns will help you support your content and reach your audience faster.
It's the crucial step that helps you understand if your efforts were successful. Check out how many people visited your target page, which parts of your post or article they read, and which buttons they clicked. Figure out how many leads you get and how many people leave without buying anything. This data will help you to improve your content and ads later.
It's well known that first attempts at making anything are often unsuccessful, whether we talk about content or anything else. It's highly possible that your first viral piece of content will not become viral at all. Even so, it doesn't mean you should give up. The core principle of content is that you should be ready to make changes and test, test, test. You can change headlines or photos, improve your message, or rewrite the text on the CTA button. Eventually, these changes may attract your customers and make them advocates for your brand.
Nov. 3, 2022
Nov. 3, 2022
Hoy es mi trecero día de mi reto de español. Ayer, leí las correcciones de este sitio web. lo más difícil es no comprender algunas correcciones, porque no tengo un buen nivel en español. No estoy trsite para eso.
Hoy he preparado dos tacaos por mi hermana y misma. Después fregar los platos y limpiar la cocina. Descansé un rato a acostada en mi cama.
Por la tarde.vé un vlog en YouTube y revisé algunas lecciones. Luego leí en voz alta algunas palabras..
Estoy agradecida por este sitio web y que todos me han ayudado.
Nov. 3, 2022
Today is day 34 of my daily English challenge. First of all, I want to thank you for helping and correcting me.
In the afternoon, I spoke to a friend over Skype. After I finished my conversation I read some pages of book. Then, I took a rest because I should not sit on the chair for long because I have a cervical hernia.
Finally, I want to thank everyone who has helped me.
Nov. 3, 2022
Nov. 3, 2022
La musique est capable de créer des sentiments très forts qui sont difficile d’expliquer rationnellement, et pour moi, c’est typiquement un sentiment de bonheur. Ça n’a pas besoin d’être un morceau particulièrement heureux soi-même ; en fait, j’écoute fréquemment la musique un peu mélancolique. Je trouve que la musique un peu sombre, avec des paroles affectives, me donne un sentiment de joie, même si ce n’est pas le sentiment que communique le chanteur en cette moment-là. En plus, la musique qui apporte un sentiment de colère ou frustration peut aussi être plaisante grâce à la côté cathartique. J’aime beaucoup aller aux shows pour connaître la musique de mes artistes préférés dans un façon plus corporel, avec une foule qui apprécie la musique tout autant. L’ambiance dans ces shows est souvent dingue !
Nov. 3, 2022
In den letzten Jahren ist die Anzahl der Sportler angestiegen. Weil die Krankenversicherungsfirmen immer Methoden für das Geldsparen entwickeln, haben sie das schnell bemerkt. Damit ist die Frage aufgeworfen: Sollen die, die öfter trainieren, weniger für ihr Krankenversicherung bezahlen?
Die erste Grafik zeigt, dass die Nummer der Fitnessmitglieder beständig angestiegen ist. Seit 2005 gab es kein Jahr, wo die Zahl der Mitglieder gesunken ist. Laut der zweite Grafik gibt es ein klares Muster im Kategorie Altersgruppe. Menschen die zwischen 30 und 39 Jahren alt sind, trainieren am häufigsten. Die unter 20 sind am wenigsten im Gym. Obwohl wir oft denken, dass die ältere Generation schwacher sind, scheint es, dass sie beständig trainieren, egal ob sie 55 oder 65 sind. Die Nummer senkt zwischen 50 und 60+, aber sie sinkt nie zum Niveau von denen unter 20.
Zur Frage, ob athletische Leute weniger zum Krankenversicherung zahlen sollen, gibt es unterschiedliche Faktoren. Erstens muss ich erwähnen, dass die, die sich die Versicherung nicht leisten können, ihre Rechnung durch Sport senken. Dazu muss man zugeben, dass viele keine Zeit haben um zu trainieren wegen ihre Arbeit. Man muss auch eine Abonnierung bezahlen, um im Gym zu trainieren, und das können viele nicht zahlen. Manche können auch aus gründe körperliche Verhinderungen kein Sport machen, und sie sollen nicht dafür zahlen. In Länder mit Gesundheitsprobleme könnte diese Veränderung als Motivation gelten. Eine weitere Herausforderung kommt dann auch: Wie sollen wir das messen? Wie bestätigen wir, wer im Fitnesstudio war und wer gesund ist? Es gibt keine zauberische Formel, um das auszuwerten. Wegen diesen Gründe würde ich empfählen, so einen System nicht implementieren. Es gibt zu viele unterschiedliche Faktoren, um ein faires System durchzuführen. Für jeden Vorteil gibt es zwei Nachteile.
In den U.S.A. ist die Nummer der Fitnessmitglieder in den letzten Jahren gestiegen. Wir haben aber auch einen teuren Krankenversicherungssystem. Wie viel man zahlen muss, und aus welchen Gründe, kommt darauf an, zu welchen Versicherung man gehört. Bei den Meisten bekommt man keine Preisveränderung aufgrund das Fitness.
Nov. 3, 2022
Adidas and Puma are two of the biggest shoe brands today, but few people know the story of these companies. In this article, we will find out how Puma and Adidas were founded and why such famous companies conflicted for so many years.
Everything started with two German brothers, Adolf “Adi” and Rudolph “Rudi” Dassler, both of whom were shoemakers. At first, they made sneakers in the laundry room of their parents' home. Together, the brothers' traits made an excellent combination. Adi had an artistic and quiet personality, while Rudi was the extroverted salesman dealing with purchases and clients. So, while Adi created the sneakers, Rudi communicated with customers and developed their business.
With time, the brothers established their own shoe company. By 1927, Dassler already hired 12 employees. Everything would have stayed the same if the brothers hadn't sold sneakers to Jesse Owens, an American athlete who won four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics. After that, Dassler's sales skyrocketed and the brothers' company met with great success.
Even so, the tension between the brothers intensified, although nobody knew exactly why. One of the theories suggests that it was all about a possible romance between Rudolf and Adi's wife. In any case, in 1948, the Dassler company split.
Adi Dassler named his company Adidas from the first syllable of his name and surname. Rudi called his company Ruda but later changed the name to Puma. Half of the Dassler company workers stayed with Rudolf, and half went to the Adi factory.
During the Second World War, Rudi remodelled his factory to make parts for tanks, whereas Adi refused to produce weapons in his factory in protest of the war. Over time, the competition between Adi and Rudi intensified and affected the whole town. People often worked only for Adi or Rudi, and many local businesses served only either Adidas or Puma employees. It is known that Puma and Adidas families even went to separate bakeries, and visited their own butchers and pubs.
This tension between the companies continued throughout the years. The brothers' long-standing dispute affected the next generation of Puma and Adidas workers. In 2009, the companies finally tried to forget about the past and organised a friendly game to proclaim of peace. It took place on United Nations World Peace Day. The Adidas CEO, Herbert Hainer, and the Puma CEO, Jochen Zeitz, also took part.
Nov. 3, 2022
I have a job interview tomorrow. I looked for a part time job, but this one is full time. A really big advantage is that is very close to my home. Just 10-15 minutes on foot. It's very important for someone who doesn't have a car and the bus connection is poor. Now I'm going to prepare for an interview. I need to think what about they can ask me and how to answer. In that I will feel more comfortable tomorrow. Especially I won't speak in my mother tongue. It's always one challenge more for me.
Nov. 3, 2022
When was the first time you used a computer?
That was a long time ago, I think, probably like over a decade ago. Owning a computer was a thing exclusive to the rich when I was young, so having a computer class in primary school was the first time that I ever had contact with a computer. I still remember that I felt extremely nervous when my teacher taught us how to turn on and turn off the computer because I was so scared that I would do something wrong and break it.
What would your life be like without computers?
I would imagine that it would be extremely inconvenient with a life without computers. When I was in university, most of my study was done with my computer. I stored all necessary sources of information such as textbooks and articles there, and I wrote my essays and completed group work such as making power point with it too. So if I had not had a computer, I would have had to do these things on my smartphone, which was absolutely not powerful enough to store a large amount of data and function such activities properly. Similarly, after graduating from university and entering the world of work, I also do virtually all my tasks with my computer. Even though I could contact my customers and coworkers through my phones, it would still be very difficult to work without my computer because I also have to use several applications such as Microsoft World and PowerPoint, which cannot be operated properly on my phone, to create documents and reports, and make slides for presentation.
In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?
Well, I can figure out several situations. the first one is when I am using public transport. So when I am on a bus, there is nowhere to place my computer except on my lap. However, my poor eyesight does not allow me to be able to look at a screen from a far distance, and I feel that the heat emitted from my computer kind of burns my lap. So I choose to use my phone instead when I am on a bus. Another situation is when there is a thunderstorm. My mom always turns off our home power and forbids us from using our phones and computers when there is heavy rain with thunder because she is afraid of the possibility of lightning striking our house.
Nov. 3, 2022
Ma mère va aller aux États-Unis demain pour retrouver ses amis. Mon père est déjà là pour travailler et il est là depuis une semaine. Cependant, je vais rester ici. On a beaucoup de famille aux États-Unis donc on y va souvent, environ une fois par an. Cet ans sera la première fois qu’ils y vont sans moi. Je suis un peu triste et jaloux d’eux mais je suis également content qu’ils profiteront là-bas.
Nov. 3, 2022
1. What kinds of things are boring to you?
There are a variety of things that bore me, like waiting in line and listening to long dull speeches. Repetitive daily tasks such as household work are also really boring.
2. What will you do when you feel bored?
As long as I can connect to the internet, I do not think that I can feel bored. There are various means of entertainment online; I can spend hours watching YouTube videos and reading web novels. There are endless digital entertainment contents that can drive away boredom.
3. What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?
The most boring that I did when I was young was that I used to babysit my brother, who is 6 years younger than me, when my parents were at work. I had to do this each day for about a year before I turned 7 and had to go to school. After that, I only looked after him on the weekend. Because he was so small and fragile, I was constantly scared that something could harm him. So I kept staring at him and did nothing else. However, I was a child at that time too, and you know how a child is, always fidgeting and wanting to run around. So looking after my brother is the most insufferable task for the old six-year-old me.
4. Do you think school is boring?
To me, school was absolutely boring. It felt like torture sitting through each 1-hour class as what most of my teachers did was reading everything in the textbook, except for math and science ones when they had to explain the formula. I think I still might have gotten decent scores on exams if I had skipped those classes and only tried to memorize knowledge from the textbook at home. But I believe that school time has prepared me to be resilient to the current boredom of having a 9-to-5 job.
Nov. 3, 2022
Le cinéma a toujours été pour moi une niche très ennuyeux, plein des personnes paresseuses. Avant de commencer à les regarder plus souvent, le seuls fois que j'aimais un film était quand je le trouvais par hasard: ça veut dire à travers les citations des films et amis.
Mais soudain j'ai remarqué que je détestais le cinéma parce que je l'ai trouvé trop ennuyeux pour moi; mais j'ai pensé que ça peut-être un mon problème : jaiydonc essayé à commencer à regarder des films conseillés par ma soeur. Comme elle aime le cinéma vieux, elle m'a conseillé des films des années 60 et 70 principalement. Maintenant, en regardant "Lola" de Jacques Demy, je me rapproche au cinéma français, que je trouve déjà beau.
Bien que ces films m'amusent, je ne crois pas que ça deviendra jamais une passion, comme les langues ou autres sujets.
Nov. 3, 2022
Lundi, je fais de la plongée libre. Mardi, Hugo avec moi louent un jet ski pour explorer la côte. Mercredi, je nage avec les dauphin et c'est fantastique! Jeudi, je cherche à faire de la plongée, mais c'est difficile! Vendredi, je joue au volley avec Lydia et nos équipe gagnons! Samedi, je fais du surf avec mon frère. Et dimanche, tout le monde font du windsur.
Nov. 3, 2022
It makes me pity when it is time to have to throw them because they are old. With the times that we have spent together. How many paths and mountain routes have shared. They have never failed, and they have always protected me from stones, branches and slips. But there comes a time when you can no longer continue to do your good job, and you have to rest. My feet and I, will always be grateful to you.
Nov. 3, 2022
L’Australie est composée de migrants à partir des colons anciens jusqu’à de nos jours de migrants qualifiés. Au fil des années, l’Australie a accueilli quelques millions de migrants : des travailleurs, des réfugiés, et des familles.
Le programme d’immigration est très important. L’objective, selon le site-web du ministère de l’Intérieur est d’attirer des migrants qui vont apporter une contribution significative au pays. Je cite le site-web qui dit « les migrants contribuent à l’économie et remplissent des postes où aucun travailleur australien n’est disponible».
Pour autant que je sache, désormais, les compétences les plus demandées sont les chefs de projet, les comptables, les ingénieurs, les électriciens et les infirmières. Néanmoins, je remarque que sur la liste gouvernementale, qu’elle comprend également des réceptionnistes, des danseurs et des acteurs. Je suis vraiment étonnée ! Je ne crois pas qu’on a une pénurie de danseurs et sûrement nous pouvons former des réceptionnistes ?
Bien que je soit d’accord parce qu’il y une pénurie de travailleurs qualifiées dans certaines professions, je constate qu’il y a un problème structurel. L’Australie compte de jeunes étudiants intelligents : aussi intelligents que dans d’autres pays. Je vous demande : si oui, pourquoi ne pouvons-nous pas éduquer et entraîner nos jeunes à combler la pénurie de compétences ? À mon avis le ministère d’Éducation et le ministère d’Emploi doivent travailler en étroite collaboration. Il faut qu’ils développent une stratégie pangouvernementale. ( whole of government)
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