Dec. 4, 2022
Granada ist eine Stadt, die im Süden von Spanien liegt. In Granada kann man heute an vielen Stellen die Geschichte des alten arabischen Königreichs, das von 8. bis 14. Jahrhundert in Spanien war. Ich zeige euch die interessanten Orte, um einer Tolle Tag zu haben!
1. Alhambra. Dieser alte Palast wurde im Jahr 976 gebaut. Es ist eines der bedeutendsten Beispiele von islamischer Kunst in Europa. Die Alhambra ist eine der meistbesuchten Sehenswürdigkeiten Europas. Man kann heute einfach Alhambra besuchen. Man kann dort vom Zentrum Granadas laufen. Der Eintritt kostet über 10-15 €, und es lohnt sich!
2. Stadtviertel Albaicin. Es liegt gegenüber dem Alhambra und man kann die großartige Aussicht von Alhambra genießen. Man soll unbedingt spazieren in diesem Viertel gehen. Es gibt verschiedene Restaurants, kleine Geschäfte, Kunstladen und Musiker auf der Straße. Perfekt nach dem Alhambra besucht, um eine schöne Abend zu verbringen.
3. Stadtviertel Sacromonte. Es liegt im Norden von Granada und man kann zu Fuß oder mit dem Bus dorthin gehen. Es gibt die bekannte Sacromonte Kirche, wo man wirklich flamenco atmen! Es ist der Geburtsort der Flamenco-Sängern wie Enrique Morente.
4. Die Kathedrale. Die Granadas Kathedrale liegt im zentrum von Granada. Die Überraschung ist total: man wartet nicht auf die Kathedrale, wann man im Zentrum läuft! Unbedingt kann man auch besichtigen. Der Eintritt kostet 8 €.
Dec. 4, 2022
Xianyu is the biggest second-hand online trading platform in C (country name), at least from yesterday, if you input keywords like "google phone", "google pixel", and "pixel phone", you will get no response.
That is to say, the trading of any items which include keywords Google or Pixel is banned now on the Xianyu.
I tested on another platform Taobao, which only blocks Google concerned products, and can find Pixel concerned products. Probably Google Pixel Phone will soon be banned to sell on Taobao.
Dec. 4, 2022
Recently, I have been slacking. I should write a journal on LangCorrect every day to practice English. My language exchange partner sent me a lovely message, so I should write back to her. I should finish reading some books. A lot of "should" are leaning on my back. I understand it's time to move my lazy butt and complete all these stuff but I can't because I'm way too lazy.
Dec. 4, 2022
La clôture anti-lapin
La semaine dernière, j’ai regardé le célèbre film australien, « The Rabbit Proof Fence ». Le film est adapté d’un roman écrit par l’auteure, Doris Pilkington en 1996. C’est une vraie histoire d’une famille indigène qui a eu lieu au début du XXème siècle. Le roman suit l’expérience de trois jeunes filles qui s’échappent d’un camp gouvernemental et marchent 1 600 kms pour être réunis avec leurs parents. Elles suivent la clôture anti-lapin qui a été construite par le gouvernement en 1901.
La construction de cette clôture de protection contre les lapins, est une autre histoire assez bizarre. Construite dans l’état d’Australie-Occidentale, il s’agit d’une clôture de barbelés ( barbed wire), avec une longue de 3 256 kms, allant du nord au sud. En effet, elle devise l’État en deux parties. Le but était de garder les lapins sauvages qui étaient des nuisances majeures, hors des terres agricoles. Le gouvernement de l’époque avait pensé que cela empêcherait en même temps, des dingos, des kangourous et des émues. Les fermiers les détestaient puisque ces animaux détruisaient régulièrement leurs cultures. Malheureusement, cette clôture était très inefficace et n’avait pas résolu le problème.
Cette histoire m’a intéressée beaucoup parce que les lapins ne sont pas indigènes en Australie : ils ont été introduits par les anciens colons anglais. Lorsque je me suis renseigné plus profondément, j’ai appris une autre histoire assez bizarre. Apparemment, en 1859, M. Thomas Austin avait relâché 24 lapins sauvages sur sa propriété. Il avait voulu les chasser et les tuer comme un sport. Évidement, M. Austin n’avait pas réussi car les lapins s’étaient multipliés en si grand nombre que de nos jours, ils sont des ravageurs de bon nombre de cultures.
Dec. 4, 2022
Hi, Lagan, let me tell you a story.
The evening before yesterday when I was going to pick my granddaughter up from kindergarten, I found I couldn’t start my car, so I had to call a taxi.
I thought the reason may be the battery because it happened several times that I couldn't start my car because the battery was running out of energy.
I had the battery changed, but I still couldn't start the engine. The mechanic didn't find anything wrong. After he did a computer test, afterwards he doubted if the car was running out of gasoline, so I added 230 rmb of gasoline, but it didn't work.
The mechanic said he couldn't figure out what the problem was at the moment. He told me he would fix my car at night when he was not busy.
Now I am at home. I don't know if they have already fixed my car or not. I forgot to ask for their phone numbers.
I will go to work tomorrow morning, and the car fixing store is right on my way to work. I think by then I will know.
Dec. 4, 2022
It is easier for wealthy people to maintain good health than it is for people who do not have large amounts of money.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
There is a widespread notion that it is more difficult for poor people to maintain good health compared to the wealthy. I completely agree.
First, healthy food is often expensive, so the poor tend to opt for cheap alternatives, which can damage their health. For example, many people with a low income in Western countries are suffering from being overweight, obesity, and diabetes because they consume a large amount of fast food, which only costs a few dollars, far cheaper than fresh ingredients such as vegetables and fruits. On the other hand, rich people can afford to have a diet that is recommended by a food specialist, allowing them to consume enough vitamins for daily activities and have a healthy body. Similarly, poor people tend not to have the luxury of attending fitness classes to exercise and keep fit, unlike the wealthy. Consequently, they are likely to have a low standard of fitness, which is vulnerable to diseases.
Second, medical treatment costs for some illnesses are so expensive that those without high earnings are not able to afford them. As a result, many poor people are left to die of curable diseases. For example, every year, thousands of individuals in many African countries struggle to purchase medicines for mitigating aid symptoms, whose prices are sometimes up to thousands of dollars, and end with early death. Furthermore, rich people can afford monthly medical checking to identify early symptoms of potential illnesses, so they can quickly seek preventative medicines or medical treatments.
In conclusion, people who do not have a large amount of money have difficult access to resources that can help them to have good health.
I tried to practice writing under the pressure of time with easy questions. Would you mind grading my essays and giving me some suggestions to improve my band?
Dec. 4, 2022
The diagram illustrates how paper is made and recycled in a manufacturing process.
Overall, there are three main stages in the process including seven small steps: first, transforming trees into logs, second, processing them into papers and finally, recycling the used papers.
The first stage involves trees being cut down into logs using a saw at a lumber mill. In the second stage, the logs are shipped to a pulping centre, where they are crushed into pulp. The pulp is then brought to a paper-making plant, in which it is passed through a paper press to be turned into paper. Turning to the third stage, after being used and discarded, the paper is transported to a recycling plant by a truck. Subsequently, it is shredded into small pieces by a machine, which are transformed into pulp. Finally, the pulp is brought back to the paper-making plant and processed into paper.
Dec. 4, 2022
The role of education is to prepare children for the modern world. Schools should cut art and music out of the curriculum so that children can focus on useful subjects such as information technology.
To what extent do you agree?
Some people advocate art and music should be removed from the school curriculum so children can focus on other subjects that can equip them with the skills needed for the 21st century, such as information technology. I completely disagree.
First, one main aim of education is to cultivate and nurture children to be the best version of themselves by maximizing their interests and talents. There are undoubtedly many students who are interested in or possess a talent for art and music but do not have the luxury of taking those classes outside of school. They will be taken the joy away or fail to fully develop their competence if their schools exclude art and music from the curriculum. After adulthood, these students might face working in a field that they are not passionate about or talented in, resulting in poor performance and low chances of professional success. Hence, taking out art and music classes can actually be counterproductive.
Second, art and music classes can prepare children with useful skills for their employment prospects just like other subjects. By expressing their thoughts through painting and singing, children can enhance their creative and innovative thinking, which is what most employers seek when hiring. In addition, the notion that artistic skills are of no use and people cannot depend on them to make a living is untrue nowadays. Modern people love entertainment, so they spend a lot of money on games, cartoons, comics, and music. As a result, artists now have abundant ways to earn money. For example, many Tiktokers and Youtubers can attract millions of viewers and gain a lot of money just because they can sing or draw better than average people.
In conclusion, schools should provide art and music classes so they can acquire a well-rounded education that allows all children to flourish in their areas of interest or aptitudes and equip them with creativity and artistic skills, which are in high demand in the current entertainment age.
Dec. 4, 2022
Dec. 4, 2022
Dec. 4, 2022
Quand j’étais étudiants dans l’école primaire, je me souviens d’avoir lu un articles dans une revue scientifique pour les enfants au sujet du futur des voitures. Il y avait des dessins des voitures futuristes qui n’émettaient que de l’eau, ou qui marchaient aux batteries grandes. Ce temps-là, j’ai cru que l’article était science-fiction, quelque chose impossible. Mais nous sommes en 2022, et les voitures électriques devient de plus en plus populaires. Il y a même des pays qui ont l’intention d’interdire la vente des voitures à moteur à combustion interne à l’avenir proche, pour les raisons écologiques. Mais les voitures électriques sont-ils vraiment le meilleur choix pour l’environnement?
À première vue, les voitures électriques sont meilleures pour l’environnement que les voitures à moteur à combustion interne parce qu’elles n’émettent pas de gaz à effet de serre. Mais, si on pense au processus de l’extraction des matériaux à a fabrication (et bien sûr au processus de la fabrication), il devient moins clair. L’Agence de la transition écologique (Ademe) a dit dans un avis publié récemment que les modèles électriques sont moins polluantes que ceux de l’essence s’ils sont légers, avec des batteries de «capacité raisonnable ». La dette carbone—la mesure d’émissions de CO2 émise dans la production d’un véhicule—d’une petite voiture électrique « est remboursée au bout d’environ 15 000 kilomètres », mais si on rêve d’un SUV électrique très luxe, la dette carbone «n’est remboursée qu’après 100 000 kilomètres ». Il paraître qu’il y a pas de choix parfait, mais il y a des choix meilleurs que les autres. Si on se soucie de l’environnement, une petite voiture électrique est le meilleur choix pour le moment !
Dec. 4, 2022
Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntanse libres de dejar cualquier corrección.
1. We had fried the potato before eating it.
- Habíamos freído/frito la papa antes de comerla.
2. I had printed/impreso it out yesterday.
- Ayer había imprimado.
3. In addition to eating, I drank coffee.
- Además de comer, tomo café.
4. First of all, I am free to talk.
- Antes de nada/en primer lugar, estoy disponible para hablar.
5. To begin with, I’d like to thank you all for…
- Para empezar, me gustaría agradecer a todos por…
6. Secondly, I will be busy on Friday.
- En segundo lugar, el viernes estaré ocupada.
7. Finally, I am hungry.
- Por último, tengo hambre.
8. Likewise, I have not eaten yet.
- Del mismo modo, todavía no he comido.
9. Moreover, I would like to eat.
- Asimismo, me gustaría comer.
10. She is intelligent, as well as nice.
- Ella es inteligente, así como es amable.
11. Similarly, he is hungry too.
- de igual manera, también tiene hambre.
12. In other words, she is here.
- En otras palabras, está aquí.
13. I am mainly at home.
- Principalmente estoy en casa.
14. I am here, thus, I am hungry.
- Estoy aquí, asi, tengo hambre.
15. To illustrate, I will dance.
- Para ilustrar, bailaré.
16. In a way, I am her sister.
- En cierto modo, soy su hermana.
17. Nevertheless, I am still going to go.
- Con todo/a pesar de eso, todavía voy a ir.
18. Without doubt, she is your mother.
- Sin duda, es tu mamá.
19. As one would expect, she is here.
- Como es de esperarse, está aquí.
20. As expected, I am here.
- Como era de esperaras, estoy aquí.
Dec. 4, 2022
Dec. 3, 2022
Heute war der erste Tag der Wiederöffnung von dem Weihnachtsmarkt. Für zwei Jahren wurde er abgesagt, und ich war seit einem Monat sehr aufgeregt und ungeduldig. Weihnachtsmärkten sind meiner Meinung nach ein grosser Teil der typische deutsche Erfahrung, und ich wollte unbedingt es leben. Umso mehr, als ich nicht aus Ost stamme, sondern aus West, wo man wahre Weihnachtsmärkten nicht wirklich hat. Sie sind nämlich für mich ein bisschen neu und exotisch.
Es hatte während der Nacht geschneit, deswegen war alles am Morgen so schön und ruhig. Und die Kälte passt mit Glühwein am besten. Es ist auch ein Grund dafür, dass Weihnachtsmärkten in meiner Heimat nicht so begeistern sind!
Der Markt war am Nachmittag von Leute voll. Ich habe nie so viele Leute in dieser Stadt gesehen. So süß waren die kleinen Kinder! Es gab ein winziges, altes, historisches Karussel, das sehr langsam gefahren ist. Trotzdem hatten die Kinder viel spaß, weil der Karussellmann hat es belebt. Er ist neben den Karussell gestanden und jede Fahrt hat er mit jedem Kind "Schlag ein !" mit den Hände gemacht.
Mein Freund hat ein "Glühbier" getrunken und ich eine Crêpe mit Apfelmuss gegessen. Wir haben gefunden, dass alles sehr teuer war. Die Inflation ist bestimmt ein Grund dafür. Ich verstehe, aber ich habe trotzdem geschimpft. Ich könnte einfach für eine kleinere Preis heißes Bier und Glühwein zu Hause zubereiten. Und um ehrlich zu sein, sind meine Crêpes besser als die von dem Stand. Aber mein Freund hat mir gesagt, dass wenn wir im Markt etwas kaufen, wir fördern die ganze Veranstaltung. Er hat, wie fast immer, Recht! Es könnte beispielerweise ohne der Rest vom Markt kein Süßes Karussell existieren.
Ich werde zurück im Markt etwas kaufen, zum Trinken, Essen, oder sogar Geschenke für meine Familie. Aber es tut mir Leid, ich kann mich nicht so viel leisten. Eine Sache ist sicher: ich werde in Dezember kein Geld sparen, und es ist eigentlich eine gute Nachricht!
Dec. 3, 2022
Dec. 3, 2022
Io sto cercando a sviluppare un app insieme con mio fratello, e su obiettivo è quello di aiutare la gente a studiare le lingue. Non abbiamo ancora un’idea concreta, ma in questo momento facciamo dei test per capire che generalmente sarebbe utile per gli studenti di lingue straniere.
Cuesta non e’ la prima volta che noi lavoriamo insieme. Tre anni fa abbiamo fatto un altra app che anche e’ per studiare, ma quell’app invece non è per gli studenti di medicina. Negli Stati Uniti c'è un'esame che tutti quegli studenti devono prendere per frequentare la scuola medica, e cuesta app li aiuta per lui. Ci siamo divertiti a svilupparela, nonostante non ci piacevo molto la terza persona che ha lavorato con noi.
Dec. 3, 2022
Dec. 3, 2022
Nota: quiero usar el pronombre "ustedes" con el dialecto de América Latina. Quiero sonar lo más auténtica posible, por favor, siéntanse libres de dejar cualquier corrección.
21. I forgot my apron.
- Olvido un mandil.
2. I do not like dusting.
- No me gusta quitar el polvo.
3. I need a cloth.
- Necesito un trapo.
4. My mum does not have anymore clothing pegs.
- Mi mamá no tiene las pinzas.
5. My mum does the housework.
- Mi mamá hace las tareas domésticas.
6. I need more gloves.
- Me hacen falta guantes.
7. I hang out the laundry before I work.
- Tierno la ropa antes de trabajar.
8. She is a cleaner.
- Ella es doméstica.
9. My mum was a housewife.
- Mi mamá fue ama de casa.
10. My ex wanted to be a househusband.
- Mi ex quería ser amo de casa.
11. I am upset.
- Estoy enfadada.
12. I am in love.
- Estoy enamorada.
13. I am great.
- Estoy fenomenal.
14. I feel bad.
- Estoy mal.
15. I am busy.
- Estoy ocupada.
16. I am worried.
- Estoy preocupada.
17. I am not so good.
- Estoy regular.
18. I need a planner.
- Me hace falta una agenda.
19. I do not use exercise books anymore.
- Ya no utilizo cuadernos.
20. My teachers do not use blackboards anymore.
- No ya mis profesores usan pizarras.
Dec. 3, 2022
Today is the 63rd day of my daily English challenge. Yesterday I read a topic about ' Algerian customs and tradistion'. I wa listening a bunch of times. I also understood the most of the words, But my big problems I can't use those words in the sentence.
But every minute I changed my mind, and I decided to write thoses sentences.
Those new word that I learned such as: diversity, contains, portion of, and mixture.
Algeria is diversity of the dishes and it is the differ to town from another town.
In Inde contains of the religions and the differents culture in the same country.
Portion of.
In Algeria is portion of european foreigners.
In Algeria is contains mixture of the differents culture such as: Arabes, berbers.
I know I made mistakes, but I want to improve my language.
Dec. 3, 2022
Dec. 3, 2022
Dec. 3, 2022
Hello! I hope you're doing well :)
I was doing my homework and I found this exercise a little bit tricky because prepositions are one of my weak points.
So I would like to ask you for help, I tried a lot of times as you can imagine.
You can see the attached image at the end of this journal.
This is one of my attempts:
In the bedroom there are two pillows (on) the bed and the closet is (next to) the door.
There is a car (in) the garage. The bush are (next to) tree.
(In) the livingroom there is a green chair (in front of) a lamp.
(In) the bathroom there is a mirror (on) the wall.
Dec. 3, 2022
Hoy es el día 33 de mi reto de español. Hoy aprendí algunas nuevas palabras cómo.
-No tengo saldo, así que no pude llamarte.
Elle no estás lénea quezas ella no tenía internet.
¡Hola Sabina¡ Perdona, no peudo conectado por Skype hoy porque estoy muy ocupada.
Estoy agradecida por este sitioweb y que todos me han ayudado.
Dec. 3, 2022
Anoche me desvelé. Siendo honesto, me desvelé la noche anterior y cada noche esta semana. El problema yace en mi estilo de vida actual. En primer lugar, me uní un equipo de videojuegos y empiecen sus partidas tarde. Segundo, disfruto mucho cafe y lo bebo hasta las cuatro de la tarde. Por último, trabajo desde casa y eso no me fuerza despertarme a tiempo.
Hoy me forcé despertarme temprano a las ocho. Solo necesito hacerlo mañana también y entonces estaré listo para la semana que viene.
Dec. 3, 2022
In recent years, more and more sports games have been held worldwide, among them, the most attractive event is the Olympic Games. Those events have greatly increased people’s interests in sports and doing exercise. The sportsmanship shown by athletes have been spread to the public throughout the whole world during those competitions. I think it is meaningful for building a more transparent, fairer, and more peaceful competitive environment for sportsmen. At the same time, the general public can learn from them and benefit from the spirit.
As we all know, sportsmanship includes never giving up, confidence, respecting every athletes and the rules, and facing challenges bravely and so on. Never giving up is the most inspiring spirit that man should follow. It can make differences in one’s most difficult times just as a sunlight during the darkness.
One of the most impressive characteristics of sportsmen is confidence, which is important for them to win the game. The young Olympic ski jumper Ailing Gu was famous for her excellent performance and her confidence that she tried the most difficult skill she had just did it once before the game. Respecting others and the rules is the bottom line for athletes, and for humanity. There are increasing drug abuse events and violent attacks on the fields which cause really bad consequences and influences. The international sport organizations must take action to address this issue and ensure a more fair environment of sports. Human being can learn a lot form athletes, especially the spirit of facing challenges bravely. On their sports career, most of them have to face lots of challenges, taking the risk of hurting their bodies or even damaging their career, however, they never afraid of challenging themselves and stepping into a new stage. All these spirits are important to not only win the games but also to make great success in life.
To conclude, sportsmanship should be widely advocated for building a better competitive environment for both athletes and men. As a sportsman, it is important to be a model with good behaviors to guide and encourage people to enjoy and to love sports. For a normal person, following these spirits is helpful to no matter what he is doing. Let’s see how sportsmanship will make its contribution to the world.
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